Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 15, 1896, page 1

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f ft ***t *e& 1' t * MONEY TO LUND On morttfUKOi* nt 5 [or cent. Fir*i and Lite In surant)- at lowent rules. J. W. GIBSON, Agent The Essex free press. MONEY TOLfitfD Ou mortgages aft y cent, Firuand Life'In- ^ Huraiicu at lowest ^ rates. J. W. GIBSON, VOL JCIL No 20 ESSEX, ONT. PEIDAY, MAY 15, 1896 WHOLE No. 6925 FORSYTH H5, ANDERSON &CO. >. t Boaitlofl having u comploto atoek of gonoral morchandino at cIohohI pricoe, we alwuya huvo homo "special anapH'1 bolow regular valuo, piclcod up uh opportunity otforu from inukora who must havo cash rogardlosH of profit. Thin week wo aro offering Childa and Miaaoa Tun Cotton IToao, nil aiviOH, regular 15c kind at 5c a pair, LarliGu' niftek Cotton IToao, Mon's Cotton Socks at 5c a pair . Buggy Duntoi'fl, largn tu.\ fringed, 30c each Boys' Surge and Tweed Pants at 50c a pair BttOOKKK. Tho weather HOMiini to be too warm for tlit- people horo ou Sundays, Flower Sunday was hold in the Motho- (1 mi olinroli on Sunday hint, whott every tiling wan decorated with iloworu. Itnv, Mf. Ilor guvo a short addruHH to tho child- run and brought tho meeting to a olose. Tho houoo! from the lltli wuh in attend auoo, 1'armors do you want money at 6$ por omit? If no write A. fl, Baker learning ten, Out. Torino of payraont of prinoipal to unit borrowoni. Cji^QPONPEta '-a Mou'b new washing Tie-i, white or olorod 3 for 25c Extra value in Carpets.""" rrtavy yard wide rovoi^iblo Union Ciupots worth initially 50c, special anap at MAIDSTONE. I. Ilalforu* wan in BoIIo Rivor on Sunday Numbers of Woodsloo pooplo attondod church here on Sunday. Mr. MorCuiglit, an oarly settlor of Enoox county 10 lmto on a \init. Mr. and Mm. Tom Fur ml I woro the guostij of friends arid rolatiyoa horo, ou Runday hint. Mr. Cornwall, the Talbot ntruot toll road owner was in town land wook ropairs at tlio toll gato. ovornooiu^ 30 j yard Ladies' ParHHola, extra values from 65C lip Liter- Curtains from 25c pr up Ladies' Kid Oxford-*, patent tips, pointed toe 75c a pair NORTH RIDGE. John Tuoltoy, of Harrow, oallod on old time friondn and ucpiaiufcuiioos laat wook. Walter Simma moved away from our Iittloburg last wook to Gosfield South ; ho will woik for, a farmer thero rinrmej tho coraiug summor. Lightning struck A. G. Bedell's stable liuit Monday afternoon daring tho ydectnc storm, but tho buildiug did not iguito. Besides tearing off Home siding and split ting them into kindling, no damage wao dono. A horse that wan in tho (itablo at tlio timu was badly scared and fjofc out at a lively cautor after breaking tbo tio Htrap. At tho Dumo tirao li^'htuing utruck a troo in Jobn 1?. McGrcory'H bunh, ucttuig it on iiro. Ik Crockery. Wo have opened up a Crockery Dopaitmcut and purpose selling this lino at cloao priceB. Our goods will "bo found first-class and wo invite comparison of prices. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Odd Pieces, Salts & Peppers, Preserve Dishes, Etc., Etc. 800 dozen Fruit ]arh just received )apor than over. GOTTAM. Lant week wo ropoitod a nurabor of finpty liouHfn lion* winch acted hlco an iiflvertiHomonfc, *ih all aro now upokon for. Hflv. J. Her will ooaupy tho Iioiiho owned by D. Hoon, and tho Rov, gontlwinan will havo a cordial wolcom. Tho old R. Hill property in Hpokou fot by Homo ono who is ^oiuii to run a thicubing machiuo. ^lr(I duha Parltor ndoo hor biayclo moro gracofully than many of tlio old handa. A doctor, a bank olork and a high nohool teaohor loft Kunfx last wook for Cottarn. Tiio htHfc two wun) protuuHional riduro, tho Hrnt an amateur, yot ho arrived in Cottam nt \uhhI tivo mniutas bo fort) tho othorn. Tho firoHpect of frmt wa uovor hotter, orttpu of all kindH aro joolcing well. Your many random hero regret very much to hero that you aro going to leave UH. Stark'o Powdord, oaoh paolcago of which contains two prepuratioud, one in a round woodon box, tho cover of which formo u mfeidure for one dotiB, an immodiato re lief for CotitivonoaH, Biok Ileadacbo and Stomach, alao Nouralfjia and all kindfl of norvoim painii, and anothor in cuponleH, (from \ to i of one in an ordinary dofte) whioh uctB on tho BowoIr, Livor and Btomach, forming a novor failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach com- plointu. Thovdonot, aH moot pilla and no many otlior modicmoa do, Iobo thoir oifeot or projneo fttr couatipation thoy aro nioo to talco. 25o a box at all modi, -oiiio doalora. FORSYTHE Took Oil* Hih Gown. Application waH mado beforo Jijfltico Street at Toronto (nut wook, to havo tho immo of D. I. Sickloatcol roqaovod from tho roll ol bumntoro or what ih known ac, "tnltiug ofl tho gown." Tlio application watt f,'rautod. Thia application grow out of a cane hint yoar in which Lawyer Bicklentool acting for tho ftailorft of tho tng Homo Ilulo, uod tho ownor for 8.100 Thn mouey wan paid to Siokleutool, who uaod it and would uot or oould not pay it ovor Thin application to iitnko off tho rolln bun been pendmg Hinoo laot fall, and it wao enly aftor every effort failed to havo tho money paid ovor that tlio oxtrcmo mcaouro of takinc off the gown wao roaortod to. .1- ) ft Leading Store of Essex. Have A(3rnt llapntntlon Hero .T. IS. Taylor, Enq.f morobant, Wolland, naya: "Eltarlt'o PowJofo lmyo a great ro putatiou about hero na an immodiato, a well an a permanont, oaro for noadaoh liilioatiucflFi, nouralgia, livor and etomaoi oomplaintH. coativanoiiB, I know of peopl who bava been ng and groat oufforeri who liavo trioa almont vojrytliiug, an have ba*a aurod by thom. Wo havo ho, them in out* own family with romarkablo buooobh." Two preparations in eaoli .box, Hold by all medioino donlorn at 25o a box, 5 boxof) Jl Nioutotako. May 8. 1-i Torn Kaka, A/.abu, Tokyo, Apl. lfi, 'OH My I)KAi[I"nn;HiMi, Bohool work in Kolnff on an UHUal, and though it grown in intor- OHt and booomuii dearer to uu day by day, yot thn XhtHtLf vaoation wan gladly wol- oomfld, enpoomlly by thono who have boon horo lougor than I, imuo of whom nuffer Vrry rcuoh from tho ehmatn, Wo all hate to take mom rout, and aloop than is Can- ada, or olcio wo nball oon he uniitted for work. l\Iy own health huu been all leonld wiuh dining my five monthn hero, I mut toll yon about our trip to Kofu. You know ouo of our Woman'ti Minnionary Hootty Hoboolu ih thorn. Monday morn ing, Maroh .'10th, Mibh Blaokmoro and I took jiiirikiiihaH for tho Htation. After riding -iO mmuton, wo roaohud tho Htation at 6;4f) to find that tho 7 (?) o'olook train bad gono at aix. Tho thought of waiting two bourn and a half iu that gloomy Hta tion wun uot pluaflaut; wo proforrod to walk iu the wnrra Htmnhino. I had wot hhbh that part of tho city boforo, no it wan all intoroHtiug. Htrollmp; loinurely along, wo noticod a numhor of inon wuh polui and ropCM, working noar tho wtroot, Thoy Hoomod pleaded bocauoo wo ritoppod to watch Cham, and with tho uau'd Japant'tto kmdnuHfi, noon invited un inaido tlio groundti to watch thorn. 'L'tioy woro pro. paring to drive pilomn a Jargs oioavatinu. After about twenty minuted of running giving ordoin aud ittaudmg fitill, they wore randy to intrduco one pile to itn nw abode. The dermic wan a mont Uimoy- lookingHtruoturo, tied together with ropmt in many plucen, aud ounily lifted and movod by four mon. Wnon tho word wuh given, oaoli of tho twonty-ono mon graoped ono of tlio twouty-fivo or moro ropiiH liang infif from tho pulley, and pulled it. EaoL timo tlio weight wuh drawn up the loader flung a nolo of about throo wordn, and wbiletho woighc was dropping, tho men joined in a choru't of nimilar duration and miuncal Hweetnotm. It in a common tiling to bear mon when drawing thoir oartu, and at many kindH of work, uttering thonc poou- li'irGoundn to koep thorn working together. Afrrr a wliih* we said "atiugato go^aima- tm" to tho inon lor thoir kiudneuii, and with a final "nayonara,* wo loft them atill working at tho earao pile. On tho Htroi't a poor old horao drawing a heavy cait-load fell down from nheor c\- biiUHtion The driver (who of eourno walkw) cut a thin ropo in ouo place, and all the haruoiin dropped off at onoo Tho ohiof foaturo in tho harnosB of auoh honiH is a big wooden thing decorated with all oortH of gay oitH ef papor and other rub. bihli. One would think that uuuIgbu weight on thoir baokn ^"onld make them tired, without any loud to pull. For awhile thin animal Roomed to be dying; bin it wan uoon drawiug tho cart again. At tho station wo found a frunt many pooplo. It in Burprioing how many people travel iu Japan, and very many travel third chum. Wo ducided to go third clans when wo went by rail. Aftor panning through a very narrow gatoway, and allow ing our tiokotR, the conductor looked uu into our cam, and tho train moved oti. Thero is no moaus of communication betwoen tho differout oaro while the truin m moving. The dooro aro at both oidoa of the oar, and tlio ucatn run right ucroHii tbe car, o** longthwiao, or iu tho ordinary way, Although tho fieatn in a third claim oar aro not very comfortable, and tobacoo smoke floatu around frooly, yot an agreeable uorapauion and interesting peoplo innjde, bDBidea tho bo-<utiful and over-iuteronting nceuory outaide, help to make a very ploananfc jounioy. Heacbiug tlaoliojo at 10 HO, wu woro relumed from oar prioona, paused through another narrow gatowny, and mado our way to a ton-houno near. Thoro tho night 6T"1bwo hungry foroiguorn oating thoir lunohonn waa a vorv atliactivo night for a groat many children. Thou bogan u. mont novel feature q[ tho trip Tho railway airio there, and the fun begins. Wo nnon bogan to tuko tho meaa- uremt'nttt, mouta'ly, of our "baHba". Thin "carnage" tiomowh Lt ronomblon a dilapidated omnibua. It nocmod to ho fully Hovou and o half foot long by three* and three-quarter foot wide, aud wan ooou' piod by eipht people benidofi tho drivor, and baggage equal to oight orninu modium ni/erl valmen. Tho "ootto" or running footman tried, to got in Homotimon to rest, but failed. Thu cover was no low that wo had to rumovo our hatn. Wo woro baro- hoadod that day and tho next, ho you boo how warm it wuh, for wo wore quito wurra enough. When tho roadn woro rough our headn woro bumped against; the top of tho baoha. Hoou wo woro on tho road whioh windH aloug tho mountain, with a preoi* piao of many foot quite oloao to ub. Hero aud thoro wore viliagflH, and iu eomo b misub we oould hoo the women weaving ntlk. Soma of the Iiouuob had tbatohed roofe, Ou dome the Hhiutflot) were nallod with tiny wooden nails, aud wore kept there by huud. In tho bltlrfi ninny boiiwen havo tllud loofu. Often wu uaw little Hhrin"n !^ tint u..y hiiIo, whoro pooplo mi(*h( wor.thip "i* li-avt) I hmr olfaritlg. At the tu t.l'oiifl mi w<\ i/nij. oially htopped a fow minii'eii A fmv ihf)fiinfub of watoi would bo thrown into the hotaeii' mnuibn, and a waiter would briti/^ua a *mall tray contuitiiug '" vend Vory Htntill oupH of .Tapauoiie tea, without milk at' migiir. Knell oupful win flv rin, it! ni-t rhu'fi fighiliH f>f it (jfiit Oficc the tea Win niado fihin thn lovidv flnnry hlOBKOIMIJ. Karly in the ovoning we roiicluid a hotel in a rmiall town, and prepared to itpond tho uight thero. Ofcitirm we left nr hIhwh at tho door when entering tin* hotel. Tho lialluand vvraudab Jloom b-.comu heauti- fnllv polmhr>.l bnoan \*j nothing h irlf r than a Hlnolong touched tlioin. Heiuir di roe ted to a loom, wo (tut down on the "tatami", tho thiolc matting uoveriiifj tlio floor. At on< Hide of tlio room wan an alcove with tint floor a little higher than the rent, of tho floor, oontaiuiin; a large vaao and a picture or two. Thin wan tho funnelling of our room. Tho othor throe niden coiniiiitod of "nln-ji", itlidiug papor duor1! opoinng into other ronrnH or tho vorandali. Soon a 'hibiichi" wan brought in, a metal-lined box nearly full of nfll.on with a fow btln of burning charcoal on top, Thin wan to warm un and to boil a tiny kottlo of wator for eur noppor. Mont foroignorn cannot out JapanoHo food, and would not bo nuf- ficiontlv nourished if thoy could oat -it. Ho wo mado a moal of our own luncheon and u bowl of JapauoBo no.ip, Uuontn aro nerved m their own room, oaoh one being impphed with a tray or email tablo aix jrtchofihigh and about fifteen inclioHnquiiro, which in placed on tho floor. Tho nohd p irt of the food m eitou wuh tlio cliop- iitieks, aud tho liquid part in diunk From tbe bowl or oun. Aftor on|oying tbe floweru and the quoerly twintod fcreon in the yard wo nuked toha\ennr bedii pntparnd. A "fnton" or very thickly-wadded quilt wan nproud on tho floor for each of uh. Tbon a qm-or, little hard pillow, and uuothor "futon" for a covering, and all wad ready. Next morning nt novon found ns in our banha again, prepared for anotlier day'n oiqoyraont of Huow-oapped momitainn, waturfilin and rivero. In rauny plaoeii I tic of lh'_ mount/Liu wdo win ooyored with little wheat fieldn, Homo only about one uquaru rod iu aroa, and of all nil upon, Home wore sloping, and Homo quite lovel ho they could bo flooded later for the rice crop. At times we walked, to rent tlio homoa and ourHolveit. In going ovor tho Sauangi l^aiia, tho h'gbont part of tho* mnuntamn, pooplo ride in a small, low cart carrying throe pantengorn, or if they choono thoy may walk. Wo had our baggage taken ov r ou a pack-home, and wo walked-ovorr It wub about Hovou and ouo half milon, For vaiioty wo ofton loft tho winding roid and found a ahortor (9) way ovor nteop lulls. I wao really Horry when wo roaobod tho top, and began to dencond. Thoro weio eight of us orcnaing together, and all doomed to onjoy it heartily. Wo crowned in about two and a half hours The rent of thfl way four of uu and threo vrIirob worn packed into a box. banha throo and a half feet aquaro, and we two reached tho Bohool in Kofu at 10.30 p. rn. Tho acouory in and around Kofu in do- lightfuh The mountiiinn onoirolo it on nil flidcfl, a fow milea away, with many little villagon ncHtling on their lower olopon. "l^uji Yamn", tho iiacrod mountain of Japan, with ito snowy summit lit up by the sun lookod glorioun m the distauoo. And whon tho auu not behind tho mount- ainn I thought I uudotntnod, a littlo, why pooplo Inyo "thoir nativo hillfl", It would be hard for ono to grow tired of such beautieu. \V visited a largo nilk factory ono day, wboro over 200 girln woro at work, raout of them working hovou days in tlio week Thoro woro grout hoiqiH of cecnonw, remind ing un of tho numerous mulboiry bushos we Irid soon on our way. fi'ioh girl had a liirgs bowl filled with water boiling all tho time, connected with a hot-wator pip<Tho cocoons tire boiled in thoHo bowln por- hapH twenty miuuton, then thoy aro dashod about with a cottrno whfnk to loonon tho ondn of thread. Then aix threjadu are un wound from nix aociooim, andv*wintod into ono thread, and thin ono ii only about au largo an th* fluent nilk thread we buy, porhnpo'oyen fitter tbun that. Tho silk that is unwound from tho cocoon fl rot is tiNttd m making tho courier uilk olotb, the noxt for the hotter nilk, and tho inmdopart next to tho worm m nmed with papor or cotton and mado into matorlal vory won derful in our oyoH.' Tho in Ik thread ih mado into nuob soft flooay skeins to b slilppod to tho weaveto m Japan or other lands' At am other pUoo we saw tho weaving bofugdoao. Arranging the threada run*- hlng lengthwise in tho loom wan especially iuttf renting. For oortaiu kinds of nilk tbe dtiilgn Is painted by band ou those long threads, and then tlio white orons threads are woven in; Thiflglvgs u yeiy delloute coloring to tho olotb, and tbe effect us most ploaniug. A groat deal ot nilk is woven Giving up Business IN ESSEX, Barrett & Co'y Have decided (owing to other business ar rangementK in the east) to wind nip thei business here, and in order to convert intc cash in the next 60 DAYS 60 Their present stock of over $12,000.00 Will start Saturday, May 9, A Gigantic Closing-out Sale Of everything in thoir oqUbliohmont. In oi&ax to malco thiti alo doubly in- fcoro4ing wo will givo a straight rlisoount of 25 poi* ennt. off ovorythi/ig in Dry Goods, Gontc' i?urmahinLrs( JJoofca and Shoes, 50 per oonfc. off JIa and Caps. tti wo aifrdeterminud to cIohg out ovoiy dollar'fl worth oftfoo Ja in out Htoro beforo July 1. Oomo early and got tlio choice of tho hundreds of bargains Q9 this is your chance to secure th"in, for we are bound to got out by tho above date. I3rmg your cash and egga to BillR.lE^BI1'!* & GOw Bankrupt Stock Store. Hoadquai'torg in Essex for low prices. J atones scattered all over tho roof, many . p.u>hi,mK, I *t tho atones "being larger tbau a pereou'e I about fifteen inobes in width. Tbe most * of it weara vory much botttir Jiim the nilk we not in Canada. It in much uaod by the Japanese for lining", and for the "kinonos" of both ran and womou, Tho silk loomn are worked with tbo hands and foot. Tho thread twisting, otc, are dono by wator power. Wator wheals tiio yery numeroun ah through tlio country Tho cryatal-Htoreu were another source of tfroat eujoymeut for ua. So many per- foatly tormed, bit sidod crystaln. Komo larfjo piocQs without a apook of any kind in thorn ; aud othors with such beautiful moBHQH, a drop of water, fjraasos or uainorula embedded in tliem; Homo in thoir natural stato, aud Homo hi^lily polished. Ono amethyst as lar^o au a small hen c^p, was for aalo for abcut $3.25 gold. Saturday afternoon thirteen of us in our jinnkiohes started for a village near Kofu, where wo woro to bo eiitoitmned at-tho homo of one of tuo prominent Chnatians of that dint net Tho houso wan an elegant ono, though it had vory fow furnishing, in accordance with JiLpaneaooustom. In tho groundu woro waterfalls and miniature rustic bridgco, stouo walks, willows aud othor drooping trees and flowering buBhes. Ono pine troo about thirty foot tall bad boon planted^ thoro ouly a fow montba. This transplaotiagof full, grown troes is vory common. Wear that troo ntoad a Handler one, grown from tho seed of a Canadian pine. Easter Sunday was a beautiful day, and tho church was nearly full. Four peopjo wore baptized, making elovon since Neiv four's. Though eur throo ladies in tho Bohool aro tho ouly foreigners in that dis trict of .Tapau, yot thoy aie winning their way to the people's hcartH, and both tlw school and ovan^olistio work are boing so sucoonsful that tlioy toarooly sooro shut out from tho world. Wo started homo at ono a, ra. Monday. Kodo in a bashu ovor two boura, and -thou got on a boat to go dowu tho Fujikawa Itivor, abont rovqii liourH1 ride. The river in nhallow, aud ban so many rapids that tlio boats require about a week to go up stream, being drawn up by men walking aloug the iihoro. Thu boats arc about thirty foot by bix. foot. At tho contra of ouro a spaoo about oight feet by six was covorod with an awuing and oarpetod with vary thin otraw mattlug, Uudor that were bamboo polos bevurul inches apart, aud uttdcr tbma was water wbiob oamo ih tbrough the oraoks at tbe ajdo. At one time olovou ot ua in that space, sleeping rouud the "hihaoWi". made an interoBting sight, At noon we took the tram for Toky.>. Tbe pUm tree have been m bloasom ernce January, I tbluk, and the peaoh and cherry trees aro now .bloomluc On oar way wo flaw no many, white, crimson aud different shades of pink. Tho blossoms in a1! dir- ft ions aro ono of tho finest sights one could iningiiio From the station wo aga.u rode m jmnkialiaH, the Kiilmul houf five o'clock, Our wbolo trip oont ue 82.70 gold. Sincerely youra, Lausa A. WisrjK. P. P. A. GAMR. Tlio cnniiiplnmN IjOud tlio trirut of Uib NertOHio tlmlrnld Prlcml*, tU M. A. A. Team. liHHt Saturday afternoon tho firscgamo of tho spring aorios o[ tho P. F. A. was played here notwoon tho lioiuo team, wiu- noio of the tankard in 1H05, and tho .vx. A. A. toam, of Detroit. The visitors brought out then* HtrongCHt poemible toam, support- od by a professional playor, MoKoudtiuk, who is debarred from playing in amafcour games. Of couroo with thiu stato of nffau s tbo homo toam ontored tho game under protest. Tbo teams lined up as follows : M. A. A. Jack man ivlolvondrick TKlorborson Oolbb "* ' ^Valos N or* h wood Oorbott Shiafds IIondorHon Clouuau MoDouald Goal Back m Half Book t ii Forward Ehhox. Fuertb J. Gourlay U. JJoCcw Allison l^air Copuland King J. DoCew Laing A. Gourlay Haudoook Roforeo W. II. Wioltott, of Walkervillo. UmpiroH S, ClarK, of Detroit, and E. Laing, of Esuoic. Tho gamo started off at a livoly gait aud for a time was ono of tho broozioafc over put up by tbo Itauox forwards, tho M.A. Aj dofouco being kept at their wits' end to save tiioir goal. lJlay ilnally sottlod down, howevor, owing to tbo oxoooaivo boat, and honors woro pretty evonly ditlded during the first hull. Tho homo team played under ocnslderable disadvantage by huv ingtogoon the iiold minus suob strong mon us Short, Stotts aud Burrott, and wliila good mon oeaupiad their places, the combination praotioo kad boeu mibBed. During tbo lust half tho play was nearly all about the goal of tho visiters, until about fifteen tniuutes berore'tbe oloee, when a foul ouuaed by Alliapu touching the ball gava the M. A. A. a kiok on'Essex goal. CI on nan centered to' Henderaon. who quickly aoored. In about five miu utea another goal was added to tbo M.A.A. BOOM. The (fame closed without any more soorinC ou either aide. On Saturday uext the return same will be played iu Detroit. Essex will send up u good strong team, and hopes to reverse the ' score asjt now staxids. a 4 % W . -4 y'r ^ ts 'WW. i\*fl

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