Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, page 6

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m-- ' '. ' it5 >**&fe2g,FR*B -WrtJ**^ e I' TOPPER'S CABINET. ,;., The Bowoll Supporters Nearly __ All Droppocl Out ?; . IT IS AN ULTRAMONTANE CABINET &; 1 Ji*"1'-'. Ms Buy* H|r AdolpUc <rou, Wht 1 On *T Tho(i Tuir-ued Ikuwu Tb h^vculrltif Itt TiioU 1*1 a<mi Yi'iid'rdity ATtor- utton-ital. TUdulu Wu M*l oU klk'ntl. ,Ottawu,Muy 1. Sir Charle* Tuppcr1* 'Cabinet wub aworn hi before tlie.Gov- rno-Guncral at 1.30 Hi In afternoon, .With thu' exception of Col Tlt;diil, who will not arrive In tho city until -to-inorrowV Tho now Mlnintry la conKtltuted tut follows: Bir CIIAKLES TUPFEIt, Premier mnd Secretary of tute. Mr. KOSTlOa, MlnlHter of Finance. Mr. COSTIGAN, Minister of Marin* and l^iHhorlen, Mr. HAGOAHT, Miniuter of Rail ways and Canahi. Mr. ANGJSUS, President of the-Coun cil. Mr. IVKS, Milliliter of Trade and Commerce. Mr. D1CICKY, Minister of JuHtica. - . Dr. MONTAGUE, Milliliter nt Aerl culture Mr. WOOD, Controller of Cuatonrw. Mr. PltlOrt, Controller of Inland Ite- venue; Mr. DESJAKDINS, Minister of Pub lic Worl:a. Mr. TA1LLON, PootmaHter-General. Mi. MACDONALD, Minhittu- ot" the Interior &U\ TISDALK, Minister of Militia. Sir FRANK SMITH, ..... Senator D, FJdUGtlSON and Sonator J. J. ROSS, without port folio. Sir C. II. TUPPKU, Solicltoi*-GeneraX' without seat in the Cabinet. The ceremony of swearing In laated until nearly two o'clock, at which hour the ilujr wan lowered on ihe viceregal offlco and HIo" Excellency returned to -lildoau Hall. Three mem bora of tho late Adinlrila- tration are not in the- new Cabi.iet. They are Sir Adolphe Car.m, Hon. J. A. Ouimet and Hon, T. Muyne Daly. Their places are talo-n by Hon. L. O. Tu'il- lon, ox-Prcniior of Cjuebec, and Col. Tlsdaio and Mr. Hugh John Macdonald jtithouiili perhaps fiomewhat pre pared by laat niglU'H report l'or the change in the Quebec representation the -announcement that Sir Adolphe Caron and lion. J. A, Oulm'et were not In the new Cabinet was received with uurprtee. Still the sx-noml verdict of the local CoiiHtM'vativt.'ri is than by this lnl'utdon of new blood from that pro vince Sir Charles had d'.me much to strengthen the party pre.s'ige in Que bec district. Mr. Desjardtna left for Montreal last night, having uaid ood-byo, a^ he thought, to ultlciul life. At Br. Martin** Junction, however, he was Intercepted by Mr. Angers and induced by him to return to Ottawa. It appear.-; that Mi*. Angera was asked by the Premier to take the Quebec leadership, and he did so on thu understanding I hat he would have the choice af h\s French- Canadian colleagues in the Cabinet- Mr. Angers hau secured Premier Tail- lun and Mr. DoBJardlns. With those Ihree from Quebec, together with Il-.m J. J. Rosa who, althouyn wearing a Scotch name, la a French-Canarllan Cor a scat without portfolio, Sir Charles Clcsed up the Ontario vacancy by as signing Col. Tlsdale to the Militia port folio. The. new Ministers lunched together at the Rideau Club after the swearing- in ceremony and then held a council meeting, which lasted over two hours. The principal business transacted was the naming of the Railway Commit tee of the Privy Council and the Trea- bury Board. The former hi composed of Messrs. Ilaggart. Dickey, Prior, Ives, TaJUon and Macdonald, The Treasury Board will consist of Messrs. Footer, Coatigan, Talllon, An gora and Wood. Mr. Taillon'a accept ance of a portfolio dissolves the Que bec Ministry, of which he was Pre mier, and rumor assigns the provin cial premiership to Mr. Nahtel, who Is a great friend of Lieutenant-Governor Chnpleau. Mr. Angers wll retain his neat in the Senate and lead the Upper House,- that in, provided the Govern ment Is'sustained. Mr. Deajardlno will resign his Benatorahlp and probably run for Maisonneuve, while Mr. Tall inn will probably contest Terrebonne, although that la problematical, of course. Mr. Ouimet does not propone Xo nult politics.' He will run In Laval jUBt the eiuhfj aa if h<S were a Minister. it la noteworthy that La Mlnerve to-day baa a strong: article protesting ngnhwt Sir Adolphe Caron and Mr. Ouimet being dropped, but the protest came too late. The Premier authorize*! the statement that, in addition to the Ministers from Ontario already given, there will be Udded to the Cabinet without portfolio a leading gentleman In public life whose name la not given. It Js'oald Mr. Ouimet will be made a Judge of the Court of Appeals in Montreal, vice Judge Baby, who wants to retire, There is also a rumor that Sir Don ald Smith will resign the High Com- tnlKBtonership in favor of Sir Adolphe Caron. Tho Premier informed your corre spondent to-night that he exepected to Ifo tOv Montreal tcHfn or row, thence pro- ccfedliig- to Winnipeg probably on Mon day, On hU . return east he will ad dress gathering at Toronto, Montreal and other ploceu, and then pay a visit to the Maritime Provinces. , As to the election manifesto, Sir Char lew could only say that It wouil hot bo out for a couple of 'days yet, and, of course, he oould not Indicate In advance what it* chief planks wotild be. Aa, hpwover, the Premlur, had tak en a utrong stand upon several Impor tant points of public policy since his re-entry Into the Government It Is ot 'difficult to forecast, the..leading fea- tur^s of tM platform which Sir Charlow rJpJter will appeal io\the electorate., there will be a *ig- tfloaat;.4c4arutioD upon the Subject Beforo you placo your ovtlorw for macliinerv for 180(->, call and-see my large stock of BINDERS, MOWERS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, SEEDERS The Celebrated Milner Wagon AND THE EQUALLY fruit!'"--' . Famo as Gananoque Buggy. I represent such standard firms as Noxon Bros., Inger1 soil; Waterloo Mfg. Go., Waterloo; "Obckshutt Plow Co., Braatford, and several others. I have recently enlarged my warerooms and can give you ag good a deal, if not better, than any other man in the county. Repairs of all kinds. ' I. am out of the "big four" combine and am prepared to prove myself "the Farmers' Friend." Don't forget to call and see me before you buy. MITCHELL, North ofEailway, South Woodslee. y-^Vj^ss .I..,,____LL ss T of preferential trade within th& Eka- plre au an adjunct to thu protective policy '7tj^> "i " It i:t not unlikely also that the peo ple will Lve asked to uuutain thu policy ot tlio Government in improving thJJ etjulpment of the militia and utrength- niiig the defences of Canada, in re gard to which expenditure the Oppo sition manifested a tipirit of niggardli- liL'.S.H. The Premier will doubtleBS ask ttw api'oval of the policy of aid to railways and especially In British Columbia, them lneral wealth of which province ia now attracting great attention. On the Manitoba school.g,ueation the country may be auked to approve of the policy of Uio Govornmunt, which lias given a pledge to maintain alleged conbcitutional guaranteea. After the council, Mr. Talllon was seen by your correspondent and aalccd an to his lntentionu. The ex-Premier of Quebeo said it had not yet been de cided what constituency he would run for. " We have a Central Conserva tive Committee in Quebec "which man ages all these things, and 1 am lulu hand*/ 'uaid he. "That Is how things Were managed in 1S92. 1 did not know- where I was to run for until it had been decided by tho committee! Jut do ir. this caac. I uhali run for any consti tuency tliat tho party" may advise/' Air. Talllon could throw no light upon tho question of the Quebec Pre- miernhlp. " Mr. Chapleau, you know, ia In Atlantic City, and I> have not yot had an opportunity to adviae hia honor on the uubjeot." With the exception of Hon. Mr, Oui met the .outgoing MinlstorV wore less* reticent Uvan the newcomer's. ; TIhe eac- MinUiter of Public .Worka, wlicn asked for a statement, replied: "I have no thing further to'say than that I In tend to run aa the independent sup porter of the Conservative policy oa before," " In your old constituency?" " Yen, in Laval county." A number of strong personal friends were already In waiting to nee fclr Adolpbe Caron when your representa tive called upon him early in the after noon. Sir Adolphe, serene and affablQ as ever, held out a welcoming hand with the remark: " Well, I'm busy packing up to move, you nee, but sit down/' " Yes, I have Just learned the com position of the new Cabinet/' he went on, and being pressed for his opinion of Its composition as regards Quebec, ho said: "Personally, the now men ar& moot acceptable, 'They arc, of course, all Btrongly Ultramontane, and it re mains to be seen how that will bo ac cepted invtho country." . M Until the Government has formu lated its policy," Sir Adolpho, contin ued, " It is not for me to ay what particular course I shall take.. Only this, I will say, that in tho tutmo as .In tho past, my sympathies aiulon- ergita will bo inseparably associate* with Uio Conservative party. Several friend* have called;upon me,, ari to all of thorn X havo given the one'ad vice, to bo calm and await tho promul gation of the Governmeni'a policy/add ing, as X have Just said to you, that for myself I shall continue to .Work' as heartily om ever for the success of the Conservative party, and do all I can to defeat o^ircommoo opponents at the H.EAHTFLUTTEttTNGAND SAlOm BRING SPELLS. Quiolcly and Permanently Baninhed by Dr. Agnow'a Cure for tho Heart. One doon not nead to wait, if. wins, until heart riineiuu hao dovoloped to that donrco that one hardly knows from hour to hour wbenhoorfiho may drop doad. Those heart flutterinns that n littlo oxoitomont bring* on, followed by smothoriu^ apollfl that BOfin ua though thoy would prove fatal, aro dimply f^uido potH pointiuf; to tho grave, if ready and roltablo meiiBureH to Htoirt tho ditiouuo are not taken. A n'afo remudy in always found in Dr. Ajjuow'a Curofortbo Heart. It gives rohof im mediately, and evun, without much of the modicino hoinc taken, it oompletoly ro- movoa diseatio, Tt is a heart npooifio, roal- ly wondorful in ite roaultu, but it euros hoar! diHoasoonly. GJtAAJJ IJIVSK fJUA-SOJSS, PAIN IN THE BACK. A Certatu Indication of tho Lod^emont of Kidney Diuuaao, It in a miataka to suppodo that pain in tbe back in u fouult only of a cold, and ia moroofn, rboumatio trouble than any- thiuc;,oluo. It is oyidenua that dinftano has ludgd itself in tho kiduoya, and the warning ia plain, if further ie not to bo taken on, that tho pain must be quickly go& rid of. There lft no remedy we oan so completely rocomniond us South Amonoun Kidney Cure. Knowing what it will do, there in nothing oxtravajvanfc in the (ttato- monl' of Count de Dory, wko wrote from Noopawa, Man.; During my travels I wan inducod to try South American Kidney Cure, from which remedy I received in- Bkant relief.' I do not think it hie m pqual." "I Took One Half Bottlo of Bouth Ameri- oan nhouwatio Cure aud Obtained Par- feet nelief" This Pemody Givoa be lief iu a Few Houm, and Usually Carou in One to Three D*,yn. J. Ilk Garrett, a prominent polltiean of Liverpool, N. 8., makeo, for tbe benefit of tho public, tho following statement; "1 was ttra&tly troubled witk rheumatic patns for,a numbor of years. Oa uavoral ooua- aiouH I could not walk, not eva put my foot to.the.floor. . I tried everything, and all local physicians, hut my suffering con tinued.. At hint I wiih prcvailod upon to try South American Rh on initio Cure, I obtalued porfeot roliof before I had taken half a bottlo of the remedy, and to-day* rej^drd it: tha only radioal* WK for rheumatiam/' Are Vou Oh Of tliORO unlmppy peoplo who are BUfXortag with woik hervos. utartiu^ at ovory-slight sound, linablo to ohdure. any ^ntiusual (Kr- tarhanoo, finding it impoaaiblo to sleep? Avoid opiate and norvo oompounds. Feed tho ucrvey upon blood made purb ana uouriohinK by the great blood pavltier and triifl tieryo tonio. . 'si ' , 1 , Hood'a ViIIs aro the beat after-din^o.r pilli, aeelst di^sstibn, prevent constipation. iMutrlcl Ac**uel >4 Aboltaltri! uikI New Kl- trlcu fjtld Out-Win. liir Lucky Agtrilts Ak-t-Lou( Ml-IU'^ KiilliiUu. Montreal, May 1. There has been considerable unrest during the last three wetks amongst the dls-' u-ict passenger agents of the Grand Trunk Railway. It had beeh Inteimat- ecl from headquarti.ra tha-t a big shak ing up was at hand. L,utt: this even ing your correspondent was authorised to make the following announcement: The following district passenger ag encies are abolished: New England District Boston,Mass., N. J. Grace, district passenger agent; T. Wynne-, traveling passenger agent. District Ogdensburg, N. Y., George B. Oswell, district passenger agent; H. J. Goodno, traveling pas- Hunger agent. Northern District Buffalo, N.Y., T, D. Sheridan, district passenger agent; It. Busby, traveling passenger agent. Michigan and Southwestern District Detroit, Mich., D. S. Wagstaff, dis trict passenger agent; H. McC, Smith, traveling passenger ag^nt. Maritime Provinces District Hall - fax, N.S., R. F. Armstrong, general agent. The territories of district agencies have been altered as follows:. Quebec and Eastern Ontario District Montreal, Que., D. 0. Pease, district passenger agent; J. Qulnlnn, traveling passenger ag^nt, Province of Ontario and east of line of Kingston & Pem broke Hallway,. Province of Quebec; Province of New Brunswick, including ICdmundston but not including points i aouth> of EdmundHton or west of Can ada Eastern Railway or west of line of Canadian Paclflo Hallway, St. Johu. vlu Fred^ricton Junction to Gibson; Provinces of Nova Scotia. Prince Ed ward Island, Cape Breton and ' New foundland. Western Ontario District, Toronto, Ont., M. C. Dickson, district pat-singer agent; C. "W. Graves, traveling pas senger agent; Province of Ontario west of line of Kingston & .Pembroke Railway. The following traveling passenger agents are appointed; N. J. Grace, Portland, Me.: T. Wynne, Boston, Mass.; George B, Qawel; St* Albans, Vt.i'K.' Bu'shby. Cortland, N-Y.; D. ,S. Wngstaff. Southern passenger agent, Cincinnati; O. J., D. McDonald is nppolnted -city passenger and ticket agent, Buffalo, N.Y: ' __________ ' ' POLITICS M*IVN III' TJ1JS SKA. SIHmJQENMA^DONALD'B OLD CON- STITUENCiT. Mr. J. H. Motaalf, M. P., for KingBton, Talks of tbo Splendid Curativo Cbarao- tor of Dr. A^new's Catarrhal Powder. There is ub small amopnt of talk in all partH of the coautry of the oIan of pooplo who aro proclaiming tbo remarkablo ro- enlts aooorapliahed by Dr. Agnow'a Catar rhal Powdor, far leading oitizomi in all parts of the Dominion ara uuinu it. Amoag ofchoru who toll of the offeotivo nature of this modioino for catarrh, hay favor, or aold in the head, is Mr. J. H. Mo'toalf, tho popular M, P., for Kington, tho constituency roprosontod for no many yearn by tho late Sir A. Uaadonald. Be yond any donbt thin roraody ih a marvel, radical in itn offoctH it 10 at tho same timo simple and agreeablb to tako, whioh can- nob bo mid of most catarrh modiciuen. Boilu aud piraplon are duo to Impuro blood. Remove thorn by making tho blood pure with Hood'u BaroapariUu. DOAN'S Kidney frills DOAN'S Kidney Pills DOAN'S Kidney Pills ..Remember.. DOAN'S Kidney Pills ARE THE BEST K Sold by G. A. Shorrin, Ebhox. ill You Ride THIS SEASON ? If You do, Ride the Best. ' LIST: ComcYviitlva Him UhkIiir nt Amln-rt.1 ' U^rrptltm to lluu. L. II. *liivl-rt Halifax. N.B., Muy 1. Sir Charlea Mlbbert Tuppor and lion. Mr. Dlcltey will address a public meeting at Am herst next Tuesday evening. A Charlottetown deapato^i Buys ono ot the largest demonutrationn ever peon here was witneasied laat evening, when tho Liberals &f thcolty and surround ing dlHtrlcta aaembled,to <lo honor,to lion. L. H. Davlea, on his return'from Ottawa; '6p4tchetf were delivered by Xlon. Mr. Vsivlea, Hon. D. Laird and William Welsh. " Windwor, May 1. John Smltn. con-, ductor'of a freight :traln on the Grand Trunk, IhIu'u uerlous. condition 'Ut'hisi homo an tho ; repult; pf an accident early thin mOrnln*. Two cart col- !Mdftd at KOmoka depot:the Joltthrow- ,,lnftf him upon, thi platform,of th de pot. He Btruck on his shoulder and side and was badly bruised.' His right wriat wail sprained and he Ib hurt A child wan cured of oroup by a doao or two of Ayor'n Uhorry Pootoral. A neigh bor's child died of tho saraa diuoaao, wbil tho fatlior wao getting ready to oaii 'JuO dootor. Thia hIiowb tho nooensity of hav- lug Ayot'n Cherry Pectoral alwayo at hand. MV XCtLtig; a'S- Thrco Special High GradoH. (LadioH* and Geiita*] Knglioli raako. Ili^ii Grade Hoa-lster. Engliflb rnnkc. O x&utvu"ox ci Uiuh Urado IloadHtor. (Ladifn'tvud Gut') Aiuorioan mako. i I am proud of thia lint. Tbo English Whoolii aro tho boat in tho world. Any houonc man who known- anything about whoola will tell jou that. THE CUAWFOUD ia equal to any wheel of any othor manufacture offorou for mile anywhoro, GET MY- PBICES BEFORE YOU BUY. Every* wheel fully guaranteed by tho multor. ^ I. O- (Froo ProsH Offico) ESSEX. Bread Whon foyora and othor cpidenaioa are aroun.d safety liis in fortifying the system with Ajer'n Saraaparilla. A /portion hav ing thin and impuro blood, ib in the raoife favorable condition to "eatoli" whatever diiioaEia may be floating iu the air. Be wisom tikuo. Ih what you can roly on (jotting whon you buy from ua. Our wagon goos to all partu of tho towu. Buns, Gakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, froHhor^ or ewoot- er iu tho aouutry. All kiudo of Fanoy Cakofl and Jolly RoIIh. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We sell nothing stale or dry. L^ve Your Order and yoxi oau rely on prompt de* livory. * - *. OnpoHito Buck A Fyauelw,. KflBOX. " CALL AT '""""""~ Mamie Collier Doch ycr want a model, m'fltrv Mr. ,porb Good Heavens! What can ynu'noW for*: , Miimlo Well, wot d'yer a'powe?' I ' nVt. look like . no Human gladiator. ! Window Blinds dway down Chinaware," Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of allkihdtv' Berlin . Wool* and Fingering Yarn*, Nw Stock-of late Wall Paper. SING-LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Tatbbt at. nritf Victoria ave. Th t latest Improved maohiniry for Ironing Coliki-g and Ouffa.' Will not orkofe or break ia* wing. \ aud delivered. - ' ..." v^Im . Plaw o^U'and try-' i&fMitfatiy)1*' i"'s"> no ohawewMllf Wife* :M flW^pi* -' n|l!-v3 yo^f oomttaend ub to your friends. ' -^ ' ' ; -' :& 1 )^^^&y<:->^\^ >i :,or."'.;.-f' ii^^j^yy^iM

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