Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, page 5

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W^^^i^^^W^^^: v THE BSSJBiX FREE PRESi =ae ' "it -*-vf l J ft JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. 11ANKKKB, Next to Aberdeen Hotel.! Essex. Monoy to loan on Vamiorij' NotmiiHoUin boticht or Collnotod; Monoy to loan (in MoKitRtfitH at nwttnt niton unit bout torniH. DraftH Immurt tiAyabli) lit ]iav at nil ,i>rhi(j||ml polntH .....- ------------ Fire Insurance Agents, etc. .^^^^:'v;::v;i:^^^-oacnfiT PUKJJO i^ibwabv. Tlti' imiiiul Itlt'ntlni; on WdnoM4ly ta< TALK "OF THE. TOWN, ttJUDAV. MAY 8, 18011. fr If'1: Town Council mot. on Tuwiduy tivonliif,'. Tho loonl |)oluioiil workoru tiro iJoUiiitf in nuidincm; for ilvj oomiii^uampatau. Or. Kint" und lluury Clav woro in town ou Monday ui^ht onnouriifjijin thoir yuny worktmi horo. IMPORTANT TO T'WHMWUS W lutvi; jiint cl iw it llrnl clumt lino of bum lumber m &12.00 \wv M ft. Bnhiy Broa. WaUor Miilonti lioJU un oxtoimivo iwiloof furmturu on Saturday I ant. Tlio urciulmi worci'formerly nfiod in tho Royal hotel hero. Buy yo*r bicycloii from u (luillor who kiiown what bo iu Boiling vou, .T. W. Gib. hoiy ban wbotiln nt $75, o^uiil to mot biuy. clcii Hold ut S100, Itoovo Jjiiml, doputy-reovo McDougnll, uud counuillorn .,'. M. Jliolui, .1. A. Ilickn und G. J. Thomiui woro appointed a Court of Roviuion on tbo aflflenamant roll for 'i)(i. Our now otool rioronnwirn for door and window acroona dooo not naj; whuu prowicd. Luintf Brou. 'Shoos, hIioo", ohoon, utill they come, moo, now atyliHh, Rood valued, M. J. \Viglo & Co. .......; ' _........._... Exouloior a^ protiorvor, koopn e^n equal to froflh laid for 12 montliH, M. J.' WigU* d: Co., Agent. InHpoctor M. A. Gilbert, of Rt. Thoman, wan in town tlnu week examining tho ac count!] of tlio Imperial Bank, and luiHietcd by Mr. J affray, of Toronto. Tboy find tbut tho Imperial Bank m thin town in one of tho mout stable uiHtitutioini in tin; county. IIatn, hutH, hatH. mill another coMhi-in- raont, latent atylefi, befit vu-Iuuh, AI. J. Wiglo A- Co. Laing BroH. malto acroon doom and winclowH that will hint your lifetime. Order now before tho ilian oomo. A largo number oi'OddfuIIown from thin town, iicconanicni'ed by our_ I. O. O. l'baud, attended tho L 0. O. l\ horviecu in Khigbvillo on Suudu).' Tho Hervic^a there woro attended by about eight hundred peoplo, and Oddfellown wero prcnont from ull partfl of thocounty. Tbo Woodiiloo football team oumo to Ebuox lubt Friday afternoon to have a friendly rnntoh with the champiouH of the Poiiiumilar League. Tho visitors woro a fow men wliort, but piukod up Huffioicnt in-town to have a friendly game of un hour, at tljo cIoho of which the nooro Htooi 3 goals to 1 in favor of tho championH. Now Hdoh of wall paper for 18% at May'n Bazar. Brioea awav down. J. W. Gibfiou ban a couple uf huu in oecond baud wheelB. Our. old frioiid. Joueph Townriond, ia back to town thie week. He ban boon out in Cot tarn Blaino trenching and laying tile for mo mo wooko. Ho Juid over 100 rcdu for tho MeunrH. Shepherd, part of wliioli wan laid throo foot in depth. Wit'.i 'MooV uRBiotaneo tho farmoin will make a voritabl garden of that great marnh. A number of young ludn were Drought boforo MiiyiHtrato Boaman on Tuondny charged with ntealiiiR neyora] whipn from buggioH at tho Muthodiat uhurch nlied Utht Sunday evening. Tho youthful "tq)ortn" woro in tho habit of htouting the whipa, broakmg them to piocctt, and uuing the qapo.tboroiU for Hnooking. They were id- lowed to goon nuflpouded Henteuco, after paying cohUj. Boya' Huitu from 1S> oentn up, at Sniitiru. &. touroomed houne to rent; apply to D. .3. Whitney. A nioo baby carriage, in good condition, for flalo at a bargain. Enquire at Funis PnitRii oflioo. Benjamin McMahon, wIioho doath boo- torico wan com muted to Kingnton peniten- tivy for lifo, neveral yearn ago, foroornph- city in tho murder of old man Hblton, in Tilbury. Euus. ban been purdoned and will hit iiiit freo ihiH mouth. Thin aoemn to rneo'i 'with public favor here, un moat peoplo boliovo that McMahon was not tho man who firod tho fatal idiot and has bo(;n Bullioioufcly punished for tbo part he tcoli m tho robbery. Judd DoOow'h many friendo in this town will be pleaiiod to loam that ho haa nUo- coedod iupiiHBiiig hia final GXarainatiomt at tho'fiohool of Praotioal Soiouoo at To ronto, BtaudinK oloeo to tho top of tho hut in the varloiiB aubjootii. Ho ban made a flpeolulity of,.mitiing, afl woll aH civil, engi neering, ao It) nhown by-Ins high utanding in motallargy, minoralogy, aud ({oology, mining: and oro dromtnifr, aanayiugt oto. Tbo fc'nMic Piucau ia informed that ho will aooompauy Mr. and Mrs. T. H. DoUew to the ooosb thia uummor. Ehhox pooplo will be pleased to boar of liin aueceun, . Tlllfl ItlCl'OllTfl I'lUCQUN'IKO IHOW X VfellY I'HOfl- i'khoum ooNniTioM-Oi^AJficiiuHr yrr" Tbo unniial meeting of the Public Library nupportorH wan culled for hint Monday ovoiimg, l)uc owiug to other nioot- jugH being in progrouti, an adjourtinnmt wan made to Wadneaday ovoniug, when there wan a very fair uUundunoo dt rnpre- iinntativo ^untlomen pretmnt. Prrtiddonfc GraMiiwellor oooupiod tlio chair and tho iioorotary, Mihh K. Hhaw.'rdad the annual roport, ah follown : UUCKII'TH. Balance on hand......,.........8 'JL iiMumhum' foen.'................. HI M) LiigiHlatlvo grant .............. Q'J5 ()() Municipal grant (town).......... 101) 00 do (county)'........ afi 00 Kale of vnaga/.inen, eto .......... '22 17 J'intoruainmont,................ 'Ifi 511 Other uourooH................... 1 ilfi .1. Clothing House T Tho LargoHt, BoHt Lightod aud uumb morlnrn Moli'h Out utting KtahliMh- lnont in tho went, (Jor. Handwioh hI, and Ouollettfi ave, directly opponit(i tho JiVtrry. All hdr*!*-" carii.ntojfi at tlin door 9 (VJD II KXtKNDITUItlSfl. Bent, light and boating........9 1.11-07 Salaried........................ 10J 00 Booku (not Mution).............. 128 Ifi Booltti (fiefion).................. '2*2 fiO Magu^inen, uowHpajicru, etc...... oi> V2 Mlneellanuoiiii ......',,'.......... 'JG 00 Balauco on hand................ 62 27 GO ad ..... :.-sf^ ^0- GO : A LUr "9 i ;3; H ':>:. i l.jfl*ifiNl5IIIM[4l'MCHniA.f.>llhpl,,i.; Ksaex Headquarters for w /^v W^ 'i Men's, Boys'& Children's J (J^ PeCK. Heady-to-wear Clothing- 8 520 11 HTOCK A Nil ABHIiTH,' Value of booku in library........fH'tili'i 02 'do furniture........ 12fi 00 C'iihIi on band.................. i>'2 27 SI 72.1 71 Jjiabilitien nil, - JJookn iGHiiod during tho year: Jliutorv 05, biography 11C, veyagoa and truvoln lO.'t, Hcinnoo and art fin, miaoollaiiooim 2,15, poetry apd drama 110, religiouH litoraturo :f8, notion 1,78-1. Total 3,477. MemborHlup 172. The auditom, W. H. Bicharduon and C. 11. Puller, teutitiod to having oxamined the ftuuotintH and vouohera, finding everything Qorruct, and u balance on hand, an nhewn above,, of 102.27. Tho reports, on motion, woro adopted. The prenident gavo a abort verbal roport explaining the financial roport jiint read, mentioning tbo ohangoo in the Board of Managomont, made ueceimary by tho ab- Houco of Mihuoh Rnah and Lennox, wIioho placon had boon filled by Aliiiben E. Shaw, ait Hccrctary, and Mitm Betuone. Un paid a well dt'horved complimout tu nevetul ouer^etio mombern of tho Board, for the active work they had performed in incroan- mg tho metubernhip. Mr. Crahnwoller aaked tho olocti?u'of tbo Board of Manage ment, and oxprsBBtd u very strong winh to bo allowed to rbtiro. After much dincuaoion in which fiovoral meinberM ankod that tho old Board bo ro- eh-'cteil, it wun decided, owing to th fitrniigly exprennod oppomtion of tho eld Board, to bo reelected, en bloo, to procoed with tho olootion of a now Board of Man agement for 1800. Dr. J. W. Briuii and K. J. Lovelace woro appointed ucrutmeern, and tho ballot taken rebuilt in the following mcmborH being ohoHon : Mm. G. E. Naylor.MiHH Shaw, C. CraBH wcllor, .1. W. Brian M. D.( G.Krieglioif, H. P. Martin, L. D. S., J, R. MoKwau, J. 1'. MoQu een and W. G. Wyraan.. The newly oleoted Board will moot for organization on Saturday overling the Oth lUHt. At thecIoHo of tho oloctiou, tho. mile of rn agazinen und periodical waH proooodod wi rli, Mr. Naylor handling tho haaimor. The Halo nottod 831.22 Arbor Duy nt tliA^clioolH. Ardor day wan cuthtiuiahtically nbhorved by the tuaohem ami pupiln of the Khh'ux Public nohool. On Thurnday evening and Friday mornii.g th<* principal and ih> larger boyn dug out and pruparud acvora! flower hodn and during' Friday forenuou thti lady ti'iiclieiii and tlin olli-'i- .pupiln, plaiiti il Huedn and planlH and ch.'iued the yar 1. At two o'clock all mijounifd to the large primary whi-ru a very intuiuni- ing concert wan given by ibo pupiln, and an excellent and mout upprorriati: andrrnn wan delivered by Mr. BuhhuII of the Public School Board. Two iikmi and a te;i.u wore engaged by the iiourd to rindW noil uiid iiodn, and at tho chmo of the day quite a transformation had boon made. Tho .occanion will be long remembered by the pupiln, und un rcliniug influence will be of inenhmablo valuo. Uorn IMnntcvH tor 18!). Thr iiiiderHignt-d donireH to ann.iunao to tho public that ho ban u number of new com p!in:tcjJH, latent, innrkhi, for nale on cany ternm. AliiO persoun having old plant 'i'n nut of rt-pi-ir are requtiiitetl to In ui" ihcm in tift (-arly as* puhtiible to avoid tin.1 ir-nnl "ci*bch'^ nuiii. J-'. KOIUNKON, Opp. Dr. McKccziij'h, FhmiX. NKW ADYKR'TISEMENTS. Wo null luud the tradu for ulotbiny mid goutu' furuiHhingn, M. J. Wiglo it Co. Tho town cnnuoil hnvo decided to pur- chauoaoouplo of wator motren for tho purpooo of testing -oovoral of tho town water norvicen about which complaint ih mado. G. F. Smith price for wool. (t Co. pay nighent cauh On Saturday a hand oar wuo uoarlv de railed on the Leamington branch of tho M. O. It, two and u half in ilea south of Com- bur. About au hour prcviouo a freight truin knocked off a pilo of otoncn from the track at tho bamo point. Detective Hoenan, who wont up at ouoo, and loaruea1 that tho ttouoB had beon piled on tho track by au eight year old boy anc' a niuo yoar old irirl. Tho oflioor haa not yet decidod what will bo done about tho mutter. Special aalo on Jaae curtains noxt wock, at Smith's. Tho Crbt liumca of tbo P. F. A. League Boriea for tho (jeuiion will bo played on Satnrday at Jssex and Windsor. Their old opponoritn, tho M. A. A. team of Dotroit, wi'd play the 'Fddux teum at tho fair groundu horo, and Chatham will coutOHt with Wiudnor. Tho Horiow will bo abort and iiharp. Tho Funox toam ia in good condition, and will put up a lively game' Fhbox peoplo iihould torn out and givo tho championo of 'Do hoUio"; good onoourago. raont. Tan nlioo aalo J off, at Sraith'u. Sao onr mou'Hall wool nuita for $2.90, G. E. Smith A Co. Shift waintn and wrappor, haudnomo tbihgu at amaaingly low priccu at Mrs. May'H. Why do judgoa of good allowing Tobacco innint on getting gonuino BEAVEIl plug. It has ho oqua]. Itcfu&e cheap imitationn. 1'iiBIh: Suliool K(j<nl. Minh Shaw'n room, Sr. part neeoiu] cIufi marliH pohHilde "j0. obtained iiy liti.h::afc ten in clah: I.'1 HicKH I1.), R B'.-tvur 17, M Wynmn -IH, G GnMm-F>, V* VI">' i;it G PurJiHr li, W (JotLull 37, C Robinson :!'i, G Laird :i6.LHyndroHH 3:(. Minn WilliauiH' room, Sr. II. elasn, thcHO who obtained over (i0% woro an follown: E Smith, V Buidick, A Naylor, D McEwan, B Coll, F Burdmk, G Gonnell, K Kaiuon, zi. UobniHon. Sr. 3rd it Or. 1th, urith, Murks given, 10ii: F McCaffrey 8-1, F Gridith 82, B McDougall 80, F. Stacey 78, I Maynard 78, A Laicg 75, G Wiglo 71, C Faul 71, E Wiglc 08, E Trewin (17, II Koho 7, F G(tuilay (M, B Haunon 02, E ltobinaon 57, W Thome 515, N Alexander t^3, Sr. 1th, Eng History, marks, given 100: B Edition fiO, M Miller (10, A Laing 50. FOR SALE. A N ACtFAi TnoltOUfllUlUMD VOhMiD C'liina Haar cheap. Apply to M. BAKHKTT, OoHttj TO RENT. Ar:oMFonTAur,rc kiuck nKHiiiK.vnK to rnnt roiitiLinini; hpvoii rooimi, /or further pnrtiuuhmi apply to, . K. A. WISMKK. ROCKS. School Kt'iiort. The following- in the April Report at U. S. No. 7, Go&HoId North. Sr, lth,~S Mooro, M Cowcll. .7r. lih,~N Valado, B Phillipn. F Howe. Sr 3rd, 11 Queen, G Cowan, L Phillips. M Valud, E Cowan, 11 McLeod. Jr 3rd, J McLeod, G llonw. H Morriaon, W MorriHon, N Morrison, A Stockwoll. Sr. 2nd, It lltiggina, L Stookwell. Or 2nd, M Queen, B RuuHcy, C Graham, W Valado, S Pratt. J Stookwoll. L Bows, F Upcott, A Brinacomho, P Malott, A Taggart, W Swaokhammer. Average atfendttnoe f>'J, Maude V Fur-nun, Teacher. IWIlMhllS, NOW IS THK 1 yniir (*(ji,*H fur )iiit.f;iiiii;;. (lot the Ixibt Har- r(l l'lyinouth Hocks. American tratn, only -Sl.(() per duttiiif! W. U. KDOAH, April 22, 180C. Kbaox. . STRA YED. -l^lfOM MY I'KKlIrtWiH. LOT 31, CON. 7, I? Miihliitono, on the nfRht of Hatiirday Ajirll 18, 'iHl. odo brown aiuro, ISvu yearn old, honvy fon-loclt, Hlhn loufl. hall blood bred, with now lialtor on. Any information limdinc to hor roeovory will bo iiultably rewarded. JOHN M. HALL. April 21, lh<y>. 17 :i-i. Khhijx. V, O. Court MOT/CE. of Revision, Gosfield North, 1895. TAKK NOTICK THAT THK FIRBT SITTING of the Courtof ItHviniou on thoasFiMiiiiinrnt for tho your lhU5 will bo hold ut tho Town Hull, Cottaiu, on Suturduy, May !li)th at ten o'clock in tlio forcjnnon. AH notict-H of appeal must ho delivorod to the undorHiRiiod not lutor than tho Mth day o( May,' IKOG. IHAAC JACKSON, 1!) Gt Olork of Gonllold North, A Fruit Tree Delivery Mr. G. D. Chambers of this plaoe who reopntly dolivtrod a vury largo order oF fruit and ornamental treos in now meeting with uorao of tho roward which ho merits, He has worked hard, in tho face of coil- sidorahlo opponition, to introduco tho goods of ibo Polham Nuraery Co,, Toronto,' Tlio people havo now all received just what tboy ordorcd itnd bestow groat praiao on tho quality of trees, oto. Soino who bought blaowboro aro Horry that tlioy did nobj'tmflrvo thoir ordor for him. Below aro' Rorao oiproasiono from tlio no who pro cured trees from Mr. Chambors. Tho nuruory stock I bought from tha Polham Nursery Co., Toronto, through their agent, George Chambont, ia ohoico. Thoy are straight, smooth andthnfby, and exactly aa ropreBeutod, G. T. Adauo, NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION WILL BE' UKLD in 1'eck'n Hall, at H o'cloolcp. m ,ion Tnon- day. Mayfl'nii, for the hoiirlnc and trial of ftp- Iitiahi aciLinnt tho frontuRi) niuatiuromniitn, or any part of By law No. 211, for tho oountrnotiou of a hidowallc on tho wont *ido of Victoria iitroot, from and including hlock 11 to tho unutliarly limit of lot Til, plan IB1. and on tho snuUi side of Uuflfjol! i,t. from Victoria nt. to Contro nt., and on tho oatit oido of Victoria nt. from tho northorly huo oHot oh, jihui 23-1, to Alioont and on tho south sldo of Allco at., from Viotorlmt. to lot 1)8. plan 181, Aloo for tho hoarlnfj and trial or appoalu apaiunt tLo frohtago moaiairo- montti. or any part of By-law No, IM'J, for tlio oonutruotion'Oi a nidowalk on tho ouut uidt *^f LairtV avenuo. from Tjilhot nt to Alico nt., and on tho north nlde of Alice at from Ijiurd avenue to Hor Avonuo. Notion of hucIi anpoal to l>o iiorvod upon tho Town Clorlc at loast one day boforo tlio ait tin b of uald court. J. WA1*TKUB, 17 i-l. Clork. I purohasod 100 plum trooB of difforenfc kinds from the Polham Nursery Co., To- ronto, through thoir agent, Goo. ChambsrH, J3uflox. Tboy1, 'aro not ovorprown . but smooth, thrifty, younft trees, I am highly pleased with thorn. FnBn GiniioK, LEAD IN WAIL PAPER And others follow milos bohind. Tin- Wall Paper race is mine, wind or no wind, I will stay m the race and novor withdraw. Why hliould 1? Victory is always and nullify mine, with tho narnplon of a slock of 1100,000 rolls in 500 difforont dciiit.un at from ,'i cents to 50 centtt a roll. No one caiiwpcHaibly.- Hod the. qualify .of puper and tbo very identical pattern 'that wilt lc appropriate to aiiy possibln room. Ccrtaiuly a ohoico could not bo oasjor than at my store. It will nave you from 15 to ,8ft per cent. D. J. WHITNEY, HATTER AND FURNISHER, --------- --------'----------- Over= ? ^ 1 *' . 5>; We Jmnstgr educe'our Stock of Ready- made CliOTHINGr during the next 30.days.^Having too large a Stock for ur limited space means a loss to us. Our^Loss is Your Gain. MEN'S GOOD SERGE SUITS reduced from $5.o0tr> $8.00 all f-i'Adii from w\ to \'2 ; nil-wool ^IVootl Suits, ro^uhir prico JgQ, now #.J.fin ; $8 and $0 lino for ^G.OO ; $|J], M and #l5fc now % 11.DO Special limes for Yotmgj Men. at Prices tluife nnit, the times-. In Children's and Boys' Xines Wo huvb ii Grand AuFmrLmout ; wo enn givo fine suits fof 75otut >. A Job liOt of 50 Suits tit liali* price , $'2.o(Umoio): $!.2r>; $:i line for 1.50 ; g-i lino for $2 ; ?5 lino i'or :>.50, You should seo them,, they aro the snuyi of the soasou Highest Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce. SMITH Whitney Block, Essex. CO i A OFSTYLES Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunatan Blk, Our work is the best, our den signs are up'fco-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in tow.n handling Tweedw of Clyde Mills, best ia Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50o to $1 on pair of panta and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods before buying* DEWAR.'-'ffl! fcM II I1.I1M III 1 I I I HM That old Bugrgry Should bo roplaood by oue of Batu'n elegant rtow Htxud-mudo Phictouu or Bug^ioB. havo a oioo tinoortmunt. on baud to oIiooho from. When fovoi'i and othcir cpidoriiioa uro utoun.d Rdtoiy lioH in fortifyiuft tl)Qyiitem with Ajer'B Buruapufillu. A purnon hav ing thin and impuru blood, is in tho mout favorablo coudition to "^atoh1' whatovoif dUoaHO limy bo Uoatltifr iu tbo air. Be wise in time. W'ANTMD. YOUWQ OH MIODLE \GKD MliIN of otinrnotor Hunuroiln fommoufc la Oanmla, etavtfld wlUt us. About SHOO a wook to, hocln with, Tttld UltADhKy-flAtt- ItETBO^ CO. Lto., Toronto, Out. GET IT RENOVATED If you wiiut a cool nwoflt uud liBfclti^ biBoku try altuii outit pupltH^u of TONKA araokmn tniituro. Bj t-ura you Hat fiuflii- iuo, - .' ", . If you do not want to buy a now one. I havo a ilrnt.olu.HB painter and trimmer, At)^ can guarantor you,work equal to.tho btat of tho oity ahopn and all under my own Hap.y.- ervinion. ' '. .-., '"' blacksnrithing and General Jobbing We are nrtinan-H to do all klnrtn of iron work in tho line of repairing. horaBBlioelnjttj and general jobbing, on the HhoHeat-notice. Oalt and see mo. MSSBX CAKBIAOM WORKB; ES8KX, ONT. , ' W$^^ 06050666

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