Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, page 4

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^^ ! nri-ijk i!^isic9c x*Tt*i*;ib; jpi*m*Si P u *X3_. Jzx. ^DCcxJ/XX ^ & Co. :3iE23/ Apricots, Peaches, Apples, Fruits fresh from And all kinds of Dried tile driers, Also Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Figs, very bvM quality and at lowest Of the prices. DON'T FORGET our 25c Tea, it is the host in town A, H. SCARFF & Co. goods r)Eijivj0rtEr) ^homptly- t=- The Essex Free Press. t_____ FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1800. A Manitoba Pioneer. Alexander Cluck, one of tho pioneorn ol Manitoba, formerly of North Grwiield, thih county, died at Two llmirn, Manitoba, on March iillrd, 18%, bein^ about eighty vi-uri; of ago. He wiiH the father of thirteen .children, niuo of whom ho toolc with him in wiitfgomi drawn by horw.m, on an over- land routt) to lUunitobft, and tho North- went, ii journey of over two thoiiHand milCH, winch lusted a period of over threo moutlm, To hear tho family tell of tho privationi! and dan^erH they punned through, ih HOtnowlmt pathetic. Finding no place flint lie could nettle bin mind upon hh u liomo, he turned hia face toward Ontario agjiun, und fell in wah a Government Jund aiiunu at t-lio junction, of the Hivera AijHiuiboino and Snnrin. who portnmdcd him to take a munition in tho land olliiiu, and to Bottle right thsru. Si nut) that tnno, 1871, lie liuti become tho owner of 1,200 or 1,400, neros o! f^ooil land niout of whi'jh i'.i in a RtuU; of ^nod cultivtitiuu. Ilia house lian alwayn been a refuge foe tho Htru'aj.ur,* and weary travidlur, and a lioiiie fur hin mauy friondn from Ontario. For many years he and bin good wife liavo gathered all tbo children they oould into their own houfuj and t.aupht them the .void of God, and durin^-tho pant three years, ho and bin family, mout of whom have nettled in ill at county, Imv- been largely iiiHlru- mental in tfettimi up a nont church, m which many will miH him, who call him bltiOHfld. -com. . K.SKX TOWN, Ebhkx, May 5th, lHilti. Council mot in regular session, tho may or in the chair. Prenent: The mayor, reeve, deputy- rcuvo and councillor!* G Fj ForSythe, J A iiotiu. Dc lJattH, A KainoH, T B Scott and G J Thomu.ii. Tho minuto.'i of the previous meeting were read and on motion adopted. A eoiiin unication wan received from Mr John Gormluy re water raten for the public vohool. Moved by Mr Laird, Hocouded by Mr 1'orHytho that Alio communication from Mr Gormley ro water rates for the hcIiooI and getting water rnotroH bo referred to tho fire, water and light committee. Car. A uumbur of iiecountH wore premoutod and ou motionof Mr Laird, seconded by Mr Robe, wore referred to tho fiuanoe com mittee. A. petition wan received from C E Nay- lor and Bamuel Hicltn linking to have a aidowallc built on Modora avenue from Tal bot ntreot nouth to Albert street, Moved bv Mr Forhytho, necoudod by Mr Scott, that tho petition of G E Naylor and othorn ro nidowulU on Medora avenuo be laid over and enquiry made aH to whether petitioner*! will not build the oamo thorn- nelvoH. Carried. Moved by Mr Laird, Hecouded by Mr Bone, that tbo matter of a Hidowalk on Alice Htreut and Laird avenue bo laid over until tho noxt mooting of council. Carried The Financo commitlee reported,recom mending paymout of thp following acetii,; A Wuddin^tou, Baiury for April and ox- protitt chargon, #.30.00, Win Lainc olootrio. light for April, 833.3-i. VV H Riinaoll, pontage an auaeHHor, $H.5IV N T .Tough, iitroot croHtiing, 80.72. Goo Tumor, rebate* of taxen; 81.27.' W H lliiHHoll, balary aa.hhhohijqi^ 50, A W Gardner, balanoo aulury tor March, Moved Ijy Mr Lninf, ncciindcd l,\ Afr Kohi', tliat tin.; cemmiitiiioi-.ortt al ward 3 In iiMifrncted fo hiii o t hit HnhiiiHon road i^rmlod for 10 ro.ltt on encb (tide mirth frimi Talbot fUrent and that Ihe oui)imiiiHinni:i of ward 1 liavo tlie utreet ^radt-d fiuin thn linn of lot 'JB.'l to Medoru avenuo. Carried M^r Fornytho ^ivt; notica that at tho next reuular meeting r.f - council he will introduce a-by-law to autbur;/L' the mayor and treasurer to burrow t?-0,OOO from t\n-. Imperial baulc. Moved by Mr Laird, Hountdud by Mr Jlovto, that AleHnrti liuiuen, l^ornytlie, J A lliekn, J M lliukH and .1 McDou^nII \x.- u Court of ruviuioti upon the annuimnitiut roll. Moved in amendment by Mr Furhythe, ucconded by Mr Scott, that MuhtiiH .) S L tird, J A UiokH, G J Tiiujitm, .1 M Uioiui and J MeDuu^all bo a court of toviiiiui; up on tho iiuaurtbinuiit roll. Amoitdii.eiit car. On motion of Mrltaiuen, Heconded by Mr Fornytho, the tax colleetor'n time u-uh e.xtoudud for two woultu, Gouncii. tlien adjotirned to uuxt regular moating, ** ... J. Waj.tkhk, Clerk. b unuern .;o you want niouuy al ofr pur itul.'t XI no wr.Le A. G. Buitur Loamiii^- iyn,_JiiL.__TyrniH ot pavmeiiL ni principal to nun, borrow trd 21 CENTS AI HOUR Domai-icled by Toronto Build ers' Laborers. mtter Informed him that to ni'mit trio IiioriiL'Me would, nu-an mi. uddltlonal eXlU'lllIItl.Ti! at J||, n day. whieh he i nrt prnpaivl U\ Incur, unluMii tho i:o;ii'd f ('mitrol aiiiiuinml l'ull i-e.-ipun- Mlblllty. I UuU'.v Ihc'ihs. elrc'uiuntaneo.M ii,'- advlned delay nnlll a fluid.;l,-m bad i-een arrived at by the niajiti;i- LulW- i'1'H. Thin Informal Ion wan qunvoyLitl to the HtrlklnK lnbnn'i'ji at tlw* ui't^r- iioiin iru'ollnif in! Tl.tlL 'ihe In.liorern nay thu i>j*r*:n*jit. is eeiit nil" ati'nnlii then) a bare liv'.-llhund dinhi;r tlp> tdjfht uiontiiM |u wlil-di lli".v are able to work, and that riurhiK thn-remainder of the yty.iv niaiiv al" Hi.-in are -duMltutii. The men '.iCerco: lu necepi Hit e.entu an hour whb-n \v;t:i the rn l... in ISfil, but this wii-i iel'ijf,.-<l by the i miilnyi'i-H. am] tin.- it..... nuw .' iit rate will Kntfiiry tl;i-m. diune;; Tl- ;il-y lia.s been fin trl;il i'i>r I"'.i i|;iy;i !"or (lie inn rdf^j oj1 John Cor i-:';.ui In l-'ebnmry. A itiw [.o(,|: piaci* "v,'r v Miter lleniey uilli a revolver. ||e;Lley : truck him Willi an ax with fnfil r-:- :dl. Tie: evidence hi ji.ll in. It l>! v\~ I' fl'-d tile LMSIe ul|] ];>K: coiuail rlr(| d;iy. ' ,|'h" .-,.pii Marlln at the WnodhliH. Ijihl Tuetulay are null ul l.-ir;-;.. aiifl ho lur the flctmHivi'M nr |..'.'able Ifi t;ct any oi" tbein. ur.- h ;- i re In r-u-- 1"l1>' at Ka.'it Torcnto. The 11 :t iji t : who were i|U-stloned ;it Newcastle ai> not fhiMiKht to li'ivo hud anyililnc to do with the affair. Martin in reMtine, 'tuieiiy, bU| hhi eondilinn |a still vi-i v pit irarbuiM and but funalj Iiopom" are held out i'or bin ivi:hvmi y. HOUSE-CLEANING tii- Ttn: shah is\ isxisATf.n. rir'.iii'u unur siim u> nvnth wniii. i;n_ (iflliU the Inner <oiirt <tT u Slirimi N>r 'I'rlifrnii. Tohoran. Pet'pla. May J. While the Hlmli was eiiteidnK the inner conn 'if Hi" Shrine ol' Shah -Abdul Axiin, :-l:: mlle.s ^-iiith of this ctty thi.-i al'ternuoii, b<- \V!l;: (il)Ot.. 'I^i- aM.suMdn lli'e^.l point blank at hit- heart at U o'clock In tin.- afternoon. 'hder prevails h<re and no di.-or- <hr Ifi appr-hende.!. a:i a result of lie- i'..iir<it.*r of tin* Shah. Tliv uMt-iawiii, \v)\i, wan frornritly ,'i r- r-iied, i:-: Kald lu b.- a SoyyM 'fiMm Kennaii, or from tho jmivlnce of tbn.i nanif!. It is believeTl that the murder- or Iuih .acci.Hnpllce.s. IS SUGGESTED iy tho wax*m wonthcvof the puHt.iew flnyn; and tlir olinnres nrc thnfc \vlion you are in the ihImi of this moat itrduouH unclcrtfilcing. you will tWhcovey that you need J New Carpet to r^pl^' ono tliat ban becoTtno to tender lor further flerviec. We liave a very nice aaaortinont, all thitt iSp'ring'H goods, in Him newen 'patterns and colorings and the pricoH are about fifteen per cent lower than uaual. n Lace Cmtains May also need replacing, and it may intercut you to know that in fchiH line we are Hhowing exeellcnt values in nice new patterns ranging in pricu from !J5 centB to $,401 per pair; Bee tliom. We are introducing buveral new linos of premiumH, All Free When your cash purelniHUH amount to from twenty fi\e tr. these are elegant goodn. see uh, Other linen (if Hpring goodn me complete, and wo imite all clone buyers to call and / Yours for Bargains, Tin: cuii'i'L.-. t lu.Kic j ji:i:s. DROPPED TtiIK HODS AND HOES l!U|>or(uut i; ii till t nir Op-nil tons lu tilts Qurmi CUy at u Cuu<Ufill itnput*- Ilou WiiltK on thn Mnyor, Wk* <;uiiHiiin tho lr.bltrt;t or tu* ,\cw < 1IJ Kil 11, Toronto, May Mayday In Toronto wu^ markoil by the *0. uervioeB, otci W H Riohardaou, water W T Jouch, burying oarcufiHos of honioH, S11.2G. Movod by Mr Roho, Boooudod by air Xitiira, that tho roporVbf tho financo cora: mittoo bo adopted. Garrlod. . : Moved by Mr Laird, Hooondod by Dr 3?ottH, that BiRbop Loudox ba gi'von tho ubo of tho town hall uoxG Thursday for u loaturo. '...,, Movod by Mr Hootti,~a'flooiu(od. by Mr ThomaH, that the fire, w^tor'. and light nomtoittort purohano two watot mofcro* to ti'Bb tho hydeantr whoro aooenanry. -Oar. U'r ' ' ff"1 ' , jrjJ.t ^ . , Uftt. v '.;' WO'*;* ij.tjjt. Wtftour iiuLUijurutlon of a strlko whloh tin eati-in; t btsrluuoly liituwufru with building upcrailuni.. In i>urauruice ut' tl'ieir rtrholuitun tu atrUte unleau Lbelr t-K'nuiml I'ur -L centa an hu"ur wau .iiu-l by tlie enii>luycrs, the ^uu juumfjcrb of tile X-IuIIlIi.-i h' i.abun ia' l,.'nlun yuatur- ti'-iy;;-ti:d hiJthj anLi huea, and \ery Jiortly iifti-r cumiinjiK.'liiic work y^.s- tuiuny uiornhiK. tin- brlL-ivUyern uiid - .. -lie iitiUioiiii ul the city alao quit : t" exhibit tlielr .sympitthy with the strikers, ;Us well aa i'ur the reason that tlu-y euubl not g-.-t along without tin- luborura. About 'JW men ar aiTectcfi by tin- -ti.I.e. Of tlleye Home 27>il uru i* to lie l.i .. i s and :U>i> brick lay era. iT thu works aneuted thj moat im- i'liriant In the new O'hy Hall and Court ih.u^i.- nil (.JUt/eil .-.tri;uL, Il^ru tht.M-t: were cnihioyed (j-1 lub<r!rs, lUi MiMie cuttei.-i and a duzen brieltlayero. '1'ne laborers did not p to work yot- t-i'i.lay morning, and al 'J o'clock the ' -'lie cutters and bricklayers working <><: tiie buibljn.; (|ult work. Thuro are a number ol' otln-r la rue bulldiiiKH In euin-Hc of erectluri .anions winch may be mentioned the Korediiira' bu.ldin^ a\- uud Jtlchniond ^trusty, the new ' "bbiui Ciu'tory on the J^Anlan.tde, the Jit'v/ Jewish .SyiuiKtJffUL and a flew liutel in Adelaide street. Un 1P11 thn^ft wiu-k is ;iL a Mandstill. Abuut I'un oi the buildurs' laborers gathered at a morning meeting in Ii.-mijeranee Hall. A deputation from the .Stum; Cutter.s' Union, then In s^n- kIoii at Klchmond Hall usaurud the Ui<..rers ul' the nympathy and suiJiurt <>i the stone cutters, arid promised' fi nancial aid IE required. Tbo Bricklay er*.' Union also nun in Richmond Hall, and alter considering their own dl.i- itiie with Lhe L'iii|iluyi:r.i, who have refused to jiay tianri ^i> cunta an hour, to l)ack up their laborers,and ent a del-nation to TemiHjrance Hall with that a.siiurancc. The deputatlonu were received, with enthusiasm by the iaborera, who expreuned eonlidcnce In iin ultimate victory. TheAIuyor was inLcrvlmvcd by a du- liutailon, whieh Included Pr oh Went Uamsay. of thu JJ rick! ay era, Presidftnt J.roultH of the Stone Cuttera, and Pre sident Jteddall of the Laborera, and Minors prominent in the unlona.-Thi?y preseiiteU Uiclr case to t'he Mayor.'and nrked him to utw hla InfluenQe to have the 2X-cent rate paid to all la- i.brera employed on the new civic building. Mayor Fleminc: aaauered the union rtprcttontativeB that he would do evftrytlMnir in his power to meet tholr request, but reminded them that ..rcbltect Lennox had-jchamre of th work as trustee pending a dottlomenl nf the litigation between tho city and Contractor Noelon. and tha.t it tho ln- cre'oflc wore' to be (riven, it .might form the baalu ot a claim tor Contrac tor Neolou HIh' Woralilp couHUUcd -Jr. Ijeunoic int.the afternoon, aud t^o llimy r<*r4it nrt' lIK^hiir Mlm**i tlio Kucoml 4 tm tliiiir.ttiiui ihp t'OHkttH. Aiany jii'r.t;uns are Ml 111 reporter] rnis^lir: sine: yestenbi.y's cuiillaK rati on. rtonie oT the mlsiihiK have undouhli-dly |( n town, but It Is l'ear.-d .several bo,';,..'. will be taken from th,r rnins. *j'l:-.- origin of tiie lire has m>i l.i ,-m deter mined. A.r.'-on is still au.^pecLed, be- the flnnios broke- out In ko many places at once-. Coal nil rum--.", were detected about tin: selmol hoii.-e yeHterdny, ;mr| some worn en sn.'.v i w -u men trying to set tire tu a re.- ib-::ee. One 11 nknown hiceinliary wruiwinimli"! besidV:s tiie- one killed, and a nur.b -r of siisp.-(M.s were arrested d uriii;.1. I li nij-'hi. and Hent tu < 'oiuiijd'i S],':ii-:s tu-duy., .1-lirty -o!ij,-Mi(,Wl>l(- teiv wei'i' marched uiit o!' town, ai.-.i a A'biiln.nci-. l.'nniinit l'-e lias lieeie i'>i,:n <!. The insurance, ailjusti-r.s rouc;hiy -Li- niii.te tiie ]jroperly I'.sh ' at I,jr*n,<Hi0, n*>t. more ilian 2U per r.i-nt. of w hi di is covered liy insurance. The lusu i'y til*: two tii'e?- wJII r.-nr-'i ?:.', and tin; total Insurance :>hjl.i.<j*j. DEATH OF MLlNGLi. Driving on Saturday and Died on Sunday Morning. \v T. W. merou; MARTIN THE HORSEMAN ALSO DIED hueriiinb.'d to Ilia KiiJilWoi. Muuday .111(1* uiliiu <i)HHiiibie TldHb(!rry Wlio Wnii Mlil l>y Ilulilirfk 'Aiivloua to (.it Out jiiiil fiaunt Hi> Kvl- dfiittti Oilier J'orutito \f\vu. Toronto, May 4. . About 1 o'clock youterday morning the Moil. Timothy Warren Anglin pas.s- oil ijikv- fully away at hla residence, <.juceii-slreet-a venue. The deceased bad undergone a Iun and painful ill ness, but -vas apparently n covering, and on SaHrday was sulllctcntly well to tro out in a carriage lor an airliiK. ,Jn Ills return he appu-ared much bet ter and was' quite cheerful. -During tli<( iiitrlH, howuvi r, he suffered a re- hipse and the end came quite unex pectedly, from heart failure. All day yesterday Ids bereaved widow and family were receiving the sympathy of the many friends of the family. _. Deceased leaves live aonu and two diuiejiters, Kraiik A. An^Iln, of tho law liniL-of An^Hn & Million; Arthur l" who in with the itjalcu law linn; AiiKlin, of Lhe Han It of Corn- Mary, Aileen, Uasil and Ed ward. Alias Alary Anylln, who was not at home, waa apprised by teb- craph of the bereavement. loi- tturi.ti -ti:euiiilt*. Joe Martin, tho horse owner, wlm Wiis so brutally atiHaultetl by two un known men at the Woodbine stables last Tuesday nlffht. In dead. He never regained consciousness suillciently to say a word that would ' lead to the capture of his murderers, and there is no clue at present to tlielr identity. There was at one time a faint hope that Martin would ncover, but he grew gradually worse until noon yes terday, appeared a little but ter, but .toward 7 o'clock he Buffered a relapse. At half-pust 11 bis brother, "William, who has been In constant attendance, upon him, was summoned to his bud- side. On arriving at the hospital ho fcund.a lady of middle ago beside his brother's cot. She explained that tme waa the dying man'a wife and with re luctance yielded her place at tho bod- side to the brother, The Injured man was failing rapidly and Just before tiie clock struck the midnight hour he breathed his last. From the outset he did not regain consciousneno, but when hla brother fir^t fiaw him he showed-faint signa of recognition. Tho )ady who clalmti tho dead man's name 1b undcratood to have boon a widow resident In- Ogdenaburg. N.Y., where Martin frequently made his homo. His relatlvea had novor htfard of a marriage and arc loth to accept the lndy'u statement without proof. Mrs. Martin uaw tho newspaper ac-' count of tho occurrence and tele phoned from PrcHCOtt to thu General Hospital on Saturday nlghtl On learn ing her huuband's critical condition' f>ho camo right on to tho olty and reg istered at too Liakevhnv Hotel. , Win- cJiostor and Parliament-streets, at '6.110 yesterday morning, after having first vlbltod' tho hoapital. After Mart to* kr, *Jath Mr, John Ayr of tho Lake- WETS'TAJST BXjOCB:. E3SSE2C. new accompanied the j-'orrnwlng wc- man In a i-iili back to tin; li-.itei. She Hitict v.-ry littb n ganiln*-; herself, cx- cptlng tliat sin; waa Martin's wife. 4. .".t ,. - :,i.n billed. I'teuben Hodgson, a young man who ban been rwndintf with his mother at r,S Huron-street, met with a horrible death at Oshawa railway tt tat ion. on Saturday night. He wiib In the - plny of Lhe l.Jf*Ilar Metal Roofing Co., and wa.'i going tn take th" train for his home lu Toronto to rj>eml Surir day. While attempting to oro^^ the track in front of a through frelght.he fell and the train passed over him. llodgnoii was aliye when ploli^d up,but both li in h'gs bad been cut off. Sever al medical men were soon in attend ance, but he died an hour after the accident, Hodgson was 2". yeni> ot ago and unmanned. He h;-<l been enudoyed in Torojuo at tho Uon'.s'Ias Clalvauized Iron Wi.iki:, but Was .recently laid off. On Wednesday last lie left town to take a position with the Pedlar Co. at Oshawa. William Hodgson, a brother of de- cenaed.who is employed by the O.T, It., wan notllled of the dreadful occurrence and went lmiriodlately to Oshawa. lie returned with the romainn yesteivlay. J-ieceasod was a memb(fr fit' tho To ronto Field Battery. lb- was known to his friends as "Hohcrt." The funer al will take place from hia mother's house; to St. Janieti' Cemetery, this af ternoon. Tin- VToilMflr<| < -o lit I ii III * Constable Tblsberry, whose plucky deed in capturing the three despera does near Litlle York, has made him the hero of the hour. In the eastern su burb. Is in bed with his wounds.- He passed a lVrvorlsh night and Ih weak from the loss of blood. The bullet that struck him in the arm, a .'12 cali bre, and flattened by want of. corres pondence in the chamber and barrel, "wtnt right through both sides of the sleeve of ills undershirt and then re entered the wound, from. which It dropped, when the coat wan removed. The wound in his head required some ]f stitches to close It. Hoping to find further evidence agi-i insL the tramps, Constables K'*n- nvdy and Booth searched the barn wiir-re tho encounter Look place. They uni.-art.hcrl a safe-drill and a bottle containing one-half a pound of the best diamond powder, which shows what manner of tramps they were. The constables also found a bullet hole througlv the roof ana another through the side of the bora, Tldsberry said that he thinks one of the robbers threw away a pistol in his flight and he will follow the track of the chase aH soon as the doctor allows him to leave his bed. Torontn Newi Nittrv. Rdward Thompson, against whom a vt'i-Tliet was brought In, of guilty of shooting with intent to kill, with a strong reeommondatiort for mercy,waa Heiitenced to the Penitentiary for three years by Mr. Justice Ferguson. No change Is noticeable in the situa- | oh of the striking builders' laborers., The city authorities, it Is Haiti, will en deavor to concede the demands oi.' tho men, and if Archltcct Lennox can be relieved of the responsibility, the la borers on the new Courthouse will get tho 21 cent rate. During the run of tho Country and Hunt Club on Saturday the valuable marc Blue Hells, ridden by the mas ter, Mr. CJoorgo Beardmore, her owner, fell when Jumping a fence and was killed. Mr: Beardmore way thrown Home distance, but escaped." with a Blinking up. " Not guilty" was the verdict of the jury In the case of the CrowTi against James Hco-ley-for tho'murder of John Corrlgan, which concluded at the As- bIkcs on Saturday. The acquittal was bane<l on tho/ground that Healey ncl- cd in Helf-deTencc. , TlMii Uc Went Home. SPECIAL OF !NG DRY GOODS. Ck tiling, roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and. Groc eries. * ' Drtss Goods, Black Lustres, Henriettas, Whip Gord. Fancy Lustret at very low prices. Ladien' Gloves, Mitts, Hoaery at very low pricee,. to start at 5c a pair. Dress Trimming, we carry the newest designs at very low prices Call find eee before buying. Mens' Hats at 18c e ch. Clothing we carry the finest line in the west, and prices below"all, a-good suit for Boys at $2 00, $fc2 50, $3.00, to $6.00. Mens* as low as $3.50 a suit. Halifax Tweeds at $5.00 worth $7.00. Boots and Shoes at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods at $12,50, $15, $17,. all worth 25 per cent. more. (3rIRX!3 C2 E3 JR, I 3j 3 Are fresh, and at lowest prices. Oall and see before purchasing. (i j ft ti Vance's Old Stand. Essex. *<-fc Willie Ncverleavo (rnpturomdy) I tn\v the nweetUHt Uttlu poem in thin mornir.g'u. paper! <:.. > ^TIhh -Clella 1 IWb mornihg'B. ijapor, Mr. Me\ut'loavc7 I didn't hear the bell rlmr. B. The Gash Grocer, and Baker. f RE peoplo of tho Town of Ehhox and surrounding aountry havo longfnltTtbe want of a plueo whoro thoy could ^o and purohuao what thoy roquiro one a joloae, caah ii an tn, without btmc eorapellod to pay higher prioos to nmlco up fori the lorurba made in tlio credit syutom- Otdl and hqo our gooda, whieh aro alwayo of tbo beat ' Quality, and Kot our prionH, whioh are tho lowent. Don't miaa trying opr'J^ea at 22 ooutfl it pound, / " BREAD 4c. A IOAF. / Garden andJJField Seeds direct from the latest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices. CASH PAID FOB JFIHST-CLASS OTHER PRODTJCK. DUTTEil AND PJRE GOODS BELIVE.11BD PROMPTLY. J. H. WIGLE, Scptfc Block, next Aberdeen, Esse 070985

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