Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, page 3

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Vf$$l!^$^^ " ^ ^v^xPw :#?W* .?^f Mr '." - CTSE}' ESSEX F^REVE PRESR # ^tw SI "' r 1 * DII (AMI-SON A TOOL Simply a. Scapegoat for Hhod<t> and His Guntf- DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKING- Ayer's Pills ' I was trouble! a lonir time with Klffc Houliicl.*. I trllfcKoo(l wnny n-mi'dU;a ruuitiiiiiHitiilwl for thla complaint; but, It waa not until X Began taking Ayer's Pills that I reeelveil permanent hcneM A. Blnitla box of thi*K bllli fH't'tl ">o irem * lieiulnclufi, and I uni now a well miin. G. ii. Hutchinoh, Knit Auburn, Alt'. Awarded Modal at World's Pair AvWti S&rtuwnrtUa is the JJust* POWDERS Cnr loK HEADACHE nnd Neuralgia In so minuymb, aUo Co.itcd Tongue, Ditzl- heas, Pillnucncen, Pain in (ha Sidn, Coiiahp&tinn, Torpid Liver. Dad Ureatti, to stay oured J<o tcfluUto tho bowols. vm*v /Ctf ro flM- *PntaM SB GtsMra ay Dhuo crow**/ LEAN1N ON THE FENOB* .> Leaniu on tlio fcrca Chat tin with u iiulcchbor, Glvln icln tn aomu On tho rlclitH o' laborj Swuppln off oP Jokoii, , Alrln what In in us; Itippin up tho folks. That wo think ajj'in ua. Of ton It acts hot; ThhiKti aro said that rile ut. Then, an llko an not, ieiLpur'u apt to nplle a, Bu- there'll no alarm. For a ipiard to Hereon uj From tho touch o' harm la tho fonco atwecn un. TalUIn over votcn And the wld ran o* thhtkora, P'intln out tho motes In a nclirhbnr'n blinkers. Leaniu on tho fouco; That U Ufo, my brother, CbunkH o' common tiense Tradin with each other. Donahoo's Magazine. ^2 ITulr un Clcmminc Agjtmt, That tho hair covering the body of an animul or tho head of n human beinp; aprVCH tlio purposes of warmth and protec tion Irt matiifeHt, but ono would hardly ex pect to and that it also ucts an a clunntiing ngont. Thl, however, appears to be the fact. Tho minute noaliw which cover tho outer portion of a hair aro fastened at ono edge nd Ireti at tho other, and tho free edgcu llo In tho direction away from tho nkin. Tho Burfaco of a hair, therefore, id llk that of a piflco of fur or cloth covered with nap; rubbed from root to tip it is found to be Hmootber than when rubbed in tho op posite* direction. Thin beinp; the caae, it 5s evident that pari idea of matter in con tact with n hair must find their direction of cauicftt motion to Ho toward tho tip eud of tho hair and away from ita root. So by virtue of the pecullnr atructure of ita surface tho hair aervea gradually to re move from tho nkln which it covera nil for eign particleu which may havo fouad lodg- 'ag there. Tho oily HccrctlonH emanating from the Ivlllclea of tho hair probably assist this notion by guthering up the flno particlu of extruneoua dut and acalci from thu ttklu and thu enabling the hair to retail* them, ho to Hpeak, in tbo graap of lln cu- rioutt Byhturn of brunhoH. Every move ment of the hair, however produced, must tend to act the particloa otlcking upon it Id*motion, and na we havo nlready seen thftt motion can bo in only ono direction. Philadelphia Timoa. nri i'luikUI K<-rr<iiary CbakUbrrluIn lu U AsvllWUk-tl k'oMllUu-t>IM'n) Ial(lrniiitf lllst'4tvt ml 1* lilcli IhtaW Stt\> 1,1 till I itu tli lVHHi|tl)l aillllf-Vk London, April 50 A vantly ditlfcrerit ajypiMJt hiu been put on the Tranuvau) tiouble by the publication of a number of clplUT tul"graphic deuputuiioH, tranu* latlum* ot which will b1 found bflow. U hnn been cluiincd by many Inti'rest- <mI prHoiifl that Cell lthodei), tho head' and front of the lutthih Houth Afrlcu Co., und othort) of that concern wuio not coKiiUuut of tho luttnd'd laid Into tho tiri^tory of n, frlondly ttta,te and liad no knowlcdgu that a revolution wiih ptindlny In Johunnoaburg. Homo critics of the company, notably Mr. laboucherr, M.P., editor of The Truth, held that tho company's* ofllclalH were fully aware of tbo Intended raid and ucathlntfly arral^m'd them for th.ilr duplicity and hyprocrltiy. Thla called dewn upon hiH beau vituperative aburu; 'from certain Joumala ajruinat which there in more than a mitiplclon that they are BUbwldlned by the company. It itppcarti now, however, to be pretty firmly rdtablbihcd that the events aaU lulled Mr. Labouehere'H crltlclum oiid thia fact la admitted even by tho pa- p'rn that have heiutoforc been firm in 1 their defcufte of Mr. Rhodcn antj hla colleacueti. The publication of the telegrama will prove a rather severe blow to the di plomacy of Mr. Chamberlain, who haa bten lauded on all olden for the great 'Blclll he had dlttplnyed In the nejjotla- itlona he had with Prcaidont Krugcr. fPrealdent Kruger'a policy In keoplng uli knowledge of the Incriminating tel- CErams from tht public until the moat opportune time arrived for the publi cation, 1 comridcred, even by thoHe who can in no senile be called hla t*d- mlreru, as a muster stroke of diplo matic antraclty. It leavcu_the whole crowd of "ChaUered freebooters," aa they have been ti_rmcd, without a Iok to (Hand upon. So convincing iy the pioof of their complicity In the crime that Home of tli lr npoIoglatH Intimate that tlio defpntchei are forgcrlcu or that they lia-\- be?n wilfully miatraim- Inted. They prove, If correct, that for some time pi lor to l)v. Jamt'son'a raid Into tlu TranfcVatLl the leading -ofllclals of the "Charterud Company" were tully aware of what was noinc on and that Di. Jameson was acting under lnatruc- tlona for some out! hlffh in the coun cils of the company. Whim the craah came the primt moverb In th- agita tion ucurrled fui j-hL-lter and Dr Jame- eon mnde a acapcKoat for the whole lot. As, It at pietiunt Htando, l*i evident Kruger la mastor of the ultuation and cmihldeiable interest la felt aa to what tho next move will be It la noticeable that the papers that were bo bitter In thUr comments ncalnst the Transvaal levolt, when the announcement was made of Hie Btntencea that had b^en passed upon the Pretoria prisoners, are now more mild In speaking of the matter. Measia Itelt, Ithodea and Harris will vory likely be called upon to explain their connection with the conHpiracy and a rurthcr explanation will be due fiom Mr. Ithodea of the aeauranceu he tra-vo to Mr. Chamberlain during hla recent visit to England. TEl<r*-lALK MCSI'ATCnJZS \y Wood Pulp rapDi*. >Bt economical reault haw attended :ho"recent improved proceafiea inmanufuo- ng wood pulp for paper, coutumtlug Slarly with tho fact that, jearn ago, n^era of Bprucewood for pulp were .yjrdA'to pay larger prlcua for Hmooth, tlonSiuat*rInl tliun for any other dcacrlp- Pn4]'i being cuatomary in thoma daya to beforff-bniuh tina to boring out th knota hoiffevfc^imxiiifl; the wood Into pulp. Now. tance, kVtit ia found thut the whole nub- Hp nd tliotfl and all, can heat he ground UnoU belt^ou, tha Bpeclfio gravity of the the *veras no mnchtprcater than that of nd can be\ pulp, they alnk to tho bottom jralpbite P'ilremov*d. In fact, in uoduund after being 0, there la lutK of tho Liiot left would bo of tvtn the digeatera thau there knotn aro prenoo ground wood pulp whero prefers log of tot. The wood pulp grinder larger percontnpiail uUa on account of the Ipany aectJonH nkw of clear wood, but In New y0h nae ia made of the %York Sun. IneveuiM) of ' lieproey la wild Jtqdj the eating o ' fal caiiKe 1h, I t^V^toor blood and K& ^^Oabtlosif a gren Chlueue X^proHy, by tho Chineno to reault too much flab, but tho elievu, attll n mytfcry. uncleanly habitu have _^jmt\at&otory Uw'M (u^d to do with it, but a ^be^tP3^118 tPVustlgntion an regurdu the ^^woh needed, v its prevention and cure ia ftpt the south of (.There can be no doubt thut \|f on the increa\hina the d|cae 1h great- MUxxm (wnt from, JLe.' The number of vio- ^"-,: beoocabug larger nlong-Kong to Canton U r*Qn\* ^ffectlye'mAtMir by year: and Unless wrlwc Iw.spreadtnglanH aro ullo.ptwl to pre- /'TOttson why it shoi there Beema to be no ^ Yde the more nor Wild not by and by tn- **"' been nntil nowlhem latltudea, wiiloh " texempt tromiUvuv- Ah'her* b*en nnul no |!;Jj&. Gentleman' [agoxlne. Wbleh Co to Vihnw AtUrt-c tfao UfKluk HrutU Afficu t'iit|>uuy Was. Pietoria, April 30. A Kreat Benaa- tion haa been cauaed here by the pub lication of a aeriea of tcleijramo that was entered as evidence at the trial of the members of the Keform Com mittee. These telecrama, it la claimed here, ohow beyond any doubt what ever that the raid of Dr. Jameson was not the result of a desire to protect the women and uhlldien uf Johannes burg In the event of arising has been su acdulously arjjued by certain Knglleh newspapers, but waa the out come of a carefully picarranged plan on the part of certain individuals of the Bouth Africa Co, to seize a por tion of the Transvaal, u portion well known to be the rich gold reef of Wlt- watersrand, on which Johannesburg la located. Some of the telegrams were In cipher and on their face were apparently harmless -business messages that had passed between different men connect ed with Johannesburg and the Bouth Africa Company. At the tlnv- Dr. Jameson and hi* companions were captured by the Uoeis the latter found in the doctor'fj bag a key for code messages. This was taken possession of by the authorities who laUr ob tained the raeasacea containing words corresponding with thoae in thii key. In certain cases the words In the oi- i(*inal mesaaKeu could not be decipher ed by use of the key and in thuse casea the code words Were read aa part of the dospatcri*H, The dateu of the despatches ranrce from Dec. V to Dec. 29. The following are extracts from the messages: "Dec. 11.. to White Mafokinj?: Inform Jameson not to send more heroes before Janu ary. No more room for them." "Dec. 13. Stevens, Cape Town to Col, Rhodos, Johannesburg: Jameson wirea moat strongly urging no postponing shareholders' mc^tln^. Let Hammond Inform weak partneia that any delay most Injurious." "Dec. 18. Hammond, Johannesburg, to Cecil Rhod^n, Capo Town: Cannot arrango respective inUrests without Belt. Flotation muat be delayed un til his arrival" On Dec. 19 Beit replied that hla health prevented htm from golnp to Johannesburg and asking whore the hitch was. "Dec 18 Doctor wolf, Johannef-burg to White PitBan!. I suggest that you immediately Instruct Major Grey to forward as noon aa possible, 200,000 founds ot'surplua ammunition to Gard- nrr Williams." "Dec, 31 Col. Ithodea,Johannesburg, to 'Charter,' Capo Town: Inform C. J Rhode? that chairman won't leave unless special letter inviting him. De finite ni-.AuraricQ, been' given by all of us'on 'that day of flotation you and He will leave. There must be no de- parture from this, as many subecrUV ). agreed <<> take shi<>^ on this a- si.t.ttKt*. ^ o i<wl ,ti for clwiir- Ue j- * aiTla, C pu /own, to Col- jU. i.ii'H, inn. nm-nm ^: . ^ t has tele- ...^. .KM i..r,. ,. iiu^itloii new eoinpuny. Reply when you can doat, so X may advHe Jamoson name day." Hails also i out a despatch to the above to Ih. Jameson at l'ltaanl, "Dee. 211 Jlairls, Capo Town, to C01. ithodea, Johannesburg: t:<*lt has wned Phillip 1 SHiiuilm? blni that 1 nan Mum ImiiH i![,iti-l / tile do tation takes place. No Invitation ne- cewiaiy.'" IlatrUi, Cape Town, I" J.inji'Hon, 1'ltnanl- (Jom.iany will be boated next H.itnulny midnight. They (c \eiy anxi'iiiM that you do not start l< inn- it mid n ihit lelegiaidi olllce'i* Hint'. l\. snap ot Transvaal get ting ullgluly a..Jie." "December JI Cecil Rhodes, Johan- iieuburg, to Charter, Cape Town: "Ab aci uttly nueoHtmry, pOHtpone llotatlori. Leonard left la-:t night. Capo Town," On tho above date Ilarils repeated the la it mentioned duipatph to Dr. Jfimeenri, ridding "You musl not move until you hear again. Too awful. Very i-oriy." t)u the iiamu date Jameson's brother UUinaphed fiom .lobannealmiir to Jameson, Informing him that It had bicrjiYH ncceatiury to pout pom* the "dotation" through unforeseen and uiuxpeetrd clroumntanees, and "u111 11 we luive C. J. IthodeM' " abtinlute pUdgc that thfr authoHty of the Im pel lal Government will not be Insist ed upon," On December 27 Ilanls sent a de spatch to Dr. Jameson, referrlnir to ft shuieholdeia' mooting to be held on Januaiy G, and requesting him to wait p.t tlently. On tho name day Harris nont amthor~ dtupatch to Dr. Jaineaon, refcirlng to the dlstilbutlon of tho lirltlnh South Afilca Comp.inv police. On Dee. 2*4 Harris, In Hpatch to Dr. Jamemin, I^oraul and Hamilton him that the movement lar In JnhaniteHbui g". n v '. H, Want, A LIFE SAVED BY TAXING CHERRY !CW? ^IKllfdPECTOilAL another de- stated that liml lnfot mcl was unpopu- Thln me4jage concluded. "We cannot have a fiasco.' On Dee 28 Dr. JnmMun telegraphed to Dr. Wolf at Johannesburg Baying: "Meet me as airang'd before y u leave, which will enable u*i to decide (ho ben destination. Male- cutting to night without fail. Have gieat faith in Hammond, Dawley and mlnern with Dee-Metford rides. A l'JtKK /MWWO.V A^KKIi. E'romiumt ilmur* iit-u Nnw ^lunlUK ffttt- lluuu to the lAiriillve London, April 30. In the House of Oommona to-day Itlght Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, Sectctaiy of State tor the OolonlLt!, stated that be haa received a cablegram fiom Sli Ucicules Kobln- hon, Uovernor ot Cape Colony, saying tiuit the Executive Cuuneil of the nansvaal Republic met at Pretoria yesterday for the puiposu of consider ing what punishment nlmuld be Infllct- m upon the leadets oi the Kef01 m Cummlttce whose death bentenceu had been revoked and wme still discussing the matUr. The Transvaal iioei.i themselves, Sir Hercules wired, wen- i.tiong In their condemnation of the seveilty of the sentences which had been imposed upon thu leaders of the lleform movement.and tiie minor pilsoneis as well, and that piomln-iit liners were actively .it woiK obta,.* un; slgnatuie to j^tlllous, asking the Government to mitigate the punish ment of-the pilaoni-ia 01 to fciant a Iree pardon. Mr. Chumbcilatn, continuing^ said he was Infoimed that the president Jud^e who Imposed the nentence upon llbodes, Hummond, Faiuu, PhiHlpa and the other inombetH of tli.- Reform Committee in the High Couit at Pre- u>\ la had been borrowed from the Oiange Free State. His name, he said, was Gregorowfdd, and ht was of i'ollsh nationality. Mr. Iteglnald MeKenn.t, Dlbeial, a"Ic ed what tmth there was In the report tliLtt .one of tlio piisunei % John liayti Hammond, an American, had been re- least d. Mr. Chamberlain said he had no in- lormatlon on the Htibjeut, Mr. J. II. Dul/..el. Dlberal, asked whe ther the selection uf Judge Uiej-orow- .lu was ap indication of impartiality, .ir of corruption. Mr. Chamberlain made no reply and Mr. Dalziel gave notice triat he would" t"lc the question again In a formal way. Hi* Ituiuormt t'oiuiuutiltm> London, April 30. A rumoi Is In circulation on the Stock Exchange tnat the Transvaal executive has im- Ijoseil the punishment of live years ,.<nal servitude, with banishment at die end of the term of imprisonment, upon Hammond,lthodes and the other iteform Committee leaders, whose sentence of death was remitted yes terday. I'rlRftnuru Well Trftttfd. London, April 30 A despatch to Tho Times, from Jpjeloila, dated April -!), iays the health If John/Hays Ham- u.ond la In such a state as to cause great anxiety to his friends. J. S. <Jurats, the mining engineer of New York, is confined to his room with an affection of the brain. Mrs. Kruger, wife of the President uf the Transvaal Republic, has ex pressed her sympathy with the wives uisl children of all the condemned men- The Times correspondent at Preto ria visited the prisoners yesterday af ternoon and reports them all well ex cept Hammond, who. however, is as well as can be expected, seeing that he In obliged to eat the ordinary prison faie, which, In the state of his health. Is anything but beneficial to him. New lulos go Into operation on April SO (to day), the clrrespondent eays, which permit the prisoners to have better food and to enjoy many comforts which are now denied them. The four leaders who were condemn ed to death aro confined in on cell, where they are visited by crowds of their relatives apd friends. In view of the clreumataiVecH, the correspond ent adds, the prisoners are well tieat- od. Atuwrrril Wi!b ItlRHty. Secretary Ol- ney on the tiHth Inst., telegraphed to the Secretary of State of the South rtfalcon Republhc that it was 0spumed that the death sentence of Hammond and other American citizens was Im posed with the understanding that the sentence would be commuted and that ho would like assurance on that point. The answer came to-day from the Transvaal Secretary as follows: "There- was no Ulk of an understand ing between Judge and Government before the sentence of death was pro ne unced, but befbre tho reception of your tUegratrt the ISxcoutiv* Council ha/1 resolved to let mercy take th place of Justice fetnd riot enforce thu death penalty." \..... ' - " " Jtuhu H. Mill* <u UNU AtfMlM. Halifax, N.B., April 80. Bridgetown. N.&: The Anna-poll* County Conner" vutlve convention was held here to-day and Mr. J. B. Mills was re-nominated (n\ contest the constituency .for the. CoWmona. The candidate made a vbj- or< un address to the convention,apeok- Idi '. for an hoor. _Ayac!sXherry Pectoral Highivit Awards at World's Fair. * - - _______ [ xyer'a 1'UU tho Mont 1'uviUjj rhyttio FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND Largest Sauk in Canada. ESSEX Holler Milk* J AM Kb NAYLOIt alios tldn onpormmty ol annoimopi, .u cno pooplo cl tlio Town nnJ County of Kohax, thatbu ban romoJelot] tbeBti- 1101 Hollor Mllln iiccorclitif{ to plann nropuredby It. N. arIco, Ht Tliomrm, ami bus ulno noouron tlio noivlcoii ot KoiU'itT BtiucnAK, an oxnorl oucod and thoroughly eotniiotont mlUer. TliaskiiiH tbo pooplo of thotown and oounty for tho patronnso bootowod upon hi in In the pittjt, will ( iiui-itntDo iintinfactlon iv tbo fntnro Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THB HEST OllADRR OP T'LOTJIt, rEI3D AND CORNMKAL KKPT IN UTOCK AND HObD AT ItlOHT PHIOl'IS. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Eosox, Ontario. THI -i birr*' nnd oommodlonn IIouoo hnn boon ilioinunhly pnintod and roplonlnhoii with nuw fuiiiiLuio by pronont nrppriotrotia. LAnais iunM in cohnkction. Fimt-Uliuiii Accomodation Guarantood, MIIS, C. WILKIMBON, ProprlotroBO. XXT A IVt^'E^TIl LCrtl oud-TrnvoliiiR W JHLX^I X.JCJMJ Bnlonmon to hnndlu oui rinr-V Canadian Grown Numery fltook. Wo KUu'iintoo niLtlHfuotlon to ropronoutiitlvofl and cuiiuuier. Cur nurnorleii nro tho lareent In tlio Dominion, ovor 70O acroo. No imbotltution tn ordor>j. Exolusivo territory and liberal tormK to wbolo or pntt tlmo unontB. Wrlta un. Bl'ONE & WELLINGTOH, [Vfotid ofllco) Toronto, Ont* (Tho otrty numory in Cauaclft having tontlnR orchardu.) H-Um ^uite. (Suits. OUR SPRING STOCKS Ib now oomploto aud no bettor appoint* taunt in tho county. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, atadojjlo order ah J. Jt, gpffJ. South Wooalee. to Loan On good productive Farm Property at &,& 0 por oflut. iitrai^ht. Na Valuation Fees. J"Couvoybom Dbtid up iu Koat Btylo Firo and Life nsurance- A.E.LOVELA0B, ' B8BEX, OUT bHURCH DIRECTORY Mkti)Iipj, -IV. l'BHOdo, I'tilt'-.r. Hffvior Teiy Hiiihlnv .lI 11 11, in iukI 7 >, in. hitlibtjj Boh<inl at u:UO^t. u(. C M. Nn-vIC'i*, buporiijt^n d- ntoi i.iilt tol, ) Ijoi.i.iuti-rav r niiiedu. Tne tti\ bvonbii ,il H - i Inol (loni-.u! l>,iiyi<i cueiiiwt^ouTlujikiliLyuut uliii.. _ <1ki/ii(]|( oi' KNfiramo llitv, A.Tj.Puvorly, Jn outiibmiL, Ht I'aulu, Ijuitnt. DiviixtHiirvluo uvtuy humbiy at 7 o'oloclt, p m Himibty Holiuol ut 10 a. in. jMuibv Oliureh, Worth Itid((> -JOlvliifl <rvluou iivoiy Kunclay at ll \i. 111.; Hun day Holmol at i.-tfip, 111. Tlj publlo. imi Lr- llii]|\ lnviLud, rHUiuiYTimiAN. w. M.Flominit, PuHlor Hnr vlmtMon Hulibntli nt It u. in. aud 7 .110 p. M Hub uutli dfboel itt J. ')() p. m, Priiywr niftiilit ami 1'iiHtov'iibtblo olimii on 'I'miMibLy utV.tlO p m. H mini Union on Wmlimmlav at H lfi p. HKl'Vt - 1'in.iu-ii -UiivM P flmnplmll, I'nu. tor ji \ tunii out, i iiihlmtii nt 11 u in and 7 P ,. 1'tuvi.i hkk'I ni|( on N^'iuliuiHiliLy tivniduu at (f n'olocii !.< atu tioe. All uro conllally wol- UOlllO'l. liOUAN I ATUOMO-KiiHI'fl VY. C. K. M(i(lfl4i i'dtitoi*. bor/iu, uvujy ot mi HilliiUy ut fi Mt[i. tn. Hutiduj iitbnfit ut <(p. in, Hii.b m,not uud Hfirnum at 10 UO a, m ! p. 10 , it mtiiitu ut !I |i m , voHporiiui. 1 'i iiudtciiuti ia T i) in C 1, Mo Gof, 1*. V Hinvx'rro'* Awn.-T, II. MoLood. Captain. Halvatloii iiiootlimi, on Worlnoiulay, Thin inlay ami Huiutuy ovouln('n, Itdo nnd hiuiy, Hiitunlay ovuuinu anil :iii m. Hunday; HolinouH moAtliiuu tor clu-lHtlauHl'riiluy ovouuift ami 11 a. m. Hun day;Kiioo Prill 7 a..111. ovory Hunday. All uvu wdloomu. LEGAL. 1? A. WIHMKU, UarrlHtur, fiolloltor, N0U1 y* Public Ao. Monoy to loan. OuIcbii, Dm otan Hlooli,up-utaii"(i, JOimox. 4-ly r Ij. FUTKRH lifti-rititoi-, Holloitor. Notai * Publio Monoy to Loan. Ollloo ov< Btrutlmrii' Itunle. Emiox (Jontro. CLAUKE, UAIlTbm' A BAIlTIdlT, Itarrii torn, oto. Oilio^u, Medlmry Block, WinchiG I'riyatii luudu to loan A. II. (JbAIUUS, Ij. Ij. jj. k. A. IUIIII.KJ: A. It, lUluiiBT.Jl A. nUNUY C. WALTIflKB. L.L.H , Attorimy and Counnolor.ut law, Bolloitor in Chanoorv, Prootor lu Admiralty. Piitimt Solicitor, with Atliiuiitiu A Hait;b5M Coimrunn ut Iwont, Uotrolt. Mloh (Canadian ctulma iijjainut poriionn in tho United Btaton oolloctod.J HufuroncoDt Jmjiorlul Punk, r.nni)X,Ont, J. L, Potiirn, kiirj, Itarrlntor, oto., Kniitix.Ont K.A. Wiumor, Ijiki., t)nrrlnt(ir, ate , IjHhqx, Out D MEDICAL. ItH BKIKN A, DUIKn/ Jan Prion, M D , h It , 0. P. (I , pradiiato Qf Quoon'rt Univornity, KbiRiiton, moroW of Col- lono ot I'hyniolanu and urcoonb,Ontario. Grad uate ol Now York. Pout Graduato Modfoal Col- loco. J. W Brian, U D., C M I'. T. M. G. Honor Rradiinto of Trinity Modloal Collo({n, Honor nraduato of Trlulty Univornity. Mymbor ot tho floll(i(!of Pnyidoiitun and Hurijoouu, Ont Grnd- nato of .Now York Pont Graduato Modiaal Collofio. 0/Ucoovor ^mhox Hfodioa] Hall dnifj ntoro. Coniiiiltation roonifi, both on (p/ound iloor and tlrnt flat uliovo. Tolupliono in both ollhio and ronidonoo. All oallii attoiulod to Trom odlco, iivtij! iituro, or rutiidoiico. Kunidtinoo, Talbot litruur.fioijt ol fair nionniltj. D Kb. DKWAIt &. MoKHKZIK. P.A.D1EWAH. &I.D.C M .F.T.M.H. Honor Grudn- ato Trinity Univornity. Monibor Coll<i[|o Phyj iohi,nu and tiurijoonu, Ont, Itciiidoucc, Talbo St Kant.------- * G. MoKkhzik, M. P, G. M Corouor, Now York pout Graduato, Fellow Trinity Mudical Oollono. Graduato Trinity Unlvnrnitv Itunidijiici. Tulbot Htroot, woRt of M. C. It, OtlitoUourii U to II u. 111., 1 to 3 and bto H)> m '">luco in Iinporiul Bank block, (pound iloor next to Tliorno'iidruf; Htoro. 'iolonhonaln oonnootion with ofllco and iuiu donco, Ordcra loft at Thbino'ii diuc utoio will b- promjttly attondod to DENTAL. HP. MAIITIN, D. D. B , L. D. S. fhuduato in Dontintry, lloynl ColIoKfi-of Pontal auriiooun, Ontario, aud Uuivornity of Toronto OuarfloH.raodojuto, Ollloo, ovor Urlon Si Co t drnu ntoro. 18-lv VjET^lNARY^ Wn HICHAEDSON. -VJCVKUINAHY BU It GKON. Honorary nraduato of Ontario Votorluary GoIIoro, Toronto; mombur of On tario Veterinary Medical Bocloty; Diplomiiit in Dontintry, treato all dhioanun of donioutlcatud aiiimalii, oattlo dobornod bv tbo latmit Improvod Loavitt clipper Calln by tcltpboue or tolo- Sraph pronajitly attondod to Ituiiidoiico, four oomnoutb of nrlBt mill; offlco in post offloo buildinc; Inflrmary. dirootly oppoidto. LAND SURVEYOR. JAiCEH B. tiAIBD, Provincial Land Burvoyor and County Encinoor, Knsox Coutro, Out OOloo, Bunstan Block, upataira. AUCTIONEERS. HENBY HEDItlCK, Auctionoor. Baloo promptly attondod to. Addroofi Boutb Woodaloo, Out. Pomona doairlntt to nocuro mo may Taavo word at tbo Frisk Pitismi offloo. tf H. IIEDBIOK DBINCTjAIR, LIGENBKD AUCTIONEKIt for tho County of Eosox, Bailiff ot Ulahtu Dlvitilon Gaurfc, All kimln of Farm and othor Salon con duo tod promptly, ltatoii roa^onablo and furnlabod on anplloatiou. Enquirow may apply at\V. D. Bnanian*n ofllco, or at tho ofllco ortofviolon Court ciork.Mr. John Milno JOHN GORVLKY, IjICliiNBlKD AUCTIONEER for tho County of Enaoy. All kinds of farm utoak Baleu, oto., conducted promptly and on abort notloo. Katoa roanooable. Porpona donirablo to orraupo ttftloo way 3o bo by oallinsat tho Fuuh Phuub oflloo or by applytugto 4 H J.GOBMIdSY, p. O. Box IBS Itooox, Ont FKANK M0OLO8KEY, Maldatono, tubty- flovonyoaru'oxperionoo nn an auotlonoerfn the County * ! Bbsux. Bales conducted promptly, ind on reabotubbU tormo. Par tie b defliriutf to Ax the datn tttv a aalo uau Bn.v tbiMimfilvtiff a drlvo by oalline at tlio tfmcu PnUus ooico- Wo havaoi-rauBldwlth Mr. MoOloakoy aud will rtx the datfia for aalea by tolegraph, entirely froo of all ohavgo to tbo porium bolillti tba Halo. Ad- aroen Frank M0Cionkoy ,Ma!dytone Crotm, Ont. 1UB BAKER^ TUB oldoHfc bUBltjena iu town. Kntablialio IB76. Virtit-oIaHH broad and aakofi Of &1 kinda. Wdddinff orUob a epeolo-llty. GrooornjB proviHloris, Hour, food, Hilt and pork, Ooufoo- UoBory.orockery.dlaeaware. Cunnediiuitaiind Wtf&totfor aU.WndB, GoodB P^mptly^u Uyodtoallpr.Uonbo town. J. M. HIOKB, yo;-tf LAND AND LOAN AGENTS C* BOHOB J. THOWAH, Conveyaboer, Com- \X xnlBiiianor, lu Hlgb Ooatiof Juetloo: dwil*ir (u Boal Eletato 5d MortfiuB*B. Money to loai attbftMbwejft'vate of intoroat. Farms bdushl auftWoid. IiinnrBJioo taken in tho moat reliable JonrpwiUw.lDrfcwjBBlof dwda, mortaagw and leulotf *i MWoWtfr .OburgM tt"HJoi and all hualueH promptly atUuded to. Call at the C^rll T>linbono Qffloe. BaMxOeDtro. tUHT t ,, FJaoe lu Ui world tor youB rneu trottjHlob .iHlme*ratea bttalogne Free, Beferencti: All Detroit, > F. JKWttLL. Prei. P. B. BPEHOBB, Bee. MARRIAGE LIOEN8E8. T/ Ij. PAX1K, IHHUlSlt OF MAHIUAflB U- Tj, ootiites, UlchariUoli 111k., Kaaox^Oat* MBAUltKTT. laauer of MarrUg* IdoeaaM CoiiiudHdionur in O .J., oto. Gasto.Ont W 1). KKAMAN, Iiiniiorof Marrluijo Urniinott, Itjouranco agent. lie NlMht onion at DwolUn oiunu. V H'PII 'I'AbBO'r HTUEEJT, KBBKX UNDERTAKING. HprjUMMK ill, UndorluUtjr u'.ld Furnltate 4 IJftiUor. ^Coillini, boititi and factory tarda from $.'1 Ut *!). Uodmuor, O.'*' . . . ... . . ARCHITECTS. _____ YOHN A. .MAYCOCK, AllOHl'I'llCT, *o , Kooin 10 nnd 11, Pluming Ilulldintj, Wiiidiior, Onl Pbopp 211 SOCIETIES f O. O. V.~ENTKItPItlBIfi Lodge No 318 Lm wiootnovry Tlniraday, uveuing at 7.301 I Oddfollowa Knlf.Iuthird storoy Dtitmtau lila Vlflitlnrtmmnbemufothor loduoHwlll reoelt fratoraal woloomo. "W, CHATTEBTON, N. OUNTItAL ENCAMPMENT, No, M), mt/ Oddr.illow>i'HaU,DuiiHtan'<i Block, on the 0 and third TuoHday luoaoh mouth. Visitors a dtally ruatiivml. Muiilborw of imbordlnatu lod] lu t)if> jtiriedlotlou, invited to join, WANNAN, C, P., O 1>\ tntjU, Hua. BBKX PIKE BUICUDK. "IlK^B MVK1 I'rliuiy evouiuKin tbo Kirumou'u room I tbo mono bulldfuu. Jilu, MoMuinvv, Oil lei. ltobt. Parltor, Oaptiiln; A. Burnbaw, Lieutuu- wnt; P. Dllflo, Bcomtary; I'Vod^Hyptt.'freoaurer. COURT ROYAL, NO. 2PJ, I, 0. V. Muota uneoiul and fourth TnoHduy'dln oaol: month iu I. O. O. I<\ Hall at B o'clock prf m, Vlfcitlnj; brothuru will bo (ftvon a frat*mal vi ' ooino, K MoCaUHlimd. C. Il W. C. Bbaw, Boot t > * fegncAN Centra* "IA* Human Fall* RouU." Taking offoot Dntrolt... . WindHor .... Pclton .. . Xfaf ditto tine EmiflX..... Wooduloo... Hun comb ., Comber. Bidjfotowii., Rodnoy... . St, Thorn a London... ft-,.. Itnclnoy..... Bidipitown Couibur. Kuiiuotnb, Wooduloo.. Ennex Muuliitonu Cr Poiton r~ Wiiubior Dotroit . .. O01HO iuht May lOtb, lflOB. Mall Exp. a.m. a.m. 7.1fi 7.40 BO't B II 8.21 8.2H ]0,t7 11'10 0.20 0.50 Exp. a. m. 0.-1O 10.10 7.if0 10 U3 8 17 10 00 OOINO WCHT. l'i 1(1 um') 4 07 fl.'IO G.-ll 5 50 0.0 J ii.ll 11.50 l.Ott a 111, 11.^5 10 ai u in G.I5 7.10 1210 Aoeom p.m. 4 40 6 0S 6.10 HiM G.I10 Ufa 6.m 004 7 10- 7.U0 UiO a ni fj.lft t;:)e 7.J1S HM 0.30 9.38 O.ia OM 10.04 ICflO lO.tStf AtkUiorNilnirtr ILocnl 1'riiluu, p m. 0,10 U25 0 2H ti .10 llfii) WLHT a.m, a.m. 1150 H.15 PJ Oil 1210 12.10 12 m) o:i'2 na.t 8.65 Eniiox Ednarn 7.00 LCftDH Xlllff (150 MtGroitor (j.-IH Amhorfitburg U.30 KAflT a.m. a.m. p.m 7.1fi 0 50 VA0 oas nno (110 510 4.M 4.50 4.30 All tratun aro run on central Btaudard time, which in Blxty mlnuton nlowor than Eusex timo, For Information and ratoa to colon- lijtp movlnfi woat apply to John G. Lavon, Pan- Honaor A[,ont, Bt. Tbomuri, O. W. RuRlon, Gon- oral PaauonRcr and Tlckot A^ont, CblooRo, 111 orA.O Stimoro. Aaont.Ensox, L. E, & D, R. Ry. TIME TABLE NO. <jn, talcinp nffe'-t Mondaj. Dtic i!0, lfiflB Trainn run by PauU-i.. Stand ard Tlmo, Daily oxtopt Sunday /. a A It 0 25 0,U:i OHO 0.411 9 SO 57 10.02 10 09 10.10 10,i>7 10,37 10.45 10 55 U.ll uao 11.25 n.afi U.13 U.C0 UM 13,01 13,11 12.10 IC.24 12.U0 r. u. o A U 1300 mo 12 10 1!MA 12 68 1.10 l.tB 1.30 150 2.03 2IW 2 50 3.45 4.10 4.110 4 41 cm 6.34 6 45 M5 0.05 C.16 tuts o.4rc 7.00 r. v. o p< V it 0.20 0.27 0!W 0.40 0.17 0 54 G60 7.10 7.1 7.27 7.37 7.44 7 64 fl.CO 8.17 8.22 B.112 B.40 U7 8.52 000 0 07 0.12 020 0.31 r.M BTATIONn. ...+ t Dcp Walkory'lo Ar Walkorvillo .Tone. . Polton .....t Oldcautlo..... .....t Pnquotto.... MoGroRor .. Now Canaan... MarebfloTrt .... Hnrrow .. .......\ Arnor .. .... Ktnpflvlllo,. .... Itutbvon .. ... Leamincton .... Whoatley .. ,. i Ilonwlck .. .... Coatuworth .... + Gl on wood.. .......Morlln..... + Itnxton___ ...... Bandiaon ... ...iCodar BprlueH.M Blonhclni Junot'n ......Blonbo^m... ........+WIIK10.... Ar Bidcotown Bop X M 0 10 0 03 B 57 B 53 8 47 K 42 620 8 20 B 22 8 11 B01 7 CI 40 2J IB 10 00 0 52 (145 R 40 0 31 0 24 0 20 G 10 0 00 A.M A If 6.60 6.3B 6.27 6.17 5,f8 6.00 4 411 4.3.1 4 00 ,11,45 '3,15 u.-tn 1.54 1.33 12 31) 12.21 12 U 12.00 11,29 11.20 11.16 10.1K 10.00" 3B* 4* 4.40 460 fi.OO 5.n& 6.13 6.21 B.flfl 6.33 5 41 6.51 6&fr 6.05 0.21 (1.1* U.42 0.62 7.03 7.10 7,17 7.22 7.27 7,33 7,37 7,* 7.60 lMf.'V.M. i Flag BtntibBB, Tralnit atop only whan thero aro pafifioncors Jtor for thono utatiooa. Mixed tralna aro ai al timed uubjoot to bo can celled WM WOOLLATT. General Buporln ton dent At' < >, :*k c:*i*,fr 'a V ^i^fl^il&Ja^ii^i^^ 4- ^rt Essex Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit, Oak framei Good Plush, $16.00. Wo never wsro bo well prepared to do businpQri. Loin uf goods and priccm vi^bt. It will pay you to |ive ne a call and see uoode and Hi)tj priiiefl-' We are.pleafcd t* quote price* to nay who iip4. furmtnri We liuve been doinu a 00(1 Btpudf baa* uetB now iaf about Id yotir" und we. wial to tender our thanks to tpe public Ronerajl: tor the very liberal Jhat'roDafte we hare ti , ceived of them during tb'ICyears thatt( have been in bUBineaa In the now Town 01 Essex. , UNDERTIKINQISPECIIUU J. A. HICKS & Co,, Essex. :\l ^J m 15

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