Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, page 2

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!9;i'J-:"^ * ' ' ' , '^? GHv: *$ r;i H'.' ft- ,'"V; THE ESSEX FT^EB T=>I>^W<=: -J 1 - v. IvSS-EX FREE PRESS 'roes: OHX. Published Every Friday Morning From tliu cflloo on Talbot Htreot, noxt Dmiitliui Illoak. ti|](itjiu] iLitaiHHMi iit paid u> tliu publion- tarn o mut'or id' local impm-tuiico, aoour- uto and rdiablo roportu of Town, noi|',hhnr- xng Townhhip mid County Cmiuuil proonefl- inu.ti, local und onnnty marluit roportii, olo,, tho oarufn. and judioionti lnaniifjomout id Tum Fukk 1'ukiih, witli rcmpitut, to llioi'to and obliur aurmnt niattoniof local importanuo, htm liivonita wiili'i.pnjiul prontitfn ill tlio omtroof j!lti!iexooiit.y(wlin:h in romainfand uu onu of tlio bob u^rioultuml diiitriotn in Ontnrb. Tin; Fhkk Piikhh in tho only medium circuliitiu^ thoruui;hly in Huh central portion of tliu County, and m con- HoquOHtly.without doubt,tlwi only thorough lulyortiHin^ medium for Imihiiiohii pnoplo wluhiui! to Vouch Mint oltLfiti of cUHtomorn. coHiti:iii'oNni;N"Ci:. Our oolumiiH aro idwu>fj op';n for tlio iDliooablo di^rnuiiion of mutter* pcrtaiuiit- ' atho puluV wnUaro. A,blocov!M.|Kjii(l(!iitfi in all ihc Hurmniid- ] \r looal it ( furninli roli'iblo mportH of uutfi of ii ittrunt, occurring in tboir uoVoriil boron; ui t tlio |iiihliulu>r ih at all tiling .oufiod to rL'Ctiivo interesting itoinu <l jwh from "iiy dinpoiiod to forward contri toution*. All couuMiniicatinim of u privato ami Oonudontiin namrn, nhould bo no unirki-d ia Oo outht to of tliu envedopu. HUIHiCIUr'flON 1'IUCi;. E-;,00 por annum, ntrictly in advanoo, H.CJpor annum if iioL *o piiid; ana all arroaru oliar^od at tlmtj r;ito. ARVKllTIhRMKNTK. Trantiient logal und municipal adver- tittomontH, notiocH, cto., elmryud at tlio rutn of too contu per lino, for firl iUBortion, and live cento por lino for oaoh uqbrtuquout innortion. All ouch ndvortiflementa aro meaHured by a noalo of twolvo Iiiioh to tho inch. Looal readmit and other noticeu pub linhod amon(4 local uowh nmttor charged at tho rato of ton contfl por running lino for euoh inaertion. All noticou of church or HGcioty entor tainmontii of any description, at which uu admififiioii feo'iH charged, are roijardod an advortifioraontH, and full advortiaint! rat en uhargod in all (inch oiihoh. Noticou of fiath oriuf48 or mooting not for pocuniary bono fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully publndiod free of obarKo, Special contruot riitoa made for diaplay or atunding advtii. All legitl orprofoHmon- aJ cardu under ouo iuch, 55 por auuum. JOIl Oil COMMltnciAL PIUNTINO.J Tho Phhb Pukhh Job Printing De partment ih under the Gupurviflion of thoroughly com potent tueohanicri, and upecial attention ia paid to -tbi* branch" of tho trade. Our faoilitic-M for tho oxaciition of all kiudH of Book and Fino Job Printing are unexcelled. Btourn power proflBun. A call nolicitod. hohinkkh iu:aur.ATioKB. All Job Printing , and Trandiont Advortinint; accountH, atrictly canh. Advortioiua accouutfl with rogulai (ifttrona are nettled quarterly. Sub' oriptiona duo iu advance, No hubocriptioo to tho Fukk Phkhh, or advertisement publmhed in if.3 columnH will bo diweontiunod until all urrears art paid in full. Chanyea for adyertiaomontH, to aooun: inaortion in the current inbuo, muHt be. handed in not later tbuu noon of tho Tuoh- day prooodiuf{, and notice of nuoh intend- ed ohango ia required on tho Monday pre ceding. Nation of diHcoutinuauco of uuvoiijhg uxeatH muat be given ut loaat one weuk in oovanco of tho i.H^no in which they are doHirod to hint appoiir. ADvr.aTiUKiia, SubaoriberH and patronu generally arc requoutod to read tlio abovo regulations carefully, in order that coofuuion mubo avoided, uu tlioy will in all caboa bu adhered to, iddroaa all comumuieatiouB to I'ublinlior tho Eiinux l/'nnic Fiikbd, Enooi, 0L HBLP8 TO GOOD LOOKS. Arr. .Taooli yfWc.nk of Bfc. Thomnn, Ontario, Ik mm of \\\v. bout known imm r in Unit vicinity. Utvl* ii"V\', lio HHyn, i an old man, lmfc HoocVh KiLrKnparllla ! hiLH jnndft him ff;l ynimpr ajmin. j "About n yar tifjo I had u vry novura j attnok of tho ro-lp, whltth ronultod in my not hiivlmrawoll day for Hiivorttl monlhu ft-ftorwurdH. I van completely run down Hid my HyntomwiiH .In a | . Terrible Condition- | I loot flcwa ftnd booamo dsprMHod In HpIrlU. Finally ufrlond who bad boon j bcnonUd by IInod'h Sarcmpnrllla wlvlMud ; mo to try It und I did ho. I conllnud talc- In ff It until I imod twolvo bottloa and j todny 1 can honiMtly nay HoocPh Harm- | parllla had rontorcd mo to my former | liodlth." Wilcox, St. Thomun, , Ontario. | Hood's SarsapaB'SJiSa Is the On!y j True Blood Purifier Prominently In tho public oyo todny. It curon when all Otjnjrjn^paratioiiu^tiiU^^^^ Z\ Ty Y^iy*^ thfl nfter-dlnner pill ami tiOOd fi FIHS fcuaiiy oaUiartto. 35a. Home HoolcerM ISxciinutoiiB. In ordor to giye ovoryouaan oppurtunity to boo the WoBtery Country and onablo the he mo uoeliors to aecure a home in timo to oommouoo work for tho hourod of 189C, tho Chicago, Milwaukeo & Bt.Pitul R'y hao arranged to run a Borioa of four homo geok- oro' excuruiono to various pointa in tho "Wool, North-Wont and South-Wool) on tho following datee: March 10, April 7 and 211 and May 5, at tho low rato of two dol- loro more than ono faro for tho round trip. TickctB will bo Rood . for return on and Tuondny. or Friday within twonty-ono dayu from date of Halo. For ratea, timo of tralufi and furthor dotaihi apply to any coupon ticket atfont In tho Eaat or Sonthf or uddrosa A. J. Taylor, Canadian PituJ' aou^or Agout, 3 King Stueot Eaat, Poronto' Out. Nprln Time Is when noa ovoryono faola tha nood of Borne blood purifier ntrongth invigorating and hoalth produoiug modioihb. Tho roal merit of Hood'u Burfiapurilia iu tlio roaaon of itB widosproad popularity. Ita unoqnel- lod Huooona iu itn bout recommondaticn. , The whoi0 (lyntem in uunooptiblo to tho intiftt good from a> modioiuo Hko -Ilood'n Sarflaparlliri takou at thid time, and wo would lay iiprolul ntroau upon tho timo and romody, for biatory hati it rooordod 'that dulayH aro .dangerous, Tho remarkable Bncoofla aohioyod by Hood'B Suraapanlla and .tho many wordy of praiHo lb han' ro- . calved, mako it worthy of your u on Adduce W k yoxi togive tuitt wodioluo,& trial. CtStivln$x tin* Tout of I'*]|i*h. "AVhencvor I son a hbusowifo awiah- lng tho HicB out of a room with a dust cloth, und may ho following up ono Bolitury ily until who K*'tn rid of it. and tlion olo.sing the slats of tlm Idirula to ki.'Op tho room nice anil cool," said an oid.soldim', "it makori mo think of a little incident of my 11ft* in tlio army. Wo had at one time Sibley tents. They wero tlio big tents, yrm yemcmhiir, cir cular on tho ground, "uioh mud'o to "hold about eighteen men, and uupportod by a uontar pole, and having a cirtmlar opening at the top for ventilation. Thia opening was perhaps ten or two Wo inches iu diameter, It had a cover of some sort for had weather, but- the ono that bolongod to our tent wn lost right away, and wo never ot anothor. , "One day in Virginia our Jont \va* full of Hies. I think I never .aaw so many Hies bofore. One of the men was inclined to be a little disturbed by them. " 'Well, by thunder,' ho said, 'I'm going to got rid of'em.' uHe got some powder, I don't know now much, but .something less than a ton, and apreinl ii round in tho tont and led a train outside. Then whoa we'd got everybody out of tho way nu fivod thy train. "You'vo soon tho steam como out of tho smokestack of a lueomotivo when tho ontcino was exhausting, a quick puff straight up and then tho cloud of oxpanding ateam. Well, that puff qf Jiowdnr smoke went up out of tho open- hq: in tho to]Tof"our~tQht something like that, only there was tea times an much of it. and it broadened out into a groat white cloud; and up through tho center of this cloud, below it, and through it, and above it, tho kixo of tho opening in tho tent, rose what seemed to bo a solid column of ilies; if I hadn't aoeu ilies since I should think that all the flics iai tho world must have boon blown up in that explosion." Now York Sun. Hrtnitt Old Woman. "I am glad," he said, pleasantly, whon she lirst appeared in her bloom ers, "that you have taken up this 'new woman'idea." "Really?" sho.asked, doubtfull.t. "I was afraid you wouldn't like it. hut it does seem as if a woman should take a more important part in tha' affairs of life." "Yob, indeed," ho replied. '*It will take hor mind offhor clothes, and that will ho a groat ykrido forward. Sho will caro less for appearances and more for tho realities of lifo. Tho trivial things that Jnivo heretofore cTftlmod hor attention will bo ignored." "Of courHe," sho said proudly. "With our enlarged sphoro of usofulnesa wo naturally talto a broader view of thinga and become more self-reliant. Trifles cease to annoy na, and wo are ready to grapple with the groat problems ot lifo.". "Exactly," ho returned, "Now, if you wore not a 'now woman' you would be dreadfully mortified to think that your hat is not on straight,, but, being a " "Good gracious!" sho cried, excitedly. "I must look like a fright." Chicago Evening Pout. Not In ntn Mno. "The palmists toll uaahout tho line of life, the lino of fato and all tho othor linos," observed Mrs. Morcomb, who Was interested in tho wcienco, "hut tho palmist who wrote this book " "Have you boon buying a book on pal mis try V" askodMorcomb, "Why, yea." "Had your hand looked at, too,'! BUppOBO?" "I have." ""Whatdiditooatr" "Only 8& " -"Only 85. H'ml What did tho pulmiub 'Bay about your lino.of ocon- omy?" ... * - . "Ho didn't say anything- Thoro isn't any such lino, is fchoro?" V "If thoro 1b," snortod ^Morcomb, 'ftho patmlattiovor aea it in the hanjd of anybody who visit*-' him!" Ohlqajco Tribune. U*tv- NkIui-o'i OlfU JiU)T bo llrouifht to m Hl*tttr l>uTnlopuint. Huth Aihmorn wrlton of "Tho Uuly DunUllDR," n moat prnnttoal and uunful nrtlol. In April IjH(Uoh' Homo Journal, and protumttJ tho \w\\m horu gWnn to tfood IooIch: ("J'h Auierlonn . DomtUutlon cannot ntnnil tliu "old Imili Into wliloli the IiJiik- llnb woimiii phini{<4 wlntr und MiminiKr, and to wblnh hIio ov/au, n* far an oom- pho|oti lu concerned; muoh of hur benuty. Ur not ho nfmld to put soup on your faim; uho plunty of It, and wauh It off woll, Ilrtit with wii*i and then with enld water. TIiIh noup hath glvon t,o tho fano will uiuko you fuel und look nwoot and (reh, ".Slnnp' if pnuulbls, In a oold room, but do not hIoop cold- By tlilM I mean tlmb while'tho air lu your room nhnulil bo cold and dour, you iihnuhl linvo plenty of onv- ors ovor you,, and If you wiwh your nkln to \w hitiiufclful you Hbouhl nnvor go to hod With eoid fi'ot. A woman"** hundu ought to bo hmuittful, but u beautiful hand Ih not, of imnimHliy, aohubtiy hand, nor a iltmpled nor a lat hand, but It lu a white band, a ohmn hand and a tender hand. ItndnuHH of the hundu \u often duo lo hndlciiH that aro tlnliP,- ulnovtn* tlmfc uiiteh you at l-lin armholon, or ant too olosii-llttlni; at ihe wrlHt.H. A. ulmplo but Hood treatment for red handH oonHlntn In bathing them ovtiry nljjilit In lint watnr, uslrij; fo* thlu purpoHii plenty of tfood Honp and a imll-bniHh; aftur t-litii hath dry tbuni on a wofb tow<d, und thou rub In iiomo Hlmple emollient cold rriiam or mutton tallow will nimwer but wbati'Vo** you iitio muHt hoHoft; if imnuflKary, molt It ho that what Ih put on tho handH can bu rubhod in (iiuitly. Thou take a pair of loose udoveH, very loorni, out tii'f iho Jln- (er tlp, slip fchoin ovi-rthu rniiHod handtt and Hloop in thorn. In the morning glvo tlio bandit a soup und water butb, lotting tho water umul bo tuphl, and then rlnwe the mmp n\'i with copl wator, ho that they nmy lie inadu llnu and. not dcnultlvo to tho cold air. Loam to walk well, Wiinn 1 Hiiy 'walk well' 1 do m>t mean walk Ktlflly. Ijofc your younjf, Hkmdor body lend ltnolf to the innveinoMt of tho foot, and though you muHt hold your houd up you will proHont th.i appi'aranco, not of iiomo ono who has Ian n handajied on a hunk- board, but of a hralUiy irl, not olosidy cablnfld In hor clotlmH, but drorioud proi- orly and walking gracefully. " C1iunir' lit KnirtWli Country Ijr. A North HrltlHh iinuriflt aulcn; "Aro tllore fnilkhidH in EiiKlimdr" And he lu right, of coutho, In ohjootlng to such a turtn. 'Hut the (lUnHthm rumlndH ono that ihe'mllkriiald, a feature no much of Nng- lluh pootry tut of Koylluh-.aountry-llfu, la all but oxtlnnt. Long auo alio had glvon placo to the man; who ntlll doun io*>t of tho mUUliiK. lhit ho in turn htm glvon way t't m:i"hlnrry! A maolil'io U now In u-o hy which tun cows ni'i.hi) milked in tun nilniiti-M. The Untphlc, in nmnniunt ing upon It, HayHi ' Tho milkmaid hi throatmmod"; ovldontly unoonsclouti that dhu had already iloparted. "I'm golnp; n- milkln, slr.^ho Miid!" will nood a noto onnrplunntlon fur the next gunoratlon. Indoor farm worvants nom to he dinnp- pearlng.' At al! eveiit.s.ln many partH thoy nro unlcown. Klvo und thirty yoaru YorkHhire, it wan ihi> miiiilar arnuigo- mont for tho farm labnrorH to sloop in tliu hoiiHu and take their moal.H togothor In a vast kitnlion not apart for tholr uho. Hut the bund whlali univod oni|iloyov and em ployed Ihih boon broken. TIiIh hIhhvh itfiolf in other ohiingofl. PoniuinltoH, huoIi hh Jlrowood, Hklm milk, fallou fruif; and ({loan cum, wore freely (,'rnntod of old. Mow that tliu hvboror owuh no bond, und agttittoH for hltehor' wa^o-i and shortor timo, theea porqulHUoH havo naturally been atoppad. - ' Truu h'onio-mado broad In gradually becoming rarer. Kvury big vlllano bun Its thriving baker, who "does" the diHtriot with hin eart. Of courno, ho profotiflofl to ho 1 what ho oulln "homo-inado" but thoro Ih llttlo itomfort in tho nnmo. ThatchliiK Ih golnc: ou,t of fanhlon and oorrugatod Iron, anions other tlilnH, lo taking ltfl place. Iu Homo dlHtrlots already only oiib ooinpotonc thatelier can ho found. Tho Hnio(dc-fro'ok, nlthnugh not oxttnot, U lowly going out of use On a markot day In some nmall country town a wau onor from a rumoto pftrt may oooualon- allv bo noon In this quaint, primitive, plt'turimqun and norvloouble garment. JJut ho U qulto Htngulnr, and ohvlonnly a survival. <riiisls und .Family WiirHliIp, Thoro in probably no mlstroflfl'of a houfltthohl wlio luils not folt\in uncertain houpitallty ahout auking her truest* to join in hor family worship. Ifivory one him aoqualntanoefl they would not, h"dl- tato to auk to thtdr table, and would hoHi- tiibo to iiHk to tholr home altar. Perhaps the roluctanoo arlmts from a dlflflliwllnr- \%y of orcod, and a fnar of offonso In con- Biqiionoo. More likely it arluufl from that d'ln of roMtralhlnu; npirltnal tiontldenoo, Which la a peculiarly huRDttlna ano in this miitiirlallHClo atJo, for tho dUorHlty of oroud is no bar. Prayor liriN nothing to do with oroods. Prayor in tho universal ru- liEloa; and men of overy orood, and wen of no orood may meet togothor ut tho foot of oho Heavqply Father, Tho uuluo- tiincfi^rTdrti likoly" arlnen from tbnt woak HhauiG-faeedneRH that too ofton provonCR uympathy bntwoon frlondn on oplrltual flubjoota. Thoy are 'afraid to bo misun* dorntood, mailed at, orltlolsod. ,___ Thip latter dilomma Ih ono that ovon good and Brunt man Imvii not always not brnvoly, for whon Dr. Fuller once had ioio guootH of groat quality and fmblon ho Ohllttud his family wornhlp on tholr account, OMiln fact, which ho bitterly ropontod, ho donlgnatod uu "a bold .baahfulnofifl wblnh duvHt ufTond God, whllat it dtd fuur man." But wo should romombor with the grand old proaohor, that oar guoatfl, thonoth thoy bo ovor ho high or rich, art yet by nil the .Jaw* of houpitallty bolow uo'whllo thoy Hojourn iindor our roof. Thorefpre, whoovor oainon within our door fdiould also coiiao within our Iioupo- hold oiiBtuiuH and diflolpHno. If thoy flit at our table for moat it lo but kind and right thoy Hhould nluo bow at H In prayer. LadloB' Homo Journal. I'rinolploB MiiU" tlio* litCltnt Boiilnd all oharaotor thora nro ondurlua prlnolplos, and It lu by thuno prlnolplou, handed on from Hlroto noil, but dovelop^d for tha flrat timo BomotimtJH by ( hlnk In whom thoy nro llluutratou, thai' giroat- noKii In nurtured and the truest klnurahlp ueliUnod. Wo Hoc!, now and thou, tnen of tho htimhlflBt liueufttf* aa tho world reok- onii Hueh thlutt^ who mouufc to tho loft- ItiBfe omlnonoo from tho lowliest and moat obvouro botflpulno;^ ana wo soa allaloaK, In th btotory of auoh men, certain djontr jlnunt asplratlona, , oourag,<tiQd , mBJty pf vootltudB, whloh vuj and. mold thm from the boglnnlnR. Biloh mn, whmtpTer their orlffln* seem to !b* born of *jrre*b truth* and:nurtuitotUby;8rnd-l,dci.~l By tbM thlr lntelluctB wr nourished. k*W wiUi 4lMlVllm*4 iwl' ihoU ** MOIihMMA EI)i0NF!NI)SXi{AY2. TH WONDERFUL WIZARD DESCRIBES HIS LATEST DISCOVEItY. 2U*niKnu'H i'uiiilo lu .Uilvtu| -HuiiuU Wn^y Am x,Um AcuiiU Wlihdi Aot In l"rodii*ilii ilio 'ritiLiu'tiM Wliluli Am lli4t Sui'piUo (ontui'.V- Thotntw A. .I'JdlHon feola coultdcnt. that he luui uolved tlio 'pioblem ot! the X ray. fllu eouclii: ion^ an.- jitartllng, it>r U hlii ilunry be imru-cl, ilie X ray its. a liuiind witv, it' lie ly wrong, then Uu hiis dliicoverod what may be term ed, for want of a better nainu u,t tho moment, an X ray No, , or, oh bo referred ,to It with a k:U{;h, a XX ray. "Can you explain your theory of Iho X ray bidui; a iiouud wave V" "Certainly," aimwer.-d Mr. lidlson cheerfully. "In coniuiun- with other experlinentei'U 1 lui Vu had vui'loiui theorleii to account for the action oi' the X my of Km-M,;'.-n. Until 1 had iTfiiiL- ovor all my experimental data, the theory that it. wju a wu-ve trunu- mittod by ether -.vau .axsoopted. Dut liavlng carefully ;;otic over all I be ex- pcriments, facUs d;j not lit the theory that it l.'i a wiivc in the ether. The only tlutory consdntont with the re'tultu In thai It In n, wavi. t: ..tunilttcd by mat- tor, propoxate*! by lu; elar-UcLty or that form, when not too rapid, that hi called jjound. "Ilow do you iT.iMu the dlfi"reiLce between u In matter and a wave lu other ?" w.u; ask- ii. "S<vral buudi-ed milen above our atrnoifpbere," repllinl Mr. I'dinon, "la mippoHfrd. w bi- ;l void erf matter. A Blow w<" /e like a .sound wave ootild not hr traiuunltted y.-t tbe-ru Ih wirno- thlnjr there which Ht-rvvs to tnmsmlt lltrht .i.nd beat wave.s from th nun to the rvirth. TliIf Horn-'thinj,' Ih called the cthor." ' "Now. that Ih thr- (henry, and T will Hay rl'.rht here that !!' I had .n. tli^ory th:it riTiulred Riirh ;i khvfl of f-'ubst.nnc* 'to explain It. no on" would ever hear 'of fr. A sou ml vnv.'1 dc-e<; not ro(]iilr< nny other leetrlelty of th-> air ' and of yr>]hl ma'^"'aN', "Anrl yon mnn'r! thopo.wdth the ray In what way ?" ervntinned thr rrueH- t!on<T. "l^ry theory." Mr. Edition replied, ."In 11 THK X UAS'.)i;.NP WAVK that in a vacuum tube there Btlll r&- malna a lanje nui.iher or uioIl-cuIl-h of matter, and that when an eleutrlc wave appears u.t the aciivo disc lu itiu vacu um tube mokeukn ar-j thrown with great force and rapidity uyalnat the gla.HH wudla of the tube. These blows cauao an electric . v.ave to be trn-iiHrnltted through the Rla^H. '"Tlittie iiamo waves are tranamitt*>a through the air, whleh has the elastic ity duo to tho barome*.rio pressure. The wave striking the ery.stalH of cal cium tunR.state, Interot.'.jted, and a>ct upon the crystals in sueh a way aun to cauHe thorn to r;Ive off ordinary lltfht, which thoy will do even wnen rubbed with tho fine,or. Dr.- when a photograph plate Is used, the silver salts are de-composed for the reason that they, as well tut the crileium tunpHtate, have Urn property of fluor-r- eselnR: or becoming polf-lumlnouM when Hubjoctod to the X .ay waves. "There are, of course, many millions of mo]ceu 1 en \n a vaecum tu be when exhausted to the heat point of an X ray, when they are thrown apralnat the pla-sn. Each one striken a'separ ate blow and thane blows are not simul taneous, because the slubpe of the chamber Is such that it Is not the name distance from ono part of th* dloc from another part. Hence tho wave is not rythmical, like a musical wave. It Is analogous to a thousand bird Bhot thrown.'afrain"-t -a pane of tflfLBH. "In the voemim chamber, whon the first or primary concession occurs, tho effect in local, oovoilntr but a smoJl area of the bulb. Ihit on eh molecule rebounds like a Mmmo'* from an an vil, and In thrown aeros^ the tube to the opposite pflaKs wall, there making a second and wealcer concussion. There occurs probably pev^n of those re- . bounds, which accouutfl for the fact that the whole bulb plves otT X raya or waves. In other words, a Croolte'a vacuum ^ tube Is a. splendid Instru ment and, X bollero, tho only known means of obtaining' sound waves of an extraordlnnry frequency. "I expect that this nound-wavo theory, which I think was first broach- ed by.Rylvanufi Thomppon, an eminent EnpllFhman of Relence, will be attack ed. T hope It will, and that facta will . bo found to place jt where we all want It to be a wave In the .ether. "Tf'so, there lo ono 'tlunjr that will bave to be explained : All experiment ers admit that there Is molecular bom bardment of the frlfuJH wnlld of tho vacuum tube. In faet, tho wind-pal phenomena cbHorvcd Is that this bom bardment la ho powerful that at times, whon the current^ In atromr, tho Fflnsfl 1b .molted. : ; "Now, there cannot be bombardmont ' without the KlaHH receive tho, blows jinil tranwinits'thcm to the air outtddn. 'Thoflo, ' at lo.*Lst: . aro'ftovnd waves, fleyonty-flve per cent, of the whole ' enorpy or power of tho fit-bo Is cor talhty hi thrrte wave**, and tho quotntlon. ' are thoy tuken lip1'by- tll^ air? tf wo.-whim' wo* f,vi P,"*!"^ conditions, '>VTt>lidH'liave'an.'^'ray Np."Z.- . . "i*p. 'wro'fFt" X b^'ilm, ar(- t.h* . X I; 'v.V-.; '*' tna^n". bnJ thrpwfi ,- ;>.,<;.'^ fi.rl the,1m-tire"World ii^if.w.W-;- i/ff#'l*.'n'ow cnnflttntl.fir; ex- pe'r(meii4p; nlonit the Urn* of,.hla,belief. JT/nr AJieadofAnyclftinir I IVuv V.ver Mr. .lohti llnv.iw, tuercluint, Wuiorlooi yn: "I hnvt'rfivni Btark'n l'owders (for hoadanhe, coiiHtiVL-ntms, billoUHiioiiM and nuralf;iii,y^ an rxtontdvo trial, and ilud them-to tfivo thu ^roatost. unthifuotRtii in my family, I can very hhibly reonru- tiibtid thimi, They urn far uhoad of any thing Jf havij n\or uMud, and 1 hayo tried many r^iiiedioH." Kohl bj ull drniiC,iHtn at 'ifiL- a box, t, \u>xoa for fll, . Nloo to talio. immodhito und pormaiiont, (Put dutu lnt insertion. Harness. I win f^ivo you a gnnd riotfc ^ of Hiu^lo UarnoHH,warranted ^ hatul-mado For $10. F. S. Adams, Talbot Ht Khshx TREASUBER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES, 'IOWN 01*' KlSBhX, i WhnrtiiH hy vivtuo of a warrant luuad by the Mayor of tho To Wit; )" Town of l-^i.('x, in the County of Khuox und uuthontieitted by tho eovporide itiiI of tho paid Town I .oaring dare the fourth day of Felnunry, lfti)(l( and to mo din.ohd coumiajidiiij; mo 'olovy upon the following lutn or paieohi of htndu in arrearu for tiixcH due thoroon with (;onrn. I hertihy t;iv notico that uiilmiH tlio naid tiixtih and uohIh aro iioondr paid ] idiall, on WodneHday, the VMth day of June, lh'.Mi. at lh hour of tcu o'chi.U in tho forfumon, at IVeW'ii Hall, m the Town of Kijhcx, |ih<tuI to tu.-ll by public auction the luiids o^ ho muoh.ih'Tiof mi may be i-ullai. nt to.pi\ -ueh arraaru of taxes ud nil lawful contu incurred : Plan. JiOts, ThXoh, . Contu. Total, Sl.uo..... ;i()7.................. ;)7.................. ao.................. .'Mi.. I.Oft, 1.1(0 80 Oil o.o;t '207............................7 audM....... 22JJ..............____........ (I and Hi!...... 17!!.... ................... piirtH 2ii anil '27. f____.....................:v,\ uml ::i i 170..........................part lli'tj 2(17..........................'27 and '2Him:\..........................'2:i imd 21;..... Block :i I...............................*..... Block 10, ,.57 O.'J. , 1*5.87. ,.17.01. .80.20 3:1 no. . 7.11 . .-I0.9U , '1 Hi. ,2.;t^. ,2.1, . r, nn, ,-i.a:. .l.'.in. .2.T2. 511. H7 '2B.O'2 ao.o !M.7ft ft7.flfl o.oa W. D. BKAMAN, Tieamiror. ^r=T3 Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills ! Are acknowledged LEADERS eitl er as Power or Pumping "WrnclimllH, For prices and terma, addrees T. HALFORD Essex. - Ontario. , Agent for Essex County. Are You We t'tin supply yon with all kinds of Wooden Material, plain 'und ornamental. Pine, Hemlock and native Lumber always on hand. Sliing-es, Cedar Peats Doors, Bash and Ooal. We lake screen Doors and Windows That will last a Life-tiine* Laing Bros. 1 J..GOITBX.AY & SON, ESSE X ON' \-- x; f. ^ -':if.. JEEIM!-*Jlf n-uii <m WJ, m i-Uff TnE. TIUUMPH CORN BHELLER ir>3rZ5c3i^acx>T^i:c>3xr- Thin Maohino oonaietB/Of a boriaoiatal oaafccylinder, with wrought'iron/, burs, witL aiqol tooth bolted to, ^Jbe eyliudor so as to bo reversible wben 1 teeth hocomo worn on tho front, pjdo* vanning in a perforated concave bo -boll, which the sboilod corn .passes through into a sheet iron en bo, with tin or clpi'npr attached below,'which takes all the dust from "tho grain. :TaiohoapoBt bent, inoet aiinple arid'durable Power Corn heller m ase; BneJift;' witporfo'otiy clean inany condition HliolHng and cleaning from one to two:' 1 liousand bnshblB 6f oars'per day ,^ according to power. .-',-- ' '-'r^iL 1 I)iwtKMfliONfl.--Depth, ^ it.' 4 in.; Lerigtlr?fi fe 8 in;; Pun^/'l^ iii. aiw-|j afcer;ft in/faoo['Motion/BOO to 800.revolutions per minnte; WeitVht. ^OttiiS !i-^^ :-"':'\ '"\ :r-:.....J. OOURLAY A 8QM^M? 1412

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