Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 8, 1896, page 1

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*^v V Jr 7 / ' MONEY TO LEND On mort^auoa at 5 por oonL. Fire and Life In- saranob at lowest rates. j. W. GIBSON, A ({ent >4 oj-j *<* The Essex free press. MONidV TO LUND On mortgages ak ' oont. Irtroaudliife.Jii. Hurunco ot I oweet mttiK, J. W. GIBSON, VOL XII. No 19 ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY, MAY 8. 189G WHOLE No. 691 FORSYTHE, ANDERSON &CO. at BoH-dou having a complete stock of ROnoral tnotohandwc at oloaoat pwooi;. we always havo Borne "special snupn bolow wffular value, picked up :u ojportunity otto froxn malrora who xaat havo cash rogarilonHio pro lit. This week wo are offering Chi flfl .and Sea Tan Cotton Hobo,.all buioh, mo-ulur 15c kind at So a part. &' Black Cotton ILouo, Mon'a Cotton &ocka at 5c a pair Buggy Dnfltore, large -i/.o^hingod, 30c each. Boys' Sorgo and Tweed Panto 50c a pair Men's now washing Ties, white olorod 3 for 25c Extra value in Carpets. Heavy yard wide rovoHble Union Garpota worth usually 60c, special anap at 3oc yard Ladies' Partisolu, extra values from 65CUP Lace Curtains from 85c pr up or Ladies' Kid pointed toe Oxford*, patont tips, 75c a pair Crockery. Wo have opened up a Crockory Doparbmont and purpose soiling this lino at oloso prices. Our pjoods will be found firat-cluea and wo invito comparison of prices. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Odd Pieces, Salts & Peopers, Preserve Dishes, Etc., Etc. 800 dozen Fruit jars just received cheaper than over. i FORSYTHE, w. ANDERSON &C0. Leading Store of Essex. *gw^-IXv TlttE BROOKEH. Mr. Thou. FriiHor ruooivod a uayorn kink on the \tiii while punning Unbind bin liornorj uhoufc two woolot ago, but lie is gotling along (inoly now. Quartorly mooting wan hold hero on Sunday. wooding inboiug rimhed tbia (hie weather. BEiXK biter UOKP. Tho LadicH' Aid of tho Mothoditifc church promiooa to bo a huooohu. 'f lie following office v/oro olootod: Mm. Wm. Millon, promdont; Mrs, Franor, lot vioo-preii.; Mva, Wra. liawlinn. 2ud vioo-pron.; Mr. Stephen Millon, noorotary; Mm. John Mil- Ion, awmitant uoorotary; Mr.MoAfoO|troaH. Tho -luartorly mooting wiih largely at tended and an excellent influence porvadod tho mooting. Pan tor Bhaw officiated. Ttov. Mr. llor iu expected to proaoh next Sunday at 11 a, m. OLINDA. Groat intercut in talcon m the woakly mootingH of the Horticultural Hooiofcy hold bore. Ed. Corlott lian bognn work on E.Ryall'H new bnok romdonce. Ethel DawHou and Minn Corlott mo Htill on tho niok hot. Mihooo Maggio McDonald and Pboebo Wilcox wore colluding raiBniouary money laHt wook. Mian Eucy Knight in boro viaiting BiHtor, Mm. Elmer Hyall. her ou of NORTn RIDGE. Thorn tin B. Sloto and wifo onllod I1 Langloy of Edgar )ant Sunday. David Moore and family, lata Qarleton Co. moved into abouHO owned Uy William A. Montgomery, hint wook. Haraucil Baltzorand Walter Sima woro at Cedar Creek hint Monday and Tnonday on a ftnhing expedition. nonry Williama of Utica, Miobiqan, oallod on relfttivos hero ]at wook. Tho protty littlo hummina birdu with i.ti aLiitlu. are liKAMINOTON. Mian Onrtio Conovor in on tho molt linf. Goo. Buattio in lupairiiig bm bouno on Talbot Hbrcot. Quartorly hocviooh in tho MethodiHfc ohiiroU Smihty. Mmrt Mary Malott, KiugHVillo, iipont Saturday in town. Quito a few of our youutf pooplo spent Sunday in Kin^Hvllle, T.I1. Poiifjolly hi bo far roooverod an to bo ablu to be out. Mta. Ij. A. Boauoy and Minn Kthol Fost wore in town on Friday J<\ O. Stafford of tho public itohool iituff, tipotit Saturday in town. Mum BohuIo JVloLood, Windaor, wa tho ^uont of Mum Klla Coulaon hint waok. Liowiti WikIo in putting in a hir^o glana front in hie grooory department. Jii. McClatohy in turning out about iiixty huttor bowlhfrom Iuh factory ovory day. Kov. Mr. Clatworthy baa romovod to tho houno owned by .7. IX. T?it/mmonnf noar tho pumping ytation. A gamo of foot bull between tho Kingu- villoolub and oar IXi|i;h itohool boyu wait playod on Monday ovoniug on tho fair ground a horo. * Monday morning a team bolongiug to Jaw. Clara, became frightoned at a panning train and\au away. One wan badly cut on a barbed wiro fotico, > MAIDSTONE. lion. Win. McGregor wao iu town on Tuenday. Tlio olootionn bring many viaitorH to Maidutono. J. Koofo and Mian Nollio Barrett woro tho gunhtii of Midh Nellie Dunn on Sunday. About a Hundred carp woro taken in the ditohen during tbo roconfc flood. IVIiflH Addio Devlin waa in Enaox on Sun day Mr.'Wortloy will havo fcho R. C. young pooplo'o hall oomplotlod in two or ibrco WGOllH. Tioltotfl aro out for tho L. D. C. concert for tho night of tho 26th of May. Oct a reaorvod noafc. FarmorH do you want money at b\ par eout? If ao write A. G. Baker lieamiug tow, Unt. Tormn of payment of pnucipal to uuit borrowera. AKNER. is Miaa May Lookhart, ot Amhoratburg, yiniting Mr. Colin Wright. Eli Wright, of Windaor, in visiting hi parontn, Mr. and Mrn. V. Wright. Alex. McDonald has roturned to Amor aftor spending tho wintor iu Detroit. Mr. and Mra Leonard havo roturned homo from an extended viuit in London and o th or o an torn oition. D. 1). Huff and two danghtorn, Mioses Maud and Wmmfrod, general agontn, Bona of Temperance, s^ont Tuoadaya at S. Agla'a. Mra. Solomon Agla and Miaaea Amelia and Lena Agla, have roturnod home from visiting in Toledo, Oak Harbor and other Amorican oitiea. HAUEOW. Shorill llor wan in Harrow hint Monday on buninoun. For tho hint week Harrow ban been booming with borne tuulora. Joh. Mulder ban tho contract for fur- mailing timber to J O. Million of Amherat- "TSurfTfor whurf repairing. Dr. W. J. Campoau i building a aom- oomodioiifl woodnhod in tho roar of bin remdenoe, Thou. Lit Ho in the oontrastor. M. K. Cownn, Libeial oimdidato for South Ehhox. arrived in Harrow on Mon day morning and will remain i:i CololiDHtor South until Ihumday evening. About twonty-ilvo Harrow Oddfellowu nttondod Kingnvillo I. O. O P. annivcrwiry nervico hint Sunday afternoon. Itov Mc Donough olllciatod iu tho lVlothodint church. Iku Mulder in in trouble again. LaHt Wodticatlay when Theodore Larabboo waa driving fiomc hngH to pound that belonged to Ike, Ilto interfered and toolc tho hogn uway and UHod abtnuvo and threatening language to Mr. Larabbon, Larabbeo fliimmonod him to appear before Squire Richmond lant Monday at 10 a. ra. but wan romandod until Saturday, tho !)jh, when Dalou Davin of Arahorrftburg will appear for Mulder. Tbo mombera of tho A. M. E. churoh will hold a mounter bu-rbeauo in Central grove on May 2l!rd. An ox nun boon oe* cured for tho ocoaeiou and will bo roimtod und uorvod during tho day in tho old time southern atyle. Tho Hurrow braH4 bund ban been aoourod for thooooaaion. GamoH- und amuaameuta of all Hindu will be in ordor during iho day, Rov. Poaroo In manager of tho day'n procoodingn and W. D. Balfour, M. 1\ P., and M. K. Cowan ano Dr. S. i. King and D. K. Davia will yivo addreoBea during tho afternoon. woaf md.i of the Hud oouunaniiin to Brown'n creek, tuj cat ry tho nurpluit water off bin land On motion of AIoiihw. Prion and Damtn Mr. Hut/el'.! untioe wan I'uforrnl to the r< ovn and Mr. flant to report thereon to conik il. TIh) amlnoru reportt'd na follown a enl* luctor'y ucuo'jni with the munioipulily of Miidutuuc fur ilm year ondiug December 3lt, 181)5 T i"nr of icmb nf, land t:i\... ,^17,blJ7.1'l Tn unit non-niHi I' nt bind tax.. 4.1,'t '2'.) Or. towimhip troa-i. .8U,n()0 '21 Statute labor roooipta.......... 'J,.')77 00 Rebate on fichonl tateti........ Hi G4 ' lumomttnont on land.... 19 fit " " drainage,. (S C'2 " dog tax.. H 00 Abanutoo lint (uworn).......... 200 fiO Bal nou-reatdent land tax...... 1182 (JO Ciuih paid thin day, April 20th.. 205 m Auditora. COTTAM. D. V. fla.itohol 1 baa bought a Btoam hreuhing maohino. David tloHH will occupy tho Motley Houie in about ono week. It iu now un dergoing rapaira. Wm. Fulford and family loft Cottum last weok for Kingavilio. Thoro .aro Boveral vacant botiicu bora. John Tllley in null walking with tho aid of oruteheH although It is ovor uvo wont ha sinoa hia loot was broken. Horoea are m better demand this uprlug than they have been lately Mr. Burk Hold one to Mr. Edmunds for 885. Ernest Clark sold one for 40, and another for $85. Tho official board of the Motbocjiit church met on Monday. A tery com pii- momtary reaolutlon was toad red the pa. tor, Rev. Sb*w( and a unanimous intinn." tion to remain for the third yt>r< MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Town Hall, Maidbtonk, Apuu, 20tu, '96. Coauoil met thin day purauant to ad jourument, all tho merabora proaont. Tho minutog of the provioun mooting woro road, and on motion of Moaara, Plant and J'rioo amended by ohauging tho data thorein to wluoh council adjourned from April SOnh (an erronoonaly atatod therom) to April 25th, tho corroot dato to which tho council adjourned. On motion of MonHrH, Prloo and Damm tho rainutoa ati thua amended wero adopted. Joiopli Cada addrciaoed tho council rela tive to a drain ronatruotod by tho corpora tion about fourteon ye&ra ago a]on^ tbo northern boundary of hia landa for tbo purpoao of conducting tho water of amo tion of the read between the 1th and 6th oenccaaiana to tbo rivor Puco. Mr. Cada stated that aaid ditch had beaomo no en larged ao to bo a meuaeo to tho fmfety of hm atook in his barnyard, along which it pauHou. and roquostod couuoil to either fonee it out or furmeh him with the tiles ncaos- nary to make at leaat a portion of it a coyerod drain. On motion laid ovor till nxt meetiug of oouncll. John Baldwin prestutel bill of 912.04 for coastfuotiug two briddfon on Puoo road. On motion of Mousra, Price and Damm, aafd bill waa puid. Moved by Mr, Potter, ncuoudod by Mr. Plant, that .Tohn Loe bo added tc tho Hut of pouudkoeperi for 1896 and that the olerk bo fnatruoied to prepare a by law to onr.'y the nai<! appointment into effeob. Carried. UoBar*. Wilaon, Rankin, MaKeougli <fe Kerr, barrlbtora, presented bill of 98.60 for aerviceu randnraii corporation in 1695. Moved by Mr. PUnt, Htwonded by Mr. Priae, that the aaid bill bo paid, Carried. Henry HuUel not|Ued the oonnoil to emihtruot a dltoh along the bo nth side of the road between loti Jo and 17 from the 918,120 78 N. E. Collectorowoh towunhip nothing and ih ontiUod to hm bond. Wo havo noon counted and chocked all recoiptn for ouuh and litatuto labor and mirkud aamf) Ro. Hp'ctfully niibmittod. MlCIUKL McAHIiIKl'IC, ritiNcio Funuir, Maidfltouo, April 20th, 1H(J(J. Moved by Mr, L1riou, nooondnd by Mr Damm that tho auditor'a roport on oolloo- tor'a account be adopted. Carried. Moyod by Mr, Plant, noconded by Mr, Price that tho oollootor bo paid $10 for work and diaburaoinontfi. Carried. Wm Miller prenontod bill of 85.77 for gooUH fumifihod Buhart, Ilugurty and Moron, indigontn. On motion of Mosora. Price and Plant Mr .Millor'n bill ivaa paid. Tho WindHor Record preaentcd bill of 310 *i0 for printing '100 oopion of uuditor'B report on townHhip treanuror'a acoonnt for tho year ending Dooomhor Hint, 190,*i--On motion of MriHiira Dimm and Price paid. On motion of Meflarn. i'ottor and Damm tho following ooata in the auit of U F floy- mour va Maidutono wore paid : Mr Plant a trip to Chatham. 811.10; Mr. Corbntt.a trip to Chatham, WooJhIoo, h)st,ex and Windsor, 9815. The Clerk introduced a by.lav; to altor tho bou udariofi of iichonl Hootioun Non 0 and 9. Said by-law wan put through tho uaual roaduipo and panned, Mr. Plant in the ohair. "* Ait'uUL Wiluo.i iiiiu miio otht rrf petitioned council to aonntruot, undor tbo proviniona of tho Ontario Drain ago Act a drain to carry oft" tho wator from tho area doncriood in naid potition tho Ha id drama to bo located an followH: Commouoiug on tho uorth roar road drain oppomto tho ea<<t Hide of fcho nllowftiico for road bofcwoen fcho 7th and 8th a itn:eauioun, thenoo along oaat nide of mud road to the Houth of the Maiden road, thence oaat along tho nouth aide of tne nuid road to the Quintan nido road thonoo northorly along tho wont aide of road allowance botwoon lota 0 and 7 to tho eouth uidu of tho middle toad until a uufli- iont fall in got to take tho wator. ho Contigan branch of tho drain to commence ub tho no nth nido of the Maiden road opponito to tho lino botwoon lota 5 and, C B M R. thonoo northorly along uaid rino t ceubro lino, thonoo oaat along oontro lino to the went aide of road allowance bo tweon 0 and 7 and joina tho WilBon drain. Moved by Mr Pottor, nocondod by Mr. Plant that th& potition of Mr. Wilaou and othora be reootvad and that tho olorlc be inntruotod to notify the ongiueor to exam ine and roport on aaid draina to thia ooun- od at its next mooting. Carried. Ou motion of Metwra Price and Damm, Edward Cbittlo waa refunded 93.00, au ovoraharge ia bin drainage rata for 1805. On motion of Mensra Plant and Prise, S. Lnnpumrice wan given $6, refund of Htatnto labor to road divinion No 14 on lot 19 in 4th couooaaion for 1895. In tho matter of Mr D Grant's cli'im to bo ontitied to pay for a portion of bio landa aaid to bo uuod iu oponiug "The Groat Goro Road", purauant to inatruo tiona from tho ooimoi], the clerk pro duced and road eopioti of potition, resolu tion and by-law re tho opouing of taid road. Carried. MoEipra. Ruaaall, Palmer and B Stover complained to council that ou aooouut of a defect iu the G T railway'n nydtobi of drainage a*i Puoe the wator wai allowed to remain on their lands, and requested council to hove railway company attend to the matter. Moved by Mr Prloo, nooondod by Mr Damm that theolerk baiustruoted to write tho obiof engineer of the G T R Co re* queuing thorn to remove at onoe tho cause for complaiat of Meufirs Palmor and Stover, Carried. On motion of Mesare Plant and Damm the treasurer wan authorised to make do wand on thd treasurer of Eusex Town of payment of that eorporatlon'a portion of the cont of constructing tho Pace or No 1 Tap Drain. Moved by Mr Prito, f<eoonded by Mr Damm that tKa oouuoll does now adjoutu to meet in/Court of Reyleloa 0b the aaMflsmenyrell at the town hall, Maid* ntono, on Htardy, May 50th, 1895, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Giving up Business I1ST kssex, Barrett & Coy Have decided (owing to other business ar rangementR in the east) to wind up the! business here, and in order to convert intc cash in the next 60 DAYS 60 Their present stock of over $12,000.00 Will start Saturday, May 9, A Gigantic Closing-out Sale Of everything in their establishment. In order to make this alo doubly in- torching wo will give a straight discount ol us jioi- cent, ojr overytliu.g in Dry Goods, Gents' iAirniehinrs, Hoota and Shoes. 50 per cent, oil' Hats and Caps. wo aro determined to close out ovory dollar's worth of ^oo'la in ourntoro boforo July 1. Come early and got tho ehoico of tho hundreds of bargains na this is your last chauco to oecuro Lh<-ni? for wc are bound to got out by fcho above dato. Bring your cash and eggs to BARKBTT Be OO Bankrupt Stock Store; Headquarters in Esnox for low prices. UUHPlUlTLn NOKYIl. Town Hall., Cottam, Arum 20th, 'U(i. Tho connoil met purauant to adjourn ment, all the raouiberti preaont. The raiouteo of tho laflt ooflflion wore road and woro on motion adoptol and yignod, Tho clerk reported that tho RBHeoHor had returned hia roll for the current yoar. On motion tho firnt mooting of tho Court of Itovioion on tho aaeouamont rot* 1800 wan fixed for Saturday, Slav 30th, at 10 o'clock a. m. A potition aipucd bv ooven rate payers from oauh of tho towmahipa of Qontield North and Colohoator North and uiuo rate- payfirn from tho Town of Eanox wan pre. sontcd to tho conno'l aukiuK that the property of G M Thornton bo trauwforrod from S fi Nb 8, Goafiold North toUSB No i of tho Town of Eibox. ( In reply to the above Wm Billing, Enq,, wao appointed arbitrator (or Gosfiold North. Wm Cook made application to have hie proporty tranflforrod from S 8 No 10 to S SNoC. The cleric wan instructed to propara a by-law to anthoriHe tho required ohanRO' and wait also instructed to notify tho truntocH of oaoh of tho aootione interested. Qaorffo Dobfloa applied for a monthly i aiim to aBBiafc in tho maiutonanoo of Isaac ' J3 Jocb and wifo. Information wan ro- ooivod that aaid partieo aro in receipt of a sum from othor nouroon deemed by the council Bufiloiout for thoir mMntona-noo, tho application of Mr Dohoon wan there fore uot ontortalnod. Bamuol Ahh uiikod for grant to aum'st in ffravfillinK tho Rth oonoeeoion road wodfc. Laid ovor. W Reovea ashed for the repair of a ditoh on tho uuth roar ro.d. Mr Barlow wa oommiisioned toaltobd to the matter. AloxDanoan aitkod for a Kranb to (jratio a portion of tho 8th oonootimon road eaat on oouditiou that ho doos au equal amount ot w^irk gratit The dojsuty-reovo wa* oommiBiiioued to lob tho work aoked fer, Uotjoru Qlillon and Nowmau woro pom miHBiouad to lot the job o|[ builditifi bridg oyer BoIIo river on the 10th oonotatdon road. 1'hu clerk waa Instructed to notify the drain inapootor to look dfler the draina under thoir charge, nnU ahw'to notify W Jam* to pay to GW Malott the bum of 93, part of line for horeoa placed iu Mr Malott'i jionnd iu 1895. The followiunlorderB ou > the treasurtr were passed: The Echo Printing Co, iRMiiroent iiotioM, fl.35,, / I Juckaon, feoB on Arao drain, 82 ftp. Tan B .Laird, oooti of award for Amos drain, ?10 Jim S Laird lotting and receiving part Of DucMand drain, SO. \ Jjouuubur), work "ii Huct'Imd drain, S2.'J5, Wtn Tilley, work on Buoklaud drain, 81.75 Norn, The laat tUrco ordoro to be charged an foHowa. Sli.13 to the north oaut corner lot 2fl0, TRS, owned by .TaflLyon; 9b 88 to tlio u J lot 204, TE8, ownod by tho L B it ii Co, of Hamilton ; and $4.f>0 to the e pt n i, lot 260, TRS, ownod by Mra 8 Burling. E J Loveluco, pnnciug and ntationery, 3S. S G Bcooker for inauranoo on hall for threo yo>re, #15. S G Brooker, utarapu, 8I.G0. A Bondy, two bridges on tap draino 79 and 80 and repair ot bridge on tap drain IB, 832. W AHh, ^ value of oheop worried by dofie 82. I* Bedell, yalaiw! above Hboop, 81. Vf Milieu, freight on uorapor from Wind- Hor, 81.12. I'hoa Hill, repair of two acraporB, 82.7C. Wonloy Moo, wood for Oampbell, $l.t>0. F Gauooyno, repair of fence at grave] pit and matorial, 9*. Robort Hftc^iuo, towaaiup'e portion o MoHahoD drain, 918.37. T Bevin, charity for April, 91.81. J Campbell, charity for May, $H, .T Bualtborrongh and wife, charity for May S/i, H Spo*ohley, repair of ealvort on TD &i on north townlino, 84. J W Williawf, rofand of ntstuto labor for 1805, 83. J Bou no, refund of statute labor fjf '0 > 83. C Annou, work on T D 80, 8G0. do do to bo held till drain is cewplotod. Council then adjourned to Saturday, May SOth, at onoo'olook, p. m. Wave A. OYcAt BepatRtlou Her* J. B. Taylor, Esq.; merohant, Well and. Bays: "Stark'e Powders haye a great i re putatiou about hero as an immediate. a> well a a pormanont, core for Headach bilioDBiiesa, neuralgia, liver and stomaol oompUlnti. cosiiveneaa. I know of peopl who have ben long nd great sufferer* who have tried almost eyerythiup, an have been oared by them. We have as& them in our own fatally with .rettwk*b!e uoo." Two preparation! Ineoob box. ^ Bold by all mea'oinedealerB at 9lo a box"^i Sbaxeill Nice to take. May 8.; Vi #; w* ^^^hML: *>?*& . v. iS^'l^<MMLd siT7jK> . * J. .t r ^dL^t'k .{-> /' >* 1,1. M %!$*

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