Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, page 8

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wmwwfTw ) VM1 BK yRElB * No Go! ESSEX 24th OF HAY CELEBRATIOH, butyou will make no mistake Boy e, if you ATTEND WHITNEY'S NINE-JJAY SALE, In order to rethico my lur^o Htoak of Folk Hutu I "will commonco u SALE ON FRIDAY, MAY 1st, continuing milil 11 o'clock, Saturday ovonmtf, May Oth. tThia will bo a Oreat Money-Saviia^ Sale and a call ai my Store will convincu you that WhiLnoy (loos junfc aa ho advortiHoa. Boo horo aro n low of tho ^Bargains I am Offering : SIR DONALD SMITH Appointed Canadian Commis- aloner in London. SWORN IN A PRIVY COUNCILLOR FEDORA HATS IWular Prico Sl.Yfi, now 81.40, tlo do do tlo CRASH HATS * STIFF HATS Rom ember, these prices will only continue for 0 days. 1.6(1 1.2fi 1.00 73o 50c 3.70 2 60, 2.25, 1.15, 98c, 70c,. 42Jc, 1.00, 1.7ft, 1.40, I havo Buciirecl samples of wall Paper h'oxo tho Consumers' wall Paper Co , Windimr, mul can hiivq vou from 16 to 2fi pn' onnt on your monoy. Priuon ninuint! from Uctti a roll up to GGobi. Bo wire and call before buying ohio whore, as it in no trouble to nhow good . J. Whitney, HATTER AND FURNISHEE. IflqfotWhySo? And If So Why N bt P We claim oar nfcare to bo the great headquarters for "bargains in Boots, Shoes and Slippers. ~If ho, wTrynot deal with ub? We promise to place at your disposal the beat and most desirable- goods in tho market ftnd make the prices right. Oar store is a place all econ omical buyers nhould vi it. Custom Work a Specialty, Sifiu of tho Golden Boot, WIUTNEY BJjOCK, KSSEX. AI&PERSOMAL Liboral candidate Cowau wuh in town "ttn Wolntwdy. Eev. Pr. MoGup, o[ MaKhitout* waa in town yesterday. llov. N. E. Scatt bus bUn vioitiag rula- j tivuB in Toronto, Mihu Gouuvn Aula, of Arner, wan in town on Friday Uet. rred Button, or .Loudon, called on W. C. iiud Mrs. Liiiuj), laot week. films Anna Coleman vituted friends in ^Detroit thin week for a few days. HoQHrti. S. B. Green and Onus. Wluto bud their wives spent Sunday mi Harrow. Mrs, Geo. Barth'u condition tu quite orit* tuiii und hhuhb nopon aro entertained for ht*r recovery. Wesley Norton, aanuttant na&uagor of Oak Hull, Hamilton, calltid on liobt. Colo- ixiu.ii lust weak. Mrs. (Dr. Jan.) Briou attended tho tuuoiai of Dr. Brieu'ti mothor iti Kidge- town last week. J Buck, our popular butcher, who had boon Hponding a few davH in Chicago, ar- rivud homo on Sunday. E. Plummor Io[D ou Tuesday for fcJwau- to, Ohio, whoro ho will enter tho tailor ing buiimoHii with kin brother. McoHre. Tkraahor, Chatterton, Wifilo land Gardiner attended the I. O. O. IT, -lorviaua at Hath von on Sunday last. XI. W. Allan, M. P., arrived bomo from Mituwii laut Batarday ovoninR. Ho ia looking wolf as usual, after the stormy rtoeairfoue hold at tho capital. Dr. IX. II. Milboo, of Barrio, roooutly graduated, iu viniting hia rolativoa tho Menard. Gardner Brua., aud-lamilioH, talks of locating iu tho wont. Bou tit TChhox ScIiouIh. Emroa oi Funi: Vi:\u Snt, Tho fallowing nchodulo giyoa the attondunce, tc, in*- South Khbox nohoolu for tho month Maroh. ".9 - - - Si -D ^ Uoraoa Qonilol'1 Houtb Goatloltl North Cfilohotitor S . ColoUoiitor N .. Maldor ....... Aniltirdon . . TlburyWoBt... Poleo Inland... Loaruiiicton ... KinRoviUo ... . Emioi....... Amhoratbure Total 171 2711 an Ell jio !i30 82 2B5 ii):t 21'i M3 SICK ti T* t> a w p o < a a <D o -K a! o - *3 t-. +j 3 in *^ 2 ki a^3 %ts 5^ O O ^2 u o o o .-< Ij o n o "-l O jj <u p i> P fcU z; C-i el P-i d fit nil 7il.3fi CO. 30 70-21 72.H1 II'J mm 00.42 70.J3 r>i ia a 1.70 00 10 :i7 ^C'.i 71).% O'l 72 til 170 71.B0 72 10 17 a^i fflA1) 05.01 68 r,(rr oa.Ki Gfi.OG t) 110 Hi 1)0 77 01 25 :ion 60,11 Oft.71 10 2H2 81.76 79.07 1-1 :tu: 77.50 V*J IB I 2211 B'J.2-1 8JC1 __ ----. .- . - 410 1112 7155 6!) in 111* ComwIp ti Ui'Brl t llio Cnhlnct - Hon. J. A. < taitiiifjtu Hiihl u> Mmc n.<itlu- ril lt lt-r-lkl n I'ur<fll* 1'-<B |U>.ulilil(Hi rrdclumutloit Ottdw.i, April 2i.-(HpceInl) At to day", nu-^thif; nt the Cabinet Hir 30nn- alil V. Smith wuh appointed IIUcli f:'n- mlmdoni'.'l'in* Cimiuln l LuiwlO!i1(Ui ^ell um .l Pilvy Cnuncllloi ol tin- Uunilnlo.i, ImL not ol" Hi. I'ahlm-t. h- U"..n pnjcctdoil to Uld.-au Hull lit r. o'clocic thin afternoon, whort ho wan uworn In bvtou Mhi Kxrollonuy hi tin- pk-h.-ium- uf Sir Mnelcciub; Jtowcll, Hh- Adfdpho Ciiron anil Hlr Flunk Smith. Meunuhlli' thou' upiH'iun to hi- np phiLHKc In thf political Hltuatlon. w Kir M.'ickcnzltj Howi-ll hi "till .yreuib-r. Vour cnrrcHpmident bad a U w mlunt u' liat tvlth him to-nlKht and foiinoT him is chirpy as ever. Iloyond tin* fact ('f Kir Donald'tJ nppolntinenl, h- i-ald tlmvf wa'nothlinr further to anuoiinc^ The pix'ticnt uncertainty, howcvi'i, "inuHt , bi dispelled In a few duytt. Sir Frank 9mlth had a h n^lliy con- fcience with the Premier to-nl^ht and It In not unreasonable to mippoHe Jio urtved decisive action. The fotmnl prochimallon, nnnouncInK the cllMHolutloii of Parliament wuh ik- Hiied to-day Tbt* Cleric of tho Crown In Chun- eery In busily outfaced b'uilnj.: tlu- \viiu Tliotje for the most distant coii.uittien- i\ca will ko first. There w.m a larjvo fcatbeiln^ at tho C.A.K. Btatlon tbl.s aftt niotui, to hay uood-hyc to Atr. and Mi j. l.itmif r nn fur home. Mi. Laura r wm accompanied tn Monl icliI by M'u1* in. Lister, Suthorlaml, (Jlbj-on, MoMnlh-ti, Lu\\(dl, JJuvIch, FraHt r and other nn m- hem of 1'ai ll.unf ut, who havi- gone to iiUfiid thi' SobniL-r Park inoiUntf tu- nltrlu. Mr. ThomftH McFnrlano, Dominion Chief Analyat, 1ui\cm lor KiiKl.uid ahnrtly. He has bet n insU ucteel by Col J'rioi, Contioiler of fnland Re venue, to iMifiuIre into the utilisation of tho iH'WUfie of larjre cities for fertl- HkIiiK liurpotted, by tho i-iitablifilunent of Hewajre farm a. H it; definitely n-tllcd that Col. Cole of Cnrrlson Artillery, will comnutiul the ShoelniryneHH team thlf year. Tin- chance:, of Capt. Hob Mylth ol Toronto for t-e'-inliif; the adjltuncv nl' thi team an \eiy Rood. Thin will bo the fourth time a Canadian ti-un lias K'Hit' to Knjrl.ind to compete Ith the niembeih ol the National Ar- tflleiy A.*, oriatlon of Great Jlrltaln Th' flrit oce.i-ion uiih In 'Kl, tho next In TI, and the third time In 'fc'i. Tin M.u iue Department vis noti fied to d.i\ of th.- brc-iiklntf of tliu lee biilur nt Queiiec, so that nuviiratlon ol ih'^. St. Lawi eneu K fully nprrit d The lifilit Pei'pej at Cape Itace repoi ts fivt* lurffc hvheiL" In th. vhdoltv of thai jlar-i.. JHliIv, |ln recent ftniv! thiec IL-htJio'i--.!^- !iii,w( n Monti. .J and Quebec weje caniid a\\:iy by tin* Ice Trad.; returns for th inne n.onth*. v, hleh wi'i'p I ' net] h\ the Ciiotoin^ Dipailm htto-d i f a most ntis- lactm - c>h<ii.icti r. The exjiOi t j show an hiere/iM- nf f"i,'^l,0i)() over the name period la.,t yr.ii, \\hi!e (nil m Ls . ir in creased by jri,7(J".7i;i. Mi. IV1m will undoubtedly bt natilleri ^ith tie- fte.uly Ineie.i'-e in the revenue from tlifh Hdiinc. J'"oi tlit* nine mnruii<, it l* nMHri.OOO Ictur than for the pe riod l.LhL i car. Aire.idj i otic, s of legislation for rii-M s-.s^-lnn me brdnjr bled .* moiij; tin- Intent is niu rn incorporate n coni pnny to build .1 bridge aeros.s the Nl- aKurn liner at Poit Kiio. JL P. Davie*, Cb.irh'M Miller, Toron to: Clin ib h Sparks, Ottawa; Cm Hie imvlcs or Toronto; Hawdon Brume]] of Toronto are s eklm-* Incoriioration liH the American The Compiny with hoadquartuiM in Toronto and a of ^."i.Ofin The obleet 1^ to maku all Uind.4 of parts of bicycles. Cli.lVl.r.AU WIM, SOT ALCIZI'T. NEWWOJtOoJUIIIthb ^ "L^DV BLACKWOOD UNION" LS FOMMF-r> IN Nt-W YOUK i'<> Triilu [.^(IIkh* Mwhlj (lifit \a (im1IvI<1uiiI in<] UoiiiilU V*ry HunUfn..-- |(ii-||y_\Vlnr <im \\omuU i^iiii !><* < I'. mliilU" Art-j. P'vi'i- fine*- tlie vcrv prnctb'-il lnicVi- ti( Ydik btKuii coinblnliu: the uhc- [ill with ibe nruamenliil, nut! ever Mnet< 1 he li uden' found time to mliutle Kliu;'n'litei-H' woilc in with luelr o \\\ in- In 1 life, tlu* i;lrl of the in 1 toil iiiia been nyinj' to jut how vei y UHelul ubtj ormni l.i i<. 1 he world wllboul flnprlvinir hor- ili' nf iiny of her own enjovnnnt. " (lunditnme In u*t hn ndhoiuc do cm" inUrlit bi- upon the brooch of every I telle, fur "hamlnomo tlnon" in her de- e>dptlon. The latent an.d moat UHTieful mnv* upon the rmi-t of mieli Lnlle^ \> tin teneliliiK nt Inf 1 les-i' inaldn Thtn in- "ludi'H tlielr Instruction In all brancben Diebel & Bricker v if the toilet and their tenehlni? upon nm ttorti nf dn nn. The yrmnir ladlon who me willing to take MUnh a duty upon tiiemnelve i Imvr banded toiretber under the nam'- if "The Lndy Illnckwood Pnlnn," and the ledger hIiowh eighteen namc-i or very wel|-kuou n y>uni,', people an In - (.dunera und plonci r*i of the niovem< at. Ijiuly IJlackwood In I'arln has tialned Bevernl and Ih wllUm; to tefum ever 0 more, Hhc wuh, In fact, the oilrlnuTor of tiie movement. Tlie plan of the union 1m an iwllv*** un] one. Kuril yountr umiMn pb-d r* lu'iself to tench a j^trl a montb until fthe lui'i Inntj-ueted half a dozen duilnir the year. Th* fdrl during the month nf lier service lives with her philan thropic nilwtietia, nctliiK ni ie 'libit lady'H makl and rccrdvinfr Imitruetion In the same until perfect. A month irt ample, fnr a (pilclc trlrl, and tliOMe who t'annot learn all the duties of maid i'l that time aie dbirnlmed entlreiv <>i Riven n lower decree ai assiMtant maid or lady's assistant. The "pfraduatoM" or those who at tlie end of a month are peifo<t, are ^1\ cm "dlplomaM." And with thenc hi baud thry find no trouble j^'ttlnK position* in the very wealthVU r.imllle-., 'i ;i" iiiHtltutlon is .somewhat like th'- sy t- m of trained nui'HeH in the KivlKh titled familte:i. where a trained iiuim m'Im t j nix months or a year on trial, hoplu*/ for an many pihpa of ulckncss In th^ family an possible. At th. cnrl or lu*r vear alio has a letter nf reoomuienda- We are offering Special Values in Lace Cur tains and Carpets Laco Curiairm from 25ctH a pair to $5 a pair. In Super Union yard-wide Carpets, we offer tho regular G6c quality for 60c a yard. Tapostry Carpets from.88c to 75c a yard. JBniHHola Oarpota from $1 to $1.25 a yard. AAl-wool CarpetH, regular prico 85o, for 75c a yd, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Wo have Hold more Men's and boyV Suits the past two weeks than ever beiorc in the same tirao. Tho reason is tho unprecedented low prices. Men's wool blue Sorpre Suits, regular pri*o $5, for $2.98 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits do $7.50 for $5. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, do $10, for $7 60 Men's fine Worsted SuitH do $15, for $11 Men's all*wool Tweed Pants for "98c a pair, Boys' and Youths' Suits at correspondingly low prices. Monstrous Purchase of Men's, Youths aiid Bo V Straw Hats, at a great reduction from regular prices and we aro selling Mi'U'h lino Stvihs M>rnwIIats,wortli.>)l.oOl'or$l The Millinery Department is Rushed with Orders, Ladies, leave your orders early. Good work taltos time, und poor work is novor'douo iu this Do- __ ___ partuient. THE GREAT CORNER STORE* Diebel & Bricker. 4 11 ."' liV- J1 Ho 1.IRJHS VrKiiDH. At JSuuex. on Woduoadfty, April 20, to Mr. arid Mr. Jaa. S'ieldH, bob. McCjlWN, At Maidt6no Croat, on tuou- d^y. April 9Bfcb. to Mr, and Mra. T. McOann.aaou. XiANtifiY, At EBg, n Sunday, April 26, to Mr. and Mm. Geo. Himley a sou. HwAN.--On Middle Road, on Weduoeday, April 26, to Mr. and Mra. Jod. Koabo, a son. 'IVbioijt, At Camp P*ftter, on Monday, April 27, to Mr- and Mra. Wrlffht, a , daughter. . It will bo oeon that attondanao in Maroh was nearly flvo per cent hotter than in Fubruary, and that tho attDudunoo of pup- \U bottvoon 8 and 11 yrjarn old is alightly improved. Suyoral Trnatoe Boardii hayo bottB notified to attend to compulaory o-t- tondance, u,ud to olcunin^ and repairing tho ncbool nurronniingH. Soma havo cliotirfully and promptly responded while a tow havo Raid that the matter is ntmo ol! my buHinoHH, Thnj will learn aaon \\ both or thoir opinion bo oorroot. Many purontii neod to givb dome thought to attondauoo of Choir childron at aohnol. In nao in- ntanoo pupiln petitioned tbo t run toon to grant thowi uonio holiday, aooompanyiuf; thoir requoHt with the ultimatum that if the triiutooo did not oomply with thoir wish, they would roaittu from uohool. The trusteed rofuaod to arant tho ruquoHt, and the pupila, with tho paronta acfinioa- oenoa abtionted tliomHolvea from school. Did theao foohfjh pafautE], for one moment think thoy were untlormimng their own authority ? Tho fnlno uotiona of home training appuarnm to ^uin a footing in tliin land, if ooutinued will raino up a nation of anarouifitd, I rofor to thm mat- tor bcoftUHO in tho dohoolw, the ovil offootu of thin homo truininc aro felt, Tho fiohool may ttupplctnont homo training but oannot bo a tmbfltUutt) for it, and tthould nofc bo ohar^od with reimltB arisittf! from in* ilaoBCCB boyoudits control. The abacuoo of pupila neooHHitateH a rapotitlou of work for their sako, with a corresponding loaa of iutererit ky thoaowho have Kono over tho work, atUBln^ a loaa of timo fof both teiuhera and puptU. 'i'bla iV a eorloua quostiou and demands Berioui ttfou^bt by pyery parent. Youro truly, "D. A. Maiwkix. flic VJviiCriittlit-4>ivrrHirr of Qu<>Inc ^nitl to hr hi riior Ilcnlth. Ottawa, April 21. Lieut.-Governor Chnplc-iiu will not take a portfolio un der Sir Charles Tuppor unloas he (jets that of Hallways and Canals, and as Mr. Hagfrurt in not likely to stand aside to o]jen tho plnrn for TIIh Honor, there la ap end of the deal. lion. G. A. Nantul, the Uommi&HlancT oC Public \Vork:i for Quebec, and one of Mr. ChapIeau'B warmuut friends, arrived here to-niptht, and, In conversation, atated positively that the Liout.-Gov- einor would not aceept a porU'ollo in the Tupper Cabinet. Montreal, April 21. It hi said tliat Tlon. .1. A. Chapleau's health Ih'bo poor that his return to public life will have- to be postponed for some time. A de spatch from Atlantic City, where Ills Honor has been utaylnjj for some weelcs, slates that under no considera tion could he at prcoont take an active part In polltlca. 'hin^M imi tlie timtta- i he a t-lionic diimt-ra Tin l.nly" maid soon '!)< i Kh i nf .i dri"S. She li .iri-'s to It 11 ii tlie \ al: *-v fiaii.; - ii'i i i' SJSN'I' HACK JO VANADA. Tlila tli%f*tuuui Araltluii i'ou\<i Sot Co t biih Uy\uu ilroiUtr, Windsor, Ont, April 2k An Arabian landed nt the Windsor Ferity dock yea- terday and informed the cubtoms oftl- corB that ho was oh hhi way from Montreal to vlclt hl*i brother In Ohio, when ho waa taken off the Canadian Pacific train by American ofMeers anot sent back to Canada. lie produced a letter, written by lilu brotlior, In which the writer mild ho was dylnff. < Tlie loiter Is In Arabic and the cuutoma officers could not make It out. The man was Informed that nothing could be done A>r him. . UAH TUH lUXS'HNDUZ JUCXW ZOSXt Hit* tin* nfM VlMally iAvm IIi nl Mull- rajC-M^V^H l.lvr l-l HaJifaic. N.8., April 24. Tho new acboonur Menende^, before rrported ovurduo at Port Spain, Trinidad, from IiUtienburir haa,been finally given up iOl- lost with all hands. She In now 74)daya out with no tidings of her or Tho tion from- the-fnmlly, and leavi-M the houseT ujajii a trlumprmnt nin-'-r of trained ntir^c at hitjh pay Thf ladles' m.tlfls have inuoh to learn, but tlipy befdii with .i yieat cK- u Thej' are uppei housemaids, lurnieiV (latif^htorH, Hiipei-ior French Kii'b, and tali-ntcd youtiK Germans (iiilek at tlie needle, An common house servants they would lead an unhappy In'. , lor they are too intelligent fur th*- place of common servants, and the lady^ maid position is Just the one for their The yountf lady who takes the I.uly'w nut Id to train lodges her In a small white loom which she is taught to keep immaculate. It mu^t lie like n seahhell and fit for the mistress her self. Ilor first tiainins ls upon the fash- Ions, whlcli a lady's maid must know- to the letter. All the fashion iruiKazlnes nro supplied he?*, and she Is supposed to adapt her knowledge to her mis tress' wardrobe. "You will take my tlffht-fittlntf sirV waist, a season behind the style, and arrange it for an at-home dinner to- nltfht," directs Urn younjjr woman. Then she herself takes the squares of white pearl trimming from tho bureau draw- L*r, oi buys them I'n.m the shop, and arrransoH them In an arabe/apie nnon the front of the waist. "When riant' there is a diamond-4hape trlmminK from neck to hem of the basriue. The neck may be hiKh, or the simple round nock of last season. This she takes and miiiares a little, raising it to the decorous point of the winter A trimming of pearls 1^ hasted nroiuid the neck and nmnl] fnney head set In to make the brilliant Irlciesccney so much fancied now, Tho slecvon of the dress are probably flowing or nupplied with deep ruffles from the elbow. Those are cut off and a simple larpc puff of chiffon pet In. For a deft-nnireroil Khl with a puff sleeve pattern on nana, this whole work is only the work of an hour. It hi tlie transforming of an OKI bodice Into a handsome walsi to wear just once, and ls tho principal work of a lady'ti maid. The matter of ptrlnprlnp: ribbons th roilcrh the underclothes Is quickly learned. But the mode here m,ust be followed. All underwear Is white aa *mow now. 8111c nlnrhtlcs, Hllk under wear for night* silk draperies, and the numutfiieHa little silk thingfa which wo men have been Atrlwrhift axpon their nt'ekit and heads at nlprlit are all ban- hihed. In their place there Is a linen pown, fine Bheer and rich with ombwidory Or real Itte*, and, an undorvest of tho same. SheetM are white, not black or blue, and though tho ovor coverlid may bo colored If you r*o denlre. It Is more fanelrul to havo alt White now. The lady's maid soon fc*ets tho etlquotto of these thlntca and learns to buy thorn for her mistress. Pretty at-home dresses ' are being One or two und i nn d iiitf fl >su i irti- al'<> * at ' fJ-lMi-e . I , p.t -. je ll [upllon, and hov\ to inaui ti.e svii t ;i!i-tt> Without Jlteiiuj< tlie lin or '-hut i,lu will ti im it and malt u .i r.i w one With -rrri.11 bits of en^-ien illk oi i\ui t, oi eurd she i\ ill tuN! ,'inl I'l: a tin- mateilal uritll ir makes a in .t ISMlo f'KUi-e All day slu- will v oi'k imiil sin* a lapiul of Ukmc liln- in^.s An Imur's time -< w s ihmn, icid 'hi ie b: :i ui'W and pretty shirt for her isinss lo wiiir at dSum i om- nf In l r- (i Imiueil f.rowns v ar> a ,-lmp:e r Ink chf.llle !. ft from the sun'inei in an hour or po It wa'J Limit: Nj "to a ^ ery ib lent jl-lof)kintr dre;,., <> ui ps of bin twisted dettly and "-e\ed upon the Mil with t;old thread. 11 made ,in "n'ttv a luii >-(' shirt as tnidd be imiui- d, cpeeia 11 v ^ hen a f,.c\vt- > < pink v 'n- -hle the. hem to Rive the silken itistlo 'if a house dieps. Tr.tiniiiK a l.idv's maid Is not easy. \i.i.n> a yoinitf womnn knovs a satis- f:iet*>ry maid w hen aho tfefi one b li f-ould net fur tho life of h< r in-liuct 'tick a tdrl. She must be able to teicb neaily all the feminine arts, including nnnieuriutf. The manicure pn\\ dors were alaa UuaJu. An expei t Tady's maid makes her own pomades and her own polishes*, ^hu buys such only when wanting rn npcompany her mistress upon a journey, " lion tho tiprhtly-sealed bottles are what aro wanted. The arrnnprlntf of Tn7\vs, the dresshic of the hair, the scientific inendlnp of plovoa aro all amnnpf the nerchsilies of n maid before she pets her diplomw. One of tho younc; women who Is teiich- Ins a mahl hap actually Instructed her personally in the art of plove mending, as done at the best stores, flovco are made. or where ny of the crow. The schooner wan W0 tons.- Then* were seven In the I trow. Capt. Heialer leaves a family at I planned hy the quantity, Lunenburg, It Is believed th*t thBtre t dresueo and a ,few dinner gowns ftcitlre crew have oerlahei. i - ^g^^ouB^ it on* bu ptenty of pretty HOPE WAS ABANDONED. THE JPJGCtJl.rAia CASK OF JWKS. llltilj, OF WIN CHESTER. Tli* ^Doctor i**i(l Heir Vliut Hoi* Trouble wuh CouMumpiIoM oi tlo Uotv/eli. There wau mo Mrtpo 4 llovv>-llUt HBj]illg WavAlmoHt Mlru<:MlUHly kio-cafe-ed. Flrom thoUorrInbur(j;rrsld Mr. Hill, wif- of itobt. Hill, of Win- ohesUr, not many months ayo wan looked Mfoa as ne whoa* do.ya wre numbered. To d*y >ha ib m. handaome, healthy women nbowing no traces of her farmer dwperata aouditloD. and it ia tharefore littla woudei that her oaria haa created a profouad aan- iatien in tha ceigWborhood. To a rtaortar wharcaUed oponhar Ura. Hill axpmaad a vrillin(inofl(i to f^ivo tho ncory of hoc ill uoau and recover? for publication, and ahe told it with an oarnoHtnoim thtt couvoyod to tho liatmior bettor thitu raoro worrln conld do, her deep gratittuio to tho madi- cino which had brought about hor reetor utiou to health and utrountb. "I foul," uhojnaid, "almont like ono 'mi nod "from the dead, and my oauo uooma to roe littlo abort of miraculoua. About a yoar ago I wan coniiuod, and ghurtly after I was taken with canker in tho month, and hufferod terribly. Although I had ^ood modioal attendunco I did not aoim to got bottor. In lact othar oomplioatioufl, sot in which aeomed fant hurrving; rao to tlio ^rnya. I yrew woukor and weaker until at laot I wuh coufinod to bdd, vrhorw I lay for throe rjQonthu. 11 y bowolii wore in u terrible coudition, and ab last tho dnator said ho cculd do no mora for mo au with tho othar complications X had oonuamption of the bowels. My iimbrj aud fuao beoume terribly swollon, my hoarfc boanme w*ak and way blood aeomod to havo turned to water. I became aim ply an omaoiatod living ttkoln> ten. At laat tho doator told mo that X waa beyond tbo aid of human nklll, aud that further attondanao on hiti part wouldjdo ho t^ootl. One day nomefcimo later my friands stood around my bedflido thinking oyery moment to see rao braatho my laat, but rallied, and at tho urgent solioitatiou of n. friund it wan decided at this apparently hopoloHH jnnoturo to give Dy, Williams' Fink 1jiIIh a trial. In Iokh than two weeks a alight itnprovomeot toolt place, und from that out I nlowly but uurely pro^roHBGd to ward recovery, until, a yu can hqo for youruolf, I am once moio a healthy woman. It in impoKBible for mo to exproeti how grateful I fool towarda Dr. WilliamB' Pink PiIIh, wliioh under God's bluesing havo re stored mo to health family and friendh. I feel that the world should know my story, so that noma other HUlnirinu Mister may be ablo to fihd hoalth in tko modioino whiah I boliovo will neyer fail." Tho u:. [lunencit of youro him proved that there ih ubunlutelyuo diaeaKo due to a vitiated condition of tho blood or shattered nerves, that Dr. Willi rim u* Pink Pills will promptly euro, and those who are suffer ing from such troubles would avoid much mmery aud save money by promptly re-' nor tine; to this treatment. Get the gou- ulne Pink Pills every time and do not be I0*rouaded to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer, who, for the sake of the extra profit to himself .may say ia "jUut as good." Dr. Will iamb' Piuk Pilla mako rich, red blood, and cure when other medial cat fail. I ; ih. tegi&M , /l'(< i ?'&

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