Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, page 7

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Ifi mF"' IPP^^ "a *iA -/ / 1*KE SiSSidCX .?KEK FRE29 <S' & > &......= COLOR OF WOMEN'S EYES. Th* Mom <>urM(lon of rlam.-nt If u* W.title.* Mimy u, Mint's Puin. "Did yob uver notlnit thut hhui ulwuyrt In dlnotlvely put; uonlldunou In a ulvl with blun iyo, ami have tholr HUHplelona of the ulrl with hrllliunt black- omul, und. will you kindly loll mu why" wrltuu Mi lan hall In Aprjl -T-iudh^' i-Iontp Journal. *'Ih It that Um limpid blunnyo, tranapur- tmf and ^onblu, hukhohIu jiIJ thn Heft, Womanly vlrt.ui'M, and htMmumi h thinks ho turn, ut'o through It;, clear down Into thu.t blnn-uyed irlrl'n noiil, that who in Mm kind of j/irl lie fannies hIid is'.' 1 think It 1b, hut soiue. uf tho i*rontout lltMu fnmda I know urn tliu purry, klttony tflrhi with bltf lunooont blun uytiH. Blu/lna hluok oynrf, and tliu rich warm colors wliioh durk-sUlimed women have to wear,' kuj.j- Beat energy and brilliance and no oml of lniullnnt. Mon look Into nueh eyes ami com not to h uhlu to two holow the mir- fii(!o. Thuy Imvu not thij ploasuro of u luDV, tUop uur.o Into IniineaHuriddtt dopthu. And ho thuy think hot- dotdi;nlntf und olevnr, and perhupH (Mod Have tho mark!) nvun intiilhuttual, when pnrlmpa sho huu a wimlth of lovo find devotion' and liurotHiYi' numul up huhlnd that- [in- pululvu disposition and ihoso dazzling idnolc oyow, wlilol) would dnimd dam moro in a mlnuto for hi nan man who had hod thai I'vout heart of horn upon, than your uuid-hlnodhd, tranquil blonde would do in forty yuars. A more qmistlon of pig ment In tho yo hau uottlml many a innn'H fa tit in 1J to. and established him with a wife who turned out to bu vory different from tliu girl lie foudly thought ho was Babbtng." ' ' ' lIui'fli'illiiK Sti'H by Una. Tho now process of hardening nt*tl by 0\n appears to bo making ft'uit bond way in Kranon. It ltt woll known that Kan. un der groat heat, 'dwpoultu curbon in .solid form. Upon thin ditpund Itn li^bt oIThhim, and also tho formation of tlm flo-nallml rotort jiraphlHiH, a thick uovurhitf of puro oarbon on tlui wall of tba Klikl>t vo- torttj. ThiH dnpoHU In loft by tho una Which atrlkoH tliu rotort wullu. Thin (not Id tho huaia of tho now Invention, hy whlob Bttml armor jilatod, are cumuntind totrnfhor. A vory lniportflhti matter iu tlio production or armor platen In to havo thorn coinpumtlvoiy noffc liuldu ami hard outside. T1i1h bftrrttmluu \a obtalmihlu by u the appllfiatlon of carbon. Formerly tho pvocttny of hiivdnnlnu cniiHlatud in covui'- lug tho plattiH wlib layiirn of ooul und ImutlnK lihoni till thuy ulowod. Iu tho now prooosn two platoH aro pud into a fur- natio onu nn top of tho othov, with u hol low spnou botwunn. Thin ap*ic lu mudo i(tw ttght by inujtHH of niihaatofl puotaiutr put around tho od^nM, and tho platoi; ura liuatud red-hot, whilo a utruum of light Huh \n poured Into tho hollow upaco. The oarbon thrown out by tJio ^uh 1h uraminy talcnn up by tho Klowlnp platoo until tlioy uru thlokly noviirod, Thrt depth of this earhon oovurintf can bo r<ip;ulatnd by thb amount of Rita admit! ml In or dor tu so- ouro riKiilar and uniform aotjon during thn pi'unosK, nml to provont tho plpua thut carry tho gas tu tliu hollow apuco flora ttbaorhlnu any of tho carbon, thoy aro Insulated in othur pipos throucli whlob Wittor in oonntuntly tdroulutiinpf Stopn aro now bnlng titkon to apply this ulniplo and rapid carbonizing pronoun to many fttlior bruaohua of ,thu ntoul Indufltry. Tli* Cryptoscnpo. , But little nddliionnl dotuil ban been furiiUhod oononrnlnp; tho wondorful .tnvoutlon of tbu cryptoacopo by Prof, fialvlonl, of tho Univralty of Paruala. By inoann of thlH Inntrumont Prof, fial vlonl oluimn that bo oau notunlly as tho bonoi of tho living body or hldtlon objeoti through tbu aid of Roentgen rnya. Tho oryptoscopu iu aiinply u blaok card board tube, coatod lQEide with a fluoro- Boconb mutter, caob na barium platlno- oyanldo, or mdphato of calcium. At one end 1b a lunu, which ennbloa tho obsuvvar to seo tho tluuro^cont wurfaoo. The object to bo oxnnslnod 1h placed lu thn light of a Crookew tubo, and -tho--obiervor loolcu through tho cvyptouoopo from a Hultuble dlatanoo. On-the fluoresouut card board, which la exoltocl by tho Hnontaon rnyu pflHiiinp; throuifh tlio obj#ot, the ahadowo ean be noon by tho oyo n though thuy Wore dovolopnd on a photograph^ phitc. A dupllcato Instrument, mudo and tuetod In Ho in a, in buIU to havo tfliown the bonon In tbu Immla, tho uolnu In a porno or in tho olunuhud hand. Tho oosmnlal fuofe In thn Inytruniont in thu HuliHtltutlou of a phoaphorosoent or Huorcucent uorgon for tho.photographic piano, allowing the rays which piian through tho body- to full on tho floroon and oxulte pbotiphorouounoo lu lb aooordhitf to tholr bran^th, ju,nt ai thoy QKoltu in aro or toss nbomloal action In tho aonsltlvo plate, if this inruntlon turn* out to bo all that in olaimod for It, lb will bo of Inlinlto valno to madioal mou In that it will allow of immudluto invuflttgation Into tho condition of a pa- tloiit without thu andooirablo dolay whluh follows on havlnij: tu wait until tho pho- tograh lu dovolopod. Tim liollaufltT unci illn I'Jpn. Thu oufitom of smoking ia ho provalont lu Holland that a gunulnu Dutch boor, lneload of donnriblnu di*tnnot!H hot,wot*n placofi by mlloin or bourn, will Hay a town or hourH In so many plptiM away Thus a mnn may rtiaoh lialtt. from KoEtbrdain In ..foutP-lPHfli ullt lf n<l B U) Tho IIiikuu, r-*iK3 will oanHumn suvon 'plpoR during tho jouvnoy. All Uu tub men of tho lawr clttBS. and net a fow In tho bighor wulk.4 of life, carry In their pookofcn all rnqul- gitflfl for umoklng i-Hii unormoun box holding at leant half a pound of tobacco, a plpo of clay or ivory (uoaorrtiqg. to In clination or jnoiuifl), liutruinnutti to cloAnno it, a prlukor to roiuovo obfltruo- tlouu from thn ntom, a covov of beaea to pravont tlio spurJca or anho from flying ttbout, unci n bountiful a apply of mutohtm, A Dutobman in Holland with out ft plpo would bo a rara avlH and yiinh plpoHl Homo of thorn are of an antiquity Vtrhioh ontitloH thoin to vunomtlon, hut oortnluly not to r^Rjioct, and uo monytrouo In ylaothut n wuajionw of olfunyy or. do* fouuu thoy would oortainly provo forniid- HARD WORK AND HEALTH. BJt*n XnJuriJ Uor* by lm|>rucioni Than Ity 4;uiiiJiilii'tiiii Ijuhitr. A uuiuboiol' uuonunMlul buHlOosa man wuru origiiffod lu a inuab anlinatod oon- Yrnatlon tii.onu at tho roouriH of uu up town club othur day, whuti the oon- vurMutlon turned on a nowypapoi* para graph that aunouncjed with jfiuut ltu- IiritHHlVMnouti that u man -known nil over thu. civllUod worhi an u hrllllaut wrltor and humoriyt wnu dyln from ovurwork. Jtoiii-otM worn oxprnMHud at tho condition of mio who waH known to many mnniheru of tho eliib, und hoiuu (tommuuta wcru lu< 4ulcud In on thu folly of working onouulf to death. A man of 116 or tboroabanty broke Into tlio convornatlon with tho remark: "1 don t believe that any man over died of legitimate haiil wnt'L, and I ant willing tu bank up my tUutumoiH nffaliiHt any reauenablo proof that muy bo fur- nlnbod," * ThlH naturally or mi tod u wunuatlon, and thorn wore vory Hliarp crltlolHUiy on thlH mau'H position. Jiut bo pnrMlHtiu), and. yavo IiIh reasons, whiuh woro wo full of common tuiliMi and lo^lo thut mont of thu oumimny woro compelled to admit thu truth of thoju. Alon do not dlo or lci;ltlinatu work, nolt her do t hoy, iih a rule, dlo of what thuy do durliip; hiiHtimtm iiourfi. If tho man would luuvn bin olllee and ^o ([iilotly homo to roHt or to roanoniildo rocreiitlon ho would not be lllcoly to nutfor In hoalth. But hu dues not do thlu, Jlo goou out of hla olllco to the club, to tho bll- llitrd room, to the saloon, thu tf^uilnu; bound or other oouupfitlnim or aiuuoo- montu oven less roputahlo. Many a man ruuhos through his bunl- noHS, Hlniply that ho may nut nw.iy to pltuitfo Into o.\oeHoH of varlotw HurtH. Tlioro may bo iiiHtanueH In wliluh a ooni- plinatod bu.slnurin, handicapped l>y lack of mnaiiH to carry it on In a comfortably Eimooth fiiHhlon, may wear on a nmn'u mind during 1 jIn waking and alceplnp; hourH, and uvuntually uudornilnu bin vi tality. Hut thlH la not logitlrmitD IiuhI- nuo.s, No man ban a rl^ht to work ngalnnli fiiinli di>sjperate oddtj, 11: In much but tor to botfln on a umaller hculo, to adapt ono'u bopun tu the meanM at hand and romom- bur that vital I'orco in too vuluublo to bo Fii|imu4or<<d in fitralnlnu fur tho almost iinpus.-dhlo. tDtiaiKhtforwnrd commoriul trauyao- tioriH, unattended with thu onorinoitu rlukn that many men take, are hoalfehful, anil rarely brine had rusulta. Indued, all thln^h lielni* equal, It lu uot buulunyu worry that UUIh, oxoopt an a man lifts tho burden ut businonK worry on ahoill^; dei'H wi'akuned by uxeuttNeH, tiUylpatlone I and un warranted Imiu lyoneou. If imjn would attribute tholr Ul-hoalth to IU juHt oautjo and would be bonost with themflolvaa and tho wotld, In tho majority of cat:ag thoy wcriltl be forowZ to itdinit that It la uut;nlcio inattory that oau ho tiio drain on thulr nyHtuma and .eventually la-.nK tluuu to brokon heultn anU Hbattert'd inti-Urotn. The mun who ban ticjini'i.bint: to ccncual,who hnu unwur- ranted Imylni'ss or domontlo affalrH to look after, inatti-ra about whloh be niuit bo perpetually on tho <|iii vivo, hjHt ho mo one (mould detect him, 1h tho man who, nine Mmofi out of ten, will break down, und this dissipation la almost Invariably oharjjod to overwork In businu*n. "Poor, follow, ho ' was so rtovotod to buHine.^H that hr> woro hlmaolf out ak it," lu thn verdict, and a moro unjuut and unwarranted one it would bo dlllloult to rondwr. New York Lodgor. ,'.r.'...l'..y.'f-V'. 000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I trust him You want Scott's Emul sion. ADC Vn II 0 NervoiiH nn<l dofliond*iiit| wook or flubllHitt^xh tlrod tyornliUHH Ujpom- Alir I UU oiudly fatluuudtoxoltpblw noil Irpta nytrt mmkmi, rnl i IJ'Ml'f** i'li I ft I f li{ | Vll'Hl* i*.>*f >**ir ^>i*ai-*i '(bt< AUW0Vt MiUHiO^ ay/av li^JB l-f"44J] il^iinnltlu'iirlnti und dnilim at utonl; <MHtru*tfuI| wmit of conQdonop; lack of -lifnb-iiut inoniory poor; oiudly fatlunud[oxoltpbi not! nfnrrwl; plmpl Iomhimi; ri'tillcMi; liunmiril looking', wi-uk hunk; brum pain*; htdr luoso; ulonr( noro throafc oco( (Irrrtnm nod uhjht vjiru'dcrU' itniiKlh WC GAN OURS YOU I 'Jl % RESTORED TO MANHO&D BY DR9* 9 eft K* joiin a. manlin. john a. ^r\KrJlN. Ohah. rowKim. OHAfl. rowmifl- llieVOMK IHtA'niMN'r. AITI.U "lawATMMMT. JJKl'Ulli: TIUiATSIltNT. \V i^K'tltitXtilWX. HO NAMES OH TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WHITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manila unyir. "I wuuonnof tli* gountliiua via* than of tmrly hnioriuic eomiriunoinl at lS yar of tifto. I (rind unveil medicid firniH und Hpunt StMW) without avail, 1 itvo up In doHjmir. Tho dridtw ou my fflH^'iti w<iro wenknuiiiK uiy lnielli'fitiui well uumy Hoxiinl and phyiHcol life. My breUulf udvhiAd nin hh a ln*t resort t*> oonpint Urn. KemimJy .t Kfiruim. I oonmiouciid their Ngw Unthdd Trofttineiit mid hi a fow wookii wait now men, wlUi now llfoimd tuiijiltion.. Thin wiw four yenru i\un, and now 1 I roonnunond tlioso rollablo VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS ANb I IVi POTENCY CURED, am ninrcied and happy. BlvocliLllatu to nil iny idlllotod fellowinon. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- CONFIDENTAL. "The vlo6d of rmrly boyhnorl laid llio foundntbm of my rnln. T^ator on n way Hfrt" and oxpofinnt to hlood of-. Hdfiiiou ooeiplithwl the wreck. I had all tlio Hyniptpmn of NmrvcaiH DehlVity inuknnnytw, oniiwdonn, drain in nrlno, norvouan(m4 wwik bank, oic. Hyplillhi cun*rtl my hair to fall out, bona palnd, nlotur* In month and on tontfun, _____ blotcttoa ou body, ot/i. I Uuak Ood I tried Dr. Knonody iV Koi-uan. Thfty roiitorea mo to hoalth, vlor and hanplnnsy." Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured, CJUS. POWTBHB. t&~ W* tr/ai and turd VariceuU. SminioHt, N^wus DidtJity, S^mhtaJ Wjaknm, (Mai. Struiure% Syphilis, Unnatural Ztls/jkarfst, Stlf Abuu, Kuhuy and hladdtr JD&*as4i. 17 YBAR IN DBTROIT; gO0,O0O CURED- NO RIK. RtdHFR I Aw W "vloilrnr1 Hftvayop lo*4 hotifc^ Are you e<wtMilnthi# mw- n criutn i rinfto? Jltl* your Blood \n***a dlica? HnVfl yon any wfiukniwn7 Our Now MetJiod Trw^mont wifl ouro yea. What it hau d6ae fov otb*m It win do for you. CONSULTATION ntCE. Mo MiiiUr who ho* tromUd yoH, wvk for tin hoiUint opinion FrH) IfyouTbskyoiirdnig-- gfst for it and got it you can trust that man. Hut: if he offers you " something just as good," ho will do the | same when, your doctor \ writes a proscription for | which lio wants to get a ! special effect ' plfvy the ! game oi* life and death for | the sake of a penny or two ; more profit. You can i | trust that man. Get what j you ask for, and pay for, j whether it is Scott's Emul sion or anything' else. Scott & liowiiu, !lel!evlll#, Ont. y*. und %\a*o (JUnfitratod?, on at dxtivtia. Chtew* ri*oob>o. B0DK9 rREE~"Tlw Ooidon Monitor OUoiuwwf of Utitl. mcioan ixMinot, i o*htn. Boabwl, l^-NO NAMES USBO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No modlo|n a'!ht 0. O. D. No names on boxo or* 6-hvol- opos. EwirythTrttf oofltlnt!al. QueetlOM llat arid coot or Tr-hut ment, FREE. ^^__ *'- - J'jM-h Da.v'w O|>pori null l(!n. Kvnvy iii:in, ovcry woman, ovory rbild Itiis mme I nlenl, ^jinn jiower, HOlin: oppni'LllIlity of .p:l.liliK' p.X""l JLllfl d<inp; ^<iO(l. K;m:1i diiy oilers somo oo- easiun for u.-in^ this talent. As wo ne^l(;cl, it, il dwindle:-;, withers, clis- ai'pijavH, rJMji in tho td.orn but. boni^n lew by wbi'di we live. This makes ( hiiractor ri"n.l ,*i nd enduring,' this tnukes i:li;ir:ir:tor [i(j.-s.-,il,lr.!, this turns men into itm^.ds und virtues into goodness Jaini:a b'roeiua n ('larUu. il quebec YiitirunraiNEir*'. Ht. lKnrlil*ml Uam hr-u 0TiitA4tf bf* llni IntlnilntlnnM l'ro|ili> Kail to ( <'llnl^ Trc) to I'.ucujtc ttrutb. *jii"bcyj, April i4.~-Nown Tijlh r#?ach>* eM HtM'c from St, llartheb nil that the> iimiidatlorifj huvu dovattUilod tha whole vllbiK*'. Tlui wuter extendi from tie? railway LriLck. to tlr1 nioimUiln. northward, and the Hood Iw d^wrlbeol ilh :l boiindk'iiM lake, lliiy und othtrr furin produetn bnve ln>noni.r it' tobil lo.iu and fannent havo lout tbeh' mnulj (or thu cornlnir u*niucn\. All hi ioi>t_ l> ji.fl honiea und dtbi-r nnliniiln ,ar* 'iltjitHnf.; alirnit. liiilldlni.VM dbinp- and jwoub; h;nl to climb t.P -'il n'nd IlnatlnK wrcfdcaire to ejicupc d'.'it h. Two d-'t.ys afen l^tats pntridlcd tin.' vil- htfrc day und nl^bt In tho hope of p iv- eulnj-: llfr-. Uuln.'.l villaKt.'i-!i bnnrdc<l tlif* truins b'-mounliiK tbf:li* Ioshch. Tha . Inuiiduthin Is - 'iild tn *.*:itend live nill(.'j* to the w ntward. MILITIA UKNUUAI.. <)lM)KHa ft. i>i. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN. No. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH. or Erne ,fJ'^M^Ti',Tt-K'Twwrr;^ikrt^flyfihntTtiMf ablo. Now York TlintiN. A Motor to Itoiliitit tliw I^ubor on Sowing AfucblnoK. Sowing nmohlnos are usually dirlvon by n troadlo to whloh nnu or both of the foot muy bo appliud. Tills unuwory vary well for thu wtit.uli i im of oxc option ally atouk mntorlals, and for tho purpomvt of vnriouu mnuhimiri driven with tko font by mon, Hiiob iin turnorri or printorn, but for uvor- n<ro flowing work It ban thu drawbnetc of ruijuirinj! moro ofTort thun is noconsury. Tho extra iHU^ue oaunod in this way iu a ijerionH oonnldnratlori In tho ensn of l'n- ninloH em ploy od all day long at tho ma- Ghino. A mndiiiod trundle imu boon lntro- duood by whloh tho labor of thu worker will bo groutly ooonomUod without any Haorlfloit of nfllcionoy. Tho ordinary treudlo is horizontal wbon nt rosjt, und baa to bo forcibly doprnoHud by thu foot in ordor to turn n flywhmd by mtmnH of a oranlc. In tho now Bystotn tlio liywhool und ornnk uro rotninud, but tbu hori zontal troadlo la rupluood by u vurtlonl ono, whloh Ir hlngod to tho uudor ldo of tho table on whloh tho nuiohlno roatu, and huntffl down almo.sfc to thu floor, whuru it ondB In n horizontal platform for tho foot. Tho workor'u foot 1h not moved up and down to drivo tho machine by proaa- iiiK tho troadlo, but producoa thu ntimo oJTunt wUh Ipbh lnbpr by a ^ontlo iiwinu;- In^uftho foot buokwiird and forward. Tho inuFiolua ohlotly omploytjd aro tho Iluxora und oxtumrora of tho kneo joint, and tho weight of tho foot and log lo (sup ported by tlio platform mi which ttia foot roiitB. Ono of tlio nioflt prominent polnta In tho now motor In that In operating It tho continual movoiimnttn of tho thigh, Inovitnblo undor tho prasont "flyuboin, id no dliuinlHhod an tn bu hardly poruuptlblo. SemmfltrosHOB, who ait all day at the mu- flhlno, Und tbnt tho tn-and-fi'om movo- mont of tho foot in inueh los oxhaiiHting than tho old ultornnto upward and down ward movomout. irwamUUM-'p ^:^im^a!gr--^a)wi^wjMiA^^ III (" lilllllllWH Yoji the . cannot do better than call at "We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We'can print anything that anybody'else can. We make a ^spec ialty of..... Popular HyiniiN. It in T*a!ly irKi'i-t tabic that ko few hymnals ^i vc a ny. clue to tic history ut I licit" more import ant compositii'ri.s, in Miiimiiiiy I'ii.-i'.s i-vcii tlio nii.irifi of tho author licinic M\\ .\rt.lnir Frani;is Jones, writing for tin- Sirnnd, Li'iicoii, ri'iinirlcs ilmt hsip|tily rnuny c.'impilcrs of hymnuls luivn now oi'^un to ] >!' i It t. llli; IIILIHC of tin; atltiior below cvi'ry hyi!iii,iuid also llio year in wlii'.'h it whs wi'iMi'ii, Mr, donfirt Man fj;ivn special attiiiMon to hymns, and has taken puin- to sccuro tho portraits of many rrh'hni IimI hymn is ts, toi^ft Jici* with fucsimih.-s rtt their Wo ijiiott.' a ft'W^)arn^i-ai)liH of his iu- tci'fStin;^ sum iidf' :-- " 'Onwurd, (Jbristian Soldnrs' . . was written for children.....It.was wril- tfin Jn a p;real. hurry for tho author's inisyionn at Hisbury Hridpto, a^iout, tho year IB*i5. Hero tlio childiTii -lmd to march many a loily milo tb.tako^jart in n Hohonl Owing to tho distance from the church to the scono of thn fes tivities, nn early start wan ncnfsHury, and marcliing in jjioccssion, with ban ners waving, colors-ilyin^. and a nrosa preceding tlicm, the little ones nang lustily all tho way. It was sun^ to Gauntlet's t.une, for Sullivan had not then composed that stirring march which would havo made his name a household word had ho novor penned another note." Mr. Jones observes that a melancholy intercut alLaehus to tho hymn "Abide Willi Mo," by the Rev. Henry lYancui Lyte. It was the last hymn the author ever wrote. It is stated that the famouu composition owes its origin to the fact that a short while before its.writing-, in 1817, many Sunday school toachern and other helpers in Mr, Lytu's parish sud denly left the church and wont over to the Plymouth Brethren. Mr. .Jones Bays : "To these deserters the author ia said to allude in the first verso, whew ho _writesiJ\\[hon other helpers fail.' Who- i ^er this were ho or in certain that tire hymn was written at a time of great mental as well as bodily suffering-. Ow ing to the ^lute of his health, broken in his devotion to hie flock, tho good vicar was obliged to seek the restoring influ ence of a wanner clime. During the oveninp: previous to his departure to Nice lip strolled, as was hia custom, down by tho sea shore alono; on his return ho retired to his study, and an hour later presented his family with 'Abide With Ate,' accompanied by music, which He Uitfrcn of tlnv lO.j'ul MIKlUfy i'-oU ti'l<<: l til. w IViiui tU* SUIT III .ill^Kvit W\(. Ottawa.. April 2-1. Tho- mlHtla geiajral onb-rn to Iji- htiaieil to-morrow'aa- aoiinco Hint Major Vldul of- the ItnyaJ Ke[;lua-ut of (.'-an Ltd Ian liifanlry ban lireu, apiiolntcd Jo (he eoniinitiiil of No. ;t Mlll- lary lJistrh:L tlnrin^ itie uhiioni.-i.- la Kiif;- liuid of Lieui-.-Col. (Jolton. C.ipt. .lMoiti.'Ii.' aiisLitaiit Instructor *u mnthuinullcM lu ibo llnynl Military Oo>- lujj'e, ha*) euijipict.LMj hln tonus of nerving uiul wlU hi; riiiecfi'dcd In August ni;xt hw l-lciir. ! '. II. V'tM-ciH:. The folnlwli:;,' uiulu^'es .t\re announciid In Onto rlt> c(jr|i:i : Jtieim'.-i Own IMMi'H--fhtpt. .1. It. Thomp son is ^nulled In-i-vel rani: of mnjor. J lial lailoii - (.'iipi. I). U. l>apui.s io- :il^ns UU eniiililhi^loli. )7th Wi'iit worth Ifniinlhai, No. '1 (Jo__. C;i|)i'. ,Iohn Ij. (Jonriehay re.-il^n^ hln <:onp lit.'-si oil. To lie e.;i]itillii : I,I en I. JohIiu* I.oi-klmrr, vice ConrliMiiiy, I'l-ilred. To h .^erjontl Hem end nt, provliiloaally, JJnnleT Alexander Met ;U>nahu. $l,i~,0,000 JKOM THK AUMiiUUSL Wr ^ - Krt'-' X m A Voot'a Cnutoni. In tljo Maroli numbor of the Cum- brld^d Muceazlno MIhh Alice Ijonafollnw reVaali a ploaKant uuHtoin of hor fatlior, Whloh , IJluslrutos hla kindly and aonor- OuH dlflpOHjtlon "Whonovor ho huw In a ndWHpnpor any ploimant nofcloo of frlouda or iiequaintannoH, a rovlow of a book, or -itdubjoot In wliioh thuy wore intoroiuud, he out It out and knpt tho Kern]w In an onvolopo addroHHud to tho . poruon. and uialtod thorn whtm novoral had aoouwu- latod.".____________________ . inforonoo. GarrulouH Hoarder For ton yoara my habits woro an regular aa oloOk-work, I i'ova at tho ntroko of a; half an hour lutur Igntuown' to breakfast; nil 7 I was at Work, dined at 12, ato mipper at M, rmd was 1" U(t(l ati -1!o; "to only hoarty food, *nd wasn't.,111 a Hlngle day. Saroastlo IJoardnr -^ Don*1. ,nin I And what wwro you la fori* (Awful slleneel) Kloiitrlcul Drying o'r Fruit, Fruit dryoro aro turninc tholr atten tion to olootrlo boating, whloh promiaoa to devolop Into a moat Important addi tion to tholr roHounuiit. FroHhly gathiirod fruit inuMt bo dried before It In panlcod. Tho prooiiSH, thouab apparently simplo, nocoHsltatou q;reat care, and If tho tom- poiaturo 1 not., .rouuhvtod to a nlouty, tlioro is aroat dunRor of tho' fruit being damaKOd. Laripi drjinf,' ronmn uri) (iener- ally hoatad by Htuam, lait in thu Hiualtoi' drylnK faotorioH this system lo not always praiuiuuhle. Fuel, moroovor, la often ox- pontdvo, and wator-powor, In partH whoro fruit UoiirlulinH, 1h uflually abundant. In suoh riltuatinna olectrlo hoatlnrj onuld bo uhoiI with advantaRo. Tho porfoot, re'uu- latlon allows of any tomporaturo buliifj ohtninod, and, what la of p;roat oohho- quonco, in many auch lnutullntlontf, urao- tloally no attention' would bo roquired. Tim electrical plant could aUo be used for liirhilR, and a fow motorw to aid thn panklriK oould nafllly bu laid down. Tho KHln made by tho uhlpmont o( onrcoos of Hound fruit would fiir nwire than hover tlio coat of vunninc tho nooosHnry ma chinery. Fine Commercial Bill Heads, Letter Heads,1 Note Heads, Statements, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting iad also composed. The next day ho left Hrixham to return no more, dying a few months latter at Nice, where he now lies buried. Tho original music to tho hymn is now seldom sunfr, having boon. Biipplantod by Dr. Monks beauti ful composition 'Eventide.'" Tho following facts, familiar tomany, will bejuM-em-oduction.rofrjrrinj; ^ fcney do to that most popular of all mission ary hymns. "From Greenland's Icy Mountains.1! by Bishop titlliM ; "It was written as iur back aei IfVlQ, lit Wre>jcham, where Hober'ts falbezM'n- la.\Vi Vi\ Shipley, Dean of St. Asaph, was vicar. On Whit-Sunday of the above year.Dr. Shipley was to preach in Wrexham church a sermon in aid of , tho propagation of the gospel in foroi^n T ol^Cilo CHimwYify To rvo parts, and Ro^inald Hober, then vicar J-ja DeiS, snipping iagS,;0fHodnet, happened to bo staying at the vicarage at the time. On the Sat turdaj' before Whit-Sunday the Doan1 Hober, and a few friends were collected together in tho library, when tho doc tor asked his son-in-law to write 'some-, thing for them to sing in the morning.' Hober, readily consenting, rotirod to tho farther end of the room for tlio pur pose. A short wjiilo later, Dr. Shipley asked what he had written, and Hober roplied by read'ng the first three verses icli bo hail then composed. His lis- f.onbrs were delighted, and would havo had tho hymn remain Without any ad dition, but Hober said, -No, no ; the fconse is not complete,' and insistod up on adding a fourth verse. He after wards gave the hymutotbo Dean,who turned a deaf cur to ' lis.sulBOfiuent re quests to add other voi.^o>. Tho next; morning it was, for tho first time, sune; in Wrexham church." Thu lu Vtimn-il by \v\v VorTLT*Stttt* To* Wrongfully Hrlllu^ OlrDiniti-^urliM*. Albany, N.Y., April 24. Commission^ or of Aifrloulturc Fred C Sehaub"oal4 to-r.[:iy: "I havo eauHed pu pers to hQ served to-day on. Herman U. Armour as i.In.- ruprifHciitatlvti oi' the Armour l'a<;ldng Co. In a suit Instituted by auK den;u-tnieiit !i4?ain:it the rjompany to re--. cover penalties aggregating Jl,150,00d lor violations oi* the AKrleultural Law during the year 18K-1, th- violations conKlstliiK of sellinpr oleomari^arlne In tlilK State inadu In Imitation nrseni- bla nee of butter, 'There are papers* ready to U; served upon other cohm corns for penalties for almllar OC^ fences during tho same period. Thijg la the i^rlod during which the quest* Mon was being litigated im to the rltfht' of corporations in other States tdilp- Uing oleomargarine into the State of New York In original packages anil (selling thwn In that form, the courts having held that the Importers coult) not Oo this with oleomargaj'lne mo da in Imitation or semblance or butter, which made every sale by these peopl<| during that period -a violation." SVNUAY PAHA MIS JA7 LOXDOK. Tim A TLondnn Olmrlty. A uuofnl llttlo oharlty, oalloil the Lon don Spootaolo MIuhIoii, dlntrlbutofl npou- tnoloH to poor needle women anil other doflorvlnflj porHonu dopondunt on tholr oyo- nlght for their living. Hoveu hnndrud and twenty-nix nppliunnru woro providtul with epootaolofi hint yoar, agnlUB|i *Hfl In iflt4, ami fjiil In lHOJj, Thin work lu dono for> Very amull expondlturo, the total lnooraa of tho.Buulcty bulug only iuifc over 1490b, Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, BankSClieques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually; adding the latest designs in type, borders-, etc., to our already wfell-eq.iiipp.ed office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job . of printing as you can get'in any city. A trial solicited* BfCa^ll orders receive proaoipi atte^tioajiv .IllnUterlul nml Clerical AJiuoelntlont und t\iv. Soclcllea London, Ont., April 24. The joint twee-ting o the Ministerial and Cler* Ital Associations of tho city with reilw tirc-uee to Humlay paraxt-a was help] tlila morning and passed a, resolution; exx>resslng to the various societies con* cerned their sympathy with them inj their wbrlc and a desire to arrive at q, bi, or common action. A eommitUqi was appointed to confer with_ihe so- CletloH In ret'cruiec to a settlemen| and will meet to-morrow Cor the pur* peso of drawing up a circular. Tint result is a victoi-y for the- societies. TORONTO MA MUCUS. Plour RiiHlueau ijulut and pric< nomfc. aally unchanged. Straight rollers ar^ QiiateU ut $;t.;>o to $^.55, Toronto frolclit*. llraa marknt la unchunged, wit* cjiru quoted at 3>U to.$ll.li5 went." Shorti $1U wL-at. Wheat TUi! niiirkiit 1h quiet, but the ffteW ln^ i souiewJiuL Ijl'LUt. Will to wnuut wl)* bring 7fie ouishle and red 75c weat. Nq^ 1 MauiUibu bard lii unchanged at 7U< North Jlay, and at 7:ic Mtilland. A.t V WUiliini, May delivery, tho (piotallona iUlc' to o7c barley 'J'ht-ro Is very little dolntf nn4 pilee ULieJuinj,'L'd. No.l ipioteit ouUildo at -10*1 No. 2 at IlUc to :i;ii:, No. ;t extra at ;ilo and feed ut U'Jc. uat t ami prltou uncliuiiyecL WliUi: dull nt li'Jc an tlio Northern, nmt mixed nL ^lc om.sUle. Oars of whlto can be hud at LLTiu on tV*elc liuro. Peas The market u cjtilct, with prlco* outHldc uovt-h und wc^t at -illc. Uuekwlu'ut Thin m.irUt't U Btcudy,'.with prices uniihaiified at 3lc on Northern aui .i^o to Ullc on Midland. uatiuoul ItnuincHii quiet, nominal at V-.HO on track, Com -Thu market. Jg anlot and prion*' -icteuily. "Yebow 1h quoiod outside at 31 WtiBlf. ^ Hyo Tlio market Is ttoady at 'IKfl to 4Ca Otitoldc. . TOUONTO LIVE SX0QK i!A-RKBVj ^-_ Tho rueelptK ai. tii Wiiwierh yards io-4Ji*' were not aw In^vy, and prleeH Kncra[ljj 'i ex- Port a r# With ptloof. lb. Tho qemiind fo ;ro. : wl Tit For Tnt. Ho * 'You know tho olcl udaffo : *Gr.irls flhonld lie seen and not lioard?" She "Yes, I know it. But does not that apply to-men aa woll as KirlsV" 'Ho , Sho (triumi)liiinfcly)'*Thoiu that ac counts lor you men wearing such loud clothes!" p . Ho VPorho-pB ho. And it may also .icconnt for you a-irla, weaving fmch ex pository bathing dross.09." , In TluToaUuinsr Williti-^Iyn^ it tiurious that tho sum mer ghds' wear' veils.for- tho same rea son that their, little., brotors*,, pad- the Beats of their trousers? . \ .Stax^Whatfor;? \ Willis Takeao'from trebtinor tanned. port cattlo nt 'ic pot* butchers' cattle wan. alow and'uotue" lnfl over. i'rIceH are ateady, tlio boat hrluL'Ini a/4e for lowlft and W/jc for Hmall lot*? Medium cnitle cold at li'Jii:, and Inferior at l%c to aVic. Good to choice bulls qunb. ed t 2>/ic to 2%c per lb. Milch oown sol* at ->20 to $ar *aeh. Onlvt'B aro firmer! vvlih tmle.4 ut ?2 to $5 pL-r head, the lattop for choice. Sheep and Inmba steady, with limited of. farlnuH. Sheep sold at U'/jc to "IV'ie per lb, LaniliH Hold at -l%c to ft'/ic por lb., the Pit-1 tr t for choice uraluted. Hprlag lambs $3 tO*, Iloft.i aro iiiudiunKod, with rocolpts of ar>ln bond. TIip bent Hold at '$3.00 to S-C wcljrhi'd ti't earn. 'Think fntH urn quototi at Sa.tU'i to .$'1.75 per owl,, uloron al $.l.uo ta $'l.i;r> p"r <!u-t.; sown at jp:l to y.'l.aft, anil. hitrnsH mautcwps. ' ' blvftrpool, April 'M. Wheat, uprlng, s*' d to rm-7(l; red winter rs'7d to K Ru! Nn. 1 Lial. nu 7d to ."is 6d ; corn, new, as - Id ;-pi'iin, *1h St-jd ; pork. Wla.Od ; bird, 2.%a (Jd ; tallow, bacon, i.e., 'Jin 0d i do,, boayy, h.c, lifts (Id ; cheewo, ivhlte, -l-lci do,, colored, 11h Cd. ' London on piinmiK<> nrm. En^llHli country market* :'^ dull. -Malzo on pannage llrm. : .-'^g Ijlverpoiil future* firm at nn ri'//il for, April, Muy, ."Juno, July,- .;.,m ami Aiur. Maize twidy at -:w id for ApriL \?}v May and June, aa IVad for July and 3s 2Va<L v v'j for Ail;?. Wour, IHh. , V,ffl Parht . vS 30f -10c for. May. , . ' I/oniIou~t'.]oKe: Wheat off .eofiftt -.quiet* Mu'l'/e on paiihiiue JU'ui. l'aH Wheat niilt hf 18f-BOo for Miiy. Flour, :t 40c for Muy.. ' ,, , blvoi'pool~-*Whoat futurea (pilet nt tjs r*VA ;:i#L for April, May; Jimo, .Inly ad A'njj. DMonr, -HJa ltts, Mal/.o llrm at 'ta lit 'tor. April nde'.v| May, :ln VM for Jmuv ' l'/j<i .' foa'A^ .Inly nnrt'3n \A<\ for Auk.-t" * -:^M . . .- .::^m .inotlier Arehlfutnl I'lettrbcufloti, ,,.' '. .1fiffl Sprhi[;lleld, Mush., 'AprJl 24: WUHan* ,:M Huy'eH. a.n'ecb UU,. % dynaV>^v-enffJneer;;M was Instantly UUled at thn-athtlori-, **fi$m the; United:I:Jlocla;lo Go. last nlffht. :,H^?4 |W. au ixom vemua tunnou. ^ (,urTent Of 2S00 VoltB tUroUCH nW "bofia '

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