Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, page 6

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K v,-rrwTvrrf* ?iT^^TO?^ iK fc;t*Jh.^ ^RER l^T* j^fc> L1-"' V^VUl! r THE WOMAN'S BIBLE. Not One Cent For Tribute. Safety of Canadians Assured. i When Paine*** Celory Com pound is UHed. It ban oyer been the botud of Britoutt, thui thoy novor uluill bo HlayoH. Tim Briton'u hoart wni-inn to ifreouorii; bin blood is arrounod whew human boingH ho come mro cbutlulH bonbt and iiold like fcnlmulii. Britinb HubjuoU will nuller patiently nvon oxtrotno taxation for tho talidng of uullionb for dnfnnoo; but, novo**, JaeVuif will thoy pay tvibuto to any foreign taiwCor. Britinb Riibjnola moil, women and are tdavon too often! What do Wo moan ? JuHt what wo nay that w arc too ofton minarabln bond men unci Vnndwomon, when wo mit?ht rovol in free dom and strength, TliOUHiiuds of iin are nlavcu to nomo_ trouble or cliNoano tbut makou tbm earthly fiillpriimifrQ burdonsomo and opproHMVs Why suffer longer 1 Wo have near un u miLlhlv and poworfnl deliverer and rouotier known an Paino'n Colory Compound that quickly bnninhoHOur atinaillut! and tormont- {an onomios that corno to oftnn iu the form of rbouraatinm, neuralgia, dyspepsia, indignation, constipation, hoart disoaHo, norvoufmotin, Rloeplossnomi una blood diHOUHOR. Why euoourago and pay tvibuto to ouch uValm-doaling mantom ? Qur bodUs Hhould bo froo, clean; puro, and fittnd for the full enjoyment of true life, Tbo world-re- Uownod prouoriptmu, Paino'n Colory Com pound Rives porfoot health, strength and life. It- romovoij ovory truoo of dinoatto from the body, and puriiWa tbo blood. Tins in tbo HOftucm to hamuli ovory weight and opproauiou, Let tbo ronovat lug work bo oammouoed now, bo that tiutnmor and tho hot weathor may bo mot With strong and vigoronu oodion and cloar boadfl. Paino'n Golery Compound ha* in pant spring noaHons savod thousands of hufforora; it will do tbo hiimq for yout'). day, woary and nick mortal. Whon you decide to quo tho groat hoalth- givor, ooo that your dealer givon you tho kind tbat ouroa. Auk for Fuino*p Celory Compound, and hoo that it hns tho trade, mark, tbo "stalk of calory." No other preparation will suit your ousa. LITTLE MONEY NEEDED. JUOW TODRESiSTUEYOUlNG- STEKS WELL.. Duiamond Oycu K.oep tlio Children lu New OlotlioH. Littlo money ia needed to kflap tho children well and handuomely d refined. Thrifty mothora raruly buy now clotbine for thoir littlo ouen, yet they alwayp appcur niooly dronsod. This in the result of UHinfi tbo Dijimoud Dyeii, whiob make all tbo fanhiotmblo coloro with but little work or trouUo. Father's ouitfl and motlior'a droQHos can bo taken to jdocea, ro-dyou, and mado over for tho boys and Rtrlo ab a vory umall ox- paniio. Whon this work ban to bo done, bo tmro you uoo tho Diamond Dyoa in order to got Rood colora. Tb uho uf imitation dyoa moana Iohh of your mtUcr- iala, as woll an wasto of timo und mouey SEND FOUR GENTS iFor Six Fancy Dolly Willi Extra DrcsaoH, Tbo manafaoturou of tho popular Diamond Dyofi havo a taking novelty which thoy uro dondlufi out to -ovory city, town and village lu Catiada. Thia novelty is known ao tbo Diamond Byo doll with oxtradrouHou. Six of tbouo dolia with nil extra drofiaon will bo Hont to any addroaa upon roooipt of four oout in fttarapn,' Thoo dolld aro vory arliHtio and oruamontal, and dolif*ht tbo youpR people. Whon you snler tbo dolla, aak for card of forty-fivo Hamploo of dyod oloth, ami book of direutioan for dyeing with Dm- tnoud Dyon; tboao aro aont froo of ooflt, vVolla tfc BicbardRon Go. 200 Mountain Sti'oot, Montreal. It l*)iiipol|>l.- to/l'uUr IliU Kiyiriful Pra- <lMt'tlti Horiounly.' s- It Ik harrtlr poBnlblo to tnko "Tho Womim'H HHilo" KorlnuHly, ho much of It Ih MtppiLiit and rlfllchhniH; and vofc It ha^ a '.nh<*r and Hlunllli Jiut aMpont. Tho nulnott of Uin woimm who prnpitrtid It, au far au It has btion k'v*"1 to tbo pnbllo, aro woll known and highly ruupoocml. '1'tioy roprn- miiit In a dlHtlnHi and ttrFiiUilcul hmiiko tho (aiisn ni' (ho nmaiii'lpatiou of iholr hox, iw tlu'y -'all It, and nnhody \a di^posod lo (linnllnn Ihnh' itinonrlty. Hut It may lm woll ilmibtod If thi'lr attompt io dlHt-rodlt tbn Scripttmin In tbo lnioroMfc of the mnlhnrn and daiiKbtom of tho world will pKivo to ho HuecoHHful. On iho contrary, It In llkoly In rotar<l tbo pro^roHH of tho movoinnnl t<> iinlnrfjo tboHphoro of woman and abolish lint dlMcrlinlnuiloiiH which aro alliiifoil io I to unjust ami injurUmu to her. ThiKc lutttl an'l cinfor orltb'M of tho j;roat- ji^t of all bon'.wi do not Hpoak by any auth ority of MiperUn* ability in that filiation, an I rortiilnly they douotpmHnntanythlnf; thai bt nltlicr novol or hnpriw-lVo. Kor tho iuohI xiart, (hoy merely ropout tho time w*ru huphlHlrliiH and spnclal pbiad- in*,'n of Inihlol wrllorH In all u^u; and tho priwatlliu; nplrlt of tho work 1h Hiiporril- lonH and Irrnvfi'nnt. It 1m ( omparatlvoly nan)*, ii. all ntndimtH of tho Jllblo know, lo point ut toohnlcal dlHcrtipauclog In H. Col, InKoiHoll ban mudo tbat nort of Jlaw- plokln*/ famlllarand moro or lowipopular; but tho offortu of tboMo fomlnlno noolfertf to hnltatn him aro uadly bun^Hnu; and lnolfoi fclvo. Tlio fact \n worth notbip: by way of 11- lUHtrutlnpf tho pjonural cbaruotoj* of tho book that, while It containptuniwly roji ot* tbo nrory of tho croatlon of woman out of a rib taken from Adam while lioitlopt.tho story of tlio Horpnnt and tbo temptation of Kv* 1h pruotkally acuiptd. Adain'H con duct In tlio oiiHn 1h Hnvorcly and juptlilnbly condomiuxl, and wn arc tuld that "tho un projiulletd reader nuiht bo lnipvn/aiod with tho oourntfo, the dignity nnd tho lofty ambition of tho woman." Thtm tho touch of vanity that nialcuH tlio whole kox kin Corvod to authontlcato ono nilnudu and to invalidate* another In prutty contempt of tho fai't that thoy both havo tbo name foundation and arc equally crodlblo, Tho uftory of tbo birth of Mosos Ih aocoptod bo- oiiiiKU It appcnln to maternal InHtlnot, and booaiiHO only women wore prowont whon tho baby wan tllKcovorod anionir tbo hul- riiHluw Hy a tdmilar proocHH or dlfitlnc- tlon.thn Btorj of lialaam and tho osh In ln- dorhod.hcoaiw.ii tho an-, wan of thofcmlnlno ttomUir. Whilo Balaam wan nnnry, h*ad- otronu and violent, wo uro Informed, tho UHfl calmly manlfoHtod "the keen nplrltual InhlKht and tlio ready power of upoooh with wlilub tho fumalo box ban boon Hpo- oially ondowod, ami which aro often ro- ferrod to with ridioulo and reproach by Hfcolld, onvloua obnorvcrn of tho Iohh iin- proH^lonablo box." 'Pho o HponhnouH indi cate tho drift of tho work aw a wholo and tbo theory upon whloh it in based, If itoan bo ^aid to havo n theory. Tboro Is no'thlrifr to bo Raid In favor of m^| a book a4 aunntribution to iho lltnr- aturo of the woman quuhtlon. It \vUJ_prn- voko dorlalcn on tbo ono hand, and on tho other a feeling of profound pity and ro* prri't. Tho Bcntlmeiit tn whloh ihnoauso of fomlnlno advanciimunt owns nil uf its fcrlumphrt and towhioh It must look for all otitfi futuvo victories -.vlll fiiiroly not b inoreaiod by a pi'rfonnanon of thin sort Whon, tho champions of tho rightR of tbo box make thoir wmho atiRiird they can not oxpuct it to pro4[ior. And thai Ih tbo bo- Hottiut? woaknoiH of thoir. mothodH and policies. It ia illfTldnlt to conuulvo of a womo mistake that thoy oould make thnn that of nnbannnlzhiB Christianity and making asHaults upon tbo JJiblo that Ih the Hourcnof all that IfiKoodnnd true in nm olvlll/.atlon. Women aro most rnspeoten and honored on account of their moral and rellfflftUH qualltloH. Men willingly accord to thorn a fiiiporiorlty In that, comprint, anil pay them homuifo hocatiHo of thoir devo tion to spiritual fnturuitH. If thoy throw away that advantage and become Hkopttan and cynlcfl an to matterri of vital import- nnoo, thoir prtvllopc* and opportumtiou will not bo extended. The inlidol woman Ih a kind of contradiction of nature, an ob ject of aHtoniilnnent and aver don; and If tho ox Ih wIho it will nuvur adopt that condition for the purpono of promoting Hi chaticeH of wolturu and happInoHH. FOR MY LADY'S EYE. Long waiatcoaU with pocket flapH-uw etyllsb with Louis XV. coats of volvot or cloth. Kibbon and chiffon ruffa am vory full and deep. Imuionim du-oetoire bows tlnUh theso dainty littlo aitaii\s. Velvctuon woav-s woll for waistH. Greou and clarot are tlio most durable colort* and aro quite becoming. Tailor Kowna of royal blue, Lincoln green or chestnut brown have htnart vohtu of yellow Buodo embroidered in jet or gold. Fichus of chiffon or mouRseUno do solo Are edged with ruffles of tho same or of luce, They aro dainty frcshencm for an old gown. Vol vet Hkirta are worn with coatd of brocaded silk in delicate colors, Puau do nolo is one of tho most popular matoriahi" for bodicoH. Gowns seen at the opora arc of hutln of ivory white. Square-neck bodices aro coming in with the pompadour modes and are very ll.itturing to thin necka. Sleeves are slowly but miroly growing 'smaller. Tho mont fashionable hapo at present is tho biuhop, with the fuhieHi gatld;rod into a flaring cuff. Do Nat K>o TUU, DouoL ho induced to buy any othor if you' havo mudo up your mind to take Hood'tt\, Ba^aaparilla. Keuauinbei- /tbat Hood'fl Barsapatrilla ail rod when all othofH fail.' fi)o\ot give up io doapair bouano otQ&i-,nn^dipinii nave failed to help you. laka Hoodn Sarwaparilla faithfully and you may ronflouably oxpotit to bo curud. Hood'* PI1U are purely vo#ot*blo, oaro- Yully prepared from tbo ueet. ingr^diontn. THE WORLD'S METROPOLIS, Make it a point to uoo 11 vat. your blood \h purified, enriched and vitaliitqd at tbtu aeaaou wltb.Hood'B BarsapArilU. In London there is u Htroot collection fov Dnc benevolent institution or another on almost every Saturday, In the year. It Ih Haiti that'tile fbtwlliaod remaliinof f.n IrlHh Kiatit, about twolvo feotlnboip;ht, uro lying unclaimed in a London railway ktatlon. ' London Imnpitals were uaod last yoarby hGJ95,U7U Kn^arato pornou, accordUi^t,o tho jioiipital njportl*. Out-third, tbatls, of tbo Whole population of tbo city applied to* fro doctoring. ^' i "Wo are trying to conduct our hotol lu fuoh a way as to make it an aid to the ax- tenHion of Clirlwt'B kingdom/' in th idvertiuemeut of tho .proprietor of a "Private Chrlatlan Temperance Hotel" lu Loudpn. "j* /-", f( *}r "LaudonpubUMnamuotno*BUpplynQiio>r lovpolicb cdiwtiAtneB uule-A bf ^utMorlSy of (l superior oUlcer. A woman wok bui- Moned xeceutly. beforei the police court fa iet^uW^iWwJWp* tt Hfttgeant and m ;onstable whilo on duty, and pleaded that ihn mMamant ffaVe tb needed ormUioa. TUHIMPC1RTANCK OF A L1VEK. ThDUMtndu Huifer hncauuntbu Liv^rln Do m*ig'-')" B( utli ^Viuericuu N. rvlue Ih the (treat Panftooaof ih lJ-y ^,,r ll I>im ,LM(,(1 Iji-vor and all Htomaoli Troubloti, lndi(ion- tion, DyHpinmin, NfjrvouHiio and (Jcnerul Debility, When a well Imowii nutbei* hihU- h - bookeiititlotl "I-. Lif" Worth"_"' " Mr. l'niieh, with ulinwd, pun' en I c. m fi.on HioiH!, rtplied to the ipicry, ' Teat d- pcudHontlK livci." And uNiloubi. dlv H in the OtLHe that wlwjii tin hvi im de eie-< d untold tronlileii follow. Dyupepnin, in di(iOHtln, Hlok b'-aihicb'-, m i vomiue-" tjnl (.'* neral debiblv nrn all Mpi'Ci<;H of i.tonuti h iVoubln fchnt (jonie ftoti) tills nourc. Tie piaotliiiil fpl'-xtinii i'. 'What ni i* yell (n itig todo about it V" Tbut jfieit de* eovury of thu ^untiny, Koutli Amnrion Nirvmo. wth ten ilmunund vein h milvh "I will cme." We might eie ilv quote rln< werr|n of well-UuowTi (, ainniiiin eitli'.i t.ii in 1,1) thin i iiLiio pntio. Li t on i or tn HuffU-f. Mr. .Mm i;oy< I, hai.litr ot Kiimaidhic, Hayn; ' I wiih very much troubled with imhgi Htion, ^ivim; iimi to tbouo rti'nroiMpg fielinj,;!! tbat can Inmlly 1)0 det-ciilntd in in y lui.guagu but that are ho common to be dynpeptic I iried South Amoticaii Nervine, und u uuiod nie i havo no luicitation in n eninnioiidiiui it tu a uy portion ulleutrd with any utemuch trouble." Mr. .1 W. Diowonrlie, of Cump \ ollfoi'd, Out,, the huco r iboieleoninn-ier *iayn: " I Keep Soutli Aniericito Nnrvinit a| wnyn in the bonne, -uid i do not ii< mt ite to nay that it 1 II" v ry Miedieuic I liuyo ovttr tulu n. and riioat eoeliilniitiv re. iMiraniend it to ui.y oi*o tioubkJ villi nervoUHiiet-H et wlniti-vt-r ftirrn and 'In* it fcudant (Jiucanen (f the luor and Htoneieh that follow thm wudunMH. * Mrs. A. V. CialbiaiLli, of HlieUjiirne, Out. hiiyn: "Himtb Aneeicati Noi\ nie nure.i ne i;uinpli!tely of neiifj' stimi. I never f'ul to n-L'nnnni ml it to mv f'ii edu." Ii, io net un \pi riniowt with aiu one uho lined thiM <reat diucovf i \. It tuui hem teHtcd and proven over and nv< r it(."in with the on* nMUlt, that it pic vides a cer- *aiu cure. Hold b1. J. Thome DIET AND DIGESTION. SOMETHING^QOUT 8ILK. Pome naturalista ..iv that no hwot* ex* crpr the silk worm food upon the loavoi of i he mulliciTj Silk thread fabrics weic brought from fcoiltliern fVisia and India to fbeeco au early as 'U."> Jl C Tho.roaring of silk worms n a special iiichiHtrv spread from China to India ai early as 100.0 Ji.C. 'i'lni rearing of worms and manufacture or hilk were completely broken up in Am- vrica by tlie Hevolution. Ah long ago as 187H tho nilk induntry In Italy employed ltI,U(J0 men and 120,000 women and 70,000 children. Tho first exportation of American silk wan in, when 8 pounds were Rent from America to England. ~l'rnm the (jerman colony of Ebunczor, near Savannah, in the year 17*19, over'1,000 pounds of silk wore exported. In tho Book of K/.okiel a fabric is men tioned by tlie name uf Hilk aa woll known in Assyilaand Habylon. An edict of the Emperor Tibeilus for bade Human citizens to wear any gar ments made in whole or in part, of silk.,i is not a hit Kf mIIc producer, Tho ol the product in 1KJ7 was 000.000 pounds, valued at 1,800,000. The ollicial executioner of the Sultan of Turkey uses a silkon cord in strangling persons ordi red to be put to de.itu. *") The silk worm is !J inches lonp; and Ih well pievidod with legs*, having no less than sixLeon of these valuabln mem-bers. In the year 020 tbo mulberry tree was fust cultivated in Greece and tho Levant for tho bonellt of the .silk worms. Eggs and mulberry trooK were sent out to Georgia by the Brttittb Government shortly aftor the bettlomont of 'tlie colony. The hilk uiheet, is a moth, 1 inch Ion a; by 2 across, with wings* of n bright yellow color and having crescont ohapod ^potM. Silk is the .strongest of all vegetable or animal thread*. It is three times aa htrong tin a flaven thread of the hiiuio sl/o. The Imsines^ of producing silk may bo prosecuted with .succohs all over the Middle and Southern States of this- coun try. Superstitious poraona say that a wart cut oft by tying a silk thread round it and drawing tho ends tightly will never re turn. The hilk from cocoona eoutalnlnc; mala iiiRect'j is said to bo stronger and bettor than that from cocoonH made by femaleu. In the early mnchmoH, electricity wan generated by turning a largo guvaa wheel which rubbed against a nilkcn band or cloth. Tho canopy of MahtunmocVu tomb at Mecca ia made of tbo hoavlout variety of black ailk manufactured especially for thih purpose. During the rolgn of Justinian ThcboH, Corinth and Argon wore tbo loading Euro pean ceutiir.s for the manufacture of mlk. Tho silken thread, in spun from two orluccH In thouaaoof tho silk worm, tho two threads being uoltod by a golatlnou mi b tan uo. Among the upollo taken by Judau Mac- cabaeufj from tho Syrlaua, whom be de feated in battle In tho year 100 B.C., was a quantity of h!Lie. A m rNipoleon was 'crownod*' ICuipflVor bis impi-i,. ocs bocarao bo tender tbat he could wear on , new ailkenatockingM. lie nover wore a pair but, three da\*>, then put on another, tbo diicurded ^ckings becoming the perquisite of ui valet. An early no IBB-l an Engllnh convocation deci*ewl that tho higher clergy during the >,olemn eoromonialH of the cburh uhcctld "ear nilkon gowns. TEST OPPEUVEOr HEALTn. TboutHudo of Livofl Ebbing Away Bo- cauHo of Improper Hoart Aotiou. Tho hoart' tbo bub of tho human. bVm- torn. If it is weak or dranjj'od physical paiun aud moutal decrepitude hi' ono i*bapft or another muut follow, and tbousanda aro Kuiloring various ii Ih of tbo ileuh to day aiiuily, uohea or palpitated, it iu diooaood, -yidtho w-aining tion3d: bo newdod. ' The remedy, uf all oinert*, for heart dineado, u Dr. A^new-B Cure for the heart. To quote 4urou Niotiolu, of ipetoiboro," wbona wife Wav|pu*fed,pof twenty'rear-i* heapfdwoaBO by tM^VMoffloinfe^VfHd.vifomedyWotB like ijiaj-io on a dmeufled .beArt.V With hvart dieeaaQ'So'pVovn'lent in' Canada a bottle oueht always to be kept in the bouse, ftoldb-f J. Thnrue. Skimmed milk Isonly HO per cent, a* nu trition* at milk from the cow. About L*0 iioituda of leu ter Io 100 am removed by hklinmliitr._____________________ 1'eople who have weak Htomiu lu. or who ale unable to take much excrclstf diollld mil eai piistrv, which Is considered very dlllh'iili of digestion. Ka\\ apple*, sour and hard, when well chownd, nia\ be diuestid hi a little len-i than tln'ie hoill'i, when mellow, the Ihnc ih1 il'dltOild to two. 1 .un* liHon lmt ween uichIh or IIflib)IIIf: at foodfioui time to time in nahl by phisl- clans io he one of I he most harmlul pule tltes ibiitcan he indulged. People ahould not eat when tired, much trouliledor iniinedialulyafter severe men tal labor At such times mdige ition is vei'i imperfectly performed A lm eat varieiy of food should tioL bo emeu aii one meal, since dillerent kinds add to tlie eomplovit.y of i.ho process of digestion and iueiease ltd dilllculty. Jn A 111 ic countries n j[n'if deal of oily orlail> food l til uec* i.ily. Arctie e vplur- eii soon learn to drink train oil und cat itcul blubber wit Ii avidity. Highly cmieetil rated foods, like eggs und men; <. i.hould bo eaion with vege tabid and Irint, which sii[iiily Jiateiials not contained in the u^ore^^UrKtlei Hoiled ixitatuim uro much harder to digest than roasted or baked, tlie former requiriuu three hours and n half, and tho lattei from two ro two and a half. Only adult animals, as a rule, are lit for food. A notable exception is the sucking pig, win,so is much more digestible than that of tins grown porker A 10 per cent, solution of whiskey en tlrely previ'nta the digestion of atarchj food. Tin; stomacha of bard ih inkers who died ilurniL' the course of a long debauch have been found to contain food taken M.d i\-> before death. Although the Chinese livu on a diet al most eAcI usivelv composed ol starch, It is said they are less aMlided w it h d/spepsia tnati tlie pettple of itny ot her n it ion. Kneading the stom ich was otieea favor ite i leaiiuein for iinline tinti and dy ip -p- sia. An attempt was made m thU way lo imitate the nat ural moLioii ot Lhc stoinacb. Violent exert w should not be Liken immediately al ler eating, since blood re- qiuic'dluj di^e,iionis iliitwu nwuy from the hLoinaeli ami indigestion follow >. ODDITIES OF GREAT FOLKS. Dr. Johnson drank innnodeiato quauti ties of ten ami kept a pec cat, Hodge. Shelley was fond of hoatiu^ and finally lost his life in .in accident tp lus boat lli'un, IV of 1< iMiiue had the "rat ague," or trenilded w henever ii cat was in sight. The brave Marshal d'Abbret 'could not endure the sitcht of a pig aud w as subject to a fainting lit if ho looked steadily at one. Vladiobui, king of Poland, nlwaj i Hiiid he would rather meet a thousand foes than he shut up in a room with a bushel of apphs N.kpoU on's favorite amuicment was in dulging in inliigucH, which, he said, re laxed a niau'u mind whon tired with seri ous business. Dinicl \Veb--ter was extravagantly fond of oxen, and all those on his farm knew him by sight and would follow him like dogs Louis Napoleon was fond of mimic war fare and would often have forts construct ed in hih garden to illustrate some tactical point. According to Mac inlay, the favorite amusements of Fiedurick William were to nuieke, sip Swedish beer nnd shoot par tridges John Milton loved to play on tho organ. He made his-seeond wife sing antl suidsho had some voice, but not the slightest idea of tone Whenever WhUtier had an Inspiration he would go toa corner of his loom and kneel down while ho reduced hiKthoughtH to w ords. Diocletian, after his abdication, spent bis leisure in gardoning. "If you could bcl the cubbjiges I raise," he said to a depot ithni, "you would not ask me to renumo thfrvrmvn." Kant, tbo German philosopher, was fond of walking, but wan. so fearful of con tracting some infectious diieaho that be always walked witli his Ups^uloHcd aud a handkerchief over " n" T ,- Globe-Democrat. his noHc Bt. Louin BREAD AND BAKING. Tho Staff of Lift) and tlio Hon who Mako it. HOT WORK AND LONG HOURS. Practical bakers arc so e>cpobi!d to extremes of temperature that it is not surprising that they often suffer from kidney nnd other trou bles. In many cn'ios* their work at night con fines' them in a heated atmosphere for hours, from which they sally forth through the cold night air to their well-carnnd rest. Mr, George Roberts, baker for Mis. S, Hannhnn, 257 Dmidas (.treet, giyei ua the following fnetr,: "I have suffered f>o much for the past fourteen years with kidney dihease that it gives nie pleasure to tell of my changed condition for the better. I had fearful pain in the back and right side; the urine was tci! in color With a reddish sticky sediment, with brick dust deposit, At timet; severe pain in the region or the bladder, canning me great suffering and discomfort. Appetite veiy poor, and much troubled with UeopJcsuess at night. I felt tired and worn out all the time. Work beranie a drudgery ; 1; was an effort to dp any thing. 1 wan low spirited nnd discouraged, Hearing of Doan'tt Pills I went to. Mr. W. T. Strong's drug store, London, Out., and Ifot one box, "From die" first dose I com menced io improve,' and no\v' my back* and sidi; are all right t the urine, Is natural in color; ti^1scdlnienthasdisappearc<i; I have no pain- of any kind ; rest well; appetite ha&icturnodi iidt/Htrpo tj4 kuarjfc l^DQ^doiuriiU fuVbdulV, ' ifanl stronger and bettw in every way t forth* Whflu OVor tho boarLilhttcrH or tires out f,rst tlmfcln manyjywurs I'now.fcel that,|ifelis .' worth livlntf."1 Doairt'i'Kidrley pHls have cured W of'tny lbng'fclandi'ng corpiilaliit'^'ld V am 'nlcased to aeknowledgt what they Imve dime (or me* I hjiYeinetitJwrl more than two boxes iof-the pills and the' result1 is 'as I havo stated, .Previously *t* Ithia'^ h&U^ tried nearly every kldneV remedy, but until IiookDoau's TUU experienced not .the slightest relict * Bold by G. A. Bberrin, Esaei. Hiu Troublo^wap In tlie Kidnoyn. 'I'hlu wan the cane with Mr. V. J. Lodoi, of Rherurooke. Quo. Ilo rtuffen'd (or tbrouye'tru fiem a oomphoatod niimi of -Kidney am' lllaildur diaease, arid Hpeni iivi r oiu< liundr. d dnlhirH for troatumnt, ImiTiuTver received tourUod reliof until, to une bm own worth., "1 began thu uho of Knnth Atmirioan Kidney (Jure, whon four bottlos completely cured mo." Kidney dm- a no bun fayloNflri itu fuu^u on hundrodH of ntlieni bMiitbm Mr. "tfneuo, but every one ( un hud a cm e, i IfcetiVH uiiil npi ody, in Hotith Amnriuan Kidney Uure. In Hiout dmtr[iiiiug oanuH rebof iH iiecured in inx boutH, Sold by J. Thorno, Almmite'u GiipitkliHtHufferdUntold Agony fornix Monthh from Kboiimaticm. We hayo the privilege of publmbing tbo following letter from ono o! Ahnoiile'H woaltbunfc citi/oun, Mr. J K Cole: "I wan (jomplotoly IioIjaIohh for wx monthu from rhenmiitiiim. I tried almoint ovory known remedy, without any kmefH, aud wb'ui Houib Ahum man Jtlioumutio (Jure wiih reeommended, 1 secured it, though I inuat eonfonii I had no iaith whatever ii' it. Tbo lirnt bottlo njjruoiibly nurprinod mo, nnd four hottlen drove thft dinofoiu completely out of my nvntom. It ih the verv bent medteino I have uvor takun. 1 have n commended it to many frioudn, und I know it bau douo thorn utmit good." Hold by ,L Thorno. l"or every variety and pbano of the many diuomien wlucii attack tlie mr puns- ugea of the throat and lmujs Ayor'ii Gliurry Pectoral will be found a Bpmilic. Un ano- dyne and oxpeotorant qualities am prompt ly roah/ed, and it in alwaya ready for uho. I'ltlMATKOFULKLANn SKCTCH OF TH LIFC AND CAr.EEn OF THE NtW INCUMBENT. TIhi Ni'w " Shi 1 ( stir to the Tlirono if St. r.itilfU" An Orutiir, mid tin? OnH 11- i.Ii|i Well ICncuvn In I^n,;]iiu<l, I> 1. AlfMiiitlt-r " Tho Pnet I'lel.ttf." Pr. Alexander, the new prlmntc- of.all frt hi nd (I'^piseop U), wan hut recently clecti d to that dignity by the Irish bishops, in .spite of some c-xtn-me op po.sitii a amtuvg 1-ifty pf rf-onn-gei in the Chuich of Kngl.wid. lie Is called uein.s^ the wit*-*- tlie "Mi/'certsor t*i the thiore- of St I'atrlek," and is one of tbf bio.tdi't i burt'hm* ri In 0Jn*at Iiiltnln As an orn tor ho stands in tlu- i01 *- front and is the only Irish bljdiop well known in 1'mgland. lie has bet*n select I I'|-Ml' u. I'ltIM \iic or Al.i. Ik.-I.A Nil. preacher at Oxford, Cambridge ana Dublin. In the Houhe of Lords he spout with much force aeralnst the Iiih tliureh bill, and spent much more of his eloquence, oddly enough, in JSW, when he spoke against home rule. The iii-w primate has been called "the po.-t pn-late," on account of some Mrs. Alexander, the pielate'a wife, Mrs. AIoKarder, the prelate's wire, was also adept in verse writing and many of her cbildien'h- hymns arc suing to-day. Dr. Alexander is a gradu ate of Oxford Unlvernlty, where he won the Denyer prize, tho sacred poem prize and other honors. Ordain ed In 1847 In a curacy In Derry, ho was Rapidly promoted, and within twenty yutra of his ordination he waa con secrated* BJshop of Derry. In that capacity he fiory^d the Church of Ire land for thirty ye'tys. , lie Is an eru- THE HOR8E IN HISTORY, a* )t- sa HU- he.% od ilo iXany ThlnifH ltronrdril lu Honor ! *h# Nol.U Ntr.d. Islow that tho horrto Ih lonlnjr itu Import ance an a factor in tho travel of tho timet*, ami nil tint world U at peaeo, uo that ho lv not needed In Ih worth while to euid, a mtrotqinutlvo glance over IiJh his tory, and recall feat tiros of pout grejitiutDS, whleh must alwayu atftiHt hlfl worth. It may be tbat ho will uuffor a temporary *iollpwo only I hat hU record may 1io\v all the hrlgliinr when Ii" nnn r;^s front *h enforced vellreninnt now immlneni., but (hat ho uhotild dluajipear allogeU'"** from tho fm'o of tho earth, Jw im ultimate poet'.,- bllity which taketi on tlm iiaturo of a cal amity. Kiircly a few nohhi upeelmoud' will be rnorvod for I he racing uport, no dear to man, slneo not even electricity e&u offer a doHlrable mibHtltutn. Tho blue gnua trotter proudly polntH to Tim Ilro^'oic, Longfellowi Jay-Kyo See, Lexington, Ifutid S.f the fastiid. Lrottor of tho cen tury, liltban Allan, and a host of ot hern, whoso mtmeu ar<> Indelibly written on the botrfo'fj book of peerage, tlio A morh an trot ting register. Among tbo boraH of Uie paut Who led tho wnrhl'n record were Lady Sull'olk, one mile, \$;11H\ Flora Temple, 8:10 Il-I; Dexter, 13:17, HariiH, 2:11(1-1; Ht. Jullen. Bill 1-1; Maud S., U:10 1-1 This wlm a wonderful rnrnrd-brouklng in each liiHtunne, hut now tho trotter wlli hn.\e to do its mile in (wo mlnnteH to ox- cite attention A U: 10 gait lu alow to th prut-out gennrat'.on. Ami bow much worn tbouo famouji boihtiH worth in their day. Itobort ltonnor In naltl to I avo paid ?!i:i,(i()l) for Dexter, and $'ii>,('u0 for IliiruH; Mr, Vaniloibllt paid 8-JO tiou-f*r Maud & He refused $75,000 for bur 11 few monthu later. It in wild tjuifc on one eeeaslon, when Uoueral (Jrant out driving with Mr.llonuer, behind ter, be n-markod, that In an ari latin h Wie animal in the Hhafln wan viuitl perior to tho two in the milky,- an they HipVoredby phynhal eompnrlHoi: It ih J.DIU) years si uoo liueephaluHO Jtlts-caiuler to victory. Thin romnr. hoiro hud been given no a present to i father of Alexander, but io would no low him to mount. One day AIoxj law the famous animal, and bogi utility bin thanu'tri'. ilonaw that high Kpir.ut n *d not \ luiuimueRh that od the animal to net in hu^dhl, and that tin lun'Ho migh* no glvon to h mibjugiite. Then, aji|Honeliing t\w 1 crea me, he Hprung on ids back wll? iign uf i ir.nnd gave h m bis head, lot him ruvh acros.Hthe plnlns nt tlio top of speed, King Philip, looking on with filgl ]fct h!i bov he danhed to the earth. WIuj h returned with his n n]ucred horae, bin father told him he deceived a great*>r king dom than Marodnn to govern. When Iiti'-eplialim died, at rim ago of iiDJilw mail' ter 1 1. I him hurlei! with great iiphindor and t>/.indd tho oil., of Uueophahu aboy iilin. Anotborstoad famous in iiihtory Ih t borse of the Old JJ.iblecn, "Xo'er had they looked on horwom mi ht to (hiu knight come noar. Nor 01 another charger worthy sue cavalier." Tlio har-o which William the Conquo1 or rode at the battle 11C- Hastings, was preaenl lrom King Alfonso of Spain, A? William rode him on tlio day of victor, nobles and neeplo hi-oko into amurmuro inimlratlnn and a historian of tho day tolls uu that ' 'Never di 1 knight hear lance moro aracniully, or manago hl horao with great er nielli." White Surrey wan tho namo of Hichard the Thlrd'h favorite horse. Tho noble horiii, "as white ai Hnow," which boro Henry V. on (bo groat day of Aglncourt, niiit not be forgotten, nor that other nohlo white steed which carriud Jeanne D'Arc. A touching storv is told of tho Earl of Warwick, win boro the niok- immo of tho "king-maker," mil who killed hlfl favorite horse, Saladin, an ani mal of great nl/o and beauty, rather than lot him fall into the enemy's hand on tho field of Jhirnot.whontho ubargor"hent hiu proud bond humbly, and iickod his lord's utoel-olad hand." Literature ban much to aay of tho horso, and in holy writ this animal Io most fre quently alluded to in tho glowing lan guage of tho psalmific or tho hlhlo hlsto.i* an. In Htory and song, tho horuo has over boon a favorite theme, and tho classics abound with merit Inn of bis brave dolngfl. It hay boon said that "tho clatter of hoofn noams to run through tho rolling vono of tho Ilind." Tbo poot wr tea always with loving vonoration or proud, picturesque description of man's noblest friend, fihakospouuo wrote of tho liorso with exact and sympathtotio knowledgo. Chancer flrat wrote of tbo horse, and Spencer on dowod thonnlmnl'tt hnrolo qualitloB In ^.he "Faerie Quoon." Byron gavo us Mnzop- pa. 4 "Bring forth tho horBQl"' thohorsowoa brought, :w,.. dite man and a cultured" w*Uet. -XhbCrS^fp truth ho was a noble stood, loisy is his forte, but ho has made no flmall success In letter? Tllltt IS A GOOD MOVE, AuifWrnu live Kt<w:U. Uat lo Canada far IWlilblUau I'uriH^m May Ufturn Co Ui KJ.H, ltt(y lrre. Wayhnntoh.Aprll 21. A bill of much interest to Canadian exhibitions and bore shows passed the Ilouae of Repre sentatives to day and will undoubted ly receive the consent of the Senate and become law shortly. It Is a bill which deals with a matter brought to the notice of , the Secretary of the Treasury by Mr. S. S. Howland, the well-known horseman and the owner of the Bclwood Stud. Mr. Howland desired to send a number of horuea over to the Canadian Horse Show held recently at Town to, nnd found that on all his foreign bred hQrses he would havo to pay duty a second time on their re-entering the United States. On h's representations a bill was draft ed with the following c'ause: " "That whenever any article or ar tlclea, or live stock, shall be sent out of the "United Statey for temporary use or exhibition, at any public expo sition, fair, or conference, held in a foreign country, such articles shall bo entitled io be returned to tho United &tatos, under such regulations jlb may be prescribed by the Secretary of the TroaauryY without the payment of oustomo duty, 'whether they shall be of domestic or of foreign production/ l Tho bill wan Introduced by Mr. Adama nd' passed the House In short order.L*-it remove a disability which lhaH .practically prevented American c- .lilbltors from bolng represented at ex hibitions and horse nhows in Canada. ,a<> .i*"n------TT-; ' The tiur^v* M*wiid taabWy- 1 TLondOn^April 24>-Win!am Turner aiw$h.Winiani R. Dunlop, the Burden diamond robbers, Were arraigned in the foraiboro'atfhWee'e, Police court thia rnonvtng and handed over to the cus tody of Police Inspector Frlest. under afl extradition warrant, which requires them to appear lo the Bow-#treet Po- Hoe Court thia mCteraoon. line always boon wJllek*7il5Sr*iKE X^i^artav of tho Ukraine breod, Who ]&0J^id as though tlio spend of thought Wero In lnW|mbfl; but bo was wild Wild as tho^Jd door, and untmisht; With spur nmntefano undollled- 'Twafl but a Hay IhuuI boon ouught." In fiction tho h prominont ohaVaotor? clover drfiorlptlons, oliowl gonal knowledge of bin atorlcft of hlghwaynieii.tlio animal divider lntoipflt with lm mauler The famous "Ulaok Bohs" ot Illolc Turpln Iiuh boon re cord nd in tho pages of "Pookwood" In glowing oolorH.hor exploits being orjnnl to thouoof her matitor. Another Idgbway- man'u horoo Is honored with thlu Una do- Itorintlon: "His horso, nbeautiful davk gray, ctoo4 iXUlto niotlonleHH, with aroht^J -^X CLw Its short ejirfl movlvv *>'w"*^ fcw and f"-" demonfltratlvo of ti^ WM^^ti"! MiuB i^"" tlolp.itlvd attention whloh oliaraeiwrfPC: thu noblont of all tamed animals. Von would not havo notlood tho Importance or tho stood but for tho white foam that authored round tbo bit, and foe an oocu* ulonal tonH of tbo head " ' Among tbo writers of tho past, G. P K, JamoH famouH for bin beginnings, "a MOlftary horoman might havo been" aeon" >imd Cliarlbg X*ovor,tnu liroozy Irish noV- ellst, lutroduood tho borne most frequent ly into tho Interest of thoir storied Ah Into a novol uh, "Xlo&Ultt tholionnfo llrlak 3utthNf elvofl a delightful dofiorlpfclon of Jons, tho doctor's horse, who dlvldeu Id- bwoHt with the good physician and dlos xA n broken heatt n wook after her maotor U "ttWtt.M ) >V 1," Dow ye hyh much 'bout wh'ut'a goin' dn'on Tuhky ibvol dos'o'dayaJ" inked Sal , ^cnklnk ibJDMd I dooia,,"1 replied Blraa- tus PInkley, in , .Umid qomwpafclpa MFolki does tall me dat you dona-got lr> . gaged, "s.." Mal0 Ingagd?'.-.;" Yw,^lnV 'TDeed, I haan* hyuhM a word Mbout &*' i; 'A '^Neither has L Da a why t dotie^yW^ I thought mohlM X wai mUftin-" some et fMalii X m a M^a^-rii*^ t ^'l^aata^ ^H 21

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