Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, page 2

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*v', 'WjrWyt*.,. '.?;. I- I:" TT-T jr^c-;., ^ p-pj-p;^, v^y^f-rt^cj * y ESSEX FREE PRESS Published Evory Friday Morning From thu cJiloo on Talbot, Ulrout, noxfc Duiifdan Block. Bpuctal ultontirm hi paid to tlio pnblica* tiot) of muUur of luual impnrtanou, aucar- atoaud v'lublo reportn of Town, nuip.hbor- lntf Tov/rihtiip and County Oounoil proooud- itiUH, 'ocal unit county market roporta, otu,, tbu uurofu and jiidiotoun mana|;nniont of Tub Fiu is ruKiitt, with n-Hpmit to tlnmo and othor curcunt mattorH of local linpovtanno, hau I'lVtuiiLu \vid"nproud pruHtiuo in tbo Ctmtroof Knhex uouuty.whinli in i*uoo(4iii/od aqouo of thubm<fc au'ucultural dintnotH in OnlariD. Tin: l"uu: Vhkhh ih tlio only medium circulating MuuoiH'hly m tlun central portion of tlio Uouuly, and iti oon- Boqumtly,watlioui( doubt.tbuonly thorough adtovtiHHiK medium for bumnoim puoplo winlmit: to roach that chum of aniHomorn. COIUIKHI'ONPIACH, Our column" uro ulwayu opon for tlio luaooablo diucuwuon of maLtura partainin- 1 "Alio puUia wolfaru. Able oon-OHpontlontH in all iho nurrouud- ] g looalitioti furninh reliable roportu of utitu of Intoroht, occurring in thmmovorul hcroa; and tlio pubhahur ni at all tiraoh loaned to rocoivo inturoHting itoma of Mvh from iiuy disponed to forward contri bution*. '4.11 communicatioim of a private and DOtiflduntiul nature, nbould bo no mailtud du f^o outiiido of the onvidopo. HUIIHCUII'TION I'lUOIC. frl.00 por aunnm, Htnolly in advance, H.GJpor annum if not ho paid; ana all arrears ohargad at that rate. ADYKlll'IHIIMKNrH, Tranmcnt logul and municipal adver- tiHomontn, noticoH, etc., charged at the rato of ton oentH per lino, for firtit inuortiou, and five cento par lino for ouch Hubiioquont munrtion. All nuch udvortiHomontii uro racuBUrui by a (icalo of twolvo linoH to tlio inch. Local roadmi; and othor notioea pub- Hsuiod amonti local huwii matter charged at tbo rato of ton conto per runuing hue for each innortion. A.11 notiooii of church or Hocioty ontor taiumonta of any doHcnption, at which au atlmidiiion foe ih charged, aro rofiardod an advorfcinomontn, and full auvortimntf raton oharcod m all imoh cauoo. Noticon of gath cHu^b or mootiDHH not for pecuniary houo fit or aid, will bo ahaurfalty publinhod free of ahargo. Special contract raton made for diaplay or standing advtb. All U'tfal orprofcnoioD. aJ cards under one inch, $ > pur annum. Jon on coMnnucHi-, printing, J Tho Funis Pni:sH Job Printing De partment iH under tho tmpurvimen of thoroughly competent mechanics, and upooial attention in paid to thin branch of tho trade. Our faoilition for tho execution of all JtintlH of Book and Fino Job Printing aro uucxoollod. Steam power proHuoo. A oall nolicitod. UDHINKflB HKOULATIONB, All Job Printing and Trumuont AdvortiHing accountfl, atriotly canh. AdvortiainK acoountu with rogular patronfl aro wottlod quart orly, Sub- oriptionfl due in advance No Bubocription to tho Puke Prubh, or advertisement puhhehod m it3 columnn will bo diflaontiuuod until ull arroaru ar& paid in full. ~ Ohanf*oH for adyertinoraontH, to oeoura inBortiou in tho current ibhug, muut bo haudod in i)ot lator than noon of tho Tuoh- day preceding, and notice of Much intend ed ohaugo 10 refjairad on tho Monday pro- coding. Notico of diHoontmuauce of auvoitiRo- UiontB muot bo (iivon ut loaub one weok in advance of tho iaauo m which they aro doflirod to limfc appear. AUVIiHTIBEUH, SubboriberH and patronu aouorally aro roquooted to read tho abovo rojulationu carefully, in ordor that ooofnaion may bo avuidod, a they will in all guhob be adhored to. AddreHR all cooamunioatiouB to Publliihor tbo Ehbicx Ciusis PitHHn, Eiioox, Ont Home Meolior VxcuraIon. Iu oidor to givo ovoryono an oppurtunity to hqo tho WoHtory Country uud enable tho homo lieekern to secure a horuo m time to commouoo work for the ueuaou of 18110, tho Chioaco. Milwaultoo & "St.Paul ll'y ban arranfjod to run a aonoo of four homo oook- orn' oxcurBionti to variona pomta in tho Went, North-Wont and South-Weot on tho following dntoB: March 10, April 7 and 21, and May fi, at tho low rato of two dol- loru more than ono faro for tho round trip, Tickotu will bo qooU f'or roiurn on and Tuonday or Friday within twenty.ouo dayn from date of aalo. For raton, timo of traiun and further'dutaibi apply to any coupon ticket agont in the EaHt or Southf or addroBn A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pan[ oongor Agent, 2 King Btreot Kast, Toronto' Ont. S prln TUno Ib when noa ovoryono foola tho nood il oomo blood purifier ntrongth invigorating and health producing moUiomo. Tlio real went of Ilood'o Barnaparilla ih tbo.roaHon of ltu widoaproad popularity' Ituuneqiul- led HUeooGH ih ito bent recommendation. Tbo whole uyotom in nuncoptiblo to tho moHl (tood from a modioiuo liko Ilood'o Saraaparillti takou at thio time, aud wo would lay upoai&l utrean upon tho timo and yamody, for hmtory haa ifc rooordod that UlayB aro dangarouii.i -Tho romarkahlo jgbh aobiovod by Hood'a Haraapanlbi [ho mauy wotdn of praioo it haa ro- [, makfljlb v/ovfchy of your oouttdwuo you to {five thm modioiu(]]a trial. d Blood Ii th< Foundation of tho Wondv-.i.fut CurB by .fl i'i 9 s Sarr>aparilla That is Why Uu cures by llood'a 6nr-.apiirilhi are Ci,tci.. That la Vv'hv l'04"1'1 finviaparllla posith oly do"<* euro <bn (Ksvcrcit ciihi'S of Srvofnhi SMI Kbcum and all other blood discii'-i's, oven avIhmi all othor preparation^ iiJid prcsrriptlonn fail. That is Why tho testimonials iu behalf of lluod'n SurMipavilla aro Rolid fnr\A, rind v/Ul Btiuid tho closof>t inv^fiti^niioii. That is Why tbo ppnplobavoeon- fldem-o in lb)u'>i Nirsi]mHlla, and know that whativiM* uppeara iu ita ftdv*>rMnn*f is Mriftly true. That io V.'hv ITood's Sursapnrilln, Kb remfrni/Ni i>v nil ns tlio btandurd buildiu'/'Up uir-tliUMo, That 13 V/hy it ov(ixomen That Tirud I<jflinir, u^i'fl cn'r^y in place oi 4'xlinu^tion lilo m^toad of lunguor. That is Why tne sab's of Hood's Sai-Hupirilla ha\ u in-;niiflod yar after year, while otnoi proparationa Of leas merit liavo conic, held a Uttlo tem porary favor, and aro heard of no moro. That Is Why Hood's Ss-ranpaHlln require for its produchon tho largest Lahoiatniy in tin; v^oild. ^ That 13 ^Vhy tt i a *.ruo ncrvo tonio, ciu"3 ni>ivcu<inos9 by feeding tho iit'i'vuq in hhjod, and builds upallilui organs n.uttiasuoa of tho body. That ii, Why Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tho Only True B!ood Purifier Prom lnntly in the public ey* today* Be Huro to ifot Hood'8 and only Itnod'a. Your Liver Ih out of or der if you have bit tor tut, offon- ulvo breath, Bickheadnoho, nllght fever, wlghtorfull- nonH In tbo H t o m a o li, hwirtbnrn, or naunM. Hood'8 PIUh routio tho liver, euro biliouHnomi, roatoro proper dhrtHtinn, i* :n"l acramulatcrl impurltioH, cu-f conttipution. 25cenU; Propnrodonly byC.I. Hood & Co., Iiowull, MasB.XJ. B. A- THE PHILOSOPHER. To bo youtla Ih tho teat of a lady. None are no old as thoBo who Ima'O out lived onthutfiantn. Qroafcooo*fclonn do not make beroeH or oowardu; thoy simply unvoil them to the oyas of moti. The practice of economy is no dlKraoo. It iu hotter living on a little than outliv- inK a Rwat deal. Do not bo ashamed to confess your ignorance whenover you boo an opportun ity of acquiring knowledge. Ah the aword of the best tempered metal is most floxiblo, no the truly {lenerons aro tno'jt pliant and courteous in their be havior to their luforioia. The reanon why people so ill know bow to do their duty on great occiuionu la that thy will not bo diligent in doine; their duty on Uttlo oocaiionH. lilborty cannot op*ina up fvora blood( Lho dword cannot proparo tho abil whero it lo to grow up. Truth, light and reason alono aro th nurcoa of liberty. Thorfl la a pleasure In contemplating good; thovo is a greater ploasuro in receiv ing fiood, but tho groatoat pleasure Is do- lnft good, wblcb comprohontls the rest. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. If the rollers of a wringer aro stlolty or coverorl with lint pass a cloth dnmponod with korosone,hotweon thorn, Flatirons ihonW bo leapt a^far romovod from tho Btoam of cooking as powitblo, ad thin In wharcauaoi them to runt. Lot cold wlitisr from a tap run ontp hai'd boiled oirgs, which enables you to aneU thorn quickly and proBorvos tbo color of tho whittju Dark red or black Ktruaoan wares need a Uttlo vormlllon and burnt uionna In tbo cements ordinarily used to prevent un- bightly white stroaka or Joints. A towol rack mado with Hovoral arms fantoned to a half circular rontur, wbloh in burn fastiyis to tho wall, li;i convonibnt place for drying dish towoln. If you wish to clean your spioo mill, grind a handful of raw rieo iu It, Tho particles of ttpico and puppor or of coffoo will not adhere to it after tho rice has passed through,' A Now Minora!, "Lo Xaturaliste" announces that a now has lioeu dincoveiod at Allchar, in Macedonia, by Prof. Krcn- iii'r, who naini'd it lorandito. It is found in whort prismatio uryKtals, and morn rarely in ohliijue r^oiuboidal pi'is-ms, ' Its color varies itntweon <-o t>n> orys- taltj tir1' truusparoiil arid iloxihlo, liko tliooo of frypHiim. I'm Utneo. Pulionco with wlial \va cannot ap- piiivo, oir-herin tho individual or in tbo ubuich, pruicrvuh \\a in tho IiumL pobi- ciou. and in tho bust, condition to euro or com'ofc tho oanie, FLOGC'NQ BRITISH &AMEN. | How thu Cut* Wki IToruiorly 1Ubd tu tho Knu"n Nuy. | Tlio f"llowh)j<graphic dnteription of tho manner In which tbo "out" uum! to bu ml-1 mlnlMii'i'tid in Hm loyal navy trt from tho! pen of an abb) twamau: I I now gavi! u look to tho poor follow* who! wiim ilnngi d ycHttTilay, I Jo In aWdMh-' man, (ii;i>(l !J(1, and rntno from Tiondpnfo Iho^old dlggliiKM in tho TyiiHinmil h, and liinn-d out a viiry bud frllow, Hpmit hla nmiiny biMh ml of gohift lo Hiu dlKglHi jiiut jnliM'd tlio ship art boy just when I did. Well, hit has b^f-n puninlu-d all nurln of wh\m. Ho wan imprlMi/ji'd for a month, but Ml ill lm was ubiiHlvfi to ovory ouo tho (mhciipo at a lilackgnurd (although well I'duc.iti d and o a good family). -Ilowioi hated by all on hoarfj. At length ho ut- (itmptcd io di'Mi*it, wart caught, put, In ironn--wrNtsaud ankh-M and kept, lying on tho lower deck till night, juiithulow my liamumok, acarln awfully, Vi'i,iei-dity moiniiuv, at 6 o'clock, wo heard Ihoordnr, "All baudHclcijrfnrijuar- tei t." Wo lumw (Uructly lho tragedy about to bo ciuu t eil. 1 cleaned, wont to thu eiihln and ((Uii'lly began to wnlo. I uaw the marines putting on ihelr irn'mbcHa, fho olllocr-i (hmning their beatunit'ormn. Pith* ently lho captain cnin into tho cabin in full uiiifui in. Thin ho gavo thu order, "All hands lift." They all crowded up, tho doctor among lho rent, nil iu full uniform and dnsi nwordH. Tho prisoner uan brought forward, scowling on all widen. Tim olllc( t-M arid men removed I licir caps ,lI-il the nen(enco was read. Then two fjiiaileniiaHteiH nt,epp( d forward and lashed I ho prisoner's wrists and ankles to an upright gangway ladder. Then ho was Htripped to the waist, and a canvns doth tied imind bin loins to catch tho hlnod Irnm his back. Now the bnatHwnin'H mate nppeand with tho dreaded "cat" in his bund Tlio handlo nan about lainohea long, and thu nino tails about two feet long, of whipcord the ni/o of a qnill pen. Thi) mate measured tho ^llstauco and gavo the "rat" u swift awing round bin head. Tlio prisoner gavo a Hmothored cry, and nine blood red Mtmrics appeared on his back. "One," cricd-out tbo master at arms. I turned my head nsido, mid t saw tlio chief engineer bury bin face in bin hands "Two, tlneo, four," repeated tho loud voico. I timed not look, but I beard thu sharp, Hhrill awish of tho "cat," ns, in men-Mured time, it fell upon tho nian'u back His erics now became loud and an oniving. "Km-," imid lho master at arms. "Oh, mercy 1" roplicd tho bleedinff pris oner. "Six." "Oh, heaven I" "Seven." "Strike my ribq; oh, Mbrikrt my rTb; let'n ha\o ncbango of pnHltion." "Klgbt." '"Oh, you brute," cried tbo prison**, turning to tlio captain, who ntood looking on at tho tragedy with solemn eyew. "Nine," fried the master at arms. "Do jour duty, sir," said tho first lieu tenant to tho perhpiring mate, and tho mat o ntopped for a moment to cdnan with hia fingers the clotted thongs of bin "oat." Then ho threw the wbolo wwing of hla body into "ten." The Wehdiman uttered ii yell that was beard by tho sentry on tho fnrocimtlo of tho flugiulp, at anchor two miles olF, "Klevenl twelvel Chanter," cried out tho liuutenimt, and tho boatswain's mnto of that name took tho cat for 13 moro aud so on, a fresh mate for every 13, until tho whole 4fl lashes wero delivered, leav ing tho youth a miserable, bleeding speo- taclo. London Tit-IJit<i. Clilciigo Sooloty. Princo VVollcoiiHky was misinformed by tho Chicago lady who told him that tbo "no- cioty" of thin city was limited to 80 por tions. Probably tho statement was not in tended to bo taken seriously. Tho socinty of tlio town acknowledge*! as composing Its membership every man, woman and child within tho city limits, excepting thoso who aro in juil or engaged iu un lawful pursuits. We have no Kour Hun dred; wo have no One llimdred and Fifty; wo hnvo no Kighty. Auy man or any woman who lit honest, cleanly and well disposed is a member of Chicago Bocloty. Thcro arof It is true, different circles of society. The Blue Island Avenuo Social club, for exnmph', Isnot largely represent ed at tho ISachelors and Benedicts' balls; not do the Pmlrio avenue people attend tlio mcrrj mnlcings of tho IIaisled St root Frolicsome h'ivo in any groat, numbers, lint tho liluo KdanderH am as good as tho Bachelors and Benedicts, and tho Pmlrio avenuo folks do not turn up their noses at tbo Halhted street people. It Is all n ques tion of natural selection and to a limited extent of residence and finances, No "ht't," or "clique" can arrogate to itself tbo title of "Chloiigo society," All "seta" aro equal. Chicago Jlerald. Wiiutntl a Itonnot to Mutch. Friend It is costing you moro to mako over that old dross than it would coat to buy a now one. Mrs. Mfinagem (n smart woman) I am nut trying to aavo money. I am try ing to make it, "What?" "You are not married yet, you know. When my husband sees mo in this dress, he'll think it's a now oiuvud he'll have a regular tit about woman's yxtraviiganco, and dechuo that I'm driving him to wreck and ruin and ought to ho ashamed of unysolf " "I shouldn't wondor." "Yes. Then I will tell him that Ibis is an old dress made over, and nil these trim mings and furbelows uro to cover up stains and tears and threadbare places in tbo miserable old rag." "Oh, that's it." "Yes. And then he'll feel ho mean and cheap anddisf,'inoting that he'll ivunio$l50 tor a now bouuet." iJsow York Weekly. Tub) of a Cornel. Tlio crew of a man of war once saw ft comet and wero somewhat mirprised and alarmed at its appearance. Tlio hands met. and appointed a committee to -wait on the commander to ask bis' opinion of it. They approached him and said; "We want to aslc your opinion, your honor." "Well, my boy4, what is it ahoutP" "We want to inquiro about that thing up there." "Now, heforo 1 answer you, first lot me know what you think it is." "Well, your honor, wo have tnllcod It over, and wo think it is a star sprung a leak." Ham's Horn. ________i_________.____,_______________ Not'X'owHtblo. Pat Man (who is in HomeUdng of a Jmr- ryV-"I'll give you $l> lo got niu to tho sta tion In ilireo nduutcH. Cabman -(with provoking slowness) WeH, norr, you might corrupt me, hutyoU onn'fc bribo that horSo. I3xchiiuga ^ LOUISA M. ALCOTT'8 . CREED. M'no Tinitfht Tlmt "lint !.v of CoihIiiou Wuh Umi tAf ni ^otl." ^u n number o! lottm-n wrttton~atllontt mid short IntorvaU from 1B7JJ to lHHli by LdiiUa M, Aloott, to Itvo littlo'lrU in AlloHlamy (Jounty. Punnnylviinhi, tho author nf "Idttlu Women" wiowt eharm- lngly and frankly iIIhoIohuS Imr oxtranrdl- uary nature, and the missives, ndllud by lOdv/urd W. Ilok, arii glvon to thu public in April Lad hi a' Homo Jounml. In one of the tdiulmuHt of thoHo lottnrs, Invokod by vhu sad luformalton of tho death of one of lho Hlmer* MIhh Alcott wroto bur nor rowhiK enrruspondonl'.; ttv * I will tull you my otporlonuu, and us it has stood tlio ti.ut. of youth and ago, IniulMi aad slcknous, Jny anil sorrow, pov erty and wonbh, I i'uol that. It. Is gonulnn, and ueimi to get more light, warmth and help nu i go on learning moro of H year by yaur. My parents never hound u to uny ahuroli, but taiiKhi. us tliat the Iovm of goodness witH the lov of thai, 1 hit chom'- fnl dtibiK of duty inuriii life happy, and that thu lovu of one's neighbor In ltu wldeat Himse way tho host, help for one's Hiilf. Thalr Hvoh hIiowikI nu bow lovnly this slmplo faith was, how much honor, (p'ntllwlo and aH'ootlon It brought thorn, and what u mwoI nunnory thoy left he hind, for, tlmiiKh father Htill live,, his llfo Is ovr, nu fur ns thonidit or u .oful- auMH are poHfllhhi. Tiioodoru Parker ami Ibilph Waldo 10niernnn did much to hulp mo taueo that one ean shape life host by trylnu to build up n 'jtrong and noblo oharaetsr, through good books, wise pno- pU'd uonlety, an Injurant, In all reformu that holp tbo world, and a ohunrful aeenp- talice of Whatever Is inevitable; seoirg a boautlful compensation In what, oituu komnu a great Hacrlllon, sorrow or leys, and holhivliig always that a wise, loving and juHt Kathur caroe for hi, hucs our WuakuAHU and It) near to help if wo call, llavo you road lOmorson? Ho is culled u PaMthfilst or believer In Nature iimluad of God. Ho wa<i truly Clirlntinn, and uaw God in Naturo, finding utrniiKth and oomfnrt In tho Hatno sweet intluencon of tbo greut Mother as wull as tlio Kathor of all. 1, too, Imllovu tills, and wlmn tired, mul or touiptiul find my beat comfort In tho womlii, tho sky, tlio healing f.olltudu that lots my poor, weary soul find feho raut, the frosh hoisi or tbopatlonco which only Cod,can ujvo us. Penple ued to tell mi) that when sorrow rnmo I should And my faith fauUy binm-a; It had no nnrao, but they wore wrong for when the hoavy lows of my dear, iftud slnttir found mo too feeble to do anything but suffor paa- Hlvuly, I ntill had the siiHtalning souho of a love that novor fulled,even when I oould not hoo why this lovely life should ond whetn It wan happiest. As a poor, proud, strutting girl 1 hold to the bnliot that If I dofior\ed uuceesH it would numly ooins uo lontf a wy ambition wuh not for sol- flttli uutlu but for my dear family, and it) did oomo, far morn fully than I ovor hoped or dreamed, though youth, health and many hopos went to earn It. Now, when 1 might enjoy rent, ploasuro and traval, I am ntill tied by now duties to my baby, and givo up my drenms, sure that Homathlng bettnr will bo given mo in timo. Frou.' >ni was always my long ing, but 1 have nover had it, so X am Htill trying to fool this is tho disci pline I need, and when I am roady th liberty will oomo." , I*rovriting Fro/en Wntrr Ptnofl. Sir Jamns Crlnhfnn Urowno lmo offorod a auBHUBtlon for tho euro of fro/on wator plpos. Speaking at u oongroHs of plum- burfl, ho polntod out that water pipei would novor burst if protected by a vacuum. In tlio oxporlmonts at tho Royal Institute upon liquid air and liquid oxy gen, fluids wore dealt with at a tompnra ture of 180 degrouH holow freo/.lng point. At onoh n tmnpornturo it would havu been Impossible, to Work With the fluid- nndor ordinary oonttitlonn, hut In ruhun or heakois with vnouum jncUots ihey woro hanillod with the utmost fnoillty. and pourod from one to another without dlUloulty, because tho toniporaturo could not; pass through tho vonuuni. "Why, ' askod Sir .fames, "could not piumhern Invent a vacuum pipa? A Apnea oven an otolith of an inoh of a high vacuum would bo sufficient. Jr.olosn tho plpo ro he protected in an outtr tube, oxhausj tho air from the Intervening ftpaco, and hermetically seal the lm loslnp tnho at tho emlH.thon no ohannoH of temporaturo could an*not tho protected pipe " Clti- elsinK this fliigRflstion, a correspondent, says tho bloa Is not now, an ho unsfgeHiud It ton years ao. Ho haa done more; be has tried loutlll/o It, but found that as the inner plpo inunt ho nupportod throughout Its lonKth.thoBO points of con tact form conductor*. A Blmplcr plan, ho nays, is to Inclose tho plpo* in n bitumin ous cyllndor, which, when slightly warmed,' can bo curved or bent, thus adapting both tubotj simultaneously to any nooossary curvua, as woll as afford* Inn bettor facilities for jointing ami ton- noetlng AluUlne Ktitiiilio In Caw of F!r Kttjy. A Canadian onglneor, sp6aklttg of tho lnriso number of fatal flros which have lately boen rooordod, says that those per sistently recurring fatalities rondor leffla- latlvo liitorferoncu impuratlve to omorao tho oarryuur out of a plan by which any building U'jnil an a manufactory, hotel, asylum, convent, oollago, etc, may bo Immndiately mid simultanoounly vaaatod In cantt of apnnln to wll, a continuous Iron nailery, or balcony to each and ovory oeeupiod floor abovo tho first. On to this floor the Inmate* shall bo able to stop onto Instantly from ovory window, thud giv ing din ofc noutiSM from naoh story to ono or moro stairways coniphitely cut off from all communication with the interior. Thia plan haw alroady bonn adopted oxionslvoly tiirouiihout Canada In tho construction of public bLilUllng*) It ia alto soon In tho lately I'ocoiistruotod theater at Antwerp, Flan'ilors, where each of tho flvo tlors of hoices lias honn provldod with a uontluu- ous outer Iron balcony or gallory, sur- roundlng the huidlng, with twonty-ilvo doom opening thfroon from oaoh floor, or ia5 oxltu, oxohislveof those at the ground levol in connoction with tho orohestra enats, the pit anil tho stage, iriiotoirriiiilibtg a llii 1*1 l*ii1flf Thi*oifh Prof. 13oy* hau made a beautiful flnrles of jvhotoRraphs of tho heW-Motford bullet as It paKBua through a onu-fourth-lnob nlioet of- glasfl, A disk of glans( unu-half tho dlmuotor of the bullet, which was ,ito:Wnoh caliber, was en* out of the shoot by thanlv wave heforo tho bullet touched It. AU wound tho hole thus martu, the plan* was oruiihoA into powder and driven bttokw* n piotniro showed the (jlais ollughig Ito thu bullet for uonie time uftor It had paused through, ihe dlik belotf driven- on to front of the air wavp at the points. An other photpuraph allowed tho remainder of thu tflaua sbwt W*j lntnqt utiav fen* bullut had u**M <m 'or a dJbUnoe of 9 Inches. When tf h^m; had tanohed 14 laeheb foHhM, ** *U* of fffert mH Md Ml to pAtoek Vnr Alitied oi' Aiiyilaing I Ituve, 'ICver Mr, John Ititm r, inorobmit, Watorloo ays: ' 1 havu t',iv. n Btailt'H I'owdors (for lmiidaoho, uonutivetuiHi!, hiHousnoHs and nouralfdm) mi extensive trial, and ilnd thiun to uivo the greatest satisfaction in m> family. 1 can very highly reooui- nioml thorn. They am far ahoad of uny- ihinu I have ever uavd, and I havo tried tunny h," Ridd bj all drugiimU ut y."jc a box, a Imxis lor il. Nice to take, miniodiatn end jeiuiuuont. (I'ut date 1st insertion. A IMntrn/Jno/H Inilueiico. Th cmormouH ciroulation of Mich a raiifta- y.hio ns Tho ladies' Home Journal can, iu a iiquko, bo undortitood when It is said that during tbo lunfe six montha of I BUG tboro woro printed, sold and clroulatod ovor four million oopioH- (its fact figured 4,068,BUI). I'lguros snob us thoso jjivn ono some Idea of the inlluence which maybe oxortod by ovou a shitflo one of thu modern uia^HxineH. TREASURER'S ALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES TOWN OI'1 KbM'jX, | WhorosH by virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of tho To Wit : j Town of IDifsex, iu the County of Essex and authenticated by the (oi [ornte mil r f iho said Town bearing date the fourth day of r'ohruary, 1800, ii iu! to me tiiu oti U eummsnding me lo lovy upon tho following lots or parcels of lands in arrears for tuxes duo thoreou with ooiitit. -I hcniliy |*i\e notice that unless tbo iiaid tiiten and uosts aro sooner paid I shall, on Wednesday, tbe :Uth day of Juno, lHilO. at the hour of ten o'clock: in the forenoon, at lJioltV llsil, ih hi Tnwn of KHh( x, proci id to bt 11 by public auction tbo mud lauds or j -.o iiniL'li rheriDt an mey bo snllicient to pay such arrtatni of taxes and till lawful couta I mcuirod : | IMiin. Lots. Thvch. Coots. Tot-1. 1 .107..............'..............SB..............ifl OH........ SUir,........&u\03 ;iu7............................'M.............. Lou..........i w........ am I '-JO-li..............................B.............. ^0 titi..........2.-J7........ 33.1:* j '207............................7 audH............67.0.)..........2.31........ G0.87 22:t.......................... 1) and 112.......... 25.H7..........2.3fi....-.... 28,22 17'J........................ parts 2U and '11......17.111..........2.1.1........ 20.00 i i7o;.;:::;;:;:;;;::::::;:::::^n1(\^i........a-ao........55:i........a -JI.7..........................27 and 24 1 I WOW..........................2'J and 21)...... Hloclt3l........................................7.11 Block no U.'I.IIO..........1.2I1........ 37.811 ..l.'J5........ 9.0GW. ..2.72........ 1X71 W. D. BKAMAN, Ti easuror. Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS eitl er as Power or Pumping Windmills., j.Eor prices ai.d ierras, address T. HALFORD jj Essex, - Ontario. Y Agenfc for Essex County. Are You Building* ? Wg can supply you with all hinds of Wooden Material, plain and ornamental. Pino, Hemlock and nativo Lumber always on hand. Shingles, Cedar Pcbib Doora, Sash and Coal. We Make screen Doors and Windows That will last a Life-time- Laing Bros. J. GOURIiAY & SON. ESSEX. ONT -**x. 1^' ffr-r~ TIJE TIUOMPH CORN SHELLER TbiH Maohino oonsiats of 11 horizontal east cylinder, with wrought irori 'burs, with siool tooth boltod to tho oyli jdor so as to bo rovorsiblo when the tooth bflcomo worn on tho front aido, running in a perforated ooncave iron -holl, which tho ohollod corn jiaaaoB through into a shoot iron enao, with a an or oloiinor attachod bolow, which takos all tho dust irom tho grain. The ihoapoat bent, moBt simple a\id dnrablo Power Corn hollo?,in uso; shelU lorn poriootly clean in any condition oholling and cloaning from ono to two houaand bushels of oars per day, according to power. Dimknbions. Pulley, 10 in. diais= ator, (1 in, face; Motlffon* BOO to 800 revolutions por minute; "Woii'ht, bGOlbs. EVERY SHELLERflWARRANTED. J. GOURLAV & SONS. "I ?n iy^u^kiyuE^^ {^^fg^ ;vi-1^j

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