Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, page 6

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MMMhaa 0 /'< f' * k KIN TO IT, A NoI rhriM f ih Nw Woman Qiim* tton on a Train. "I wm amiiHod at a woman on a train uoralng Into Washington from tho south," *AlM a gentleman. "It showod a novol pbe of the now woman qnostlon. "At Qpldaboro a man got on tho train with a baby In his arms. A woman fol lowed httti/ hat paid no attention to the man. The baby was arldtmtly tdok, ond tho father, a North Curolinu mounrulnoor, paced up and down tho c r trying to qtilot the ohlld. Kvery lady on tho oar ezoopt the woman who not on tho train t Goldeboro Was lntorosUd. Couturier-' ble apeoulntlon wafl Indulged In jib to the fathur and child, tho oonuonsuu of opin ion being that ho had Jueb lout hia wife and was taking tho baby to Uu urund- paxenta. After two or thro bourn th woman who boardud tho train at th earno time tho man did Hpoku to him, and ho thon pnnnod on, fondling thu huh v. "A himnvolont-looklnw old lady Heated nonr tho woman, ourlmiH to knmv unnu- thliiK about thn nmttm wilj,: " 'The ohlld tiooinn to hm mUBtf " 'I saw you upojvlc to tbefailuJr ^ you know him?' " 'Ortor Iio'h tny huhSAB**1* 11 'Do you moan to wiy tfir* you are thnt ohlltPn mothoi* and lot tho huby euffer that way?" " ' Uu'u joHU u ahlo to toto It an I bo. Hefl* jofld uu muoh kin to It uu I ho," and tho woman turnod unooneoiinndly to thn window, whllo tho man oontlmuid to wnlk anddandlotheoblld." WaHhlUijtou Btur, Pure Blood and Strong Nerves, Paino's Celery C ompound Gives These Blessings To Every Sufferer. The Only Modicuie that Thoroughly Banishes Diacaso. An Ontario Iiiuly'H Exporionuo. NoN***id for Hnn\G\in+u. A grctib number of pooplo who can nover orotm tho ocean without bulnu prou- tratod by RouiluknwHH havo oomn to look Upon ovory ttiportod euro for thai dlHtroHK- Ing malady uh a dolimlon and n mium. Whuthor the InUafc remedy, or rather pro- vontlvo, Ih mora oftloiioloun than tho root, romulmi to bo proved. Dr, A, D. UooU- Woll fiayu It Ih. Ho nsHortfl that tho reason no Ilttln attention had boon paid to hoiihicIe- noan, owpoolally by thoHo not subject to It, la that thoro wm a fnllaolouu Uiua that to bo seiuilok did u portion good; that It clear ed out tho Hywtem, and therefore, nature hould bo ullowod to tako Its course. Dr. Rook wall holdn that there Is nolthor ad vantage In nor need for the all mom,, lb muHt he ptovontod and thn battlo of pro- Vonblon jnUflfc ho fought on land bafore Hailing. For throo dnyw before tho voyago doHOH of bromldo of nodlum mum bo takon In preference to bromldu of poinqidum, and thin couruo miMC be continued for throo or Tom* dayo nftor nailing. Ono plooaant olfoot of thiH broini'/utlun Is the Bound and refreshing nnturo of tho uleop It InduooH. Tho doss roomnmondod by Dr. Kookwoll la thirty arnlnfi of bromide of sodium throo tlmos a day for throo daya hoforo the voynfto, and for throo or four day after starting. IIo Ijhh Invariably found thin treatment un nhHnlutn provont- Ivu, und hiw oroHHod tho KhrIIhIi Oliannol on a vory rouRhvoyago without tlwHliKht- '^at diHoomfort from tho motion of tho ship. Innpapor on thin suhjoot before ft modioal Booloty Dr. J (auk wall tolla of ti man whojwua In tho lia,c of oroRHln the booflmrtW6 or throo timoa u year on bufll- hoB. and who dreaded tho roourrlntf tripa on account of BonBloknOHn. After h had tried tho bromldu troatmont, ho wroto to any that for tho flrnt time In bin exporionoo ho had croflnod wlthoun dlhcom- fort. Kir, Rockwoll otatoa tlmt ho nan hftvor found any evil clYoota from tho nee of tho bromldo of nodlum takon for tho btovontlon of aouululcnonij. IMio fitnt ijroat roquitiito for a oondition of purfoot hiialth for ovory raiin, woman and child at Ihfa builhoii ih puro blood und ittron^ huatthy norvoH. Thoj piyo un the hualth, Htroncth, vim and antivity that wo aro no ea^o to pouiiHH, no tliat wo may bo foi^ifttod to moot tho unoivatintf woitthor of our hot utimnioru. Throe fourthn of our pooplo rnnh into tho portals of hot nuramor with uyutomH char^od with doadl" iwpmitioB and poU- ouh. Tho blood hi foul und uta^uaut; tha hvurund Uidnoyo work imparfrotly, and lira voiy or ton diHuuued. VVitli nimiy, rhtHunutism, dynpfpnia and in dilution uro dailo totmontorn. Coiititipatiuu, head* iiohe, dull and heavy brains, woak und tirod fou)ii)f>ii and tileoplcHHnoHii, maUo llfo a miiinry for tiinuimndit, Ijifo in not unto whou auoh pymptom,i and diHoanoM uro pernuttod to mn uu (Jioclcod It you, roiidor, happon to bo ono of the many luftqring from any of the forms of diaaa jaat referred to;' do not fail to give Paine's Colory Compound a trial at oaoe* It ia yonr only safety your only truo aud ooriam dulluiror from perils that and in death. Pttine'n Oolery Oompouad in an afetiolute aiid oqrtalu BpeniHc for "the troubloa that threaUa.your Ufo^itJbftH ourod thouHunda, and will do the namo (*oid work for yon. One bottle will oout you Iohh than a viaib to a phyiilolaa, and wilt conyinoo you of ita powor to euro. Mr*. 0. FtirRUHOii, of Kndtokvllle, Onfc., uiiya : "For ut^lit yar 1 wan woroly troublod with houral^ia. noryoua debility and in- dlgsatlon, for whioh I triod varlouii advor- tikod rnedloUflH, an J wuh troatftd by flv doctnrH. I did nob rudiiivo any ^ood rociulU from any aouroo until T wuh rtiuommondod to Uije Patna's Oolury Compound. Boforo X had UKod ono bottlo of tho Compound I found niyuolf muoh hot tut. Aftor uhIuu; fourbottlon, I am now ahnot uu well as ovor boforo in my lifo. I fluop wcul, appo- tito lu ^ood, and I fool ruuowod and HtronKtuouiid/' DO YOU GEfwiftnoU ASK FOR? Many aru I>eelv<j<l Wlidti liuy- iiktr Diamond DycH, Many lad id h avo doooivo.l wh'iu thoy yo to purolniHO Diamond Dyon. Thoy auk for tho "Diamond ," but many doulom, yroody for (lain and extra profit, wrap up hoimo worthloHH make of dvo that pro von rumoUH to tho matarialx Unit uro to no dyod. Wo ntrongly udvino tho IiliIiuh to bowuvo of tho morahantii who me muiui onouuli to nubHtituto inforior (icjola. If your mot ohiiut.wilN onl> ooramon and bi# profit dyoii, nend your ardor diri'ci to un, and wo will nond tho Diumond Dyo.i bv mad to yonr addron-1. Tiio Diamond Dyow uro only ton conU por puoku^'o (aamn prtao ub tho worthIohh dyo) aud uru alwayu warmntud porfect. Wull'a & lliQhardoon Co., Montieul. remembered to wall,- hr. iofb red mouth (rrrt^" hkrd ojirf m \tJrpttfaVHT .ehe *ald wily,- *'fchat I undo trop.-4-waw not aware thai you weru well enough to see a visitor, hold Frauotf, Mr^Jaoynth.will yon pluasn in ko mo away !" ' ' ' -' "Kuuolla r wrlod Frank ii an ngonv, "Lot me I'xpfatn ! ThU, thin nhn-fiinid, thin mocking do*il has count to trv and p.n- mi alio mo that It wkb I I Who *tal.lx-d Count do Murger with my own hand ! Tell mo, for pity'u sake, that you at loant da not bohovti It 1" ' **For Omco in her lif," naUl Fmdla, will, ti tnnrh of ht-r old any iiiipiirthiuun#*,"Mmn. dn Vi^ay Imu Bpoktm thu truth. My d<mr Frank, 1 wonld \illling|v olitif{e yon if p<in- slide, hut I cannot, f nw you do it with my own nyu !" Tho unhappy Flunk sta^>red ut tin wo toirUdu wonU, "Mv own m!0-' H\w uavMhlic- h.iw )i)a do thin tlnnu;! How ynu'immt itiaihu me, Punollul How you miut huitlio i" Dv^TwENTY-r0UR^\UirH0RS. tfp*iuiH'au ch'.KoakPus.Ce. SHORT BUT TRUE. Misers mistiikii f<ol<l for ijood, whereas It Is only a moans of obtaining it. Rocho- foumuld. Men are won, not so much by bolng blamed, at by bolng cucompmaed with love, Chnnninpr TIo who comos up to his own Idsa of KroatnoHfl must always have had a very low Htandurd of it in his mind. Knsltln. Itia a Buro evidence of the health and Innocence of the Udioldor if the oriHos are alive to the bounty of nature. Thoroau. Tho deipotism of custom in on tho wane. We are not content to know that thing* lire, wo ask whether thoy ought to be. J 15. Mill. Tho influunco of ountom is Incalculable ; droiaahoyna a man and ho will at onoe change hi conception of himtolf. B, St. Jolm. From lt'i very inaction, idlenosa ulti- tojntely becomes the mo*b active cause of Vvil; as n paliy (a more to bo dreaded than a fovor.- Colton. Nothinpc in rich but tho inoxhaustiblo Wealth of nnturo. Whe shows us only aur- fncuB, hut alio ie million futhoroa doey. Emerson. Wo are vaformern innprinfsnndRnmmor. In autumn and winter wo ntun 1 by tho Old. Reformers in the morning;cont>ervu- tivoH at night. Emeraon Men of rGod have always, from time to time, walked among men, and made their Commlhhion felt in the heart and soul of the commonest hearer. Emornon. A large library is apt to distract rathor than to instruct tho learner; it is much better to bo confined toa fow authors than lo wander ut random over many. Soneca. The reason why so few people aro agree- kblo in conversation is that each is think* hip; more of what ho is intending to Hay than of what othorn ure saying; and we luover listen whan wo aie planning to fcpfalCi Rochofoucauld. There isno real elevation of mind In n wontompfc of little thint. It is. on tho contrary, from the narrow views that wo connider those things of little importance, Which have, in fact, such extuiibivo cous-v tJUolices. Fenclou. JAPANESE PROVERBQ Tho Ignorant aro never defeated In any Nsrgumcnt. Kvcryhody ha4 eight eyes for his nolgh- uor'H husiuoss. With a tnoto in the oyo one cannot see the mountains. I'ntionco Is tho ropo of ndviincemcnt In tail lues of life. When tho homo of shume lo lost nd- Vancenioiit ceases. A womiin with a thrco-iuch tongue can Juy u gluiit. GenluM lieara one Individual and thou -Com pre hoods ton. No^llgonco looks nt tho battle field, then makes its arrows, Tho Huh which oscapus from tho h&ok teeran alw^s tho la^i-sh. Who HteiilH goodajs callbd a thldf; who %teuls domlhloUH a'luler. Seeking in'CoVmatfon Is a momout's lhanie;'but uob^oUarn isuurdy a lasting harne. ' '" which can neither lie defendod nor over come. "Lucdle," he mud brokenly, "you have nat tronted me allORethor wall; you havo d<uiu your beut to koop my wife and mo ipart; you havg wantonly .ibduated my only son, my little Ronny; you have hud inu fhui up in ii luntitio asylum; I utrnnjrly siispoct that you know more than you should about tho fim whish occuaionod tho tmai lotu of thu Danio, and nil but il small porcontaqo of her crew and paaoungois anil yet and yet, Lucille, I ounuot liut think tlmt yuu dtill lotain a hnguriiig ' park of tiuo womanhnosu uomowhore, in spite of all! Ry that spark, I adjure von hoI. muly, to tull we, ua you hope for mt'icy, whuthur you did or did not write that letter signed 'Ono who known thu truth?"' ,lI did," alio answered, "I do know it. I hiiecomu here with tho full intention o! filing it " ^ "And you c*n clear I^enollal" nflk&d Kiank. "Thon I forgive you frouly all tho wrong you liuva done only apeak, Lucille, t-11 mo all at onoej keop mo no longer in mipenao!" -v *'\Viut," hIio aaid calnrjy and almost soothingly, *'ftro you quite Buro tl at you < hi hoar to know tho truth'" "Sure?" ho exclaimed, -'if only Fonoll* ini notntah tho count, what euro I what uthiT hand denlt tho fatal blo^v ?" Lucille de Vigny smihd. a dark and mys- no smile, m alio ttutd slowly, "Not oven if Lhe hand should prove to ba your own }** Frank Onslow fell hack with blue and writhing lips. **It is a lio," ho said lioarso- U , "acjuol ho !" "It la tho truth, my poor Frank ; I can MIOVO It." Now, as has boon already stated, this wun incro conjecture on hor part. Iu apito .f ihoaiiHorLion in her letter, slm had not been in the corridor of the Tronpcot Hotel vliim the tragic occuironcohad taken placo. l)n the contrary, she had been, perhaps, the nosL perplexed by Frank's disanpuaranoe ha next morning. It was only suhse- "piepily that her feminine intuition had iipiTlieil a partial solution of the mystery, ll'iwuver, her shot told with terrible effect, "Prove it," ho repeated incredulously. ~*WhyraFHr I had seen the count enter F m;Ik'n room, I wont strait to my own ; I *u up in stupor till daylight, I did in- ii'i'd, Lucille ! "And at daylight you flod," "Baid Mmo. ie Vigny Hoftly, "Only an far as Paris." ho rejoined, "and Ididuotfly. I traveled in my ordinary naiiwr. "At least you left your wife to go ihrough the inquest and trial ulono." "I did not know of either until weoks ifroruarcl, whon Catttlotu, showed me tho en rtH." "Not know of a sonsation that was con- etihmg all Kngland? Paris is scarcely Kum- Hihatlta my doar Frank. En(/liah papers aro pioeiiriihle at tho hotalu. "I I was 111," ho mcid Uehly, "or else X tas yaolutngfor wooka in tho Buy of Ilia- -I don't knowl" fiven to mis Biok and bewildered brnm hie story b- i<iu to seem rather a lame and unprofitable no "But my wife/' urged the wretched Frank, with a pitiful return of hopeful- m-hs, "etpreusly admitted, when (sbo was x am mod and cross-ex a mi and on har trial, mat ube had done tho deed herself in de* reiioo of her life. I have nover yst known i'Y'iuilla, with all are faults, stoop to a di i i-et fulsoliood. How do you got over that. hueilloV "I am s foreigner," was Mus chilling re- h|ioose( "aud, as suoh,Imperfeatly aequsint- I with your orimhml procedure Still, I b hvi alwsys understood that persona In dicted for swoh offences are not entitled to Uive svldeuoe id their own dsYsnce, I may U* wro)ig.';,h-i.' >\Js .- should be explained hore that Mme. do Vigny wan wrong or partly so. There cortamly is some siloh rulo, but II would bo strange, indeed, if an advoc&U of Clitheroa Juevnth's pouition and in flu ens* could not succeed in petting it uot anide in favor of hii fair (sliont, when,an his logal aou- meii had divined, tho offoct of aueh an td. niinuiou would inevitably insure the prison er's triumphant roleaso, even ou a trial for manslaughter. Aud the result, *n hss bseu mated, amply justified his calculations. Hut the diabolical plausibility of Luoills's rupnnder dustroyod tho laHt vestigo of hops for Frank, who was loss familiar with the laws of his country than ovory well-educat ed Hnton Should bo. "You an right," he groaned, "I did it I must havo don"e it. And what on earth shall I do now, Luoillo !" Her faco, pmt ita firnt youth as it was, heaamo rapt and transfigured with tender- nrss as hIio bono over him und laid one alight burning hand on each of his shoul ders. "I will toll you," she tiaul, in hor low, cooing accents ; "if you stay here, you are I at ! For aftor jour ranli visit to Inspec tor Brown at Scotland Yard, nay, before that, tho dutuctivos havo been upon your II auk. It camot bo many years, or months, perhaps, bofore thoy hunt you down, ovon in such a rcmoto island as Guernsey. And if you aro arrested and hrunght to trial, Funella will bo powerloss to screen you any longer. As your wife shi> will bo unablo to give her testimony in your bohalf, an yon are doubtless ttwaro. I alone know your quilt, hut do you think that I would be tray you? Why, I lovo you, Frank; 1 think I have always loved you, oven when T seemed to halo you most. And now that you have savod me from a hideous d**th, oh ! mv dear, my dear, how oan I tflv* you up? No, fly with mo at once. We will go to South Africa, whoro society is freer and heiltluor than here, and conventional pre* jtiilioes do not exist. Come, Frank, come ere it 18 too late." Tho miserable, man wavered on the, couch ; ho did not lovo this woman, not as loatt with any pstwion dusorving tho namu, I but ho was in her power. And how, how could ho faco bin lovely innocent Fenolla with the oonsoiousncRs that he was a mur derer T Au he still hesitated, there came a re sounding knock nt the trelliiod door which made thorn both start. "The dotootivesl" whispurud Lucille do Vigny, "already; quick. Frank, tho back door." Bub Frank Onslow hud not lost all hlw manliness ; he drew himself to his full height with a proud dignity. "Back doors are not ox no try in my way, Luoillo," he said, "lot them take mo. I am ready to atone with the last inu < "Hut I don't, Frank," nhe assuied him earnestly. "I don't loatlio you m tho least, you poor Unhappy hoy 1 Heatmtj fh, Imton, Fnmlt when you killed luiu, I knew fmm your expression that you wi in a hypnotiu trniou, and lhr< foro, neither umrullv nor legally respouuiblu for your uciioiml" Frank wiped his brow; an immeuno load was lifted hum his soul. "That accounts for it," ho said nlowly, "I fnlt mho I could not havo committed uoh au att in uu oidiuary stale without retaining iiomu rc- colhiLtiou of tho oiicunistanco. And yet," lie add* d moodily, "if I am ammed, who oan prove that I did it in thiH unaoiii<emiis state? Not you, Feuolla; according to Minn, do Viaiiy, at loaMt." 'MuHt so," suid Lucille, speaking for tho fir a tunc. "You uro Ins wifn, Lidy Fruucin, and the law will not accept you ns a wiini'HH, Thorn Juno ono win. can prove it, and thorofoio, the doduotion I leave to yon " "I'ardon mo," aaid Jucvnth, stopping cdinly forward. "Thoru *u f.oinoboify Lord Ciistlnton Ho haw lately told ine so. It appears, my dear Onslow, that ho hiw von Kiihstqutnillv, whon you Wfin nufTaring hum n preciiieiy similar atta.k. You Mitbbed madly, blandly, without being m lor least, awaie of your actions." "Another murder ?" cried tho horrified Fnuik. "Oh, the horror, thn black, hope less horror of it ! To ho doomed to tho*.e dutrhi of blood, and to nvcr HUttpect it till too lato. Jaeyntli, I think I shall go mad." ** There is no necessity, my dear hoy," H.ud thu hairmiur kindly. 'Fortunately, on thiH particular occaiion yon wore armed with no more formidable woapon than a mil of paper, or else, had there been a vic tim at hand, which providentially there wan not, tho consequence might indeed have boon disnatroin. * Flank's countenance cleared onco more ; ho could cinbincu his wifu now with a ch'ar coniiu-ienec, at d accordingly he turned with xi. ndi'd arms. "Fuiiulla," ho cried,"Mrs. Hight !" "Doggio, my own Dnggte 1" was thn ringing rcsponsn, and tho pair woro foldod in ono anothor'n units. Jiiovnth had tuili edawny, Pardon luin, r< adi, if at that supremo moment of r oowihatiiin his own heart was too boio and blttor to bear tjie sight of happiness whit-h had been mainly his own work. lJuvotod friend, self con tained, diHUugumhed barrister as ho wau, le was still many removes from au angel. But the sciind id the old pet names, tho uaniLRHhe rumemhored on tho* "tetrrclopo'rn- turned to Cluihliiigbird from the Dead Luttrr Oilice, ne.-m. d lo exiiwporato I.uci lo de Vigny to a fury that would not Imyo disgraced a fiend. It must l> r*mem- beied, in juuticu io her, that sho nad Uvud this man with all the ardor ei a kwuiionaU. uudiBciplined nature, Bhu had lost him, bad been on tho vngoof recapturing hnn, und now he hail use ipnd hor once more, mid something to.d hoi that this tune it was forever! itood there in a kind of stupor, wondering what had happened lo her, and hou' it Would timet, her u'hn she was t*\Av to think of |i. It was JuojntU who, wu h hia uoVto-failieg taut uud conslduration, tmne to her ndn-f. "'Hum |h no plnue for1 you now/' ho Hull) in hingnivr, gentle tones. "Lot mo luad yon nwav, Fiuielja, " FentdJa allowed heraolf to hr guided by him; nho hud got no muoh into ihti h ibit at depending nntlndy upon hint lanly that somehow ltieomod tho uatuiul thing 'to do. i(i,m Mi; i.Kinvot; awav, ruxyf^A.1* Only when they reached the fresh sir nun- uhlne oiiimdu she looked up at him with chthlliUft, appealing eyea. "Whore aro wo goinu'* ' hhe itiquiri'd dnainily. "VV urn t"on g," 1m said, -'to moot lWiuy und tho goat chame." It wun strange, luirhsps, that thi> simply n mark gavu Fenella a vague comfcrt. It unuld he aomo tune weosk, or evnn nionthw she knuw, before happmcua ro- luiiied io hor, and she wis hor own way- unid, hght-heatted self again ; bus hippmiNS uau in store for her, tlmt umno u.iy, so'uior or later, nlio would forgft all thai set mud un p.iiniul and unpl'-uB^nL jnBfc now. she know hh unruly an that s:io waa 'lUmgdoun thnroui, mid bailing; uptm C.i heinu .lacynth'if ntrong right aim. And an those two wont down to ineot tho goat clumo. tub \:s\>. A YOUNG LAD'S RE! CON FINISH TO HIS POttMOIIK THAN AVE, An IiitomMiSnlTorer Tbroiitclt Pali llin TiUMel<i r lUaJbOfi" autl Ajfnai ICn<iiicAl AtiiKmL to aLlvlne Slcel From tho Wolfyill... N- ., Acadian. Mr. T. Wrlleukwilh )h tho proprietor of [ tho Itoyal Hotol, Wolfyillo, tho most im-J po'taiit, hostolry in tho town, aud as a maul woll known and osUoniad throughout tbi HuoUon. Ho U'ih u bright handsom.. lool ing son llljnarsof age, nauiad Froddu who ma hid of more than avorago mtoj! Iigouoo. It in pretty well known in Wolf.J villo tlmt Fr. ddio underwent a vory wayera! illuuriH, clinngh porlmpn tho moane to whioh ho owu'i hm rijoovory his rooovury is uot so goner-lii known arm a etatuintrnt of the| oaso may bo tho moans of helping soma other Hiiflurur. On the Ullth of Dacomber,, IHIiiJ, Fruddio wau taken ill and wus con- fined to his mom and bin bud until AfaroliJ mu. Two diltorunt phyHioiana were called in during hh. long ill now Ono said ho1 had la grippe aud tho other that his fcrou- blo was rbnuuiiuio fovor. IIo was troublod remnant of my miaorable, lll-spent life." Aud the door flow open as he spake but it was tu detective that ontnrod. iJenellu canto In in hor pretty light fro ok, hor *mal) cheeks duelled with a now unaeouBtemed roue tint, and something ( the old, merry, misohiovou* sparkle lu her tan-colorod lmzo! eyes, for she had boon laughing and talking on the way up with Jaoynth, and tolling him how she hud fascinated tbe steward nt the stoauier, until, with he'r oiiBtomnry liRlit-heartod- uess, she had almost forgotuu tho gravity of tho en aud on whioh she cams, Jseynth's dark, olenn<Hhuveu fau'o, with rha imperturbable expression and tho uiuj'y molded jaw* Was visible over her slim shoulder. But, at the sight of Mine, do Vigny. hr old enemy and rival, all thn mei r in.'i'.i i nd infantile Irtnocenort In Feiml kV 1 viv auilaolouii faco faded suddenly j l-.n- M.Mry y*s flashed with the tigerish gUain Vuuxh "Very pretty, my faith 1" she said with a bitter laugh of mingled (age and despair, "Quelle iiinocouce, uum Dieii ! You havo defenders who combine military dune* with a naval footing ' How do jou call them, limn? I forget." "Pbuaibly, mad&ino," Ru^uenied Jacvmh gravoly, "you refer to the Manner?" "The Marines it ih that, vmi. Well, tell this fine story thtwi to vmr Marines, Or, hotter atill, for-Hiosr in'om, thoy uro hero at hist, to yonr di'tectiven, und nee what thoy will s,iy to \ou !" Ikr lino inatinct had not deceived hor thm tnno almost before alio had fhiishVd opoaking a couple of men in plain clnthus cmiiu into the room. They had the sump, roving eve of tho trained sicuthbound, and ono of them carried a pair of steel handcuffs. "Tliurr is tho man yon seek," cried Lucille, pointing to Frank, who Btnnd quietly awaiting his captnrs m the center of tho room, "Ah, my pooi Doggio, you havo had your day !" "Begging your pardon, madamo," mid one of the men, not uncivilly, slipping the handcuffs over Lucillo'a slender wiiKts, "but you're tho p.iriy wo'ro after. You have given uo thu slip ofi en enough, but I think we've got you /iafo thia tun." Mmo. do Vigny'u f.icn ohuuged* for an instant sho seeuud to contemplate roaist- anco, and then she submitted to tho inevit able, and followed her captors to tho door. On tho threshold oho panned and loo Und buck with a ga/ of eomentrated hate upon tho party. "Bah!" alio ojmuhaud, and then, with an indcucnhablo gesture of defiant contempt, she unlkrd "lit of the room, and out of tho Uvea her baleful influ ence had done no much to pertuib. As aoon aa alio a< gonn, Frank, with a sudden recollection, inquind, "And tho boy, our Ronny, Fminlln? Uu ia not ill not again! Tell mn the worst. I I can hoar it !" "Ronny," uaid Fmnlln, with ono of her little BpafiniH of silent inu'th, "Ronny is quite woll; only ho insinted on dnving up to tho door in a goat chaio. What is the mat ior, Frank you ure not unu ell ?" "No," siid Frank faunly, "no, only tho dread of some new (Iiaautci. We havo gone through so many 1" "Thoy are all over now," i-ho said, sweet* ly nnil confidently, "all over. Ilonny will bo here soon; and then wo throo will live hero huppdy toguihur, and poor Mr. da cynlh, whose time I um afraid I have really mouopolixod quiiu uhiimofully, can go hack to his chambers and Ida clients again." "Yds,11 Baid Juoynth dully, "lean go hack. 1 I havo neglected them too long " It was the end, ho loali/.od ; kIio needed him no longer. He should s>o ltor no more, ho would go. But before he could Carry out his intention, ho wjib startled by a sudden ohnngo in Onslow's 'exproHuinu and, shocked beyond words, ho saw him throw Ids arms above his huad, turn sharply round three times, und totter heavily rtgatust a who flower stand, full of hyacinths in bloom, whioh he brought down with him in his fall. It whs all over 1 Tlie Iong-staiid(mg hsurt trouble, combined with the excitement of the varied events of the past months, und especially of the la at hour, had brrmght poor Frank Oualow's oheokared carreer to a sudd#n and "tragic 4oloso, and the form that lay t Ini re montf tha bared bulbs, crushed bqlls, icatterod earsh, aud broken pots of th? hyUeiaths was already tttoH bn+hin'a but Ufeleiu olayr > i .Fenella , fsrs loo, sauoh fer tearsi she Tli Druniawir. l.ft loftier por la nine "' i-iiljrlitaj Of fniri' n, m 1 pliH nint h il; ri, 0! intritc^ and fnyn unci* nf (Inj n, Anil other riutunrn ntniti 11 Of kiriyrH and am itnt in ruea tiravi I filnir a newer tomer A linn whom fate eruaioil litt, IJh mitUorniui c~thu drummer. He never ftmrs the fucrj of man, Mi*f*t nil nicirt o a. ln\il. Nor Himli nor hruUc can make him loss _ Hin in ipniflinilir In vet Ilraw an thrisu no tint. ( rcwit who bou|;hb Tlio llr inrrnlian \\ nli h, For unafraiil u Ith Inrdu of tra<lt And merchant kiri^n ho tfraiipan. Ho flphtu with niniiarrhn of tho mart, He aiei'tw their, in tin ir f.mtiiiiiis Bhouii them hiH ulccK ex pan >i' of "ehuok,1* And ivwcti tlicni wnli hit v utriLin Thn morchant khu,'liolunrl hit talcs Yloldn to Um hold nurm<l< i, Un (OWfiri nuil quiki i -tin <ln.iinm,r tkt r Um thouiiaii 1 dollar onlur. He flirs upon the wirj^ of Htiam, Nor tiiiu-H nor tnh * iit.trn i hnn, And from U\n flight! he onU l^hts To uwoop ii|m mn \ k Inn. He H\*o|m Of vlliumL v tin ii i| iiit.l|]ih- 1,011(1 l<lij\ts ar< <li ill, I In.i) in hm licit Another hcuIjj lj (Inn^lliif. A tlioimarid imh 111 hut a Hlip, The roiiti i nt i Hti .iIiIU, Win n on hm stci il of \i ii 1"- 'i* speed Hu Inn UK-H on tho uirWl', i Thit HtinriM' and hiin^i i n/. T-o him air hi .ir to^ulm, Willi lu.|ii( L'l" ^ und \i l'r*r*>w Ho fiand^K Ins hi'i weather. Tin loii(,Mtiidc4 und latitiirli^q Ih k'npii in tin-In.- motion, Tlnu thuLiUioi k h '\\u n :nc\v York Alld llU> l\l< ill" II till Thin r()iitini,nt w il' rrll|lll danen. Through muiIli i- d ntUnnu siiiiiiiiiif. Ami i hanj^i hia < Itu ' t au uianj, tiiauil Ai niOHt nu u * tlioir IliiLii. "Tin- wold that hnstli i not itlnll die,' This In Iho i,rLi d he pre i hiw ; And iuiUai;rLL' wuti yon ami mo To liLi'd thu truth li tt.u Iilu. Life in no hiiij.-mil holnl tj, No lone and Idle Miiuinir ; Caino. jiai-k ioin grip L't-t up and uklp And hiinilu like tlui (InminuT Sam WalUr l*Ohi, In .Now York Tribune, It RtOOll tllR TflHt. A public writ or had a portico wall fixed up in hlu study, and ordered tlie carpenters to make It In auch a way that no cound could penetrate through It. "The beet thlncr will be to fill It with ahavingfl,'* said the man, and Bet to work. When he had finished his employer went and atood on one side of the par tition and called out to the man who was on the other side: "Do you hoar mo, Janttto?" "No, sir," waa tho prompt reply. Tld-Blts. witl sc\en* pmnH thrnu.h thu iniuthu nf hiM uu aud urnn, itft^r thrnu or font days wuh^.-d io tako to boil, wuoia ho luji iifiul\ all wlnttn, auffenu*; terribly irem tin* pMiiH He bic'.iui roducod almot toa sin otnii und wan i lmhlo tn rolinh food of an\ kind. Duriuf/ mu lllneiw hu nufferod rclupKK owiny to h in| tu (jet up unoiior than hu ihould. Ii.iy hkti he wun auxious to j;t out and onjoy tho beautiful fipriu^ uutuihim* uud for several dayii wun carriod out and takon for a driyu. Thm brought on tho rolapHo. Tho dootor wus again called in and hm ho continued to ^row worHo he wao orderud once more to bod, Thiuqa then looked vorv dark aa donpito the medical ouru ho did uot (jet any bottor. At laHt hid father tlooided to tfy Dr. Wih liarau'Pink Iji11h Soon after beginning then una Fruddio hogau to fool better, Uis appotito ue^an to return aud tho paine wero Icuci aovoro. Au ho-Qoutinuod tho uuo of Pink PiIIh ho renamed health aud atrouKth rapidly. ULd in ahout it rarn/th waa appiLtently an woll mj over, thd remaining Hymptom ot hie trying illrjoas bumu s, hli^ht ptm in tho log, whioh did uot diimppoar for novorul monthu. It ie over one aud a Inlf yearn a^o bidoo Fred die took bin luflt, pill, uud in that) time he has not had a reourreueo of tho attack, Thoro 10 no doubt rhut Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ourod him, aud both tho boy und hie parotatfl speak hmhly In their praiao. Dr. Williamn' Pink Pilhmro tho medical marvol of tho ajjo. In hundredu of oaaoB thoy havo cured aftor-ull othor medicinoB had huled. They aro a positive enre for all troublen anwiug from a, vitiatod oon dition of tho blood or a shattered uervoua uyotom. Sold b^ all doulore or by mail, from Dr. Williama' Modiamo Company, Erockville, Out., at GO eente a box, or nix boxou torSiJ.CO, Thoro are numerous uni- tatioue and uubutttutiouH against whioh tho public in cautioned. DUftppnlutliiK. Sprint; is full of torroro to all whoao couatitution it uot ublotorohi-itthe 9uddon ohanged of toiupurature aud othor iuaulub- ritiou ot tho HcRHUii. To put the s>stoi in ooudition to ovoroorue thoHo ovila nolhtu^ ih uo eifeotyvo au Ayor'a Sarf.apanlla, Taka it now. i 'ir nr Ui.iVrur* "I'lhu... "f aoe," Hiild the\Chln"Eo Kmporor. "that Puj illst Corb\tt, arter all hia tnlhirur, l;> not ffolnfr ^o fii-rht." "You," repM d L,\ Hunts:;. "Ar^d tht-n, with a mournful, fUrmvv look hl.s eyeo, he addod: "If wo hi had thnt much foresight!" Wi ton Star. Oun for 1'uoli, They all culled it a bouncing baby, but when lltlo Bllllam dropped 1dm on the floor ho didn't bounce a bit. Worldly WI*-. Dumpua Zlgxaga la making: monqy hand over flat. McCmlth "What in ho doing now? numpuB lie lo on tho ntnt^o n a profodfilonal ropo etlmbor, -Brooltlyn Kaglc. Tlmiin Havo Clmngod, "Tou don't brine: mo as much candy an you UHcd to boforo wo woro mar- rier," pouted Mrn. Carloy. "No. I have to buy your bepfetoalcu new," replied Her husband. Oakland Times, fViHtoikimntUttloii. Fdltor Th6 charaotefa of your story arc too cheap. Author Well, I can malto a nluraber Detroit Tribune. .Mr*, Hoolihan Wan divorce wud i* uo nw*a; 1 want two av thlw, Marks, tho Lawyer "What are you driving at? Wvs. tfoolihnn Thot nly dlvil do t Uttrfin' * An*hln Ufa. n A*l ' v'l I .v.^L'fii 1 \ 1 ' if v ' 8

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