Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, page 5

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\H-"^ '- gpapiPj!^^^ fWI R3SE>JC FHBB PRBMMtt. /" D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANICEUB, loxt to Aberdeen Hotol.1 Essex. [ Money to lonn on Vat-morn' NoUb; NotB bought |r Collected; Jlouoy to loan on MortfiajjoH (, yweat rates and bout torniH. I",'. Drafts IsBued liftynblo at par at nil lln-holl)n.l '-polntB Fir Insurance Agents, etc. rv "S'TALK OF THE TOWN FRIDAY. A1>1UL 21, 1801!. I' It w Im pro vem unto of varlouH town niuidencon avo commonood with thoudvuntof Hprmg. bhox glwaya konpn pHOe with the timou. Dra. Dowitr A MuKonzio huv*' purchuHod nd moved a lar^e barn to a lot faohig on Eantro at., whtiro thoy purposo keeping leir lioruuu in tha future, ,T. H Wifilo onenod an ico cream parlor a th Thou. IIioltH titoro uoxt tlio furniture torn lust Saturday night, auU did u. ruuh- Eti bttalnoHH for a few hours. Ico oroum uot in hoilnon thin wonk, bowovor. Tho M. 0. II. Co. aro putting oleotrioul Jfi^nalu at tho main oroiming horo. Tlio Jrequent ooourronoo of Borioua ucoidontu at tbio oroBttiuK haa evidently had tho effect oi opening tho oyo of tho M. C. It. Co. Tho London Froo Preim in famotin for "Tho hotttmt woathor ovr known in April will in all likelihood be followod in Juno by ihoooldescduy thD Grit party ovor oxperi- ouoad." NowlinoBof wall paper for 1808 at May's Bazar, Prioea away down. J. W. OibHou ban a oouplo of Hiiupn in Booond hand whoelu. Laat full IVlni. R. C. Wallaoo tranHplunt- ed a currant bugh from tho garden to a flower pot and phiood it injtho houtin, Thfl , rtatilt in thai with ^od euro bu in now allowing hor friondn nioa npo red eurrauto 1 in April. If anybody in JSunox county iu m advance of thin wo Would liko to know -it. ' &ov, Samuel LyJo, of tho C'-Vad ProH. bytorian church, Hamilton, hail boon . ohoHon moderator of tho nynod of- IJ until. ton and tiondon; which is moo'.iny in Chatham thiti week, lii v. ,1. L. .Murray, of Kincardine, waa the retiring muderutor. Rev. W, M. Fleming and Alex. Laiug ate Eobox delogutou to tho, mooting of jynod. \0u Sunday a faut froight ruu wuu made ""tbe Michigan Goutral Railway. A traiD of fi0 loudod oara. online 140, Enfjm. eor Boauford, Conductor Marrmou, xnndo tho rn from Bt.ThoujuH to Wiudaor, 111 inilea, in two'bourifand fifty miimte.r No' itopn woro mudo, tho onginn uooopiug up water tho outno an uxpttnti traiuu. Thin is one of the boot froifiht ruim over madu, if not tho bout, for a train carrying tho br,me numbor *f oan. Whitnoy ieudB tho trado iu hatn, capu, bhirtn, oolluru, ouifo, tios, braaon, liono and boltB. Soo Donplaa' nobhy 11*tin fihoea. Tho . very latest thingH in tho market. Wlnt- noy Block. Tho Hoonoo branch of the Provmoial IVoaFturor'o Dopartmont Ihih Huot out a printed'letter to ovory licende inHpoutor in tho proyinco aflloDK for a report of tho condition of variauo hotels with regard to sleeping accommodation, clcuulinebfi, lav- atorion, utc, They aro to nond ;n their re- porta bofore May lt, Tho Govornraonl wub actuated in this mutter by what a deputation from tho Commercial Travel ler'** Afmuoiation hud to nay on the Hubject a abort timo ago. Thov stated thut many Of tho ontHido hoteU woro l(opt in u filthy and unboultby condition., Cboap and fancy f,nbrioa for ladiQH* lilrt waiobo, oto. at S^uiith'n. ,. JuBt in. choice lot/ lacuo and trimmin^n for summer uuo at/inlf prioo next weok at Bwith'fl. ) i member of /Tho Globo wtaff, whono domaiid oxtonGivo travel :tliroucb- !;otn Ontario, roportH tho condition ll wheat aa not being wholly bat. Whim ilrot the anow and ico red tho plant looked healthy, but quent front aud Buuuhmo had a truoUvo offeot. In Homo counties ok in very Rood, but on flat lying Vi whore lute uowing took placu 'o-third i dootroyod. In thio nc>o oat sn looking fairly woll, but clover lid badly. * - A load of young folkn From Kin^Hville took advawtuRo ol-thii boautiful rnoonll^ht P'ind-ftobd roada and viuitt'il the Er-worth [,, teagno born on Tuoaday evening. Amou^ 'v'tbe yicitori) woroEMr. Clomont, Preutdeut, '.and A. Buohnur, oterotary, whopo main fir. objofc was to arraiiRa for the duteH on ^.'*,Wbiu to bold the district Epworth L micuo ^'convention for thin year. The oonventioh i^'^jl'j bo held in Ebrox on Tuemiay, Wd- oobday and Thnraday, Uutobor l!i, 14, 15, setL ' ThoEfifiox LcanuoapprooiatoH thono ^f1"friendly viit" and hopo thdy may be ro- 'fr'ipcatfld, ^' 'flhifli wiilBta and wrapporo, liaudnome ff'/thioRH at amuzinjdy low priceu at Mrn. gVMay*- . If yon want' a' oool Hwoot aud lantinji l|,grako try a ton out paokafjo of TONKA ^impkinc mUtiare. Bo.mir^you ob Ronu- i Uoo Whitney's oolorod yeatn. Tho olaiof oftloera of the Uva companien of tlio 2lht, (IGhhox) bfttkallou rooofvod thnlr olieipion of U50.00 oaoh, onTuoHday, boiny tho county aoimoil ^rant for 1H0C. Lneo ourlainH 2fie pr; oartain polotf ahd trliumiuuH *2&a* rollor blinds H)o at Bmith'K Durlntf the unprecedented and oxtremo heat of lant wek. a uumber of borHoS aro mportot] to huvo dlodTn~the~~Biirronndihf! country, Th he&t oatuo beforo they hud doffed their winter uoaU. OlirapdHt cloOiin^ in Euanx at Bmit.h'ii; l>oyn' Huitti 9Co enoh, iikdi'u nmtH$H. Ludien* fiim button booty Otic pr; walking hIhk'h 7a at Bmith'a. John MuCllntio appeared on tho iitreot on Monday biomin^ with thontroot wator- in^ oart, for tho anauon, John it) unking triidorn in another column, lor advertiit)|^ privilo^oH thoroon for Uiih your. Heavy working uliirtt* foi* '.Jja j iu at Rmith't*. ' Threa oxtra hoavy broomH (or H5o at Smith'H. W. 1. Dowar ban uoarly oompl*ted a lar^o addition to Viih oornfortuVdo reaidouoa en Cordon avo., next tho MethodiBtohuroh and will huvo one of the moot com for table roiudonooH in town. Tho true Htandin^ of tbo editor in up- preciatud after liin death, if not while, he io ullvo. A lawyr nenO tlio following latter of condolence to tho widow of an editor: **I cannot toll you bow pained 1 wrk toheur that yeur huHbttud bud fjouo to hoavon. Wo wore boHom friondu, but now wo oan novor moot a({aiu." See tho now tbiu^n in fancy orookory aud toilet ware at Park's tho Jowelor. Good work horBo for Halo. G. E. Smith. Straw liatu from 5o up at fimith'a. Patrouizo homo morohantn. The homo morcbant Iijlh a reputation tonuntain, Ho bnarn bin Bharo of tho exponuofl of the town. Wlum a fliibnaription io puBBod ho iu tho tirnt to bo approacbod. Ho builds a bouuo and makoa other permanent im- provomonta that onbanco tho value of our property. He helps pay for tlio church in which wo wornhip and tho wchooln to which wb nond our children;"" Ho cannot afford to minrcipreiionb hitt good or swiudlo bin oMHtomors. Bolf intoroiit alono pro- vontB thin. Our o5o toa ban no equal. G. 13. Smith A Co. Choice piokleu 10c bottle at Smitu'n. On Monday last MrH. C. H. Fuller fro- coivod a viait from an undo, Adam Kl- liott, who hr.B Hpeut the pact thirty ycuro iu tlio mining aiatricts of Britiiili Columbia, tho VVoHtoru und Southwoatern States. IIo loft bin homo in llantiu^y County in tuo oixtioa, aud kept bin friondu pouted as to bis whereabouts for about live yeuia, after wluch his corroHpoudouon coaued.und for tho pant twenty-five yoaru he bad novor boon heard from and Iuh fricnOH did uot know that ho waa alivo. On bin roturn to CanuJa a few weeks tt^o, ho wont to Sar- uia;and to several of tho-northoru counties to iiud that Iuh I'olaiivoa formerly in thoBo diatriots hiLd died or had moved away, find he could iiud no trace cf thorn, Learning tlio whereaboutH of hin uieco, Mrs. Fuller, ho cumo hero aud is still viuitiut.' with her. lie has novor married and haa lived u. thorough minor's life for tho pant fow yearn in CaliTorma. IIo will roturn to California shortly. Special s-alo of Fedora hats at Whitney's Friday aud Saturday, price for 118c, 91.00 for 7i>o. Felt hatw for men tioo e.aoli at Smith'n. To yet good val'io iu shoca iio-to Smith* Why do judges of good allowing Tobacco inuiut on getting genuiuo liEAVER plug. It ban ho aijunl. lleluHO ahoap imitatioun. a OF OOURSE YOU WILL RIDE The Best Wheel IF SO, IT WILL BE THE Hyslop ! With Automatic Brake and other improvements, not on any othor whool, Wo liavo a lino ot 10 variotion of wheola at pricon ranging from $'17.fio to $100 and can huvo you from $10 to Hfi in tlio prioo of a wlicol. Comparo oxir lino with thotio of rtny othor doalor. Call in and inupoct our atoak or Hond for catalogue As .wo control Mr, Siauon's rink, our patroiiH liavo frco instruction ancl pmotioo thoroin. All whoolu Hold by us aro fitted with tho eolobratod Morgan. & Wright quick ropair tiros. W. & SOIF O, Essex. QUERN'S BIRTHDAY; ArrMkiLfflknttiitu Now In frotitttmm fr u At a mooting of oitinonti bold in Poole's Hall, on Monduy, aud called by tho Mayor, a committee wan appointed to proceed with the matter of a Queen's Birihduy celebra tion for lHOIi. Tho oxeoutivo committco ntloctod woro as followii: President. D. Sinclair. Victi-PrcHident. D_c, McKeuzio. Soorstury. K. .1. Lovelaoe. . DiroctorH. Dr. Juh. Briou, Hi, L. Park. It ia oxpuctcd tlio mutter of arranging a program will bo proceeded with by the excontivo at a 'mooting to ba hold thin evening, Friday, and advertising annowuaa* montit JHHuod at onoo. It is about dcoldod to offor a mansivo silver tankard for a firornfin'n compotition, to hri op'Mi to KHtif-x and Kont conntiorf, uh wull ai- to nifr.V rnodald for various uthlotiu gumcii ana couttotH, football, baseball, etc, A gui.d piogram cf rannu will likely bo provided, for which tho uiuial lar^o purHOR v\\l IJO nffi-D-rl '!'hc Fitr.i: L'iu->ri will prrilKilt'y inako im-ro detinue nnijuuncoiM-'iiiii noit week. Death ol'Mrn. K. A. Wolby. IJndor tbo abovo heading tho daily Tribune, of April 15, 18i)(>, Salt Laku City, Utah, coutaius tho following aooount of the death of this lady, who was a rjjotor of T. H. DeCow, of thin town, aud visited M r. DeCow aud family hero a couple of yoaru ago. Tho doaeasod whh woll known by many KsHoxpoople : Mrs. A. bi. Wolby diod yoBtorday morn ing at 5 o'oloyk. For nearly two yoars uhe ban been a sufferer with a uorioun trouble which dovolopod iuto a cancer of tlio stomach. Hor end waB patiooful, howovor, for ourly yesterday mormug alio foil aaleop, aud from Hleep tiho pashod into death. Mrz, Wclby waa tho wife of suprint&n- dout VVolby of tho Bio Grande, and during hor ronidonoo horo has mado many friends who Joeply Hympathiao with the family iu their groat boraavomont. Tho fuuoral will bo hold this afternoon at 1 p. m., from tho family rooidenoo, and tomorrow morning tho icmaiim will bo taken to Denver for intormunt. old; Emblema and MottoM. I saw in a distant city, Far ovor the pathlonsnea; A aono in tho day* of my boyhood, That always aeorua grand to me; I bobold a vant column approacliing, With plumes half clouded in dust; And I read on it folds when sightod, Our motto "In God wo trout. I Nnw tho column move forward, In the ranks both the young and the Arrayed is garments of splendour. Kogaliau of orimsou a,wi gold; Thoy marchod, tho prince and the peasant, Wothinks I can soo thorn now, As thoy moved to tho Boul-Rtirriug rauMO, With tlio UuightH of the anvil and plough. Thoy woro on their broauts strange dovicon, CroHHed gavqlH, oronstd hxoh and icoyH, The pen, tho mvord, and the hour glaaa, And a fronh budded rod from a tree, Ono had the bow and tho quiver, Another ihofcorpent-twitied rod, And '.'lie drowned in Heaven's regalia Carried proudly tbo valum of God. hard on 'AMflvrcintion Football. ^ Secretary Watts of tho Pouinsulur A.u sneuttion Foot Ball league, and tho soho- dulo committtio, consisting of F, B, Cor bett, M. A. A.; ~J. Stewart, Windsor,' mid J. Short, lisucx, met at WindHor last Tuen- day night to arrange dates for tho 'sprihg Doric's iu tho Walker cup competition. It was duoidod to play two norias uf gameH, prohminary and iinals, oapli homo and homo. In the flrflt sorioa Windsor drow Chatham and tins M. A. A. drew Rhsox. Chatham will plav at Windsor May 2 and Windsor at Chatham, May 9. Tho M. A. A.'wiU play at JChbox May 9 and J3box goos to Detroit on May !((.. Tho winnoi-H will play off on tho 2!lrd and IJOth of.May. Tn pna ot a draw in tho last gams of! olthor aeries play onto ^ottleili*./ ' Thoro carao an old man bearing his Btsff, Ho must have panad three Hcora and ton. His tottoririg limbs and his wrinkled brow How I wished I could son them again, Ho.bownd to tho throng; on his right and bin left, He wa pleased with tho ohoson lot, And hisumed to say as ho passed us by, "Forget it not 1 Forgot it not! " Then a beautiful banner held high in its runlCH, ' Duelled with emblems hrillianl; and bright, Near the top, I remember, were throe goldou links And a hourt and a hand on tho right, Near the top of tho Hag staff throo arrows were not, Abovo thum a young; turtle dovo, Bight under tho Jink in letters of gold Was tho motto, "Truth, Friondship and Love. " God Blosn tho Order," an old man said As he tried to keep pneo with tho rauku, Thoy cared for rao, thoy buried my dead, That Uitvo aroHBed ovor Jordan's banks When doaih laid bis hand on my only eon Without asking thoy aamo to attend, Ho told mo they 'd oomo, under God's command As the widow and orphaut'o friond. With fraternal'oara thoy oari'iod him out, JJowu where tho willows wave, With brotherly hands thoy laid him away Closo by his mother's grave. Don't think it strange that I honor Thoso.tuon or -threa links, heart and iiand, May th Order oxtoud,. may it ilonrish and grow. And the sound of tho gavel roach every land, Stand i\rm by your banner, pnro and white, Lot no stain mar its beautiful fold, Tho truths that wo barn Trom our ritual oaoh night Are more precious than silver and gold. In the battles'of lifo wo have trials and cares,.............. Ah! win"has not booir-^byV the tompoot tohsud. ' If truoto this motto, "In-Gad wo trust," We'll got nearer and nuarur the croon. Public School Itoport. Mioh Williams' room; senior II claim; marks possible, 00; pnpjla obtaining fi0% or moro: Gordon Hobinson f)8, T-tbol Smith 51, FloRsie Burdick 51, Cecil Fuller 60, Myrtlu Thornton 4H. Gerald White -lfi, Almur Pindor Ifi, Bortha Coll i'i, Goor- Unx Ohiiell ;ifi, Lola Winters 117, Archie Baylor Jill, Velma Burdick 3*i, Daisy Ma li wan Ilil, Loo Thome 83, Viva Hicks 63; Arabal Robinnon 110. Mias Hall's, room, marks poHsiblo 25; obtained by highost oight. E TJaauan S3, B Doraman 22, S Brown 22, N Lippott 22, J Wolfo 20. a Wiglo 20, M Delmoro 20, W Wigle 20. llisM Shaw's room, Hr. part 2nd olasn; tunrks poHsiblo 50, obtamod : 9 May ~t0, Q Laird H), W Cott.dl -18, AI Wyinan 15, J SidHon -Is, I*" Hicks 45, W Rates 13, L RhyndrtuiH 14, G Parker .15, G Gosliu If5, BDwiir 32. Miss Aitohison's Itoom, marks poaniblo GO; obttiinod by highost six in olasa. Sr. 2nd class. A Wightmau 00, W Burton 40, A B Buok 45, D Faul 41, J Walker 40, W Naylor 30. Junior and Intermediate Hocond Class- mai'ks powrsibln 50, obtained by highest eight in oIk.-u. .I Bmwii 15, C Robinson 45. A Kt, ov 4:i. L Trowin 4.1, M Kichard- hoii lit, J FeeUium 42,* K DeCew 42, H Baughtnan 1*2. Miss Crasbwollor's room; Sr. part 2nd, marks pouaiblo_ 00, obtained by highest ton in ahvss. N Green 51, K Hanuon 44, A Kdgur -12. M Hiddiok 38, II Coll 83, J MoMurray ,'U, E- Beaman HI, G Dibbjoy 28, W Davis 27, E Irwin '4.1. Senior IV claBs; murks given 100: J Hewar 70. A Geurlav 70, M Millar 67, E Mimi-oll2, A Lamg 5H, L Lynch 57, G James 52, 111 Naylor 51. To JSmtoh Will paronls plcaae notice if tboirohild- reii'h names appear in tliosu lints from week to week. If thoy aro not in those pupils are not doing tho.. work of thoir clasnos. 8. SMITH & CO. * I Special Spring Sale Now On **-, We'makeja specialty of Black and Navy Plain and Figured LuatrcH, Sicilians, Cropons, SPECIAL CUTS. Oaahmores. DresB Goodi, Henrietta^ $1.2C plain and fancyJblaoliH J)0c 7C ' n *iHc $1.00iapa net fancy blacka 8ft 00 ,l 47 JOB LINE DRESS G-OODS.3 $1.00 plain and fancy for 60c GO ' 3d 40 " 20 7Cc plain nnd fancy for 75<j( 50 " 25 " ThiH line R"in^ fust, greatest drive of tlio Bcason. Choioo lino of plain and faucy Ducka from 10c to 26c, worth twico thfir prioo. Gnarantood fast colore. GinghaniB, .Delaines, FlannnlottoM, siiirtin^s, TowolingB, otc, 5c yard, Extra long Laco UurtitiiiH 20c pair. Curtain PoIoh and fixLuros 20o4 Linon Itollor Blinds i0c each. Art Mualina, Ourtaiu Notb and Crotou0| extra fiuo patterns and values. itogular standard shirtings lijjc yard for 10c; CotLonados, Donhamtf and Ticking of'cxtnt value. To bf margiua lin CALL AT May's Bazaar, away down l'OR AM* KINDS 01 Window Blinds Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, JNoveltieff, I3ooks and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Woola and Fingering Yarnf, New Stock.of late Wall Paper. To bo in stylo loavo your ordor with uh for wpring ouits Clothoa closo trgiuB in this lino. Full rango roady-mado nuits. job lot boys' auita, 7 o for $8.50; 0 linn for $3; $5 line for 2.50; $a lino for $1.50.. Full rango apringliata and Capa, fino ahoca and nlippora; wo aro novot undcraoldin the abovo line; i( quality counts wo aro ahead. Elegant Fedora Ifats for men OHc Ladies' fino kid button Hoots 1 a pair. Ladies' lino kid slippers 7tfot Gents'fino laced or Congress sIiouh $1.35 jiair. Ladios* fancy sliouldor Capes ^l.ii5up. Bemcmbor tho olcgnnt furnituro wo givo away free. Bring along yout oiiflh. Everything is booming and vou may bo too lato. Whitney Block, Essex. I j5nite. ^uits. OUR SPRING STOCKS Ih now complete and no hotter appoint* ruouc in tho souwty. Scotch Tweed Suits. Ganadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, Madc^ta ordor at j. ft,. ^pifri South WooHlee. .s;If you intend putting in your barn a HAY CAR and FORK, the touwB will Gontlomen, o yoii want tho very latunt thici^M in wulliim; uLioftn ? . 3 have jiint liouuht a nioo utJHortir.ont which I would liko to show you, 33. L. Park, Jew- eior, , Fresh Bread In whut yoir oau rrly on ({otting when you buy fmm tm. Our waijou rooh tu nil. n'tutti of iho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, .Yuu cant find moor, froBlior, or nwoet- or in the aountry. All UindK a( Funoy Caiioiniud ,Jelly Uolln. i Fresh Taffy and Candies f very dny. Wo unll nothing Htalo or dry. ' ' ' Laawc Your Order and you uau rely . on prompt de livery. FRANK FOSS. Opiioiito Bnok A IVtuioii, Ksaex We have the correct thing, and will make prices right. Gome and see us. . H. RICH A HARDWARE, :Essex. iiiiiJ^^iiiiii^ii^^fe 78

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