Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, page 3

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\ '1 11 I p f - t I w J5' SI'1. s TREE ESSEX FREE !RRRSf3i. It li y Jlfr*. Mai/ JoUnuttn. Ayer's Pills "1 havo inkon Aynr's PI1W for many >(\n i. fiml ,dw;i> t ddivud tlio best ru- ,si. t. (mm tlu-lr use. For Stomach and Liver trnublu'i, ;iud for the cum of lieadnolw ruined d\ iliisc (ii-utwnifMiH, Ayer'a I'ilN vur t Ik i qi ulud. 'Jlioyaro eusy Arc the Best all-round fnmlh nii-dlelm' T hxvc <;v*r Miimn " Mis M v\ .JniiMjON.HB Jtlder Ave,, N't'\v Voik Cllj. aYER'S pills HlRhost Awards at World's Parr. Ayi'r'x Sarin '*" inrthe t>fo<nt. THIS C3U3 WAVE Will not bo folt naif ho tnu.Ji in tho hoiinu it you mho tho LDN'S KHliTj SAVKll AND HEAT UADI.VI'ult, havun 40 pur coot, of fuel. It catoMon tn i. u tiiatothor- wise goon out doirn th-< njh h-g chimney, is built on neiuutitle p<......p . , mid only nooda)fcoba hooii to b*_ una- ht-d and up preaiafcod. Wdl hivu ito rwt in a few weeka. E. L. PARKER Agt. ESSEX, ONi'.UtlO. Wrlto or cult at Chmrltj i Foundry, nan On Rood prodnftivi' '-' mi Property at 6J, & (J per couf - utiubL. No Valuation Fees. Ha-rOonvoyaDoiun D >in> nn m Neat Stylo Fire and LiFa nvjrance. A. E. LOVELACE, / s.s/<X, ONI POWDERS Cure S/OJT HEADACNE und Net-raid* In std fAfNurea, i~o Outed Tongue., Drntl- BOBo.BiliouGncru, Run in tho. Suits, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Had Breadi to buy etirud alno reflulota tho bowcln. venv w;oc yo yakm. *Pjwo 27*5 Cento at Druq Gronesf OF THE !,'>> VERY UK-5T. ftloro now Htykit, hftniK nm ut hg- lcQlionB find oltoui'^L r<nviiUu*H in Men's. Wonion'rt, MihttV and Chil'-ron'H Boots, Shoes and Slippers Whon you neo our ("Uffiilly nuloot- ad gtoolt you miiv kmnv tin* pat routt of thiu (iHtubliuluuHiit will net flrat*ol(tnn (4'tH- W" ,l,Q Q'-reful to buy th host; prion ma1 Itod on ( tfao bo!i of t?aoh pair. Kuouomy, comfort iiud natinfaotion %tw with every pi" o(r them* fiiric^ (hmtom work il hpnuialty. For thu htibt BbooH at fair pnouH, tioio Jets. Douglas, i Jf" Whitney Block - Essen !$&MTrD THMfRONG WOMAN .in InrurU(n<l Mob of I'omnlM by AlUiobe At (link au American Vt'oumii hit I'ortrtniaiilh, t!Iijf 11*ImI New 3fork, April M.~A XjoihIou epo- eijil (Myn: A Hi-nHutlorml oxpcrlonco, which alniOHt onded trufflcjilly, Iulm ju'it hi liilleu il jouiitf Aiiuilean lady at rcrtHiiiouth. A few tlayy alnco a little jrirl, H yi*jLr old, named JOlulo Matthcwa, wuh found dojid In u field on tho outwklr-ts of I'lyjiioutb, ovldontly ntiangled. Tho Jitthnr wiiti urrt'Htod, and It tlu-n ttarjrt- Idinl that lie rocenlly eloped from hlu u'iKj with a youii^ woman nujiiotl Charlotte Muloiioy, Public futdlUK lo- c.tliy ran high over thlti attoolouw oil mo, and wli"ii the victim wtin lntoi- vei\ yefdoiduy in Klnpuon Omotory, Portmnouth, over 10,000 itttnoim wom pit'SOHt. A rum.i, was current that C'hiivlotta .Alnloni'y, u lio wiui aald to ho dienaed in brown itud wore ^old-ilmm. d t*yt~ p.I. sno would bo there. Aeenrdlnnly .1 slnup lookoiit wuh kept by the ox- cltL'd nowtl, who were niottly women, and noon a lady wan notUvd near thu ( 'ineteiy Indtfo Kiitcd T,\ho wuu drv^n^d in brown and Wore irliniiici. (Jnfortu- nntely, thin wan MrH, Adelaide llai- rh t Prout, uu Amoilain lady, born In. Itultlmoic, near which placo ho-r fa ll. < i and mother have a faun. Blip h.L', been In lOnKbind before, wbt'ii hIic Molded In Plymoutli, but on the pie- .i-nt oocanion ban only be-n bore ton I'cmth^ JyTor huMband Iti a ntrward on bi .ud tne merchantman Powderliam, wliioh lila brnthor, Cnpt. J. C. Prout, < ( mmand'i. Mm. Prout had ulmply lun attric-ted to the Hpot by the aU- nuimal tialllc, and knew nothlnpr about ibo funeral. Huddenly lomeono ex- t laimcd, "There nlio In," and a number of excited femaleu runhed at her. boat her with utlclcu and umbrellaM, threw -md and Htonea at hor, while qthorn, vtntually mdzed her with the avowed ii tt.utlon of tearing her limb from I'nib. At the moment, however, she wnn be- 'iir, tuimpled under foot, tho police, 'u.idi d by a detective, ehaiftcd on and. tiiitfht their way through the crowd ,-iiit rcsr-Liftl the poor woman. The of- Ititfi of the iwtllce to as^uie the mob tbfy had made a mistake were all In,-and an attempt wan made, to list Mia. Prout from th * oMcorn, \. ho of.i'oitccl her away by sheer force uid with K-reatVliniculty to the lodeo- t i pel'a house, which hundreds of i>oo- id bCHlet;ed. Fortunatdy the lady wtia not dan^eroiiBly Injured, but has uf- '< iud terribly trom the shock, though 0.1 ter an hour and a half ohc waa able Lo bo taken homo, UAJUILI'ON JJ,Lh tJOHX XTAIttH. I Miu-n a K'.ills U-iul Clerli simUlkird I'nial liljiirlt'i Vrntrnlnr lHortiliiu: Nlatcaia Falls, April 1G. About *J.30 rlils moinlnK, (Jeorj;G Hamilton, cleric n the Windsor lioutie, wan joints own the Htuptf leading to the collar, lie ovot htopped one htep and stumbled, luiniriK lound u catch -the dnou Jntnb hut mK-ied it, falling bacltwardn down he sttpb, Htrikin^ the back of hla u ad on the asphalt lloor below. wlUi ~w< h terrHlc foice that blood spurted .ut of hiH eaia and nose. When taken up hij was found to be unconscious, >ne aldc'*-belnB' paralyzed. Doctors \ire called a.nd pronounced the fall i.ul ciuj-ed Internal fracture at the 'nise of the bkull, anal hold out no hojrLH toi hit, recovery. He has re- n.ained unconacioua all day, this ag\' r: ii v i uu r.n. A TEN ACRE BLAZE. 'i'ho OIU Ponn sylvan la Depot at Philadelphia TOTALLY DESfROYED BY FIRE- ed eiiKineer of Uepai imjjnt, lnjurleji and 1'urtltrr llfivrlnixiiftiitu XTlilrh riFO \ot Pnvornhle (o Ion me Itpurncy. Ijlndsay, April 10. Another empty '12- calibre shell hag beea found on the road leading" past th- house of the iiiurdeied Jno. Agnew.and it Is thought Lhib may bo the shell from which the latal bullet was discharged <>n the -.anie road remnants ot boim* nibini- lipped lead pencilH have be n lound -dinllnr to those taken from the oillce j it Cowdry'H warehouse \\licn it uaa liuktn Into. The ptnclls had bi en whiLtled Into bita and thrown away. 'i his leads to the lnfvrence that the 'owdiy burglar und the Agnew mur- ikiui* may be the same peii.on. Jl 1j found that the knife found on John Kearney, who la now awaiting ii al, was the property of Mlsa Po^cii, i\pcwrlter at the Sadl r, Dunda.s & lavelle Company's mill. Mlba Itu^uis .uways left the knife In-tlie ofllce, and .iiLssed It the morninfi; after the buiK- laty. The fact that Kearmy had the .vpiie la conaiden d cood evidence that h< had connection with the burglary. I'tie authorities are Btill .searching for Jie watch formerly cairled by John iv<_arney. Two tirouii Wdrii Itlllcrt hi ImlUitU \fmHH tlauy Olhwrft H*irloU*ly In jured- I'ullliinii tiuil W'lMt'Vtmtm I'Mriavuuftr 4'ar4 Uururd -1h Flm Unu-<l Hlx Hour-. I'hlladelpbla, April 18.-~Th old Penmilyvunla iiadioad Dtn^ot at 32nd and MurJcot-BULutH and the train nhed, tajrether with the fivltflH, Pullman anil und elKht l isj^niji i concliea, ivnu totally (K'btioyed by Hie tu nlijlit. Two men wen killed by falling walla and a dozen were liijutcd. The Ioiim la e - tlmutf d at l- ;."i,uuo. The Pennaylvanla Hallway eai i lea Uk own Innuiancc. The dead an* William Ktiijp'i, u-K i,7 yeaia, as'.iatunt chief the J'enn >IULUla b'lre Kitu 11 tiaUuied, Internal filjfbtfully buintd. JI iu:h tj. (. i an lirn n, 18 yeai a. aalat- ant Imeman ol tun k I, badly cmalnd The Injun d an Ui'uw K. Pn-jUon, aVHlstant loieinan of truck A,, Inic lined altull, hus .inri feet cruahed and back Injured, will die. HainiK 1 Sneyrl. ladderinan of truck A, fraetmed rilia ami contused back and abdomen, condition critical. Philip hahdieifr. ladderman. ti uck I, aealp wounds, inteuial Injurlea arid ai ma bin ned, cnndltion seriuuH Willi.mi I'.eimeti, aasi'.tant ioenian of I'hujlne 'o .No i:i, Icjth dlblcjiatid and oLllt I u iM- ilijlli erj 1'atia.k Cuitlii, ::."i .\eiia, en^imer of Co. No II, taiiKbt In lalllnjr wall and Injimd about h f;M t.colj't Ji'liuiiiK>. ladderman, Injund about the and It h Charlea \V Il.iu, ladderm.ui. 4( alji, ihouldej.s und back hui t by i lIIIuk debi la. Ilaiiy l)OLU;laa, fireman, and Tin o- doie C. Peltoi, flrt man, o\ en onu by heat- .John Plee, foreman, Injured by fall Iiik hcd and ihlU'iiiik- by heat. iOdwai d Ato.senfeilrj, iiiermui, John Hart, railroad employe, and \V. II hturtjiH, 20 years, iiu-man, ovueomo by heat. David AVellai Kard, fractured arm and rlba. The fire atarted at 1.3Q o'clock pre- hinnably from an exploaion of gaso line In a coal bin, und. r the train '-hed. and It spiead rapidly The llre- ..ien, aided by f>()0 employei, of tht Penniiylvanla Itoail shops near-by, 1 ought the (lames, but without ell'ect The lire raj.f<>d foi six hours, and It was not extinguished mull midnight. Khortly after f o'clock an Iron porti co In front of the bulldlnjr fell and 'our firemen wnc caught by tho dc- bi Is and badly injured. The moat e- ilu.s dlaaator occurred two houra later, when a two-atory wlnir of the build- iiik fell without warning, burylny half .i dozen firemen under the masa of hot bi Iclca. The men were re-cued In a i-hort time, but Staler aneT Granlj;an had auatalned fatal Injurlea and Lhey died In the hospital. Stager had been a ilrtinan foi ^0 yeara. The building- was occupied by sever al ofllclnla of the Pennsylvania, and valuable plana and recoi-da were de stroyed. Tlie commlsaary department uf the Pullman Co was also located in this place. The structure wan aban doned for pao.senger traffic In 1881, when the P-rond-atieet Htation nus completed, after having been In -use lor 10 or U years. There were 16 Hacks in the train ahed, and these u ero- filled with cam when the fire btaited. The building and tialn shed eoveiud ten acres of ground TUAI' C. 1 t \,iu ISHjIj. Tin: rnocioit mumomal. \ -ircnt Airimctnilnl obiorvatory Dill Ha^fl I.nfci'Ht rclcttc:p. Chicago, April 16. A. II. It-ham of San Frunclseo, hecoiiu vice-president , the World's 1'roLtoi Menioiuii Aa- ueiatlon, la on hl& way to Hellasi, Jie- nid. to confui %\ itli Mra. l'roctor, a dow of the astronomer, uiehard A, nictor, In the Intel eat of the great riiject of erecting the laigeat astro- iiruical observutoiy In the world i n l.e summit of Mount San Miguel, near . in Diego. Cab Tim ubhuivatoiy ia to be fitted out vith the largisL U 1< scopes that have \.r been consti ucted and they are wu in number. The firat Is to have a lense live times he alze of that of the Dick and four .V h the blie of the f erkca. r.ver since the dtath of the great as- .renomer, Sir Richard A. Proctor, ;in Proctor has been desirous of ounding a memorial in hia honor. In . king a site for the proposed rne- orlal, she went to California, and her b -lie met a response In A. II. laham, .no owned the peak of Mount San .liguel. Mr. Iaham donated., this to the great memorial. The blp; tele- cope 1h for th a memorial. A ttC'AJtU OV IIOHSIlU now. Mver.ool UrnltU AutliorltleR Will Tlior. ituuitij Vnapo'I Iiopori^il .ttihiitilH. London, Apiil Hi. In consequence of the report of the laverpool Health Com mittee representlr.g that the spread of r;luncfeiB In horst s in that city la due lo the importa.lon of Canadian horaer., the (Jovernment Will probably order the inspection of hort-ea upon theli land ing at Livoipool and the disinfection of vessels upon which they airlve, but will' not otherwise luwnper the trade In Imported hor'seii. Inquiries on the part of tho authorities, show that glandera have always been prevalent, upon which tho Health Commltte' action waa taken. They allege that Cana dian horses arriving at Liverpool are often alUicted with pulmonary in fluenza, which weakens the EnglWh hoi'pcs by contact with them, and ren ders them more liable to attadks of In.- fluenzn. I I'folmlilllty 11ml IVruiant-nt Ueslk'letloii n Ciiiiuillnu CultH- Will He Poet- (Hined liy Itrllulu. Owing to tho pressure n inisliii ^s In Piiilbiiiieiii of u debatable i i nil i* It in iiuw prubulde Hint Llio 1)1]] i iniiluiet] in ibe IluiiHe' of Cuiinnona Kcb- i< i> JU by Waltai Long, I'reslilenl of the i if ud of Agriculture, iiniiMiillng the Pin- t .ii( u of A id mm la Act of I hill by imiUln^ |i tiijiiifMit the reatrhtloin plaeed ujiou the i iijiurtalloa of cattle, hut end of leaving Hi in to tin* (llseietlmi of I lie Hoard of kn'ricu<iiire', will be postponed until 1807. II' JAJOJlS JtAJt AI' JlbLUWAlO. ^alultflcH urn \et\rtiitf tho OurulilWa A OyiiHiiille I'rnlii K.tilil. Huhrwayo, April 19. A mounted Bri tish force numbering 40 while recorr ..oiterlng in the outskirts Friday en- ceuntcred a large advance party of :u..ttabol<a, whom It Immediately or - b' ged In battle. The natives were driven back, with the loss of iti) killed. Tho .British had only one man wound ed Tho anxiety of the residents of Bulu- Wiiyo Increases houily. Thu lellef col umn from Salisbury is now reportt d within -10 miles of Buluwayo and ad vancing steadily. Cecil Khodes, cx-Premkr of the Cape Colony, who intended accom panying the column, la ^till at Salis bury, his health not having Improved aufbcicntly to permit his leaving that Place. CajK- Town, April 13. A despatch 1'iom Buluwayo dated yesteidiy says that the number of rebellious Mata- beles Is Increasing dally, and that the*y are masslnh closer to the town. A dynamite train that is arrange 1 to be* fired by electricity lias been laid In tho outfdcJrts and along the taicl--. The mines are all connected with th. Central Laager, and can be -xplod< d separately. On Pi iday night some ot the Matabek changed their po-ntlur. ,. It la believed that-they moved soutl- wurd to attempt to pi event the ad \,inco of r.OU men from Mali king, who .uv mnreliing to tho relief of Bulu wayo. London, April lib The Diily News will ti-morrow say that Piesidei t Kiugor haa claimed an Indemnity ut ill.fiOO.OOO from the British South A> nean Company for tho leeent raid of Dr. Jameson Into tho-Tian-Hvaah---------- A JOltOM'U IfOJ/.fA JUUIMCIJ. Mru. Itmilh. Iltlliui i', I,nM<>H H'itivt Vrom DBrr Apjirlitii'jtCM nl lliiiiilUmi. Hamilton, April 10. Mrs, Booth, milliner, H James-sticct noi th, rt ported to the police that while ^hc was at a icstaurant getting dinner to day her living apartments were enter ed and over $200 In cash and a gold watch were stolen. Tin' thief muit have entered the place with a duplicate key, as there are no marks on thu doors. Part of the money was in the bureau drawer and tho reat in a cash box in a trunk, Mrs, Booth came hero from Toronto abouf three weeks ago. HVIllt*<* I'l'CtllMMIHl HH*t th* 4'M*** St. Petersburg, ApHl 10. Prtncw Por- dlnan<l of Iniltfaria ms arrived ,ln this city frojn Const<aiUtiopl. Vhls even ing tho (Jzar guv^LT*banouet In hfs* I ion or at the Winter Palace, , '**\. ly?. If. V, Mtrrltt. Mo Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS AYERS Sfittnmout of a Well ICiioivn Doctor Snrsa- MMMMM parilfa "No <>th(,r blood niedlelno that T havn cvi'i u<u il. and I have tiled them all, l'i no Ihormifdi hi [in m'tloii. nod eiteett mi many permanent cures .is Ayer's Ka r in par Ilia." l)r. II. P. Micauibb > uuusLu. Mo. Ayer'sS' Sarsaparilla ^Adinlttod at tho World'H STaiv. AvWtt JL*iUnforiivera-mt bouwlH* FDR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. JNN '00 lima THEC00SCSBES1 FRIEND Large:st sa'^c in Canada. ESSEX Hollar Mills* JAMUB MAYLOIt *iikob tlilu opportunity ol iiiiiimiiH'iii i. Liio piioplo r f tint Town and County of I'auaix, that lie turn lamodehul thuKH- fioi Holhtr Milln aoooitlinit to plami piopurodby H. N. ^rfwo, Ht Thuiuaii, nml lias alno Hooiurod tlio noivlooii of lfoiiuui' HtiiaciiaN, an expori onced and tlmroiuthlv ooinpiiLiint null or. Thaiildnj,'tho pooploof tnotnwn ami county for tho patronitf{u huntownci \i]>on him in the pant, will cuaruntue wuiufuction in tint Intnro Gristing and Chopping a SoGcialtv. THK BERT GltADKB f)P KLOUIl, VK.ED ANp COUNMKAL KJJPT IN KTOOK AND HOLD AT KIGHT J'HICKH. Gaah Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essox, Ontario. r"pHl"S largo and commoriiomi Houm ban 1 In on tlioiouf'Uly paiitti rt anil niplnniiilHict With nw fin nihi io by jirc-ntint proprlotroiin. IUHHU tlMLK IN CONNECTION. Flrat-CJanH Aeromndtifinn riutirunteed. MH9. 0. WII-K1NBON, Proprlotroiin, XKT A WVTPlFi Lt>clu 1U1(I Tnivoiinn W /. LV XXjJL* HiiloHiuon to hnudlu om Hui y "'aimdlim Grown Niimory Btnok, Wo Kun* uMtno natinfaotion to ruprunontattvou and cui>c .toorn. Cur nurnorimi am tint larcoflt In tho Dominion, ovor 700 acroii. No uubHtltutlon In ordoni Dxcluaivo torritory und hboraltormn to wholo or part tlaio jiaontii, Wrlto nn. HTONK A' WELL! (Tiio only uuinory or char uu.) NGTON, (Tioad oflloo)Toronto,Ontr in Canada nnvlnfi tofitlnn H-Jm Mountain Cllniblntr Elan a wonderful fanoinntion for many men. And the higher tho mountain and the greater pico of dangoi about it. tho more ucxiouh ih tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing inHtmotu whatever, to get to the ton of that mountain Thoro io au iutoxioation, it tlery euihiiHiuHm about it that puaheo one ou and on, and roatH tir ed mmoloH and mupiroH flafmuif*couru({o to evorlaatiu^Iy keep at it uutil tho top m readied und tho coohutf zophyra that fan the brow of tho mountain cool yonr own throbbing tern plea, AmuricaiiH hnvo thontjbt that it vvau nocenHary to f-o to Europe, to thu Alpn, to tind any full thrown monutainH to ooalo, It'uall moonithiia*. Inn't 11,000 foot high enough, with tibioioru, tltooo racked, oraok- ed orouturea of ioo and nnow, and orutoro and UflBarou and prooipiooH to climb ovor and round, tho *uimo au iu tho Alpn? Yon, tboy aro all riijlic liorn olo^io aL hand, and if you aro mtercntu:l to know whoro and how and when, jufitReud your addroiiB.and hix cento in Htaiupd to CiiaH. S. 1'*i:h of tho Northern Pacific Railroad, St. Paul, Minn., and be will nend you u book that roeountn a oliaib up one of tho griinioHt realm of oarth, written by the gentleman whon<ado the uiicont. The chapter on thivt raooutain ia pro- fusoly illnutratcd in half tone otahings tatton by a photographer who auoompamod the pftrty fr ^^ purpooe. If you aro in- toreuted enough tn your own country to do Biro to know about lt wonderful noenic featured, you want this book. CHURCH DIRECTORY Metiiohibt.-Dr. Pancoo, Pastor, Rurvift* orery hiiiiday u,c 11 u. ui. una 7 ' . in. Hubbnti Bohooi ui J.aop. iu. O. V. KayU-r, nt of aol <>dl. JCpvoitli Ijtiagut'jirav riiDiotlni Tnondtiy 'vunlhM i*' h o'clock, (.(utiu.ul p^uyci tnoctiutfon TburHiliiynvoiiiiiu. Ohuhoh oV )?tH(HiXm> Jtov, AAidtovorly, iti oumbont, Ht. 1'uula, ICbbox. DivniQHtirvloo vory tjunday at 7 n'okwik, p tn Kami ay Hnliool at IU u. in. Trinity Chimih, NorLli JUd^a ~I)ivti]o BorvluctH ovory Buiiday at ii p. in,; Hun day Holiool nt l 45p. m. Tho ptihllul aro vor- dhdly iuvitbU, I'liiflHuVTMUiiW, W.M.Fluwlliitf, I'aHtor' Hyr- vJdtHtoii Hubbatli at 11 u, m. uml 7.:wp.m Hah- bath Htibool aCarlW p. tn. 1'rayor iiuntlnu anil I*unt6r'u blll*i olauH on 'I'uuUday ut'/.HO p m. Hoolal Uiilnu on Wmluoialay ut H.lfti>. HXYTim (hiwaaii. ItnV.M. 1'. fJamplmll, I'ub- tor mrvlcoiMiitoli Habhutli ufc 11 a hi and 7 p n. l'rayur rnnothit; on WuduoHdiLV ovoninu ut 8 o'clock ntnUu ttoo. All aro cordially v/ul- uoniod. lioitjih Gjliholio. l)'r. O. K. Mofluu, Paiitor. Hor/ioo ovtiry otlior Binulay ut H.liOp. m. Hiimluy dohool utltp, in. Maioiiionic Illifh maim and wirnwii at 10 !(() u. in,, '-ateoliiHia ut 'Jy. m., hnptlum at il p. m., voiipninand outiuillotlon at 7 p. in, U. i\. Mo* flot', I*. P. Hat.vuion Aumv. '!'. II. MoLood. Captain Hulvatlmi iiioiititiiiH on Wudtumday, xlmiinlay and Hnnday nvonlnuii; I'ruo and Kauy, HiLturilay nvoidiiK ami .1 p in. tiumtay, Kcliiniini iiiootlii';ii for olirliitlnnft ( riday ovuutuu ami 11 a. in. Kim day, Knuu Prill 7 ii.^lii, ovory Hunrtay. All aro VVOlOOIIlfJ. LEGAL. IVi l'ulilic ita. Monuy to loim, gtim Block, up-iitiilis, Ennox. OltlcPH.Dui 1-1V r lj. 1'KTKIIS Durrliitor, fl Public Mouoy to Loan Hollcitor. Notiu Olllod OVC Htnithnrn' Hank. V-,uuox Contro. CLAUKK, IU11TLIU' &MAHTIKT, Harm tors, etc. OIUooh. Medbuiy 11 lu* 1., Wmdiio Prlvato finidu to loan. A. JI.CriAIIKIS.Xi.L. II. N. A. 1UUTLHT A. II. IuiuLirr, li A. T YEMtY C. WAIiTKItfl, L.1*M , Attorney ami XJ Coinwiolor iat law, Solicitor in Clianuury, 1'ioctor in Admiralty, Patout Solicitor, with Atldniion itllaitlhRH Couiironu ut Jwout, D< troit, Mich (Canadiim olalmii iifiiimiit punionn tn tho U lit tod HtutOH colioetml.) ltoforoncoiit hnporial hunk, Knxox.Ont, J L. Pnturit, I^ttq., Itarrltitor, otc, Ilttuti-i, Out E.A. Winmor, Ijhu.i Hinilntor, oto , hiiiiox, Unt D MEDICAL. ut iiiar-N A iihikn' Jan Ilrion. M. 1)., b. U., C. P. il, [jraduato of Qut'iiio Uidvornlty, Kftifpiton, mnnibor of Ool- Iuru o! Pbyaioiann and HurRoomi,Ontario. Grad- uato of Now York. Pout Qraduato Medical Uol- loi;o. J. W. nrlon,-M. D 0 M., 1'. T. W. C. Honor Rnuluatu of Triidtv Medical Collo^o. Honor I'riuiuato of Trinity Univornity. Mcrnhor of tho Ciolloua of l'njidclann and huri:*>onn, Out Grad uate of * o\v York Pout Gradiuto M^odloul Colloco Ofllci- ovor ni.iiox Modlcal Hull dnifj ntoro. Cotiimltatlou rooinn, bottl on j;round lloor and (Inittlat above. Telephone In botli olllco and rciiidonco. All oalhi attirtidod to from offleo, tituii i.ror, or ruiudmico. Huiddoncu, Talbot iitri.ut, (rout of fair grouudi*. I^HH. DKWAIl &. MoKHNZIK. P.A.JJi'-wau. M.D.O.M.,P.!T.M.B. Honor Grudu- 'itu Trinity Univornity. Momhor 1 olloco Phyi clana and hiirqoenH, Out. Kunidfllioc, Talbo ht Kant. O. filoKitNziK. M. D. C. M , Corouor, Now York .font Graduate, I)'ellow Trlnitj Aleaioal OolloRo. Graduate Trinity Unlvoriilty Koiiidoncit; Talbot Rtroot, wont of AI C, It, Ollico houra Btofla. m.( 1 to a and fltoHp. iu Oflloo in HnpaWill Bank block, ([round lloor next to Tliarnn'ndiruRHtoro. ToUnihonoln counootlou with oOlco and roni doiico. Ordra loft at Thoruo'fi dniK Htora will bi promptly attondod to. DENTAL, "T. MATITIM.-D. 15. B.^-I/.-Br Br-Orftdmifce- __* In Doutiutry, Itoyul CoIIojjp of Dontal 3urfioonb, Ontario, und univornity of Toronto Gbarp.i'H.modorato. Oulco, ovor Urlon & Co e Jruc Btoro. 18-lv . ^ETEJfllNAPY^ WU KICIIAItDHON, VKV13H1NAKY BUR . GUON. Honorary (p*aduato of Ontario Votoriuary Colloco, Toronto; monibor of On tario Voturinary Medical Roeiotj; Dlplomiiit in Doutiutry; tiuatii all dlnoaaoH of (loinootlcatBd uiihiuilfi; outfit) dohoriiud by tho latent Improvod Leavitt clipper Calls liy tclctiliono or tolo- nraph promptly attonded to. Itonldonco, four donru uoutb of ({rint mill, offioo iu nont office building; luflrniury, directly oppoalto. LAND SURVEYOR. . JAMEH B. LAIItD, Provinoml Land Burvoyoi ruul County EtiKiueor, Konox Contro, Out Oillco, Dunntan niook, upetalro. AUCTIONEERS. HENItY IIEIHUCK, Auotionoor. Baloe promptly attondod to. Atidroim t Bouth WooObIoo, Ont. Portion 11 ileiiirinj; to Bocuro me may leave word at tho Fiu;k Pukiiii oillco. tf E. HEDItICK DBINCLAIK, LICENSED AUCTIONKER for tho County ofEiu.ox. Paillir of iCifjbth Divlulon Court All kludii of Farm and other Halon couduotcd promptly. Ilatoti reasonable and fnrninhud on anplioation. Enquirorn may apply at W. D. Boaman'u otiloo, orat tho oflloo of Dtvlnlon Court Clork.Mr. John Milno "Half a Brum of an^ry Bteol" will pro duce no mora fatal results thun a no^lcoted cold or couch. Por all throat and Jang diHtiaKPB. Ayot'B Cherry T^atoral ih tho bdut remedy. It Id invaluable in caies < t oroup, whsopio^ cough, broncbiliu, and la grip. YOEN GO KM LEY. ti LIChNfilCD AUCTIONEEH for tho County of Kntiox. All Idudn of farm ntock Halon, otc, conducted promptly and on alrort notion. Itatnn roanonablo. Poromm ilopifublo to nrrniif'O ealoa may io no by calibre at tho Enuia Piibbh oflloo or by upplylnn; to 4 J. GORMLEY, P. O. Box 151 Jjbbox, Out. IT^RANK MoOLOSKEY, Maldntone, thirty- uevon yoarn' oxperlonoo uu an auotionoor fn thu Connty of Eaaoj. Salon comluctod promptly, and on roanonablo turam, Piirtlou doBirlu^ to fix tho date tot a Halo unn aavo thomaolvop a drfpo by ciilltng at tho X'ltisic Pkkhu oflioo. Wo havo arranROil with Mr, HoOIoBlcey and will fix thu datou fornalou by telaeraiihiontiiroly Iron of all 0 bar go to the portion hold inn; tho Bale Ad- droou D'tauUMoOionkov.MaidBtoneCroflB.Out, 10b BAKER.____ THE oldoHt bUBtnoiio m town. EBtablldho 1B7G. Flrnt-olaBH broad and oakes of al imidy. 'Wadd'iid nnkon a npooiallty. OrooonoB proviiiioim,, aud pork. Coufeo* iioriory,orookory.fllanawaifii Canuodlruttflaml TOffotauloa of all kludii. Goode promptly i llvoroatoallpartaof tbo town. J. M. HIOKH. )pl it ilAND and loan agents - G3S0RGK J. THOMAR, Convoyanoar, 0om muoioiior, Iu High Oourl of JuBtlao: dealer In Itoal laatnto and Mortitaoti, Money to loat. HttUelowfiab va,U> of hitoVoot. Vftrwu boucht aud uold. Inunranoo taken in tbo )U06treli*ib)<- aotdpftnlo**. Drawlnuof deodfl, mo rt cages and leases a fepoeinHy, Ohartfon moderate and all bnino8 promptly attouded to. Gall at the Oonttal Tolertboxto oflloo* KBBOxOeutro, BO-1^ Place In tbe world for younp" men and Woman to eoouro u UUidueea Kdiioatlon,Hliorthaiid,eto.,lH tbo DotroH UutdneBH Uulversttv. Bo- Irolt, Mloh Illustrated o-ttnlopne "Pro. Rerereaocfl : All Detroit, ^ W JTEWKLL, Pre. P. K. SPENCER, Boo. Best : marriage lioenshb '#1/1 1" L. PARK, I88UEH OF MARRIAGB Eil- $ft Jm ritnaofl, Rlohardaoh Blk., Haaojt. ,Qnfc., ...S'% \ r jnhpr.TT. iaauor of MtLnli^o LloenMfl S i.VJ - Coujijiliifliouor In Q.J.,tiic. Goato,Oot 4 ]XT I). BBAlrfAN, 'i luauor of Marrlauo LloonaoH, Irianranoo agent, ^ ; Nlht oflioo at Dwollluff. fi TALROT BTIIEET, EBSBX. \$ UNDERTAKING- HPLUMME 'It, Undertaker and Farnltara Qotlliin( home and factory mrd4 from 811 to SUHI. MdUroftur.Op*' "t ' ' =a ARCHITECTS- |OHN A. MAYOOOK, AROHITEC'r, 0., Room 10 and 11, lTlomlutf Buildlnjf, Windtwr, On! Piiouo am SOCIETIES r O. O. J', ENTERPRIHE LodRe No 218 1 w meotHevury Thursday, nvoniiif? at 7.30f 1 OddfollowH Half,lntliiv<l atoroy Dunntan Bloc Vlidtlii|(memberK ut other lodueuwlll rocelv fruturnal wolaotne. W. CHATTERTON, N. CENTRAL ENCAMPMENT, No, B0, Meet*! .iddfollowB1 !Iu]I,Dunstun'H RIook, on tho fl and third TuoHday luouoh month. Viflitorso dially rooolvod. Meiubern of aubordlnato lodj in tlU' jurlHdlotlnn, invltod to Join. KANNAN, 0.1'., a. Ji\ HILL, Huo. Jl/ i'llday ovotihiK In tlio f I rum on' room 11 tho Btono hulldiuu. Jan. Mo Murray, Qhlei, Robt. Parker, Caiitaln; A. Ruruhaiii. Llotiton- ant; P. Dlltio, HociroUiry, KrediHyatt.Treanurorr. ClOURT ROYAL, NO. fljy, I. O. 1*. > Mootti uocoud and fourth Tueiidav'ain cuct mouth in 1. O. O. P. Hull at fl o'clock p, to- Vi!.ltiii({ brotliorn will bo ^Ivon a fraUraalwo]-- pomo. K McCimnlimd.O.R., W.O.Shaw, Beejt M.J.WInlo.0.1)- II. U. It. *^\i "The Nutfara, mis Routt." OOINO KABT Taklnsclfoot May 19th, 1808. Elp. a m. AGO fl.BO Detroit.. Windaor .... Polton. . Maidiitonec Ehhax ... Wnoduloo. Iluiioopib Comber Itidgotowii.. Rodney..... Ht. Thorn a London .. ft. Thoman... Rodnoy, RldRotown. . Combur . Runoomb.. . Wood n loo Eunpx . Muldtitouo Or Polton Windsor..... Detroit Mall a.m. 7.16 7.10 HO) 11 H'lH H'ir i) is J0,17 11110 Exp. a, m. O.iO 10.10 7.20 10.80 S17 10.00 noma wuht. P nr. 1'JIO a-In 3 3'J 4 07 n.:to 541 6 60 fl Oil 0 II 11 SO 1.06 a m. 0.JJIT 101)1 ll.-lIJ 0.-15 7.10 ie.10 12.46 Aoooid p.m. -140 e05 CIO H29 6.110 rttso (104 710 730 8 40 a m C.1B OSfl 7.H8 B60 .:to O.^fi 0 4.-S UC4 10.04 10.1'i lO.M AmhorHtlkiik'S' Xjocal Trnltiw* WEHT KABT P111. 11.m a iu. a.m. a.m. 0.10 11.60 (U6 Eunox PB0 0 2T. v-iuu H.& Kdnara 7.00 0.40 U2H 12.10 0:J2 LR A B HXIhb 0 80 U1W 0:10 12H0 Has McGroiror 0.4S OHO 0 50 12.60 a.fll Amhorfctburfl II.HO IU0 p.ui fl.00 CIO 4.62 460 4.80 All traiim aro run on central fitnndard tltn-o, which in tiixty mlnutoii nlowor than Ehbox time Por information and rate a to oolon- hitti moving wont apply to John G. Lavou, FaH- tionaor A^unt, St. Tiioman, O. W. IIurkIob, Gon- *raLPu^flojiKa^ttna^IUiiluiLAKcn^ GIdflHitO*JaL. orA.O Ktiniora, Aconb. Ennox, L. E.& D. R. Ry. TIME TAULL NO. 20, tnkiUR on*oot Monday, 000 20,1(11)5 Tralnn run by Faotorn fltnnd- urd Time. Dally oxcopt Snndny MS H * 10 a M W 1 M aw ClHl s 8 BTATIOMl. 1-* ir T3 s< 0 C< -O -0 o-g .c a -A * O 'A A 'A 'A S5 AM A If Y U k M K M'VM. I) 2ft 12 00 (1.20 Pop Walkory'lo Ar 9 10 6.60 4.40 o.:j'j 12:10 0.27 Wulltervillo Juno. H on n,:iH 4W> 9.!)J 12 10 m H 57 5 27 fl.00 9.41! 12 4fi 0 40 8 60 6.17 605 it flO 12 63 fl 47 H 47 5.(8 6.12 67[ 3.10. 0 61 McQrodor .... 8 49 5.00 6 21 10.02 l.iff II CO ..+ Now Canaan... 8 30 4.40 620 10 no 1 no 7 in \ Mnrnhilold ... ! 20 LO!! fi.!).'l 10.111, 1 60 7.IT 8 22 4 26 6 41 10 27 2.0a 7.27 8 11 4 CO 0 61 10,d7 2 85 7,'{7 8 CI 3.46 56n 10.461 ii50 7.44 7 61 3.1fl 0 06 10 661 a.15 7M .. Lraminnton ... , ... i Itomvlck 7 40 2.40 fl.21 11.11' 4 10 H[0 7 21 164 083 1120| iM H17 7 16 1 ILM 0 42 11.25 4 45 8 22 .... Coutnworth ... 7 10 1.16 (IK 11.95 BID 8112 7 (10 1209 7.0tt 11.4a 5:i4 H.40 0 62112.21 7.30 1160 6 15 6 47 0 46 13 1- 7.37 11 56 6.66 H62 H 40 12 00 7.22 12.01 0 05 000 ...ICtdarBpririifi... a in 13 2B y.$7 12 11 GIB 0 07 Blouht-im Juuat'n 0 24 7.ya 12.10 0U5 0.12 . .. Blonho'm...... 0 20 11.16 7U7 1C21 0 46 0 20 . . . .-l Will io . . (1 10 10.15 7.*') 12 ll-i 7.00 ti UI Ar IIIdgutown Pop a 00 10.00 7.60 r u. r. 11 p at P.M. f Flog RtatioliD. Tmlnti tit op only when thevd aro paBiK-nKOro ut.or for tboso titatlonn. Mixed traiun aro at al tiraoti biibjoot to bo oanoollod WW WOOLLATT. Gonoral Essex Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit, Oak fraine, Good PIupIi, $16.00. V(q nevoi* w?ro bo well Pr^ifed to do buailieur, Lnlu of tJoodn and pribcH rrpbt. It will pay you to uivo an a null and otte iiooda and f,'"t pricoa. We are pleuofed tc quoto ptroofl to any who need furniture Wo havo bo*-n (hivu a pood steady buai nohu now for about 10 vouru and we wisli to to ml or our thdnka to the public penerallj tor tho vory liberal patronage we have re coivod of thorn during tbe 16 yeara that wi, have boon 111 bubiaea* in the now Town 01 JGbbpx. UNDERTAKING ASPECIAL1Y J. A. HICKS & Co., Essex. sti iff ;: ^, M, 1 "1 *-1. if^i 'i^.^ile^lsMiii^^^M 4 . &>. \ .'7;' UMiM^&i 15

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