Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, page 2

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^^^ 'THE F^sfc^ T^RBIS PRESS Essex free press Published Evory Friday Morning "~ From tho clHoii on Talbot SUuot, next Dumttuu Blook. J' ' I; Special attention iu ua-.d to tho publica tion of rnattur of local importance, acour- toaad rehablo reports of Town, nui|;hbor- ing Towuatiip and County Council proceed ing, local ind county market roportu, oto the oarufu- and judicious management of Td TFhyx IMinin, with roup, at to thouo and other current HiuUors of looal importation, baa civonUa widimproad prontl^o in the ocntroof Ksmjx county,which in roootmi/ml ae ono of tho hopt agricultural districts in Ontario- Thk Fm:r. Piikhh m tho only medium oirouluung thoroughly in Unit central portion of tlio County, and in con sequently .without cloubt.tUuGiily thorough advorbimnK tnodium for bumnoHH pooplo wishing to reach that ohms of onufcoraeni. couiuchvondi:ncw.| Our ooluifltaH are always open for tho iBaooablo diuousuiou of matters portainin- * &tbo pubho welfare. Able corroBponclonta in all tho surround- J if localities furnisU roliablo roportu of ente of interest, occurring in bores; and tho publisher is at all times leased to reooivo intorontintf items ot &ws from any disponed to forward contri butions. All communications of a pnvato and confidential naturo, ohould bo no niarkod Mi tlio oumido of the onvolopo. HOimouirTioN riiici!. &I,00 por autnim, Htrictly in advance, 11&& per annum if not no paid; ana all arroari charged at that rato. iPVEKaiHKMiaNTH, Transient logal and municipal adver tisements, notloou, otc, olmryod at tho rate of ton oonts per hue, for first insertion, and five conta por lino for oaoh subnoquout inHortion. All ouch advortiHomontB are rtiohMirod by a uealo of twolvo Iiuob to tho inch. Looal reading and othor notnioH pub lished among local nows niatter^obargod at tho rate of ton conto por running lino for each insortloh. _ All notices of oburob or aocioty ontor- tainmontu of any description, at which an admission foo is charged, arc rofjardod a &dvortisoroontn, and full advertising rates charged m all ouch canon. Noticed of gath Brings or meetings not for poouuiary bono fit or aid, will bo oheorfully pubhuhdd free of charge, Speoial oontraot rated raado for diHplay or standing advtR. All legal orprofoBuion- al cards undor ono inch, $5 t>ck annum. " JOII Oil COMMEncUTj I'HINTISO. Tho FmcK Phehu Job Printing Do- partmout !b undor tho ouperviuioa of thoroughly oompotent moohanicHj_ and Hpooial attention la paid to thm branoh of tbo trade. Our faaihtioR for the exeontion of all ltwan of Boole and Fine Job Printing are unoxcjlod. Steam power proRnflci. A call Holioitod. WJBINEHlOlUyPLATlONH. All Job Printing and Tranmont Advortimnc acoonntn, Htrictly caah. Adverbiuiug acoonnto with regular patronn aro Rottlod tjuartorly. Sub- orl^tiona duo in advance. No enbaonption to the Pjieb Piushh, or advortmomuDt publinbod m ita columnn will bo dieoontmned until all arroarn are paid in full. Changeo for adyortiuomonto, to tjeouro iuBertion in tho enrront ifimjo, munt lio bandod m not lator than noon of tho Tuuh- day preoodmg, and notice of Huoh intoud- od ohango ia required on tho Monday pre ceding. Notice of diHOontinuanae- of advowee- JcaentB muet bo given at least one week in aclvanoo of tho iaauo iu which they aro demred to l&at appear. A4>VKnTI8KUQ, Subaeriborfl and patrons eeaorally are requested to read tho above rogrtlationi) oarofully, iu order that confusion may bo avoided, as they will in all ounce be adhered to, AddrosB all cammunicutiona to K. JT. 1LOVICLAGK. Publinhor tbo Kunicx Fnnii Fniinn, Eoeoi. Out &aved My Arm A Covero Case of Dlood Poisoning t'orfoct cum by HotTb'oSorBnpnrllln, yoistmoil Ulond causcH great nuffcilnK- It cannot b othorwisu, borauhc tho blood lb tho vital iluld, tho rurrcnt of llfo TUo folIuwhiK cubo Uluptratpi tho torribl oflecU of poisoned blood and tbo wonderful power of Tlood'y SarBnpaHlla in curing thin trouble: " My blood bernme polHon*d by gttln# dyn Into my blooiZ by a little acratob on my arm 1 callod in the doctor and b told mo to poultlco It, but h did not rIvb wtany nv.'lclno for my blood Finally Urn poison broko out on my othor arm. I then told tbo pbyilelan that 1 wanted uomuthlug for my blood. II told mo ta get [lood'o BarnapBPiUa. Idld notndb*^an talcing it. After using four bottWn, wy arm In cnMrrly well and Ilmve never nine* boon troubled with blood poisoning. I flrtnly beliovo that Ilood'n SarBaparllU provontod mo lotting my arm." Mnu. XL Wilbon, 2-in Manning Avo.,Toronto, Ont. Blood Impuro. 11 For more than a year I wis troubled with a diBtrcnidng pain in my side. Some of tbo tlmo it wm very sovore. I was also Dlllictod with nevoro hoadnchoa. My blood was out o! order and, in fact, ray consti tution waH generally run down. Having road how othcrfl had boon bonefltsd by Hood'oBnyHnpnrlllaH I thought I would try It, and before the nocond bottle wan all gone I waB entirely curod," Mirt May FlannioaN, Manning Avo., Toronto, Ontario. Hemember Hood's Sarsaparilla is the ,Only Trwie Blood Purifier Andan^ndnrd Building-up Modlolne. It cri'titti. an appeal to nnd overcomoH that tired (ruling. Bo sure to K*t Hood's. uAftHa Ollfc th hftsr-dlnner pill and EXTEWkPORANEOUS PKUHUbAL Home Sleelcr Recursion*. In ordor to givo everyone an oppurtnnity to sao the Weatory Country and enable th hotQQ booaoro to secure a homo in time to oomrnoneo work for tbo tteaeon of 1806, the Obioago, Milwaukee 6c 81.Part H'y has arranRftd to run a yorujn of four homo oook- ore' exenruiouH to vartottn points iu the West. Morth-WoBt and 8ouWi-Wesb ouths following dates;' March 10, April 7 and 31, and Utay 5, at tho low rate of two dol- lora more than ono fare for tho round trip, TickoU will be good for voiurn on and Tuesday or Friday within twenty-oue. dayH from date of eale. Fer rates, timo of tiaiiiH aad farther details apply to any coupon tioltot agent in tbo Bant or Southf or add re so A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paa aougor Agontt 9 Kiu^ Btroot East, Torauto' Out. Nprin Tlmo In when noa overyono feoln tho need of some blood purifier ntrength mvigouating and health producing nriGdiciuo, Tha roal meiit of Hood'e Baraaparhla is the mason of itn widoapread popularity. Itn nnequel- led iiucccwi itt its bo tit reoomraemSUicn. Tbo whole eyBtem in uUtxo^itiblo to tbo ment good from a mudioino liho Hood's Barnapaiillo takou at thin time, and wo would lay apooial iitrt'im upob tha timo and remedy, for hmtory ban it recorded that dalaya are dungorouo, Tho remarkable shcooae acliievod by Hood'n Suraaparilla and the n/U-uy worda of praiso it baa ro- ceived, ttiakeit worthy ot your conftdouoo Wo aek you to yivo thiH wodiaiuo a trial. Blood purified, diaoaue cured, niokucHH and mi{fer<e" preveMtod thia is the record made eaok ytmr by Hood's Bareaparilla, mtroaktnj; A Way From Tiino-Honoiftl Frwi Saved Tlimi Vtirtli tit I,u4( & Young Bellamua hitched forward In hie chair, pulled up his trousers a little at the IcnceB, glanced at his cuffs to see that they projected the proper dis tance beyond his coat sleeve, and ner vously bepjan. "I have something to nay to you, Kate. I don't turn your face away from me, pleaac* You have not been "atlng onlona, have you?" "Sir!" "Nclthe-r have I. Linton to mo. There Ui something renting on my nlnd-------" "Impoa-------" "Keating on my mind, 1 say, and it hail become a burden that I am Rome to ehake off. Now, there Isn't any use In your protending you haven't any ldt>a what I want to talk about." "Aflsuming that I do, Mr. Bellamua M "Well?" "Let It pana. Go on." "That's right. You act like a good, scradblo girl in deciding to hear me. You might an well, anyhow, because when I get started I'm hard to utop, and I am gotag to nny what I came here to flay this eyenln^ If It taken oJl if it takoa a, quarter ef an hour. That's the scu*t of diesperatc loVcr 1 am, Kate Naggvaj, though T didn't mean to give the whole butdnetiS away In one breath Iilcc that. I Intended to leaH up to It Kradnally. I don't suppose, how ever, the shock of Kiirpr's'1 wan very groat. You had' an idteu something of the kind was coming, didn't you?" "ttatUen" "1 knew you did. But it doesn't fleom artistic to block out a regular form of flolng Qomcthlng and then fly tho track and jump across lotn In order to fret there soonou. What I Intended to say wan about like this: F.ver nlnce T hav known you I have had it ill Heron t feel ing tbward you from that which I en tertain toward other bat be fur* I fro any further I'd like to have some kind of a hint no to whether I'm wasting my time or Mot. Somehow T don't fee! tiulte- as confident as I did whan I bo- fcan." He 'stopped a momont, took a long aronth, an* inquired uneasily: "Is It any whs for mo to rjo o, Kate?" The rosy Hps of tlie fan- yoimtr girt parted and she softly answerenr: "Nit!" *That noitlon tt," rejoined Mr. Bella- anus, recovering? himself and drawmfy on his gloven, "It hasn't turned dut pxac-Uy as I hoped-It might, but I'v saved at leant loit inlmuten nr vnUmbln tlnoi* for each of ua, nntT that Inakes twonty ju!nutea< I don't kjk\w what your time 1 worth. bu.t my tlm/; com puted'from a Uiinlness point of view, Is worth t&0 an hour. T will not detain you any longer, MIhh NaffffUM. 6Joo$ ftvenUnir, CKHeapo Daily' Trrbunc SLAVES AbJD SLAVERY. Slavery waw ahollahudsln OuToa in 188Q. Four Kultun's or (lulVplm Worn 6noo slavun. - Tbo "fuKU'lvf mIuvo hiWHM worn piumod lnTKWl. , ^ Tbo Drud Scott dcoUlon wiw dollvorod in lHr>7. .Tim. Ui nolo eiUo" wiuttuiard and ncUVrd in mil, Ip Attica. 1H7 H. 0., thoro were 400,000 hIuvoh. In l7Sl)thi) slnvo tnulo wuti by Austria duelaii'd illfpyih The Kmperor of China in mild to^luinro Him,WW alaveu. Wealthy Unmans often owned ai,muny iih 10,000 hIuu-h. The fainmi'. "Amlstcd cwho" wai beard and decided In IBM. Heifdoin in Denmark was nlwllshod by Christian VII. In 17M According to the Hebrew law, u debtor mit^lifc bu Hold as a slave. Tlie Republican party, tbo party of urn- nm Ion, wan formed In 18IU, Iu \\w timo of Homer eapttvott taken In war utile Lcducod to slavoiy. Turk!ib history states that forty-two Sultans wero the sons of slaves. In 170J hcrfdiiin was abolished in the Prussian dumlimlns by Frederick I. A chuieb now stands on the otto of tho former slave mart In Zany.ibar. Anti-slavery societle-* were formed In New York and Philadelphia In 1833.' NnhcMiiinh forbade a Hobrow making; a sla\e of ono of his own nation. In iVisiu a nobleman's wealth is judged from the number of bis slaves. The trnfllo in Mhives was aupprossod in tho Dlstijict of Columbia In 18S7. In 1SVIS all slaves wore freed iu the French pn-wcHsiom In tho West Indies. In Turkey no st.iiu attache1* to tho nama of a m.m who wasoneo a slave, A female dancer brought, in tho slave mart of Att Icu, from ^700 to S1.R00. A wealthy Roman, in tho rei^n of Noro, paid $1,,20U for a fomulo Ante player. Tho DaiUiS wore tbo flrat to abolish slavery In thoir Went Indian possoMtlans. In 1817 tha United Stutos ngreed with Rnaln to abolish tho trade In African slaves. Tho John Brown raid spread the wildest excitement through tbo country in 1859. The serfs of tho Mlddlo Atfes wore bought and sold with tho estates, like tho cattle. Iu 1781 serfdom was abolished intflm German Empire by Joaoph II., thon Em peror In 18(17 tho Spanish Government de clared hUvu trading on tho hipth soas to be piracy. Women sold as slaves into Turkish IS IT CEIESTIIILJIR INF.ERIWL ? I"rllau Hr1rittUI<4 nnd l'renrliir~ nr Htiidylna'ftltt Uiuurkahl tawn >! iilln, <l..|.s,hIo.. WIk, **Heo> I'lilmuH." MdW York. April 17 The Journal's Paris special says: Tbo 9ociety of Payable ( h ncrs, which Is coiwpsed of W^ecflleiditstlcH and an eojual number of medical ni"n, under tlie presidency of Canon InR'ttes, mot ben- yesterday to hear a n port of aJtr^cxnmintnj; com- jnltlte '.I tun ii doctors Mcshih. Ilaeus, Kncaipis.' I'.Lppu and Lu Merant Lies t'li. tmui.i tni tin* ease of Mile. Menl- (Hu- C"ii(-sdoti, thu allowed lntennod- laty biAwen thi* Anj^'l Clabrlui and t ho world. JJi. Ilaekn ailumtul hi a lon^ state ment that llw i;iu Is not ill, itut iiK'n- hiK and lyliu;. llo admltti-d thai rhe had to a turtaln extent sm;i:estlonl^- od liciitidf, and tauUnilb ha I i< U". to believe that eveivthlni; u-ally u.ippei,- i U as tdn* HlaL"d In her ravlnijs. Tho Idrl's adventure, according t > the re- pftit, will >nd tr.i^lc illy cithei in nul- clde, lunnlcldi' or .nsanlty. In. Ijiu autifu- I'ajus, however, dlv a^iued with his colleague and said It was beyond doubt that Mile. Cnu< sdon tevuih d to a certain number of per sons In a veiy nioehte manner some of their Innermost sicrotti; that she also mad*- tn utliL-rs not loon detmltc predic tions which have since been realized. Dr. Papua ulso ma hi talus that tho (jlrl Is neither III nor feigning. During the lli.ti jiart ot thu oeance the uhl utters some \aaue generalities Af terward she becoincn mor.> precise In her levehitlons, and at last she Is tranwfowned Into a v<t table inoph't- ess. Ur. Chc-jnata presented n<> report to the yoelety. A dlscus'-don f'dhawed the committee's coinmunlcatlnn, the t Uu-gy tn ing more credulous than the scientists but the majority oplnlim lavoied tin- girl. The society, however, only agreed that hho Is not ill and appointed a new com- 1 ml'-jdon to examine tho girl, not from a medical but Ciom a psychical point Df View. Thbi new commission consists of four clergymen and two doctor^. If these men admit that the girl speaks under* the Influence oC a supernatur il agent, a third commission w.111 be appointed to ascv-rtaln wte'ther the lnspher in celestial or Infernal. wonis HOi'itJlcitx Mat ci'Ji.t. Meu KxHiln ICffiutvliiu to Mittd C0OO Horn nl Hie l'.i'il <>r (h Kimimcr. New York, April 17. The Herald's Madrid cm respondent says: Qu'et reigns. It Is only necessary for Mr. Cleveland to make friendly overtures In ord r to get a fi loudly reply In re gard to the reforms to be grunted to Cuba. The present Government has said aa much. Daws have already h -ua bous-holds often attain positions of KVoab PBcki Il11nal/ar?),<?I!^ faJ1- u.-fi ., atlon ot IfoatUltUu to be eniarcML iiiiiuiuiLu. Spain will strain eveiy neivo to tmp- Tlto llebrnw word ior ulavo or servant prt.flg urn's from a verbal raot"*<jlt:nlfyinjj to acWei com w^orlc. In 1701 was arrajiged the famous con vent ion wauij-'nmee for tho bupprossion of Uh'*^!ave'trade. the lusurrocflon, alihoiuh 'the npujnt d04-s not expet t t> sue- in this b**fre tho ra.ny Sanson ill. On t\\f contt.ny, piymra- ceed tlons are now uiKhn- wiry^rrr^jrmii tiLinO more soldiers to yuba at the end of the summer. That will mak-e i\ total Up to tho time^of tho American revolu-i^ ot 200,fJOO men s-i-ui to the loland since tion slavery existed in oybrypartof tho' tbo war began. "UnitVd State*. "t'ticlc Tom's Cabin," an hjTpoetant f.ietorlnthe anil slavery agitation, was published in 18."2. Slave labor in Homo was worth 0 pence a day, and an able-bodied slave brought 0 sterling. Kluve hunting, or man stealing, was, under pain of death, forbidden by Nehe- miah to the Jews. The Saltan of Zanzibar was ono of tho last leading African potentates to give up the slave trade. The Mi<mori compromise occupied the attention of legislators at various times from 1817 to lhJl. a'o jm bvi:ii r v iiitut i.v/y. hir MULTUM IN PARVO. Bare walls make a gadding housewife. Fielding. _. There are more faults In tho humor than In the mind. Rochefoucauld, Troubles spring trom idleness, and grievous folios from needless causos, Frank I In. Ho who can pay homage to tho truly dospieablo is truly contemptible. La- vaster. Full oft have letters caused tho writers t> curhe the day^they were indltera. Butler. Truo happiness ne'er on.tered^ an eyo; true happiness resides in tltlngfl unseen.-** Young. If little labor, little are our gains ;tman\i fortunes are according to bis pains. Ilcr- rick. To be truly and really independent Is to support ourselves by our own exertions. Port or. Incivility la tbo extreme of pride ;.It la built on tho contempt of mankind, Zim merman. Malice and hatred are vory fronting* and apt to make our minds sore dnd uneasy. Tllloubn. A truo and pjenulno iupudonca is ovov the*effect of ignor/inco, wlbhout tho least sense of It. Steele. Somo thiuRS jaro of tlmfcinuturo as to make onoN fancy chuckle whllg his honrft datli acho. Buuyoj). A lovely being scarcely formod or-mold- ed, tt,roe with all Its "sweetest leaves yet folded. Byron. Her itxfiant babe |iad from it^i mothor caught tlio trick of "grief, and sighed ntnong itH playthings. Wotdsworth. If we will stand** boggling at bnnglnary evils, lot us novo* blamu a*horse* tov start* lug at a Hhadow.- Ii'EstranKO, Tho only way Cor a rloh man tp lw healthy Is by oxorciso and_ ahstinonco, tQ livems If lie were poor. Sii* W. Temple. I have HVed to know that tbo great auerot nf human happiness is this ! /Never uuffar ybtur energies to stagnate. Adam Clark. The feast is such ns earth, the general mother, pours fiom h/JV fairest bosom, when she smiles in tHio embraco of autumn: Shelley, Yon can not llnd an instance of any man, who Is,permitted today out his own unuveontilvlug not. Vo have tedious Jiours. JobllMlU. Ah idea, like^a ghost (according to tlie eomuion notion of a ghost), must be spoken toaliulu beforo It w^ll oxplabv ItiL-lf. Dlckeiw. Men^ave ro constituted tViat everybody uudoriitkes what lie sees another succtjis- fwl in, whether ho has aptitude for it or not. Ooetho. ^ house is never perfectly furnished fo* onjoyiHent'mih'uy there Is, a child ia lt( rising il years old, and a kitten rising (1 wwj ks. kTbju instliicA q brutos^m^ 0wepts can bfl the etfo^of.jroUilng tvLse than {rha.wis(lo^a ilbU^MJtl oC a^owerful, *(vea*lrving " Jtent. ^f**tn. ' Hum!rod lUllim* Ikld Nnt IVOrHB* More 1 km ll' 11 i -ltU New York. April 17. On Monday night 953 persons slept on the floors on Kills Island. The average amount ot capital In their possession was 47 cents. Pew of thiim will get ashore. Immigration from all foreign coun tries except Italy hay greatly decreas ed since WOtt, owing to,tho rifld appli cation of the law, and oven with tho pieaent Italian influx the total number of immigrants of all nationalities, thus for in April, does not equal the num- ~ber~arrdvtng during the corrvspondlntf poriodu In 1801, ,1892 a,nd 1893. ***m ITALIANS WHO ARK JVOT WANT&t). Unl Ham Hay Uave a UveV Time l i.tU* iKlitml, \.V , nrTore Kimiy Dayi. Wajihlngtoji^ vA^prll IB. iiarmon atump, the CommiBiaoner-Concval of Immigration, visited tho War IDoDart- ment to-day with a vlow to detormVn- ing how liar the army might bo d7?- ponded on to supa>re*JB and riot anw>nff the Italians In the detontlon nen at Wilis' Island, Now Yortc. Trouble is anticipated, and recent revolts have made the authorities here ap-puelvensivo of. serious dffllculty, with which thd guards at tho Island may be unable to cope. Mr. Stump saw uornfi of tho army officials, and it Is probable ithat Instruction!) will be sent to Major-Gen eral Kuger at Now York to furnish any military aid Uiat may bo required in the event of an outbreak JCKZTl' COXUiSUVATiXfitS Nomina** lit-. Wilil.iui Hull r Chatham bu Thnlr Standard Ihtane*'. BKnholm, April IH, Tito Con4J*va- tlve convention assembled lioro to-day consisted of iiOD deUga-Uu. 'ProMldont 0. J O'Nell, pre.ddtd. D. B. O'Detto, Ooitbtirvutlvo coikdlcTatt In Nosrth 3'lu- sex, and A. I*\ Campbeil, ok-sM-.I*., Biamptoh, \v*ie thi: outolUtrnJ. The pnsldtmt and fcuvt-vai candldatoa were piellmlnaullV numlnated, but the Isoiio was betv\e-vn lu-. Wdflam It Hall and \V\ "iiall, both af tho ba\v\ at Chatham. The llnal ballot iHtMtrltod li 1U vot'-s, tor Bull and G'J for Dr. Mull. Mr. Ball \uas declared the u- anlnvous choice of tho conventlren. i. r.ilTalo I'lKoner, tin illy Iinue, 31lnu M l'llltlX'IIIHU. T.utMlo, N.Y., April 10. John B. Gar- illy, Lonhnexl In No. 1 lJullce Btatifon, \\t nt imiciuhly craxy this morning nnd teui/ing up the pkimblng in hlu cell. I'olh'eman ilefta went Into the e</ll-ioi*-m to ciulgt'hlm and was kack- od down with a huavy piece of iron whb h laid hlo scalp oiten tor four lr.chei. Anot,har blow stunned him and he sunk to theihuor wtlh an InarWeu- Inte moan for help, l'nstoin.tly overy in Un roacive Mom Jumpad to his r s-cue, and none too toon, foi (Jan 'ty was aiming a thlr.d blow which ueuld have erushval nie sktttl of hit vkllm. lie CoUMht Hke a demom. EVnliex <*rti1 Uorlt til Ai'itiouln. Wtishlnjrton, April 1(1. Private ad- v.lot'H from Constantinople state that The itfd Ovons Is doing a groat wojit 1> Auncnla. W<i one is'Interfering with them, and tho Porto has declared both to Uio I'hHrllsh and American legations thai no ono >*lutM hitevtore with this- great charlvable undetklng. Wvery permit Unit hall bon a&ked for hai bceu givanUid- Palr Ahead or Anything I Wave ICver U-iod. Mr. .Tohu Kit jt r, moruh ant, Waterloo Maym "I have ^iv. n Htark'n 1'owdoru (for hoauVnhe, cotiritivumss, biliouuitoHS and houralyin,) an xtenHlvo trial, and find tlu'im to Rive the aroutost mitlufaotloii In mj fumily.- 3 tan vory binUly rocom- mid tlu m, Tlidy tow far abiiad of any* thinu, I bavne\.er ttiwd, and I baya tnud many r^t'dint.." Bold bj n.11 drugniatu at 'ific a box, 5 hexes for fl, Nice to tako, tin mediate and pormauont. (I'ut datu \M UlHul tluli. TREASUBEH'S ALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TOWN OF KBbliX, ) Wlureuu by virtue of a wutraut n.iaied by tbo Mayor of the To Wit: J Town of Khhcx, in the County ot Khhlx and untbnntioatod by tho corporsto t ral of tho Haiti Town bearing date thr fourth dsy of Kobruary, l80Jf, imd to mo directed commntinding mo (o levy upon the following lots or pareols of lands in arrears for tuxen duo tboroon with eoHtH. I lu-ieby givu notice tbut unlass tho Maid tnxon and uosts aro Hooner paid X tthall, on Wodniisduy, the 'J-ltli day ot Juno, 18i)li, at tho bout ot ten o'clock im tho forenoon, at Peek's Bull, in the Town of Bhihx, pioccud to Hell by piibjiu auction the uidd lands or k much ibt rti t an muy bc hulhuutit to lay such arroarH of taxew and all lawful cost* mem rod : Plan- Lois, Thxes. Costs. Total. ;!!J7............................SB..............SiOR........ i..i3........80.08 l............................80.............. t.OH..........i3........ G.03 SSS..............................8..............a0"..........a'17........!J8'i3 j07............................7 and a............C7 0..........2.31........K9.&7 a23......................... ft awl 112.......... 25 28.2S 1^........................s parts 211 and 27......17.01..........2.15........ 20.0C -!"'.........................!13niid U) un(JI, r _ 17'i..........................part 109 f ........B9-J, 63........ ^.70 Ub7..........................27 and 281 B03....................:.:;;.23aua2l}........ M'r'..........*23........ 37.83 iJlookoi........................................ 7,11..........Lor,........ 90G nicoi* 10........................................-10 01)..........2.72........ 43.71 W D. 1SEAMAN, Tioauurer, Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS eit} er as Power or Pumping Windmills, For prices ar:d terms, addreBB T. HALFORD Easox, - Ontario. Agent for Essex County, ARE STILL LEADING the trade in till hinds of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS ^o nre Solo ARontu in tbo County for Of Chicnjro, which took Diphout Awards at tho World's Fair. Con furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantee with ovary Otftflt.J Laing Bros, Essex. ijiji A Mugnzlne'* Influcnoo. Tho enormous circulation of nucha maga zine as The LiuUqh' Homo Journal can, mx a lenHe, bu m domtood when U is fl&ld that during the lant nix rnontb-of_ lBfl5_*hrl worn nrinto'l, hold and circulated over four million eepitiH (ita fuet Uj-urca 4,058,891). Figures suuh as thoHe giyo quo bodio Idea of the hinucjion which muy bo exerted by even a single one of lhe modern magazines. J. GOtTRXAY & SON. ESSEX, ONT TDK TXlIOMPn CORK SHELLER 3t>3E3SlEC33Ftl:iT,IC>2Sr- This Machine consists of a horizoflbal ca&fc cylinder, with wrought iron huts, witn rcqoI tooth bolted to tho oyliudor bo as to bo rovorBiblo whon th* toeth bo'oome worn ou tho front eido, vunning in a porfornted concave boi> *holl, which tho ehollod cor paHaoa through into a sho'ot iron ense, with houeund hiiBhols of oars por day, according to power. DiMKNaioNfl-yDepth, 9 it. 4 in.; Length, 6 ft. 8 in.; Pulley, 10 in. diwa. artor, b in. faoo; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions por minute; "Weight C40U EVERY SHELtERBWABRANTED. T ' ; 1 i-M A' Hi' J. QOURLAY ft SONS, :v-- i ' tf, .*>'

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