Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, page 1

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flfc'n ' $t~ MONEY TO LEND On mort^uffoy at 5 por H& oout. Flro lend Info In- (&' ' i Burauotat lowettt \\ rutoH. " J. W. GIBSON. Af>ortt The Essex Free press. 'J i*:l MONEY TO LEND On mortgage* at 6 pet oeiib. Firoaud hite'ta- ">$ nuriiuca at lowoat J. W. GIBSON, VOL XII. No 17 ESSEX, ONT. FBIDAY, APRIL 24, 1890 WHOLE No. 589 S3 Full Weight >,* -___ V r^ These are our mottoes in -_jmix Grocery Department. Every pound we deal out weighs sixteen ounces no less and no more. Our sugars contain no sand and our cof- feos no chicory. In price we are always as low as the lo y- fcBt, and have always some thing special upon which we save your money. Just open ed up 25 cases canned To matoes and Corn, first claes goods, price while they hist 4 cans for 26 cents. In our Clothing Department wo aro showing extra valr.o in Men's Tweod Buifcq at ip.j.OO, Price about on a par with corn at SUc a bushel. Our J5oys Englinh mado suits from $1.25 a Hiiifcnp, are giving ^oo'J eatisfaction. just received this weolc a ship ment of Cotton Hose direct from Q-ovmnny, Wo can give you a nice Ladioa' Black Cotton Stockings at 5c a pair. Ladios' Heavy Fast Black Cotton Hose at 10c a pair, Childrcns and Misses Tan Hose all sizes at 5c u pair. New goods arriving daily, prices lower than over before AH goods marked in plain figures | One price for all ! Monoy refunded if any purchase proves unsatisfactory. *< TOE ,., OfclNBA. A ton mooting w*lh hold in tho Muthodiat ohuroh Iioim on Wodnonday night, and nil thoHo who attetidod appeared to thorough- ly onjny tlinmwilvuH. Tho ladiim of tho oontfrojjaUon had provided an almndunon nf tho ^ood Uiih^u pertaining to tho enlin ary art, for whioh thirt nation oaiinofc bo oxeollod by any other in tho comity, Aftur muplu jimtioo had boon doua to thofio ttunuH thu audionoq wan called to order, to Imteu to a uood programme wluoh had liooii prepared by thoir ouergotie and nn tiring panto!*, Mr. Bhaw. The programme oomprwod tin inHlru montal duot by Munr,rn. 8haw ami Kollktr, of CottatH, ncvoral lino noloa bv Mwbhih. Gardner and Rhurrui. of I3nnex town.; a t.olo by Mr. Williamu, of North Hidgo; an uddrena full of intermit, from tho maxim, "Bo Btiro you aro ri^ht. thou no aho'td," by Rev. l>r. PttHooe, of Enaos; and a oIohuih uddrodH by tin pan tor, followed by a duct by Mx'wirn, Gardner and Shorrin. COTTAM. Hov. Mr. Thibadoau. Maidntoiio Oromi, will prnaoh in North Bid^o, Oh win aud Galium Methodint Ohurobou in tho abHonuo of tho jniHtor, Unv. VV. If. Shaw, on next Sabbath, yflth unit. I-'armorn do you want money at 5$ por oonb? If no writo A. O. Bakor Jboamhit! ton, Out. TerniHor payment of principal to nuit SOUTH QOSl'IKLD, Henry Miiiotb haw movod from tho Jth con. to TjfliLinmtitoti. It will bo like old Union for liim *o again live amount old lvighbnrH. Thoro havo been Homo dimoiiiH partum lately, and more to follow... During tho hiyh water mark, in both tho wont townlino and western ttido road di*ohoB, quite a nntnbor went finbing at rn^hc and thoy loport ^ootl huccoqh. The lino warm weathor bait boon a jjieut lionn to tho wintor whaat and olovor mead OWH. Mr. rlamoH Thorp rained a largo friirao bam I ait wocU. IIib fathor fraraod tho building aud boin^ an old hand at tho bwainoBH it wont up without any accidout- MVIIJHTONK. Forty Ilourtt at tho Tl. C. Churoli. F. McCloHltey wan tho fjuoHt of oiuitern puoplo on Hunday ui^ht. MiHH Liz/.io Strong in tho jjuuHt of Mm. John K'Jiinoy. llov. Frn. Hodjiinficn, McCabo, Wateni, Sattfjloiti, bouluon, and Rorinn aro aHHiiit- ing Ft*. McCiuo at tho fiorviooii during tlio forty bourn. MiiiHon O'Connor and Koating woro in tho oity on H lturday. Mum Clara Ilo^nn waH tho gtiQHt of frictida in town on 0 uonday uif.'ht. W. Cltavilhnr iti hoinooloiinmt! bin biiolt yard. narvoy1 NolHon rained frurno building hint woolc. imto a lrtrt*o Joooph Oxloy ih at preHont bony fram- ing:alar^o barn for Philip Wi^lo on tho 2nd coiiaoHHion. What with uo'mu, to holp neighbors to raiqo buildincB, and tho ruHh of nprin^ work, farmera aro moro than hufitbnu thoiK* fitio days. Thero fKiomH to bo moro barley howii than formerly. On Thrtrnday, tho lGth intit.. while nn- hiHtiut* at a baru rairiinij at Mr. C.nRhill'a Cbarlea Dalton foil a diatanoo nf oiyhtoen foot, ntrilting on Inn hoad and recivie^ a Hovoro ncalp wound. Tin roraainod uncon- Hcioun ovpi' two houra. tinder Dr. .Ten- ner'n Hkilful and careful teoatnaont, lio m roovorinfi fi well ub could bo pxpeotod. To malco ruatterH worno, in nddition to Iim nprmc work, no m building a largo burn. JutneH Graiimor with a gani; of men wre bnny fiamuig it at tho time of hin accident. Iurinorn 'a you want monoy at 5^ per :ent.? If no writo A. G. llaltor Lr-armng. ton. Out. Teriria of pavmont o( principal to HUit, borrowertt. on re- Leading Store -oi Essex. LEAMINGTON. Walter fiujer, baH raioud hiu houuo. Mro John McDonald waa iu town Friday. G. A. Morao m havinti lua romdonco painted. Minn Anuio MoK'jnzio Hpcnt Bundity in Cornbrr. Mahter Hoy j^uok, Cornbur, wiih in town biHt week. Mth II. Irwin, Blytlicnwoocl, spent Sat urday in town, Air. and Mro. Evuiih apor.t Butiday with fnoudn in town. Mian iMiomei Ludlum, HpouL Sunday with frienda m Comber. Parnall Gourlay, EiiHtiX, wai thu gUFst of L. B, KobinHon, on Sunday. Mr. J, .T. Miniiin, Detroit, ih vinitin^ htr parouin, I\lr. and Mrs. John Aaltew A car load of truit trooa urrivod ou Hilt nrday am1 unolhor iH expoccud thio week. Mihh Koijnoy wiiterlaiiif^U a num. ber of hor fnonda on Friday ovimin^. Mibii Lottie Fuller, who baa boon opjnd- inu tho wintor in Virginia, returned on Saturday, Wiplo ^ Co, aro roaiovinfj the partition ill their ntoro to ^ivu moro room in thoic grocery dopartmont. 13. TyhurMt ban planted a now peach orchard ot liO aortH. fie ban probably now the iurnutTj poach oichard in Oauudu. IIuVfmah. On TbHMduy. Aprd 10. 18!lb*. To Mr. and Mr. Cyremuw Eullmau, of Cololientnr North, u daughter. CoNS'Kii.v lu MaidHtouo. om Saturday, April 18th, to Mr. and Mra, TUoa. Con. holly, a nun. MUNICIPAL'COUNCILS. XfiMUTEXTOWN, Khuuk, Ai'icin'Jlir, lH')fi. Couueil tnut in regular Iiuhhjou; iho Muyor in tho chair. Prntiont; The Ma cor, Kcevo, Deputy-Hieve and (Joan- oiIIoih (i II Fovnytho, J A Uiokii, i)i 1'ntln, A Raines, J M Ilickti, T B Hoof,!; aud G ,1 ThornuH. The mitiutos of tho provioun muctin^ woro ruud and on motion adopted. A petition waa received and lead from tho W 0 T II ro the fialo of liquor and oi^ani tj iniuora and rcquoHtm^ that roiuO atepti bo tatien to prevent the name A potition wftfl uHo rocoiyed arid roatl fioin Mrn Wattora, B J Wiglo, and A (Touch aukmp; to hayo a did*; walk built on Alice Strt'Lt, also a potition from lidwavd Taz- zaraau, Mro GaiJnor acid tho Southeiu Loan tfe Bavi11^s Go , inquoutint; that tho proiioned Bj-luw to build a side walk u>: tho tiiMt aide of Land Avenuo from Talbot Street to AJjce Struct bo not puRHfd. Moved by Mr. ThomuHj tiecoudod by J. M nidkn, that tho petition of tlio W C T U re salo of liquor and ai|;ara to minora bo laid over until tho wpojial comraitteo maku their report on uIiuu^uh required in tho general by \k\\ of the town. Carried. A uuiubor of uccouutH \vero presentod and on motion of Mi, Laird, ncconded by Mr Scott, referred to tho finance com- mittco. Movi'd by Mr ThornuH, oeconded by Mr# Foraytho, that Goo Turner bo allowed u rebate of ono dollar and 30 contH ou tuxen for 18'Je bPiuR on an over aHOOHBment. CUITRC). M<i\bJ by Mr Laird, hocondod by Mr HtuntH, that thu chairman of the pn.ptrty commit loo havo the fence around thu Fair ground* fixtd at ouco in order to keep cattle and bnraeH off the mtmi. Moved m aioendment by Mr Foraytbe, iieuondfd by MrThoinuQ, that tho property oomnjiUoo bn iuutructod to adv^rtino fi.r toudei'ti for tho repairing of Fait fjroundii fonoo and tjubnnt name to thin coumil. Can ltd. Moved by Mr Laud, itecondod by J A Hicko, that tlio oommiflHi.nitir of ward No. 3 be authorized to havo tho tile dram ou Arthur Avenno near Mr Wi^htmua'a resi- dcuce put in repjur. Carried. J S Laird gavo notice that at tho next regular meeting of tho oounoil ho will in- trodunu a by-law to jhaugo thu pouud by law. Moved by Mr MoDougul], uoeondod by Mr HuidOH, that the commissioner of ward No 2 Mtuim to tho grievancn of W'-Edf^ar, Carriod. Moved ny Mr Laird, BL-conded by J A Iliclti, that Tlios Irwin hibu a declaration of oflieo as pound keoper in ward No. a. Carried. Moved by Mr, Laud, etoouded by Mr Tburaun, that 5^0 bo credited to wator- worlto for atrout upnnkhug and tho aamo bo ohcrged to Htrouw Cirricd. '1'ho tinituco committfo ropbrfed reoom- mendint; payment of tho following uo counta : J A IJiekii, tuolu and material for water works Ui). 53 McCulL Broo. tt Co., oil for wuterworkw. $31,110. Wm Dibblo>, uloininq ntraotH, 8*2.50 J R McEwuu, rebate of tttxefl for riiomaa Irwin, 32.G0. A VV Gardner, bal Hulur> for March, 0 Movod by Mr. Rainou, Hecondod by Mr. Fornytho. that tho collcc'or'a time bo ox- tended two wooka. Carried The report of fluatioo aommittoo wan adoptotl, after refurring A W Gardner'o account back for further oaunidcration. Bylaw No. 2-11 to coustrnofc a sidewalk on Victoria St. wan punned aftor altering ltn aubndulo making tho town's portion of sidewalk on lot U, plan 181, !W 3/5 ft in atuad of 79J ft, and oharffin^ Gordon WirIo with the budding of {)2 '2j'> It iuotoad of 62 foot. Bylaw No '213 for oouHtruatmg aidewalk en tiiiutflide of Laird Ave. from Talbot to Alieo Sin, and on north sido of Alice St to Iter Avu, wan road three tmioa and raatied ui'iiiiiiuDUfdv. Council then adjourned. uoouat-mtH. Br. Joaokiu, At'iiiTi lHui, 'DO. Couueil *ict pumuant to adjournment, witU momburu all pr^Ment. Mi mi ten road ami approved. Mr U Mat 11 or aphoiifed bofnro couneil tti error in bin statute labor for 181)5. On motion of MswirH Dowlnriit and BylveHtor, Mr Mather wati allowed Ida atatute labor for 1895. He wiih alo allowed to com- mute htti atatutfl labor for 18%, '1)7 and ,9ft on ToonmiiohRoad, under Councillor Syl- voutro. Goo. E. WilHon dfsiH'H to commuto bin iitatuto labor acroiid lot 13, MU N. Grant ed; tho work to bo under tho mipoi vinion of Counoillor Wilnon. Johrj KeiLtuig doHiroH to oommcitu bin fttatuto labor opponito lot 2'J and IK). Granted; the work to be undur tho nupor- viHion ot Deputy Uuovn Dowliimt. Ton ThoHHior Htated to the council tliat ho cannot keep ono Marentottr, ulio iH unable to work ownin to having bin foot out, Uo ban kopt him five weekn and waiitu towonhip to provide for him. Liidouceur aud Wiluon, that the demand of .In* ThonaU'f ho not entertained, Car. Kei'Vc reported that be had examined ditch complained ot by .7 W Kuiutcr. Ilo iTcommeiuted cb'iinm(4 out dram from lot 19, Houth Hide, to the outlot I3owhirnt and Wilson, that thn Recve'a report bo adopted, and that tho Roovo bo appointed to have tho name opuned Cur. 1) Bellmoro wants council to look after th' ntuf^nant water in front o( bin lot. Kd Smith iihku couueil to build a bridgo ovor tho River Rii'ioomb. on 5th eon., bn lotH '28 and 29. Ladoucour and Hylveutro, that Mr i)ow- hiiHt be appomtod t<> look into Mr Smith'n matter, with power to havo iiaine btnlt. Conrad Simon complaitis that tin tile pbicod aeroHU thu Middlu JtoutJ at iho Tup druiu in iiiniifliclout to oarry tho wiitor. Ho wantu a hir^or one plaaed in, or a cul vert built. DowhirHt, and Ladouceur, that tht* Rouvo and Councillor Wilson bo (luthonznd to look into Mr Himon's eoinpltunt, with powoi to act. . Mr F Miller complaiiiH tint thu Mihoij drain iu jammed with rubbish above bun, and if a frohhot wore to come ho would fluff lit nreiu damage. Ilo was rufeirod to tliti Diuin Inspector. Mr Charon wants tho cutoff otorinj into Momon drain uleaned or oloned up. In ito jtreHHnt Htnto it waH a damage to him. Ladoucour and Wibtnu, that the Rue\o bo authorized to investigate tho complaint of Mr Charon. Car. J F Uiron*. objecto to souueil ontar^iii^' waterway on the M R near liu-icomb Sta tion. He would he drowned in time of hitjhv.ator. Thu TiLiiMiior jjrcHouted Inn report. thiiH : Rece.pta, ^12,082.(1(1; expenditures, if(i,7iH.:i7rbalance on bund, Srj.ii88.23. Out of thin btihmce there aro hubilitioH ot 81928,73 to meet in 189ll, which will leave a bulauoe in I'ltartiiror'n bi.nd of &).j<j.dO. Thoie arn Htill over &2.000 tuxen yut un- colltioted. 'I hia luuvea the tuwnhhip in luod nhapo. II Lajoiti wants to com mite hm labor for two yearn on mdeiuud bf.twotju lots \o and 1(1. Grunted, Councillor Sylvea- tro an toil. C Lapcrto eompKum that the road op- po'iito lot 1(5, con. f,, w too narrow foi ordimuy travel. The dintaneo ih abont G rod, Ladoucour and Dewhnst, that Council lor Bylveutro and D< puty.Ri-evo ho antli. orized to look into C Laporte'M complaint, with power to ct.~Car.' Sylveoiio and Lmlouoeur, that Council lor Wilson bo appointed to receive tho work of W R Smith and report. Car. By law 200, authorizing the Roevo to amposo of il pubho road to G<^o Fraba for 830, was road the usual number of tunou and pausr*d. By law 205, for tho appointment of two weed inspector**, wad read tho miual "iltiui borof tirnoH am] pushed. MohDi-h. Goo DofofHO and Geo Leak arc iho lnspootors. l"*y law '20V, traiisfurrin^ Mr Nuroiuao Panihouneault'fi land, tot 12, from S B Nu ll to S S No. 8, wan road thu ubuhI number of limoB and panscd, Wm Cado wan appointed to fill vncunoy cauhod by resignation ot Chan Smith sh drain inspector. A letter waa read from Mother I*matia, of St. JLHoph'hCuuvent, L-jidon, thanking et-uiioil for check, and btuting that tho Roche iter children wuio dump; well, iwiU have ulrftiidv laajned to Hpeak Eu[lish, Do&himt aud UylvQhtro, that the Roovo and Councillor Wiluon bo ompoworod to repair bridge, Maiden Road, over Rivor Rusoom. Car, ' Dowlurr.t and Sylyestro, thaj, tlio Roovo bo ompoworod to draw on tlio Treasurer for money to convey au indigent woman to London con von t. Car. Sylvehtro sud Wilson, that Alfred Bas- sot'o taxes bo refunded. Car. M J [Dooairo wanted to coniruuto hiu statute labor ou fiast wdo of 4th con. road. Grantod, with Couneillor Lidouceur to r*porb number of years eommutod. P Lftjolo commuUs hW tfrututa labor uoroHH his land bouide 4th con. Aco-ts passtid : LVl B>yuo, 850, salary as asseasori W R Smith, 95, bridge Silver Closing-out OF Dry Goods Bankrupt Stock Store Having decided to go entirely out of Dry Goods, iaordoi to go more extensively into Clothing, Hooih and SIiooh an3 FurniHhingH, and being doairouo o-f closing out every yard oi Dry Goods in our establishment, amounting to over . $7,000.00, Before Juno 1, ' WE W ILL START A B* sift ft, n SATURDAY, MARCH 28, Of ovorythin^ in Drosa Goods, Trimming, '^ilkn, Patina, Lining-i, Glovoa, IIoHtory, Cornets, I.nco C'tirtairn, (MkmioIIo Curtains. (^U'tuin Polos, Tnblo JjinenH, Tow(diiiCf-( Cnttonn, Piiuts, ii. iuct overjtinny in tho Dry Goods dcparlmont must bo cleared out, and :ih the bulk ot our stock is all now and hon^ht for thn ppiin^'H tmdo, tlua i^ do opportunity raioly offered to the buying public to purcluiHQ Koasoiittblu gooda tlio iii'nt of the jmadon nt tho unnieeddontod HacrificoH wo uro makiug on everything in our Dry Goods department. No fuicli rtnmikable char co-* fur burjjaniH have over boon offered to the people of Essex and "Uirrowidiiigcountiy. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hatct and Caps and Furnishings, vVili bo a h'adiUR loatnrn in our business in future, and wo guarantee you a saving of from |5 *fO 25 PER CENT* on cver> tiling you buy in tlioso de- partrncnts, It you do not como to tliiH .sale you are simply throwing away mono}. Hero iH a chance such as you have never soon equalled. Don'fc raiay it, but bring your K^us and Cash to Barrett & Co., The Ono Price unci strictly CaBh ^torc. Creek; C L'-foivo, ft'21.7.'!. overcharge1 lJottH dr.; J M Tinman, 812. mHvc\ing mad nl- lowuncc; A Simon, S'2.7"-, putting pip*' Srailh A Nuttull ilr ; S Ducharmo, 10, pifrt fialury us clorK; .1 Broudwwll, 91.23, tilft for South Woodalei; Iluuh HalHtiud. 81, koopui^ It lvlticr; John L Emory, ftl aliovollmy Htinw Tooumm-h Hoad; T. Bit-iu hen, ^11 ion-oyiii^ Kidowalk; 11 Hpu'chh-y, U'l, rupaian^ culvert h rowLihno; D Zuiir- oiitoLtn, 8'2 0;j. hi at. Uhor '.'Ouiptn; I Wil cox, U'241, runt uf nciiool hoiiho for election mid overohar^u Hchool rate, B Duohmujo, S1..jO, pOhhui^ notiuoa r Frulm road Council tuljourned to mt-et Motidu>, May 25th, lB'.tfi, un a ct.uit ot reviniou on tho usHcarimout roll. OXIlGSSi. I can give yon a good sott of Single Harness,warranted hand-made For $10. WIUTAIN 'S POX^ULAIt QCJI3I3N. Uer liiitoal Oablnot IMioto Olvn A. Way. Tho pppuhir cui/o of the iluy is now dirooted toward bho now and olo^uut uah- mot pholo uf Huv Miijchty tho Quooo, worth fully '10 to 50 cfcJt oaoh, r.hai Welb j (L ItiohanlHon Co. uru uondin^ ont ilk part promiuroH to thouaanda in Canada und tho United Sttitoa. Tho woil-known muunfactuiora of Dia rooud D^tMrnuently made arrau^omenta with tho pabliflhurs of Oar Homo, by _wUloh. thsv woro onablod t malto tho fol lowing offur : "Au oleaant full cabinet photo [fiom u, recent enpy takon by roval oommtind) of Iler Majemy Queen Victoria; a fonr yap,* pa*uphlo(r f4ivinri datoH of liirthn, marriauou uud death*, and iithcr itom-i of mtorr'Btmj* und uiinful iijforroatiou relating to tho loyul family, thin bub fow pooplo havo ac ubub ; to hix Diamond Dyo DoIIh with a\x oxtra drodoeii; and a oatd of forty.fivo h&mpleB of dyid cloth, uhowing ooloru of Diamond Dy*'R, nout froq to ovory muu, woman and child who will Hond in 2 oentH in raonoy'dr atumpn for ona yoar'H sub- Hoription to Our Homo, a paper that thounandudflohiro to ha worth a dollar." Wolln * Itiolinrdnon Co. reiifot very mnoli that thoy woru oorapollod to Uoop no many waiting fromthroo to Mvo daya be. foro orders could bo ntlcd nndmailod. Thu rush of now Bubtmrihorfi 1)hh bctm, and Htill ih, fxtniordiniin ia fact bo houvy that thu artiot ha uot boon ftblo to Iteop up with tho demand. AiranKomonts uro , burnt; porffloted in the direction of a lurgor mailing uUff and inoroaHod supply of .photow, ho that now mlb&aribera to Our Homo will roaoivo prompt uttuntiou. Buar in mind ihafe tho whole oonfe f Our Home,"photo and othut pronuuWH, m only 2ft centa AddreUH W11b (& l^iohntdion Oo Moulteul, V, Q, Tulbot Ht., Eai'n SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot st.and Victoriaave- Tho latent improved maohinery for IrouinuColhira uud Cuffa. Will not oraok or bra alt t.m witi-j. Family work choup. Parcohi oulled for and duhvered. Phmaooall find try. ^ If not satisfactory no cbuiyo will bu mado. If anv work iiultH you, recommend uo to your frh-ndti. MAUKETJ Wheat rod par bnohel------8 70 to 70 Wheat, white .... 70 Corn .... 30 OatB .... 18 to 11* Timothy Seed .... a 00 Clover Boed .... '160tO'iB0 Aloilto .... 4 00 Uay poi- ton............ 0 00 to 10 00 Beef per cwt............ I 00 to 5 00 Pork - ............ i to-lTfi 7fi Mntton............ 6 00 to 550 Htdoa ............ JJOO Ohiokoiih per lb.......... 7 0 Butter .......... U U Lard .......... 7 7 EjiiJfl, per doz .......... 8 Poturot'H, por buehal .... 25 to *25 OmoiiB .... 70 to 75 Apph'O .... 1 00to J 00 TurnifH. .... '-o5to 25 Can ota .... 40 Beat j - .... 50 Pamnipd .... 30 Turboyfl per lb.......... 8 to 9 DucIch ........... 7 Oolery purjdoa .......... 100 Cabbie /..,...... 25 VKIrnm XVulkok1 & Sou* M**kU*|>oirl ' No. 1 llyu, nor bnBU*l .... -* 50 , 1 Otttu oleattnd 20 1 Barloy owt S 3 owt 75' I Corn bu* 83' Tlw above pncB aro paid by, H, Walkei ohh. Walkorvillt. Out. WANTF-D. YOUNO OH MIODriB A0BD, MEN at ohntaotot annunds foremoat 111 OfttmUa, Btarted with us. About1 14.00 a week to begin with, TUB UKADLEY-GA- RETBO^ CO, Ltd., Toronto, Ont, ,i i 'a 5k '..rj-V r rkiYMtyybiTT^,*. >< w^T<:. im^uU& A \X

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