Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 17, 1896, page 7

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rjHL jit> C6 ii** '^' -KBCJC FHflWMH A ONE-ARM SHOT. It * Tlioinna All<*>i, nf M wilfi <>t, Support* w ^ rinll.V<i( Si v n lii Hunting, ).',, For twtmty-oluhfc yearn ThuinuH Allnti, of Mtuitnrny, fuiiillinrly lciwiwn h "Alhm HilKt/ir4" tuiH butm inhUiitf u 1I lag or ho von people with bin luft arm (Did gun. Ono day whim ho wnu only IN yimm of ko hn wiih out. hunt)in,' riimlcH nn ilut Mnntoroy Inyoon. In i>mn mitminr his gun oiuirIi(, In hlu ohitlilng and wiih illn- _ ohiurtfnd. wounding Mm hi 1i1h right arm nour thu nhouldnr. * Ho lay In Lho tulon with bin tirm blond- lng profiwoly until hu wan piuUml up by omo Dion who ohanmid to pasn find wa< .taken to IiIh homo. Dr, CuhiloUl, of Mmi- teroy, und Dr. Ciillah/m, of Sun Kriui- oihoo, hoi h tint ml plrydcliuifl In lho uiu'ly days of California, hold a emiHultntlnn Owlnu to Uiu giout louu of blond tlmy pronmmood the hoy hnynnd lho ru.uih of medical aid. ]\\n tnnthiT, hou'ovnr, i ailed In nn old Indian herb doctor, and hubiro tho ymir wan out tho hoy was im well an ver, hut minus IiIh right, iirm. Younfc Allon'n futhnr wna a fmnmis Etjiirkujuiin, find tho oy son mod to lnlinvlt a Strong tiuitu Cur hunting. When ho was only I ytmriJ old hn would hog to go with hln ftlthnr to shoot thn "Utile ati " iih ho oallod tlui ootlontrdl ni 1*11h whlnh in- feutod Montoroy In those Unvn. When (i yours old IiIh oaroor nn u humor bfiirun, for his father tnolc him out In a Hold adjoin ing tholr homo, pluonil thu nun ovor ,-*. olmlr and lot him shoot at uno of tho lit- tlo outs. ITu killed It, nut from that mo ment ho lui4 always had a mania for nun tlntf till sor'is of I'linie. When Mr Allen wus 15 and thu acci dent ocoumul that ro-miltml In thn Iohi of hlH rl^hr nrin hit thought that hlo hunt ing days wore o\or. Ah hlu fathor had dlod Bhottly holoio, jiart of the support "of tho family dovolvod upon him At flfHfc ho trltul thp iinmluat tiihln, an It jeonuut hlfToilly loinnrro. ^ "In tlioflodajs," said ho, In nponklnff of thu nmtti r rooontly, "twonty-dollar Kold pIolo-. worn moru common than nlokolfi aio to-dav. Uut 1 didn't lllco thn tpn and downs (if a fiamblor'tf 1 Ifo and tho iiH^tinlatlnim, so I uiwq it up and do- tnrmliHxl to loarn to shoot with my loft unn." At Jlrst In) wufl awkward In luadlnc Ma Klin, but In a your ho booimio an export In linndllnj,' it n4 any of bis two- irmod com panions, JIo found, nioreovnr, that ho wnft tiblo to mako from *1 'J5 to S1D0 a month. "Tlu>80 worn tho golden dayo," Hahl hn, With a rc^rtitful dmilo. At inoHi-nt ho nays, Iio mnkuH Sit to $") a day. Kvury >noriilnK bu starts out in his hunting wiifton, with hU KnKJih pointer. Mono, hntl jfotfl b.iok tn town In tho evening londdd down with j^anio "TIio yroalosr sport," Bald bo, "1b door hunting. I have killed hh many au nine- toon doer In onu day, und I should think about <S0O or 700 during n\y life an a hunter." Kvory day In tho ynar, rain or nhlno, with llio oxct'ptlon fC Sundayi and ono tho munniar, ho Ib abroad In Etalth Ids Hbor-Run nnd hunting [ton ttiknfi partliw from Del Mcinto Eripfl to iliu mMuntiiins l^n juuntly 11 ho HoM'ml wonn n in the nar- "'^wvoil tho Kngllsh M*girls rail qtaniT 'fatiK'io hotter thau an average Ainoriean j,'li I. Ho thlnl;n tho dlfforonoo 1h duo to tho faot that tho Kng- lltih cIHb take hunting In oarnoHt, na n >t upon, whilo with AmoUcan t'lila It lu Arimnlv n fad. v ^ Mr. Allen in a widowor with throo protty llfctlo daupditorh. Ho aupportfl lila mother, bla throo ohihlron and two broth- orn. Thoy live In tho first womlon Iiouhq ^-ho it iii olalmod ovor crootod In Cali fornia. It wan brought lioro in sootloiiH by his niothor in 1H10 fiom Knyland. San Franolfico Kxnmlnnr. F* fa T>ii;otit Uiii ol I (toil. Ono of tho moHt fruitful rnuRoi ot btarohy Indlpotitlon is lnnulh(hint niastl- cation and InMillvatlon, Wo live in an ngo ot nor\oun hurry, and ha\u_ccasud to inko Hulllolour, time to eat discnutly. Wo rush through our moalw as lhough ovory- tblno; dopoudoil on tho rapid disposition of tho fobd Kontftunmth boar tho sljjn "I'lvo-mlnuttf Ijunoliov," and rallwayn annouilco, "(Ton nil mi ton for Kefrouh- montu^ Dry foodh whloh oan not bo uwallowod readily aro waahod down. Xliln prautiou rollavos tho Bullvary Rlundn a^tho\r propor work, and fitarehy I mil' ^OFtiion Iti coonor orjator llkoly to f^lvo UK ta'oablo, Tho olllelonoy of after dlROHtlon dopondo larpjoly upon tlio thorou^uicdB with w^doii food Li ojiowod and mlxod With finllva. No apiouut of pupsln takon ofi a modibL'no wilt comjMjjQhato for tho laak of thin. Tborofor.), I flny, what has Already boan implied thoroughly (how your food. Thin old admonition has bumi ropoatod bo often that It haa boconio a platltndo obBorvod as oftun In tho branch an In tho fullllmont. I ndoubtedl> this Id duo to tho luok of u*propur sonao of tlio lmportanco of nuifltiontlon and insallva- tlon. Now that my roailors understand the proper rotation of tboso acts to tho wholo procoofl of digoatlon, lot un hopo that tho HURROntion will ho ob^orvod FroBh broad or any food whloh 1h apt ttt form Into a doughy or gluey mass- in liDpervloun to tho dlgoutlvo juioos and should ha avoided. ^ Tho tllaatnno of tlio saliva la incapablo v6f chhwftlng staroh to angar If ulthor tho staroh lfl unoookod or the saliva not allca- 11 ne. BreiilcfiiBfc foods and other btaiuhy ooroals, thoroforo, Hhould bo well cooked, and vinegar plokloa nhould bo Hparingly need, or on) 1 vary dlgoHtion will bo im paired. Tho thinner tho caatrio Juieo tho mars rapid nnd ottlolont will bo tho digestion of monto and othsr protolnfl. Tho prosnnoo of dfgeHtod food in tho htomaoh hind era tho action of tho gnntrlo juioo on tho un digested portion. DlROBtod food nhould theroforn ho romovod as qulolily m po;iul- blo. Nothing aocompHflhon thlti bo woll a,g water. Ilonco It la good to drink plenty of wator with our mualii. Don't waRh dourn tho fond with it. Swallow tho foou ami then drink an much water an you Uko. It can do no harm. I wIbIi to ain- phufiUn this boonunn t ballovu tho pro- valllng notion la that little or no Wat or dhould bo drynk at inoalu. Thin eiTor linn probably urlflon from a mlBundorstnnd- U)g or mititaJomont of tho lntondod ad- vlflO not to talco wutor Into tho mouth bo* fors tho food Is Bwallowotlt as thlo prao- tloo would certainly loaBon tho flow of saliva and honco Impodo dlgostlon. Among tho ourloHttloB whlob havs beon found in tho iHthmus of Tohnnuto- po, latoly oxplorod by r.atnrnlint^ in a lu>tat>luAl ulook. It U n flower Bomowhat iDStamlbUug In ltfJ habltn tho ohamoloon^ aitbougii moro methodical. Im tho morn- Ujg It lk wlilV), at Donn It lu Hid and ab might bltw, nnd tlio altoratlomt ot oxvlo* n-rt) so loRUlnr that thn Umo ol day outa 1 told from-tliw tint of the uowor. It Imu been HUggairttid tllat if it could bo aocll- lj^tod In a tmperat lono U would b h MILLION FOR ARMS Askotl fOf In Supplorrtorttary Ewtlmiltos, UtlS TBt FIRST INSTALMENT at tin Til* Million iKiIlam Hre***nry to kLtflMlUr^ (bn 4'uuudlali Mllldii i:ir. a.-uy \riuu win th* t'nv*-'- l.ud f Ottawa, Aiirll '). The Hiip- phrncntar*v e dlmatt n fin tin ouiit'iit il cil year K'>t Into circulation UMay, ulthimr.h not y-L prom*nled '^" l'arlln.- iionL 'nte total .lrnount to bt vitted ijj two inllllun, and a halt, f which one million I.m ( h.U'Ki able to tin con- jjolhl ttt <| fund, (Linl thi rciii'.iliidei lo ca.plt,11. liulud-d in tin laLb-i In u. nnlllmi dolhu.H for arm:, ami .unniunl- tlon to the mihti.L, tin (h t lir tain cnt of thrtL milHoa.s, whkh I'-uliaim ni H to be .liiUcd to vot> . hmin ? n.uuj li to be voted to JiitrniliKi iMn.idlan nie.Ltfi and otlu i \ Ioim I r<>- duct.i Into the iiuLikutj ot th< llnltctl Kinj'dom, In nut b a way that tlu ion- MUim.1.1 iiui> obtain Lin m it'nl-11 ly '" the Iw nt condlttnn, undrr flu name of "Canadian'-*, $lr.,unu will b- thi o->m of the Manitoba un-an, and JI^.UUO li to sicttli unji tld a( i ownt.s ot; the Tin rl- frul'U Jixhlbltlon. Tin i I i-i',(jUO to pio\hK for tin annual drill, and il-"',- UUO foi tin jiaj ui acthi militia at the nchooK ot lic.ti uctloii, Includliifc a urhon] at Halifax and one at Vancouver, II.O. Aimmi Hi capital oh irj.m. la tJdri.DOu toi uiii pun nt nl the ' Soo" Canal Halifax ^ I , Jiu.uon foi i now immltfin.tlon buibiliiK". Tin uibsldy for tlio wintt r Ler\ii.i bctuci n Ht, John and Ll\ i i pool, ,:_"i,()ih)( jdmi appear h. The fan ullan 1 acdli Hallw.i\ tti J')9,000 In the hh.ip.- of inci oi.ed pay ment at tin- iale ol i.l.l(i per mil p< r annum Km thi corivcynmc of m-iilH bu- tu m n St. John an 1 Vanuuuvm, In place of the jate now paid. 1! million Kti. Us ni w brldjw over JIuillriKtuu cluinin 1, and $15(u00; pG,- 0(U) rpoic Ki rtipiir, d lor mounted per- lid , jn.oou Is nu'ded for u*td fo-ain for Noithwist m (this, $">O0 lo wantexl to i av I'bucint-er Shanly of Ottawa for Hivice,s ln\iMlK>itinir tho pn>babl- cf- fe<H of tlie t'hh a o dr.ilnago oanal uir on tht. lalu s and harbor p-vi 1h. Your corruMK.ndi nt had a chat with den. CJascoIj-rno to-day on the subject of the proposed \lbit to I-Jn^land of the fth Iloyal Scats of MontrKtl. 'Phf> Ot.ncral <wuld that he had nr>t yd r<- cWvcd a formal re<|u<t for ponnl.ssion for tho battalion to lwivo Canada and In view of the 11cent decision rc-Lard- lnf; th.- New liruiiiiwlek ha did not s&o how leave could well be KTJintod for the. Bcoto to (jo to J'-no land. Ho wus twitisflod, however, that If any Canadian coi p:i at any thno vlsi- lted tho mothiT country they would ho wn-IJ trcrtted by the horno authorltlea. lie luid no Idea how Col. atratfiy pfJ- poiied to Yiilui th*. funite for the tug- fittwl trip. It was clearly evident rf-om the OonorarH obhcrvatlona that h-> rogaitls soldiciing as a hujjirvujs and not a.s a spt en s r>C jjiciilcklnKtl M-r. Hft-H^iw Ciimbt rl.iTid of Toronto^ chninii-ui rf the Committee on Convey- anvi, and Transportation In connection with the UrUish Association meeting, was In th- city ti/^lay and hud nn in- ti i;1l-w with Mr. Hagtrart In rtforeiwu to transportation matters in connec tion with the as'orlathm meeting. Mr* Cumberland also s-iw Deputy Mlnbder Schrclber and General Manajr/T Pot- tln^c-r of the Intcri olonial on the aamo HUbJect and also had a conference with Vlre-Pie.siili-nt HhaiitfhiHsqy of the C. V 11., wlio was in town to-day. His l<2w lb ncy the (Jo\ einoi-CIonej al si" nt seveial huury at hln olhtv thiB atti-ri'i.un when Sir iJotiald Smith had a lengthy int -view with hlrn. The n- I'Ort huh cum m tfr-nij;h' that the conference had : > do with the nmrotla- tions for th seitb m< nt ol ih school question. Sir Ijonald was ayked to- ni^ht by yoiu t m i c sponilerit if he knew anything td the object of Mr. Clronwny'h \iiU to Ottawa. Ho re plied In thi riik'aUve, '"J'hcn hly vusit in not pai t of the piojjram aining U while jou wt u* in WinnlptK?" Sir Donald w.ih Tho roply \vrv:i that M.r. (Iil-ui\wiv'h visit wasi not anan^L-d f.u liy tjt*. Commlb-slon. ra, nor bad^ilc mis don, ho far as he wau av.-are, anj i-.unucctirjii wiUi tile negotiation^ of the cbnfer- encu. In tin iodiSio ot iuither eonvi r- .'-ation, Sir Donald- LXpiL.ssed him.stjf a^> exceeding]j, liopi'ul that the bChnvjl qutHtlon would be'amicably dis-pustd of witlilrr I monthb. Op'inlfm Ib divided among thi-1 mem- bora of thv Cabinet :>s to the dat" of the holding of the general election** Some are in favor of selecting a day about the 2fith or JSth of May, othLi.s about the middle of June. Under any It i^ thouKht polling will not be later than dune it. J>urlng the dirnn r hour reccci this evening a conference of the lexd ih Wat he-Id, when it w.lj dceUh d to jnit an end to the lane whnU has be*" n ojiacted for the lai t two or three daj > anil Immediately the Sruaker losaiuted ^.Jie eli.ilr the Hnust- rot duivn to buh- lnehs on the bill Tin geneial impie.s- slon Ih that th sitting will terminate- about 3 o'clock, .us after" taat hour no progress will b<, in ide Mr. K. li. Koyiih, engineer of the Trent Valley oanal. Is in Jhc city. He ban returned from a UMt to Eur-. opL to inspect tlie n-w hydraulic lift lock for canals, one of which will be uLd on the- Trent route near Potei- boro. Thla lmpoit-mt experiment will very materially atfect all t'utuiv canal building in Canada, Mr. Wm. Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine, left for Knuland to-day to at tend the final meeting of the British Departmental Comrrvttee, which won appointed to enquljv into tho alleged under manning of ships. Mr- D-evlm, member for Ottawa County, was taken suddenly 111 In the chambi r to-day. Archbishop Langcvln arrived in tlie city from Winnipeg thla afternoon. ^ijv jyr-LsioN rno.u run ouxKifSL rrtii(>riie in llnw-atl (Hkjret ta )tekMit Ovilrruii Uv 4)hlHsA nail .laiutnwie. Honolfilu. April 3, via, San FronclB- co, A7>rll 0. On the morning ot the 26th of March, aftor ucvoral prolinflny aj-y roec-tingo, neurly 700 jportutfueae maVc3j4 in a body to the Government building and pent In a petition ad- dieu&ed to the Proaldont itud I^giHla- laturt. Th bt4gvjwioq ot tliv I*ortu- cruciic le 'fth(t>s. having b*n brought lurfc by their Jilovbrnnumt, and ]ulv)u mJilttd t>n tha Islavidtt* anil now Jn- carcaucd Lo 18,000 peoplft, they- flbd thenv maves uulrittot to wti llwraBimi of X2uin~ ese and Japanuac lmmhjraiito. Thery afli for jneasburew to routriot Anlatlc immiKation, and aluo for a mor* equltablo Wtem of taxatlo-n, 0. P. IJuunrton waH realocbpfl pwL{ limit ol tae Houilie'ni ViuAllc JljiUway yo*- tertloy tlu, AnuVteim Bomrd for FftMtfn jWwiI<me Hbitei that nfcMirancotf Imvo ham n'c*lv^ tlint tliefc United StnlM Gdvornmcut Ih glv- liu* to tho pauo at Itov. G. V. Kuupp ol nit)l, MiiHtera Turkoy, tho most car*tfi attention. 000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. XWGURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ARE uiylnf......,...,........................ iiniMin*uriilntnnitli W OAN OURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DftS, K* & K. JOHN . MANMN. JOHN X. UANWN. OIUH. 1(>W1:UH. OHAH. POWKlUt gr^ ma'oui niuiivi-vi. \i in. imauibh imium. imtmii m. m i. u niKxriiiuhT. NO NAMES OH TC3TIM0MIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. the doctors approve of Scott's Emulsion. B'or whom ? For men and women who arc weak, when they should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat; for all who get no nourish ment from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Con sumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil with the fisb-fat taste taken out. Two sl/iin, SO cunts nmi $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNU, Uelkvllfe.Ont, VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AUb liViPOTENCY CURED, John A. Manila hiijh: "1 wiuioniw>f tliu conntlot-fi vlo- ttinn ft i'(trlj i|(n/imii<*(i comiiiiiiii'i i| nt l**! ji'nrn of n^n. X tried iii'U'ii nii'dii'iil nmm and t'lamt $IK)0 wltlmtit avnll, I Kin >! up in dnipiiir. Tlin druiliH on u\y niitf,. m woro \uMikeaiim niv intelh ft an uell an my I'oxual ntid phynlcal life My brollair ii"lvi'U)d nin an a liuit renort to eoiinuU brit Honni'di .e Id r^nn I ['nuaneiu'ud their Ninv Method Triatinmit and in a tnv. wouIch wan a new man, with nnw lifiMiiul rimlut nm. I lim wan four jfivru tia<>, and new 1 1 nx-oiniacfid flume- reUablo CARDINAL TASCHCRiAN. MilV Ilia ) tnlniiiiiii ill-* 'I UN.' lit Tlu .mnonnei nil b< alt li Hid d" eliui ui' (infill i' M" '"l"1 il\ Urn u. of tin* rUlim; of IIIm I'iniin* ncc B0fl"r'.i FUTURE- .. 4 am married and happy, llpocialldtu to Iilliiiy Klllictod fellowiium.'^ 'CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- "Tho'viro/j of oiirly hoylirwl laid the foundation of my rnhi. Iji\tnr nn a cay life" and t>xpoimrn to blood m- HMUitM comitleteil Uio wTorlc. 1 had all thn njmptoinH or Nofvmui DbiUty u)d(nnjtM,i*ndunlonn, ilrahi in ni-inn nenonwiciw, wi^lIc Imu'Ic, uto. Nji'hillit caui'i^l my Iwiir In fall ,ont, limiti irtdna, rdrwti In mouth and oil toiiwn", blnlfhefl Ofl Imm1>, etr. 1 thiudc Onrl 1 trial Dm. Ki nimly A Kirt-Kiin. Tlioy ww to rod rnn to hralUi, vi^nr and hni>idnf^j i,"** CONFIDENTAL, Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. rHAs. rowKita. fgf** Wt trs at and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Ntfiwut Debility, Seminal Wpaknesss GUvL Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Di\t.har%e*% Self Abuse, JCitbuy and BknuUr Dfseases.___________ IT YHA1R8 HNf DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. IlllVd J oil ICHlt hflTlP? linn jour blood h cii diiioani'ili' Ila\c jou am \wri'!tni"-n,) Our An inn roiitfinplatum mar- ptft 'Tlt'tl ! Aw yon a victim? Mnv* Mnlhod Trtatinnint will enro you, What it lnu* done for nthf rn it will do for von. CONSULTATION HHSE. Mo nmttw who him tn at id jnn, wnto for an lnau tuiunioii Y'rt f nt <3uiru. t'harHoH rf^u^ruddn BOOKS FREE "Tho fioldnn "Monitor" (illuntrati(l)4 on Dl/Kinrtki of MflTL Ijlt!l<v) potitawo, 3 cimtH. K idod. CiT-Np NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No mo<Mcln<i a< nt C. O. D No namon on boxoa or &nvol- opoA. Ew>rythlriff oonfldontlal. Question Hot and coot of Troat- ment, PRfeft.___________ DRS. KENNEDY & HRGWS^MS^^ For Fine Job Printing- You cannot clo better than call at the...... "ndlh.n Tit in -ifiu h.t*-i aw iK n d a ""I'.it d* .il oL'iy in oiik tht I to il in <' 11 both . of tlu I'lot, lni . of " Jiic- ! ii , \\ bo tool, il Ivan t i ,i' nf th. Lw < nfy- ilth am ivur^ai y ol li j LphK "I'-'l ' oll- < ' i tioii I* < . ntly In i t j.u -s th li "h < p- t inj 11 h 101 1 !, )\> I i i i i'i \l\rn ol tin ( 'hui * b l'h li' \i h . Mil t s^ d 1'V I tit Ku m< i ( \i n i pi i , tli 11 i I Ui J^mnii'iM t in ly hoifj I i ai d, thouirh t h. l d< i i not " i in i i 11.1 in LiHiv wiio .ut in ilic rjt ,l ]jo-,LLuni tu JU'l ,fc. 'j hii u i"i^ in th in. ui tin " h is I- i alKd hi i . Kit to Monti, a] *- inn tly nt i b wif- i ils .1 to thi po- ' it loll III I ii. i illl 11 ii, md l.f-'ll. win n he olllolatid at Ht I'.aiU'lt'H (Jhuith at thi HouthilllLi-btlN ni.niiaij;. , \, lib b was th. I.isl tluu li. \\< nt tu th it city. hmc . f' & ivv up the adinlnisii.Ltion of thi' dmci sc nt iju bet to thi Oo,i"ljutor, Mt,!. lU^in, Ik h.ti Kept moi e i bjM'l; i onlined and Ills i inly tik.n p, li t m publli u-n me'ili'i Hlfl habit'., Iio\,c\i*i', have not chains d, that H, wlit iii it i his ht idth <.ili"\^ it Is iutt 11 stiiiK. tlu 11 'on, to 1'- u n fiom Mkv Ti tu, bis hio^i.iphci, how th- voncrabl" O u ilinal K> in i itlv ^pi'nds 11. day whin in Kfl'd lu altli "111 l.m nrnct," says M^i iv*tu, "rts- \ ov> ry moinln^, sumnn i .md winu*i, at I "0 At " o'clock hi' lau'r-lH In prayt-r, thii hr- novi i fails to do. lie remains In pmyer for an hour. At 0 o'clock III i nmlnc-ncf nays miss, Afterwtids ho olYi th up thank'-tfMnK' and paiLakts of a frugal bioakfast, v bleb does nm la*-.t morn- than ttui mliiul s, uom< Unity Kbi After bn-akuist, \vh-tht i it Is Mm or cold, minintf "r huo^ Inp:, ho koc-s f'jr a seminary. '1 his Ih \vh< i,- In n-lnvl^-or- ati-y by na'-onablo i x< rclso. If it W line- he nti'ls his l>n\ whiK walk ing. At 8 o'clock, and aorm tiltit's, ear- lii r, TTls Knihi' nco <;<u t, to hlu study and remains fb.-ie until "noon at work II* I- (o IiiK 'oiibiuhimI <(' "^ ir^y ><* tllslVllfV'4 liixililvil ,i(/ K| tlu< XioiLy liana lit In-. WlnruiMK. Ala-ruh iiv^-ctlm-cUa >--" ( oniiu.uidiiiiL (UiotU, h/iul of Uu- l>-il- v.ulon Anay In C^iuvU. arrivi-il la \. ininp. i; to-day. on hi* Minn tann * Mn will torn of tin- f' Norlh- , .t, i:iltl>b CollDiibru, VViMihlanton, 1 .,no, Alont.jna und Nm tli Uakoi.i. I tn i- uMiudfiut rep'" t i uiiluft and - nlbiiMu.uu In th" lanltH ot ti.u juiiy ill alon hi , Un> i>i tnvV4 1, .uifl that tlu n i <iu di 111 [d mli tn ib'X__Vol It ill low. no evil IK c-r . lir llu w.*it. \* hllf- in ItiltlMi C.liniiN/i <vnnmand~ a III I i nth OM.ttlh ' I 'i 11i" villi/' I mrpH t' ti *i\ i 1 tbiouirii t: i, in1. i.' d .4iru r In ih. li i lw .Moun uii'i '.. an i ' 11 " \ in/,i li/i on n uboiolili- ili ,lvi h up hi 'u itt b lot old 11. .i . d I'iiiiln- . 1 on th i <t ibli !ini< nr ol n i ' cm horrif foi f ill' n v '- i .-ti .i t . 1'U na .md !- pnkain ( omnia ml uiL I o'li i oi i o ipondi uL tliu 1 ' il! r hh mi iii 11 < In an n oi \ t-, In" if mp n to tin i nuv i n I i i iii i 1 \, a ud In 1 u >l i I ' i < oi . II' 111 o '-it < l' ll I Of j ' llflll i iij, th ' in ! II | ' M| < ' 1 1 ' I ' It II ' ' lllll i 'to '. t ll ' 11 d i n t ('<> ml l i "i l;t " ' ' i 1 ii r <" mi in i ' < i ir v ho t il,- t nirini.inil in C'anndn, [ not v I 1 no 'i bin i aim' iriro- ni' r-t w 111 th ib i !>! ' In rn* d at m t'-s 'no'tin h ' i nd in '1 onto to in >r- i i.\ ni 'it l i i to ' ilU' hi 1 t 'll .il Oi t ll 1 1" 1 1 M 1" I i oil li- I i 1' pint in tho j i . itiiont 1 1 >po t b i " ' In tbo oit L i pi i "ti il ! ro i ii' '<) Inn tlon t ! <t i -1 h c li to J 1 \y f 'oiA- ll > > i 1 i n hlu 1,.. 1 list I IX.t a PnrH r- i in m n ,*v oi iniri ttluiitln \\1. :<i ^toii fin- V nr llii ii 'n. Hamilton, \l u < li _'). i n.i\. In < n ,l di^ fitroua 1 III \ ,1 VM Ll'il till* i ). pi u' t, >i inliiu of a. iio\ oi tli tiauii., who . i i i-i r 11 d.Uun IJL tbo iiit i l .[i)ii .ichlnn train lop]. "1 on nine. Al>OUt 11 Li ! ll linn 1 ' 1' r, l 1 11 - I i.ll 1 *l IllO I " Im lit I . 1 I ll 'I Hll U o'j ih . II It 11. - ot ill. , ni [.in C.raiid Trunk lo ii mil l. nn tin city and h .'i mil <- luuiL Uundas w ih u itn uiii ,jiid d< bi Is w.l^Ik d i u l. i <> i * in- mountain ilIjo^o toi j i uts oi water tnan tba ih ' ii1-' ink down tht ~>r'-eU 1 i T li< .^ tl.i ii -1 . in- y, due Ik io i - )-'. tioui cliK.i,..), and bound t'ov .s u i .ik, ' I'm li aindiiif; down the .i.ul i >ni iJii .'hi .mil twlibdaiound i .. nil wiicio ho b'( . ki i tin. \\ti^ at about '10 I ^ an horn 1 nnlni'- r AtWfttnilal* n -" -i .i -iiinihi i of boyy \va.\lntf ii. u ( . '^ If n iliini; hc train to Kiji ik ii .llthoii 'i ht rovursrd the et>* in and appll. "1 hi lKps tlu- train w*nt on V\ li n it rr.irdi. d the blocked track---------- i ^ ujs.uunsiduibly leyaonetL i nt tiiL Lni,uiu outl ina^i car won^ ,1 luimh ilio sLoms Th.- b.iv,Kaeo ca* i.i op t!n> t uk .tad the train &k>U r-imr To :t sinii'Mill with audi gucW ."in.^ that tin passengers reeflvo* a si vi re jolt- I.I. u n bo\s from Uiindas wer-- waHC* ml, do wi tlir tiaik, and seeinK tnj Miilltn.n of It pull'd oil! their coat ..ill lu hack to ^iLjnnl the expresjv l , n'- mK b was n.aily due. and thi - a- ill that siinl i-ihaph the loss ot \"i-il Uv , i- Th.- r ntire tialn wouta Free Press Printing "We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgera, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We"can print anything that anybody else can. We make a 'spec ialty of..... Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, BankSCheqiies, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicited. Mail orders receive prompt attention- walk in the Uu-e garden of -t^ter^-.Hirrbfy-huvo rolWi over the cmhajih* mint "had not th. %|w-d been .stopped* . ' t nunv"- oC rbe b> s art. J. RanRor, \> Uartnei, U JUKay, J- Uallcy. H* *-ottp J Crunln, ". Wibstcr, F. Bick <<i-, " Mln^. rlnnd, F McLaurblltt i. i (J Jluntc. 'lb- w I'-lmit ffliioil oonildirahm i 1 iv >' lth ilo* (xprt.sswUK i op" ra tioupo on' board, remalncdi Ti'indas till <K o'clork, when tha 'a 1 n fmm Toronto to conrtoel with i b. e\pi ess foi thi1 r ist wt re about i bundit I p" upli from^ Toronto^ Jn-. i'id'nt t\\o nneift) eimipahl^' nd I -i were fo-rcod to wait at ITamilto.i, M ibout 1 o'clock, when a train win II fide up Anions tho Toronto people ' it.-' X. G Blaol.gtork, on his way to nrltish Columbia; Captain Miller of the Queen's Own, and "\\r. F. Mac* : .-tn, MP., on bis way to New Yorlc. "'n Paclflc e^cpresq from th^ earu went i -nund by Caledonia. ^I\ly rurlftnH bervUhfn ICrmiJiio^ vi'hru frlfi'rfoii hv Mm -trlllli'i-v. Cairo, Xfaroh 29. Oen Kltcbnor, Piidar of the fSgypthm army, and his tdatt' arrived at "Wady Haifa to-day. The second column of thk> expedition^ umli v MjUor Macdoruild, is approach-* inn Alcasheh. Sixty idftvluhea lvooii- *iu t. red. the column, bur were (lrod up- (^- by tin* artillery, Whereupon1 they* j # _,, li]ly retired "rfiv "*P'>it of thu'defeat of the TCffyp- inn a0vanco Kuard by Orrvlahr.i near ,AJia^a&___Illlllti ^l_l to havi. been un-* itUe. ~~ 111* 1-illSl-KCl iicRrji.^1 on tlie extensive business of tlie dlocea.6- At the nVfat Htudve oi 12 o'plock ho jjoeft tV^-n to the dininj; room, and at 12.JO } o'cJnclc hit) m&al Ih ended. The Cardinal la teraperate par excellence. lie drlnka neither tea, eolfee, wine nor hc*Lr, pure water and milk an* all ho drinks. Alter dinner His Kmlnuncu poo.s foi a wallc In the seminary maiden or in the col lege grounds with the atndenta of Uie Petit Semlnalre. One eannot eonctive how attached Ills Eminence i1! to the seminary where he haH spent more that half of hl.s lit'o- tinie. "When tlie Oiudlnal was cnatid a Bishop in 1871 it was a (Treat gilef for him to have to leave tliat institu tion of which he said, "Here* I found devoted fathers, affectionate confreres and childien who by their docility re turned a hundred fojd the little good which I am trying to do for them.'* In bis answer to an address from the stu dents at that time he eald: "I was In a vineyard where I labored In company^ with my devoted brothers; no other thought assatledwme; I loved to go there and to observe the budding of the Crebh rosea which the sun of study and the dew of piety turned Into fruits of blessing." At i.JO o'clock he recites anothei por tion of his breviary, which he con cludes duiing the afternoon. He re mains iU work in his study until i)..1l) p. m., engaged in diocesan business. TWh Involves conMdci able work. An Idea of thifi may b** formed when It Is itaW that be has written no leas than h/ volumos In folio of reglatered le-t- laonn oi 000 pages each and two large \xihwru5fl ot pastoral letters and mande- nukntat. At 0.30 o'clock His Eminence t-jfittoa his evening meal'which oeeuplei twenty >uil>uteB at the utmost ajnd re- JrurrtK* fco the emtnnry for an hour ot rutoWiattoh spent with the students of fcb* Pa-tit Semlnalre or tho .Grand 3em- bUbtra. t|Lt 8 o'cloelt he days evening- pwtya>t* ht the proHencc of the Holy Hftniwmiit, ircoltt'H IiIh rosary and at 0 o'efcwk vtnycs to bod," Ettncc ho has no longer to look after klki aulmVnlstratlori of his dloccsc IHh EHuibieriae takes up more of hlu time In purtj^ar and meditation and goos out rtu&e *Wiiucxitly for walks on the bal- tt^jxy tti th" palace; but does not remain aut .a! mow bo long at a tlttin. When t^w Mvvathor allows tho Cardinal s;otl8 toy -a Arlva about 3 or I o'clock In th aftevnoan Myhioh, ho did not do formor- Yy:, Ah knf as ho wat able ho pre- tvrrrd walking to driving, b'Jt ibis bH old age no louver allows., DOAN'S KWnoy Pillo first provo3 to tbo pooplat that Kidney disoaso is curable. Doing tho origuial Kidney remedy in pill form, th* eorofi tboy havo mado, and tbo farao thoy havo attained havo oponod tho way for 4 host of imitations and substitutes* ball Ihoao who havo boon, eurou ot KIDNEY OoMplalnts through tbo uso of this worn dorful medicine, tboso whoso Irimo book 14 now froo from pain, thooo who now hav^ no honclachou, thouo who Ikwo oacapo4 from tbo doath grip of Diabotoa amj B right's disoaoo by tho tiuo ot DoanU Kidney PILLS i r3 tho onea whooo opbaion U valuaWto. Whoa scorofi of each pooplo coma forward s^nd toll publicly that Boan'B Hidnoy Pill* eurod thorn after other moanb IsiLod, ik l j ftvidont thai tho only CURE fef Kiu'nay Piaoatw, Blrwldor and TJlnary difucultlofl, Litmo Back, and tha nuralw lss roflulfcu of tliaorcierod KidneyB isDo*n*a Kidney Fills. Be eare to gak iWlb Prw) fifty cnt par box. Wot wd* bf Bold by G. A. Snftrrin, Emx, j i i? j 'J,1 K*^^^ _m 'b'M.d.^. 'i^-lV'-:., i I iX&i!d&^M 5

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