^^^^^SK^^^K^^^^^^'^'^w^^^^ V.: ' = TfM JK&SS^SC :J?R%3 PRBS& FJ*3 JAS. D, ANDERSON & Co.. v IIANKKHB, Next to Aberdeen Wotol- EbsoX- i - --,. Moimytolottuou VantioirH"N0tnB:Notnnfc()nt:h4 or Colloofcnd; Mouoy to loaU on MortUiMiwi ut owoHt yatort un4 bmtt tonurt. Drafts IuhooiI payable at imr ut all principal points Fir Insurance Agents, etc. 4P0 TALK f lOFTHETOWN^ FKIDAY. A.P11IL 17,180ft. I % :B. Town council ratiotn on Xuei-dny i.v<m- intf uoxt. Tho town nohoob oponod ou Monday with tho uunul attondanou. HooVo Muuon, of Gamdon Uwniihip, and Wurflon of Kout Co., died on XuuhcUy IlLUt. M .T Witflo cfe Co lufo.uiviui? uwiiy hand- home pDrtiruitu, hundHomoly tra>uoilj ro- momber thoy arc freu. W. H. Biohardnon 4a oudoayorinti to impply a long folt want in tbo lino of bioyolo. HUndrioa and' fitting, and ahown alttiofjt ovory wooded'acoonuory to tho wbcol in hia hardware atoro window. Tho mayor in calling a moating of olti- zouh inWroutod in tho Quoonit Birihdtiy oolobrntion, for Pook'n Hall, ou Monday vonin^ uoxt at 8:BG o'clock. lb if) hoped n largo and repraBontativo fcuthorinH will talco place Now linoa of wall paper for lb'.)(i at May'n Bazar. Prioca away down. Waltor Lain** n.nd brido returned to EiiU'.xon Monday, and are preparing to talco np bouBokoopinfj in the brick cottage on Alice St,, near tho waterworks. Mru. LttinR will bo "at homo" to frinuda after aity 1st. Qri Saturday laat, at n. incothi^ of tlio diroctorn of tho Knuox Union Chpouo Co., MaidHtono Tp., B. J. Stono, of Veruchoylo, Oxford Co., wan ongu^oil k*h ohooao maker for 1890. Ho pcinoH woll rooommcudud* Tetidflrfl will bo recoivod up to April '25th for hauling milk. Ladloa* all wool vontB, abort alcoves, iiSti; }J pr ladiow' fast block hor.u 2.'Jo at Simt.U'n. LftdioB1 fcooalippora or OxfordH 75c pair atSmitb'fl. Ddionturoo of tho county of Ehhox, far rnioinK fandu for tho repaira to tho county building woro diupoood of by tender on Tuenday laat, to II. O. Hara; of Toronto. Tho dobonturoa brought a premium of 9475.f)5 on a onm of Slfi.OOO. Tho com- wittco were warden Colo, of Sandwich Couth, ex-warden Barrett, and county treannror Morand. Seotho now tbin^n in fancy orbekory and toilet waro at Park'e tho Jeweler. Shirt waiats'and wrappora, handuom thiufiR at amazingly low prices at Mra. MayU Thp fourth victim of tho Itulgotown &x- ploaiou has succumbed in tho noraon of W, J, Watson, ono of tho firm at wbono millu tho oxploBion occurred. Mr. Wat Hon had apparently rallied, and ntronfj hopeo of hiu reoovory woro entertained nniil lato lrri- day nifibt, Tho docoaned was a qeneral favotito iu the town antl country, wol] knewn and reupeotod. HSh Iobb will be Bavetoly foltby a vory loryocircloof friondft, Tho immodiato cauao of hia death waw fUQumonia. Ho loaveo a wifo and youn^ family to mourn hia death, Tho young ladioo of tho Pifeobytorian ibur^b gavo a vory oujoyablQ ontortain- tt3ont in Mm May'n upacioua parlorH on Ineaday vouinfi. Ifc was called & "Murtha WaflbinRtoB Toa.." About a dozao young laclies and B0Vral younfi gontlem,on woro coetumod iu tho ittylo of tho day of M*tba'WabmgtOH, and acted an waiton, haaideB g;ivlne - vory nio 6>iil oxh'ibititaii; with ftcoompammont by tho Eimux orobeatra. Thin was aupplonaoutod by g&lflOEi, mutiic, oto.i'and tho wholo affair ^byowghly enjoyable. Tbo'^lromo of Mr.( and Mrs. May, is adrairabld adaptod for Btloh ontcrtainmenta and tho company woro givon tho freodtfxn o tbo hemao. J. 5V. OlbBou ban a couple of Ruapa in e^poud hand wboolo. M J Wi(jl * f- 0lV0 doing a niBhing bupinofltt in hatn, of which tby havo a lajrae otoob. Mrs. W. Mok DoCow onteortainoa about sixty l nor Jriendo to a rauwioalo at thoir ootaraodioun now nomo on l^mrd Ave., laflt'friday nicht, and provodan idoal en. tortulher. M.va. DoCow, had onaagod for ' (|iq oeoantau Mion Holon Chailoo (With, fl7orkmati}-a talanted olooutloniiiti, and Mr W.Jolmtwn.i baritone soloist, both of Do- tuoit, Tho prflgram which waa judioiouH 1^ arranK^l. oponud witli m pfano duet, fro'nr*1TAnordtTVby EoaRini.itflndijrod by Uvii. lialufiaud Mra. Wbicq, Midb Ghaffao rjjeited a numboV of,> oJroioe mtfeotiony, tfnmovouu aud patbotio, aiid oonoludod witb iporieHof Bpaniab ojrolo movtuaootB, av- iJho waa vory favorably " fved, iMpd wait onaofod at ovovy number. . Johnson alao won favar with hie aolcia. ^inB.B^dwaa bappijy euoorefj. At tlio ooncUuBibu of tbt* p^ogwtm ft dainty toa wall Hevpd, aftov which tbo uaonta dopart- '.tb hwtoaa ou tb $:; <*ioite onUrtainmotib p*OTldo3. .lit'-.-.'^.'-f' *K' Go to Whitnoy'a for yaur nobby bata and oupH. liftautiful dnmer Bottn and varlouJ km.la fjf diuhoh ut amazingly lowprlooiiat JYLay'n lht/,iif. . cJolfion T. Jouom haH purobaBed thu. Truax boiiHO and property on AHoo Bfc., oaNtofthu lohool hoiiMO and will movo tlmroto ahortly. Ho rooontly iUbpoHcd of hii lioiino and lot in Loataint'lori. JJ. 1). Ijuhiir haw rooontly taken ltito pavtnorBhip, Baknuol Smith, iu hi blaok- umithinj: bnyinoMH iu Huh town. Both ot thuim mon uro practical aud uxptirlnuood moohauioH and Hhould inuko a uuuouhii of their buHihonu venturo. Uotnotivo Gampau in iuvontiffutiiiit an ttlln(,'L>d robbury oaHn in Houtli WooJulee. Wright Smith, haruoHU makor, miyH that on tbq ni^ht of tho 'Jth ho had 3HG in a box boidde him ou bin bonoli; that ho worked till 1 in tho mormnn and toolt tho prouiuuH caiikut to hiu budroom with him, Whcu ho [jot up, ho uayii tho monoy wau inihidu^. M .) WiRlo ifc Co liavu "jimt roouivud two moro lartjo coiHii|;nmentH of hIioch, all tho latent iityloi!, Now bhoeH, hundroda of puirn to ohoooo irom; lino i;oodt!, correct lityleu ami loweut pricoH. AI -T Wi(*lo A Co. .Tno. MoMahon, who UHiially npoudit tho wiutur in tho luwhur woolen, of ArkauHau, with Jon. McCruckon, forniurly of ISauex county, roturned hint wuolc, and will flpond tlio Mimtnor on bin farm in Uoullold North. Uo raportu Mr. McCraoIcon an halo and 'hearty, aud doin^ a f^ood buHiuoaH in tho (south. A mooLin^ of all thoHO mtoruutod m athletioH of varioua [iortii will bti hold iu tbo Town Hall, on Saturday ni^ht, for tho purpoHo of forming an uiiauciution of tho difforuut clubfi in town. Itnpruiiontativcu and lovoi'H jf whoulinfj, football, bnnuball and lawn tenuiii or othor uportB aro aiikod to como and atiaint in tho movonient. Black and colored hatn, latent utylca 1'Jc at Bmith'a. . Special ho-Io of tiou worth -10 conts for 25 eoiitii, Friday aud' Saturday, at Whitnoy'u. A Gkkat Bahoain '2S acres of choice land oituated north of GouOold avotiuo and Houth of tho I.-'ontor farm, ono half ib iu Godiiold und the othor iu tho' Town of Etmox and only nRooniicd an farm property. It id nsoHt desirably yituateii aud will very nhortly bo worth double what it can now bo bought for. Call nfc once if you want a bargain. CHAB. WHITE, manacor. Im perial Bank, Ehoox. li Alex, Laiuf; wan iu Toronto laat week attohding tho annual meotintj of tho Ont ario Toachorfl' Adflociatioii, bo^foro which body bo exhibited hiu Plauotarium. Mr. Lainfj wan given vory high praiao by thi thoroughly roprououtativo organization and secured come vory valuablo untiolicit- od toHtimonialH. Hon. G. W. Bobh, Ont ario Minmter of Education admired tbo inatruineut so much that ho j;avo an order for two of tbeni, to bo placod in tho Nor- mal Bchool at Torouto. Mr..' Laiiifj baa orderH fo:- coytirul moro lo bo placod in the leading city hcIiooIk of Ontario. Liont.-Col. C.T. Doniiiou, M. P. for West Toronto, diod at bin home on "Wed- ncaday morning, aftor a lin^orinR illnnan, of cancer, in tho 50th yoar-olhifl ago.__De- oeaned ban boon u pronoinont figure iu military circleo for many yeara, IIo took part in tho aupproaflion of tho Itod liiror Robollion undor Gonoral Wolnoloy in 1870, aod commanded tho Canadian voyageura in tho Nilo expedition in 1881. Ho was ConBonvative in politics, bomg a atronj; proteotioniat. Adoiph Benctaau wan tried by Magistrate Bartiot at Windsor on Wednesday ou the oharfio of ueaaultiug John Botaier with an ax. There wore a lar^a number of wit- ucdiiob, und most of the testimony wan i;ivou in Frnob, noooanitfttinfi: the norviooii of Fred Cumpau, who acUd ati mterprotBr for tko court. Magiatrate Bartlob itapoatd a una of 915 and conts, 838 in a)l, ou Bone- lean. Tlio magiatrato utatod'that tho max imum penalty for tho ofionco wau tliro* yoarfl* iraprinonmont. The quarral that led up U tho n-EiHauH waaovor a lino fence. : Extra valaoH-for. 10 ^ays in mon'H or. dered nuitB from 813 up; optoial line mon'a , toady-mado BUita for 83. Spoalal pticoo for Saturday at Bmith'ti: oboioo piokloB 10c bottlo, towatoeu G^c an, Hardinou fijc can, 4 Iba evaporated peaohfla 2",a; -1 lbg ntarob 20o, beot ohooHo 10^o lb, herrings Llo box. Tbomao Wothorloy, who ban boon a ro&ulant pf thia tqwn for noarly thraoyoArs paati, died on Monday laet in tho 87U yoiar of bio ago. Deqoftaad cafcne to Ebbcx county froth tho Ottawa didtricfc- about oix or bqyqii years a^o, and located ou a {txtvz m tho 0ottaxn Flauio. Ho afterward a did-, poaed of thia property, and wovod-to town, where ho hau boon employed in Gardner .Bros/ haudlo worjm, ahd at tho tlmo of bifi illnooH in C. E, Naylor's now workfi. Pnoumjonia wae the o&uho at hia doath. Docoiuind marriod a dajJt^Uor of Ww, Noabltt, alno a former roaidoat ol tbo Ot tawa djutriol. but now living in Maldatono noar Edoox. Ths widow and Wo mnull olnldron aurvivo him. Tho Canadian ForontarH, iu wuiob lodyo bo oar Hod in* imrauot," attended (ho fmidi'M on ^nduea- day. TbtiJ-fluniiufi -mro in toured ub Nrtht IWdRO.-------- Lnoo ourtaln.1 extra Kod 33e pn cartatu poles atifl flitnifaa atitb; linen Kolfov blfifdd 40o; art mnRh'nti onfl ofelona *A c^ra low prIoeH at Bmilh'n. : For ahtfdiroK'a and boya' uiuts olothoa wm lead. Good ones hom 8I a& al 8mt*h'. Gt Umo amxa$U Broita'a flffd Us. ARE YOU G-OHSTG TO Ride iKe Siloni Steed? I can give yon your -choice* of the following popular wheels at PltfQJSS that avo RIGHT. The Comet, ..................Cleveland,;-- Gendron, Capital, Alert No. 11, ' Envoy, Fleotwing, Reliance, Alert No, 25, A good Wlieei,either ladiok' or ^enta' fully guaranteed Tor one year, Only $60 All purehaHurw taught to ride by an experienced rider, free of charge. A ho ft place to fall on guaranteed. G*it prices and terms from J. W. GIBSON, E. SMITH &C0: pecial Soring Sale Now On, We make a specialty ot Black and Navy DreBH Good|. Plain and figured LuKtren,/Sicilians, Crcpons, Henriettasi' OaHlunereH. i^SPEOIAL CUTS. 1.25 plain and iaiu-y^bhiclcs 'Mn 10 ' " :>Hc ^il.00 plain and fancy bluukg Bb 00 " -tt OF COURSE YOU WILL RIDE The Best Wheel JOB^LINEltDRESS GOODS. $1.00 pUiirfnud fancy for fiOc (JO " an 10 " i'0'1 7Gc plain and faney fov 7Gq; IF so, i)r WILL BE THE With Autoraaiic Bi'alto and other improvoinouts, nai on any other wheel. We tavc a lino ot 10 variotios of wheels ut prices ranging from S-17.S0 to ftloO nnd can aavo you from 10 t<> 15 in tlio price of a wheel. Compare our line with thoao of any oilier dealer. Gall iu and inspect oar stock or aond'for catalogue. -As we control Mr. Siason's rink, our patrons havo free instruction und practice therein. All wheoly sold by ub arc fitted with tho celebrated Morgan & Wright quick.repair tires. W. & SONS, Essex. Thin line gning-fiibl, "leiitegt drive of the bcusoh. 4&&KJ. Choice lino of plain and fancy Ducki! from 10c tc 'J5o, worth twico thQ. price. Guaranteed fast colore. Ciinghiuud, Uelainea, l^lanneluitey, shirtings, Towelings, etc., do yard Extra long Lace Curtains iiCc pair. Curtain Poles am! fixtiuoa ^So^' Linon Roller lilimla lOc each. Art MusliiiH, Curtain Nctt and CiotOU9Q extra line pattetna and value:!. Regular standard shirtings 1 <jku yard for 10o; Cottonaclos, 'Donhamij and Ticking of extra value To be in stylo leave your order with us for spring suits Clothes oloso margins in this line. Full range ready-made hints, job lot boya' Nuita, 7 Hue for $8.;i0; 0 lino for Jj-ul'; $i> lino for ^2.50; Ji lino for $1.50. Full range spring ITuta and Caps, fine shoes and Hlippora; wo uro novefr underRold in tho above line; if quality counts we are ahead. Elegant Fedora Hats for mon 08c Ladies' fine kid button liouta 1 a pair. Ladies' lino kid alippora 130* (Tents' fine laced or Congress shoos 1.35 pair. Ladies' fancy shoulder Capes $1.25 up.^J Bomembor the elegant furniture wo give away free. Bring along yoiuj oaHh. Everything is booming and you may be too late. Whitney Block, Essex. * | w" M IN ! I Kn^ltbb Church Choir Concert, The ontorttiiumeut given by the choir of tho English Church in Peek's) Hall od Wodneadfiy evouiuy wur^woll utteudbd by tho ujuuic-loviug pooplo of Jibtox. Tho loiulinw tittractiona wtre Prof- Hiiu^'a Mandolin OrcheHtm, of Dotroit, who oponed tho programme with o, lively march, "Kiu# Cotton," whioh wou fa.vor with tho audience, and waa rewarded witb an oucoro, Aucthor Hpecial attraction waa MiaH May Bt. Cluro McCamiwh, "Tho Tcx- ub Lily," who is a lining youiin olocution- iac, of a high order. Her ironditioii of Zingoirolla" was OHpecially good, and hIio Hcoraa to oxool in tragic elections, ftho waH tnpoatodly encprod. Mru. Dinuwall, who in traiuiny tho ohoi? ondor whoaa auupicoB tho eutortuinmont was gtvan,, auniC-iii fiao form two ealoti, "Tho Flowor of Oblivion" and "Dooauflo 1 Lovo Thoe ^0," whioh woro loudly en- ooroci, and to whioh nho rfcHponded with a humoroufl floloctiou. Minn Bertha Thomas, who fjivea fromiao of. being a clevor and aweot-voiood Roloiat> aanK "Tho Darkioii' Gra,dlo Qoiik," and wub rowardod by an oncxjre, to whioh oho yraofrfnUy roflEonded. Mieo Sybil Unn- nmham yavo a piano solo, which was probably an highly appreciated aa any numbor on tho proifftmraQ, jadfting from Iho onooro Rivon; Waltor Sbaw also fianp with ploaalng offoot, a nolo which was , on- cored. Mrs. linlnn ootud us accompanist. Tho bannV~*f Jurjiofl Ankor, ttonaud Woo, MaidiitoOB, woro ajrqdk by llghton Ing at flvo o'clool; this utiormui; add totally (] mi troy art. tkiyoniijon tonu of - hay tbnd a lam* quantity of grain were burn ad, em well *a fclwso hoad of oaltlo. Font othor houd aro &1bo injarod by tho flro. la hiy ofifor'tji to put cut tho flaraos Hff*, Auk or alno mot with some injury- Tho loufi will ha about 81,2^0. Job lot lino tan nho&s. for ludi^i an((. gcjnta ab ono-thjurd' off ' rouulnr |tfiae-&* gtflith'a, i AJox. U. Wrlfiht, of OoUa, focmorly dl Sliffttford, in yiBitina "^ tho lattdr place, Efa -ltvflu abftolt UO mi!o8 from Hiivana-i and his {jlhntatlon hau boon tho soatio of a auoobor ol battloo and RlclrminhftB btwoojj tho Rh^niardd and tho iuBurgmitit, )ur>, in bin absonoo to Gun ad a last yoar h(fi plantktioii wos deatuoyed. Until tho *o- bollion U over'buaiaoitH iB at a utandhtill. Uvi-Wrlgbt Veoiw to ymp*th!2w with the' Bp&uufcv&t In thoW lEroirts to pwfc down tk* Ineihrgeuta. Ho dotiw not thmk maah of tho afttiw OnbjidS. and noya that if'iho^: get.ooataol' of tho country tbo Bo(jlUb- BpetitclhH ro>ild<mt will uol have m\>ob ol B otanvo. Mw. Wrlflhk IctmoDly Uvtfi ut We Best. .........________^ -i ______Ptfy'J , *< M'J-XXj^ If von biiv a BBANTFOBD or a PEBFEGT you will make net, mistake. We also liiave cheaper wheels as god as some oth.eyv ^ makers' best* >iEp^*i*,^^Onr Ladies' Wheel.is excellent valu^ ?'.: , 'X-X^nr-aJj;;',...-;!..^,-^ 1b whitt yx^b o&u *ly dn tfittfuQ *4mi you buy from tts Qq* vttyty i$ #> all eAirtaoJ thfl'.towu. ' You einiflnd ulftor, Iran^b>dv*^ or In felie e*t*y. && W*^ Vvxaff 6aAm and JTUy IWUft^ Fresh Taffy and OindlW 3E Fresh Bread Mav>s nazaar 1b whkfe yx^s o&u*lydntp4ttflEttfl*4i*tt lOMJ V WM^UUI ) **cydttjt Wis #11 iio^*Ht *0^ c> Leave Your Order aud yofl cMi lrftty onj^b** rhv FOB ALL,iaNa OF Window BJinds^-away dowh Obinavvaira, Pabfty Goaitt, .Boaks'atul Sfcattoe*y, . Bek)bl Su^pIleB, Toy a of allfcindft, ^Berlin Wools and Fingering YarnP, . Now Stock of late Wall Piper. --l.1^ OUR SPRWfi STOCKS Ih wow oomj^ote *nd no ht&t&t appoint^ :$ tuenv in Ui oouwyk % Scotch Tweetl Sato, Canadian Tweed Suits, Faney and Wack Worsted Suite, Ua*^o o*der & 8oath Woortw,'V:>T,;^ J Wit " "":,v^da )>^rH:^i^:;^ 70 1797