' <r THEJ ESSfcJf F*WE PRESS 'iwi'^i A & Co Grooorio^r QrooorioD. Tlie higgent values in town and all new goody. raofeexyv OrocXcoryv Glassware, Glassware, CXasswaro. Largest stock in town and at prices that will antoniph you. Gall and examine fltook and bo convinced. No trouble to fdiow goods. Highest price paid for produce, GOODS DEHilVEriEr) HROMrTW, A, H. SCARFF & Co. Tho Essex Free Press, FIUDAY, A1UUL 17, 1B0IJ, to be \ririinh\-nrx In Iho llouiio of Onminomi, in committee ou tho Manitoba bclifol^ Komortial Hill, which Iiiih now uttiunndh much natoritjiv , Bit Ghurlen Tip])' r, on W dncmlay ni^ht, uiovod that the chairman rituj, roport pro- fjroBS to tlio Uolihq, und uikgd leave tn sit again in dinciiffiion mi tlio bill cIuhho by htnaa. The motion wa mudo to enable the Ilonue to paMii thu neceHhaty mitimatoB for tho current year, und to consider eorao important matters before tbo Houbo. It i not expected" Lho Romedml Bill will be again takon up, uh there are only three or four diiyn loft boforo this Parliament rantJt oamo to a ctono. It if) thought posniblo diuflolntion muy talto placo on Wodnouduy or Thurwday f noxt wook; thut the writn for tbo eonoral olebtlonn will bo itmued on Friday, 21th, and that polling will take placo iu !JQ dayn thoroafter. Tbo mode o procedure will no doubt \m aomowhat ulong tbcao linen, aqd from pronont pronpoctH, tho long-expected aloe- tiona uro at hund. South Kjnck School Statistics. The Ijatu Win. Trimblo. Inspector Maxwell nendn tla tlio following report of the achool attendance iu tho dif ferent towuiihipii of South Khgx Daring tho month of Fuhruary then wero in South Ehhox public hoIiooIh 1,31(7 pupila who tittonded a total of iil.^71 dayr or a daily avora^o of 11,001 pupila, _There wore 3,003 pupils between tho tigpa of d ami l'l youra inclusive, of whom 170 attended laloo at home, Iubh than ten duyw each. Tho school law tequiros that all ohildron between 8 and 14 yoarH inelumvo rnnat attend school foi tho full term during which tlio school oi tho section or municip-ilitv in which thoy reuide 19 opnri each year, unless oxonaed for cortRin roauons mentioned in the law. It is to be hopud that trustees and paronui will noo the neoesaity for attention to this matter. Tho following schedule ahows the at tendance by nuuuicipahbieo. Somo toaoli- cra havo baon so anjustitiably alow iu making rotornfi that tho March report la not ready. Tho death of tho latu Win. Trimble tro- niovcb u v. el I known figure fium tho town, Tho decoaned had boon m poor health during tin- greater part of tho punt winter, and for tioveml wt Mat hit) friondn had boon ...pprtliHinivi' of the .'fnilt. Uo had no tar ri-eovoL'oJ, however, us to be able to oomo up town and hul ht*t j . bout tlio titn otfi only a ffw iiujn]nu inn; liid deuth. Ou Thin , lay ui^in las!, ho rotired to bed an initial, ulthough hi1 hud not felt very woll dining tbo day, and about one o'clock ho awoko, complaining of a nmoLhonn^ Honnation, and a phyHician was Uautily oont for. Boforo medical amiiHtai-eo ar rivod, however, he had panned to hiti re ward poacofully as a child to ito aleop. Tho newu of bin dontli was qnito uuoic- pooted about town, owiutf Vo his previoun partial reco\t ry. The dooousod was hoiu iu Farmanaf;h Co., Ireland, in Ibi'irand waii'tho eldeht of tho family of bio father, who removed to Canada, whon tho nubjeat oT thin idcotch wan but two yoars of r^o. Thoy nottlod in Carleton Co , about 33 mileH from Ottawa, m which diotriot docoauod lived until about IB years a^o whou ho moved to I'jBtiox. do was married iu 1R42 to Juno liilhwho flurvive him, aa well as nine children, the fruits of thia union. lie was almost a lite-loini and realoua member of the lUothotlM -church, always taking a promiiifnt part iu the rehpioun work aud services. U*s boiiH are Jamca, of Kdmcnton, Alberta; Wm., of Colchontor North; Au- drow, of Ked Dae-, Vlberta; .T. B., elder of tho M. E, Conference of tho htato of lo\w^^H^l-^I^444tH^^^^"Iflwav~---~-. .___ Ilia daiitfhteih ara 51 m. Jaa. Wulhiro, of Komptwllc, Mi-h, S. Callander, Nonh Gower; Mra, L. McCroory, Kskox; and MiflB Lydia A., Chiueso Miaaioniiry, now BREA(UI OF PROMISE. HE SUED A WOMAN. Mr. Trimblo, bouidoa boinu the oldoat of hia father'Q family, Hurvivcd all tbo others. HONORS FOK KSJEX. J. *i. G.iiirlny, oTKhhcx, X^lccled i*res ident of tbu I'ouluuulur Kina^ne. I*- do a *.J d rt TJ cc c o ~ Q k. O _, Zi -1 T3 a "3 2 a S 1" s " 7$ v pa pa o)^- MoruGa...... 1110 m G(F> MG17 ii.a.85 09.S0 Goaflold B... aio J0 3-J7 1702 'iU.fi 10 72 Hi Oonllcld N... aij u 307 6IB3 ^3.7 7SJ 70.23 CololleatB*- 8. wa r>i eon 7041 302.03 G9.1G Cfllahootor X au u aua 37.77 lBtl 0$ 09.72 Rial don ..... 194 IU 171 3400 IQ3.-JB 12.10 iLndorJoD.,..- 100 45 303 SJflO 103 a"i ficoi lrilbury Woot VuUxi lnlanil. 3-ifl (W 170 flUHO nil .is Quod ni i 100 1070 G:iQ5 77.01 LaAmlnaton, tlnnvUlo ... 3B7 a ma IHJ70 a03.fl0 CQ71 18fl 10 274 11WI0 31S30 7ft 07 JDfUlOX^^^... . 231 i!il aoe *MT 232 35 1C It) AMiborfltbiiKs 30():) <70 2Ca mi 'J7U1 Kiflffl) Wfil aasJi 'aotss.M oo.i>7 . A. MAZWEL.L, Apr 10th, 16M. BtaoM- At North Kidao, en Frflhiy, April 3, to Mr. aud M*<i. Wilmot Bimh a daughter. "Uisicbqm At Saudwlob Eiuit, n Monday, Awil jD, fcoMr, and Mrg. Wto. Diaknon, a d&Hgtitov. itKttVEa At Goflfleld North, on Satarday, April It, to &!* and Mrih Wm. Jioovtso, & 06*1. SiHV*a> At HdjraB M^ll^ oa Monday April l\ to Mr. aud Mtm Qoaorj), a dftnghtor. LbHPUUA.>iAiE on* SlondtkV Ajf)rU:lD, (o M^.aud MtB. John lkeBp6*an.e(^ a sou. On Thunic'ay laat Otb inot., m tho M. A. A. parlopa a mooting of the Peuiuaulur AaHooiation Football LoaKao, wsb hold chiefly for the purpoHo of electing effioora for tlio tnHuing-peaHon. Thoro were delo^uteo from Chatham, Kaaox, Windoor, Walkorville, Diuraonda of Detroit and tho M. A. A. team of the Hume city. Tho following ofiioorfl wore olootod ; llon-Prebidonli, 15. C. Walker, Wulkoi-villo. Prooidout, J. B. Guurlay, Ehhqx. Vioa.PwjHidGut, \V. McDonald, Detroit. Koo-Troaa, S. ,J. VVatta, "Windsor, Committoo, tho above and a representative from Giwili team. A oommuiWc%tion from tho WoHtorn Foocball Aaaoaiatiou wan lfoad, auking the P. A. F. L, to afliliato with that aatiooia- tion. It wag decided that woro t^iiii lo^cno, Hivon tho name terms aa waH the Toronto lcfluuo, would bo willing to join thorn, which would nccosHltato flnala botwoon tihU U*aUo, tlio W. IT. A^ and tho Toronto Loagua. A telegram roooivod at Winmpcvg on Monday fnm Moutoroy, Mox,, aniiounoea thb doath thoto o{ Bu- John SohultK, ex- Oavatsvbv of Mairfifobfi, Sir .Toha SblmltK was a promiDout figoro in Canadian poll- t\cm and In connuotioo with ihp oarly Eofl litvor and l^iol jreJWolhouB-. Ho livod fow a threat many yoars a* A'tuhoratburfl. N(v-1 <*hw In uit Irlnli (Univt Olmroli *jw uml KtiU. liUW Aru Jilnllnily Knt>tii*uto- * 1'ho Jury l>lHip-t*<l. , Tho utihu of TnVurnur v. O'^ulllvnn, lit Ijlinordulc, Irohmil, wad rur.mUy dum- tloned In thono columns aa n mihiuu Inatunoo of a man oluUnlnu damu^i^ rrom u wnumu for brouoh of pronyla*. l)iimuiiH worn liild lib UB00. Thn Ijlmor- luk ('hronluln oontahui an lutoruHtln^ piury of tho trial, from wlilnh tbo fnlbiw- \nn In taknn ^Uounwol for plalntltl' Mnani'H. (ionruii Wrlyhi, Q.C., ,r. II, Cuinpbull, *i.C, and 11. G. Joll'uniou, hi'itructiiil by Mr. Boauoluimp. CouiiHol for Iho dufiindant Mt'arn. D, 11. Sullvun, Q.C., Heymrmr Huahe, (J.C, und It. (J. Ctillluun, liiHtvuutud by Mr, (J. Linton, Mr. ^rlp;lit opunod tho oaao for thu plain tiff, and lb appeared from hla abiito* mi'iii Hint the plaintiff Id a Protnatiint anrl >i iviUvnnf Ijlninrlolc. Ho had hiton a clilof ullloor of tho Allan Lino, and ro- riilvod a nuiHlor'H nortlfleato. Hn had heon married to Mlna Bovan, oil Glonbuvan, County Llmorlolc, who dlod In Jamnwy, I8l>r, whllo ho yiiB returning from Japan to Llvurpoul. Whllo In KllmaUok he wiiy ltitrnilunul liy hiu Into wUu'h alhtor, MlHtf lhi\an, to Mlm O'.Sullivan, dohorllunl ih a ptund lookliiK yniniir lady, a^tal .10 Thoy huuiimo onuaued, 'and very aDeottonuto. lnttot'^i paasod hiitiwoun them. Tho plidn- tllf hud a wdl Heciiri-d Incomu on prop erty in I'onnty Llmurirlc of -U<u a year, uiul tho doli'iulant, a Kmniui Catholio, hail Ul'.OOO undnr her father a umotH. Owlnif to ii dillleulty about Ihnmur- rhmo In tho lomllty on aioount of the dllforeneu in rnllglou bntweon thu purlins It waa urrantfiul that they iihould ho mar- rled tn Liverpool, and a dlhptuisnthm was lining cot on bohalf of tho defendant, Tho dnt'ondant wrote on n Friday In Uo- toher, htatltu*" "IinUMf t.ll you I full hiunnod when mv idoi*:viuan .isknd mo If you wein n Kfcoinasini, Why wi ro yo.i not honorable enough tii tell motphln nt> first, iw if I bad known tnH I would never havu onturoil Into an un^utjomont with yuu.J Thfi'o la not thu hliu:btnab ehanru of i;"'tinr; a dHpun^atiDn oiilmr hero or in I'hi^hind owing to this fant," . ho added that lior faith ami bolinf In lior rollejlun w'(-ro far di-arer than oitlmr lifn or h.ipplnp >, and hIh- was Hurry this ujHot li.ul nrourrmt at tho ilcvonth hour, but hi'ttnr now than too lato. Philntlll replied that ho had not ^ono to a lndj^o for twenty ye.U'rf, and nuid that thuro wore plenty ol her religion Kruoma^ona. Hi* tboiiHbt alio had known that ho had het'ii a Freoninaon. Counsel aald hla ell- out had lu'itn worried and vlctimi/ud, and bo aHkod the jury to ylvu him reason* able fiomjum-iatlon. Mr. Sullivan, (J.O., Hthted tho dofond- unt'n caf-e, and anld that tho pIulntUT im- torwd into thia one;a^mont ,whun hln wlfo wax only a tow month-, in tho tomb, Tho dufondant mot him on tho llth of July; tho onKuci'mfni tool: placo on tho ii7th of tho name i. onth, She i>(itnr"d Intorthe enKaueinent. -.utijt'ot to obt.ilnlug tho sanction of Imc fhurrh. Hor brother up- plfod to tlio IJI-iliop for dlaponsafdon, which was ubM{lutoly rofuaod, Whon tho liiHhop rofu^i'd, the dnftmdnnt wroto to hla HolIni'Hh, tho Popo, explaining tho clruumslanrcu of this nni>up:onient. Thoro waa a htainniiuit In a loticr that thu Popo'h consent had boon obtained. Ho did not know how tho mUtako are so. She knew ho waa a ProtiMant, but did not Unow ho was a I'Vumiiahon, and nho wai wllllnc and readv to marry bun uli- 4.11 uX-Jiur. roliclon, Coiiiiai 1 submitted that tuo ob taining of tho (Hhpt'DHatlon wuh a condi tion of thu contract I'lalntill would not have tho gratification of torturlt-u tho dofondant in tbo witnoaa hot, as tho his tory of tho oaso was oontalnad in tho lofc- tora, and it wuh not iieeov>nry. Mr John O'iHullivan, J. P., brother of tho defendant, was oxamlned, and said that Captain T tvornor entered Into tho contract of innirlngu at AdnTp-orrtho 'JTth of July, 1J/J5. Ho waited on the liiHliop of LlmorLck, ondeavorlnp; to/jot his oon- sunt, but IHa lordhhlp finally and dofl- nitoly refuHed. That wai about tho lat of (Jotohor. On October JJrd ho loarnt fo* tin* fir<-t time that tho plaintiff won a Fruemuson, and dfd not know that at tho time In e;avo bin consent. Unv, Ur, Thomas O'Doa was oxnralnd as to tho canon laws of tho Itouinn Cath olic ohuroh, hut hJs Lordship ri;fusod to admit, mmh ovldtmeo, saying th.*t"tbo law of tlie church and lho law of the land were two entirely distinct and scparato things. JIo iuUUhI: " Wo havo nothing to say to thut; that Is a uluttor for her con science. Wo cannot conatdor any ponaltloa that hop religion may linposo on hor. Wo cannot receive ovidenao of oanon law. lln would illroot tho jury that on tho ovi- doncoandtho lottorH thoro woa this un- dornt'aridinc, that tho murrlago would not take placo without tho dispensation," Mr. Sullivan asl.od witnosa wlibthor a Catholio oould marry a Protestant In Entzland without a dlapensatlou. This qulwtion \fraa ulBo dlsallowod. Mr. Salltpan Would a CatlioU* Bjvl mnfrylna a Profo^tant- without a dfetrwm- sutfon, ho, by Uio laws of hor ohturoh, 11^- hjtf In fllnV Hla Lordship dtaullowod tho qnoytlnn. In oharglnn tlio jury hlfl Lordahlp oaldy wUb-wgurd to tljo plalu&uy'u ptopooal to olumgo hhi rollgioVr, Uio^o-waa nothlifg In It tb taujrit him with. A~ffroj>6 many mjpn havo ohUnuodjthoIr religion, [Wil ulthoilgh nfdfttootivo wiw pat) ou tho plalntltf.'o Vtaok in tivonpool, nofchlns bud- Boon dl*- covorud afjninat Jdm. -Hto cjbnraoioB c^ iiuiined tiftinnpeuchod. It w/in fotr tho jnry to nay whothor tho eUponoo lorlgnd li) autirt/vaa onotigh to satisfy or comport* onto.thin ninan for tho ndmlttjiod bruooh of ooutrjio&'tluit hud boon Qntmcod ln,to with hliu- AfUir^nn horu* and a (junrtor*ji tdotlbcvju* Md>i, tho jnry^ rotnl^riftd Into Jiourt, tlft foro'man ^nnounclne that tho Jliry oould not agroo to fl vordipfc. ' ificuu>Wah But (tfOAfXtatttf'a b^ok* Uiyo jtiBt &wrti aaaiWI. mH th *flot U lhat the &&*ufcov4 not tound to bo in dobb to Umj bownrtiipa. "Bhortatjf" la tfraury ro. KKt hv boon tho oJu rtth&v than bbe b*Pao*i in atfch, ta4flfla*^M* <H \t+e fMM. Starftfl Powd*n>ti, fadoh ptwkdgo el whlpb ooDtitlnfl two p#fl^ajraHon^ one-to a roo*d wortdou tiosc, tU oftvar e.1 whloh ttftfua a moaunifo for ono doso, an Immodlato ra- Iftsf |f eootlvenoaa, aiok $c*aohe ftua EJtotnan>, aho Wouwklgia and all Wndii of nurvona paJaa, tmA anathar In ojipnulrtu, (Jwwi fa to J of <*uo la an oydlnarf Aohb) wUoh fl^Lii oa tHa Bowels, Xtlitti and B4fcmaeb, IdoMiua a uuwr fallmg ^ kfofe tva'atWonl ftw a.11 Hodd^wd Stomaoh arfm- Dlalntu. Eiiay do not; a moat pdla and ho many oihor medicines do, ltw> their ffWrt ov vtoiMoa artuv toaatlpatloa tUy ar uloft to tako. Wx> a box at nil ttedi A SJnahlan Attllotlon anUlUwovWy. A rornarkfthWlnstaupo ot loao Qf a fao- nlty lu tJmt of a phyeloiiin, who sin h>y-, hood found hlmmdj euddonly onjp'rtvbdof tho nowyr of Hpdooh* Go waa 'itiHft oS mldUlo npo and robcfB|i ntmoftrnnoo, Hla honrlnrt wan jiorfook, nrift bo 0041 Id niijliiy Htlind a^hthat v;ss Baldt hpt hln fotVllofi that tbh ptlwo*or bdoacid nud retutan'eti iw qudaunly4\n It hat) loft' bfift, Hu twldod that ho'ttiui entlwdyTUrjablttU* ouQrlBo tlb rooovory no. any" onaeo. ttjdd ai Wtflio> Dal by onntofiH4 ibt hte asfp^rKUioo dita notronablo (dm tdioffcv any cdcplaniddont XonUon OKUwa, too UMrfc t5 Ytb't^. Byo eVklft^-l^p4v tho b%Sfa on uxr wlf<\J anyway. tfootVt Do wha* x*njt By Rykl*-tM ban'l wm* my IriUioal txiUlzic Mt own . NEW GOODS NEW GOODS! y> o UB buyer has rcitirned frcua the enatevn marketb, having made extetiHi-ve purchaeea inchiding ihonowcat things in fine firc-he Goods, PrintH, DucTcb, Gmghamw, laa- nelettCB, LacoH, KnibroidoricH, KibboMB, V^ilin^n, LrdicH' White Underwear, Hose, GIovoh, 'CorBctH, Lace Curtuirm, lioller Blinds, CurpctH, Table and Towel Linens*, ataple Dry OoodH nnd f-mall warcH, Men'H Sbii'tF, TicH, CollarH, CuIfB, Panfci-'.gH, otc. At Prices that Cannot be Beaten, lho Inst ccLsig* jntnt in now to hnr.d Jand \ve oxt^nd a oordialpnvitation to all who aro intoiofitod in nice new goedp at Icw^flt li^ing pricoti to call and boo what we are doing. Hundreds of New Hats Ave alrendy to hand, including tho very latct-t tbapeH in black, brown Band Cuba, atiff and Fodoran, and fully 25 per cent, below ity prices. Other lines will be* following in quick succession. Our Slaughter oft Winter. Goods ytill conlinucB. Now in your chanco io buy OvercoatB,^Underwear, |Fuyb, Mantle Oloths, eto. Our Shoe and Grocery Departments are all right. Yours for Bargains, DUXtfS'TAltf KLoaK, ES3ESS. Pressing Time with us. S.tfrftiEL Soon time will be Pressing You For a new B1JHING SUIT. Why not ordor now. The oprinc Htoclc in in, New York fanliiona too, aud you will Hat bcttr.r work now boforo tho ruHh :h on for Qpnnp;. DEWAR, THE TAILOR, DUNSTAN BLOCK, ESSKX. Know What You Chew Pluq Jost-receiv-ed,. A nother large assortment Ifrona the LeaQing Manufacturers of JJeadymade Clothing. J^ complete assortment of the Jif ewegt and latent designs Comprising all that is requisite J]n the clothing trade for- Spring and summer seasons, J-Jach line of guits has a mark of , S-nporior Workmanship and Stylo Earnestly soliciting your^ 3aminatioji of the same J. A, FRANCIS, Essex. I* free from thu Ih)uHoi eotirht. tlio ware you u*o of tt th* hvtttx. whi ISO, . TOCKXCXt * !H0(k, rj> u&wLtan. out. - l ESSEX ! Road qua rtero (or Sobaal Booka, Boho^ BiapKiIHja.KoliG Fa^iEhVolopoa.Jnlun WrUlnfj TfihKiiti antJJoGloo Stfttliieary. DISPBNBING AND EvVUtXtT -*3T- ' "* 'I Took Ouo-Efulf Bottlo of Sbnth Ameri- o*n UltQumatio Oyro and Obtained Pev- oot Bolief" Thia fiomedy Oifes nahof lu a Vow Hoqru, and Ueually Curon in Ono to Yhvoe Days. J. II. Gavratt, a uraml.i>ont jjolitiojiiu of -o _ ^*Ti". ~it~" \ lii^orpool, N. 0., makoH, for: tho beoflb of wore lU^rn oo^mlbtLt^ poyiell awl fcho M tUl3 fouOV4Ufl Btatowont : "1 The (M Grocer, GonfeeHoner and Baker. >ii ^^ pooplo of tho '.Town of Enrx ancl frttyttmntlinff oouu^y'hwvo Uxi^tult th^* vtmi. II * of a plRfc^o wlioro thoy ooold un &n& puruhtrtto what fchoy *-ocpiiro on a alotej aafljt X bauiM, without) b(\hn> com^flHHl to pay hiyhor prioeB bo muVu m\> fojr thb Ioobob maAa in the otadib nytttom. Gall aud noe c^ur goods, whloh awj alwayq Q< $**> o*st quality, and tfot o\m jttlaM, x^oh a^o tho lov/aufc. Don't wlaa-ttyittg o*ftr Sift at 23 Gtfr,den and Fiold Soeds diroofc from tfe l'atKgoitfc gr'pwera aijd .dealers in Amonea, ai lowest prices. ftroatlj fox a ntimber of yearn. On soveifal ]iuB O-J^m AAD B*0|t nttSWCIiASS BUTOTBR AND BRiaSa KGOfi JlK ooda-h Bioub I conhl not walk, new v^)a- pufc niy* f4t R) tho floor-. X tihsd erorythitipc, and All looal physiolatiH, but nay nuifoWnc can- tluuad. At laat X waa ptrovailod ixpon bo icy B*nth Amorjoaa tlhaBrjiatlo Core, I olrfitlucd porfyofc reliol before I had takeu ln*H a bobtlo of the Remedy, imd to-day rasmd It Ute only yadfoal our tbt whauixi- akism." Tov nale by J, Thory, drtflfpat. attd DSUHY^WBO 1?ROM1*CXjY, M. Hi IWQfaa, J. H. WIGLB, 8ott Blook^ next Aberdeen, Eggex, Mgr. \id nfh'y/V.t' .(..-,- :i">^A^^-U^n/:ik;.,j^,.' $$$&} <*j& !*,.,'^.' ti'i^iii iA^k^ '^u. ^**v'; M'Vi