Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 17, 1896, page 3

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! * IT- ^TiKE ESSEX FREE PRESfe *. fc CANCER ON THE UP OURBB BY AYER'S H "I nonsuited doctori who prescribed for me, but to iiti pnijKiii1. I aultiJUMl In wruny BDvuii loim yuiH. riuiiliy. i bo^un ukh.i; Aynr'H Kursapaillb. In a week or lutvf noticed a decided linpinvftni'iit, Kneniir- npod by this rc'.ult, 1 porm-wred, until In n liirmih or no the smi* bemiii to lu-ul, and, iificrtislurt thi) ttnrmparlllafnrslx montlm, the last triico onimcancorillsappi'iin'i]." Jamt.h K. Nioiioi.hon, Floruiii.uvillo, N. 1$, Ayer'siJtSarsaparilla Adrolttod at tho V/orid'a Walr. _ UYJCM'S 1'IJbXiH Moguluia tho JSotueta* THIS GOLD WAVE I I If1 Will not bo foltmilf ho niuoli in thu' houao if yon iiho tho LION'S I-'UEL SA.VJSU AND IIUAT 1UDIATUU. Haven -10 per oont. of fuel. Ic uiUch_tMj.hj hu'itjnat othor- wiao (^ooq out doim through tho chimney, ia built on iioioutiiiu priuaipictt, and c,oniy neodHjtaba huhu to Ijl nudviiituod and ap- preoiutod, Will have Uft cont in a fow wookti. E. L. PARKER Agt ESSEX, - ONTAItlO. Writo or call at Gourlay'H Foundry, to Loan On good productive Farm Property nt 54, &, G per cent, btruiiiht. No Valuation Tees. ta-'Gonvoyauctu^ Dane up m Neat Style Fire and Life nsur^nce. 4. . LOVELACE, ESSEX, ONT nwnwmwjrx^w^tumoiirTttaM, POV/E ^^ r**^ i*"* c itf b Curo SICK HZ.'WAGHfZ rnd Neuralgia / 111 30 MlfJUTCtt. it! J C Mi d T<j itiilt , Dl//|- i.i>, UiiHui'iiiLht, lJ..ii in tl.<- Si*'*, Constipation, Torpid IJ/cr, Urraih. u>ili> (.ired albo ri-gulntu tliti buwdr,. very K-tciz rO taue. * "mar: i?G Cirivr** yr D/?*vo sra/zcsA Kv A Great OF THE VERY 1VE3T. More new Btyiou, huudhomefit ho- lectioun and choicest novoltien in Men'p. Worn en V, M mhos' and Chi] iinn'rt Boots, Shoes aud Slippers Whon you r.**o our carefully noloct- od utock. >oti mav know tho pat- rot) h of thiu uHtabliohmout will j;et Miriit'ClaHH tioodb. Wu aro mroful to huy tho bo-d; price marked on tho boIV officii puir. JJccuoiTiy, comfort and KUtlHfuction goon with every puir ot thoho cIiooh, Cuidom work a npncKltv. For tho hoitt ShooM at fitir pricoH, tjo^to J as- Douglas, Nl^it of Itiv <;ol<Ill Hoof, FICIIT LIKELY mi Tho Govornment Flnda Tim Ib Too Short th WAWTS TOPASS SOME ESTIMATES it. U lit** I-n( Kr*ial It W'lil ln Tolral4l Ceurml <W- OttnwapAprll 12. AlthouKh t-'.lr Cliarlcn Tuppcr annmmics'd that rmiHldoratlon of tin* HouKidlnl bill would bo contInuoil to-morrow, it Is nut oxppotcd that thurc will ho anutheir week'a HjtlU.' If tho Clovornmcnt dc- drc to paj:.'i tho tmpplornontary ohU- rnatoM and ck-ar up tho li'j;lMlatlon-well i'ndi-r way next' wot-Jc aloin will not ' !\" Mulliidout time. To-morrow'H '"UTirll nir-cthiK may put a dlfi'urcrit 'i- pect on tho jdttritioii. 'I'ho Cabinet hay had uudiir o<tnldera- f'm iluriiifr tin- paiit f^w rtnyn appll- .itlnriH for mil way nubirldh-!, an 1 it l not at all unlikely'that Parliament will h ii.sked to vrte a corUtl 11 number, '>\i-r 100 application.'! are on Ok; In tho n nhviiy 7>i'p;irtmont, Nr^utlntloin, arc in proKro.iii botwen 1 he Indian Department h**n.* an-1 the ' rilled States jiuthorltlos at WnHhlnK- tonj'of tho retuin of iion civf Indiana iiom Montana to their renei-veti l*i the i \uuidlfin Nnr(hW(*Ht. TTieye Indiana went to Montana after the rebellion of l1'^), having Rone there to escape pro- "Mition for tliefr participation in Uie niii'lHln^. Tho Oovarnor of Montana la inxIoiiH to K<t rid of tliem, thoucrh there li< no complaint of tnetr conduct. Tho Canadian Oo\'ernment will receive them buck If tlieyure willlmr to return. The following (IccIhIoiih nnve beon i'..<li- hv the Hoard of (JuHtonui and ipjimved by Controller Wood : Aeormi, If hlielled, ,"ic per lb ; acorno, not ahell- d, 2d nor lb : ad iroiei, ptated, 27 1-3 per cent ; California or Hllver prunes, )c per lb ; fluorspar, MU per cent.; per forated paper, In sdiooty or rolls for uho hi mechanical musical inntrumentH, 2.ri |ier cent ; lllter paper, cut to shape, 23 iier cent. In future I ho value at which the Auh- rl'in florin 1m to be taken for customs puiP'iRoa shall bo -10.0 centH, Instead of 1 1-10 et-ntH, uh dhown in tl<- an.ilytl- f.'il index. John llairprart Montatruc. Infant non of Iji. and Mm. Montague, acred nearly 11' muhth.s, dbd ye.stcrday of convul-: -t'<ns Tho little fellow wnn taken vcr^ udd nly, ami notwithHtandinj? tho im mediate attendance of two medical ii' n, the attaeic ended fatally. The rc- mnina have been embalmed., and will kept until the arrival of Di, and RS- LI1WLFR WR^ II PRISONER. rrrlhlv )>tniiiui: in a Nru' liorll Hoil In Tlorr it Wat-runt fin' tHn ArrmC of 11 l'<r<"itn *Yoi 1 ti v JS'i-w Turk, Ain il it. The- World to- dav publlHhutJ a detailed aceoinit of tho aflventurojr in-thii city of atvii." TCatlo A. tjtLwlvv, a wealthy Hufialo uomiln* The utatement In made hj, her attor ney, II, W. Ivoonard of thin city, thai Hiiitm (if Miu Ijiwler'n frlend'i imvn rec.'titly Iwon tiylnj. |<> Inauee her to no to the Hanltailum at Dan-villi* Mr, Leun.Lid clainui that All'ii. hawb-i wilm (ntlced frtm tin- hotel whe.. nh.- hiu* been Htopphij; and virtuiilly kejit il prl- nonor at the Continental Hotel, fiowi Ratnrd ly until Alondav nh;ht, wheti nho uaii reMcued bv frl'iid r.avyof Leonard juiyn he will Hue tho i>njpiletor nf the Hotel Wilton of this eity for the Iouh of iMrn, Ijtwler'ti 1wLki:kl\ her trunkti h ivintr been tddpped b tek to Buffalo- wltliout hoi* connent and know ledge. Mr, Tjoonard a]Ho an*ieri*i thfLt ho ban a warrant for the ari'oyt "f a ynunpf ladv of HufiVdo, who U hi ulahnerl Vt roFpoiujlblc for Mm. Law lor beln^r lock ed up in a room at the Continental Hotel mn mWv.Jw A- Huffalo, April 0. Mr'i. Lawler, r< ferr d to in the I'pnlrh, In tin- Wll'o of S. \V. prominent attorney ol thl 1 u'aji tin1 y ntri-'i .->( daughter Kelly, who a few ye.irH uvm* a larno meat rnai Icet In thb (Catherine uliovi de- Lawler, a eltv. Hho of a Mr. conducted tity, but CHURCH DIRECTORY MmilMlHH'j,.- My. PaHixi'i, I'iMiti r. Httrvioc avoiyMi Hluv ulU n, m iind 7 . In, KahUh Qohaoi u l!,U0|i, in. C, \'.. Naj \i r, Huiiorhit.u- ontol .< iioob I'iivmiilji l-a([i.. |rav rninotln I'Ut-lld \ . VdlthiK I'MOili'ull .IU . i-.l imiyij uioctit-ti 1*11 Thuriu.ui ovuiuiii.. Ciiuacif <i\t 1'WonAND ltdv. A.bdhivrtrly, In ciimbmit, Kt. I'iiuIh, Uhmhx, Dlvnuouirvluo BVi-ry Huinluy at 7 n'olouk, p m Wntiday Hc>i(iol ia 111 il. to jMuitv Uhnrrh, N0HI1 Jlld^e DivhuiMuivJooH ovry Hmnlay (it Up, m.: Bnn day Hhol nt J.15p. m. Tho publio aro cor- 'huilv lnvit(.d. - A LIFE SAVED 1 31V TAKING lift CHERRY BFiAI. I'nicuiiVTumAS'.-W M.I'loniln, Piudot- Hor- vlconon Hulilmth ni and Y.IIOii.m Hal). hiitu Hcliool Hi, j. jo p. in. I'niyor uuntlnr'iind ['luitor'H liililn oliiHH on TiHMufay iit7.."10 p. in. booiid Union on Withi6'idiivHt H.J6n. JiAi*n. Uucacir. Hnv.M. P. Ctunptioll, Pan- tor. ^uivlmniuuuh Hublmtli at II a. in. mid 7 p. 1, Pruyur imifctniK on Wiithirxirlrty ovonlnir ut Hncloult Koatiifruo, All niu cordially wol- cuiaod, K I MARRIAGE LI0EN8ES Tt. I'AilK, 1HHUKH OV BlAHHIAGB M- , cfiimoM, Jiloijiirdnolj Jtlk,, Rhbox, On*. \f( H VHKirrr. iiMniw of Mu-nl^go IiloanBM j-VI . Ccniiiiliiflioiiorlu 0. J.,uta. Gegtu.Oat Utf D. UKAMAN, Imiuor of Murrliiftu TiioiimuiK. Iiinuranco aiiont. KliihtomuoHtDwullIn^ rxjAurv H'nticKT, kshex, UNDERTAKING. idpir no-mo tini" a^' removed to T.jr.-nto with JiifJ wife and othei membeia of tins family. The youn ladv for whom LaWvor Leonard iti Hald to liave rt warrant in bell<*Vfd tri be MK:. \T'ii*nrot K'elly, who Uvea with her parent!! hi Toronto. A j>AX<u:uorx fiticci:r>r:xT la the ArtloH ot HI.K k-olHIclittiH lu H<nl- liltf MitU (lie lluyhrlrU ('nun Wawhln^ton, April H,~Tbe IIoum Comniittoo on Korean Affairs to-day instructed Chairman Illtt tu report with a recommendation that It he julhji- od a re.'iolutlon anklng- the Secretary of State to report to the House whit fact.') are in poHtton.sIon of the Department relating to the ca.Me of Mrs. Kloionco K. MuybrJck, formerly of Mobile, Ala., and what tp.{Wfl if .ny, the tlovarn- inent ban taken to hccuh h'-r, or mitigation of punishment, Mru, Maybrlck Is In prison In I^ntdand under a life oentonce upon conviction of tho charge of poisoning li* r huaba.nd, a merchant of Liverpool. 0, "fievi ral yours nf >, I < t m vim -tU'iided uilli a t"iiibl con h .1 me no lest, either <i,t\ n\ ni-'tu. ') in i" m pronounced inyr:e,i*||iu>i>i -m. a fr|, ml ! .. 111 iii> .'l.uuieoi \'"i\ Choiry I'ecioi ,| ju tli<' tin . I Ii nl loi*. 1 f(| Hie ub'oje Iim|||i>, J "'ll d. l>i,d I lioMe\e (l cat, II. \v,\Rh, o *liiiinb> Ai'i',. . .Ayer's Choi .1 e >i i\>U U h I m\ |tr " W. \\\< 1!, M l\s P^ Ty sectoral Tlp-hf-'i Awnr-bi at World'n Vnlr. tho lit at l-\unUu J'hijhlo hOUAN OAliroMCL-KuHOB Vy, C. K. McOaa Inn tor. flor/im uvory other Kimday iit(J.UUp. m. hunUny School at .J p. in. AlAinuroNr Uirjli niiuiK and fioriiuju at 10*10 a. m eatiioliiiim alii p. ni , hiiptnuti at'i n, m., yuhpuliiiiiid iiuiiudlotioti at V p. in. C. I< Mo- do* , P. P, K.irA'\rio\ Ah:j\.-T. II. Mubood, Captain, halvation inootini,M on Wudiifinlay, ThiiiMday and Sunday ovttrdnjfii.'Frnn and I'any, Haturday (.von iik and :j j. 111 Huiidny; llollnoan mnutlnr'K for clirlHtuiuHJ nduy u\*iiun and II a. m. Hun- nPLUMMK .It, Undortukor a'.iil Kumltnra Dniilnr /"olihiii, homo nnd factory tarda bom S'J to rtjwj. Mollrofiw, On*- ARCHITECTS. JOHN A. MAYCOCKi' " AltCHlTKfJT. &c, Hoom lOund IJ, ifiouiiiiu bulldintf, Wlndnor, Out Pliouo 31(1. day, Knuu Drill 7 11 n, evory ihinday. wolconio. All aro LECAL. VflK CUtCAtiO I \/i Oil I V7i TJtt'SK, h Mis. Montague, who are expected hum* from Jdncland thin week. Wonl recelvud iroin Aylmer to-day uas Ui tlie olfr-et that Mr. C. It. Dev lin. M.P., Is In a very aerious condl- non. Tlu; Illness which nccoHsltatod hi.- leaving \\\n parliamenUry dutlea fca.s dovelora-d pneumonia, and lita medical adviser oonsiders his condi tion critical. Doctors Quay, Conor, liJnfrct and MacdonaM. M.P.'s. went up to Aylmer to confer wltlrthe local doolors. A clo])iiUtlon, headed by Senator t'ochr.m, and includlru? Mr. Bicker- dlke, president of the Board of Trade, and Mi. Cnbde.11 of Montreal, repre senting tho Intert-it of tho cattle ship pers*, waited on Hon. John IfaRffart, rd In later of Hallways, yesterday -and eomplalrieri of thft c:ccrslv frelKni pharjrojj by railway companies for the transport of live cattle. In his hcrnum In the Dominion Me- Church last nlf?ht, the pastor, -lev. Lr. Saunders, made reference to tiie in the House of Cotnmona "Those scenes," said he, "or orgies, aa some one hoa c;klled them, which have taken place of late in thu Houmj of Commons, seem to be the result of liavini; a barroom so convenient. They arc a dit-Krace to Parliament, a dlb- jjrace to the land, and I trust this la the lust session that a ban 00m will be tojerated In any House of Parlia ment In the hind." The House adjourned at five minutes to midnight, and the longest continu ous parliamentary sitting in this or any other country came to a close. The Jiouso had been steadily in HChslon frlnce lnat Monday, a period of l'j hours. During these fle days, the flow of talk had been ceaseless, with the c\eoption of tv/o hours eaeh evenln when tlie rose for dinner. J. C. Rykert Dr. Ollle and J a Campbell of St. Catharines, repre senting the St Catharines and Niaga ra Central Hallway, waited on Sir Chailes Tupper and Mr ITaggart and oilerod to renounce the noS.OOO bonus already granted thorn, on condition that the Ciovornment would expend $:.o,000 in repairing that portion of the road already built between St. Catha rines and Niagara Falls. Samples of mineral, suppo-^ed to be gold, found near Prince Albert, have been received by Mr. Macdowall.M.P., \- ho in having an assay made. A prat> final minor here made a cursory ex- .unlnatlon *if the samples and gavp it to- his opinion that the mineral was miea. Atiinittl IKeAlliitc in MvtraU The Vtar'H ItllulMfiA HlIU lll-fll IH<4 \p|>ol)itlli[f, Detroit, April tl. C Percy, seciotary dnd treasurer of the Consolidated (Irand IVunk system, Is In Detroit. Ho way re-elected secretary of tho Chicago & Grand Trunk at yester day's meeting. Tho old board of dl- lectora were re-elected, the resigna tion of W. J. Splcer not being accept ed James H. M u I r was re-*elected tn asurer. The bunlnesH of the year has been disappointing. There was a net revenue deficiency of ;'124,C10, or $111,800 more than the deficiency cai- ried forward for 3HIM. The gross ri- cefpts for the year wore $2,W6,ffl; working expensei, J2,fiiH*,80r; Interest on bonds paid, by Grand Trunk under traffic agreements. JG60.000. JAVAS'H I'SVA.Ii MAMMAL FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SAUE IN CANADA, Who Is lu the XM. hu>h niu ronutrj |u at IVi.rr Willi All Omaha. Neb., April 0. Through hlfj Intel pi eter, Field Marshal Yamagat.i 01' Japan said this morning that both .lapan and Hussia aro anxious to f< a < nun nn independent countiT and that 10 it her country eX]>eot,s to control It. There Is no danger of a conflict be- mu'n them. Japan Is at peace with ivi ry country on the face of the globe. The rec-nt Increase of the Japanese i.i my fro A "JS ix*ghn*'iiis to .*iJ regi ments was contemplated long ago aud lias no significance Eolior Milts* rAMiuh NAVLOK *diknn tldit opportunity of announom^ .0 tno poopln ct the Town and Lounty of Knnox, that ho ban romodolud thoKn- "ox Ilollor Millu accordinr; to plane propaiodby It. N. dco, 8t. Thoman, and lam aluo nuenrod tbo anrvlcon of Koukut STHACHA^, an oxpori onood and thoroughly comuottmt millor. rhatiUinK thu pooploof tho town ami county for tho iiatronaRo boiitowod upon hlni In tho pant, will cuiiruntflo natiiifaction In thu fntnro Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. T&ES QltADKH OF FI.OUR, FEED AND COIlNMlSAXi KEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT JtlGnT PKIORS. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, Jf A. \VIhMi:it, Uurrintor, Holicitor, Notm J* 1'uldic Ao. Mnnoy to loan. OiOuen, Dm BtHI) Block, Up-lttllilf., JihHO.X. ^.j v f X,. PKTUItH IJaniiitoi, bolititor, Notu. *} Public .Money to Loan. OUlco ov( titrathuru UtiuW iunmii. (Jonti o CiLAItKE, liAIU'U'.T A li.MiTbET, Hurrli i torn, oic. Olljciii, Mi dhmy Blui-Ii, Wiiidin. Private himki to loan. A, H.Clauki;, L h. II. N. A. Haktlhi a. it. iuniM.T. h. A. HKMlY C. WALTTIKH, T..UU., Attornoy ami LouiiHulor ;at law, holicitor 111 Clianoorv 1'io-tor in Adunt'ilti, Put'-nt holiMtui, witli ht. Jwoa, IJi troit, porHoun ia tlm AtUniF,on4t Huiul(5H Canute, Midi (Ciuiadiau ohiiiim njjamut Uuitod htatcH colhaitod.J Jtidoitijccfi: Ini]icrial Panic, Kiwgx, (hit, I I,. Potoid, bhq , Jiiuilht.jr, utc , Jlhhex, Out I-.A. WiiitiK-]-, Jjt,<i., linn iiitui, ot<- , \.s m\. Out MEDICAL. lytS. HJtlbN A: UhlbN. Jas llyun. M. V , b. It., C. P. 3 , cnuluato nf Queeiiu LuiveiL'ity, Kington, moiiilair of Col- lujjo ot I'liyhiciann and Sm^uoui.OiitaHo. fimd- uato of Now York. Pout Graduato Modical Col- loiro. J. \V. Rrlou, M P., C M F. T.M. C, "ITonor Kradnato of Triuitv Mudical Collejjn. Jlonor Firaduuto of Trinity University. Mnnlnir of tho Politico ol Pniidciunt/iuid hurgnonu, Out fbad- Yorlt Pout (iriidnato Mod leal SOCIETIES if O. O. F.-KNTK1U-WHW bodo No !slu i-1BI.l"notH0vory,rijiirH(liiy,ovt)HlMa ut 7.IWI1 pdcfnllowii HalbhitlilrdHtoroyDiinHtanliloV yiHitinj.'inombuniuf othor IoiIuohwIU roooiv fcutornal woloomo. W. CIIA?Ti;HTON N OKNTKAL KMOAM1-MKNT, No. o. nioetll OddfoHawh'IIuII.DmiHtan'ii Idook, on tho a am third Tuoiidiiyluoaoh moufch, VIhUoj-bo jllttlly rocolvud. Momljuni of Mubordlnuto lodi lv. Ji1/' Jw/Iwliotlon. invitod to join. HANNAN, C. P., (,. y. HILL, Hoo. J j^HbLXMUK UlLUiWK. XIBKl'H KVK1 A J I-rlday ovonlngin tho Phmnon'H yooml tbo Hton,, bnildiiii;. Jim. Mo^rIlrrav, Ohio,. ^btParkor Captain; A. Hianham, Uoutou- "nt: I^JJHii,J!oerfitavi; prod Hfyatt, TroaHuror, pOTJKT ItOYAL, NO. 21'J. I. O. F. \J MootH Hocond ami fourth TuoHdav'aiu taaY Vjfdtlni; hiotliorn vmii ]> javon n frntoruaTwSl- v. ,,^1 liate of iuw Coll etc. Oihcuoxor I'^hOA Modical Hall drug ntoro. Couniiltatiou rooifih, both on firound Hoor and fHnt flat abovo. Tolenhono in botli oillco and ldhidcuco. All callo atttindod to from nillcu. arug btoro, ui- ruhidonco. Houiduneu. Talbot Ltruet, front or fab rotuula. Michigan nmmn. "This Niagara Fall* tf<wi*/' ^^ GOING KAHT Taklna offoct May Kith, 1B00. Tip. D ItS. DEWAK d: McKENZIi;. IT WAAA.\ A U It L JiXJ'LOSIOX Atnttiw by 40-0 PollHilu orMtlf-o-^lyccrlnc. While Austin Stupheii^oii, 11 n employ <> of 1 lie Ibiinidun Powder Ooai[iany, wan driv ing nil e\jness Wu^oii tu-day t. untultiliig I(K) puiimK of rdtro-gljrerliu', tliu tluld otjilod- ed The mini, home and vehicle weio iPdwii to aiumt. The ground lu the \khi- it" of tlie e\ploHhui looks 11s If a O.Velono h.'id Hirm L tln-ie Tre. h wt-ie torn up by the root-., and limitiett in the vielnlly tmo badly uiutltoied. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Eggox, - Ontario. THIS lurr-e and commodioun Ilouae bail bfon tborouKhly paintod and rnplotrlsbod with iiuw fii'iiituio by jiroiiont propriotrnns, LAHOl! HAIIN IN CONNI CTION. Firet-CltiHd AcLomodation Guarantood, MRR. C. WILKINEOK.Pioprlotronn. P.A.DHWAjt, M.D.C.M^F.T.M.H. Honoi Gvadu- ato-Tiuiitr UmvoiMlty. Mombor CoHo|[o Phyt iciitnH and Hurntoip), Out ltehidcacc, Talbo Bt Eaftt. O. McKenzxi:. M. P. C. M., Ooionor, Now York t-oat Graduate, Follow Trmitj Modiual Collogt]. Graduate Trinity Unlvoruity KcfUdwnce: Talbot Rtrout, wont of M. C. It, Otllco bourn Btoila, m-, 1 toll and c to tin. in nuico in Imperial Paul; block, fiiound iloor noxt to TboriKi'iidruf; Htoro. Talauuonolu counuction with office and roai- donco. Order loft at Thorno'11 drug ntoro will promptlj attended to. In Detroit. Whidiior .., Polton... . Aratdiitonoc Knnex . ... Wooihduo... ItiiQcomh ... Comber KulL'otowu.. llodnoy.. . bt. Thoinu London..... Nfc. Tlionuui... llodnoy...... Itldfjotouii..... Comber... KuHcomb. , , Wooduleo. . . Kenox . Miildntouu Pulton Windnor. Detroit. .. Mil!] a.m. 7 II 7.10 ft 0 J MI K.J1 sur [I A "> 3 0,17 11 'JO a.m. (5 20 (i..,i0 Exp, a. m. 10.10 ta'O lo.aa 8.-17 Cr 10.00 ooino wi:ht. p.m. 1'J 10 Hi) 3.'(0 I 07 6 HO C.41 5 50 fi.O'i (i.M 11.50 l.Ofi a m. .!15 1031 Il.i:i 6.15 7.10 1S.10 12AH Aocom p.m. 4<0 fi.05 RIO nso B.!!0 ono ,1M <!04 710 7.1J9 HiO n ni GA& (l.'Uf 7.*ia 0.5* 10.04 W.32 10.6B Aitiiiorntburo: ILoral Tralim, 'i Whitnoy Block IV 1 V Essoy WHO IS TT ^(JICIDE? I :o-V<nr-Obl Man mioolu lllmmlf lu an Ifutfl In Hull-Ho ii-rt h wifattcc \o*r. Ottawa, April 12. A son- Ulonal suieide S r ported from Hull. On Saturday morning a well-dn-.s^ed stranger, a man of ahuut 70 yiurs of a,'(, with grey whiskers, cnteitil Lc- luige's Hotel In that city, engaged a i' om, to which he r tiled at .mee. say- !i a he was tired aud dc.sin 1 only to u I. .\h lie did not put In an nopoar- Ji,ce at the dining room, the door of It s room was lurcvd this inui nlng and 1 ue stranger was found dead In bed, with a bullet hole through b> head am. a iwolver by his side Thlh note, .. dressed to tin hotel pioprietor was 'liiind on tlie tulde "iiury nie hi my ehitbes In my I ockets will be found ?7.", suflleiciit to Kiv my funeral expeiiht s. My brother u ill be heie in the comic or a couple ot weeks to adjust hllli and other nutters. Take cue ot niv watches. "(Hlgnt dj i.VdhANO * Ills poeketK were M'aieh-'d ;md in them was fmnd iAL in ca-di and four w.lunble wateliL-.- At the liiqn st to day, at whhh a v -rdlct of suicide wu found, a boy tontl'Ind that during tho night he was awakened by a sharp i.oitn*, but concluding that a window hud fallen went to sloop ngaln No body else In the hotel heard the pltttol Miot. When ho arrived at P-abei-go's the unknown mi id that he came from Kigland and that ia all that In known aLout him. lOltOXH* / 11UU1T8. wltli offer- tire quoted with airs pllL'I'U eattto inoni- PU en lll'st * * tiii(lr*iii;(> in I'liflif. Il'.imilton, April It Jack KMly, who Hparred Schram last night h out with a challenge for any MO or 1,r. pound man In Canada, before the . lub o-ierlnj? tho biggont pur.-c, Sohmm or Crawford preferred, the fight to com off five weeks .'"(mi tho time tho ai tides are oUmed. rioiir The uiarket In quiet, hi "i llnilted. Straight rollers .11 $::), Tiauuto lrei^htH. Jlr.iii Thoitt K little doing, qimtuil bL SlU.To to $11 UOHt. Wheat The murkot N quiet and price.-* 1 ula linn, with only moderate oft'erlu^. W'ldte sold outride at 77e, aud red Mdd ut 7ttt: on Northern. No 1 Manitoba li.ird ollercd nt Hie X P., uud No. Ii h.ud at 77c .N.U., with 71c lilcl. No ,'1 haul tiii^ji bid, w iiuout ofTirliiKH in my The UiiirUct In didi and piP'*--t duidy. No. 1 quoted outside nt. 10l-, No. j ii t li-'tc. a nd N 0 .' ex I ru 111 'M c. L< ucd 011 ley offers at -lie outslile. u.itH Trade qub't nnd piiio-i imeli.uijfi-d Wlilte sold nt *^c outside, aud mixed .it %l\ .c outside. IVun The market P. quiet, with siilen on thu Northern at hie. Hiiekwlitat This mirkt't U, \\Ph tnlie'* at '(Oe to :tle ontible ii.uiih'iiI *pi let. with p-li'fi at $:!.8u to $il.8T on tniek. Coi-n The inurKet Is weulv, there being -ales of inlted at 'JO'/jC nud yellow iu ..ic oill-ldi'. Itji The market In quiet, and nouilnul at -lie out-dde. MONTJUOAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, April i). The receipt* of win1 again light nt the inaiket thh Ui*,', and trade was only fairly good, were fractionally higher for the -.loek At the Kn stern Abattoir Market naly 'SA) bend came lu, for whiib tfei-o u ,n fulr I'liqniry. The highest prii'c n ild w an It-^e per lb., live weight; secmnhiry ,101 !v broiiglit from 'to In 'i'/U. unit eniu- ,11011 to mtdluiu from 'Zu to 'jyLv, Abinit'Tud , ihen wire on ofrei. The general range \< a-, from ^1 to ijdO for eominoii 10 K" id 1 ii:iIti>. but Main* extra choice \cali etmi- 'n.iiub'd fancy pikes. 'Phere were ^Umuliig I.iribs on the market, but no hhrep. Pro in i Li to S"i eaeh Wan paid for liunhH, ncoi'd- ing to size, and quality. Polluwing wit-* 10, general range of quotation1' : Cuttle, ..ateliers' choice, nor lb., 'i'/jf to ,,,1/1r, live .light ; do,, medium to fair, do.. He toIPje; tin . do., do., lUills, do.. He to li'h" |b, *\d\e^ good to choice, $T to $]L! ; eonntiuli ti I'di. S*J to $d ; spring Iniabs, coniinon to good, ?- to $r>, ItltlTlSU MAIlKKTfl. b^erpool, April It Wheat, aprlng, RstlVd o .rs iV'jd ; red winter. r>s 7il to f>s M so 1 t'nl., Wt . i" a*j, I . . ... .1; tiillun, lHrt Oil; biKon, I.e., "JiiH Oil; ui, luM\y. HI , liTH till : clU'CHO. -Ills. l,ondim Wheal- 01T cotwt In l.e.yerrt' favor. ICngilsh country markets linn Mnlsse off coiiHt nothing doing, oil pn wiitftt linn, laverpuol Wheat futurea tlrni fit (iH 7d for May find, Juno. fin VA<\ for July, and oh V/j.i\ f'>r i\V'P,Ht- M.iize quiet at :in lV4d for May, 'M lVjfl for .nine, its 1%<1 for July aoj :in 'J'/id for Au- iriiir. Plouf, im. I'nrlii Whoiit, 18f 3Sc for Mny. Plonr. 101 10c for May. r,ondou Whent off count nothing tiding. Miiiste on piiHttHffo llrmor. PnrlB WlHMit quler ut lHf JMki for M.iy. Ftour fiihy ut :f ftOe for May. I,lverp(M>l Wlical futur^jJ atewiy Ht Kh Til for Mny nnd June, an 1Vj\ for .In'y inui tin 7'Jid for Angum. Malae Hteady nt M VAii tat Mny, fta lVjd for June uud 'in 'J.& for July. Flour, 18s. ^XT A TWf*ll*t'1 11 Locin i* TravoliuR if XXXH Jh XiXr Hulofirooii to handlo our Har..y Canadian Grown Nurnery Btock, Wo Kiuuantoo tmtiflfaotion to roprenontativoii and cuht .tuorH. Cur nuraorlau are tho larpoot In tho Oominion, over 700 ttcrofl. No nubBtitution in ordern. Exoluolvo territory and llboraltorraa to wholo or part tirao URontii. Wrlta uh. HTONK &. WELLIWOION, (IJoad ollloe) Tot onto, Ont, (Tho only imruery in Cauada having tonthip orchiirdfi.) ipyra " ; lt-11 t\ 111 iri , >'-i 111 I" " on , rm 7'/(d to-fis S'/_.d, corn, aeu, .14 Is 7d ; pork. r.Ot lid , bird, 'iri. Mountain Climbing ilau a wouderfnl faeomation (or many mon, Aud tho higher tho raonutain aud the greater upico of dariRor about it, the more auxioun in the ordinary raitn, with any mouutain oliiubing iustiuotu whatever, to jrot to tho top of that mountain. Thore is au iutoxicatipn, a flory ou&liuBiaam about it that puaboa one on and on, and rents tir ed mmsclos and luspirou llag^iugconi-aKo to ovcrkfltiufdy Jceop at it until tho top ih roaohou and tho cooling zephyrs that fan tho brow of the mountain cool your own throbbing tomplou. A.moncann havo thought that it wus uocoaoury to go to Europe, to tho Alpa, to llnd auy full tfrown mouufcaiiiH to bohIq, It'e nil inoonuhinc, Isu't 11,000 feot high enough, with glaoierH, thoao rackod, oraclt- cd oreatureo ol ico and anow, aud ci'atora aud liBRuroti and jjrooipioon to olimb over aud rouud, the darao an iu the AJpo? Yen, they aro all rijjht hero oloao at hand, aud ifyonnro mtoroatoi to know whoro and how and when, juBtuond your addreea, and hi\ cento in htump^ to Cius. S. Fun of tho Northern Paciuo Bailroad, St. Paul, Minn., and bo will tn.nd you a book that recounth a climb up ouo of thu gran lent pealtit of ourth, written by tho goutloman whornulo tho iiHOont. Tho ahnptor on thin mouutain iu pro- fuRolv illimtratod in-half tono otchinc;a takon by u photographer who accompanied tho party for that purpoae. If yon are id- torontcd onough. in your own country to doniro to know about itu wonderful ficonio foaturan, vou want this book. dental; HP. MA11TIN*, D I). f. , L li. H. Ciruduutu in DontiBtry, Itoval Collucu of Ueutal Bur^oonb, Ontario, ami Uuivornity of Toronto Ohar(jeH,modorato. OOico, over Prion it Cot driifj Gtore, I6-lv WLHT P in. a.m. a m. u.Ki 11.00 8.15 112.1 Vt.QU, 11 m IB.10 i.:i2 ii ;io ia .in H as RfiH 13.10 8.61 All traiiin aro which in iiisty KABT a.m. a.m. n.m kshax 7.15 0,60 5.M Ediiarn 7.00 0^0 5.10 Tj i: ,1 IJ It XlnR 0 fiO V lis 4,52 McGroiior Mfi O.IIf) 4.60 Amborfctbuiu (I..'JO ( -J.yo run on central Htandard tlm, inimitoii ulowor than Ennox tlnio, For information and niton to oolou \V VETERINARY. II. UbJIIAKDriON, VJ'.VmilN'AItV HUH GEON. Ecnorui'v nraduato of Ontario Veterinary OoIIoro, Toronto; mombor of Oh tario Votoriniuy Sledicul hocioty; Dlplomist iu Dentibtry; treatu all dlhouBOH of doniouticatod aniinalii; cuttle tkhornud hv thfi latent Jini>rovo(l Loavitt clipper CallB by telcphono or tulo- fjraidi proojptly aueiuled to, ltenUuiicu, four doom i-oiitli of nriiit mill, olfic-o m pout office building; iutlriimry, dirtctly opposite* LAND^URVEYOR. JAMES G. LAIHD, Provincial Land Burvoyot and County <EuKinoor, Kaiiox Centre, Out Ofllce, Dnni'tftn Block, uiiutuiro. AUCTIONEERS. L.E.&D. R.Ry. TIMK TAULi: NO. 20, taldnfi oiroct Mondov DecSU.lfM. Trninn run by KitHtorn Stand ard Timo. Daily excopt Sunday 'MS A en a 5 'A rit d:20 0 27 M0 HENRY HKDJ:ICK, promptly attendod Woodiilee, Out. Auctioneer. B a 1 0 e to, Add roan Houtb I'erf-oua (k'ulrirf; to necuro mo may luuvo woitl at tho Fai.i-, Piu.hh ofllco. tf II. II^DKICK A MA M DSfl 1^*00 t):i2 WHO !i.:ia 12 10 i(.i:i,12-iri !.r0 l!f!C:f 11.17 11.17, 1 10 fiM 10.02 1.19 11 co 10 00 1.30 7.1U 10 Hi 1 SO 7.17 10.271 !.(V' 7.27 10,!i7| 2 35 71(7 10..1&; 2 50 7.M 10 55, 11,15 7 6| 1 10 HtO flTATIONH. D. BINCbAIIl, LICENSED AUCTIONKEIt for tho County nfKiibox. Ilailltfof luichth Divifiion Cotut. All hindii of Farm and othor Haled conducted piomptly. Itaten reasonable and funiffiliL'd on anplicatlon. EuouirerH may apply at W. V, Iknunan'H olhco. or at tho ofllco of IHvitdou Couit Clult.Mr. John Milne 10HN GORMLKY, fj LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho County of\. All kind ii of farm utock nalou, etc., louiluctod promptly and on idiort riotioo, It at on lOitoonablo rorfions dcidrublo to timinga union may do ho by raUiiii; at tlio rnai: Pui-hti oilloo or by npplyhiij to <] J. GORMLKY, P. O. liox 15") I'.eucx. Ont. 11.11 1120 11.25 li:)5 11.-13 11 CO 11 55 12. CI 13 11 12.10 ic.iii ia in v. M. 1 l.ifO t 15 C.I3 f:u 5 15 ft,55 0.05 0.15 fl :il) 0.15 7.00 Dop Walkery'lo Ar WulkorviUo June ... Polton ....... . ...I Oldcadtle.... .... f Paquetto..... . .. McGregor ..... d Now Caijivaii... ... I Mnrnhllold ... ..... Harrow ..... .......i Amor......... .....KhifZKvillo...... ..... liuthven ...... ... Lonmlnfjton ... ......Wuoatlcv ...... fl 17 .... t liomviok .... (J2S1.....CoatHworth ... 0:i2i......IGlenwOLd..... A<0| . . urcrlln......... ft 171.. t Euxton........ K5 ...... Sundinon ...... 000i...iCedarBpru>B(i... 0 07 Blenheim Juuot'u 0.12,......Blonlio-ra ...... 0201.......IWiD.10......... 0.'UjAr Ititlsotown Dop A M|A it 0 10, fi.M) d 11. r.MJ 0 0:1! 8 67 a w h -17 H W H "JO- H20l K W 8 111 8ClI 7 Ml 7-10 7 'MI 7 IB I 7 10, fi.38 fi.*27 5.17 H.'H COM 4.40 1.3!l 4.00 a.15 :*. Ifi a.-io 1.M 1.I1H , l.Ifl 7 WljSJJO! 7.0!) 6 K9|12.Q1| 7.10 0 ll3 lv 40 12.00 0 III 11 28 Q'M\ 0 20 11.1 H 10 10.1 0 oolio.o A.M.'r, u.'r.&r* v\t, 4.40 4R0 B.O0 S05 fi.lB rsai 5 2(1 -i.a-j 5.41 fl.M S5fi fl.ots fl.2J fl 113 0 42 <U2 t ring fitutionn. Tminn ntop only whon tbero aro punucnRors at or foi theuo titutloun. Mixed trains aro nt nl timtju subject to bo cuucuDod WW WOQLLATT. Gonora) Rupoilmumdtmt JM1ANK McCLOSKIIY, Maidbroao, thlrty- V ooionyourn'experience an an auctioneer in thoCouuty of Ebbox. Salon conducted promptly, uud on loaiiouablo tornih. Puiritu clotm-ind to tlx tho date for a milo tun r.avc tiioniBolvce a drico by calling at tho l-ici;r. Pin tn ollico. ^\re bitvo nrmnKQil with Mr. MoCloBkij rihi will ilx tho da too for iiuluB by telegraph, entirely freo of all chavfjo to thu pcriion holding tbo uulo. Ad- drono I'ruDkMoCiordtov.MaidDtone Croon,Ont, 106 BAKER. TIIE oldcRt buidncBii iu town. Rntablinho 187li. Firnt-ohiBB broad nnd calccb of nl Kiudti. Woddhiii caltoo a tipoclality. '"laoorion nroviidoiin, (lour, ford, Ball ullI pok. Coufoc- tlonory.crookury.Rlunflwaii'. Cauuetl li uitbaud vopjotablofl of all ktndn. Goodo jmmptly de livowd to iilluavtaoi tbo town. Of. M. IlICKh, Ull-tJ Tlie latoflt iobuUb of pharmaceutical (taiouoo and tho bout modern uppliuncoH aro availocl of in oompouncliug Ayer'n B'lrunpariMn. nuoe, though half a etui- turv in uxiHtanoe ay a mediciue, it Ih fully abreast of tho u^u in all that Roeo to mtilio it tho Btanduud blood-puntlur, cAND AND LOAN AGENTS Cn EOKGK J. TnOMAtt, Convoyanoor, Com- t mimuoiior, in High court of Juntioo; doaloi in Houl Entato and SIortRapoH, Monoy to loan atthelowcut rate of intoroat. Purmn uoiiftlit aud nold. lnournnoo tnkon in tbo mont roliablf oompanlou. Drftwlpc of deodi, mortciiK0"jand loKe.m a Bpijolalty. ChrtrBoB modorulo omS' nil husinosfl promptly attended to. Call At the Oeutral Tolonhono oIIIdo. EHHoxGontro, WUlv Best Plaoo in the world for youni* men itud women io ueuuro a, Buidueiui KdiicuUon,BhortbiLnd,eto.,in tho Detroit IhiBlnoHEt UnlvorBitv/Do- tvnit, MIeb llluotrutednfitidoj/ue Preo. liefor^neea : All TOftroit, Y. JHWELL.Prfco. P. It. BPENCUlt, 8a. Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit, Oak frame, Good Plush, $16.00. Wo ucvor w;ro no woll propured to do buuitif-nn. Lotn of poodw and prlotsu rijiht. It will |tay you to civo Uft u cull ami we tioojfl and not prices. We are plouatd to (jtioto priuuH lo uuy who need furniture Wo havo been doir<.' 11 good ateiuly busS noi-D liow for about lt vourn und wo wiflk to tender our thanku to tins public gouerall^ tor tho vorv liboral luitrouaya Wo have re uoit'Gd ot thetn during the 16 yearn that w< have been in buolooB in the now Town ot Ekhpx. UNDERTAKING* SPECIALTY J. A. HICKS & Co,, Essex. /( 'V' 0% 'I' n :r u^, . rl S//.V ASM "^^^'iV-n'i'-tyiUV.'/ACU^V^'ii/^ j.x:ki^&ti$s*-- ?i;.i> 15

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