fev -.......- ,^vv-v(,:;.^v^?'t?fJ,rT-7v i,' ffPPlPPP^^ THE BSSEv; FREE PRESS *?;. * 'v.. ESSEX 'FREE PRESS Pubilaheci Every Friday Morning TTrom' thu cMcu on Tulbot Ktroet, next JJimutiui Monk, Bpuoml attention in paid lu iliu piibliea- tioii ol malbir of local importance), acwiir- atoaud roUnblii roporln of Town, imii'hbor- in|( XowitHViip mid County Council pruned- inm*F local utid county market re.porlu, to thoctirohi. ami jndieinuu nmnuijemeiit of Tuk Funk Pniiiiti, with n.'H|U't to Uhjuu uml othor uurrcnt rcmttorH of local importance, baa Kivunila widespread piT!,ti<;n ui tin-- centra o! Kumjx county.whieh in reunHiii/.ial an onu ol tho bent agricultural tlintrictH in Ontario. Tin: b'unn 1'i^-m i the only medium circuhninu tburmi^hly in tlnti contra! portion of tho County, uml in con- Bofiumitly.without doubt .the only thorough ' udvtirtiwng medium for biumicim pimple- whdiini; to reach t.hat.ehiwi of cipdnmorH. COUllKhl'ONIir.N'CK.; Our columnit aro ulwiiyw open for tho imicuublo (li.'ouimion of. mutu*r pc-runim- ",thu puhlio welfare. Ablo cori-oipoii(Untrt in ull the nun-omul. l g lociditiotT furnbih reliable rupnrtti ol '. ontii 0/ iHtoreHt.ocuu'rriiiKiH their novend boreri; ami the publinher m at nil tunc!* /.t'luiocl to receive iiitertsKtinf* itunui t jwh from any disponed to forward contri butions*. All communication* oi a private and Donfidoutial nature, uhould bo ho marked 3u fiio ommdo of tho envelope. iiuititcnii'TioN ruler,. 5/..00 pot imuiim, Htriotly in advance, H.aJpor annum if not ho paid; ana all arrear" churned at that rato. AOVr,UTIHEMi:M'H. . Trawdont legal and municipal ndver- tiHomontH, nuticou, etc., charged at tbo rate of ten contn por lino, for lirnt hiHortion, and live cents por lino Eor each Hubiien,uent insertion. All suuh udvertineinentu are moinmred by a HCide uf twolvo hncit to tin* inch. Local readme >*i"J other notices) pub- IiHhort aniont> loiad iuavh matter charj'odal tbo rato of ton cunts pur runnjnj: lino for each inaortiou. All noticed of church or society entor- taiuraentH of any deneription, at which an admitmion feem charged, aro regarded an HdvurtiKomeutH, and f till advertihin^ rutctt charged in all nuch cn-Hca. Noticen of (jath erin^n or meeting not for pecuniary bono fit or aid, will bo cheerfully publiHhod free of eharjj;G. ' Special contract ruton mado for diiiplay or htanding advU. All leal orprafonnion- al oardfJ under ono inch, fro nor annum. JOB OH COMMKRCIAb 1'IUNTISO, Tho Fiikh riiKHH Job Printinu De- partmout id under tho .anporvimou .of thoroughly compotont mochunicH, and unocial attention ia paid to thin branch" of tho trudo, Our facilitioH for tho oxocution ot all luudn of Book imd Flno Job Printing aro unexcelled. Steam powor preBHCa. A cull nolicited. BCHINKHa'llKOULATIOSH, All Job Printing and Trannicnt AdvortiHinj; accounts, Htrictly oanb. Advertioinn accouutB with roguhir patrottB aro Bottlod qnarterly. Bub- oriptiono dno in advance. No Bubscviptiou to the Fnitn Piikhh, or aflvertiacment publiabod in it,3 coluranH will bo discontinued until all arruarn are paid in full. Chan^ew for adyertifieinontH, to oecure iriflertion in tlio current intmo, iniiht Iji- handed in nnt biter than noon of the Tuoh- day procodiup;, and notice of such intend* ed change ia rc-qairod on tho Monday pre ceding. Notice of discontinuance -of advetiine- mentH muBt bo ^iven at leimt one week in advance of tho issue in which thoy arc dQHircid to lant appear. Aiivi:n'nuKnfl, SubuoriborH and patrona ueuotally aro roqiieutcd to read th.o abovo ro^nlationH carefully, in order that oonfnoion may 'bo avoided, as they will in all ciihgu ho adhered to. . . . AddrtidH all cooiiuunicationa to U. J. LOVELlfll!, Puhltabor tho Ebbi;x Fubb I*KKHn, Euaoi, OUt II'JTI. KXomt? Socle or* Kxrurulonw, In order to yivo evoryone an oppurtunity to boo the WeHtery Country and enable tbo hemo Heeliei> to uoeiirc a home in time to .oommenco worlc for tho yoanon of lBOti, tlio Ohicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul K'y hub arranged to run a HorioQ oil four homo poelt- ora' excurHioufi to variotiB pointa iu the Woat. North-WoHt and South-Weat on tho followiug dates: March 10, April 7 and 21, and May fi, at tho low rato of two dol- lorg moro than ono faro for tho round trip. Tickets will bo good for return on and Tuonday or Friday within twonty-one dayu from dato of fialo. For ratoa, time of trainn and further detailo apply to any coupon ticket agont in tho Earn4; or South, or addrouii A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pan- aougor Agent, 2 King Qtroot Eaot, Porcnto, Out. Spring Tlrno la when nearly ovoryonofeolB, tbo need of Bomo blood purifier, utrongth invigorating and health produoing modioino. Tbo real merit of ECood'n Sartiaparilla iu tho reason f its widooproad popularity- Itn uuoqnel' lad nuotjewj is itl bout rccornniftiidaticn. Tbo whole uyutera iu uunooptiblo to tbo taout tlooH from a me (hoi no like Hood's SarnaparlUo taken aS thin time, aud wo would lay epeoial Htrosn upon tho tirag and retoody, for biatory has it racerded that dalayn uro dangrouB. The romarkablo micohKB aehioyod by HooU'b BifHaptirdlft and tbo many wbrdu tif praiwi it has ro- ooivod, make it worihy ot your-flOBAiloaco We ask you to givo thin wodloiuti a trial. Dtivo out the iM^nritie* fueiw your blood with Uood'u Sorsap&rllla and thus avoid thnt iirod, languid feeling and oteu oeriouu illness. Weak, Tired, Nervous Womon, who Hnom to be all "worn out, will And In puriflod blood, mado mil and hfulthy by llnml'H Rai'Hap:^ rilhi, punnanent relief and atrenpth- The following h from a well known nui-rto: " I have Huftored ^or yuan* with fomnlti oomplnluti* and kldnoy trouhloH and I liave had a great deal of medical ndvico during that time, but havo rocelvod llttP or no bonoilt. A friend advlncd mo to tttko Hood'n Hardaparllla and I begun to mio It, totfotlmr with Jlond'fl Pllbi. I hnv real- lited moro bomdit from tlu'Ho modlelnM than from anything cIhdI hnvoovor takmn From my pomonal oxporiunoo I bollova Hood'u Si'irHapiirilla to bo nmofit completo blood purilUir." Muh. C. Cuomi-tok, 71 Cumberland St., Toronto, Ontario, HoodVSarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In tho prihllooyo tortny.' _^ nooa s skills oasy ln olj00t 2^ Hill JOHN .\IA(.;i'UX*VL;.J'S OLD CON- STPU'ENCY Mr.'J. 1"I. Metcalff, M. P., l'-v . Kingston, Talks of tin.- Splendid C'uctiv.- Cliarauter of I'r. Agiuiv/s OiTufi-luil PuVi'd-.r... Thort- In no small .mrjimt "I talk in all pailn of the ceuntrj uf li.u cks.-* u_:_ p<:nphi who up: pruclaiuiKig tlit ronmrUublo TD- liultiiaccjmpliHhud by !'): . l.'ii'iw'ii Catar rhal Powder, for leading citizens in all partH of tlie Dominion are usinir it. Among othera who tell of the (rifoutifo n-Lturu of thiti mediouie for ouurrh, bay lever, or cold in the head i IMr, J. 11. Metcalfe, tho popular M. P., for Km^ton, tlr. coiiHtituoncy ronri'seuterl for mo. nv.ny yeiiL'o by the late Sir .lohu A. Macionald, UeyGud^jiuy-doubiJLhiu rurij-sdy \r. -x marvel, radical in ltM effects; it in at tne umo time Himplo and agreeablo to taki-, which can- noi be naid of mo^t catai*rh medic:i o^, Fot -ale by, J. Thorno, dtuggist. TO THINK ABOUT. Much doimj is not, so important as woll iloin^. A blind man's world can bo moasurod with a c;iinIf w(! could .see better, the world would be beiu*t'. There is ]\v.n\: lift; in one grain of whont than in a bindud of chnff. J'ut an angel anywhere and ho will soon Jlnd Huinething to remind him of heaven. ltuildiim on a rock is an investment that pays trividi-iids with every thunder clap. It l.s the man who is loast willlncc tn practise who linds the most fault wfln.lfc* prfaeliing Givn =uiiio nmn a drum, and thy won't hti-ikf a lick uiiletis*tl;uy can u.se It to lead.' thu band. Make, a man lan^h, and ho will bo your friend. Make him wtiep, and he will bo yuuc brother. * -Many a man who goos to church, wk-h a ltmji faoe, nvl\a f^ood^ \v*t.h a muihuvu that iti too -short, ltam's Hum. FOREIGTNERS IN AMERICA. Tho "Western States, considered as a wbolo, have 23 per cunt, of forolgnora armniK their population. Of tbo potential voting strength of this country 13,000,00(1 are of nativu and 1,000,- Wh) of foreign birth. Pennsylvania nnd Illinois have from fifteen to twenty-five foreigners to each square mile of area. Over 08 per cont. qC tho immigrants who conio to this country settle In-the north, Went and northwest.' Tho percentage of foreign to natlvo population in 1S50 wiw 9 per cent. ; in 1800 it had increased to 11 imrcnnt. MISEEABLE FHAUDS. Somo I>oaior Substitute Cheap and Worthless >yea. When tho Popular Diamond Dyes aro Aaked For, The graat popularity of Diamond Dyeu bau rotmHed In many"w6rthlOfi9~lraifcations that aro bought by muo me rob an to at a very low prioo; and for tho pnrpena of extra largo profltn, thoio doalora urgfl thoir onu- tomara to buy tbooo weaic and wotthleim BubBtituteH. l Tho Kubstibntion of common iiymi for tho woudor-worhing.Diamond Dyes iu ono o! tho gvoiwoat fraud-i now boinjj worked on tho ladies of Oauada. Beware of tbo d rial or whe fcrion to induce you to tako the common dyes that give him Urge proutn, Diamond Dvoo aro from two to three timos an otrong an any of tho imitation dyea. The boiifc matorialtt that aolanoo can produce ar UHod in the wauufaoturo of Diamond Dyea, and you Rat your raoHoy'y worth nheu yod buy them. . OLYMPIAN IlEVIVAb. AUu NATIONS TO CONTEST r'On ATH- ur.TlC LAURELS AT ATHENS- KMhi'trallon ol' t \m- Kiudluni n M>1 Kium- S(Mt Ii ()t'oiii>b<<l 'i'IioiiuuikIu Jivf Y'-urh ,\y,i 'I'hii \ liloiK to Ho Urt.vvilcil h.v (lie Klni; *i* (jI'i-oim1. Alter belli.': dhicontiiTUiHt for mo;-' urn i: !ii'U"-!i ceutiirW-<) Uu: ' My i-iidnn l.'iLiiii'ii are to )>t. nvvtvud. .Uecinnlni.; oil . \prd ii, .tin! laiill-tiff ten duy, iimkLi.tii ::\.u i Li t.ui : ulll meot In cunl<-Hts ai '.iiiniictli ni Athi.ru!i. i'rom Llw fiium- {;l ' 1 Incic'il iri ttrov/n the brown oi' ; it< 1 iy i.ii-li" tuTOrs tlic p;arIandy, v.- ill h- l.i.kvn lu adoi'n the vic;t(H\i in tin* eum- h.i', r.ii nii.'H. 'J'hey will la; fnavticil Ij.v i.tif Kliw: of llri.-ccu hhnsi.-tl', whn will ::ll upon :l niri.rbhf Uin>nt: In tbr ni;i dluin, 'rhj:i !-:l;i ilium ban boon relmllL lit Lb" * *.'] trn- {!] ot [hnl. ll 0/:eni)li:d wlo-n Jtonj. was in Its" Infancy. In lS7:i lliii M:iJ*_-aty, Kln.< CS(;rj.-.* ordered tin- ' ntndlum ox/^avatixl, and paid . all thi"* oxpc.nsc-a. -' ~V% uitow.N purser: oonrtan'i*isi-:, piikstiikni'. His Majonly found ibc bare amiml- 'thwitre nnd the ar*;na, the ruins of two high KUpportlntf walla at tho tyniv- anoc?, nenr Urn [in;i:-:i.is, .and an under ground pawsa^e at the other end for tho e-ntraiioe and exit of contcatants and judges. There were also a lew broken .^i-a-ts. The arena-as tt atandH to-day ig a.1 HlU'CUl._imi:_tll" anelniit one a.i human ingenuity and 'kiiowh-d^c* can malce It. AnnstanloH Metaxns, the KlriK'f aw'ililtfKrt, who hn? had eha-rtre *if the work, made a thi/rijii:<h ytudy of an cient stadia, and th.a'c- \u llttlo* doubt that he Ims produced a vory faithful reprcaontatlon or thu original 'atadlum. The arena in eliptleril In phapo, exciipl that the fllpse Is t;ut squa-re otf at one end. About this runs a marbb; banlei*. or law wall, surmounted by an Iron ralrlns" of antiqxic dc^slfrn, on which perches a lon.^ line of few Is, the nacre-d bird of Athens. Ju^t ouistde the border and boun<led by It eomeu an aisle eight feet wide, ami on a lower lovel the arunn. This alale Is boumk-d on Its other side by a platform built of three strata of marble, the.Rwor stra tum white, with ixuTlnf^H; the iK-awul brown, and tlw> upper one white OKnln, wi Ui rtfi.rv I n kk. At thia platform befrtn tho seata, and fi-om It thny extond up and book all aroim-d three Hides of the el ipse, oJ- moHt to the top of the hill. At the Inventb*Lh row 1b another aisle parallel with the first, then, moro .seats up to a Kviv wall, enlhKl in Greek the e.r"wn. OutsWe of all is a hUrh wall, surrneunt- e<l by ani-'ther railing, Insldo tills 1h tlie (bird awl laut aiale. The courco in tho Btaxliurn la. a utralKht break, a, little over GOO feet In lenirth, bof?lrialn{,r from a trans- verst; line draw^n at or near the entr ance. At the termination of tlds dls- tanwvi another transverse- line is ilniwn for the finish. A somi-eircular portion 'of Uk- fltadlum In thu.y left, lrvto which the runners may dash, after having cro-seu the i^oal at full speed. Thia iy.ini-circle 1b the ^pho-ndoni^. The first row o,f seatB, then, arid twenty more about the ephendono, aiv of marble. All the others are of wood, painted white,' and mnrte to resfMrible marble as much os posslblei - The ittadhura holds 50,000 people, and ad rnlaskm will be. free It may bu stated hero that those celt-brated fjarnes received thrlr name either from Olyinpia, wJie-re thr-y were observed, or from Jupiter OlymrrtUH, to whom they were dedlcate-d. There were, according to som*o, first observed B.C., 1403, but the more received opinion ia that they were eMabllshed by I-loraulcs after the victory obtained over Autrhin, B.C., 3222. The Olympic frame;} were, however, nefflocted for some tlmo after this, and were not r&prularly and cr>nsttnt- ly ce-iebrated till Coroebuu had rbln- otituted them, B.C.,. 776, and when he NAPOLEON Ol- J. UtiMAlllNE CABLES. Kir .folui r.'i.iPi' jn.d Kl'i StTviieM lu lt- H,i\ ..,- .Ky. 'j' :.l*,' chliiyf" "'I'M id:-'-:!:- oi' >*\r .lebn 1'i-:iL-i' iuleiy ani.('Uiie.-d i ri.;u JjomPuri i-'r\'i'il ai ;i 1 i.-minie i lliai. ol' all the "irrwit bt'juiji_0'L..!he_ ylii'iiutk: Allan tin iMnU' uaierprliiu, he ...aloi'u leuni Imt In itu-Luid of Uu'-llvin^- L'yru:i,W. TTei'd,. \.'hit !-Liii|^bt 'Wh' J'din'ii advl:e ii.iel i\,n .-l->tancv> In the Lbe lant to puk'k /iway In iV.^, leavlnj; tlv '.el.*.l>riLtL-d l'hi|',liMhn:i n ;ih tli.; t.ole iiur- *. ivor iA that ludoinli..i.ble budy ul' men v.'h" made the cu.bi<: m.-rvle" |jo:i:iHm;. :->!; u.ll f.i.rty o.-; the world, e!\-:: j:- i < 1 bar ' i n! .i il.-uiis cuin r ii..!; ;i.| km, v, Itb '-:ieii olh"l' b.iV-' i, . ih-,1.. ml.. 'jiii*- r\ Vle'i/'ia ij.-; i'-u' (! ipmn blr.i i'; .!; . .i n' Unl-.r.: s i-^nt ni.i inle ivh '. i> ol' 1 n.- t n-ilc!' ol' V-.I. M;.Ij;o-1 and St. i.'or.ie, ;ind foil!' ,Ve:t r i lai"!1 ;lie pre- m.>t"d hi..i in tii.' "raa.i ' 'ro:t: of tin- .i ine 'Utti-r. 1 n i- ' vie.--. I-- * In-:-U I irlLilii, !,.,' ,1 \\ .,!', .ni n'.;: ImIi r In < Mil' '.' oi' ; lip i ;rl i i*- ii army, . u |-wii ii c"i I a.,i eir(.';t:--|'ui i ' th,- fol I Mil'. Nlil^lillUi'liI eiin.phiieiiL !u Sli' .Inhn : "leirin:: nil tie- :'e"i'iit l!Ul-- v,':iyu wr Inroe hail In v,ir!nii;: purl: ot' the .'.'o/jil, wltej-i-ver It, l.a.s \.....n i:iy '.-..Mvl ['(irr.n.e to { .me Into coiitiiet wli ii Sir .loli n 1 '> nil <r, be has Liva rlii.lil v ni.lt i a.nd as:'!--:.!',-! us. imi only 5mhii"l>-, by \>r\- Viitely; ati'l he ha1; /low- e\ .-: y\ n; 11 l^ he po;.^:l.!y t. of the p'ihllc. sorvp'c, and b- iia-; on all r.er a.^ienH top] me ilia i h-- w nihl free ly pine,. 1 Ji,. wire - a! tie- "ii:ipo:"t ] of the i-'li-K :m<| \V"en:l-..l.' Turki-y, ';iv...',, niel Porite-al have a I.'ri ;,r,...-,.n 11>, I ^;r ,] ,],,, wjrjj f,r,h'l'M. aiel l-Maa/'e made li.Iro ay. nllb'ei' <>i tin* Le;:ien rif M'inor \n \<-'}\, ho It 1:-' J'l'ai tlmt i'airopF- ;i-p]!-.*eia t - the pub lie jo-i'vlrea of thin venerable S-uteli knight. H|r John In hi of his 7'.' > earn, has-- a'v.'ays lr-en in h;.-v se.a in I'arlia- m-'iit, where he n-p'<-';- u{y the I'd.-Lriet of ANMe];, wh'-n. vej- his h"al! h v.'oiild allow hbn ent. in addition to bis niiMM-nni^ other ofl'w*:; ]i<- is jus tiee of the pear*, for Kei.t. Middlesex a ml Lancashire, and is ab*a deputy lieutenant for the latter county. I n peryoTuil ; pp'-aranet- Sir .John r-nd-r h= i'trikii-.^. !!< h:m a fine, pnu-erful f;if", depotln.r. thnnurh rill lf- vai'lMiirt f.-\'ii|-"ss1eie^ his :-*tr< ^-v.-^-r trait of character, Mmine?-^. ill" ivolh, "T'e'-.w-vern." \y In.p-eil a ppi'-'iprlate, fur pfrs"-viTii w\<- has been Ids -juiidln'.' llt^'ht, ;)ii'f le'-Uia;; .never. toiK'b.ed ,;iny unoi;rt.'ih:r>w."<-ltat V.. V:as not pllat<-il : > ;i brill la nt ji ml sii'-f "i'ul "omph-t Inn. md philae- throple, Imt hi.-"bar':..'.' > not f<,y tho" who are In t ! * e, .-,1 rs-.e-'.'i^T. ft Is bh' br>a,ut of hiiasi-l:' *, '.( f'O.^l' blf ]< h * \\ as 1 J- yrnrf *'iM, Hut h :[ not ed for his wIlllntrneH:' t>> ii**'i' t',, .- Vfiilly needy and these in trouble., Wla-n v.' .;l-.^w\^r,' jCWIClJ THE ffrADTtlll IH^.TrOIUflD. himself won the first prize. The care and superintendence of them were in trusted to the people of Klin,'a'coun try then famous Cor Its hortiea and whose celerity way often tried In chariot raccB. . But finally these peo ple were excluded by the people of Flsaous, who then took charge of thinga, and thlnlu why the year oE which the Olym-plc Eramea wero cele brated was often, called- "PlsnjiUfl an- iiuh," ana the victory which wa ob tained there waa* called- "Plsae rajxvue ollvae." All Greece will ho ropresentod in the frames. The pick of tty -thlftt!n club? of A-thena. Spart& ojod Theofialonlca will be Uietv. and thoy will ho jottJ by nn motley a ecuH^rofiKUlon ot aa- tlona tut that w&leb In ttoi oarly Chrf- tlan. arm. overwhuloao^ tluj relr^ior>- ftesu tn onooeaiUrvo Iwindattaii'a. Xhets* will be Ukntlji of ttthAn* t^Wn Em^and, Hnt?lnarKl. PVance, Qormaiiy, Ytialjr, Bwoden, Switiierlamd, Sl-uctftSa, ESnAllia niwl Olc colonies oi ISVwrlcuwl aul fch-o VnMcd Btaixm., Khwi the Vt*rki tfco b*ttrJrta.ry bwxnty oS Vim Gi**tik, will bo wjp.re*ei*teH by a body o* \vr**A\c>tm front OorudnjiUtioplo, Ad fdto uwtm will be nmowra ootitrso laW oU by kyourirtttt mora thnn tw^nty-bw* e*n- turk^* ago. Th^y will bo plW&d agra-kiat yooonly Umt were wtaJ>Habe<l thbrty- ne oentXHrkK agtx fillt JOHN PKNDKU. he was In business in Manehefttcrr In the days of the irreat. "cotton famine" hi.s assistance and practical help were of buch a nature as to endear him to every iiuuu woman a-nd child in tlie city. Sir John in chairman of -thirteen of the leading cable- companies of the world, and th mo-at romanlcrChlc fea ture In connection with hUi ericantlt: ent&rpriitoa [a the p^irfect ma>na^e!ment of ah the vajrtous department*. ,'Ithe otafl'ii of all the department*} ana oh the b)t of tcrtnu with erwrh other und theHr chl;. Tlioy pull tos&thor afl one man, nrwl the oon(ucnoe 1 a (jplen- did record for ttulcJcneaa Ih tlto trahB- mlt-tinff of cable mes9ae;ea Their cus tomers have afct.ually come to expect bo much from the Has tern companies In I'lurope that Lf a mesaago from India or Chkua to London la even five minutes late they fret arvd wonder what Is the matter with thu ma chinery. After Cyrus W. ITIeld hitd Interested tlie Briton In the' possibilities of ocean telegraphy Sir John turned all his at tention in that direction. Through him tho Atlantic cable was finally laid after disheartening annoyances. Then fol lowed his efforts which established the rlrst cable in India. He was at the head of the Gibraltar, Malta and Suck Idnes. T-Te established communi cation with the Levant. By hi3 tin- tirlne; efforts .Austnilla and China were connected telegraphically with Great 1'ritaln, and later he lnstlf*?n.tevi tho South African cftblo. These faetrf wLH p;ive some conception of Sir John Tender's life worlc, and also of hl-s enormous wealth. His prdsent hbjb j'sltlon and the public repranl whleh b. his hi? owes to hlfl energy, resource nul foresight. He richly deserves it all. i;y 1-Iitiiiti* Hound. So near tOK^ther lie tlu'lr pathd, oo moftr : Anil yet tlii'4*, diu-v not pftmio far nuo brief sjmoii To meet. ml greet unrh ottlfl-r fwcfl to frru^e lUwt hi thrtt ffWtft, uwoeC kutfrrchanip) 11^- l>ear Their pui'tidlut* (h*nVod; a higher r>b'>ro TI11111 1Mb dull levul of thu drmiiiotiplneo Where toll .and (hity lu>lil hi llrm onibmoo It/i*^ all. fioni liour to hnuv, from y<wtr to' ywiv. Ttwi tiirftv*' lor ln*. tr loynl tor re-istet, i\'y tlo* 01? 1miw># homid, thoy Uvn> tlwir ill.V Whllu Ui?*N niwiiMwew-iU. cifiU fnoji* Un\rt to b'-yirt So i^iiy tluih pretbwoyj Bo* no DfAitr I And yvt ttha \g\it1 wwM wiimnki b*> wblw t\vm thei* 'lton iriftihtiiml wi*yj mtnlsiflu Irttjjtiwi Sun FHiutihtco Nowfc-r-ettott. Ill>Vii Dldu'f l-nt t>M H*H>ik. iX htmut wo i*Hi+ up fronw Ww farm to hv vlllatro im^tlry to b^ &bod..lfeUr-i ttiK ft. nwroJHJ** **t fttcawly-mn.-t'to wyvw on luund, *lie- Job, In tins abaonoo Cft tho boH, wau jrlvuw to an tL^pM^tioo. After an Interval tlut follcywi>tf note came ,to tho farmer : "This hoo tkwtft U any ot our Bhoe.M I-u r Alii'uri ci' Anytli 1 lite I ITnvr C.vnr I\lr. John lUty.i-r, muri-hunl. Wuttirlon iiuys; ' T hnvn ^iven BtiirU'n l'owdorn (tor hoiuhtche, uomtLivtaiiHiri, bilioiiHiioun and lu'urtdijiu.) an ixtoiiHivii trial, und find thum to (iivn the uroutotd Hutiiifiiiitiou hi my fuiiiily. I inn very liitihly recmiir. mom! thum, They iLi'ti fur ahead o( any thing T have ever unud, nnd t hayo tried many remudlim." Hold b) ii.U dru^^iHtu at USe a box, fi hexes Tor 91, Mien fco talte, unniiidiutc and penuummt. (Tub dato lut uiHorhun.. A ftlstgnzliitt'N lulliUMice. 'I'lm enorniouH uiruulutinu (if-f,uchu naoKii^ zino an Tbo I.udioH' Hoir.n .lourmd oau, in a mm ho, \w mul-jri.tond when it In Huid that during tho luwt tiix namtiiH of 1H'J5 thora wore printed, wold and circiduUd over four million tiopieie.-(in fact iif.nreii i.OfiH.HOl). Flmirott aueb nu tbooo (five one nemo tdoa of the iidiiii'iiee winch may be ex*u-Ud by oven a Miii(.Jlo nun of tbo modern Hmgi.r.inofl. 1BE A SUEER'S ALE OF LANDS FOR XA3lEIS Tf J \VK ()[' Kh^l'.X, 1 When mi by virtue of 11. wairunt, .rnueJ by tin- Mayor'ot tho To Wit . j Town 01 JChhox, in the County ol Kmiex aid -hulhenlioalod by tin: corvri'i-.ti: K'-nl if iln- find Town betinnjj unto the fourth duy of Feliruury, IfiOo, mid to me Oil' nt.fi cf'iiiniMiding nif- 'o levy upon the followini; lots ir puioub, of lands iii arn-ars Tur Imxhh due thereon with uontn. I hereby {.;ivi* iiotiet; Hint uiduhii the naid ttixei- nnd i:oln are Hooner puid I nhall, on Y-MMm-'udiiy, the :Mtli duy of dune, IKill, ut the boui1 ol u n o'cleolc m the mronoon, at fork's Hail, in the Town of Kmu.'X, proceed to i-ell by public auction the imid lundii or in raiii'li 1 hei i ni hi hiiiy hi: Hullicii nt to ray liueh arrears of tnios und nil lawful ooHtu incurred : I'lnn, hots. Thxph. (JoHtu. 1'otal. Mil Mil 2117 :{'.), 17'.! ITd 'art :jo;t Mle nir .. ..,...... -I.0H.... ..............................8.........I'____;10 I'lfi____ ............................7 audH............r>7 o;i____ .......................... it and n.......... 2ri.H7..-.. '........................* jiarts 2d and '11.... ------.............'..........33 find IMI ..........................part lli'Jf ...... ..........................'21 ami UU* ..........................23 and 21 j........ ..'kill...................................... vM lu............'.......................... .n.yi.... .Pii.si; ... ......1. ).-... ......2 '17.. ......v:.\;>.. ......B.15..' .....f all.. *o:ob ft*, on aa.i:* 50.B7 28.22 20.0ft 0-1.79 '.)7M 0.0B a.7i W. U. BE AM AN, Tiouattror. Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acrfncAvledged LEADEESrcitl er. as Power or Pumping "Windmille, For prices ni;d terms, nddreeB T. HALFORD t' Essex, - Ontario. 1 Agent for Ehbgx County. ARE the trade in nil kindu oE Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doove, Sash,' Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS \\ a nre Bolo AgontH in tho County for Of Chicago, wUich took Hi^hast Awards at the World's Fiihr. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Oittftts at lowest pricoB. A written ^uarnntCQ with every Outfit.| Laing Bros., Essex. J. GOURLAY & SON. ESSEX. ONT B ^ THE TBIOMPH CORK SHELLER Thii* Maohino consists of a horizontal oiiBt cylinder, witb wrought lr barti, with sieol toofcb bolted to the oyliudov m aa to bo rovorsiblo ^Jioa Um *oeth become worn on tho front eido, -running in a perforated cpneava baa tfcell, which'tho ahollod corn pnaaos through into a sheet iron, chhb, with ft Mi or olojmpr attached below, whioh takea all tho dtjat f rom tho grain. The riioapoBt bott, moet Bimplo and durable Powor Corn boiler, iu bbc BheUs H>ro porffsctly cloan in any condition fthollin^ and olouauig from ona io tore Wmsaud buehols of cura per day, according to powor. DnfKNBioNB.~Bpth?.9 it. 4 in.; Length, 5 ft. 3 ia.; Pwlley, 10 in. dim. iter, tt in. face; Motion, 800 to 80Q revolution* per minute Weight tfAOStt. EVEfZY 8HELLERWARkAMTED. T-V' i ""i 4. OOURI.AV OM. ii^^ii^^^