I^^l^fjif^ iT^v:>^7r; ^SfJBS^P^PPP^ l#V m 1^ ii1 lr"" rc>v; J',;' t>". (PIPS? ^5 4iBI%*--^^%v; mMmmM Jir. 3f. V. XfvrlU. No Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS AYER'S Statement of u Woll Known Doctor Sarsa- pari I la "No other blond iiiiMllirhic iluitT hitvrt nvcr used, anil I linvn tiii*d th<-m nil, Is ho llioroui(l) In Uh :i. linn, and eifce.t!* somany pitrnmiumt cunv-. l>r. II. 1*. MKitHii.i. yiu'U.stu, Mu. AjerVSg; Sarsaparilla "^Admitted at tho World'a Fuir. THIS GCLD WAVE Will not ho fnlt hsJf w mm-t> in tbo hounu if yon \\m tivi WJN'S KULtfj SAVEE AND HEAT ItADIATOU. Saves -tO por cent, of fuol. It catohou thu boat tnubothor- wJ3Q.t;ooi! out du'ii'n Thri>u:h tho ohimnoy, id built on HcuiuLitic pr.nuiji^H, and (only naodfljto bo soin to bt uudxiHtood and ap- praoiatod. Will hnvo ita cout in a few weoka. E. L. PARKER Agt. KBSEX, - ONTARIO. Writo or call al O- nrUv'M I^onndry, IN TH.h iMFFRiflL H< OoF- ' Vhr Uu'ii^ of < amUfMirrV Ilr4lz*i- IIU I'lnkiu t.> ,i Hi- 1-IaI l'eul>m*-N A.i .titiin IC- Loudon, 7.1:-.roll1 27. In Urn IIou:ir< of Common*; to-day Mr. A. J. Bulfour.IT'ist Lord oi* tho TiMtsury, roud a lottor from th!- Dnku rx' Oambrl'.'.i;Q, riejjru- U\\i hl claim to tin* special puiiHlon which it htui boon propound to i;ru)tt him, on tin; icruuw'l thai Vin did not wlnh to mibjout Iho MlnlMLi'Hnl p;irty to uiiy controversy oynr tlic matlnr. Mr, (.li'oru'o N. Curzon, Undor Hnorc- tury-.-to-tliv-l*,nrcttfii Oilli.'i-, ,-d'Uud Unit tho Clovot-mnont did not lutond to iiond h. Jtrlthdi I'Xpi'dltlon to Donjfohi noxt iiutiimn. Thin HtuLcmoiit wu.i jmuhs m nniiwor to a ijut.'sitlon by a mombor of tin; OppOfiltton. IIo fnrtlUH- f,nld tlu-'t tlu-' fin not Ion of tlwr [id vim en of ilu* I'lfi.vptla ti rrti'-rvr* fond towav/1 (In; cot't uf the Nllo t'xprdltluri now undor way uld not rent with tin; pnwvu'M, but with ihe oommlMidon nf. tlio I-Jisyptlan public 'li-lit, wlin had the rlj;ht to dooldo v.'ln-thor llu- advaiK'o i.diould ho made. !Sy tho Vctte oi" a majority of th; ooin- Hilniiloii, In- nald, tboy had tin decided. ltt'lflnnld MnKonna (f^Ib.) moinbel- r<>i N'orth Atonmoulht'blrc, movod to to- Iuci- tbo Foroljin OHIoe or.tlm.ito;i Uii a tiotcut iitfulmit tin? oont'i;;-oilono that iuid ltoon rnado liy tho Clovorniin.*nt to l-'ninco In tho Slam convi-ntlon. Mr. (-'tir^.oii denlod that tins ootivimi- iiun provided for a partial partition of iniii bi'tU'oon (Jroat Ilrltnln ttiul Franco H.d ;:akkthm tho rl|;ht.H of the formor - -irinliiLMl in toot throughout the I>o- Miinlon of Slam. Noltbor I-'ianeo nor i iri'iit Hrluiln had been i;rantod a nhiKlo :,Tht that It had not puswoHrifd bofor.-. The territory that Orent Hrltaln hail urrendorod \viih nf mo little \':ilui.* that i.uid Jto.'iebory, when Prim.' MluiHtor, . .d ])ropi)iir>(i to Include It In a buffer state. The SlanuBO Government. Mr. iiizon added, wui 'HiitlHllfcd With .the oonvontlon. it lilTKFCAfiMilANSENArF. ..r lliicnrn/l<! rt^<IL lii)r<nliMP H lt|ll(o i: iniivr mi Viijii^ilt-r to i'lvll Krvunlu ,\m AitpHiriiuf-iiI I iKll .tpfll 7. Ottawa, March 27. In tho /t-nate to-dity Kir Alaolcqiizlo Uowell .ntnjducecl a bill to ainond the Civil h'i rvicii Act. 'J*h#i act puiwod last oa- - ion, he yaUl, r^'i'-droU amendment in odcr to rciuuvu an Injustico worked .i tlilrd-olas.4 clerks who .Uo-ve been In t::<- Koiwioe .slnoo IHHLi. In the hifct year's act, ius It nevw iitanda, third- {. lass elorltH, paclcora and Hortei-3 ai>- poliUd prior to the i>asai;c of the act, ;:ro no longer members of' the service. The appointment of a third-clans cleric to the iieconci-ehuss under the act, .s not a promotion, bat a new appoint ment, and the qualifying' examination must bo passed, even In the case of a clerk -who bus been In t lie service con tinuously since lfcSU, and 'haa passed hid. promotion examination. Another elfeot Is that a third class clerk over iho atfe of :sr years can never be pro moted. It was not the intention of Parliament, in framing the act of layt ;r:--sion .to work any such Injuntlce, nnd the present act la Introduced to u-mody the mintake. The Preinlor Introduced another bill to amend the Act respecting steam- ton.t ftuspootlo-n oJul the examination <-i" the lleensoH of str^imhoat eng-lm-era, which he said was. Kimply a codifica tion of the existing law upon the sub- .cot. On motion of Premier Bauroll the Senate adjourned until Tuesday, April iT.THE-CONFERENCE AH Canadian Eyns on Wlnrti- pof Just Now. ir*.ttviWM!.tii it; n nTiTTin rn 'ii '. "il.i'JJ-W'^M"!:.,*^ STARRING TO GtT A FAIR START. L. <ll|iM(loii on in Yi'hli'li Khlr Klioktlil lluli*i 4|i<> I-liM IViiptKiil tine.li k'lirly Atfrcftt l< IVcp- re Ikrnli til' \t l>ut lli{j l':.aii(k Ik a CoMijtriilitUi!. W'liuilpi'C Mnreli 'XI. -lS|j<>v\\\\, t --Tlie Ked- ""d Mid I'ruViliciil. (*(HlllnlHNl(llH'lVt llJKi .. rwn lunir:'.' cniifrri'iiri' tn-dny, nnd in:> p, i , '"lilpI'dllllMi' i>t the .Man tolm Kchnnl (III'.!" r, .1- t;ril|iliers lilnl K<'f|i im> ri'i'iO'd nl' | lit' jn.M-f.:d |)iH'l. I i Ii iiinli,'i- U,u,l I ha I nm-l ui' llh- tlii n- ctf llii' MHir.>>-- T'i'i- was taken up In a j,'no i-tniiiin-J r.Mi*. ' Viivy nvi'r wldidi. wld^ Hlmidd miiki' tin: 'tilniiicy inojiimals. dnrliii: . which nil pri-- . ;l i'V lie d a (lenire tu licfianl; ami ciri- " "ahM'y'. P.i-fun. Hic ndJi-uriMiii'id w.o* !"ade al U'hiii 'It vv.ot nii-i;i-;U.'(| tlml ea< Ii 4l.ii- sli-miii Miiitnlt i; rniiKii draft nf the r 'O'ni.ie-nls wliru n,|.y mcl nptlu at 5 <i'elo,eli. Il iil'l't'm'.-s lilts u;is ilniii, fur a m'-rond -. * - lieiied uidy ten inlmitivi, tin- ,sur- t.il.. c I if I nt: Hut | t|i,. Mjudl.ilia rcprr^i-nla- '"ives (h'Hlred tu nt.uuili. with tlii'lr eal- inimieji tin the pi-.i]Mniils made bv Hie 1'Yd- I'iil ('oiiiiiilss'iMiers, udiili- llie hitter will imdmhly hilimale to the i'i'|in'si-iitath'eH of ;,i" iidie-rliy ilu- nuttin- of the vihutsmIuih v.-Jiii-ti Mitiihohn \< willing to jrnint. ('l'hf ti-xt of them' pni|'i's:il>H 11 li Impe.M- s.hln jo learn, but ilu'i-c [s an lii^u'fs^bin they MIC ri<-| mo (lt\ri'^(-lll im \Vll (fVpert- fd. Whi'ii the euinnilii^Ioticrx meet in-nun*- i'nw, tliiTci'iM-e," ihcy may Hud their tusk inncli I'li-dcr than anilchnitril. The " No Kurreiiiior " elentent of t)m e.om- iiuiiilly t;oi up a <|(-niniiHlrnt on tills even- In;' wllh the evbleiil piirposi- of lllllmldat- bitf the Maiiliobii repfe.H'niatlveii, but It Wan a hiinenliible ll//,le. 4 ' / " > 67mW(..j J.'. Ittitoiling;, HeacSache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKING "" ills "' CHURCH DIRECTORY Mnnown-i.-Dr. PftBcpo, PutovM);Brrio* ovory niiuduyutll . in. and 7 p. in. HfibbttL' Bohbo) 1.6.0:80p, m. 0..B. Naylur, 8UMrltttoi.il- m|0' I'Otipol, Kpworth XjentjUDpray rmoettn T?p*ig(iti> ovonlngutB o'olook. Uuualul viity 0W4ttD((OD Tbura<layVenlu({. / ' ui MARRtACe LloiSNaEa: 'mS+^fW Gnmtoif ov KMo^i^n Jlov. A.Ij.lbivorly, in otltnbont, Bt. 1'aulo, KmoX. Divuioimrvico Tory Holiday nt 7 o'olock, p: u\ Hunday Hahool ftt 10 . tn.Trinity Ohuroli, North KIcIro JDlvlno flurvlooy ovory Bmntay at n ji. in.- Hun day Holiool at Ui&iL m. Tim uubliul uro oor- illully hivltud. l-llMHHYTHillUM.-W. M. It'lotnlii^, Vikulor HnY- viooHoii Hubliuth at II r. i.u.ml.'/.lia p.m. Hah- bnth titiliool nt'J;!M)p. in. ArrHyw mmtbiu mid I'antor'Rblbln uIkhii bn TvoMclay utV.^0 p. m. BooinlUjilimon Woduondayufc H.lftp. mi"viHr(Jiiui(ai(. lfav.M. lk. Oampbull, Vu,*- tot. Utnvlciofioaob Hahbath nt 11 a. in; and 7 t>. ui. l'myorimiothKjoii Wodnotnlay nvunluu atttooloolt- noiiUiruo. All aro eortllully wol* OOlilnd, 1r I,. PABK, IBBUEJt OF HAHHIAOB XJ. 'j. rnnaofl, Itlohardsoh Blk., Kbmx, Qui. \t H.vbftlflTT, lnnerr of MarrUgo Llbrfi&M 1VI. C'DmrnliBlouorin O.J oto, Qaitu.Oa rt/' D. IJKAMAN, luHiiflr of Marrla^o Ij I con boh. Inarano aiieiit. W(Hl>tr.flb.o at Dwdlllna. .------ TAMiOT 'HTltEBT, KHHKI, " yers "I wus troubled h lone; time wllh a|ek he:o!;udi". I tried il (loud inanv ninedleji vei-jiiiiiiiniled fur thin c^'Miln'lnt; hut It WilS llwl until I Began taking Ayer's Pills that I received peniifinent "tienefil. A idmdo hox of llie.te [illls freed no! irom he:td;iehe!i, muI I am imw a well man." C. II. UtiToniNon. Kast Auhuni, Mc. Awarclod Wloclal at World's Fair* Auvr'ti tittrun:>urltl(i in tho Muni* Houan Oathomo. KMn-Fr. 0. . MoOwt, t'uiilor. Horvioo vry othor Uumlay ut 8.110 n. m. -Runaay tfahoo] at llp.m. MiiPH'foMK.~Uif(h miiHB iiud iieniioii at 10.30 tt. in., natnohlHin ittUp. m.,hai)tfnm at :i p. m., yodpiii-H iuid heiietllotlou ut 7 p. in. 0. K, Mo- Ou, p. p. HAi.VArWH Anwv.-T. II. HfoLdod. Captain. Halvatlon mniitiiiMH on Wudnnuduy, Thunulay and Huiiday iiviibij/ii; Froo mid Kiuiy, Haturday ovoiijiiihhI{|ii.hi. buiuUy; Jlollnmin mofitiurj" for ohriiitliititi Friday uvuniiiftaiKl ll a. xn. Him- day; KnooJJrlll 7 ii.;iu. .uvory Hiindiiy. AH aru wolcoutci. LEGAL. J* A. WIHM1CH, Uarrlirtor, Kolioltor, Notin J* Public Ao. Mouoy to loan. Oftlonn,Dui atftn Uloclt, up-iitnh-H, IOhhox. .i-iv Jh. PKTJ'iHH JlarrlMtor, Holloitor, NotaJ * I'ulillo Monoy to Ijoau, OIUoo ov( Btruthurn1 ltiuili. Kmiox Cuutro. Cipher Ikiopatrbi-H l-Vam 'iVIuiilpe':. Oitawa, .Mareh ^T.-fSpeclal.) linpfirinut ' upati-hes In elplier were received hv the ' 'n\-i-rijnifrir from Winnipeg lo day, ' K.r I'lmrlrs 'Cupper, part,, was iniked b'v your ' "ir.^puinli-iit to-nhclit wliclhei* lie 'w.m In ,| .'iliion to say wliai invi-rexs had bei'ii !"mh hi IIk^ Kclinol netfollat Ihiim. 'Che Sec- -'djiry of State replb-il that tin* pMthm >( " Miih'rf w:i* such thai no* iintiou net mien t "ii d he made. From other, bjit lelnblo, -iirce.i, It wiim learned that tin* I'Vdcni! "iiiiids.-.biiers sulinillted a prop-isliion lo 'htiilt'ibii lo-diiy, which thai Ony-riiiueiit 'i;ts iiiidir eousldenition. A eanllOentlul irlend of the I'lvmler'u mid to-nlKlit that .o.day'y nilvlecH H*erti niont eneoiiniBlni;! Ou good productive Fcrm Property at 54- ^' ^ \UiC cenl M r**it:l*t. No Valuation Fees. ISfOonvoya-ncinj' Done up in Noat Stylo Senator Boulton cIvm notice of mo tion -That It will remilt In a benefit '. > the material and commercial inter- - tH.of Canada If the country adopts the offer Indicated by Hon. Joseph '.hamberlain, Colonial Secretary for an Imperial custom* union, bayed a free trade xollvereln." on Tlie rci'DoiiiKi <>r lf rottiiiilonlon linn. J. ]. Cnintron, rrovlnclnl Sftcretnrv ni tho (ircoiiwity Uoverniucnt, und one nf lite coininlsHloners in the conference ov-r :he m-h.-ol Idll ut WlimliK'ir, hi well known In ioronto, where }10 lived from 1H7.r> to 18k:i, when he pnsHt-d through llm l.'nlvei'Hhy. and hi lulled law with the Mn*n llrm. IP- xvim ihis hint I'rlnee'K I'rlzemnu lu th- Univer sity: when It vvhh Klven for honors In tin: ^'vaduittluj; claH. He came hero from \\ ondidocU. where hhi fnther wan a eomitv 'ifileial. Won; Mr. Dlekey, Minlnler of Jmi- tlei*. wIio'Im nlfti In Hie poiifereuee, went ihroiiKli the TInlvrfllly hero tt ftiw yearn bi-fore Mr, .Cameron. The tlireo i-t>preni'n- tniiveu of'this Manitoba flovornmnil are all Ontario, men, Mr. Oreemviiv hav.iiK lived lu Huron enmity and Mr. Nlfton In Middle sex. The la tier, AVii.H. PduejUwr nt. Victoria. - MORE GRAND -'WCHflNtiES.. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND Largestsa^e in Canada. THI'. KTOfltn WtUT KIEBtEI'ir. Fire and Life nsurance, 4. E. LOVELACE, yssicx, ON J POWDERS Cure SIOK HCADACHE and Neurslaia I hi ao MWUYEG, albo Coaifid ToiiKue. I3i*ri- [^Torpid Lly, Bojl Drench, (o stay cur*4 also kcgyUlo tlm boWtli; Lrpw/.N/cu TOT4W. Home Heoltofu XSxcitfslouii* [.,- . . ; lu ordjr to givo ovoryouo bu oppurtnnt y to io the Wnmory Countiy and en a bio th* borne uooktna to necure a homo in tirao to ^comraohoQ work for tho ueauon of 1896, th Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul tt'y bus 'ntrau^od to run a norma of four homo uoek- 't'rtt* 15.eurhi(/i.n to vuriimn yiointH in tho Weal. North WflHl und ^uuth-Woat ou tlio f6II6wlii(!'daluf': "MiiroblOT A.-prir 7 artd 31, oud May ft, nt thn Sow rato of two dol- lorn more Jmn on- f ir+ t r tha round trip. TiokutH W'M tie nun i lor niiurn ou and Tueeday or I'Vidnv witliio twonty-ouo days from ditto r.f mlc Fen rut on, time of trains ar.d ftinher rhdniln upply to any coupon ticket aufiit in ihu E'lHt or South, or addroHH A. J. Tavlur, Cimadian X*uo- eoufior Aftum, ^K.nu Street Eiiat, Toronto, Out. Mnuy ptioplo, with this notion that Mftturo oncht to ttikn earn of heraolf, allow a oough to pliijMic thorn for wookn and tnoutliB. "Whorsftn, if mat in* vr> ro nHBintoal with a ('ouo or two of Avmt'h C\v vty Pohtor- aJi tliBoaro might bo ffectod in a vory few ,day. >ni> HiiiHlreil KJvi-k Were I -><l by G'Innd. In <inof>iiO"ti * Victoria, B.C., Feb. 28. The cnptalna >f veaselfl arriving here from Australia ' rlni? information of a terrible storm which has devastated the const o; Queensland. There were furlomi hur ricanes and a fearful downpour of rain, ,vhlch Uouded the entire district. More than 100 Uvoa worn lost, It la .eported. Whole villages 'weiu dc- . iroyed, Thoufiunds of housca were w rucked. And with the other property lestroyed on uhore, the damage Is es- t.mated at half a million pounds ster- .mtf. The value of the vesselo wreck ed cannot be estimated. Townsvillc, a small city on the north- cast cuujit of- Queensland, eeemed to ue the centre of the storm, und not a bouse in the town or a vessel in the ..arbor escaped. Rohh Inland, a short, distance away, wus Hooded, and many .ivea were lout in attempts to reach he mainland in. small boatn. The dam- .mu wroutiht by the hurricane In . ownsvUIe harbor alone is assessed ut _.".0.000 pounds, this including the dam- a-c to the water front property. The storm began Jan. 2d and did not .ibate Its fury until the following Tues- !ay. In Toivnsville the hurricane had oust devastating effects, roofs being down off and tossed about In the air due sheets of paper, while two men wltg blown off their feet and Into the i.arbor, both being drowned. The raln- lall was tremendous,, and numerous laces were ontlrely "/'submerged. In nine hours onj Monday 2tf'lichen' foil. On Rosa -Inland many housed were : away,, from found'atloiriH. The 'urious wind upset a rescue boat,* and !\trs. 'Hunt and her infant, Mrs. Gunl- man, Gertrude Rowe, the elder MIrb i'lowe and a boy named William Wal lace were drowned.. A housemaid tn. .tudgo Chubb'H employ, while wadlnp towards the punta; wan washed off her ' et by the current and drowned. San dy Walker was drowned while trying 'o crosij the Victoria Bridge, which " a six feet under water. Many team- ern arc overdue at different points along tho connt, and! when the Cana dian liner Mlowcra (inlled from Sydney for this port, it 'was feared that n ma-' .lorlty of these had been lost. Among ho vessels lost were the following : f'toamer Levlnla went down, and her "' hands were drowned; the Iron ntoam- "'^ Adelaide, a small wooden steamer ' the fenmer Star of Hope. OR. tonji .....Mt at TownRvllle ; the Florence '"Mntt, a Ilffhtpr, mink ; Nebo n lighter, sunk: the Nautilus, a Gov ernment steamer, of 2H0 tons, owned ' v the Quce"fland Government wis v.-reckod In South Breakwater; tho Ninior Hopper, owned by the Gov ernment, also sunk; no were the Pres to and Iron Bark, the Ada Dent, a 'team lighter; the Leu to, a passenger and the pnsnongor "tra-morB, Aramnr, 114 tons; t'i^ Outh- ' V. 2000 tons, and the Helen, 18D0 to"s, Three weeks befor this groat ntorrn a hnrrlcant- vlnitod the Hnpai group "d In Lleulca nnd the nelghborhnod Vdfi houses were blown down. The ditm- "'" to th eocoanut tree* ->vn fi e-ronf ihat.lt will take the Island two-or throe yeaifi to n cover an a copra Dro- dueinfir dlHtrlot, .Wr. W, K. Invl Urouirt Ticket AijbiU of. tho rnllro Hyuttsm^Hr. ItttheH Quluu - Itoplnrrx Mr. .Solm Curls Montreal, March 27^(Spe'clal) After tlie 1st of April ail lines of the Grand Trunk west of the St. Clair nnd De troit rivers will, like the rest, be direct ed from Montreal. W. R Bavin, who has been at the' Chicago end for years past will come to Montreal Jis ticket agunt of the cim- Knlidatetl system. Mr. JO. If. IlUHhuH, formerly Great Western passenger agent, will b> as sistant general passenger and ticket n;r,-nt. Mr. David Brown will be first assist ant general freight, agent with head quarters at Chicago, and will have iliarge of the lines in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. Mr. Arthur White will remain in To ronto as division freight agent, while Mr. John Karls of Hamilton bus been superannuated and replaced by Mr. Robert . Quinn, heretofore European freight agent of the company. ESSEX s. Roller Mills* CLAItKE, ItAItTLKT A HAKTIiKT, Uarrh torn, oto. Oflloey, Me.dbury Block, WindiiG Priyato fundi) to loan. A. H. Cr.Aiuni, h. L. B. K. A. lUurij-'r A. II. IHHTL1ST, J. A. HKNKY 0. WALTKltS, L.UH,, Attorney and CouniH)lnrLat law, Solicitor in Ghiuicorv, l'routar in Admiralty, l'atmit Holicltor, with AtldiiBoatt HuicbSfi (Joni[roini lit. Jwtint, Dotroit, Mioh. (Canndinii RluiuiH u[(aiiint poriiomi In tho United Htatiiii celloctfld.) Itofororicuni Impoiial Ilanlc, Eniiox.Ont. J. Ij. l*oturn, Koq., liarriiitiir, oto., Kimux, Ont K.A. Wlmnor, IJiiu,, Harriotor, cite., Mmiox, Out TAMJ-ib NAYLOB jikon tlilti opportunity 01 aunounopi,, .o cno puoplo cr tho Town and county or lOimoi, tliatho has roDiodolnd thnKfl- Doxltollor Mills aoDordiufttoplftniiproparodby H.N. ?Woo, St.Thomafl, and ban alno nocurod tho Horvlcoti of HoiiKUT Btiiachan. an oxpori onond und thorouRlily comnotont millor. Iliankltif* tho poople of tho town and oonnty rorthonatrouaKfi bontowoo iipoinnm'ln tho paflfc, will uuarantoo natlnfaetlon in tho mturo Gristing and . Chopping a Specialtv. T5Sr?iS^ GItADBH OF FLOUIt, FKED AND COItNitEA^ KKPT IN STOCK AND BOLD AT KIGIIT I'BIUEB. Gaah Paid for Wheat and Oats. MEDICAL. . y\m. nieiEN a'iuukn."...... '" " Jan. Ilrlon. M. D., L. It., C. P. R., f'raduato of Quooii'H UnivornUy, KiuiiHton, nioinlmr of Col- lofio oi Fhynlolanti and UurKoonn.Ontario. Gmd- uatn of Now Vorlc. Pout Oraduato Motllonl Col- Iobo. J. W. Brlon, M. D., C. M F. T. M. C. Honor BVAtliiato of Trinity Modioal Collotffl, Honor Kraduato of Trinity Univonilty. Mombor of tbo t-olloijoof Pnyiiioiaun and Surijoowj, Out. Grad-- nntu'Of how Yorlc. Pout GradUato Modioal OollOQO.___ Ofllooovor Khbox Me'clioul Hal] 'IruR utorci Couimltatlou rooinu, hotli on grouml tloor and flirfit Hat abovo. Tolephono la both otlloo and roiiidmioo. All oalhi attondnd to fmm oidco, driifj dtoro; or runirinnco. Itoiiidonoo. Talbot Htrot, front of fair nrouiuln. UNDERTAKING. HPfjUMAfM rlt, UlidortiLkfir n'.ul Furnltai Uoalor. .OoilUai, homo and factory mrJ1 froui S1I lo 9:10, MoOcoKOr.Oi'*' ARCHITECTS. TOUN A. MAYCOCK, ' . AKOHlTIiOT, &., Hon ui 10 and 11, Flumhm llulldliuf, Wiudnor, Onf Phono Qto. SOCIETIES T 0. O. F.-ENTKIU'lUHtf Lodtfo No 318 J.. mootHovory Thuriidity, uvonhiR at 7.301d Oddrollowii Hair.lnthlrclutonjy DuuittanBlo' VinHlnc.mambornuf othor ]odi;nnwHl reoefv frut.inml wuluntuu. W. CIIATTKItTON, N.' UKNTItAL KMOAMPMlilNT, No. BO. ttiaetil OddfftlloWH'lIal^DuimtanVnioak, ou th fi and third Tur.nduy hioach mopth, VlHlS)ro iliaily ruoolvod. Muuibiira of mibordhiato lodi in thh JurlMdlotlon, hivitod to join. HANNAN, 0. P., O. P. HILL, Boo. J1HHK3C FIHK IIHIOADK. WKJATB MVK1 J Friday ovenhiijin tho Firnmbii'H room I- I tho Htono bulhilnif. .Jan. Uoiiiuriray. Obteu Kobt Pnrltur, OupUtn; A. IJurnliam, /dmiton- nnt;P. Dlhio, Hmirotary; Frt)d.*IIyatt, Trttuimror. COUKT ItQYAL, WO. 213, I; O. IMtiotii Ruconcl and fourth Tuoiidav'a Jo eaot moiitli in 1. O. O. p. Hull at 6 o'clock p. ie, VIMtli-ff brothurn will ho civon a frutmrnaii^ v como. K. MnCaudliuid.O.lt., W. 0. bhaW,a(t 4 M.J.\Vilo.C.D. II. O. It. ' C1 * ' '&**& >*** " The Mtaara MU JRouU.^^TT r\UB. DKWAIt & MaKHNZIK.. I'.A.Dkwaii, M.D.O.M.jF.T.M.B. nonor Oradu- ".y Univonilty. Mombor Collogo Phyi cl Buraoonn, Out. Itouidonoc, Talbo .tl'AIX IN WITJIOIW SVMI'ATJIV Mic I'-Iivopr-Hn 4'<vrriiHH'iit Orlrp TUnt Cuba tit- <;ivcn Ki-ir <;oYrrniiic(it Madrid, March 25, via Bayonnc, France, March li7. It has leaked out In diplomatic circles here that the Span ish Foreign Oillce has been informed by Its Ambassadors in the principal European courts that Spain is not l.ke- ly to rcCuIve more than purely phitonlc sympathy even from the French Gov ernment in a conflict with the Uii.umI States. The Spanluh representative:; In all the Kuropean courtu have dtacover- od that it is absolutely absurd to hope that any Kuropean Government would act in concert to support Spain oven by friendly mediation or moral intlu- eiice. They have also discovered that both the foru'ifc'ii Governments and the whole Kuropean public wonder why Spain does not Immediately tfive Cuba and Porto P.ico colonial autonomy and self-government, such as Id upland .has Iven to Canada, in order to disarm the secessionists in Cuba and to concillato American sympathies, THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Eosox, - Ontario. I^HIH Iuvro and conimodlouii Houno ban . been tlmrouRhly painted and roplnniflbod with now fu.-nifcuro by proiiont propriotronK, tUJIO!! IlAnN IN COKNK0TION, Firnt-CIann Aoconiodatlon Ouarantood. MHS. O. WILKINSON, Propriotrocii. lolu,iifi an Bt.Kant. G; MoKHMaiB. M. D. O. M., Corouor, Now York Pout Oraduato, Pellow Trinlt> Modical Gollofio. Gmduato Trinity Unlvoratty Rouidunco: Talbot Btrot, wont of M. C. it, OfflcDhoum 8 toll a. m.( 1 to a and Oto 8 p. m Offioo in Imperial Bank block, (jrouucl lloor, noxt toThorno'fldruu utoro. 'i'olonbonoin oonnoatiou "with ofuco and ronl- donooi Ordora loft at Thorno'u druir ntoro will bt pjomptly attondod to. OQINO IZXRY Tftltlnaoifoot May 10th, 1805* Kip. Dotroit....... .Windiior '.... Poiton........ Xfaidcitonoo KflBOX......... Woodnloo ,.. Hunoomb ... Comber...... Rldcotown.. Koilnoy....... Ht. Thorn a London......... Ht. Thoman... Hoilnoy......... HidRotown..... Combur.......... Ituficomh....... Woodnloo....... Eimcx............ Mftidfltonti Cr Polton............ Windiior......... Dotroit........... Mall a.m. , 7.1.1 7.10 fl.0;i H.n 8.21 a.ys 8.U7 D.'M 10,17 11.30 a.m. 0.20 Exp. a. m. 0.10 10.10 7.20 10.3*1 8.47 10.00 OOINO WKBT, p.m. 32.10 2Ml) JJ,!1J 107 b.M 5.41 5.60 fl.0'1 (1.14 ll.BO 1.05 a.m. H.35 10.31 11.43 DENTAL. HP. MAIITIN,D.I>.B., L. D. B, Oraduato in Dontintry, Royal Collone of Doutal Burgeon 11, Ontario, and untvornlty of Toronto. Offloo, ovor llrion <fc Cob lB-lv OharnoH, raodorato. drutf fltoro. X3CT A HkTI^ Wl Lo0111 nn[l TrnvoHua Ww rtuli JLJL4AJ Bnloitmon to lmndio our Hnk'.'.y Canadian Grown Nuniory Stock. Wo Kua'antoo oatinfaotion to ' roptoaontatlvoo and ciuc.,mor, Cur nuriiorion are tho lareout in tho Dominion, ovor 700 oeroB. No dnbfltitutlou- in orders, Exohwlvo torritory and liberal tovuia to wholo or part tlmo airouta. Writo on. STONE Si WELLINGTON, mi " (Hoad ouloo) Toronto, Ont, (Tho only nuvtiory in Cauada bavlng tontine orohardn.) 44.3m TO JlliSCt/JC TUX SOUDAX, TJic OhJrrlH or CfPUl ItrlC.ilu'H Lntctit Kx- ptMllll")! Sow ttvplnlurri. London, March 27. Tho Times' cor respondent at"Cairo telegraphs that the Sultan of Turkey lately demanded that the Etryptlnn Government explain tho objects of the Soudan expedition, In .tply the Goverjuricnt otated that i'-Sypt In accord with Great'Britain intended to recover the territory loot by the revolt In the Soudan. The Sul tan has thus forced Kgypt's hand by ellcitinp; the admission that the 'ulti mate object of the expedition Is to leacue the Soudan from the Mahdlata. T1I10 MAXA lli:i.i: UPJUSIXa " aid tu Have lt*ru IM10 to KlTorU lo Ht amp * Out the Outdo I'Mmie. t.IiipL! Town, March 2L Ailvleen received n'otit that scvi-nil whiten .i, uiiu^hii; places uru reiioited lu hayo been ..l.i d oy Xiaiiihflen. It Is asHUiui'd that .in; uiitbreidc in nartty due ti> the mrluyeut uu'iiMU-ifB l'tL'iii..y adopted to Htiimp out Lin- riiid[tt*i>^Hi or Hubs au aittlu iilnKU hi Ithoi.t'sln. Tho foudnesH of the Ktitllrs for ilicu* emtio Im well known, mid the kllllug of them In attempts to iiininp out rludor- It^Ht lias oxoltod much dhieonteut. A ilospatch. from JohimiHWhum In the TriiiiHvaiil HiiyH that tho wlldent rumoru uro ill circulation there roRardlnc the rlHlnif. Ii h hliitud taut the Poors stirred up tho MntuliclcH iigulnst the Drltlsh, but this liinr Is tlceliired hero to bo bnneloHa.> ru- ThiifB l.ookliitf I'p I" l*Kuiiuy^vuln. Pottstown, I*a The Bills &. Lesnif? Stetl & Iron Company has notified its -employed of a raise of wuuCH In evory department of 10 per cent. Tho 'change,' which will go Into en\ct April 1, will beucnt over GOOO wn. Mountain Climbing Has a woudorfnl fasoihatidnfor many mon. And tho higher tho mountain and tho greater spioo of dangor about it, tho more auxioufl is tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing inntmotn whatovor, to Eob to tho ton o[ that mountain. Thoro ia an intoxication; a flory enthnniuam about it that pubIiob ono ou and on, and rootn tir od mnKcloo and inspiroa ilatminRcouraeo to ovorlafltingly'koop at it uuiil tho top is roaohod and tho cooling zophyrd that fau tho brow of tho mountain cool your own throbbing tumplon, Americans have thought that it wu neoounary to go to Etiropo, to thu Alps, to Ond auy full grown mountains to aaalo. Ifu ull inoonLhino. Isn't 1-1,000 feot high cuough, with glaoiorn, Lhoao tuakodoraok. od oroatutoa of ioo and (mow, aud orators aud ikauros and prooipicoB to olimb ovor and round, the aamo uh iu tho Alps? Yes, they are nil riht liero oloao at liaiid, und if ynuaroiutortiHtod to Imow whero.and how aud when, just Bond your addrotio, and Pix corita in RlampB to Ciuh. B. I'kk of tho Northern rooiflo Railroad, 8t. Paul, Minn., and 110 will wind you u book that reoouutH a climb up ono of thu grAudowt peak", of earth, written by tho geutlomun wbotr-atfo tho afioent, Tho ohaptor on thin mountain ia pro- fuooly illiibtratoil iu half tono dtoUinuo talcon by a photoj-raphor who aocompaniod tho party for that purpose. If you.aru in- totooted enough in your own oonntry to dcairo to know about it.u wondorliil noenic foaturori, you want thia book. ___________VETEttJNARY. WH. ItlCHAliOSON, VKVERINARV SUK t GI-30N. Honorary nraduato of Ontario Votorlnary flolloao, Toronto; mombor of On tario Votorinary Modical Bo'doty; Dlplomint in Dontintry; trouta all dinoaneB of domontlcatod animaln;aattIo dohoniod by tho latent improved Loavltt ollppor Calls by telephone or tolo- nraph promptly attondod to. Itoiiidonoo, four doom noutb of griAte mill; office in pout offioo buUdloc; infirmary, directly oppoalto. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMEB fl. LAIKD, Provlaoial Laud Survoyoi and County Kugluoor, Eawix Coutro, Ont Oilloo, Dunn tan lllook, upatalrn. 0.45 7.10 Auilici*iitbu>c; WKHT P m. a.m. a.m. (Ml) 11.50 8,ifi Q.'M 18,0a H.ifi 0.2H 12.10 0.-12 c'W igao our. 0.00 Jjj.nO U-M 12.10 lltD Aoeom p.m. 4.40' fi.OS 8.10 .! R.BO . CM 0.04 7.10 7.U0 B.40 a.m. fi,15 c,:irt 7.li8 H.M 9,UO .M 0,4fi 0.K4 30.04 10.16 1C30 10.M <*i ILocHl VruliiM, KAftT Ennox Edi Jfidparn 7.0O L15 AD RXlnK 0.60 MoGroRor b.4s Amborntbur(( it. 80 a.m. a.m. v.ta 7.1n O.flO fl.BO 0.40 0.U3 O.00 M0 fi.10 4.59 4.B0 4.30 All traliiB aro run on central which in iiUty niinutoa b!o> tlmo. For information and t Intn moving wont apply to John G. ooiiRor Acont, Bt. Thoman. O. W. Hucglolr^ oral PaBiionKor aim Tiokot Anont. OhrottsW, or A. O. fltimorB, Aaont.EBKDX, L- E. & D. R.Ry. TIMK TAELK NO. 20, taking offoot Monda*. Duo DO, 1805. TralnH run by KftBtorn Stand ard Tlmo. Datlv oxcopt Bund ay AUCTIONEERS. HENRY HKDRICK, Auotionoor. Balou promptly attondod to'. Audronn South Woodnloo, One.. Porsono doalrlng to aoouro mo may loavo word at tho Fiiek Pjimbb oflloo. tf n. H3SDRIOK DBINCLAIIf, LICENBKD AUCTIONEER for thu County of Enaox. Hailiff of Ulcbtb BivlBlou Court. All UlndH of Farm and other Galea conduotod promptly. IlntoB voabonablo and farnlBliod on application, Enquirers may apply at W. D. Boamau'a oflloo, or at tbo oulco of Dlviiilan Court Clerk, Mr. Jobu Uilno . 0 H 3 ,6? * 0 'A AU1U 0 25 12.00 o.aa 12.uo o.ao'i2.4o u.4:' 12.4D . "- 5a JOHN GORMLEY, IdOhJNBKD AUCTIONEER for tho County nfEuRox, All kinds of farm stock Balou, oto., conducted promptly apd on abort uotloo, Ratoa ronsonablo. Pornoua denlrablo to orranRO phIou may 3b ho by calling at tho Fuku Piucud ouloo or by applying to 4 J.GOftMWESY, P. O. Box 1W Emiox, Ont. FRANK MoOLOSKEY, Mftldacono, thlrty- Bovonyoara'oxporionoo as an auotiouoorin tbo County AfKflBflx. fialoe con diluted promptly, and ou roayooablo tarras. Part it-a dodirinji to fix tho date for a salo uan bhvo thomaolvo* a drlvo by oalllnfj at tbo Fame: rauuu oflioo. Wo have arrawftod witb Mr\ MoQlonkoy nnd will fix tho da tea for sal on'by taleKtapb* ontltely ttao of all charge to tho uoraon, holdlnK the ,nalo. Ad- droHal/raukMoCloekov.MatclBtonoOroBB.Ont. - BAKER. THM oldest bUHluoRn in town. Eatabllshe 1B76. Flret-clttBH broad and oaks of al .Kinds. Wcddlnt;oakosa Bpoolallty, GroooriOR nrovloloUHj flqut, food,_aan atd pnrk, Confoo- tlonory,orookery,((lanBWare, Cnmu'dtrUltuautl vocotttblouof all kindn. Ooodn promptly 'iu llvoroilto all parts of tbo town, J. M. HIOKB. JOl-tt o.co 0.57 10.02 lO.Oll 10.10 10.117 30^87 lO.-lB 10.60 11.11 11.20 u.2r> 11.05 11.43 11,B0 11.60 ia.04 12,11 12.10 IWU 12.115 P. If. V u 0:20 0.27 e;so H.40 12.03. 0.47 1.10 nc* bio: 0.60 1.30| 7.10 l.OOl 7.] 2.08] 7.27 2 OS 7.1J7 2-BO 7.44 8.451 7.M 4.10 B.C0 4.0 4.45 CIS S.34 MO ft.ns o.od C.lO 0.4fl 7.00 P. w. 8.17 a.as 8.1(2 0,40 6.47 000 0:07 0.12 0 20 0.01 l'.M Btationb. Dop Walkorv'Io Ar Walkorvilio Juno. .........Polton......... ......1 Oldoastlo...... ......1 I'Hqaetto...... ......McQrofior...... ...+ Kow Canaan... ... t Mnrbtl*ld ... ...... Harrow. ...... ........* Asriior......... ......KhiHBvillo...... ......Ruthvon ...... ... I^ftmlncton ... ......WbeathW...... ......i Rcuwlok ...... ......Coataworth ..; ......+ Glo*awood...... ,...;.Morlin......... .4 Buxtou......... ,.. Bandisou ...... ...1 Cedar SpriieB... Bio uh (dm Jan 0 fn .. Bloubo'm ...... .....+wm.(o......... ArRldgotownEop 1 F1K BtutlanB. 'Trainh atop ^aly when there av pflBHcnRera ftt or for those stations.) Ml*d" | trains uro at al tirnpfi subjopt to bo cimoellnd WM WOOLLATT. * Gonoml BupeHntOhdeni ' -t NOW IS YOUR CHANGE Furniture Vi' It Burpruioil uoauy visitoratotha Chioago World'n Fair to flod that 0! ill tho blood- puriflora, Ayer'a Barduparillu wsetho only one on exhibition, .The reasou in that Ayor'nbarHaparillaia a standard remody, and hot, a patent modioluo, or fee ere t uoitrum. lANDAND LOAN AGENTS GEORGE J. THOMAR, Couvoyauoer, Com* mlRflioiiur, In Higb Court of Justloo: d.ialoi lu Ileal Ktetato aud Mortnfio. Mooey to loaic at tbe Lowest rate of lutoratit. Farms boucht and eold. lusaraneo taken in tho.montrollttbli' oompiojIeB. Drawlu^of (loads, mortgages and lenses a. specialty. Chartfos moderate and nil hualuess jwomptly mttouded to. Call at ijhe Contral Teleohoue Office, KflnoiContrfl. BO-ly Best Plaoe in the world for youufimeu nnd womon to aeoure a UuBlaeaa Elduofttion,Bhortbaud,eto., Is the . Dotroit nuBlooBB Uulvorsity. T>o- iroit, Mlob Illustrated eatalotrde Vo- ltefreues I All Detroit. P. JEWICLL. Pres. P. Ii. 8PENCBR, Beo, If you want good' for little mouoy. An immenso Htook of JFuruitUre ioohooao ftom. Everything from a kitobou chair to the. finest <]uurtor out ouk,at prices lower than Buywbore in this county. Kiudly ffive or a call. All pooda delivorod froo of charge. ; WOOD WAISTTEIJ'* "B 100 cords or in oxohahgo for furniture, "'"'i^E UNDERTAKING iSPECJIll ' Fine line of nndert&kinflBUppUeB'ldwi.. band. Will furnish all carriacen ineedsd Prioos riht close. ," ' T A ' "'* r '.7 .1 ^. J. A. HICKS 1 Co,, Essex. *h \lvXMi v'i; ii'!'.;-- ii +: :u '40 15