Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, page 2

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p;;^if^ THE EvSSh '** THD- ESSEX FREE TRESS published Every Friday Morning From the cilice on Talbot Btroot', noxb Dimhtnii Block. Bpouiu.1 attention i(4 paid to ihu publiou* iion of matter of local importance, acoor- 'ate and re'iublo ropnrtit oil Town, noii'.hbor- ing Xowmdiip and County Council proceed- iuue, local and county nmtUot toporhi. oto,, tho oaruf u< and judioiouii rrui.naf[omout of Thb Fukm I'iimim, with r'osipeut tothmm and other ourwftt maUurn of local importanuo, hafl (jiven Ha widenpr<jud prmiti^o in the centre of Kmhox county,which in roeoimii'.od ae one of the bent agricultural dinti'iotn in Ontario. Tine 1'imK I'mcwi hi tbo only medium oivoulatine; thoroughly in thin central portion of the County, and m oon- Bcouontly .without doubt.thoonly thorough advertising medium for bimmoHU people winning to vouch that chum et cnutomorti. COiniKIU'ONnilN'CK.I Our oolumun are alwayn opou for tbo Imiooablo diKiUHiiion of matturti portiiitun- ' stho public'wolfaro. Able comiimondontii in all lIio mirround- V jjj Inenhtieii furnish roliablo roportii of ontu of ii>tHW0t,.ocuuKrmm thoirHovnral lioreH; and the- publiiihor ia at all timon loaned to recoivo inturuHtiiiK itomn of 3WH from any diNpouod to forward contri bution*; Ml oommunieatienH of a private and bobttdontial nature, uliould he no marked >n tlio OUiHiclo of the envelope. HUIIHCHII'TIOH ruiou. ft'i.00 per annum, Rtriolly in advance, 3ltBi)por annum if not ho paid; ana alt arroat'H charged at that rato. APVKUTIHKMKNTH. Transient logal und municipal advor- tiRomentu, notioen, ote., charged at tbo rate of ton oent'n per lino, for Ural insertion, and live ecu Lei per lino for ooch imbiiemiont iiiHortion. All such .udvertiHomoutn aro mcutuired by a houIq of iwelvo linen to fhe inch. TjQoiiI readme and other notioen pub- Uahod umont! local nuvia matter charged at tho rato of ten cento per"running lino for oaoh inacrtion. All noticcrt of church or nccioty enter-, tainmontn of auy deoenption, at which uv admiHHion foe iw -charged, aro regarded an advortincmentu, and fullTfcdvortinintf raten charged in all mich ciuieo. Noticow of (ath- erin^a r muotinKH not for pecuniary bene fit or aid, will bo ohuorfully published freo of charge, Bpocial contract ratoa mado for display of atanding advtn. All lc^nl or profession al oardfl under one inch, 95 per annum. job on coiiuiincjAj^PKiMTiNa, Tho Finns' Eiiisou Job Printing Do- partmont ie undor tho uiiporviHion of thoroughly compoteut mechauicH, aud upooiul attention ia paid to this branch" of tho trado, Our facilities tor tho execution of ull kiudii ol Boolt aud JFino Job Printing aro uuoxcoUod. Stoam ipower proHbon. A call eolicitod. nOATOHHB, UKOUIiATIONH. AU Job Printing and . Tranniont Advortiaint: account e, otrictly caah. Advortiuiuu accouutH with regular fyatromi are eottlod quartorly. Sab- oriptiona duo in advance No nubooription to tho Fnisa Pmcnit, or advortinemont publinhod in it] column" will bo discontinued uutil all arroarH aro paid in full. *" Chanson for adyertiflomentH, to Qoauro ineortiou in tho curreut ioHUo, mnt be handedinnot later than noon at tho Tuoh- day preceding;, and notice of nuch intend ed ohongo iq required on tho Monday pro- ooding. Notice of dificontinuanco o( advoniHO- mentn muat bo tiven at least one week in 'advance of tho jhhuo in winch they aro dooired to layt appour. ADVISIITIHEIIB, Subnoribotfi and patrono generally are rcquoatod to reud tho. above ro^alationo oarofully. in order that, confuaion may be ftvuuied, an they will iu all canon bo adhored to. AddroBR all conjtuunicationa to^ K. JT, LOVELIOK. Puhllfihor the Khhki Fhhk Piikijh, Eoaox, Out " ' t- ' m CLEAR BRAINS, With a Sound Body! Are Bestowed Upon All Who Use Paine's Celery Com pound. Swottt, gontlo nprinfi ia with uu, preflajj- inR Uaveti, bndn amd floweru, and, of asnno, happier timoa. Thouoaudn will wolcome tho balmy air'and xephyr brooztn, whilo a wultitudo, hovoring botwoeu hfo and doath, aro unablo to oajoy or oven appre- olato the bleaaiugi of a kind Proyideuao. A bout of men ana womon aad youtij? ypeoplo ara laid Jow.owiug to disoaoefl oou- traotod during the wintur ktmuoa. ImpuritioB of tho blood, oaufio it to flow hjfcglBhly, awd llio rcsultu are continual htjftdaohou, heavy and clouded braiua, neuralgia, rhcumitiira, and a bovt of other sym^tomrj thnt ondan^or lifo. For all thciio trouble*, Puino'u Oelury Comp*uud iu lie great utul unlailiujjr aura; rt aoU lilco a ah arm on the nervoun nv- tern, producing ptire blood, a ewd and eaiy ' hofcd, qVomv braimi and a sound body. Paine'N Colery Compound 1u an nuparior to Ihi ordiu*ry nervinMe, bittere, narmp urillai a*d pillu *b Mhun^th in botkef than | weakecva. Tho ma of onO bottle will ioou convince the ailing'that Palbe'e Clbry Compound ha,tirtaoi unknown to ntif otWet mlieiue. JU>*. ThontHH Jitnmett KonMndulo, IIoHton- THE 'REMEDIAL BILL, Mr. Wallaces Amondmient Got No Show. " THE HOUSE GOES INTO COMMITTEE He Could Not Live Wan what frlonda old, but Hood's Perfectly Cured Dreadful case of Chronic Ecxehnn. Such m tetdiiiionlftl n wo (five below fow Hicdlclnvii eini i>toduce. It In oneof thouu- andn poiisoHfiod by llood'n HarHtt]iurilla, and proven tho moult of thU medicine. Hellablo, honeuL, iuduntriouu, In what all nay of Mr. Bunuott. Ho han beon cnHftKd ail Kiwflttor in UoHton for 85 yearn, with Yatball, 111 WanhlnKton Btrcot, and Mq- Klnnoy, Wnnhlncton nt., opp. BoylHtdt^.;;::' "0.1. Hood & Co., Lowell, MftHB.: "Gontlomou: lam only dolnff wlut In juHtwhonl tell voluntarily whiitnood'H BarHUpnrllla Jmu done formo. I know It Saved My Llfo. " A yenv quo laut winter, after expouur* to nLormM, I caught-a nevore cold, oftor which chronlo oczoma appeared on tho calf of my l!t log and aprcad all over ray lower limb from kneo to amdo, tind th Itching and burning wttH floiuothlnp; aw ful. Added to tlilH woh ft uovoro patn, neorrtlngly In the bono. At last It became ho that I had Lo give up work and wai nnnhle to wallc. I had to have my leg banda'.:rd nil tbn time and froquontohanK- o of tlio cloVbH. I^or nine monthj* I Mat with my leg renting in a chair. Oh, It Wait drondfull JPrlcnda unld I could notllve long. Xn all 1 had Bovon different phyalclona, all to no purpose whatQver. I knew tho merit of TTood'afinrHa^tirllla aR I hnd, noino ytnn hofare, *nlcen it with benefit, and docldeJ, to try It for my aparor.tly hopelosiioaBO, In two or three dayw alter I bogau my ap- pot'to-.-aa bettor.and my courngo revived, TomcilcoalomrHtory nhort. the eruption ent'reiy dluappcaretl, and *.he IIchIi on my leg romimod porfectly healthy oppoarancu. 1 was Boon nbio to walk about. J cannot lell how amazed my - sigh bora and friends were. I enn now walk without any lamo- Barm- ^^^^ parllla acflB, no well aa ovqr. f ffcCL HavonotthoBllBhtofltftJ.Wt W'^? crapfionor itching or ^te*^ t%/%'%/%^} burning, or any iiort of troublo whatovor with my leg. Tho grntitudo I owe Hood's HitrsanariUaiflHimply unBpakablo."TH08. Bennictt. 172 Sycnmoro St., Itonlludalo, Beaton, MaHU. Try HOOD'S. IPnnrl'c Pnio ttrotautolc9fl,mlld,effe- nOOU S ariilS vo. AUdraidiuu ar. A OUR BELOVED QUEEN. Hor IVloMt Xtooont Plioto, Full Cabinet Size, Given away. Our bplovod Queen Victoria ; find bleou hor aud prenorve bur to her loyal and lov in({ people. Few homen can boaot of having a real ly good and rooont photo of. tier -Majonty, who will noon attain hor 77th voar. Tho Wolln df Hioliardnon Co., maim- faoturora of Diamond Dyon. luivo mado Hpuoial arrangomouta with the . pnlilinborH of "Our Homo," Canada'a bout, pnrcut, moat largely mroulated and moat ent^r- priuing family papor, now in ita fourth year of active and progressive v/ork whore- by they aro enabled to make tbo -following upooial aud gouorouu ofler, good for oiu- month only: An elegant full oabinot photo (from u racent copy tahou by roval command), of Jler Majonty Quooa Victoria; a four-page pamjihlot civing daton of births, marriaeea and doathfl andi other HoroB of iutoreotini.' and uaoful information relating tho Itoyal family, that bht few people have uecenn to; hix Diamond _ Dye dolln with oix oxtra drouBeH, and a card of forty-fivo namplun of dyed cloth, nhowing colors of Diamond Dyoii will be Bout free to ovory man. women and child who will uond in 25 oenta in mowoy or etampn for one yearn nnli- Dcription to "Our Homo," "a paper that thntifumdii deolaro to ho worth a doll'ir The oabinot photoa of tho quoen are worth -10 to CO oeutn oaoh, and can bo ob tainod only an promiuma wlthMOur Home." If you dosiro to bavo pure and wholo Homo reading matter for one yoar, and the proraiumH au promised above, wond your name and addroBB at once. Tho wboU- coBt, romomher, i^ only 25 coutu. AddreoH Wollo & Riohardtton Co,, Mon- trt-al, V. Q. A Great OF THE V VERY BEST. More now otyleit, handtuiuioot ho- lectiopti and clioicont novoltien iu Men'n, Womou'n, Mieeob' and - Childron'D Boots, Shoes and Slippers When you hco our carefully select ed utook you may know tlio pat- roust of this catablishmont will not flrdt-olauH goodH, Wo are earcful to buy the best; price marked on tho eoln of each pair. Kconomy, ' comfort and Hatiuuictioii g;ooB wltb ovory. pair of thoHo iihoen. Cumom work a Hpoeialty. For tho boat Shocn at fair pricon, go^to Jas. Douglas, Whitney Block - Esaey Ha U*l Mnjortiy - Kelildil "" 31 a. art. Wbou lh:vryililim li. ^Jounldflred Muuy luk-y .lli'iiilw.fH Nut CoIuk to tui irrto|titi Amihi x<riu- , Uluit ut ^itiiiulluii <Ht(1' Ottawa, Murch 27. The whole of the Riu-niuon mimilon and a Krt-ater part of ihu evenhiu uUUnn wan taken up In a dlneii.stiiun of it uattlu exaluiiloji hill, now heluru the Imperi al I'arlliuuent. Mr. I^tmu-i- k' a reuume of the ij.o- Uon oi' the Uuvernnient In proving th6 ucn-exliitenci> of ph-uro-pn> uuionla iunong Cainullan henlH.'juul cunrduded by movlnn a n jjoiutluu s.atlnjj rorth " that the I'lLrliinnenL oi: Ciiuacla-.wlilhit wot wluhlriK tJ luterCui-u in any way with IcghiliUluu L-om>',idi:i'c(i ii^ ci'f.sairy In tlm UiiUud Klnjvdoiii, i|i.-:,iiv:i n:- iipocttully to piv.tcijL ;i:.;;iln;U the pet ntauejiL exeluHlon of ^iinuUlan OiLttl*:, on tin; ground of th-- existence of I>I(-uri, i In C;li;:k|;l, and to uxprujiji In tho HlruiiK^iU pus.sibh; man- r.ur It.s bi:lit;].' that iiluurw-pn.iiiiiinniu ban not lu the punt, ami du--:i noL ul the pimil-iu tlnie, oxIki In (jiLiiada." - Air. Aluluck nmue u b nr.'liy Bpeech, in which he jjrovod eoueluslvidy tin? Donihiloii <Jovornment v;:in retiponalblo for the tiuhcduihu; of CJtuiudlan tiatil". He coucludud by moving, the following amendment : "That, Jn view of the repeated nlllclal deidaniUoiiH of the UrltlHh (Jriviii-niuent of ib>- .(xhuence of pleuio-pneinuonia Cunadlaii cattle, ami tlu* nciiuini coriHeunencei; to Canadian Interests frmn tho pasBn^e Of. tho bill now before the Jirltiah J'ar-. llaiuent, which'would permanently ex clude catLle from Ureat Jirltain, this IJouho roKret.s that tho notion of the Government of Canada Una not 1> on mmh aa to protect the cattle lndutitrv or Canada from the sei-Joua Injury cal culated to accrue to it from the pa.s- tiiutu of suoh a inimi.hure. air.Chiirh.'H Tu.i-per, ail'T reecHs, con tinued his r.'ply to Miilock's Htrlctures re cattle e*rnbai'K'>. Who were tin- ex perts on whose Hill Canadian cattle Were scheduled? Prof. Jimwii was ;i paid olllcer of the lioard of Agrlmiliuiv, one of the chier purpuses ot' wliloli is to Rxcllide all foreign eat lie as wen as Canadian cattle from I ;i linin. Prof. Quid, another of the experts, hail de clared .<, earim of (Janadhui cattlo in fected with Texan U*vaT, but on re examination within 1!4 hours admitted lie was wrong and had to report to his Government that his first. roport wa wrone;. The HUggoHlions of the Imperial authorities wt-rft such that it wua Impossible to comply with thorn, but the Clovtrmnent had done every- thlnt? possible and had collceted and presented an overwhelming mam; of-ov- Idenee which proved that there wan no phmro-pneumoniji. in Canada. . The entire Colonial Olllco had been' eatis- fied of the health of Canadian herds and Lord Itlpon on this question took a stand at variance with his Govern ment associates. Thu fuveuiosL veter inary sur^eoiiH of Knpland who exam ined the alleged diseased lun^H aald there was no proof of pleuropneu monia. The pecullararitles of some lungs were unquestionably due to tran sit pneumonia caused by excesses of cold and heat en route. This was never found In Canada and moreover was not contagious. The Imperial Government were vio lating the statute under which they were acting-, for It only gave them the scheduling power In case of reasonable evidence of the existence of contagious diseases. If the cattle trade was to be at the mercy of throe- veterinary ex perts of the Hoard of Agriculture per haps the present condition of affairs was a good thing, for it showed where Canada stood. Finally. It might not prove an excessive evil, for it would lead to the building' up of a fatted cat tle trade, thus retaining to Canada tho profits of tho fattening of cattle. Sir Richard CartwrlKht held that Sir Charles Tupper, In dealing with tho question, had been excessively contro versial with the Imperial authorities Instead of diplomatic. The motion be fore the House would do no good, but It would be well for the Government to make an offer as to the Inspection of Canadian herds, an examination of ;he cattle at the port of export, and even, as to the prohibition of cuttle in tran sit trade If necessary In order to se cure the removal of the embargo. The debate was continued by Messrs. McMillan, McMulhn, O'Brien, Feath ers ton and Sutherland. It was closed at 12,30 a.m., when Mr. Muloelc's am endment was lost on a division, and Mr. Foster's resolution was then car ried on a division. The adjourned debate on Sir Chas. Tuppor'n motion to (ro into committer on the Remedial Bill was resumed by Mr. Wallace, who moved an amend ment, seconded by Mr. McNeill, that It was unwise and Inexpedient to pass the bill- lie trustod-the Government would approve of his amendment, al though he had some double about It. (Laughter.) Ho proceeded to explain how. In his Judgment, there had been undue haste In this matter. This was legislation; which * affected the future of the country. Parliament, without due consideration, was propos ing to enact legislation, which was ab solute and irrevocable. Moreover, this Parliament was not specially charged to deal with this question. .He himself could not claim to represent the views of hla constituents on this subject. The othei day he had received a petition signed by CO electors of West York, asking him to vote for the measure. Those gontlemen might rc-prescnt the vitwu of the majority of bis constitu ents although he doubted it ; but It on]/ showed that this Parliament had no mandate from the people on this question, and the better plan, there fore, before passing this legislation was to learn the views of. the constitu encies rcirardlng It. Mr. McNeill said there was no moral sanction behind this bill. The vote on the second reading showed clearly that the people did not approve of this measure. Subtract the votes of the members of the Government and of those gentlemen who , did not intend to present themselves to the electorate again, and there was no majority be hind tho bill. It would be well, there fore, for the Government not to press this measure., Mr. Martin, while freo to vote for th,- amendment, felt he could not sub scribe to tho declaration in the am endment that the bill was absolute and irrevocable, as far as Parliament and the Legislature was concerned. The amendment wan lost on a div ision, and the House went into com mittee on the bill. On clause 1, Sir Charles Tupper aslc- ed If Mr. Laurler had'any objections to tbo clauso belriBr carried. Mr. Laurler demurred to any clause being1 passed nt this hour. Sir Charles Tupper said, as the asfreemetit reached tho other day ban been faithfully carried 6ut, he would not preUB, the clause. , i The commltte roe and reported t>ro- Krf'HS. i Mr. Da vies asked If It wttro true that 80ME ODD MARRIAC3E3. ltfMrlmoiilut Vcutiirn* >T MiJny I'noull%r Kl...ln'1'lm! D..U...I M.M.IulA UiTltMi, iaanHrifiBni:y **urkoH TiQ> ut' fch0 u L v ,a,i*l* ', mari-bid a /.wnnty-yearold Ihl \r",U' t,iBHlltman fco e* Hnnl Tl ,f ,IoMMh the servant Honor, who 1m tlo:,,t>wimtlu ln imch nmture nee tlum laont disitingulHbfld LKt,raffiuiTt.irlHmen, itnd has re- . peate.dly held the olllco "f Prhim MlnUter of New South Wales. Anions the moftb notable c.aM's are those of Sir David Kviuui, who was knighti'd during his term of olllee as Lord Mayor'of'London, n.nd \vIioh wifti was a (ihiiiubia'niaid at tint Seven Oitlcs Hotel In ICimt, whurn he was In tint liuhit, of uluyiiiu ou Ills (Ishlnjj exeursionn. Sir Henry Hawkins, tho eminent Knglish JudgiMif tint Snpn'me CJourl., iinirried liiy hrnisinnaid, while the s;<u:oiid wilVof the lute Lord Bmnuvidl had- previon-ly lllled the nlllcft of cnolc iu bin cMt.ub'.tililiient. The late Marl Si am ford married his umx- ei'al Hervanf, a nc^rejiM, Nror uni siktIi nmrviaLM--' antbe^e (ionftm*(I to the Kn^liFih aristocracy. Tlio Dowager Tliiclics'i of [toolii'-foiieaiild, mother of t.h head of that illustrious house, was., a laundre^'i. whih; tin; Dowsuer Countes'i of Wjtldsteiti, who>i; son, now dead, married Princess Met l.craicdi's daughter Pusallne. had ln-en a cliainhermaid In her husuaiul* llOII^ellold. f'omit, Kim-ae Kinsley married his yatinilres-., and old Count Octave Kinsley, whn^* drnl li ill;-the ii wo of H'l has juitt tukmi plac(', disgusted bis relatives by wedding a udmlly uneducated and exceedt Ingly ithjeci ittiiulile woman wlio bad filler] the position of scullery maid in hhi kitchen.. After marrying him hIiu rc-ndi-ro.d heritidf no abhorrent to the people ot! the district, I especially the peasantry, that; on two on* casifniH slui was shot at. The Count bim; self was placed under legal restraint n couple of years ago by hi4 relatlvoHtn. prevent him from dissipating his vasli estates and ruining his property In order; to satisfy i.he greed of bis plebeian-born ' wife. Vei another nohleman who hat married. a servant is Princi' fJregnry Sfnnrdza, the. rirainiatnan general, senator and ^tatos- man. 'I'hei'C are i.wn instances of women; occupying menial positions weddinp;; royalty, oia> being Posina, the morganatic.; wife of the late IC.lnu Victor Kmma'nuel of . Italy, who wiii a ehamhermaid at an Inn when she attracted his attention. The oilier wa^ that nf t he consort of Peter the Great, who wa-; elevated to the dignity of Empress of Hu*^ia, and frnm whom la descended present occupant of the throne. Still more numerous uve tho hiHtancou of wen tea of runic see Icing mates In the kitchen or stable. Princess Adolph Chi* | may U marrind to her English butler, who ' who rejoiced in the name- of .Tobson bo for* she purchased for him tho Italian tltlo of ^count. and the Pulce of Fife's sistor, Lady Ida Hope, first eloped with and then mar- ried hor groom. Princess Elisabeth Tloheaholie married one of her father's na>] sistaut gumokoppars just a few weeks b- foroglvlng birth to a child ofwhlohha' was the fathf-r. Besides those there are a u'd many' families of rank who are duscended from [ nervantH. Sir Horace Itamhold, the British envoy at The Hague,'and one of the mos4 : distingiiinhed diplomatUt.s in tho snrvlel' of Queen .Victoria, is descended from man who'worked his way . up from tha butlershtp of one of tho clubs in London to the post of flovernor of Madras, and lb was for Ids services in the latter capacity ' that he was created a baronet, the dignity , now borne by Sir Horaco. Thon thoro li tho Marquise Hervey de Saint-Denis, ona of tho leaders of Parisian society, and an Intimate frlond of Comtesse de Paris, who 1 the daughter of un English Rroom named Ward, who, commencing as a stable boy, ended by becoming the I?rlm Minister of tho Duke oTPftrma. Prino* Henry of Batten berg's slater-in-law, the-i now widowed Princess Alexander of Bat-' tonberpfand Countess of Harteneau, Is the Ihhuo of a union between the valet and the cook of old Field Marshal Count Martini, i Tho ontire princely house of Murat li dencended from King .Toachim of Naplaa,', whoheRan llfe-as a stable boy, while tho ' first Prince Kutusoff, the founder of the powerful Russian family of that name, i achieved his groatness by tho skill which he displayed as valot and barber to Cvav Paul. j Tho Dukes of Marlborough arc descend- > ed from a chambermaid, while the first Duchess of Marlborough lived to see a mnn who had been in hor service blossom ' into a Secretary of State- and a Pot-1 master-General.- I if Ib Troablo was in tho Kidneyii, . * 'Vblw wuh the cum with Mr. }). J. Loek, f Bin rbieolu1, Que, tie nufferiid for three < a"H from a <a mplieutfcd undo of Kidney i il Bladder ilirniiMi>, ami ptnt ovar one findrid dnllar* tor iruititiHint, but uovtir M-ilved mailed relief until, to uue 1i!h own Mrdii," I. hryiiu llie unc of Bouth Atneri- -n Kidnoy Cu.u. when four hottlon com- retolv ourud me," Kidney diiumHo has iintc.nt'd ltd fiinjin on hinidrods of others i' Hides Mr, Lccko, but nwry one can find uure, olfeetivo und npedy, iu Hoiltli ' tnericau ICidnny -Cure. Iu mont dis- i MMiinf.; cttswn relief is nt'cuvad in six bourn. ,,ldby it. Thonio. Xli<- Tlmn I'or ItulldluK Xip the sVidem is nt this sonnon. The cold weather bus nnrdu vmunml dro-mu upn tho vital forces. The blood baa beoom* itiipovuriulied" and impure, mid all the ft'inetleiiH of the body nufer in connquonoe.' Ilood'it Hhr hui h villa In tin* (/reut builder, beoatiso it iu the One Trim IMood Purifier uad-uur-vu-tonio.-------------------------- IIond'H IMls tho favorite cathar- tin with nil who Uhe them. All druggieta. 2ao. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS TOR TAXES. 'I(J\VN OF KHSI'jX, I Whereas by virtue nt a warrant lpunud by tbo Mayor of tke To Wit: 11 Town of Essex, in tbo County of Kwm'X and uutluintieated by 'ho eorroniio i-eal of the said Town bearing date the fourth day of February, 1800, ml to mo din died eomniundhie- me to lovy upon the fnllowiim lots or parcels of lands i i.rr< arn far tuxes dun thereon with coatfi. I in ii-l.y j;i\e or tu:n that unlet-a the Haiti tnxon and costs are coonef paid I 'nhiill, on wdiuiKdiiy, the 'Mih day of .1 sue, 1 N'Jii, hi tlio hour of ten e'cloek m the forenoon, at Peck's Hall! in the Town of I'hmex, proceed te sell by public auction the uuid landH or o much t hereof au uniy bu outlicii tit to pay mieh arrears of taxes and ull lawful oohU incurred : Plan. Lota. Taxes. Coiits; ;i()7........................aH..............M.OH........ ftl.l)5... :i()7.................'......:i).............. -LOB..........l.'la... Mir, ................H.............. '10 1)11.....:....2.'I7... : ..................7 andH............S7 o:i..........a.a-i...... ....,, 17.1H 2.15 Total. S0.0R B.03 BB.1B (50.87 28.IKI jo.on .... ...,rr>s........ 94.79 3:t.0..........'1.23........87.9S 7'.l........................h parts 2*i ami '27 tl) I Til..........................part 1 (ill f '21,7..........................'27 and UH ;ui;i.......................- ..28 and Ul Mock 31............. .......... ?-u...........i"15........ 0-25 ninck 10............ ...........................-I0.D0.........,2.7'2.......^.. 48.1X W. D. BE AM AN, Troauarer. Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS eit] er as Power or Pumping Windmill^ Por prices and terms, address Essex, ^ Ontario. Agent for Essex County. IE ARE tho trade in ull kindu of. Binldinp Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Born Lumber, Sliingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal, Jtaadlntf a Taprr T"rom Home, He was Rotttnff home from business he, h merchant well to do Tlie wheels of the electric oar were throw ing sparks of blue, And around him won? acquaintances who, where they Htood or sat, By look or wortl or gesture, were inviting to achat, . ' v Bnt quite iRnorinK all of them, except to bow aud smllo When hailed by soma ono at tho door or just across the aisle, He read with boyifrii oacemesit, whll* Bpeeding o'er the street, Tho poorly printed pitmen of a little coun try sheet.. He rend of Tom Jones' enterprise in adding to his burn, And learned that "Solon Huddleson has got a brand-new yarn." That "Aunty Slrapklns gave a ton," that "crops aro pretty good,11 And that "Ab Bailey came to town aad brought a load of wood;" Well, yes, theso things are trlficH, porhatm, to you and mo; For him they are reminders'of the timed that usfid'tn ho; , And from bin busy city life ho glancetf hack with joy To see tho town that circumscribed his 1om ine;n oru hoy. Knch poorly prlntod paracraph uponth* homoly shoot Prcaenta a scono familiar or a friend he used to moat, And maybe you can toll It by the emllfta that quickly come There's mention of his mother and th* other "folks" at home. Men wander far for fortune and, And it, too, and yet .. The farm and nlothful village- audita folk ..they no'or forpot; And thero'tt not a tlilufl; in city Hfo whloa Kreator joy can rIvo Than tho little country paper printed where they uncd to live, Columbus DIapatoh. WINDMILLS \\ o lire Solo Agents in tho County for Of ChiofiRO, whieh took HiRbont AwardH at tho World's Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A writtou guarantee with ovory Oufcnt.J Laing Bros., Essex. J. GOUR.LAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT Idloey In tin* Cuht*y. . "Vour hired man reminds me of a fam ous author," said Hawkins. "Lara1^ because -ho Is meek J" asked 'Hicks,. "Nope." ' because he U tall V *Nop." "Who, tbenf* *Oulda becauae he weede.* I. :a:<^.im^ TEE TUIDMPH CORN BHELLER . - X>H5SOn.I3ETD'IC>3Nr- . ,;'.. ' . Thin Machine ponuiats of a lionEonfcal.caBtoyHiador, "with wtougnt iron- bias, with Biool tooth bolted to tbo oyliudor so as to bo tovorBiblo when Ihe.c teeth bticoalu worn on tbo front Bido, vuuniitg in a.jj^rforuled concave ^ironS -boll, which tbo Bbellod corD panacs tbrougb into a1 shoot iron ouSe, with"m an or clf>i>nor attaobed below, wbioh takes ail the dust iiom tbo grain, Sffl ^bQapofit bci-t, meet armplo and durable Power feorn holler iii^' use; >heM lorii /porfofltly clean in any co.nditicn shelling and oleaning from ono to twlj bousahd busbolB of oairfl.per day, according, to power.^. '. :.v5| DiMBNaioNB. Pulley, 10 in* dianfef iter, ft in. i'aco; Motion, 300 to 800 revolutions per minute; \Weijrtti 550'Tbf| ' 'every sheller*warbahted. ^r^m^ ' j.^^ay:as^ '}\'.f'i-^--'^MB^

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