Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, page 10

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m Stfi'V - W^^^?F^W- i :1 'I'M - .*'1 THE TIMES DEMA IT TEACHING THE YOUNG Marked Progress of Educa tion In Ontario of When you pay out money you must i*vl extraordinary value in return. See what your money will'tlo with me. 200 Boft Felfc Hats, all thin Boaeon's styles, 50c each. 150 Fedora Hiitf", black, and brown, at 70c worth 90o. 220 Fedora Hats, black and Thrown, $1 ONLY. 175 Fedora Hats, brown and Cuba, at worth $1.50. $2 Fedora at $1.75, $2.50 at $2, $3 at $2.50. gaps Hundreds oi Gaps, prices from lbc to Sjj>X. You should see those goods before buying elsewhere. black, iS1.25 JOB LY OF TIES Spring Tion, worth each; tliis 40c week 1 for 35c or 4 for $1. TOP SHIRTS Black Sateen' Shirts 50o, G5c, 75c, $1, $1:25, extra value. Other linos in colored Shirts remarkably cheap. COLLARS Prices from 10c to 20c each, all the latest styles, Link CuffH,'4ply, 25c. White Hand kerchiefs from 2c to 25c each. BRACES Call and see my 25c Brace worth 35c. . . Wall Paper . . 1 have secured samples of Wall Paper from the Consum ers Wall Paper CoM Windsor, and can save you from 3 5 to 25 per cent, on your money. Prices ranging from 3a a roll up to 50c. Be sure and call before buying elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods. 1SU4. 4GG.027 435,G11 ;t;i.ji7i liO&VM'i :m:i,!ii:i 3!>l,-IlHi . Whitney, HATTER MD FURNISHER. -x: t600AgpERSOMAL Editor MqNqq, of bho WindHor Record, vcaa in town on Tticmlay. 0, 3?. Euro, of Wmdnor, wan in town on WsdniBday on bunitiOHH. J. H. Nicholson, of Dotroit Modiatl Col- lego, ih iu town thiH wook. IL'ihq Mary Groonway nperit a fuw slayi ltut Wftok with friondB in Detroit. Mi4u Kfiio Shaw will upunil the Kaator hoiidayu at bar home in Rodnav. Urt and Mm. Thou. Bquiro, of Ruthvon, Viiittid friaudii iu town thiu week. T. J. Barrett ban beon upending & few dnyii with bin family at TilnDnburg. Mr. Doobutadtir, of Wellaud tort, in yifiitinf> bin taster, Mrs. Wm. Laina. G. V.. Bhorriu, ih Bpuuding the einter hohdayo ut bm homo in Bowmanville, Ont. Mra. CbuB. White and lira. S. B. Oreon, Bponbu fow days latjt wack with frioad* in Niagara, Ont. Mr. Hi C. Lindsay, of 'Detroit, pont Sunday with her parent* hora, Mr. and Mrn. Wm. Greenway. Miua Winmo Orten, of Cottam, tt'in the ttrillinory dopartraant of McaarB, Foraytfao, Andernou & Co.'s store. C. A. Lohnos who in engaged in the fivaagoliotio work, la in town apendinir a few doyn with his niiitor, U, H. M. Paul. Mr. Cafilor, of Boston Mills, in visiting her Qiator. Mr. Wm. Church, and hor daughter, Miao Atmio, who ia attending tha High Hohool here. in:' fji'-' rl".. ' foil-' IMPLEMENT IDEJUIVEItV. Jacob mcilcliellt a Woodulaa rtlmi Hu"iirlHRlIic> AborlglucM. Jftoob Mitobatl'a jjroiiti imploniont dn livory wuu in evory way a nnooooa. T.ho baud oponod tho day'b proooodiUK'i by novoral BolootioDa, while tho waffouH wore being loaded. At 11:110 diuuur wuu uu- nouueed, and had boon providud bv Mr. Mitoholl for all tbu guotutt and pMruhaauru, and until 3 p. m. all the avnliabli* dining- toom Bpaco was ocotipiod At 3:110 nlurp, tboflpeakorfl wore oallou to^tbo platform ami uddrotinod thopeoptoin tbo fnllowinu ordor, Mr. McColm, Rouorul ugonb tor Noxon, Brou. aotinn uh ohairman; Mr. Milnuk1, uf Olmtliam,(wu^o)i bianufuqturer, oooupmd about 15 miuutoB in tilling the penplo tbo right kind of wheel vehiclou to buy. Thou followed ux^vovo WJntomnto, o MuidwtouM with a capital-kfldroHU onim- ptoVod luefcboda of funning. Huv. Mr Ayoru. followed &ud impVocuttwi ou tho mlndn ttf ptirobaufcrHof thoHo Hevtralcoodii tliu'n<M!<] of'tuklnje care of toam, now that. they, have- bmt*bt fchem. Then Thou. Noxou, trenmirtjr of (be firm of Moxor, BroH., Iu*tfwoll, tol!j how hia futbr. and nnolo started in a vory Hmall way and by olooo attention to buinono and kuopin/f out of monopoliea liavo oomu to tho front with tho bent fjoodii that money and mochanio'il nkill oan produce, Jnmi-t MoMurray, or F-naex, wan horry to admit that although boint; an a^out for Noxon Bros. Co., for name time, could not brinu any anoh a orowd of people toRethur in Essex town, Thon followed "Doacon" Mu Noq, of the Record, and found it vory Imj-d to Hoop out o! politios whilu npuakinp;. Mr. Biroholl, a farmar of tho townauip of Rootieytor, gave bin early exporionoo in (anuintf, citod the rapid utridos tho farm orn had naudo in tho paBt thirty yearB. W. J. Thomaa of WalUervillo, at one time Reeve of Roclioatob told of tho iipa aud downn of hia early Ufa an a former. F. H. MoPhernon, of tho Windsor Review, mado a abort addra&B but not biing a farmer, oould not nay muoh iu that lino. LuHt, but. by no moaua least, oaruo tbt* plnoky little Frouahman, D. B. Odotto of Winduor, who Ih out to win in the next Rnaoral uleotionR Against all oomer. Hia addroflw wuu short, well dohvored and to tho point. He also reminded oaoh one that in a Hbort timo ho would ho on a dif- ferout lino of stumping. Aftor thiH uevoral aeleotiotiB were given by the baud, and a couple ol negro comodiana mado tbo' hc cawion lively by a fow old timo molodi*m. Then tbo proomniioH wuo formed conwiutir/K f 6! toamH loaded with implemuntB, whilo two more ours of machinery woro not, un loaded owing to tho purchauerH not oora'iig. Groat praiee ib duo "Jako" in tbia enter- prifio. Tho following are tha namew of nome of tho pnrobuHora and who took part m the great procoaniou: S Reod bindor, W Holkio binder, J MoMurren mowor, W Mylue mowor, W Wiloox drill, O Wilcox drill, W Math em drill, W Wright drill/PBennot mowor, G Cronmillor plow, WBbuvplow, G Hclki-j mower, IS. AluMahon bmdor, ,f Rioo har row, G Woliz barrow, 0':Ku1ght plow, G Hunt plow, A.oo Loiler harrow, Oobariiu Broo. drill, Oartior * Warnor bnok'uud tile machine, W Bnlbeir harrow, W Mc Fjiitoer plow, A Taylor mower, J Arm fltrong harrow, J Moo cult-vato.', L[ Kniator A Co hinder, vV Boggn harrow, 1' Paioloy harrow, G lions drill, E Mariftt' mower, W Joyo mower, J J on Hum mower. J Mayboo cultivator, W Cook drill, V Moran drill, D Uced drill, J 'Pottor drill, J Hillinr wagon, Mntilon Hilher wagon.i Q Cluler wagon. J Baaon burrow, A PiiBHey drill and binder, P Lteharlto drilT W Galloway ralio, G Dnpuo bindor, P Puroiir, bindor, and drill, RMagon drill ui d rolUr, R Rowe rnlltjr, I Vanavory rollor S JttukiuB plow,.Tohu RmiLh wai;on, and W Alltunn mower, AS SHOWN BY MINISTER'S REPORT HkierenHf) lu tl UcIjuuI R'okialatlull Hlai Coiiffdk'nllou-IIW lll^li Ktihuolli ' MnVti IV<Kr<j*a-<l I'liflf vVUiud-' *il klurfiilutiiiu tut rrryuruUutt for tUv Vfellu ol' 1 UV. Toronto, Maixih 30. Thu report ift>* iftuft ot: ihu .Minister of Kiluc*iUUm piM- *eiitH doiriu i'notii lnton-'jitiiii-; to all ptrf- Bonn who have at liuurL the inouroin* In imeiul hr.Lrntu]; of ou-r youthful potfuil&tlon. The (-tiLtlHtlen arc brought <lcwn to Dec ;u, laur. 'JMie fjirhoul populnLlon C>-'^\) numbtirH 59.'t,H-(l), th.- tota-l niinibt'r ui' punllii ro- jflutcriHl an in aUuinlancu n.t. tli.- Pub- Be i;(-lnjnl:i, ,'is:;,^u;:. I"<u- iit.i- fin<-!t- ,.X>)aUjal>Ii--yIjiiMon, tho iifvuivn under ilrctjc ht'tullnn!! dn nut h'.> In- CrcJJMf: ihiLL Mlliiht h.'LVi: 1><-L'll <:X[KjC.ti!d tiiiiQi: 'iStiT; on LIil- othi-r huiid, Lh ii.vtti-- u.jj.1? ,. atU-nUiiticc \um Ikm-ii nd- VutnotWl remnrkni.tly, fron. U per cent. In 1SH7 to r>ii \>av emit. In IHltl.' School:! are not ho crowdtMl it:i ornn.'Hy, ventilation Ih litimitiHy bet- ter.nnd t'onshbTitbh; proj^r.-HH lm.H bc'cn mil.dft In the various bnuich.-H of lo&riv Ing, for Instance, tlien> were: 1M17. In: WritlnK ........ .'.....2:11,73-1 In .Arltlnii'.tk! ,.;........^-n.r.oi In Dnuvlntf ............. G.-If.O In Oi^Ki'n-phy ............272,17:1 In HlHtory .............. 01,7M7 In Mu^lc................ -17,(118 In -Grammar .............117,112 In Tt'rjiperanoe ........ Nruie SOMK WTKTtK.STJNn PIGnilKS. KlntorKartoiiH confliu'd mostly to oltli-H itiid ti>vvni: fro!u tmiall lx-jrin- riin^n, iinvii reiu/hcd the n.-Kpoctn-hh! IlKUn .- <>r !H) HiliOLlh1, ISt toaidi.rrs. with n ivcbool Jittondancu of '.i:mo. NlK'ht .sc.h.>,.! all In clth>sor townw tc-aehora arm 10:t7 In attendance. There la a Kratlfylnpr Incn.-aHe In the midr of certincate; 2y t..-aelu>rti "hold HrHt-clasA; :ilS-i si.-eond-cle.s.s, and -nrd tliird-clii.MM. Tho hurn-ber ' who intended o, Normal school ,1207, an incrcaao fdnee 18fi7 ot 25-11. SnlarleH, mvlntt" to the over Innrr-as- inpr employment of female tr-aclu.-rs, are not what L'hey oukIu to be, $121 for male and jaoo for remain teachers b&hvpr -ni average for the province. The people in general take ureal Inter est and pride In tholr nehoolp, and are wllllm? over to exert thomse-lveji to M-eure to every child a fair amount of education. This Is proved conclu sively by the preat num. $>t,2-ifi,m, ox- pe-nded during ISO I. an Increase on 18fi7 of $2,774,1)12. The cost per pupil- far nmaller than any Flat* of the Union Is $S.7ft. Roman Catholic Sepa rate pnhoolH number :!2S, with 71-1 teachor.s and 39.702 pupils. Much pro-, profit has boen mndn In the^ schoola Klnce 1807. and it la the policy of the Government to rnaUe thorn as efficient ns the Public schooln. Protestant Separate nchools of whieli Micro are but 1ft remained in much the Fame condition for neveral yearn; they .are efficient with 13 teach ers nml 520 puplln. HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGIATE .INSTITUTES. Under an excellent oyLem of Inspec tion, the Hlffh schoola, Including col legiate IiiHtimtey, have made great etrld'.rs durinu; past years, notably Olnca 1877. In 1Su7 they were 11)3 In nuimhur, in 189-1 12U; the amount of fee'j JID.GOS. as against $10!i,2'.i7; total receipts were $134,571), as aynlust J7-I0,- GB1, anrt" a total expenditure of $liM,~ 181, aa aijulnfit $G8S,532. FupllB Increased from fjGOG In 18C7 to 23.B23 in ISM. Avc-ape attendance from H398 to 14,4(13; In Latin, fH71 to 83G6; In Greelc, 802 to 1080; In French, 21G4 to 10,f.:i0; In German, nil to 27S5; EnKllsh . Grammar, G4G7 to 23.3-18; h Uitory. -1 (134 to 2:1,2G!); ffeo- praphy. G2(M to 23.41 S; arithmetic, SG2G to 22,404; algebra, 2841 to 2l2ii3 ; pucllu. 1847 to 20,5i;ti; and correepond- lnir Increases In trigonometry, physics phemlfitry. botany, etc. Perhaps the bctit teat of the Hlsh'school work la that of matriculation into tho Unlvei- city. The number of puplb who pasff- ed this tent succesKfully In 18G7 was CG, and In 1804 4S2. EXTENDED USEFULNESS. When tho High achool ayfltem of the province waa flryt inaucurated, Itti primai-y object was; to prepare pupils for the learned profeaslons, and enpe- cballyforthe unlvernlty. While Jn that reaped our HlKh bcIiooIm amply fulfil their orLcrlnal purpoHe, In Liter -yearn the course or education which they pro vide how beon connidered a, desirable qualification for varloun other pursultn In life. Many younir men In preparlnj; for mercantile life or for agriculture take advantage of the High school, perhaps not ao much because of the di rect training- which It given for their intended calling aa for the superior culture which It provides. In 1872, 483 High school pup/lla, when thoy flninhed their HlRh richool education, entered mercantile life. In 1894 the number had Increaned to 103G. Similarly, 300 High school pupils left the HIkIi school for agricultural pursultn and In 1801, 934 pupllB pursued a similar, course. In all, the Hii?h schools gave to mercantile life and to agriculture in 1801 1970 pu pils of well recognized educational standing,'and to the universities and the learned professions the same year 951. The whole number who left tho High school for mercantile life since 1S72 was 18,709 and for agriculture 14,- cchonl property In 3l0(fJM,4:iU, and 111 ;11 tirhiinl pi'dptn'ty ,^1,71)^,1^0. ^'ANl'I'.AUV ^OXDl'I'fON* ()[' 'I'lie^jMlnlL'ter. n;HiJM*Kn that : " T-'rom hiy intui'CMiii:,!- wltli tin- lmipncturs and my tdiMcrvatloii lii-:p(t^MtiiKrthrnugh thu country at diftVrenl. Umos, I bueame ImproHMed with the fact that many ucliooi Hi^js and nchooi prembres wen; not kept In tiuch u Hnnltiiry condition u-H wan beci-HHary for Hh: comfort and j health of (he pupllM. In nriier to ffot 1 mich Inl'onnatldii ,\n would enable nn* I to deal with tin. mutter, idtln-r by r'- BUlatlou of tin- Kdmmthm l.)i-|>artiiiint or by arL of rarliameiit, its thi-cir- ciimiiiances demanded, [ caintcil circu lars to be M'-nl. to the In .pectoni, and received n-pllen frnm most of them, Which 1 have published. "TUh detailed rr'porl will be found vay Inylrucllve, indicating the neecn- nlty for several reforms in rumltatlon and indieiUliifv alim the attention, and will with which the Inspectors dis charge their duly In (his respect. One or uvii lienui t'roin the Hiitunisry of tin1 report n.ic worlhy of notice, AGK DP rl'KACM'r KUH. "(1) It will ih. round that those en- Kagcd in uur I'nbllii ncliuols have reached a decree 01' mental and phy sical maturity which should give u.-. the very best service, li is sumniiiue:. suia l.h:it tie- le.'t.rhlng iirofcsidMn has fallen into tin; hands of ineru Imys aii-i girls. Tld.s , Ih iidl sn. Tlie nvei.i;;,- age of the teaehi-s of Ontario hi found to lie within a l'ru"tl<m of tweuiy-ily.- years (2i.or.j( niwl the av rage y.-ars ..r exm-rleneu rmtr and ihree -fifths. That the U'lteli'-rs of fndarlo are },n- iv ns of regular habits Is hc-n from-the incl. that tin. Iiihm of tinn- frum Illness during the year <lld not exceed one day per teacher, ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PUPILS. "(2) The prevision jnadu by iioards of Trusties for ihu euiufoit and a.- comtnodatlom m* the sehuul population o." the Pi-evince Is very gratifying. Uuly -luo school houses arc reported uji lurnlshlng inade-quate breathing space for the puplKs in attendanei?. Jt Is to be it greltcd, however, thai better f;u elIIties have inn. been provided for ventilation, and la may cases fur heat ing, ulthuiiKh it appear;; from the re ports of the inspectors that so far the heulth nT til-.- jjuplls have nut suf- 'fLTOd materially from ihu defect. Still, under hetit-r conditions J. do not think that -I9S1 pupils would be reported as subject to headacles. The UeceHslty' for the greatest attention to ventila tion Is all the more urgent form thy tact that iCOOO pupils take lunch In fachuol. If the school room is badly ventilated the 'injury to health, par ticularly In winter, should not be lightly regarded. Out of 385-1' schools reported upon only fill! are said* to be Inferior. I notice that In 713 school houses the seats are defective., I hope the Inspectors will make an effort to overcome the neglect of the trustees in this respect at the earliest moment. It would he well, also, to call atten tion to the defective blinding of school winduwH, particularly as 080 pupils are reported us being under the neces sity of wearing glasses- This is an In convenience which Is iiure to bo ag gravated by cross lights or by either excessive or defective lighting of school houses. The provision made for wash ing and sweeping of school houses seems very inadequate in many cases, Gieater care should bo paid by trus tees, teachem, and inspectors to this elementary part of school sanitation. It Is hoped that the next report will not show that 1920 schools were not whitewashed during tho year, and that over 400 were not swept dally. The de fects In the matter of closets are still more serious. The- absence 'of screen ing, in many cases the want of disin flation, the neglect to make walks In Winter, 'are defects which, should re ceive Immediate attention, and could be remedied at a trifling cost. Boards of Health should supplement the ef forts of the Hchool authorities In over coming: the objections to,.which atten tion is called In the detailed reports contained elsewhere." j.jcaisi.-tmtj-: shaking this ksi> IF BEL & FjR'CKEFl ur Annual Spring le is in full swing. Everything-that is bright now and rtornreablo can be ind on our counters Tho foreign and -domoJifcio muks luive been culled for our ReloctioaH, only tho ntnwt and inOHt rcliablo gooiln are shown lnsro, arid by puroiHing at our annual Spring Bale prices, mean* a Niivn off from ten to twenty live pov cent. . Nl black and-eolored DroHH Goods, unlearn this de- par tiWt are always on tho increase, and you will find it tola satisfaction if in want of Dress Gnodn to in spector atock, all tho newest creationa are here and atyleio please every one, and prices equally attractive, Grey Utonn the greatest values ever shown in Eanex , 40 iill Obtton regular price 10c a yard for 7c a yard, 36 iih heavy Grey Cotton the 7e quality tor 5c yard. Have 3V1 Been the Remnants of Gr-y Cottons regular 10c; yni|eot,tonn for 3c a yard. ' .-S6 inii Black Cottons for 6c a yard. Tabhijinens that are specials., and Jiapkinn to match. Ludiel Capea, we purchased from an Importer 5^ Ladies'Ijmcy Capes'black and all the loading shadj worth reular $1.50, choice of the entire lot for 75 cjj each. ' The-Milihery Department is in Full Bloom. Our opning days wero- a great success, lli^La^ were all elighted with the -Beautiful- Styles. Strachan iiagain in charge and will be pleased to all her oldViends. The Ne^ Furniture which we preaent froc wii every thirtjdollar purchase, -Will be to hand next weel i THE GREAT CORNER STORE. Diesel & Bricker. NKW ADVERTliEMENTS FOR sal;: Tbe irroroaiicloii >r Hl- Oliver*!; I'nrllu- ili#*iil U Now In hl[*hl. Toronto, March 30. The Local Legis lature nat for two hours on Saturday and rushed buBlneaH so far thu.t the end of trtie" seHiiion- lw- now in HiKht. The important feature of the day was the third rending of Hon, Mr. Hardy's bill to amend the County Courts Act. The Government bill to fix the salar ies, of police rnaprlBtraten wan also read a third time. In future magistrates will receive $100 for every 1000 or the population. The House will meet npaln to-day, and bUBlnoNH Vtll .prob ably bo concluded by Wednesday even ing. Prorogation will take place a wtolc from Tuesday. JIMOJi AS XI AH A It A 1'ALLU, ONT. Tim AN AGED THOHOimnrAED China Boar olioap. Amy to POLVND U. BAIliRTT. Qonto S/TUATtON WAITED. BY BINGLK MAK.ACCUSTOMPDTO FABM- iliR Gooil roforoucoB furnlti'al', nuidy poraonally to Jou. Jlobluiiou, or by \ottur to ALEXANDER DOULO, i-i Kiintf, P. O- Gcntlnmun, Do you want tho very latoflt thmuH in wulltiu^ RtiakH? I have jiiHt bruuht a nice unflortmont uthlol: I 'would Uku to allow yuu, E. L.;1?ahk, Jew. olar. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, At the entrance examination!! in 1805 out of 17,023: candidates examined 10,- 040 passed. At the departmental and matriculation examinations 8883 wero examined; 3771 received certificates; 67a otudontn appealed for a reconsideration of their answers and fi wero nustalned. There woro CO- county Model achooln in 1895 In Good working order, with 1831 tonehera In training ; 1GU paBod the final examination'; 10 teachers, with 119 studentH, were In attendance at the School of Podttfroey. Normal schools abf3orl>ed 13 toachers.wlth 4-12 students; teachers' Instltu'tCH, which have been lirpwlng in public favor Hlnce 1877,wore 73 In number, with 7030 mombei's, out ol a, total number of 8824 teach or u in the province. MECHANICS' INSTITUTES. The progress of mechanic^' inotltuteH and free l.brarleii within an Interval or 12 yearn, from 1883 to 1S95, has been very Gratifying. Tho number ofj these lnntltutlonct roportlnc have Increased from 03 to S01 ; the number of volume* In'libraries-ha increased from 1G4.092 to C04.71O, and the number of hooks cir culated.hnu Increased from 251,9110 to X* lfi87,80. During the same period there has been a groat improvement In the class of literature read, witk a corres- pondlni; decrease in the demand for worlcs of fiction. : . . K r.ce 18SU, the year In which Arbor Pny was established, both touchorh and pupils, have not ceased . td take lluddy CrofU Ovf.vruii Iu ltimLn T II. Vni-iU I'imI*t M'n'tcr. Nlncara Falls. Ont., March 29. Mud dy Hun Creek flooded Its banks to-day, caused by the rrrcat quant'.ty of sno that was on the. ground In the back country meUltip rapidly before a^vunu uumnier sun and south wind. The water rose rapidly, and soon had Brldgc-rBtreet a raging river of-three feet of water, v/\t\\ cascades, as It rushed down the street over Niagara'ri pre'dplce. The O.T.It, yards wde in undated with two feet of water, com pletely fiuspendlng work for the attei' noon. Their passenger trains wer*^ handled with much difficulty, but with- out delay. Tho water from the yard rushed over the bank at the railway entrance to the Buupcn.sion Bridge, forming no mean cataract. It Is ex pected that a Kood deal of damage has been done to the street and also to bal- last in the. G-.T.K. yards and niHug of cellars with water. At U p.m. the wat er is subsiding. The Intake sewer for ordinary circumstances, was not of sufTIelcnt capacity to take the Increas ed waters. IMPROVED FARM FORSALE. B1CIKG EAST IJALP OF SOUTH IALV OP lot No. 3, Con. 8,Tp. of Morsoiii contain ing iO noron, Tho propoyly hi all elmvocl und untler cuUivntion (oxcopt about li lotunl. It had orchmrd, houao, jn-aiHD-y, *tftblo aud,out- bniltiinRu; idea a woll of ood EpmBvAitor. Torum to BQit purohanor. For furthoir partiou- lava apply to J E. A. WISMEIt, N, T. J0NIB, ll-tf. Kiibox. Elaox. " NOTE LOST, CAUTION] THE PURLIO ARE CAUTIONED AGMT8T uoRttiatiufl n noto Rlvoii by Uriah rhillpa, of OllnUa, Ont., UiUful about Got, ii,i, 180B. Iluo oix months aftor da to, for tbo mim of fon Dollars, baavinu lut*vcot at tho yaU ol 7 nor cont. nor annum. Tho noto was mado paylble to ltobort Jane ot out or. Tho said noto aav boon loat, and paymout hu boon otonpud. 1 UOlpERT JUNJC,; March S3,180(1, Cottam P. i FATAL HLAZM JN PAJUS,. IWAXCJS Churrli iif HI. Huiivcur krHlrnyil-rakik' '<! Ifvikiii ,1'rlelif, Vo\tr I'Vittii i"luo. Tho Gothic Church of St. Sauvcur on the Boulevard du Marechal Valllant at Lille was de stroyed by Arc this, morning. The flames spread to the Hospital of St. Sauvcur, adjoining the church. There was the greatest exoitomont when it wan seen that the hospital'would bo birrned. Four of the patkntta who were extremely weak, 'succumbed to fright and died before they could bo tnken out. Ten Sappers who had been ordered to save tho medicines in the hospital came across what they thought was a quantity of schnapps,They each took a drink and wero almost Immediately with symptoms of poisoning. PhyHlclans at once attended them, but despite all efforts four of the Bappers died. Tho Church of St. Sauvcur dated from tho fourteenth century. " . TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS will bo received by tho undjr- fcinu' d up to 7 o'clock p.m., of tho 7th dty of April, 1800, for tho purnoHo of drilling a vnll and KiiarnntociiiB wntor from tho wolr. for fljH. No. ft, MaldRtonKisaid woll to bo oaflod with 2jn. Riilvniiiijod iton oatiinn; alno a Qvet-olaBfi lion pump "Idttlo Giant," drop brass cvlhicloriu(nd Htocl bViou on end of oanhiR. Bald well to ,bo oapablo of furniahinn notlono tlian oljjht blilH. por hour, and ybon oamplotu, ttubjoot to tho approval of ncbool bot.rd. Tumi orn to bo opor.od at tho fcoboolbouiio on April 7. Tho undomlRiiod do.not bind tbomnoPtn tooxoa16 tbo lowoatlor auy'tondor. i K. J, WILSON, Bco, Hohool Hoatil, NOTICE T0_CREDIT0RS. In the Surrogato Court of tho County of Essex. TN THE EST A. ffi OP HAMURL M- BKH80H; X DocoflBOil. Not loo In hortiby nlvon, pur- euant to it. 8. 0.1&H7, cup. 110. that all orodltora or othorporiionabavina any clalmn asaiimt tbo ontato of Barauol At. Bernon, lato of tho Town of Eonoic, In thin County of Eonox, doiiouaou, who dioa on or about tho 'twenty-fourth day of Fobrnary, A. D. 180*1, am to nond by pont, pVo- paid, ordollvorto J.JbJEntovi, of tho Town of Ennox, Solicitor for Jamon Boroon, tho admin, iotrator of tho ontato of tbo Raid doaoaaod on or boforo tho llth day of April, A. D- lB9fl, a flfcato- mont In writinp, proporly vorlflod, of thoir namon and addroiinan, and tho full particular^ of thoir oKiuifl, or domaudu, anil of tho aoautrltiuii (If any) hold by thorn; and further notioo In horoby uivou that aftor tlio staid dato tbo yald adminiiitrator will procood to dlatributo iho apflfitii of tbu naid untnto amoiiu tho partioa ontitlod thoroto, haviUR roRard only to nuoh ohtimu of whioli notion ban boon glvoa as abovo roquirod, und tho aid udminlutrntot* will uot bo Hablo for tho said anaotH or any part thoroof, to anypomon or poruona of wboao oluim or olaimn .iiotloo shall not havo boon ruaoivod by him at tbo aforesaid dato. Dated nt tho Town of Eaaox, March llth, IftOfi. J. L. 1>ETEKH, 3-1 Bolloltor for tho administrator. Will You Ride THIS SEASON 1 MIkW<1*m1 Mill* IXlv4>>'ii< Philadelphia, March 20, Tho Glcnr mors Worntod Mills,' owned by Samuel I*. Wood & Soiih, woro dcatroyod by' Hro yCHterday. I*obh on Btock and ma chinery wua tlOMOO. on which there lu an InHurance of 1140,000. The loaa on much thin colohratlon, an-j *ho l>ulldlaf was about $40,000, Throe. mm troep havo boon planted. ' 'hundred hands are thrown out of , 'I'lh: total CHthnatod value of Puhi;-' *'0rk- .'.: AUCTION SALE - OK* - VAXiTTABUB FAUH P53PSBT7. In tho Xbwunhip of ColcWoator Norih, I^nn. KXiarutoa-i op tupi captain Wood Kdtutn. vi/iJl off^v ioi* nalo, by inihllo uuotion, at tho Abordeou Hotel, lu tho Town of Iflwuijc, on- BATOItDA-Y, Arittfj IB, 16fl, Tho followh 8 dPBlralilo farm projiArty: Tbn worth half of lot la.oon. 8, in tho Town- flblo of ColohHBtor North, containing 100 aot-uu, raoio or latifl. , Thorn uro liboub Qt! aoYoa oloarod. on front of farm, tho wholo pronorty in fouond on thr#o t-idfHund woll dynlnfld on tho north an J oat Mldi-a. Thoro \t a Rood out*-and.a half etoriy ft" mo lion bo Half uiilo from ohuroh, aaboo), TioHtolHco undifood ciavo! rouda, Thin nroportv will oo off*irotl for nalo Hiibjoct to arPBorvofl bid. : TMKMB, Ton por oout of pmchano mouoy mhtbo >>ald at time of sale; balanao of 0n6 third in lid days tboroafter. Tho balanoo may b tttiowfd by tuortKiigo. on uaiy torufl, at fi per coufc intorBt. ... . Fo* further patlloulara apply to li. Blnolalr, Auotloneor.MbBo-' -\ KMNNBTH tlBQUHAltT.I J, B. EANKIN. Kiecufjrsof tbo Cupt. Wood EutatW, *- Ohathtun, Ont. If You do, Ride the Best. 7 MVLfST: SCirLg of Socroiiers- i, Throo Spdoinl Hi[ih Gmdoa. (IjidiuB1 and CouLh') K;iidUh umU^. Oew.'fca'var.SC.. tO...@* . . HoailaU'r. KuiilUU H!(jh Grade make Orettjo-drorcl- Hitfh' Urado Itoadator. '(tiadjes* and Gontu') American mtdto. ' lam proud of thia Hut. Tbo EngUeh WhoolH aro tho boot in the world. Any houoHB id Ad .who Uuowh -anything about' wheel* will tftll \ou that. THE OnWVFOUP \u equal to mny wh**l of any other hmnufautuie offered., for nalo any whevo.. ' GET MI PRICES: BEFORE YOU BUt Evory wheol fully Kuarantted by, tha 'maker. Vx V . A1' :-' }' ' "' Wl M Office) ES8EX, '.:.- \V/^y':-JX..Mk^m

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