Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, page 1

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\ '^ MONEY TO LUND , On mort^acoH at 5 por 1 cent. Fire and Life In- suranotiat lowoHt - - - _ ratoH. *" J. Wr QIBSOH* Afjcnt h If'/;.' J(.'.i-.'.' ir VOL JUL No 14 MONEY TOLEMD On mortgage* ftt 5 pw cont. Fire and Life In- tmrauoe at lowoflt rat. J. W. GIBSON, Afionfc BS Fi.sytlie, Anderson &Go. irvt BIIOOKEB. Wm. Poison in orooUnj; a fimull ihvull- 1 ti** <Tti Iiih farm on the lltli. Two ptit-btiufi woru hold during tho pant wttoli. Tho folks hud imoln il good timo that tht-y did not "(jo homo till morning," W, Brooltor'n hnrno ran away a fow dayi ii^o and demolished tho bu^uy. An ontnrtainmont wim hald in tho Hap- tint church hint Friday ovouintf. .*ohn Brookf<r diod hint Friday morning? artor a short and painful attack of inttum- iKi'ition. Tho ducoaiifid tjentluniiiu wan in Inn liikd your, and wanonoof our earl Unit futtlurn, huvuif* liviid here upwardu of forty yuaru, mid wan vury highly ontnorned by thoiiu wlio know him Vieht. Thtf fun oral on bu inlay In it at the Baptist church wan vry largely attended. Tho building wan iillud to tho doom, and many wore compelled to remain outnido, F-lllDAY, APRIL 3, 18DG WHOLE No. 586 NORTH lUDGN. Tho roniiiH tlu'Hu lovely HotiffslurH and hurbhifjurunf Hpriiig ar with an K*iiit Thoy aro plentiful that in a hboral imp- ply-'-aiid thou* olu'orfwl uonua, arojlan loytdy aa wlion w weru hoyH. Tho friondu and.rf Utivon an** thy ar* mimorflua of Thou. Horrid will all rojpioo to know thai hiii hand in improving. Biohard Muloimtor of Camp Palmer onlUd uu rulativeu hero hutt Bun-day. " MrH. It. Muleimfcur rotumod tn bur home in ('amp Pulmor lunt Sunday. Jnnwio MeCombii of Font 1.1)11, in huro visiting with hia irrnndparoutu, Stephen MoOombu unci wifu. ninco Sunday MUNICIPAL CUtlNOIhS. The departmental .store is the .product of evolution in merchandising methods. Its results are the best possible service at the least possible cost. By combi ning under one management many differ ent branches, the expense is distributed over all and when the principle of buying m large quantities, for cash, di rect irom the producers, is added, it can readily be seen why goods can be sold cheap- er in this way than under any other system. Our depart ments contain all the essen tials in Dry G-bods, House Furnishings, Ready Made Cloth ing, Merchant Tailoring, Mens Furnishings, Hats and Gaps, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, " Groceries and Provis ions, Wall Paper, etc. Our constant effort is to please the public and buy tair treatment, low prices and re liable goods, deserve an in creasing share of your patron age, SOUTH GOSFfELD. Hour? Malott in laid up with an axo out on tho inhtup of Inn right font. W. Grainger mot with uaorionu acoidont which will hinder him from work for a loot,' timo. Ono day hint wouk wliilu lnuid- linf; ft ntick of Hfj[uttro timbor, 00 foot lon^, h ot two llugora of hiii loft, hand badly mankind. Undor Doctor Junncr'rj ukilfnl trnatmout tli wound in hoftliu^'uiooly. John Grainier hud ono of hiabaudu hud- jam mod bfltwoon tho undo of twolojjHcoiu- mfi toioiihor by tho physical farao of hqv- eral mou at a Rawing boo. Grainfior1 & .McRao aro'fjottiiiR things roudy and in a fow days will havo thou* iiawmill iw full operation. Thero 10 groati activity in building op. orationu thin apring. Tho following partioa aro puttin^'up largo haruw Hom*y T-huwr. ton. W. McGortnan, Cliaa.DaltoL, E. Mul ott, G. Thorp and W. Graingor. Cmin- oillor II. Ltjomint! i building a lar^o driv ing shod and imydamout hoaiio. Politioii aro quiofc. Tho Gnta aro con- lidout; tho Toriou aro vo-y onthuHiaHtio and Bau^uUio of BUocofiB, whilet the Patron ih not tpokon of, I'urmory lo you want money'at 5J por ;ont.? H so write A. G. Baker Laamiug- ton. Out. Tormn of paymsnt of pnueipal to auit borrowero. LMoatiunt apriut* wotLthor Iaut. NOKTIt HIDGK. On Thnraday ovniu^ oF hint woeU, 26tl inut., a very onjoyabUs. onturtainmont wan tiivun in the Toinporanco Hall, 'by th tonahur and pupilii of our ticlionl, tiuairttcd by iomo othorH. Tho ohj'iot of tho outer- tuinmont waa tho raining of fundi! for 'tho puroh 11*0 of an unubrid^od dictionary for tho fiohoo! room. Although all tiio pupilii, and thouij who a-uinted, wuro admitted froii ul chai'ijo, tho turn of 87.-15 wau taken at tho door. At tho cIoho of tho entortuin- raont IVli-u. liitltzor, tho touchor, wan prc- aonted by Mini McOombH on fcohalf of thu puplli, with a (iryutal wator not, aocom paniod bv an addroan, which wm rend l>v Mian Lor,tio Anh. Mm. Bultnor. in a nbort reply, oxproaaod hor approoiation of thuir kindly ftontimtrntu, and thanka for tho bttatiliful proHont. Tho program ni thu One price for all! . All good marked in plain figures ! Money refunded if any purchase may prove unsatisfaclory! KINGSVILLE. Buvoral of Uio oitiy-ons aro cnaltinii gar den to-dayr" MrH. Howard (neo Florouco Wiglo) of LJort Heron ih hero on a viait to rolativca. Mr. Dovitt in nponchnu a wook with bor (launhtor, Mr. Diinbar, at Loaminctou. Goalleld South townohip council on Sat urday taut votoi $'2U0 for gravel on Divi- hioii road. Mrs. Jan. Siaiiou. Who haa boon ill for iiorae timo died on Saturday ovouint*. The funornl will bo held to-day. Guzo on Ed. Clutior's ranlo. Ho raado a record of oifiht milon in oiqht hoara Friday, botwoon Ehhox and horo. Wo aro norry to ntato thut Ur. Jonuor will in a few montbo loavo Kiuguvillo for, wo nnderatand, Chatham, whore ho will Huccood Dr. HolmeH. Farmoro do you want money at btj por ceut ? If no writo A. G. Bakor Xjoaininf; tr-n, Ont. Tonne of payniont of principal to nuit borroworn. ontertainrneut'coutiiHtod of an introductory opoflohby Kov, W, II. Shnw, who occupied tho cnair; alao iiovural choruuon, racitationa by MantorH TIiob. Slotu. Arohio Simn, Sammy and Andrew Rridgon, Thoinpnou, Willio Myora, Aylnaor Clark, Willi* Mo- Croery; a I no tuoitatioiiH by Miaiio* Lor a Kioto, Minnio Brid/;on, Lottinand Minerva McCreory, Florouoo Billing, Annie Mo. Croery, a nolo by Mian fi Williams, Mma Shaw accompanist; a reading . by Mit*B Manloy, quartottoB by W. Billing Dolwier' and Robt. Noblo and F. J. Boclall, botu'dta dialoyuon, kindcr^artou uon^Hnud ohiiradt-a. The procram oudod with the national anthom, and ovorybody wont homo pleaned. Scott, infant oon of Mr. and MrH. Alex. Taylor, iti noriouuly ill, haviun oouKoation of tho brum, iuflamation of tho lunga and bowola, and plouriay. Ho ia roDovoriuf; undor Dr. Briou'a euro. Mrs. Albert Curarniford ia quito ill with U Krippe. Mro. Mary Buluor has nearly recovered horunual hoalth ana ia ablo to do houne- work aa forniorly. Tbanka to Dr. Bnen'H iikill and tho careful ouroin^ of kind friondi. Thou. Morris ia otill Hiifferin^ from blood poison in bih hand, with vory little mi- provuuiont. Ho it1, having a bad timo with it. MAIDHTONE. Mien &C0. Leading Store of Essex. LEAMINGTON. Miaa L. Caldwell apont Saturday in Do- troit. Miaa Bello Fuller Rpout Bi. turd ay in De troit. Mra. Doyitt, of Kinguvillo, wao in town on Friday. MtQB Cuna'ianco Huffinati in pcriou&Iy ill with touailitiu. Mra. Miltou Fair and Master Arthur aro visiting at Geo. Uilla, Mr. aud Mru. E. M. Bob, of Windior, were in town on Uaturday. Minn L. Noil entorUinod u nuiubor of hor friondaon Friday ovonin^. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwiu opout Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Alfred Gulliver. Tho many frienda of Mru. W. Mooro will bo ploaood to loarn that uho ia rtoovor Mm. Bort MUlor, who bao boon npond inc a fow dayn in C mrtn^lit, hae returned noma. Miaa Anuio MoKen^ie spout Sunday in -BlytlieawojJ, tho ^noflt_ of Mian Maud JoOVay. Mihb Mina Toll of tho high twhool' will spond, lior Eatitor vacation with hat parent a at Ouvry. Tho lalifla of tho Pronbyterian church will givo a aooistl iu tho bun am out, of tba oburoh uoxt Friday ovonin^; E. McOlafcohy haa uhtit down bin Jaotory for the protiont. Ho will roaumo an soon aa ho oan got bin mimhmoiy oveihaulod. MiB&on Dovliu and Korr aallod on Ho(jB of Eaufix on Saturday laat, Tho truateoa and momborn of Wet-ley church intend having thnir ohurch ro- modollod. Tho Woaley Epwprth Louuuo held an April fool couaorton tho evouinii of April lat. MiBo Bell Hunt of Chicago ban boon vtoitiuc friondu and rblatiyoa of thoao purta for the laat fow dayo. IUihh Addio Devlin of Oldoaatlo waa the Cuoat of Mien Etta Kerr on Saturday aud Sunday of laat week. Wo wonder why Stevo woara suoh a aad lace thin yoai; gueKi) it mut bo the removal of that certain young lady to Talbot Street. The Misnoo Wiluon of tho townlmoontor- tftiued a nurator of thoir friends on ThurB- day evniuK laat. Quito an enjoyable ovening waa apont. Town lUr.i*. Maiphtonk, Mau. lit*, \H\)f,. Oouiiml mot 11 * i;-, day pur 'o ad- jounirnunt, nil tlw* nuMnhi-rn jir.n-i!il. Tim mintitoH of tho previoun meotiii(.; wore road and on motion of Mt^nm Plant and Prion adopted aa rtjucl,uml ci^iuid. Mi-mini 1*111 ik and KIIih, huniulcrn, olo., Windiajr, aohoitni'a tur Dunean Grant, dr.- tnandod fro1" tho ciirporulioii on behalf of Mr Grunt pny Uiv n purl ion ofdio latler'a Imnla Hnid tn be itiicd \i\\ u public; hi^bway, (Jn n-iotioii of iWoKsra ^hiut and 1'rioo Mto Clork was iriHtnicfcd to write Monirii IOIlia hnri J'illin, utatint; Hint .ilr *Jr:int'n matter wnnld roeeivo duo couftidi-.ratFon from tho tiQunci] up to the date of tho next tnootini/ (April 30th invxt) mid that, by that date council would be in u pnmfcion to I'lvv a duUnito answer in tbn matter. Mosara VVUhomj 'Kaiilcin, McKoeu^h and Kerr, barriiiturn, HalioitoiM for tho eorpor. atiou, adviHud council that It F Suyrnonr failtid to [ivo particihira of hia claim for daiuajruii a^'iinnt thu corporation of Mttid- nt.juL- and asked to bo ndviaed an tn what atepii the corporation would have thom tak- ia the mailer. Mo\nd by Mr Plant, Hueond(;d by Mr J.'nce, tlmt iMnnarn Hunliiu, MoKooufih, WiIhoii and Kerr, barriittfjrH, etc., he and thoy are hereby iimtrtieod to apply to have tho action of K F Seymour dinutidfiod. Carried.' A communication from Mr Elba re Mr .P McOaun'H claim to lie entitled to pay for work Baid to bo purforrueil, waa read and on motion filod. doHoph Gauthier "reported on ahoop Inllod by doi^H and pruHcnted valuator Jonua' ontitnato of loan S5.O0, On motion of Mown Plant and Price, Mr Gauthior wan paid ^ of haid valuation m full oatiH- Hon of aaid ulaim. Jnmew Rohitt^ou redorted on alieop killed and four injured by do^n, and preaentod Valuator JohuHton'ii eatimate of bin loaa 524 '25, On motion of .ModHra Pot tor anil Damrn, Mr Robiunorr wtifl paid I of aaid valuation in full aatinfaction of claim. Ou motion of Moaara lJr.ioo and Damm, Mr JoHopn Hubert wan paid 85 00 for work on the new road acroHU Oth con. On motion of Moaara Prioo and Damm, Mr J S Austin waa paid $5.25 for unrvuieti ro the oxeoutiou of throo doeda prepared aud forwardod to Elniatead for oxocution. Wm Millor preuouted bill 810.28 lor Rooda furuhdied Huuorty, Bohurat and Miro, indigentu. On motion of Monnra Price and Damm, Mr Miller's bill wan paid. Mru Lnwflon uHked to bo provided with funds to procuro modioal aid, ho buing poor Mid iu ill health, On motion of Mupinrtt Plant and Datum, granted 92.00. Ou motion ^>f MoHura Damm and Price, John TC^ir iviu paid fio.OO for aitrvicoa aa drain mapector. On motion of Meimra Potior and Prioo the a o J c'f lot No. 11 in tho 3rd con. and the h J of tho u o J of lot No. 11 in tho !ird oon. wore detached from nohool Motion No. !) and added to nchooi Hection No. 6, and thu olork iHatruoted to prepare a by-law to carry into tffoat theao changoa in tho boundarien of aaid vcbool tioctionii. On motion VVm. Loaporauco wun paid ouo dollar for norvioex an janitor. Moved by Mr Prioo, nooonded by Mr Potter, that tho LiUlo Siatora of the Poor bo paid ono hundred dollara for furniHbinc a Uorao to Thomaa Doylo, iudi|jt>ut. Car. On motion of Manara Damm and Pnco, the Clork wua paid 88.00 for propariui,' four doedu and for aorviooa and diaburce- monta in uoarohing titloaof land purobaood for a publio highway. OF Dry Goods u Bankrupt . O) Stock Store Having decided to go entirely out of Dry Goods, in ordei to go more extensively into Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Furnishings, and boing dpsiroiiR of closing out every'yard of Dry Goods in our establishment, amounting to over $7,000,00, Before Juno 1, WE WILL START A SAE SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 01' everything in Di-oaa Cioods, Trimming, ttillcn, Patina, Liniag.s, Gloves, Iloniory, Coreota, Luco. CurtaiiiH, Chonello Ourtainn, Curtain lJoios, Tablo LinonB, TowolingH, ('ottous, Prints, it, iact ovorytliiny in tho Dry Gooda dopartmenfc muat bo cleared -ut, and ilh tho hulk ol our etock ib all now and bought for this eprim."B truflo, this ih an opportunity rarely offornd to - the buying public to purchase soaBouablu goods,tho first of the Honaon at the unprecedented sacrifices wo uro malcing on everything in our Dry Goods- (iopartmont. Nu such remarkable chancot for bargains have over boon offored to the people of Easex and surrounding country. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, HatB and Caps and Fnrnishing-s, vVdl bo a loading foatuvo in our hnsineaa in future, and wo guarantbo yon a saving of from |5 TO 25 PER CENTi on evorytlnn^ you buy in those de partments, II you do not como to this sale you are simply throwing away money. Here is a chance suoh as you have novor soen oqualled. Don't miss it, but bring your Egirs and' Cash to Barrett & Co., Tho Ono Prico and strictly Cash fetoro. ^ iioahi) or riKAi/rn. Williiim Prion for throo yearH, Juhun Damm two youro and William Pot tor for one year, with Peter Oorbntt, roovo and M MoHuuli, olork. viENCK viuu'Kun...... Jacqnoa Louperanco, Nolwon Mouhbciiu, Arthur Wilson, Andrew Wood, Jam ox Harness. I can givo you a good sott of Single HarnGBS,warrantod 'hand-made For $10. iu the SOUTH *V00DSLEE. H. 0. Ri'gb ia on a trip oaot this B. X>. Hooper, of Detroit, was Villngu on tho nut. II. W. T. Ellin, of Wiuduor, and doputy horiff Eumbidl. of Btmdwich, wore in the villtipro Wcdnoiduy. The MoGlaro Sood Co., of Brighton, N. Y., through thoir ageut, J. B. Fuorth, aro dohvoririK ioiao hi^h ^rndn oatu aud whont bare. A. W. VunEvoiy, tho popularmevobant ot South Woodnleo, had uaded to )ub Ron- eritl lino of murnlmadiho a full liuooT wnll- papor and window blindn. II. W, T. Ellw baadUpobtd ot tho Daly farm on tho raiddlo ro id to Arthur John- eton, of Pool County who with hia ntook mid impUmotitB arrived on WoJnonday, April lwt. Adainn maUoH nil hi lmrucFm in bin own shop, no factory .rondo uooilii palmed off uw the Ronuino nrtiole. H1h poodFy ntund tho tOMt. WANTED Trustworthy uin ttni) woniuii to iHlvnoatu a viopulav tinuno at ho tilt* $40.63 to 9U0 0O monthi), to laitablo iitittouft. AadfoBH. Drawer '20, UrautJord, Out* , On motion of MoBHrw Prioo and Plant Jamea Kano and Jameu Barry wcro paid 810.00 oach tor tho work of romoving their foncoo along tho 8th coueoBuion drain. Ou motiou-iDl! MenHru Plant and Potter, Jnliu JuoJcflOu waH paid Si 00 for board for .Laurie, indigent, to dato. On motion of MaaorB. Prico and Damm, VV J Johnnton waa paid $2,00 lur LutviooH an Bhaop valuator. W J Johuutou aukod to bu permitted to plaou hiu luuuo.out, ou yidowalk, and allow him to keep it there for two yearn to afford him a obunao to level off tho front of his land. On motiou *f Monsra Prico and Potter Mr Johuotou's roquoat wan granted. Moyad by Mr Pno, uooondod by Mr Potter, that all p<*or pooplo roooivinj* aid Irom tho corporation bo rtquirod to bo pruHunt at tho noxt mooting ot tliocouncil. CurrieU, . On motion of MoaarB Plaut Bnd Price, a by-law to oonlirm thu uppoiutmont ol offlcora for tho'current mumoipal year was road a UiHt time. 0a motion of Tlonurii 1*1 ant and, l-*rloa tho oMUioil wont into a committoo of tho wholo for tho nucoud roudinfj; of Raid by-law. ,JUr PUntiu ihoahair; said by-law wuh roud uluuae by olahiie and on motioi,i adopted, On motion of Mnonrs.. Prioo and Damm, aouuoil roBUmod and said by-law wuu rotid a tliiri time and pasnod, . Tho following aro tlio ohicqrt* appointed: Au^uutiue Martin, tmacaaor at ^a itilary of 70O; Miolmol MaAuliffoo and Frauaia Fuorth, uudltoru ata Halary of U20 00 oach; Itobt V Korko, M. D., Mtdicl H^tb Officer..' li Ul Fnmily work cheap, and dohvorod. Robinf-on, Laufiflh) MiIIh. Philip May, Jno. Ouolloito, John j-qo, Johu Clbkncr aud Alex Loaperanoe. I'OBNI) KEBPHnB. Wm Wallaoo, Albert Buott, or, NiohnhiB Hioka; John Horaoy, John Millar, Mobob Papinoau, Mitohot Damm, Thon. Barno^ John O'Bnon, W J AIlioou and William Wilcox. flDEBP VALDATOllB, Wm Wallaeo, MioUaol Pfuhlor, .Toneph Jones, Andrew Qaoon and W J Johnflton OVKHUKKIIQ QV HIOUWAYH, Amon BaiHarpoon, Maurice Maitro, Jor- omo Cftdu, 6 Filch, Ooo Bockott, Pranoifl Jobm, ThOBCrozior, Daman Baillargeou, Mohoh DnpiuB, Wm Somorville, J Bald win, Stopuon Loaporanoo, .Wm Bauir, Moiob Archibald, John Bauir, John King, i Jacques Bonaud, John Miller Wm Oirard, E StPiorro, G Ladouoour, Jao MoMurrau, Olivor Plant, Johu HoBtoiu, J A Milln, John Robaon, Johu McEntoor, Jr., W B Smith, W J Allison, Honry Stiokwood, J C Dixon, 8 J Gowoll, Wm Kano, Thow Tully, Kounoth Wilnou, M J.MoCauu, Wm Noibitt, J F Ellia, J Barry, Job Joncn. Ed CUittlo, Rioliard Moonoy, ,ohu Korr, Tboa Barnca, Stophou Oouray, NioholttH . Hloks, John Shauaban, Alox Bonaud aud Francis MoHu^h, Alexander Bouaud and Philip Sequin notified the onuuoil to ohaugo tho bouud arioa of school aootion 2 und 0 by trauft- forriiifi thoit roopcotive lnndu from fl.S No. f Jj^jJ11" pfiir 0 to B B No. 2. Allowed to Htund. for tho present. . On moticn oounoil adjourned to moot aain on the 30 th day of April, 1896, at tho town hall. Talbot St., Efeo SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot St. and Victoriaave. Tho latest improved machinery for Ironing ColhifH^ud7TIufia\ "Will not oraok or bronk wing. <S Parcola ODlled for Ploaao call and try. If wot satisfactory no ohartia will bo mado. If cut work oaits you, rooommond ub to your friends. ftRKETJ Wheat red por buuhel ....I Wheat, whito ... Oom .... Oats .... Timothy Seed .... Clovor Bood .... Aleiko .... Huy per ton,........... .9 00 to 10 M Boot por owt Pork Mutton Hideo -4 BO to 5 00 4 to 476 75 6 09 to 650 300 8 15 '.'?. , 7 15 7 Honor Roll.' The following in the roport ot S. 8. No. U, Qofltlold North, for tdhe month of Fob- ruaryi Numeo ara arranijod, iu ordor -of morit. Br. IV.-J JwokBon, S Millon, J Aloo, W Botf#rfl( G Fraior, F Smith, K Kewman, Ij Smith, B Bpeoohloy. Br. Ill, Ij Og. born, Robert Moe, E Mottinnou, U Jodob h MoAfoe, N Gammon, M Vanae, J Demitter. M Moo,A Newman,G MnOlogkey, B ParsooB. * Jr. Ill, B Koea, B Gammod. Que, H. JotMT, ttaakar. Lard.......... Egttfl, por (loa......... Potatouo, por huebol .... 25to Oniona . *r. : . tOTl*r.f Apploa .... 1 OOto "X'jMT Tumirn .... ,ifit 25 GarrotB ....' . 46, Beetn .... Parunipu ..,, Turkeyn p r lb.......... ttie Dttcka v.......... 7, Golery perjdo** .....,.-4. 100' Cabbage ......--.-. M(; Hlraku Wlk*r* n*)aartCfltBovt tTo. 1 TRyo, pef buahol .... fiO;,r , - 1 OtLiu aloaned ' . - 9B.',vM 1 Barloy owti ^t'^ ."',' i$m 1 Com. dwt " %i[M Tbi above prioen are paid Wy, H, WalWJ otti,.WalkerviU.'0. ' ; . "ii:M ^ woek to "bagTn wHh.vTHS*BBADUfflY-aA^ BETHON 00. Ltd., Toronto, Out. ., . , (':'-^ Hmki, < t.>'l .'

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