Lv" r . j J v w$ THE GOLDEN NOW. MAKR THE MOST OF TUB PBK8MNT, FOB TW ALLWE HA VIS. ! Pu*Ik May E.1^1 ti*o Opportunity f Mf- Ultte- bi*t ovrl*ok Mi, . / fi far - h Ify JU *. " Now1* the (lay, and Now'a the hour." Did you ovor tit iu & piiblia plaoa, n HiUnerto what wn heinji mud around You, and obnorvhow entirely the uinjoiity of thn pooplo Ilvo iu the future ? ft von the jjaycmt and apparently tha happiout are not enjoying tb preitnt to itu fulhmt extent, but ib ia what tnoy aro Koine to do or Uavo tomorrow, nexbwook, noxt yoar, to whioh fchuy aro looking foiward with an exptiotanoy of witlHfaotion. BtiHimiHn men are ao foil of thoir nahemn that ure to ouluninuto Humotimo in u ruHtoriul proii parity, that no matter how full of boauty and glory Natmra hua made tho day, thoy p&H nnhcodi\ It n tho futuro thut in alwayuln udvunoo of iia; it in tho futuro that wo ovr reach that ocoupiuH tho tooiit of our thoujjbtu, while tho ploanurou which tho pvaaont hour brin^ii tciourcruup slip by uuho*dod. And then tho day ih uro to oou3d whu, looking backward and oeib all that wo huvo miaod, we wondor at our bliudnefju. Wo think of th> day* whan our bUiiHinifH woro no many, only *wo did nob iouHko thorn, anl wn wondor why*ifc WKHly tho (*lint and not thotflory of tho HWifl-wiutfod hotifa that caught, but did uot fix our gazo, ao they flow award. Of oouruo to tho youiic uouuoh thou^httt come; uouuoh regrotH touch thoir coa. BoiotiHiioHH. Lifo and lt potmibihtieH aro allboforo thorn, tho latter to bo uofoldod into a brilliant reality. It in not ho hut priving that thoy live in tho futuro. Thoy have not tan tod of tho oup of bitternowi which failuro, diBappoiutment and norrow bring. "Lifo," sayi Kmoraon, "ih n, imo ocKHion of Iohhidiih, whioli munt he hvrd to bo uiudorfitood. All ih a riddle and tho key . to a riddlo ia uuother riddle. Thoro aro an many pillowa of "illUBlon~Rir"flttkon in a buow utorna. Wo wako from one dream iuio another fro am," Bc tho young do not know thin. Tho no tiling which aro but dreumn ut to vanish away an Tiuao gofl onward, Hot u to thorn clear and woll daubed as any tin ) m tho jnrouout. Tho Ubhom ih not loaruod. And no aa 1 nam before, it ih nul atraugo that to tbnm tho prosaut hour eooutif unimportant in com- pariaon with tUona whioh aro advancing towards thorn out of tho futuro. The Qurpriaiun p&rt is that wo who aro older, who know from moro or Jonu sx- pcritjcohow tnuiaitf>ry are all thinyu; who realise that FrioudH of your npriu^ timo Old man aud youufi maid, Dny'u toil and itn cuordon, Thoy aro all vuniGhin^', Flooiaj; to fabloa, Cannot bo moored," knowing thiu, why we do not natbor all that wo orb from tho hour whioh ia now patiHiug without waiting for ancthor that Wo imagine may be fuller ot nweotneBa; or fon.ring that 0110 appronohoit whioh pos- Bibly hoavily freifhtod with pain or sorrow. You aoo tho prenaut ia, humanly npoak iudt all that wo havo in whioh to oujoy or to Buffor or to work. And thoro in novor an hour which puHnen out of whioh wo may not cain (jomutliing ol ploaiiuro upon tho phv*ical and montul plunn, or of growth upon tko spiritual sida of our n at wren, tho latter of oouroo, bomy by far tho moHt im portant. The present hour in tho timo for char acter building. Wo do not, m odd teuRo, need to look beyond it, foe if wo do itn duty, whatever that may bo, wo aro pre pared for tho dnty of tho uoxt, und the next, and uo on, until, uo matter what muy come, our strength in equal to tho ncd. I do not moun that we aro to lay no plana for tho futuro. That would bo thetihooroHt folly, and, indeod, it may form th largest part of tho duty of the prosout hour. Aftor wo havo hud thorn, bowovor. it ia worno than uaoIefiH to worry over i!*,e chance of their mincarryiug; to oloud the Huuulunc of tho day witli appro- JienaiouP lent misfortune como. Many people invite failuro by this darkening of their aura with doubtu and fears, Jimin- iflhinfj; thoir power to meet aud ovoraomo diffiaultioB whioh, iHdeoa, miftht nover Jiave appoared had thoy not boon ao in- vitod. You knew what Goatho Huid about fear . v"NnpoIoon vieitod thooo uiok of thoplauuo, Id order to prove that tho raun who cculd vanquish four could van-iuiHh tho plague also; and ho wrh right, 'it in iuorodiblo what forco tho will ha in ouch on hob; it penocratoa ttio body und putu it mto a state of activity whioh ropolu alt hurtful influejrofl; while fear invitoa thorn." It would be woll to rooiorabor that whon wo nto tlUntfi tho prooont hour with four. When no find oiuhgIvoh turning and worrying over tho futuro a wine thing al ways is to recall tho lino with which I started "Now iu tho day and now ih tho hour," for it ia emphatically truo. Right; hero and now, in tho hour that in panning pnrbaps, lien tho opportunity of oar lives. if wo uro lookup ovor hoyond, ovnr for ward to otlior houm that may or may not como wlulo wu aro in theno phynicul hadioB. tho opportunity perohiiuco will uhp by uh unparcoived. And no doubt many op portunities thut w mid be worth muah to uo 'aro lout prooiHoly in this way. The fajfc 1b, thoro ih noyor a moment that ih not crowded with opportunities of gome jtiud, whioli will moan much or little to ufl ticoordiiic to our inception of them. Thoy may noom tho veriont trifloo to he aoiKod or Jot ulouo an we fancy without produpmK Rny laetin offocfc, but thm Id pot no. "Do littlo thni( now," auyH u JPerflinn proverb, "no nhall bi(j thingn como to thoo by aud by unliing to bo done." It in the ' wow" whioh may color our whole futuro. It !a tho prtaont moment, tho proaont opportunity, tho prcoentuurrouudin^H that wo uro to mnko tho mottt of. Thoio in an rrjuoli oh(ilino to build oharuotur, to grow spiritually tho moat important tiling m There is ease for those far gone in consumption not recovery case. There is cure for those not far gone. There is prevention for those who arc threatened. Sctfttinvufeion- of Cocl-Hvcr Oil is for you. even if you are only a lit tle thin. has been i-mlar-teil by tho medical jiroleiilnn far twrnty y*jru (A\k iour doctor ) 1 111. u bccau.cll li alway* p iljtiil'U ahviyJri)ti/.nni the punti hiaruvjli.ift "mUtwr Oil ami llypapfiOtpkU/l. Insist on 5c4tt's linlUlslun, wltlt trid-oujk W toii jiiuI kli. li fo hi wimhitif,' diuhen if it com on to uh to do, in durnmpf idochiiij'ij, in weeping out our titoro, hpi in Iritdin^ an uriny. The hoiiiolitiit hifk of the hour may ho^lorittod by tlu way in whioh it iu dono, by tho iipnit oxproimd in itn domji Tlure ih a littlo verua running in thin wiho : "It wan only a glud '(*ood morning' Ah hIio ptiitiicil alouf.' tho way, Hut it hproud tho mui nirifj'ii filory fotfor tho hvn lon(! tiny. Only a thouylit in pu,HHit\fi a umilo or on- counifiing word, Han lifted many a burdt.ii no other gift could luivo Htirred Only I But tlidii tho owlya Malto up the miplity all." It ih indocd tho ' oulyn" that .vnalce up tho mi^htv all aud thoy como to uh ovory hour, Tho floworn blonnom at our foot and' wo do not notice thorn. Wo havo loved onon, a comfortable homo, power to work, and w* tHrn our oven awuy to look into next wook or noxt year for what may be stored thorom. Aud wo novor know what thoy may bo bringing toward uh", whother of qood or ill, and do tho truo wisdom Hon hi gathering thwprcoiouH thin# oul of eaoh hour an it oofl by. Work in tho prenont; enjoy tho pronont. Do not idiut your oyofl to tho pold of to day'n nnnhuhis, booauae that of tho morrow may bo brighter. Speak tho good word; think thoploammt thought; do thm honr'u whole duty, and tho noxt, with coining cnea, will tako euro of their own. Emily 8. Boutoh. For Fine Job Printing- NOSES AND SMELLING. Thoro are fourteen bones in ihe noie. Burns had tho uunniue Celtic typo of noao. A blunt no*io is generally indicative of dulnesa. Tho nose of the mole Is movable like that of the hog. Tho Grouk noso was straight and toler ably prominent. Pimples on the noso are frequently caused by ludi^estioi The nose of Beethoven was hir^e, thick and ill-shaped In extreme old ago tho Hense of umell Is often entirely loit. The Duko of WelliiiKton wni called "Nohpy" by his soldicro. Small nostrils are said by physiologists to indieato small and weak luii^-.. In all ii^eH tlio nosa has been rogardod aa htiongly indicative of character Tlio Turkish nose bears a tolerably dona resemblance to tne Semitic typ** A rioso of proper proportions should bo ono'third the length tit the face. l*'ish aro undoubtedly provided wltb a reasonably acute sense of smell. Goethe had a largo Koman nose, rather uioiu bent than uauai iu that type. The blind aro'often almost pretornatur- ally gifted with tho sonso of smell, Tlie honsuof smell Isprobablj more acute in thodoij than in any other animal. A sharp noso pointiug forward is ths characteri.stlcpf impudence and curlositi. The Duko of Wellington was blesnod with a Koman noso of generous propor tions. The first Duko of Marlborough had a huge Roman noso, tho noso of a military conqueror. In man the sense of small la leas devel oped than that of Bight, aalt ia much less needed. Caesar had a large Roman noao. It was In fact, out of proportion with the rest of his faco. A. large noso In a weak faco is Indicative of unintulligcucQ and utupldlty. IdiotB have such uosqh Queen Anno had a large rod noso, from drinking. Slio was call "Brandy Nan" by hor subjects. In tlio lower races of mankind tho son ho of smell ia more acutely developed than in tho Caucasian. * The IroK has tho Hhortost passage be tween IiIh nose and bin mouth ; tho croco- dilo has tho longOHt. Pugilists nay that a blow on the noso is attonded with more pain thuu ono on auy other part of the body. Mont insects aro provided with a oonne of binell, though by what moans It is exer cised in in many casoa unknown. A red nose may bo duo to a choleric tem per, a bud liver, or bad liquor. In auy cano it in an unfortunate aign. Man in tho only an!mill whone nontrllH open downward. Even In tho highest apes tho noHtrllH opon to tho front. All birds which find their food In the earth or dust aro provided with very thick coverings of feathers over their nostrilo. A portrait bust of Hannibal, whioh has oomu down to us from Roman times, rep resents him with a strong Roman none. Tim French and Spanish Bourbonn wore all endowed with laro, thick nosos. Mont of them, iu addition, had weak chirm, A early iw 10Q B C. tho Greok wrifcor* make mention of pulling tho noso an' nil Insult offered by ono man to another, Tho nose is "burnod up" only In a figur ative way. Turning up tho none really moniiw dra'vving up tlio mutioloti at Hm cor- You cannot do better than call at the...... Free Press Printing Office. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters, t Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of ...... Pino Commercial Printing, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, THE TROOPS IN EGYPT Government Action Sustained uy the Commons. Mil I/IOiJLtY'S MOIM VOTfcO DO A!., t'louui hfirruUry l.mb<rUIM Hy Vxfvt M|j4l !> UnloiiU* iJ ir llor l-fe-uii- Vvrlty Im Id ^uMiiiiu -1 Un l>rr- Vlitbt)*. Hxtt iw i-ui i>owu ^v^iort'tr HtMiilcy'M Vl^Nd -London.Maroh 20. During the dobate on tho (HthiiutLtf hi the- JiniieUal lloum All. JoJin Moiley, amid clic-eiu iiorn tin- lAbttiil bonciKs, movud to n-diu,. tn lotp lor tnL. Ji*orult;n oilUii, in oubr lo attention to iccont evintu In call Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies j.n this line of any description7~Then we have an especially fine line of EJ3STfcV"E31jOr3H3S. We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicited. Mail orders receive prompt attention- FBL HABITS IN YOUTHg LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD T MAKE NERVOUS* DISEASED MEN jf a Bf TIIC D COBI \ T " icnoranoo and folly in youth, ovorotortion of mind and body iduo-|f ift I II L HloULI odbyluHtnndoxpoanronro constantly wroojtlncf tliolivon and rutarojl i-ShaiJpinonHoftTioiisnncliofnrnmlHinrtyoiinKinon. Homofndoandwithor at an piirly Uflo.j; Sut thobloHHomofmimhona.whilootlinninra foroed lo drajjr out a weary, froltlon* and-* n>n"lnnrhoh exiMrtneo. rfnoh matrimony bat find no iiolaeo or spmfort thoro. XholJ Kvi<(nnH urn found in nil HttionnoMlfo:-Tho farm, tho olUct-, tho worlculiop, tho ptdplt,C Mtho tiaues and tho profebionn,__________- K IS RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY ORG. K. & K> g " * Wm. A. WALlffilt, War. A. WALKBH. MRS. CHAB. FBRR^ OUAS. PBMIY. Jukfcek TinUTMENT abtbh tiuultmbnt Blvorood bot united OBahl t-?r-N0 NAMES On TESTIMONIALS USEB WITHOUT WR1YYEN CONSENT."** ------------------ "I luwo iinfforod SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE pi iRPri UUI'LL/___________ Krnuliy'afr]nndinducoUmfttotryJ)n),Koim(-wly<feliorK(Ui. Soir Now Mothod U'roatraont onrocl mo in a fow wookn. Tlioir trontmont ia wondorfal. Vnu foal yourRoIC gaininff ovory dayt I huvo novor hoard of thoir fulling to euro in auhifflo untold iiwonlofi ior my "ruv lifo." I waflindiBoroot wlion] Sounar nud iunonmt. As "Onoof tho Boya" loontraotod' yplilUit nnu otlior Prlvoto dlflooHoa. X had uloora in tlicl mouth ond throat, bono palnn, hair Iooao, plmnloa onj faco, ihiaor nailncamo 0(1, oiniiuilonn, booamo thin and. donpondont Bvou dootora troatod mo with MorouryJ PotoHh.oto, Tiioy holpcd mo U*tTconld not euro nio.l ...................Kor, tOIlliO. tS^CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Kttopt. ('lion. Ferry nayn: "I owe my lifo to Drfl. I. A K, Atllllonrnodnlwdhablfc. At at Iliad all tho nymptonm <f Homlnul Wouknona and Bpormntori hoca, Lmiqnioiui worn drnlmnir nnu woakoidnff my vitality. I mai-riod ftt 2i undur ndvleo at my finally doctor, hot it wni* a wul xporhnan In oitthUM n monthn wo woro divorced. I ithon cooiiultod Dm. K. & K., who rontorod ;no to manhood D'by thoir MwMethod Trmtmrnt, Ifoltnnow lifo thrillthroiiBU my norvoH. Wo woro united naaln and nr hnppy. Thhi woh _ ________-~~^-i ' oix yoaru oo, Dro. K, & K, aro fulontifio apooialiabi and 1 heartily rooommond thorn." J BSSrWtf trtat and curt Varicocele\ Emtoiot\tt Ntrvoux JDabitity, Saminafc QlVta&ness! Gleet* Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural X>iscAatgers, Sel/Abusey Kidney and Bladder Diseases* ____________ INI POTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED K 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 2O0.00O CURED. NO RISK aDCrtntD I Aro yon n victim? Havo you lost hopo? Aroyoa oontomplaLhaff marn.-; K^ritLrtl-JC-n l vIiiko? Haiiyour nioofl boon didonflMl? ITnvoyou any wouknofw? Onrlf Now Mothod Irmtmont will euro von, what it htifidono for otltera it will do for you.Q l OONBULTATWN FHEE. No matter who luuit^atod yon, writ* for'iu. hoawfc opinion ITrwiSS Sp*.' Churftfl, Charffnn rouaoiiablQ. BOOKS FHtL- * Tho Goldon Monitor" (illnatrated), biuwieoa o Mpu. Inoloao pofltoffc, Soonta. bouiou. m-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- >TRl 'No medicine sent CO. D. Notiahnoaon boxes or* envoi- oa" Eyorythln^oorifldentlal. Queatlon list and cost of Treat-1 [VATE i on OS' ^_____ imentv IPhBE. onp DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN,MST* ea.KMCims drsk,hi iuUiI>t. All Alorley uaid, in i.-jily t(J ,i, (ii-wtion, that uikiih Mionablj nm nio- tiun tiiuif'ht a voti ut < < tuiuu uin tli 'iovoniin. in, ud it-call.-d tliu ciicuiu- ii.iiKL ilnu iu hlniwlf |UU| iuo\ed a Lltutlai \uir in l,i, upfjn thu tin n Llb- tll| .u\ JIl i t'il(|fiIIN4il.(Jll 01 lib Wiley in KcyiH. In tiU. uoui'iL* oi nut Ui'KUuiLnt, i\u, iVluili.y ailmUti d that the oocujHition r,| i^yjjt hy Hrltaln had ik-iti ii mlm u\l hi uiucii U-nclIt and many blLMHiui^utii the puo- pk of that country. ((Joimt i vuti\ ^ thf-Ms.) Jint, lio said, the lonj; (uiuinu- ai cc- of that oofUi>atlon had boun naught with i.'ioat di.Hadvantinna to Ortat Jlrltain. it win an unrortunatr sLr-x the CioviTnmont wa.i Uiklnc to do- lay th- i-viicmuloii ot J'wryj>t and dlvoit Kb'yptlan Ihnd'i from tliL "ijiiijjos**s oi JviT.yptJnn dovckrjnnent and the nj>iIl- ea.tlun oi' llu* money to J^njdand'H own puinouo (l^oltoliiifr Oilou of "Oh1 Oh!" i'iom tne Consul vatlvc benclu^) IU ni-u pulhv, hi dot biii'd, would im- p;H upon Kkhh thu duty of j;ov'L-niliu; "i! ui im- niii't (Jiiii ult tonltoilLM on tli r.i u of tho ( artli The Lov'inuii-nt. Aii Ai-Jiicy ifuiil. not explain d tla ir j uliuy, and tho MIinaU'ia had do- clli'fd to trout tho Jlouao with that cozilhlont'e that the country has roa.son to expect on th/* ovo of ho jrrcat an un- dci taking So liazaidoua a proposal, 1il- held, rouhl n< vci be JuaLllled by a idunn io iih an c. illmay, irrolfvnnt and lioihnv as th, one advano d. All. Moiley'H romarlcB wero roct-ivod with prolonj;od libera oheora. Mr. Chamberlain. S. oiotary of State for tho Colonial Department, yaid It Wutild bo imnossiblfo for tho Opposition to paiiy JudirnienL upon tlio policy of thft Government nnhs<i tho Govc-rnnient first made up their mlndfi definitely in regard to Uie immediAto ovaeu.itio-n i> hJfrypt.^WotiilnK in leccnt history, ha aaid, coald bo looked bock to with more pride ami .s at act Ion than tho peaceful revolution In IOgyptlan aflaii.i which had been accomplished with a a handful of men and a Urltlah Civil administration. If Kirypt be abandon- nd all this would be undone. J3j*ypt mufft bo defend'd if her prosperity was to (ontluue Tin eonscnt of a majoi- ity of the pow rs had already boon jriv^n to Kn&dand'H plan of meeting- the cx- pensey, and the Government had no knovdodfre lending tliem to awsume that the consent of tho rt malninff powrrM would be refused. If the result of the Urltlsh expedition ahould in a meuHuro relieve J^pt fiom the con- dtunt rnenaoL- of attacks l>y the Der- vlehea the expenditures incun*ed would be more than compenRated for. ft would be impnbHlbie to fulfil Kng- land'H duty to the j^eo-ple as lonj? aa tho DerviHhes ,were porTnltted to threat" en peaceful industiy by their constant raids Tho di ft at of, Hie It.illan.s In Abysttlnla bad creat d a new situa tion. If Kassala should fall the III effoct upon lCgypt would be inoa-Icu- lable. Tho various trlbea of the Sou dan wore putting aMde their Interna tional dlsputea and combining In a Krtat effort atralnst l^BTT't. The wisest policy was to antloipate th lr attack and prevent the Dervlshoti from con centrating aRulnat one object. What ever the K^yptlan advance rnl^'ht ulti mately be, he said, It would only b limited by the nature and extent oi the resistance enoountered and the m.iin- tetiancH.- of the security of the uoni- munltiea. II. M. Stanley, the explorer who rep resents the north dlvialon ot L.unbeth in the Inteiest of tin- Llbcral-Unlon- Ints, atteeited that J^ypt had a rlt,rht to reclaim her former frontiers and that the opportunity to do so had com*.. The total defeat ot the Mahd sis Mi. Stanley declared, must precede the ln- deponuenoo of K^ypt. Mr. Curzon, Parliamentary Secietary ot the Foreign Otllee, said that the ex pedition would take a .strongly defen sive position at Aknuheh, where it would remain until the hot season, when, If it was thought desirable, it would proceed to Dongola. Thu Gov ernment, lie added, pobsessod proofii that there was a general forment among the Dervishes and that thoy were threatening ICaasala and the Nile valley. Sir Wm. Vernon ITaroourt nald that the Government v. an entering upon a lonp, dangerous and uncertain enter- prine. It would not state the true ob ject or definite real limits of the expe dition. He belle\ed It would bo con demned by the people. Mr. Balfour said there was nothing in the expedition to excite suspicion or alarm in France. The operations had no relation to the British occupa tion of Kirypt. The position of Egypt could not be satisfactory until that country regained control of a large part of the Soudan. Everything gained for Egypt would be gained forever. It would not be anlulvance followed by a letreat. lie wah convinced that it was in the intoreata of Egypt and Egypt ,i!one. Tho Government was well advlu- od in Initiating thin policy. A vote was then taken on Mr. Mor- loy'a motion and It was defeated 288 to 145.____________________ TWO MfNIXTJlItS WILL GO. WHAT ENQLW POSITION 18- v War D*l*r Tkat th* S**4' Kxp4IUn Will Im Only 1U*~ I-^jiidon, Atarch 3tl. Ttio position ofi tho Kridnh Government lifc undor otiV- clal newu fiom Pari*, that iTruoco W4111 lther not oppony tho llrst crbdlt tor fnoo.OUO from tile- I'Jicyutlan funda for the expenses of the ttonidan expedition, or will conilnjj hr opposition to a Jlut- inal protest utfulnut tlio ime of tho xxujnvy for this purpowj. ituaula will remain utilotiy neutral, and will ^Ivo no hupjiuri. to i< lane- iu ugaliiH*. tho expedition. IcuhuUl \u i t'tn cn-dltod wan viewing the J;ilti:.h pu>Jtotn with Home iiieuMUi'e ot gtWMl-wlll. ux belnsr lUccJy to divi rt the whole ern igks la that dliiotion, for HumjIilii luterebta' aro not likely to bo (fieatly concouiod. 'Ihe French Minister of l"oielgn Af- falm oUarly if-eoKiilv.iis1 thou/ch tha l^jcnch people do not know, that Franco hi powei-l<HH to mako an oll'oot- ive opiKtsltloii. Ituf.alj. liaa no vote la the CoiruntHMlnn of tin I^ I'ubllo Utbt, while Gieai UiUalii holds two, France two, and Austria and Italy and G< i many on. eaLh. A dliierenco of opinion t xbitu au to wliethor the utat- 111( b lelatiin, to (lie cormnhniUm rwiulr* a unanlinuu1, oi a nuijoilty veto, la M.'Vcral Instances declsionH have boon bu.'v d on u majotity vote, notably tl fiani oi iJiU.OOO foi the abolition oi thu eoi vec, at whioh Only Franc*) pro tested ajriLlimt the grunt At any ratv M Hci tlicdot, tt ullng hhii'elf pow- rlaam to j)i event the expedition, liaif bejitaa a rt U eat, The War O/llcf odlclaly hero doolar* that the expedition will be only a na- connak'iariPo In force, and will not adV mlt that tin presuit phanc I" anylhlrm beyond an Initial .step in an autumn campaign. The Anuy Intelligence Of- Jlef- publlHbeu the moit vague in for mar* lion rc^ru-rding the stivngth of tho Ma<W hifc-tn. AlUItary j.xpoiU dbitiuat tho &- timat'H made by Klntln Pasha, thouifb^- as jL matter of fact, hin Ions captivity Jinong the Madlilatj, nhouId,on the fao of thhi, have mnd. l>lm an authority on the Mibjett, Tin experts coimlder lliat a report made by tin Uuhslan trav- elei, ICllselef,'who r cently elected a member of the lUis'dan Geographical Society, Ih more lellable than that o| Slntin Pash.i He h.ivh that the JChal- ll.i's force nunilK'is ht.OOfi men, Includ ing 10,000 cmnli-v and i.nnelry. Tiny P ib.set-s IOO.OijO nilt.s, of which 20,000 am Ilr-min^toiiM, i r ,ill\ (It foj service. The nrtlllery Is poor. There are &> guns at Oongola iiud ilvi Kiupp and teu fllrgo guns at Omdunnan i II Itl J t il I i- liiVnx Irri*ll>Ic KKniC"- fit l>itu\ Hie, fc<*. A Doiihlit 'IrnflUPHt IIimiuc Or-itro.^ nl ut IIMiilirlH. Danville, Que , March 2!i. About mid night Katuiday the double tenement house, piopeity of II. \V. Wilson, W- tLr-Btieut.and occupied by James Brady, and T. Jt. Saffln. was completely doa- lioyed by lire, only part of tho family having time to eseap. tiom the burn ing building with theh- live-". Two aaughteiH of James brady, Maud,agodt about 10 yiai.s, and Allrtlu, aw-U about l.I yuih, and one sun of T. H Saflln, I^iedfhe, aj-'d about 10 ycai.s, porlah- i (I in the llanie.. The \> Ue of T. U. , Sallln, being urn mim'ujUH, WJi badly Dm ucd. I'O MAAU V.MJJ.U UJS OWN fsAtf, vti'Hurn nicUey mid ifpMjnrdlun <'o>nmlu- ' oloiioil ut it llrrflnu: "f ,tl* *'nMiirt, Ottawa, March 20. There aro new developments In connection with the school miration to-night. A meeting of the Cabinet wan hold thla i.-\ enlng at which It was deeldod to vornmlsfcion Mr. Dlelccy, Minister of .Justice, and Mr. Deajarcllnn, Minister of Militia, to proceed to Winnipeg to negotiate with the Manltpba Govern ment with a view to a settlement. It v/.ih Intended that they ahould leave Ottawa for Winnipeg to-morrow after noon, hut aH Sir Donald Smith, who will accompany them, h(tu business in .uontieal to-morrow and had to leave lor that city to-night, tho Mlnlstera may not got away until Monday. Pend ing tho abbtmce or tho dtlogatos from Ottawa tho Ilomudlal bill will bo pro ceeded with on ovory po^iblo occas ion It being tho Government'a Inten tion to utilize all Urn remaining timo at their dlupoaal to pumh the measure- into law in the ovont of negotiations with Manitoba coming to naught. j:un IWplndi-u on lt<>nr<l ^lilti. Mattdrid, March 20. While tho war ship MAria Teresa was teeting her tuna off Forrol to-day. one of them exploded, injuring throo omcers and gix neamen. ' _ to Of i Ifii HI. Trvrrll or li OUlalioma* U'tililn- lltri' IIax Mnui ltrrnpiuml. Port Scott, Kan,, March 22. Tra. UL i'lirell, a memboi of the Oklahoma Ujisuituio. author of the capital puu- t-nnient Ulu , and himself the first man -.eiitenctd to hang uniiir thu law, was identihed luie bust evening. He broka Jail at Gutlulo wlule uiukr sentenc* 3\x months ago. lie wont back to tha teiritoiy alter hia wilu and childLon and was going east with them when .dintllled uy an old acquaintance. OT- Hcors of dlifcient Oklahoma counties ue disputing who shall have cuatody Df him. ______________ 1JALIAS Clir.hllS AIJOVJKIi. l*rlnn- fllliiMrr I>i umllul Hujh IIuinlfcM* * oiuiurli*>* Italy h LilLiiMfu. ltome, March 21 The Chamber of Deputies to-day approved of the Afri can credits by a larg-e nmjoilty after lejLcUng by a vote of J19 to UI) a hoa- t.le motion made by aignor Sonnlno, cx-MinlMer ot the Troaauiy, in the courat of a speech on the oredita, Prime Mlnlstet Di Kudlnl attacked tho oocialihts. lie said the Government lugaioed the friendship of England aa completing ltaly'a alllaneea. Ho expiessed pleasure because of tho triendly attitude of the British Parlla-' ine-nt. Alter the adoption of tho cre dits; the Chamber adjourned until April J8. I ntnl letlip'iii i<i mi Iluiihifi*!'. Dt-wlaton. Me., March 22. Chlof En gineer W. D Allen of the Maine Cer*- .ial lt.nlioad met a allocking death at .^t wlsLon Falla. He waa inapoctln* c rk on the Central bridge, when his cad struck one of tho uprights and ha 1] no feet Into the water and waa ear- i led a\. ay by the freshet. ,Ho had been .plnyod by the Maine C^jritral for 2 ----------------=A af New York, March 21. Georft^^A'- f banker, the Ameilcan cyclist, who wVaL^, Lilian down with typhoid fever Whilf ^Wi} sojourning in this city, died this juVth tci noon. The direct cause of death was heart failure. TOUQXJO MAHHKSH, . V4 fi Flour Tho twulcet I dull, with utrulsat oiKih nomliml at $:i. i.'> hi Jf.'t Ki). i,run Tin* market Is quiet. Oar lots ot j run offer wust nt $U and Khorln at $11, ISO. Wheat This nuirUot Is du I, with prices meluiiiued. Them were hiiIoh of white awl d uutMdo to-day at 750. No. i\ fall 70* . d out-ide. No. 1 Munltoba hard ofTored .r HOe N.H., No. 2 nt 77%c, and at 77o U ,iihe N.b. without bitlH. No. 3 hard of- oiud nt 70'/[0 to arrive North bay with TOo jlil. No. 1 froHlou offeiod ul Ole Saruia,. filndiiiR iii linnet, with ui!c bid. . *% biirley Tho nmrlo't Is dull mid price* .Lemiy No. 1 otl'cred at 'lie* oululdo, and \o, L' ipiotod at IWo to 3'ic. (hits Trado quiet and prices steady, (vi th huIch of so\en etiru of mlxud at 22 jniHldo. Whiti* liti'/io bid With Hollera mt ,J'"'e oiltHlde. Peat Tho market Is dull, ulth bu!oh out- iUW at IUe. biiekwhoat Tho niarUet In dull and price* uinhiiil ut :i0o to Jt2c. (Miunoiil niiKluoHU quiet, with prices nominal at $2.00 on truck. < orn riio market la cjulot ami prlca *nHy, yollow olforhig at IVJc outnldo, aud 330 Jid on IMUt, cast. Uje The mnrUot Is dull, with Hollorfl oat- Do mid no bids. KIUTISU MAUKBTH. LiUcrpool, March 21. Wboot, sprlns, 0 Id to fin ftd; rod* wlntnr, Bo tid to fls 6dj So. X Onl., 5h nVjtl to 6a Vjd; com, new, in O'/jd ; pi'un, >1h i%il; porlt. tiOs 0d ; lard, Hit Od; tallow, lifiH i)d; bacon, heavy, 3flj h tin., lltsht, LHld Ml choose, 43a. ,s,q lAviTpool Wheat futures dtoady at (: tn .IVjd for Murch and April and 08 4%d for, May, Juno and July, Molzo easy at -in* >Uid for April, Hb 0%d for May. Si lUd Xoc./.n* Iuiiq and Mm l%d'for July. Klour Iti London ...IHHUUO ( iiiRO quiet. .... .,,, . . _ . ....... * . Lit (lloao Whe*t off cJftHt aulet,'**. % - St" niiHHuiEo'dull. Malnp_olI coftut and on |%"^ ArRoutliie Bhipmonta _ 83,00a '^r &&*& irs. to U.K. ond74T,00O qrn. to (Jontlnent. Wheat ea7 atUf 40c for A**} qour eaay at 40f 78c tor AprU, , -o 1 'M?, MS