Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 27, 1896, page 5

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A< ' FMjHi jtcssHiac vwnm vm rA'-.~->' &$! TA L K OF THE TOWN FUIDAY. iYlAttOH 7, IHOfi. Maroh is drawing to a clooo, for which ory few will foul any rutfrnt. Tb ohanoory hitting aro being liltl ut nndwioh thm \w>uk before Clmmmllnr Boyd. A mmhII hui at lunilii Imblo tii Iki wld i'n tuloU HppAKtH 111 tlllH IHHIIO. Till) llt 1H growing niniiHof vacli >our. It 1H runioiud ahoutKuifjt'wlIu und Lcniii- iutiton tliatt a hira find of oil ban boon ruuito hy tho npfratnifi on Pcleo Inland. (^uitn u lot of ptn-k him been marliotnj lion* thin wi ok. A. J. (iu-ttti I.uh ilono an uiiUHiiuJIy huj;o proiluiMj biihineny at Imi Khhox olovntor thin your. Tho nurmal bn/ur of tho IikIioh' aid of tho MothodiHt uhuich will bu held at the rmiirtencnof Mi. and Mm. MaUwun mat a'ui'hduy mid WodnPnda>. Diobol A Hrioluir'H fjniin eUmitor in lining covered from ('round to roof with metal Hiding and roofing II will bo roiuly foi operation in a vory nhort tirrio, now. Tlio putrnmi of Iho lllytheuwond rhoeic (antory huvu rouli/ed S4.7JK..22 from tho a!o of oUeehr manufactured lnut jour. Tliery wurc dO^ISO pomidn of oIilohu madu. Good woik horco for Hide O. K Smith A Oo. Ludien, K to M- J- Wilo A Co. for whilo wear. Single bin in ^h, MO NO, warranted madi by band, nt F. H AdaniH1 Hhop Apprenticed Wanted.-To loam die<n making. Apply to tho Mimhoh Oroenwiy, Ebhox. Tho contract wan nignrd bv tho county warden the otbor tiny with Patrick Ntivm for tho repairing of tlio jail and tho county building nt Handwich Tho ropairn will coot tho county SIMM, botudcH $i,/iOG for %hes now remdeneo of tho jailer. Xlov. A, L. Beverly preached at tin? Church of Iho Auccmuon, Comhcr, on Sun day Jant. Tho pulpit of Bt. P&ul'n ohmch boro, was Allud by Ku\. Fmrior, of Ilnrou Oollctfo, ijondou, who preached a very eloquent uud forcible Hurraou. John Craig, of tlio dominion department of horticulture, ronorta that in muny doc tioriH of tho countiy the pinch crop will be practically a fuiluio. Uo hah not yet u.v arainid tho troen in iSnaox Douuty, but tho KrowGrTi-oporTthat bo fur tho outlook foi a largo crop,iH moht piouiimrif; Who weopu with you when you are Had, and Jani>liH with you when you aro |dad, and nwetirft with \nu whon you die omd ? Tho Fditor. Who tian to be both kind and wide, and novor (hardly over) hen, und whoii ho does cream mirpnae ? Tho Kditor. Who owwh a burnt uh \v*1 1 an cheok ih poii- aoBHed of a Hpirit proud but meiaU, and hvtu on forty conta a week ? Tho Editor. M. J. Wifilo A Co. do tho Hboo trado right. Stamped linens, staupod iugn# and lotH of new novoltiGH expected next week at May'u I3a>;ar. Call and lnnpoot. Saturday pneen at Smith'h, chou u t'ult pork 7^c; 4 ciiua aardineH 2oc, 7 oaiiH to tnatooa COc; gallon can applen 'J3c, 3 boxtH miituhon 252. Thobe are SatLirdaj'o puccH Fancy Ba*/aui Tho JjO-diufi' Aid of the MotbodiHt church, will hold thoii Vnnuul Bazaar of fancy und imehil urtiLlou, on Tuesday, the dlat j\larch, uud Wtdnenda> the firet dav of April, nt tho rooiduiico of Mro. J. It, MoEwau. Open each after noon from 5 till 10 p. m. Admi&mon with rofrcBbmonto lOcta. 2 i Miih. McEwvn, Secy. L. A. In apito of tho fact that tho urnvul of Toronto papers wore very auxioUHly awaited laut Friday and Saturday, tbar record broakinf* Btorra intorforod, und uoun of tho trauaotiomi at Ottawa did not leacli us until tho arrival of London puporn on Saturday, and t,hon only to a loea^re ex- totit. Friday mormng'y Glubu reachod uu on Saturday ni^ht, and tho Saturday Globe did not roach town until Monday ttighfc. Mail and .Umpire roudoro woio more fortunate, putting their papoi a fow bourn oarhor in t'uoli iniitanoo Sohoolfl in citua, towriH and meorporatt d Ivillagon have I'M tom-hin^ dujn durinf the Irat half of 1890 and HI durinfj tho last lalf. ThdBo Hchoola opened on tho 3id ot lunuary and will clono for h.niter holiday \a tbo Urd of AdtiI; they will ro opon ju he 13th of April and cIoho for munmer olidayaon the 80th of June and a^ain ro ion on tlio iUat Ati^UHt and cIohu on tlic rth of December, Kuial hoIiooIh havo 12') [aohiny duya in tho Hint half of thm yoar lid 91 m tho Iant half. They opened on La 3rd of Junuury and will clouo on the Ij of April and ro open on tho 7th of Itnl, and cIoho for uumaier holidayn on |> liOth of June and ro opor. on tlio 17tli jiyniifc und oloau for Chriutmnri on the lid of December. ; [v. Church tfe Sons wiwh to anuounoo lo wublio, that a poition of their order for /clow bavo arrived and a**o now on view Iho ofiioo of Mr. Church,Dunntaii block. |u firm have leaaed Mr, BinHon'u rink,for utio ot thoHG who purohnno wheohi, |ro thoy can oxerciHo thomaolvoH and ulont dfcond in frne from tho tfnzo ut tbo lio. Tho rink will bo opon to their \m oyory affcornonn and avonitif;, Lpt Sunday.) Soo advt. next woek, |r bent valuon in clothing, hutu and land all liiflUtfl' fum'shiun'L try M. J. Au oxploaion of nitro-ttlynoriu at Po. trolua, on Monday, wrecked n. T. Ooroy'H fn'l)iyan.( hlnw two of tdin omployooH, IVIf uiitH. .lului Owon and William Illiquid, to utoniB. S. Willtitiaoki, oim of thu ploimor bUHiuoHH men of ICiiHiix, oooupiud tho pulpit in Trinity Church, Coltam, on'Sunday limt. Mi. Wilkhiaoii ih auid to be an aula oxpon- oiih ofroliKiouQ doatrbio. r.ouk ont for tho "Maitlni Waubinulnu tua'Tu^on by tbo Y*>K~lftdiefl of thu pnnbytariiiiiohuiob in Mrn May'u apaci- n it i pur loin on Tin t.dny i Mjnitu', Api il II, I till li' i ainiMiiiii n k'hIh hid r. Teaohciii m tho countiy nehooht will be jrlad I" laam that tho 1'iovimnaJ lawn arc |.^inj( ohaii((tjdt no that hircnftur tbov uill buvoawotikpf holidayn at Kaiitor, tho uaiviu no Villas, town and city nohoolu. Claude Vunoo r* porta bumnuHU pronpn In in iho nod a watei lino auhiiulit thm itpiiii". hincii purchafiiiii; thin worlc a few w i lui mnco, Clalido ban bean thioufdi the routity iiitnrvifiwiii^ proiipdctivo ouutoinoin. Itni many Jinnux frirudit will he plctiucd to Icaru ut bin micceitn in thiH vonturc. Jlon A. R. Uaidy'n hill to rt-duco tbo liuiijbci ot county tounoilloin ban boon Jintdly pai id, und will bntome law for 1B'I7. LUth .\ coun'y will bu divided into novtn fiiuim th, hiiviiiR luoroprofiontativt*H oaeli. ,Iu lg< lloirio, of thm county, Iiuh boun uppou.Ii J to the Hoard of Judficn w ho will have tbo work of diutiibution uf dintrictH. Solomon Wi^le, of KinKvillo, died on Wudnctulay ovluuii: at an adyancod a no wan well known in thiH vicinity, bin Hontt boinj* Itichard, Of Maidnlone, lUumcri uow of Uliud Itivor, both well known bure, and Iiih dinif;ht(--rn heinji Mtu Tboa IjIIiu Maidslo c, and Mm. - . 11. Oliver, of Wood htojk. Thf dun a-itd also left aovcral other ubildrtni. Thu tuncial u baiti^ buld to day. Tlio Ontario Government hurt awarded tho contract for tlio fonoinc of the Govoru- ment jjumu reneive ut Ilond Jhiu. A pmk fonco for liicloHinjj tho pheafianta will bo uruccad lirnt and will bo oiulit fuet hitjh. Tho pheaauntH will lio brought from New Jurats, and liberated within tho (jneloHiiru, thoiFwin^ii bolnirchppod. Tlio og^n wilj he colleutad and hutched by domcflticated fo+vltj. Try tho now canned beana or corn, 10o can at Smith'a. J, W. Gibnon baa thu boot iiolootod lino of bicyolcB in tho County of Ebbcx. Soo Inn advt in another column. Our motto: llonent qoodH at lowost living pricac M. J. Wifjle it Co. Adamn toakoH all hm haraoaH in hia own ahop, no factory inndo t;oodn pnlmod off au tho youuiuo article. Ills poodu Htund tho tout. A Gin w TJAi.ruiM 28 acria of cIioilo hind Hitualed north of Gonliold avenue und Houth of tlio I'oHtor Faun, ono half ih in tioblwld und tho other in tlio Town of J.nnt'V. uud only iiHHOHHod an faun property. It it* moHi desirably bituatod and will very nhortly be worth double what it can now ho bought for. Call at once u von want a bir^ain. CIIAS WHIT^, nun^er In- penal Hank, Khhox. li A alight wreck of tho Michigan Cuntral uu 1 way oecuied Tuesday inopunt; at l:of) o'tdock at Furtfi. A westbound apoouil in obutj^u of Conductor MDylan wan tutting tbo hitlin^ at Furfio when tho tram parted Tht nareud htruck tho front end with coriMi Icrublo finco. Conductor Moy Ian who wnu in the cupola of tho way car, wiih thrown HganiHt tno Hide af Mio oar by the ujih iiHhiou. He locuived i' wour.d on tho fortlKtul, a nash over tho bift ovo and had hih uoho pruned Two empty oara wcio u|no derailed. The aiixiliaiy, with Dr. Smith and W. .1 Orr on board waaaent up, bu*" evorvthing iuih put in ahane boforo it ^ot thuro Ono day laat week while Hobbrt Groon- way, who lives near Maidatono, in Sand wich South townahip, wuh comiu^' homo from Walkorvillo, witli an empty hay rack, be collided with a covered bugy, ocoupieu by a Iran named LivingUont?, of Walkor villo Tho road n very naiiow between the diteln h, and Mi Gieunway thought that he could pain with uufety tho buf^y which wau ataudin^ at tho aide of tho road, with tht oovor down and thu buck towardn him Thu corner of hm rack caught thu co iitM of tho hu^cy cover. Livinfjatono'n liorae started to movf aboad, and ran into Mr Groouwiiy'H team, frinliteninj; thnm bo that noither ri(4 (van utoppad for uoune diHtance. Livinijatouo'H btiHRy cover wau torn, and bin puntii fioiled by jumping, or bjiuf; thiown, iu tho mud, and ho bringn a buic for Ol.".00 (laraufJoH, Mr. Greouivay chiituH that if i^iviu^uton bad atopped lua borne, no dam ago would bavo reunited hut to nave troublo/ baa offorod 55 00 which ho tblnkfl moro than oovora tlio damage doao. For bicu enrtaina, window ohadea, car ped and nil houau furniHlnn^n 'no to M. J. Wij^'le dk Co. F. S. Adanie, tho harueaa dealer, hao a flno Htock, and ho will not bo uiidoniold by any man. Soo before you buy. i off aalo at Smith'a on clothing, ahoou ami hatti Fuday, Suturday and Monday. Park tho Jow'dor, him rereived a largo impoitutiouH of tho uoweab thinfja in Hue bedroom and fancy oropkory, toilet waron, etc. TIiuhu ooda are of tbo vory boat foreign iminufaoturo, and aro ftaarautood lirat-cluau in ovory roapcot. Call and aoo them, prieea ri^ht. Did you hoar or it? Tho big boom in barneaa at> Adam'o biirnoaa atoio. Tbo way he nt Hianghtonug hm Htock of now hum on ii j a nurprlae tu the old timer a. CallaudBea him. THE TIMES Woof bna 1 W0 &%. B ^1 Bs2tf^ I I Whon yon ptiy out money 3-011 munt tjcl extraorrlinary ^valnc in return. See what your money will do with me. 200 soft FeU JIats, all thin BeaHon's aLyles, 50c each. 150 i?edora ir?it^t black and brown, at 70e worth 00c. 220 Podora Jlnts, black and brown, Si ONLY, 175 Podora Hats, black, brown and Cuba, at $1.25 worth $1.50 $2 Podora nt $1-75, 2.50 at $2, $3 at $2.50. Hundreds ol Gups, prices from lie to $1. \rou Hhotild hoo those froods befoie buying elsewboie. JOB LOT OF TIES Spring Ties, worth dOe each; thin week 1 for 35c or 4 for $1. TOP SHIRTS Hlnck Sntoon Shirts 50o, G5c, 75e, J-pl, 5pl,25, extra value. Other lines in colored Shirts remnrkably cheap. COLLARS Prices from 10c to 20c each, all the latest styles. Link CuJTh, 4 ply, 25c. White Hand- kerchiefs from 2c to 25o each, BRACES (Jail and hcg my 25c Brace worth 35c. . . Wall Paper . . I have secured samples of Wall Paper from the Consum ers Wall Paper Co,, Windsor, and can save you r'rorn 55 to 25 per cent, on your money. Prices ranging from 3d a roll up to 50c. Bo sure and call beforo buying elsewhere, as it is no trouble to show goods. * D. J. Whitney, HATTER AND FURNISHER. ARE YOU G-OING TO Ride iho Site&i Steed ? 1 can give you your choice of the following popular wheels nt PRICES that are RIGHT. ^ .. %*?*- -y^ The Ooraet' Cleveland, Gendron, Capital, Alert No. 11, Envoy, Fleetwing, Reliance, Alert No, 25. LADIES' WHEELS A SPECIALTY. All purchasers taught to ride by an experienced rider, free of charge, A soft place to fall on guaranteed. Got prices and terms from J. W. GIBSON. On Monday of last wook an Mro. John Gammon of GoRtk-ld North waa attempt ing to croHfl a ditoh alio ahnpod and foil, and in attempting toaavo herkeff unatainod a bad fmaturo of tbo light arm between the wrist and olbow Sbo wao takou to tho ofliooof Dra. JJowar<& McKonzie whoro tbo injured mombor waa attondod to and nha la now doing aa well m\ oan bo expected. If yon want to oujoy tho comforta of bora* buy a lOo. paolcugo of gemma TONKA Smoking "Mixture. Whon von bay tho famonn BEAVKR Chewing Tobacco, bo mire tho word Beavor iu on oaoh plug. M, J. Wi(lo & Oo. have juat received a hirfjo oonsigurnont of now cJobhinp; for men and boya. . , Stark'o Powdora, each paokago of wliich ooutamH two prepuratioua, one in a round woodou box, tho cover of whioh formo a meaanro for ono dono, au immodiato ro Iiof tor OoativunonH, Sielc Hoadaoho and S torn noli; also Nouraltfia and all kinds of norvona paina, and another In cupimlen, (from J to J of ono ih an ordinary doae) whioh acta on tho Bowela, Livor aud Btoraaob, for mini! a never failing purfoot treatmont for all Hoad and Stomach com- phdntu. Thoy do not, an moat pills and bo many other modieinoa do, load tboir offaot or produoo lifter oouutipatlott thoy aro nieo to tako. 25o a box at all modi> -not oudalora. . , .. Elegant hnea droas j'oodn at halt priao, Koad oar ad. G. E. Smith A Co. A Great 1 a OF THE VERY BEST. More now atyleH, handaomeat no- Icetiona and ohuioeHt noveltioH m Men'a, Womon'a, Miaaob' and Childron'a Boots, Shoes and Slippers Whon you aee our carefully select- ed otook you may know tlio pat- roea of tlnu oatabhohraent will (fot flrdt-ohiHH (4oodn. Wo aro oaroful to buy the bot; price marked on tho 00I0 of each pair. Koonomy, oomfort and aatmfaotion goen with ovory pair of thoBo fihoow, On atom work a apooialty. For tho boat SbooB at fair pricoa, go^to Jas. Douglas, Sliiu of t|io doldon <>l, Whitney Block M Essex & Now We make a specinlty of Black and Navy Dresj Plain mid Ki^ured LustreH, Siciliuns, Cropons, H< (JashmoroH. SPECIAL GUTS. 5>I.2A plain and fancy blacItH !10c 75 " ' r.H.. 1^1.00 plain and fan< fiO JOB LINE DRESS GOODS. $1.00 pin in and i'nncy for 50c 00 ' an 40 * :.'0 7t1c plain and fi " Thi'j lincfjoin^ fust, ^loato^t drivo of the aeuaon, Clioioo lino of plain und fancy Ducka frcni JOc to 25c, wt price. Guaranteed fast colors. UiiirjliaiiH, Dulamofl, iVlannpIetles, nliirtin^^, Towolinga, d KvLni hmy Jjiwr .'nrtniim ^Gc pur. Curtain Poles and! Lmoti Itollor JJIinds i0c ouch. Art Miislins, Curtain Notbl extra fine patLoniH iind valuer. Itogulur atundard aliirtmga 1-Jlc yard for 10c; Ooitona* and Ticking of oxtra valuo. To bo m stylo Ipiivo your ordor with us for spring suitHj maigiua in this line. Full raiipjc ready-mndo nuitB. job lot lino for $3.50; $ti linn tor 3; ^r> lino for $2.50; S lino for Full rungo spring (lata and CapB, fine ahocfl and nlippor^ undersold m the above lino; if quality counts wo aro ahoad. Elegant Fedora JIats for men OHo Ladies' fine kid button Boots ?1 a pair; Ladios' lino k] Oontn'fjno laced or (Jongrcsa uliooa $1.85 pair. Ladioa* fancy shoulder Capes ^1.25 uj). Remember the olcgimt iurnituro wo givo awayfroo. BjJ oash. Everything is booming and vou may bo too lato. Whitney Block, Essex. m Have Seen BRANTFORD RED BIRD? We sell it and the "THEY ARE G-OOD ONES." W. H. RICHARDSON, I *$. nUKETJ Wheat rod por bnabel .... 70 to 70 Wheat, white '" Ss SML2T4 :::: *o^g .. .. 4 (JO Bay por ton........WW Mto 10 TO Uoofporowt............ i?"i?S2 pQrk ............ i to 475 75 Sutton ............ 6 00to M0 Hidoo............ Il0 Ohiokons por lb.......... J Bnfctor .......... i'1___ ll Lard .......... ' ' Bfics, per don ......... * Potatoon, per buflbol .... Jpw Apploa .... IpOtoI 00 1'urnira .. *5t* J5 Carrots r[j Beets . , J" Paranipo - J}[ Turkeya jwr lb.......... ww Duoka *' ........v ' , ^ OoUry tierfdoa .......... * Oabbafji .......... *6 kflraM WttlUfif A ***** Mmrttat Utprl No. myo, par buBhol.... M X Oat aloaMod , 33 1 Barley w* W a owb . 76 1 Corn owt ' S3 Tho above priooa aro paid by, EC, WaJket ouat Wmlk.rville. Out. OUR SPRING S' In now oomploto and no bo| twonc in tho couutj Scotch Tweed Suiii Canadian Tweed Sui| Fancy and Black Suits, Made to ordor at J- South s Woosl Harnes, I can rivo you a gooAl of Single narness^an*?! hand-made To* F. S. Ad Bt.. ^ rfui & * 1. ^^m^y^^n *,"& i*&\ft*i:ffluLi Mi^i^^&^^ '. *- m 1 1 ' it f /' '

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