Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 27, 1896, page 3

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" . ' CANCER ON THE LIP CURED BY pariHa OYER'S "I eomullfd doctors who proscribed for Dm to no lMiip-i', T BiiltuioillnuKimy veil Innirynui. rinnlly, I Iiorihi taking I'M s!imipaii!l:i. In a Wi'i'k or two i tin-d n decided iminnvenieiit. *;|"r- cil by this irsiilt. I pm severed until in n Mitli or H( tliii sup- hepaii to heal, mid, tor mini' Urn H.n .upiirllla mralx mont hi, o lnit irW oMhc t\m r disappeared. - mk.I 15.* Nicholson, X^oruiicovlHu, N. II kjer's-SS: Adtnlttnd at the WorRt'H gaty. Xi'JJU'J' l*/XXN Jltffulato tho lloweU* arsaparilla I not bo felt half no muoli in tho hoiiHO yoa utto tho LION'S FUEL SA.VEII D HEAT RADIATOR. Savon 40 por t. of fuol. It catahos tho hoat tnat other* 3 gooa out doora throach tho chimney, uilt on Boioutiuo pnnoipioa, and "only Js]ta bo Hortii to be uudurstoad and ap- ciatod. Will ruvo ita coat in a fw !h L. PARKER Agt. BS8EX, - ONTARIO. Vrlto or call at Gourlay'H laundry. Honey to Loan >u gdod productive Form Proporty at 6J.& 0 por cent, atraiuht. o Valuation Fees. OouyoyB-noing Done np in Noafc Stylo Fire and Life insurance. 4. E.LOVELACE, Essxyi, ONT POWDERS :ur SICK NEAOACHC rind NeuralKla < fo Mwyrtss, l o e*tcd Toncur, Ditn- ess, JWIouuiikb*, I'.ilrt in the Kid, Coattipatlpn, "orplfl Liver, Il-itl llrroih. io stay ctjroti *Uj ogajatoftbo bowols, vbhy WOK roT***i naiCMsiL&.CnHT^ji'r, 'Djttua Srajrtfe>&' Tho bano of Ayer's flair Vigor in a ro sed and dehcato fluid, whioh does not il or bocomo runoid by exposure to tho r, and which ih as perfect a nubntituta 3 the oil supplied by uaturo in youth and alth; as modern chemistry oau produoo lMSuaoes in tho reward of morit" not of lauuiptiou. Popular apprnaiution ib what lis iu tho him; run. Por Bfty yoaru, lopla hurl bw n unit)tf Ajok'h SurHaparilla, Id to-day 't i tho blood-purifier mout in Ivor with th- public. Avt'm SurBaparilla ireH. .----------------*'---------------- \> Do not Do TMtu Do not bo inducod to buy any other if bu ha^o murlo up your mind to take EoodV banmparilW. Heraeraber that food's SiirwflpanM i cure* whim all othorn lih Do not uivn up iu despair bi*ouuae ihermedioiiiea havo failed to help von, Jake Uoarl'i Hartinarilli faithfully and loa may P'tiarmublo fxpoctf to bo ourod. [ood'H Pill-4 .nfo ptiroly votretahlp, rare- illy pr(inrod from the hunt jiiigrwHuhtM. IT MEANS A FIGHT. Tho Dervishes Wont Give Up Thulr Granaries IN THE FINE D0NG0LA PROVINCE Th lll<ih*m ffovlnrn ut thr UlUia*- Nil* - 'llif HiitHlnU QHpm^Ioh 4'AtitttMl thn Fir*.t H'nt brlmtn Iu i)a,. Ini- New York, March ^.-Mr, Iiiiumi N. Foul r.ibleu t'roin Ijondcm to Tho Sun day Trlhuiw : "'he ni'w Egyptian compllciitlunB o-iu "<U a pinjfiii' of darkiiuiiiij The Minlu- ii'ia aic not anxloufi to conroul thoir "fi-itit pnllc'Icx. Mr. Cmv.on neoniH to have borrowi-tl from Mr. C'hamborlaln the Idea nf a jvltuw hniiw expotud to ini Idle view. I Jo anmvcTii riuiMitioiiH without hp.sltatlon, and even K-adi de- . I'UtcliPH troin Loul Cromt-r, the con- t id.s of vvhli'h Laid Halhrtiury dpplineu to vt veal. Whethpr the advancn to- uard Umijrolu lw a divprnlim In bi-hnlf of the Italian Kairhion at KumhiIii or a dpfpnitlvi' mcaiiuri' afralimt the dt- hLt-nt ol the. iJprviHhui upon Lowpi* m'Jt, It ban alifudy acrvi'd two pur- ' j-ph it has HlU-m'Pd all talk on the i ntlntnt aliout an Immodlato EnKliwh Withdrawal from lOgypt, and it luui hr-undod public opinion iv:,]>eotintf tWT u*KUH|iiL*Ht of thp Soudan. Whllp the ulLirior iuirpof,c;i of the (hvprnmont tin- nut di;,, It Ifl uh- h\. mod by tin- proHH of all nhadpii of opinion that Lord Ciomer, who wan re- ' ImiiihIWp for the evacuation of the Si.ud-in, now pf-rcciwn bin mhitolte (Hid rhhh'fa to rpptlfy it by a complete hvpi'miiI oi a policy which be-fran with .i inu.Hsiicrp nnd ended In the relapse of the Upppr Nil,. countrlPH Into bur- b.illsm- Thp AllnihtpjH content thera- -i IvH with dlmiiHHlntf tlie factH In plain slKht and luavliiK thu future ot the Soudan to take eait of itnelf. Thny ai-fort that the expedition la ordered to ko only a thlid of the way to Don- pnl,i, and Justify the* dlaplay of force "n th - frinnnd of the activity of the I't ivlnlie9 and the danKer.s of the Ital ian position ; but everyone known that Wady Haifa In a more aclentlHc fron tier than DonROln. and that the ad- \t. nee of the Kgyptlan troops will be ip^ardod by Ike Hi tvIhIiph as the first stop townrdn Khartoum. Dnnirohv In fhe rlehent province of the Upper Nile. It Ih the irranary from which the Der- vIhIips draw their food supply. They are not lllcoly to abandon It without a hard flpht, and the qurotlon Is anxlouRly dlncusHod in military p'reIH whether the Ktfyptlan troops, w hlch were panie-ntrlclien under Illclcn rasha and Hakcr Panha, can now bo tru.'Uetl. The Snudanoue In the Kprypt- fan Hcrvlee are irood Holdiern, but the hblk of the expeditionary force will he made up of troopi naturally timorous and unsteady. Military critics unite In warning the Government that tho j-'Upportintf column of Ilritlsh regulars must be a strong one. ThiL <jJipiov~ ir.uit of the Kinallor of th'e two rest-TVe Hinds of the ERyptlan debt is already sanctioned by a majority of the alx powers forming tho " Caisse." France- piotests, and KusHla will probably Join tn>. Unanimous consent would have been requisite If the money had been urked as a direct gift, but a majority can authorize tlu temporary use of a portion of the reserve. Money will be borrowed under guarantees of repaj^- nunt, with Interest charges. ltussia and France are powerless to prevent this tompmary act of financial accommodation. Besides, even m l'ariu there Is a struggle between lust of di vidends and love of. resentment, and jealousy. The bondholders then- are satisfied with the results of the Kugllsn tinancLa] administration of Kgypt. and ai e str jngly diKpowed to second any piupusals titim Ltindun. in lieru , Vi enna, Uome and St. Puteisuuig uank- tisari' on the sld of the English tlnv- ernment, and their iniluenee is decisive \\ henevt-i d.plumatle qupstion.s uru laised. * The Fieneh Government, meanwhile, have a score to settle with the D-pu- t.eH. Although M. iiertnelot prubabiy did not mean to have uis piotest against the emidoyment of the reserve lund taken literally, he will have to convince a hostile Chamber that he has done everything possible to uphold the dignity of the nation. The position of the Lourgeo.s Government is in- becuie. its downfall on a foreign ques tion would enable the opponents of the Income taxation to defeat a policy un popular with the rich and middle classes without challenging the Pre mier to bring on a general election with a definite Radical program. The Suuuau question huh produced the first real debate in the English Commons In the present session. The Opposition h therto has wisely refrain ed tiom foicn.g div.s.ons o.i minor questions and I'eveullng the weakness oi the minority. The inaich to ijongola Involved the icveisal of the Soudan policy of the Gladstone Government and cuuld not pass without a challenge, iui. Aloiley, ak-ilxe m^si lpyn-1 suppoit- er of Mr. GUubio.u, virtually movetl a vote of ceiinin.-, mauing u vigorous protest against a policy which might involve the pecomqueat of the Soudan. Mr. CimmberUm I'epl.ed In a speech with splendid debating power, which lairly set the Unionists aflame with enthusiuiim. While It wan no logical answer to Mr. Morley'o -argument, wmch excluded the quention ot ua .-vacuation of i'Jgypt, it was a speech luminous with common sense and ap pealed auoncly to English pride Ueitainly whatever xuay u-* said Of Uie original- invasion and the pledges given for their ultimate retirement, the English have done their worlt well in Kgypt. Mr. Chamberlain was justified in glorying over the reformed admin istration of thai country as a tilumpn of English genius bringing order out Of chaou Mr. uaboucherc was hardly taw- in charging Mr, Chamberlain with de fying Europe, but wan .logical and ef fective in forecasting an advance from Dongola to Khartoum and the uourcOH of the Nile. Mr. Stanley favcied Uie reconqucst of the Soudan on tne ain- f ular ground that it would Wad to the Independence of Kgypt through a com- nletc overthrow of the Mabdlst power; nor was this a bad argument, alnce the Egyptians, if able to subjugate the M'lhdibtH, would vindicate the.r right to covtrn themselves. Mr Cuxzon was followed by Sir ^William Harcourt, who made dexter ous ue of a weak point in the Co lonial Secretary's speech, namely, that the distance traversed by the expedi tion would depend'upon the resistance met. That was not Jt happy way of stat- l dl ng the caws, and Sir. W. Haroourt ri- llculed It as un-Knglluh, Mr. Balfour closed the debate with a veiled refer ence to the belated Wolstley expedition, dnoiarlnff that wherever the column went, thore would be no retreat, and that whatever wan gained for Egypt would be hers forever. The vote of censure waa defeated two to one i oniv one 1'nlonlst, Mr. Courtney, vot ed with the Opposition, while np Lib eral ahytalnod. H was virtually a Hti-al^lit party dlvlelon. Tne o/<fc'irrn- ment now have *. free hand to do whoever thuy cliooae, b.o. the Liberal* luiu' ui-eii cOasbjiLut in k.ouucii<uiri in i...vaiiei. a iL\,TBal of t..t..- own policy. .. Heriu.. o. 0>vernme.kv tnuusoxeu 1...: , .>ecn inltodn'( d,l,.i*Iuu..i,? itu: Loit- (.on Water Hill, v.nlch (UiateH a new board for arranging a ttehemo to pur- cnasu tin,- rights ot the eight compa nies, and thereby curtails the privl- I gp*i of tlm County Council. Tlie loodcrateji of that biwly are not du*- po'ied to wWwnne this meiuune. Aii^ oun r nuHisuie alma to reform tho Conipanles Aot and to regulate th opeiallons of promotiiTH, whose luUlv Ity Juui startled the liuulnuus wurJtL (lui Injf the recent ICnfllr excitement. It Is not a stringent meiusure, but lim its the scandal of going to allotment on a fraction of nominal capital, and piovldes that all enulnu'ts shall be net fortli In the prospectus. Dlahonest Piomoters of stock eompanlrs will be hampered by the a.rnbi)c)U>(l law, hut dheetors will not ln held rpsponslhle to shareholderH, and many loojihnlen fur'trickery will rt-maln, pfipeclallv for ml/nepn nentlng assets and capital. The Krlucntlon I till Is promised be fore the Ka.Hter reoesn. It will bo a t-maller and weaker men'turp than lutfl been anticipated. The Cabinet have In en divided on the subject, and a compromise will hardly satisfy tho frlendjj of voluntary nehnols. The most fantastic d< bate of tho u'eelc has been drawn out by a pri vate bill Introduced In the Interest of fumioni. it alrm tn eompt-1 th ven- dors of meat and cheese tn mark and In bed their goods when Imported from the eolonleu or foreign coun- t rlen. ^r r. I u ye0 and other Llheralii condemned the proposal as a iiubtle form of protection, and so-offtd at the ld(u that consumeiH would pay more for meat or cheese if /they knew that they were buying TCng- l.'.h products The reply made Is that It hi not a question of protecting tho tat morn, but of promoting commercial molality, since the eomiumer ought to 1 now when he gets the roost beef ol Old England or a teal Houthdown mutton chop. The bill Is not likely to merge from the committee. Mr. Chamberlain Is not piepar d to meet pi (.tests from New Zealand and Ain- tt.illa if colonial joints and cutlets are lab* Hot] as Inferior goads. The argu ment, based on morality, If extended to clgarH. would prevent the sale of l.iuzlllan, Indian and Mexican goods an pure Jlavuna.s, and ruin Uu tobacco trade. Lord Salisbury, who has never seem ed to regard the caucus an the model irstitution of Am' rlea or elsewhere, hns paid homage to Cnpt. Mlddleton'ii political ability in presenting him with a cheque for 10,000. contributed by i'nlonlst admtretft. He would not con- sfnt to regard \'apt. Mlddleton as a wirepuller, hut referred to him with tefim-d euphemism ns a political organ izer. The Liberal!!, meanwhile, not h > vine ten-thounand-pound ehwiues to distribute, are preparing to settle or compromise their n organization trrublfti -at the TTuddersfleld confer ence. Probably Mr. Laboucherc, Blr .Charles DUke and Mr Stanhope will stay away, and everything will he har monious when Lord rtosfbery ban made a humorous dpeeeh. SintiAH UTAttTM Mill UA1>Y UAhVA, On. klfrh<Auer on lllu Mfuy to (he t.uyv tluu l*oul klAiiiiilury of th*> Mnudmi Cairo, March 22. Oen- Kitchener, Hlr- dat- of the Egyptian army, and Sin-tin l'asha of the Army Intelligence Ue- rurtment started last night for Wady Haifa, the Egyptian post on tne boun dary of the Soudan, The North Staf fordshire Regiment, numbering 900 offi cers nnd men, started to-day for OI-- geh, where they will embark on stea * rs for the Journey up the Nile foi Wndy Haifa. A Sikh rt-glment from India, that Ib blllmately to take part In the oper.i- th ns, arrived at Mombasa], Kast Af rica, on March IB. They will remain there for a timt-, and will be employed In openitlons against one of the native chiefs who Is in rebellion against the itiitish. A. Jt.ejiar, DISEASED. LUNGS CUMIB BY TAKING J\. I El\ jJ Pectoral. "I print runted n. upvereenld, whleh Hetth'd on my Iiiiik4, and I did wind h ollon deta; In sueli cusps, is jtlected It. I then couvitltfil a doctor, who round, on pxiitnlnlrcme. that tins upnor P'irt or the left Iiiiik wns^budly afTeetoil. The medlclnos !" Have me did not Hpcm to do uny good, and I di'tprininid to try AyeiW Cherry l'pptorul. After taking a few dntPH my trouldti wni relieved, and b**- roii) I had lliihlH'tl tlmlinttlo I wn mirwl." A. iA'.VhUi, watchmaker, OranoVllio, Out Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HitfhtiBt Awardit at World'a golr^ (/.l/cv'H 2>Mh Cure XnditiestioH* FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGCOT SAUt IN CANADA. SSJ!l Holler Mills* JAMKh NAYLOIl *iiihih ttiiH onponunity ol tinnotmoin cuo pooplo cf tho Town and Countv of Unmix, Urn thu linn yomodolml thoHn- mix Itollor Mi 11 ii aocordlnfi to pi find praparoriby H. N. 3r(oo, fit. Thomn.ii, and huR alno iioonrod tlio iiorvlonn of hmmiiT Hthachan, an export oucod nnd thorouKbly comnotimt millor, T.'lianltiti([ the puoplo of tho town mul county for tho putronnjio hontowoa upon him in tho punt, will nuurimtoo nutlnfaction In tho fnturu Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THE BKflT QKADBH OF FLOUIt, FRED AND GOllNMGAL KEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT RIGHT FWGISB. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. Mlifilerii ThMiHHtid M^n. Cairo, March 22. Seven thousand Iiedouins and three llntish h.ittalions have been organize^ to jnln tin Kou- dan io:pedlt!on. This will make a total of 1!),(ju0 men forming, the expedition. AXOTJUIH JtltA \\'l. AT JCJLIH. UiuBiilninMB ami AriiiriilmiiN ^Ipbt, nml Kleht nr(h* I.ntlfr xrf Uil|pl ^Vnshlnerton, March 22. The Turkish Legation received the following tele gram to-day: "The day before yes terday an Armenian having wounded with a pistol shot a Mumrulmnn at Kills, a brawl took place between Mus sulmans and Armenians. Of tne lat ter eight were killed and ten wound ed Four Muf->ulmanH were also wound ed. The authors of this Incident were immediately arrested and sent to prison for trial. All goods that were stolen from a few shops were since (Un covered and restored to their owners." A JIIiJflUT USHU 8VICJIJ1C8. Klir I ii lm led 4: hi l-mm a Tulip uihI VIIiph I'oultil ^ tl<* rnil. Now York. March 22 Ilattlo Harper, a bngnt school girl of n, committed suicide yesterday by Inhaimg gna, at the residence of her uncte, TJ. H. Har per, 73 Division-avenue. She attached one end of a rubber "tube, to a gas -Mtnve -and placed the other end in her mouth. When found she was lying on the floor dead. The cause of the net ii. unknown, but it was deliberate, for tho left tho following written message: "Took gas; good-bye." She was a gh'I of a sunny disposition and appeared to be quite happy. Two weeks ago she read an account of the suicide of a little girl of 10 by asphyxiation, and the detallo appeared to affect her grcaily at the time, though the impression waa thought to have passed away. *!*<ituu<r llityu In ii HttiMnb. Burlington, Vt., March 22. At 8,45 o'cloclc thin morning the New York- Montreal cuprous struck a snow drift In Shelbume, and the engine and abc cars were derailed. The private cars of President Smith of the Central Ver mont road and General Manager Ilayo or the Grand Trunk were attached \o the train, but did not leave the tracks. No one waa Injured. A- wrecking train opened the track after several hours' delay. U <>ltl*lt 111 W> ilioilUt I'ntllVrewrr. Bnldwln, Kan., March 22. The South Kaunas Methodist Episcopal confer ence had voted unanimously to admit wtmen to the general Methodist Epis copal conferenceo. The Kantian confer ence did the same last week, and the Scuthwcflt Kansas conference next week will probably do likewise. frYfurli OtivlrtH KpHtlrr Ih .auMm 11a. Melbourne.March 22. The police her* state that fully one thousand convlcta who escaped from the French peria! settlement at N6umc, Now Caledonia, have reached Sydney and dispersed among the Australian colonies. The Government will legislate for their ex clusion . _____________ , IMttBhurg, March 22. Olenrwnter raUIim tho world's championship, and won th* S1000 In tin* alx-nolnt pool nmlub with K*oh. Olonrwnfer nee red (UM) and KOOgh tWUS. In laHf nlght'n guiue the ueom wa OtarwUr ltW. Keo^b 'jC>9. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. tsepx, - Ontavlo. rT^Hf9 largo and comoaodimia Koufo bnB 1 boon thorough] v pain tad and replnnfuhod with now furnituto bv pronont propylotyoaa. I,*IlOK BAIIN IN COHNKCTION. Flynt-t'lftfin Accnmndntinn Ouayantitod, Mllfi. 0. WILKINSON, Proprlotrotifl. WA "fVlf TMIFTl LooftI ani1 Trnvollun /*. 'JV XJDXf Hnlonnjan to bandla om liui j "nnadlun Grown Niunory Btoak, Wo tjaii' (intMfl natinfriotlon to roproiiniitatftfofi and cube -mord. Cur narnorlau aro tho lareoot In tho Dominion, ovo* VOOaeron. No substitution in orders. Kxoluoivo torrltot-y and llboraltormi to wholo or part time aaontn, Wrltd un. BTONK & WKLWNGTON, (Hand oOloo) Toronto, Ontj (Th only nurflory in Cauatln. having tonblnc or chard n.) , H-3m , Mountain Cliniblnc: Hub a wondorfol hisoiQation for many mon. And tho higher tho mountain and the greater spico of danger about it, tho raoro anxious is tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing instiuotH wbatovor, to got to tho top of that mountain. Thore is an iutoxication, a flory ouihmiiaam about it that; punhoG ono on and ou, and roata tir ed mnwolofl and itiapiroa uag^ingoonrage to ovorlafltin^ly keep ut it until tho top in reached and tho coohne; ^ophyro that fan tho brow of tho mountain oool yoor own throbbing temples. Americana havo thought that it wao tieeBuary to go to Europe, to tho Alpa, to find auy full Krowu mnuutainn to noalo. It's all moonshine. Isn't 14,000 feet high enough, with glaoiont, thono racked, crack- ed oreatureo of ioo and enow, ftud orators and tlramroH and preoipioon to.olimb over and round, tho aumo os in the Alps? Yon, they aro all right boro olouo at hand, and if you aro nitorcHtoJ to Unow where and how aud when, juntBotid your addrcefl, and aix centB in nt&tnpff to Ciuh, B. X('ke of the NorthornPacifloHadroad, Bt.Paul.Minu.i and ho will send you a book that rooouutn a climb up one of the grandest peaknof oarth, written by tho geotloman who made tho ascent. The chapter on thin mnnnUin la pro- fuHely illustrated in half tone etohineH takon by a photographer who acoompamed tho parly for that purpouo. If you aro iu* toreutcd enough in your own country to deaira to know about Ita wonderful uaeulo featuroa. you want this book. Jar You Oue Of those uuhappy people who are uattcvinu with weak no ryes, etartiua at evory nlijjht ound, uuablo to onduro any turn soul dis- turbanoo, Uudiu^ it impossible to sloop'/ AyokI opiate and nerve oompouudH. t Ptied the uorvot* upon blood tuado pure nod ttourishititf by tho great blood purifier and true nervo tome, Hood's Baiaaparllla. IJood'c Villa are the bout after-dlnuer pilla. afcftift digodtion^ prevent eonstipatioo. 25o. CHURCH DIRECTORY MXTT\r>mnT.-l)r. I'ftgooe, Pastor, :Borvior tfery bimU*yt n a. m.ftod 7 p. in, (Ubbftti School ut U:00p. m. G. K. Naylur, 8uperi"toi..i allt of fiuhool. E|>woith Loaguo pray rnxifttlm tuifAibiy uvanlnit otU o'oloou. pioyui meeting on Tburidft.yevanli). Ouanuil or JCKonAhD llov. AX.Devorly, 111 oambontt Ut, Puula, iCsaoi. Dlvioorvloo &Try HumUy at 7 o'oloak, p m Hutulay tiahool at 10 a. ui. t'rlnitv Church, North ItlcjRe Hun day Hohool at 1.40p, til. The publloi aro cor dially hivltod. ViiKhIiytkhu^ XV.'lomlntf, 1'aMtnr' Her- -viooBon Habbttth at 11 a. in. and 7,110 p. m Hub- oath Kehool atUdtOp. m. X'raynr m(tinaiid I'nHtor'H blblu oIabh ou Tuowduy ut7.A0 p Noolal Union ou Wudtiunduyut H.lbp. tn lUl'TldTUllUHOM. Uav.M. 1*. Oitmpboll, Pas- tor. L.orvlo <moh Uabbutli at U u. ni, and 7 \j ii, I'rayur mouthi^ eu Wodneiiday ovoulns at H o'oloak. Haatafrua. All nro cordially wol- com (id. ItOkUN aiTiioLto. 'Vr. 0. K. MoQoo, l*antov. Hor/loe vory other Hutulay atH.UOp. iu. Wunduy dohaol at lip, m. Waidhtohh High maim and uennon at 10.1)0 a. m.t eat call I am at Up. m .buntluiu at!) p. m., Vottpoirii wild Dituodlouon ut 7 p. in. 0. E. Mo- HmvjL'iioH AnuY. T. H, McLood. CapUiti. Halvatiou inaotin^u on Wodiinuday, Thuruday and Hutulay ovuulnun; Vtaa tttid I'jaHy, Huturday ovouluu atidll p m. Bimdny; HollnoHH mcollnufl for ohriiithinii Friday uvnuintf and 11 a. m. Hun- duyiKnoo Prill 7 a.,in, ovory Bunduy. All aro woloorup, JLECA1U ^ A. WIHUlfiH, Barrister, floUoUor, Notm \l v Publlu &o. Monoy to loan Htitn Block, up-titalru, ICbhhx:. oraueii.Oui X Ii. PJSTKHH f J Pnblio llarriutor, Bolloitor. Hotiu Monoy to Loan. OUloo ov/ Btrnthorti' Bank. Kmiox Contra. CiLAKKK, HAHTfiKT A JIAUTLKT, Banrii J tflim, oto OlUecu, Mndbury llloelt, Wiudno Private, tuiidii to loiin. A. II. Ct-AiiKit, L. L. II. K. A. IUrtlhi A. II. lUii'iuw, II. A. HKNHV C. WAIjTHIIB, UIi.B , Attornoy and Councilor,at Iilw, Holioitor iu Oliutioorv, Proctor in Admiralty, Patent Solicitor, with Aihiufton AUaichfiHConi;roaii nt.'wont. Detroit, Midi. (Canadian olalmn against pomonn in tho United BtntoH colloctod.) Itofuroncont hnnoiiid Bntik, Knnux, Ont, J. Tj. Potorfii \lnq., Iliirriutor, oto,, IdnmiX, Out K.A, WiHinor, ICiki., Burrintor, etc., Kbiiox, Out D MEDICAL* 118. BIUEN A BiaEN"1"' Jaa Prion. M. D., L. II., C. P. fi., nraduato of Queun'u Univomity, Kinifoton, momlioy of Col- U\llh of Phyulciann and Hur[;oonn,Ontario. Grad- uatA of Now York. Pont Gruduato Medical Cob Iok*. J, W. Brlfln, M. D., C. M., F. T. M. C. Honor Kruduato ot Trinity Modloal Collofin. Honor uraduato of Trinity Univurnlty. Mombnr of the Collofjoof Pnyuiolaiirt atid Hurfioonti, Ont Grad- unto of t ow York Pout Graduato Modloal College OlHcaover Ehbox Modloal Hall drug Btoro. Continuation raotnn, both ou [jmumi lloor and flrflt flat ubovo, Toloiihono in both oilloo and renldonoo. All calln attondod to from ofilco, drnc ntovo, or ronldonoo. Uonldonoo, Talbot utruut, front of fair grounds. D Kh. DKWAH & MoKHNZIE. P.A.Dbwxh, M.D.O.M..P.T.M.8. lienor Qradu- itto Trinity Univorflity. Mombor CoIIoro Pbyi loUnii and Hurcoono, Out. Itonldonoc, Talho Ht.Eant. G. MoKknkik. M. D. G. M., Corouor, Now York i*ot Graduato, Fellow TrinU) Modloal Oolloflo. Graduate Trinity Unlvorlty Itoaiduncu: Talbot Btroet, wont of M. C. It, 0 ill co bourn 8 to 0 a. m., 1 to a and 0 to B p. m Olilco In Itnporliil Bank block, c^ound door, uoxt to Thorno'BdruB ntoro. Tolonhonoln comioctioii with ofdoo and ronl- donoo. Orders loft at Thoruo'n drug ntoro will la promptly attendod to. DENTAL, HP. MAKTIN, D.D.B., h. D. 8. Graduato * in Doutiytry, Royal Colloge of Dental Surgeonn, Ontario, and unlvorflity of Toronto. GharRoa,moderate Offloo, over Brion & Cob ilruc ntoro, 18-lv VET^JIIHARY^ WH. IUCHABBSON, VEVEIUNAItY BUR GKON. Honorary nraduato of Ontario VotoWnary Oollon*, Toronto: mombor of On tario Veterinary Modloal Bonioty; DiplaminiHn DontiHtry; troato all dinoarjon of domoutlcatod nuimala; onttla doliornod bv tholatont improved IjOavltt ollppor Calls by tolonbono or tolo- Sraph promptly attended to. KeeiJouoo, four ootfB feoutb of griat mill; olfio* in poet offloo building; iaflrmary. directly oppoaito. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKS fi. IjAIBD, Provincial Land Bmrvoyoi and County Ungiuoor, Ksndx Contro, Ont Offloo, Dmifltan BlOok, upstairs. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY HEDItICK, Auotlonoor. BbIod promptly attendod to. Audrotis Boutb Wood Blue, Ont. Prnona doolrlhg to Boouro me may leavoword at tho Finns PilKBROfllco. tf H. HEDXUOK D SINCLAIR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho County of Ennox. Bailiff of Elcbth Division Court. All kinds of Farm and othor Bales conducted promptly. Raton voa>onablo and furnighod ou nnpliaation. Enqulroru may apply at W. D. Beamttii'BOflloe.orat the ofilco ol Divio ion Court Clerk, Mr. John Ullno JOHN GOItMLKY, LIOfcNBKD AUCTIONEER for tha County of Eauox, All kindd of farm Htdok sdloit, oto., conducted promptly ando'horitiotJeo, Rateu i-osBoeable. PoyitonM d!rablo to arranne tialos may doaoby oallluBat tha Fuuu Puisss oflloe or by applying to . __ 4 f*> J. GORMLEY, P.O. Box 165 EsB03CtOnt. I7RANK MoOLOBKMY, Maidstone, thlrty- r Boven ye'ara' expsrleUtie an an auotlonoor in the Ootiutv nf Esiex. Bales oondnoted promptly, and on reasonable tortus. Partlvs doslrlu^ to Ax the date for a Bale can nave tbemselvev a drive by calling at thS FnB Pnuss oiboa. Wo have nvratiBod with Mr. MoOloBkey and will nx the dates for oalouby tdlirrftpb,entholy froe of all oiiareo to UiA poruon holding the salo, Ad- drPKM Frank MoOloflkov.Mnidutonr'Crortii.Ont, 16B BAKER._____ THK oldest buslnena iu town. HatabUabe 1B7*. FltTit-olami broad and oakos of ml Uinds. Weddinfl oaken a speciality, ^rooenes proviaiouH.tiomf,feed, nail asd pork. Oouie* tlonery.orotfkery.HlaSBwaio. Canned trultiani) vKtaWaof all kind.. Goods JP^wptlX^^ IWeredtoallpartsofthe town. J. M. HI0KB, mtt bAND AND LOAN AGENTS iT1 BORGIA J. THOMAS, conveyancer, Com- JUT nisitoner, in High Oeu,rt of JUSlloe; deelei in Heal Bntate and MortWBeS.'MoiJBy ib loaio at tho lowest *t of lnloreat. Farms bought and Sold, insurance takon In ttie moat reliable ootxikianlfls. Drawinft of deeds, xnortHages and leases a ipeelalty. Ohartfoe noderaie atiA all busJnees promptly attended to. Call at the Oeritral Telenbono offloo. Bs6*aCentre. 50-ly_ Place iu the world for young men nud women to secure a Uunltie Education,Hborthand.^tclu the Detroit Bnsineas UniverBltv. De troit, Mich Illuitr.iedastaloirae Free. Ueferoners : All Detroit, V. JEWELL, Pres. P. R. BPBNCKR, flee. Best MARRIAGE LlOil EL, PARK. !BflUlfHTpV - . rcnHflg. RtobardSOh Blfct MRAUKKTT. issuer of laatrlaij . CommlMioDorlnO.J..ots. nrr d. ueaman, Isauorof Morrloifo Llconsee, 1Jninr^ N,Bhtoflf0.atDw.n&jdB. H from UNDERTAKING PLtJMME .It, Undertaker awl Dealor. ,Oofflns, home and M [iSStollO. MoGroor,On#' I ARCHITECTS. TORN A. MAYCOCK. AltOHlTECT, fto., Room 10 and 11, Fleming Bu| Phone 21. SOCIETIE8 IO. O. F. ENTHttPHIBE moiilu ovory Thurwday, ovei DddfullowH (lull, In third storey' Vlidtiutf mombow uf other lodflej fratrnal vnlnomo. W. OIIATj OENTUAL ENCAMPMENT, N| OddfollowH' Uall,Duimtan"s Blof and third Tnondtty Inoaob montl dlally rooeived. Momburs of sabj In tht. jurlndlotlon, Invited- IIANNAN, C. P.. G. F. HILL, Bo IMBREX FIRK BUIOABE. Li Friday evening in tho Ml _______ Fir* tho Btono bulldiny. Jun. Mel Robt. Pitrltor, Captain; A. Bnrl ant; I*. Dilao, Hocrotury; Frodill COURT ROYAL, KO. 3W, I. Moutii nooond and fourth lmonth in 1. O. O F Hull atf Vititlnbrothorn will bo^ivenf como. E. MoOauulaud. 0. R., M.J. Wiclo, CD. II. u. It. j>^.t*. 'Vi $a M 1C.H1CAN O0INO KXH1 Talclntf effoot May 10th, 180CJ Dotroit....... Windsor.... Poltou....... MaldBtonoc Eiiflex.. WoodHloe.., RtiHoomh ... Comber.. .. RidRotown.. Rodney...... Bt. Thorn a London....... fit. Thotnad... Rodnoy......... RidRotown..... Combnr......... Rusoomb....... Wooduloo...... Ebbox.......... Muldntouo Cr Pel ton.......... WlndHor......... Dotroit........... Mall a.m. 7.15 7.-10 fl.o;i H.ll au7 DM 30,17 E ill 7-Sl e. 10. noiHo wil p.m. I1U0 'HO 3..W (trio 5.41 B.r.u R.03 0.45 7.10 ). Akmisoretburit; JLoeflfl VvHIlT p m 6.10 6.25 O.Cfl 6 30 0 60 a.m. a.m. 11.60 S.1B Eibox ViM U.M Edaara o.aa LiU'UR xinl 13 30 B95 MoGreaor 12.M) 8.0.1 Amboretbnrg All tralnti aro rnn on cent' * whloh la sixty mluutefl/ time. For information / lata moving wout apoly to/ BOnpor Aont, Bt. 'j( 'wiy oral PneBonKer ami 'I'law or A, O GtimorH, e.aont,vj oral PneBonKer ami 'i'tau >, L-E.A >* TIME TABLE NO DooLUlftOS. Tr7 "d d H 9 6 "A ^^y o/ X It X w 0 25,1200 o.uu iaao o;ji)i2-to 9 CO 0fi7 10,03 ID 00 HUB 10 27 10,07 10.45 10fi5 11.11 11/20 11/J5 11.35 11.40 11.C0 11 US 12,04 3211 13.1(1 IM4 12flfi P.M. rut, 12,53 1.10 1.10 1.I10 1.50 2.03 305 250 11.45 4,10 4.80 4 45 5,13 0.34 5 45 f..C5 fl.05 G.16 Q.Q5 0,45 7.00 r.M. i H tog * O & 6:20 a.27 R.SO e.4o 0.47 6 54 A CO 7.17 7.27 7.117 7.44 7 54 aco 8.17 B.U2 8.40 A 47 8.53 000 0 07 0.13 020 0.D1 P.M DopWalkory'loAr Walkervlllo June. ........Pulton..... .....f OMeantlo... .....1 Psqnette..., .... McGrofior ,..f Now Canaan... ... I Uartihneld ... ...... Harrow...... ........h Amor......... ......Kiapevillo...... ......Rntbven ...... ... I-^ninirjcton ... ......WlwntUy...... .....I Renwiok .... .....Coatawortb ... ......t Glenwocd...... .........Merlin......... ......t Buxton......... ...... Baudison ...... ...tCfidarSprirss--. Blenbelm, Jtmct'n ......Rlenhe'm...... .........tWilLie......... Ar Kidgotovm Dop 8 HI H s; 8 6 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 Q aii 0 it a e s (i o i. + Flag fixations. Trains stop oiilyl are panicnccra at or for those itatll tralua are at ai Umessubjeattobe WM WOOLLATfc. Geki'erel Bupftt now is your gi If you want good tfuj for little money. An it utook of lurmture to from. Everything 1| kitchen chair to thai quarter ont prioefi than anywhere inthliw Kindly-ive oh a calL-ll Hoods delivered free od ' 100 COBDS 0F>1 WOOD WAN! in exchange for furmture. UHDERTIKIN01SI Fine Hue of undertaking aopi hand. WilJ furnish all can Prices right close. J. A. HICKS & Co, **- 4/ 4 1 f ' :U l;j y.. *&& t;

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