Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 20, 1896, page 6

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IP^ *-') {'it;"' v :'; *! $ ; / X *& -4adSlM^> -ttMKJfc gR*S THE BRAIN A FIRE. V'-'i' ; V SPECIAL COTTON DYES. Unuuttrul and Drilllaut Golora hi Diamond Dyou that Will Not ' bade Md Hpao- tally for Oottou and Mixed Goods Bimplu and ftasy to TJao~A.hsolufcbly I-'aat Boat in the World. Cotton irt a vugotablo produce, while wool coition from an uuiuml, utad hnnoo Ut two am no different Unit it roq'uiroH a different kind of dye foroaoh, Tho wpouial fast, cotton colors of Dia mond Dyou, wuoh aw turkey Hod. Brown , Pink, Purphi, Y How, Orange, und a half do/.on othnrn, are prepared upwrially for cottou goodn, and give uoloro that even washing in at rang Hoapiiuda und uxposure to tho aunlight will not fade. Do not rUlc your gno-Ia with a oommon and worthless dves that same nlorfikni*]noru noil. Thouo crude dyea ruin your goo.dn atad oiuiuo a vititfc amount of ununyauo e. Ask for the "Diamond," nu thetri ho- onrding tn diruotioua, and you will dy HUtiUbiiBfttUy. Truly utUnmnhing. Mum Amu'iUo NT. Moon, Fountain, Minn., way a jAyor'H Gharry Poutaral ban had a wonderful off jo t in curing my brothor'Hohildrou of a novo re and daugerouu aeld. It watt trulj , uston* Uhiag how upoorlily thoy found roliol aft or taking thin preparation." Pure, rioh blood ih tho truo ouro for narvousuons, and Hood's 8arnaparilla tho uno true, blood-purifier aud norvo touia. Hvl>Ct Wla<l*m Would give uh perfect health. Becau.fia re an and womon aro not porfooclv . wihq, ^hoy must t&ae modioinou to ttoep thnm Helves perfectly healthy. Pure rich blood is tho ImniH of good health. Hood'u Bur- Haparilla tu tho ona truo Blood Purifier. It given good health boaauHa it buildn upon tho truo foundation puro blood. TWENTY-FIVE YBAttB A. MARTYR TO HIlEUMATlSM rlX ltoleauod from Pain 1ft Onej'D'ay. Jj'..' "It iamy douiro," Hey* Mr, Jaraea Kerr, farmer, of Kara, Out., "to toll for the nub- fio god of tho great blaituing Bouth Ainarl- aau Hheuraatio Cure has been to my wife, 'Hho had boon & groat uuffurer from ruuu- kuatism far 'if, yearn; had dootored wjth ill phyaiotana, far aud. tiour, but never re ceived pnrfoofc relief until oho ituu rJouth Ataafluan Hhoumatio Curo. It baiiiiihod all pun In oun day, anduovou bofctloourd radioally. I tlihilt two or tliorrt* Wottlwn would havo haou auflluiAnfe had it uot Imuii lor delap hi Moouriufi madiomo. I raoit aherfiflly and frolly Hivo thin taatlmuuy, and Hfcrouyly rooommmid HuiTorcr (torn rhdumatium to uno thin romwly, un I bu. lievo itwill ouro in nvory card." Bold by ,7. Tliortm. Short tTouriitiytt <> a Lionir Koad In tbo|olmruutoridt,Hi tltlu of u prolumiiy iW luntratd book oontamiu over one hundred pagew.of charmingly writt*m dounriptioim of mimmcr.rm.ortftin tho country north and wont of Chicago. The rdadiug mat tor' ih now, tho illufitratioim nro now, and tlio in formation thoroin will bo now to almout ovoryono. Aoopyof "Short Journey* on a Lonu Koad" will bo nont free to anyone who will oualoKfi ton canU (to pay ponta^o) to Gko EC. HKAyKonn, Oonnral Pattnongor Agent Obioatjo, MilWftukoo & Bt. Paul Railway, Chioatio, 111. " Death thronjeh the Kidneyu. Hardly any orgnntt of th bumnn HyHtam play a moro vital part than tho kidneyu. A dor&ugomont of Mioao, uvuu to a uli^lit d- ^roc, will load to trmlhlu that ia likely, if not atayod, to prove fatal. Them in cily one way for tho nyetotn to bo rid of tliiH diafiUHo, and that in by trying a madioino that will aot .lpeai&lly, and u n apuoillo tor kidnoy diucaHO. Thu in a wfcrong faotor in tho groat South Amerioan ICiduoy Care. It 1 h proparad wpoaially for thoiio nrgiOH, iv radical in iU haaiuhmont of di<)ii'.i la- q atd horo, and nab in the hoahug poworu u eoflnuary to oomploto ruutorntion. Bild b V J. Thome. ^^ f.y i iii.'* fa'- i B'#Twt NT Y- F^UWCUT H ORS. (TO K OOMTIHUKP.). """ A-VMior Buy* Thi*i XAtn ! ,. .TinmlnQiu -------- Dr. 8 MlUliiBton Mlllor.of Now York J' woll-known writer on phyHlo1o|(luul UyoholOK/i hint vanluK dollvornil <l?pturo, tiuCw.-'.' iho AduofitloniLl Club at -^ho Ndnniil'BuhuuT on "Mlnd-BiiUdlnR bjfi Sense Dovelopmont" Dr. MUlur wuld, lh" part, that the enor^lalng principle that uotn through tin* nv|(aiiH of wmwi \t what Ih known on life or thought, or nontality, whoa prlnolpul habitation la tlm bruin. A ftnrlod of oxporimoiitit ' . reountly cimtluoted by Ool. de Houliim, ttw head of the Parle Polytonhntfl School, Hhowod that the human bruin la a burning fire, whoh himlnouH ofilu- vluni oHeapuM tlirough tho eye, uavh, noHM and mouth Into tho tuirrolindlng atmcHpheru, flLllufr tho air for a olrc\i of somu 1.0 or SO foot with n mild, hn} light. By mount) of liyjniotlo HiiDjnotH It lum boun Hliown that the diluvium Ih aontloiit, and, If il ghiHB of water li pinched with tlit' flnntorn, tho hypnotU* d glvor of Mm light or Ufa coiuplulnu of pain. Do Roolniu \um it that life oi liptht U a uniform and Htublo quantity .Turning to . tho hoiikuh, tho luc'-ureK; ald tho 'mutual aid woolnty of tho HemiO| 1h!iiiw a woll-oatiibUfiliort fact tho blindi hod with tliolv ilngora, tho doaf honv! with their eyon, tlio doaf and dumb and! blind Hue and foul and hour with tbel*' lln guru, or lion and hoar through theh. noiiHO of cnnoll. Tho moaning of all thlw lu thnt tbn vltJil oiimmoe in a uniform quantity and when any hoiiho hi dl^ouned or dofootW* It thrown enough of ltn power into auj other nonHO to ennblo It to play adoubU; funotlnn. The new tiducatlou touched th* child by itoctiHtornlng him to draw utid dofierlbo objoota boforo blm an noarly ua posHiulo1 ilh they roully are. Tho fact of having drawn tho objooiKaddK still mora .oolltt to thu group ulruiiriy cennootod in tho doHcrlption of thorn. An each Im- proRHlon lmii ltn noparato coll or Htoro- house, and uh each HtorohniiHO lfi con- necttul with tho othorn, the' reeurronco oi! any ono ImprcBnlon of an objecc at aliy time will bring bofoni tho mind u tomplote picture of nil Itu qualrtltuj by tho association qf ldenn. It wan June thin kind of oducatlon that Daudetgavo to Guy do MiiupuMiuit, Ho set him to doRcrlbing natural chjectn, rojoetlng ovory composition an inadequate, until ono was written wbirli came nojiruHt to dencrlhlng evory possllilo quality of tho objectM, and tho rowult of thlw education wan that Maupassant was a marvolonsly brilliant timl plctorUl writer. Tho lec ture wan illustrated by black boarit fltcotchoH of portions or the brain and uf the nervouH pyHtcm, to which tho speak- or froquonily referred. Philadelphia Lodger,__________________ Arotlo Itorrior*. In eplto of latitude and Arotio auvrant, Labrador Ih tho homo of much that In rtoUCloilB In tho herry world Kvon tho . outlying Inlands furnish tho ourlnw berry und bakoapplo In profusion; and upon tho mainland In tho proper month, Sep tember, a veritable foast awaitH ono, soya a wrlttor In "Outing." Three v.iriotlen of bluoburrlou, hueklebtirrleH, wild jrod cur rants, liuvlug a pungent aromatic Uavor, unoqualod by cho cultivated varia tion; marsh borrlofi.raHpborrlofl, tiny white cnpltluhro tea borrioH, with a.flavor HI: uomo raro porfunic, and having just a faint HUttgcfltlou of wlutarKVoon; nquAnh berrhiH, pear borrluo and curlow borrloH, tho latter not. so grateful im bho othora, hut a prlmofnvorito with tho KHquimaiiJc, who prefer It to almost any other; and lastly, tho typical Labrador fruit, which, excepting a fow ncatturing plants in Can ada and Newfoundland, is found, I be lieve, nowhere outsldo tho penlnnula tha gorgeous bake npplo. TheHo 'cover tho entire oonat from tlu St. Lawronco to Ungavn. Tholr bounti ful Krnhiin-MUo lauvoB (struggle with thoruinduor moss upon the Inlands, carpet alike, tho low vallorfl and tho hlghost hill tops, and even poop from , hunks of over- luhting snow. Only ono borry trrows upon onob plant, but This one makes u most doliploun mouthful. It Is tho hIkq and form <if a largo dowborry, but tho color la a bright..crimson whon half rlpo and ft golden yellow when matured. Itn tasto id sweetly anid, it Is oxc.oodingly juicy, nud so dnllcnte that it might bo thought impoaslblo to prenorvo It. Yot tbo natives do proflervo It with all Its froHhnosn and original Mavor tbrougrhout tho entire winter, merely by covering It with fresh wuttr end heading ' It up tightly in caska or hnrrols. _________ I>ry Itlnrlcu of .I'itut. Mnny pooplo have prohably wondnrod, ok I bavo, why tho lmmonso peat tloposlts axlBtlng In difToront parts of tho United IClnodom aro not turnod to bettor account tiiun thoy havo boon hithorto. From the rcflulb of rcoont experiments there would *oem. room to hopo ilnit Mils will npeedlly tw 4n'Q" A P*oqhh haft boon introduood -fiHf'propnrlnK.poat for fuel by liVRt> dlsln- to'gratlng It and thon working It up Into dry blockc , Thoso blooks burn brlchtly, ohs perfectly oloan to wtoro and to handle, and, above .nil. give oflf only a nmall amount of smolce, and thiit anything but otfonfilvo in fact, tho funion are said to bo highly bnnofloial'to persona nffootod ' witli oheHfi oomplnlnfcn, bo that n, smoky 'chimney wltli apfiJifc flro may prove a Dlotujlngln disguiiie, llllBHfnl Joyti ofMcithorhoml. Isabol A. Mallon wrltee of "^or Hlg Royal Blghnoflfl, tho Baby," In January Ijadlos' Homo .lounml and cIIhuuhhoa the mfantllo wardrobe, bod and till bolonp;- inpjs, oonoludlng hor practical artlclo wlfli thin pretty thought: "I wondor if thoiio women to whom come a tho great bmsslng of mothorhood over roalbo what Hi monnn not to havo a child of^ono's own? At the more hint of a baby'e going from hor tho loving -mother drawn him closer and oloBov. and whilo hla oyoo close she dreams out what life Is to bo to him, and ' what ho 1b to be to hor. It may never be uh sho thinks but oh, aro any hours bo happy; Ih Ufa over ho full of bllsfl as whnu . tiinothor Ileitis hor child In hci* arms and known that she makes mmshlno or nhada for It, and that It 1b to hor a joy forever?" Krina Lyiill*(i"iram Clillilron/' Tho futiioiiH KngllBh nuthorcHB, Kdna Lyall, writing of hor IIfo nnrt onrly Jitor- ury iniln'onoofl and work In -lanunry Homo', says; "From the early days of my uiuhur^blp up to tho jiresent time thoru 1ib always beon a story on hand nml writing has boonmn so much a part ol' my life thai It is dtflioult quite to unn'er-taml what- Ufo without a vountlon would hu like, or how people .ovist with out 'dream children,' Thoy eob ono in.ucl; stiU'erliig, and-hrlng many caros Hiui iiiixletlos; they are not what wo cou'd vKh, anil we are censeloUH uf tholr ia>'i t^ , ,' tii'i'thiJy are ohr 'drvam' ohld- u'n ajui wlu'^y cht-t-r the dull or in* u: ! * i '*a*\*:' na . '* >\nn u:! hue.'.a hi ih vi'i(j, a :V*aij/. w*fiu*iZu- ". >. load office of the doteatives, who once noro proved tlioini'lv9 tho fincnt efficora n uonuuetion with any polica nervice in tho world. Ily constant care and devoted num iiiy ilio criniii win paHt. Reluctantly i tie doctors gave the penirtaaion for tt move to be made, and on a cer- L-in brighv morning Lord G-uitloiou, with i h aid of an invuliti turriafji), look his wtirn and waateil friond down to the dookii, vviiem lie Itad Bflcured borth*. for Kogland oil hoard ono of ih# ftwii-Ht Bteumetk of i picmiiient liuu Tho journey to tho tiea ai-rined to royivo tho piuimit. Aa yot he Iim! not lietu) allowed to see anyfriundu save ' iiHtU-tou, or to auk any queniinna. But tho ijnm grailnally diaappuared from his eyes, -ui a ttmtlo of hippineai played ou hia wan * > i uron. "God bleua you, old boy/' he Haid to ' \itlnLon'u i liny drove slowly to tfiu hhip. tlnii reward ytw. Nuver did man find a itffr friiiiid. I tihould have been undur tho urt, old man, had it not boon for your /iilur care." Ctmtlfltnti wan anxiouo not to excite bin <:iid too much. l'or tno day wan not "vi-r, und h know that tho drama of it wiia . i vet coinplcto. . , On hoard ihey found Jucyntli, who had au luyal to liiu truft aa Cautlutun Tins two mm\. when they ntei, whiitpurod [' <r r Kocond to one luiotlior, and theru wax i U>ok of diatruuod Hiupunau on Frank On- 'lOH ' i\oo, "lb all well 1" whiapored Uustloton. 'Mora than well," answered Jaoynth. "Where in he!" *'Ia the Ctfbin." "Do you think we dare riuk it *" "Wc muat and nlmll," mutiered Lord t'dHiletoii. 4,H can't break down now. ;i may save his life." iitm'Ay thcBn two bravo geilllemon led iiiiurpoor *ick friend to.hia cabin, placed nun on Ida couch, bin Imforo thoy left him ii a half-dream they uncovered the sleep- i><g torin of a little child who was. resting a im oppoiuto berth, the fin roth of otiohaud wimml ip bin Bimuy locka ana.the other i-L-mpud over a woman's portrait. Tho f;t:tliful Jacyuth hail takon"it from .next 'us liuart nnd pUcod it in the child's liumln. It wuu Roniiy.who had gone to sleep kisu- nj his mother'n picture, which had fallen i-iii liio baby hands. For hours th* sick man idftpt, and hia ritMidti iitood, sentiiiul-like, luyal huaita .at iiio u.ibin door. Tho nun had sunk.the otnrs wvra out, and the ateamer was already miles at soR,plowiiijj through tlio waves les- ' uing the journey hctwoon America and -Ifiir old England. Still the true friends watched at, tho flick inati's aide. Suddenly ilioy heard a puuionato try, a a ihl cry oif pleasuraablo pain, a cry that f.itjnd into a moan of relef. "Konny, Ronny darling~my child; my n~'ib', how good is God. Let u thank (ind logother." . (Jutctly the two frieuda opened the cabin door and saw father and rou on their kneoH in an attitude of piayor. The child wab looking up into his father's eya,.and tho waited man with streaming eyes wan tinn ing hi wife's portrait, and murmuring, "I havo kept my oath. Beloved on*. Tin bringing Rouuy horn* to hia mothei-'u' aims." The atara want out aad darkueaw fell opnn the aoa. There wom kllunea In th <4*w*.. -*T*"V . "MAftAMW DK VIrtNY WA IN 1118 OOflTODY, , COILSINO UKIt FATK." r - , cabin now, for father and boy wore wrp- I-ltd m a profound aleap. Castlaton and J any nth had hnished their cigars and turn od in, - ............... - ...... Close upon midnight two figure* cam* upon deck from the nteerugo pait of tho Mourner, and walked back ward and forward without exchanging a single word. Bub ilioy never aeparaled. It wia a detective from Scotland Yord and Mme. du Vigny wan in hid ouatody, cnraing licr fate. Aa the huge ahip plunged through the groan Atlantic waves, bearing homeward the fatal lives of bo many hilorcatod in thia eventful hintory, poor Funolla, worn ulmost to a shadow, oat dreaming in her. gardon tn *4iho island of cirnatioiis." Bho knew, at nny rato, that Frank was faithful, und I hat hor boy waa flafe. CHAPTER XIX BY CLO GRAVES. Tho groat liner ewiftly puyhod hor home ward way through the rolling surge-not the Atlantic. Other yearning, tender lienrta there doubtless wero wh^se nolo lreight of hope the uteamer curried; hut tho heart that heat so anxiously in the little Guerncsy cob" tage had the most at stake. The ordttul of tbo pnt innntha had not lesseuod Fonella'a beauty. The outliiitm of her foaiuroa were aharper, ilmir lintu leaa vivid than of old. The tawny eyes looked wiatfully out upon i he world from orbita that worn hollowed with grtof and watching, the ohestmit hair -showed a thread of ui ver; here and there. Would Ronny know his mother again T Feuella ofUn uaked heraelf that question. Meanwhile, for the child's sake, ahe hua- banded hr newly-recovered atrength with joaloua care, i^hn ate and drank, roue and slept, walked and res tod, for Ronny. Ho must not find a noiivish invalid in place of the old playfollnw. None but hor own hnndH should hencofortn miniater to the nmide of tliia nmall. idol of hor heart. With iheno and other tond foolUh fancied, aho wore awy ibu tedious hours of wait; ing. One of her usual walkn led. In the direc tion of tho village of St. Sampson's. Tim biown-fiictiil (piarryinen and (luhur-folk (rfow ncouHtomud to tho night of tlm pale, p'ainly-drossed lady with the wistful eyca, wtio ho ofton palmed to rest, or to ainiln at and apeak kindly u> tho at.urdy, sunburnt uichiiiH that rollod in tho dunb by cotrage tlireuhiddR, aud puled off their blue knitted caps tu they pauuod her, in rudo lioiii'ign cf her hennry, and iiunaot for hor loui'lineuii. One -bright October afternooa she aal upon one of the rough wooden benches fae- ing the wall of x\*u little harbor, watchiug the progress of a child'a giuno. There worar five playara, four of tlu'in hurddlated, niop- headed uruhlus, with the brown aktns-and blue eyes that sautn indigenoua to theislaiiil. The fourth wn a girl of oina or tn, a pais ie*d, bUek-haire4 Ultla creatine, with hrewd. aalfiasv.Hianiier and a voica.^of urn childish shrillataa. 'The game hadW da vyltha, weddia(M of onurae^-aU the Ouorn- ^ey children'signmei dsl with rorrtafl*m>r oiiria),eDlngs and the nong that acoom- pi tiled it Was vocahiedwitiriminmis* vijfor uiid zest by all tho perfonnors: Jean, gnu Jni, hmrrylt '* fllln, Clroun nt erMtt <l tile hahlll*, ' A on march*iid d'*ilii; . R,dln|flltte, lUdln got! Tho_Ylorse was ropuaUd with oven more 'hrillncaa. Then tho tnnrrlugo prnceaniou tuilnd uway round tho corner with a clatter ing of littlo woodou shooM, ibu uallow-faeod i:irl gallantly supported on tho tattered jaaktit-Hlueve of thu moat hullet-huadod of thu boy*. Veiialla Uu(;lied, uot with thu tinging, of the old day*, but t-tilT nwotly und clearly. Hhtt lifted Imr nyeM and mot tlm melancholy glauun of u nimbhy man, a stfuuger wIiomi uttetitinn, liko hor own, had been attracted hy thf children. Tlie man wau poorly . drt^snod. He wore an old greatcoat of gray frii-'/.o, and a pcuk- >-d c.p nhadowiid a loan, unuhaven, uallow Fiict*. The fnnyea of hia ragged trouncni fell ovir broken boots. No hearecrow w ever moro dingily attired than thia Htrange man, who now lifted hie cap und bowud with S'ltiiething nf forefyn coreinouiouHncBfi, and looked at Feuella out of iiu'lauclmly, hollow oyi-H, "When the heart la heavy, madamo, ii in good to look at tho. little people." He vpoke in Kugliah fluently, and with u Mi.roug French accent. "Ttmy aro bo gay always. They know so littlo of caro. To uing und shuiit, und jump droit ..lean, that U Iho huaiueua of life Well 1 Ah good a I.UHineHs as any other when all is auid and" He Hhrntfgod his HhouldcrH and folded bin urniH upon hiH hollow cliKHt, Mhivering aa tho keen sea hiieoao erupt in at tbo looplioluw of liin.nipgcdncHM, and nipped the gaunt body. Ho did uot bey, or (teem about to. The im- hiIhu way ael (-prompted that atrotched "enolla'a hand to him with a ailvcr' coin in it. . " Tuko thia. You look ill oi* hungry." "Hungry, madam," said the man aoftly. ' A thousand tbankii." H hid the coin about him furtively, and saluted Lady On- hIow again. Tho lifted cap rovealod a nar row bead shaved almontto tho Hkin. Upon tho templed wau a livid Hear, now-healed and ut^ly. "You aro a stranger to Guernsey?" Feuella lu'/arded, "A stranger, mndame. I came from Clierbourg yonttrdny, A fisherman.hrought me in his hoat. I am not partiuulur na to my uccommodatioii, aa madaino wiU'gueHn, nor wait th boatman oxtortion/tte. Yet be toiik_aH my money,1 and loft me without buy a inoal." " You have friundd in the island!" , " No and yen," the man returned. "Tho littlo daughter of odd who waa. an old com- radn of mine liven hero in charge of woman who wur her foster-mother, and haa mar ried a foramnn of the stona works. Ma- damn haa much her playing with the child ren of the good carrior. She did not know who looked at bar <md questioned of her mime juist now. When lust I flaw, her (fivo yearn ago} alio was ' but four yoaro old. At four years old the little JAieillo could not ho expected to understand -madaiuo i* cold !" li'enolla shrunk and shivered at tho sound of that hatod itamo, Sh rect*voted hcraolf in another inutaut. She looked at tho for lorn creature, who tried to interest her in bin little story, with compassionate gentle- nBHH. "Can the father not come himself to see his child ?" ehe asked. "In ho an invalid or------ ?" Tho man answered hor shortly and harah ly. "The father is in prison " He laughed a grating laugh, and ground the heel of his broken hoot upon tho pave. ment. "Has madamo patience to hoar hia atory 1 Common enough, common enough. Ihi f.ilhor of tho littlo black-haired one wai once a clerk in a bunk at Lille. He had assured prospocts, enough for proatmt wants ; a charming oh ! yet, a charming wife and a child. Chinning women ar np. to bo vain ; vain onoa'aro apt to bo ex travagant, madamo, She wanted money iilways innnuy. Her hunband was liko wax tn her handa. Hoin I 8ho molded her wax well so welt, tihe made of an honest man a rogue, madamo, a furgor, and a thief," Ho broke oflf to wipt away tho loaden drops that had gathered on hia face, with a iniacrablo rag ot a tattered handkerchief. His gaunt fjgurs quivered, and the sinews martod out like curds on tho baoka of his wanted handa- FenclU spoke to him gently. "lb din- trewaoa you to peak of it, ' she said. "It rulievus mo to spoak of it. Figure to yourself, mmlaine, li<>w thin man must have loved that wretch to sin no at hor bidding. And ahe aho had not oven tbo merit of bo* inc faithful to liim. Ho found that out be fore the i rial for tho frauds wore discover ed, and ho was arrestei). Ho denounced her a-i his accomplice, She fled boforo the law could by hands on her with ono who had been, for long, her secret lover. Hjs face was frightful as ho said tho worrit. If ho had heun himself the wretch ed dupe, whoHo dreadful story ho had upon hia lips, he could not have looked and -fooknn with greater rancor. But ho went on : always my friend, ma damo will remember ia found guilty and wentenced to impriiioumont for eight years. Ho is ncnt to the 'Mainon Contrale' at Clairvaux. Compulsory labor, abHoluta "rtK snooa ma cmsnoiikb. wahii rtf tiih . , aiiu" Hilenco; silenoo in tlio dormitory, silence in tho workshop, silence in lhe yard, silence in bed, from balfpaui nix until six thu noxt .morning ia the CUirvanx routing . Madatr.o would never imagiue bow- many ories of i xi oration and dtmpair, how many aobu ol ntteuish, how mauy oaths of veugfanuo can l e packed into the apace of. mm human hitiasl, that haa the padlock oi thu Ij>m upon It," He struck hia own breast oa be apoke fiercely, and shook hi* clenched hand in the air. ' ; "I have bven a prisoner .wyaelf/' he went on; "madanrte la not afraid of meT I knew that man at CU,trir,ux.\ Prisoners ha.* inuthnds of communicating In spite of ruUa and punishment*. X knew hia sorrow aa hu my own, .,I,promised him, when ipy hour- nf lilmratiou cam*, I would visit tlio istaud to which his child had been taken, sen bur without speaking to her, und send hhn word. The last two'yar~of hia sentence have yet to expiro before my friend can Hpcak, Ubless he grows nVnpr*t*-, u a imnii doeu when the on (I la noar, anil udiipH froin^priaou- Clairvaux. in a Htroug pi cn, but thert) in a way nut of it. Hu has r.old inn no. Chin ! I Iere -trtt tli little diii'h roiurning. You aro going, uiti'hiui^? Ac cept my tbanka, the giutltud" of a poor mail whom you havo helped upon bin way. I huvd not wearied ynu with tho story of niyfrlimd! A common criminal, no moro. And ouuu havintr been prition, uti phibtn- tlir'tpie people H"V, it in twenty to ori" that h.t will live ui Hal ly return there. I uiy- a dl also; hut tho next erinio of whicli i but man in. found guilty will not 1m fur- l/m-v." .Feuella yielded to aiuuucontrollahl*) im- pulsi^ She look"d full into the hollow, gliaenin^ oyt'B. .She put a question to the rugged creature. '"Not fora**ry?M she said, repeating it Ih words. "What then*" Tbo titan bent toward her. She r tic oiled from tho contact nf liin foul und rugged garment*. She shuddered aa hit hot breath Mcorchml hor cheek. In a single wurd ho tftivn tlio annwor tn her question: "Murder 1" (V dizziiienn eanio over her; hIiu reeled, nml put-out her hands to nave herself from falling, Thoy touched thu cold uionn of ihe harbor wall. Hor drooping lids lifted, who looked roimd vacantly. Tho man was "Tho dreadful word!" tihe whispered "eh, thuciuol word! It blight the pres ent, it blackeiia the future. What can tho finiiro hoid for Frank or for me ? What ilmn it promise to our child? A stained tit hi, a heritage of guilt and shame a heavy, heavy weight for my innocent love in bear. Oh, my heart ! My hoart is breaking!" Timi'h c,me. to hor relief, Sho pulled do-.* u iiL-r v*dl hastily, and hurrlod home, uh the dusk Octnber tv^niiig closed in. . Lite ihat ni^bt she knoll by the opan win dow of her bodvuom, and icokcJ out upon the a'.onny. hoavutiH, upon the ejuiob sea. Ilorin loomed dear tho liorison, a dark aud bliapulcH inarm upon the sleeping ocean. The roiitb>H oyo of thu lighlslup opened and shut; a bat fit tin rod noiselessly past, and vniii.tliod in the velvet diirkucun. "Three days more," Feuella naid, "only three daya. Oh, my uon, rny littlo son 1 Does tlie time aeorn as long to you aa itdooa to your moilicr?" Shu cb>oed tho window aud went to hor bed. Sloop would not coma at first. Hut touard tho time of tho flnod tide ho ulupt and dreamed. Sho dicamctl thai ahu naw a great ahtp an ocean Bteatnnr plowing home ward through a wusto of water. She know that the vesnel carried thosu three lives that wro ho dear to her. Friend, hudhand, child lay abiL-pinjy in. tho cabins, hilled by the throbbing of. the ineoanant ncrow. All piiacu,^apparently. . And yet a voice kept whispering in hor ear, "Watch, watch 1 Danger !" It atomud to tho dreaming woman than that, sho aioed upon the vessel's quiet deck: Not a Kouud broke the quiet except that throbbing of the aorew. >Jot n, sign of lifo appeared, until from the dark companion- hatch of the Hteurage dockhouao a solitary figiiro crept tho figure of a woman. And tho white face it turned upon her, illumined hy the palo rays of tho moon, waa the face of Mine, do Vigny. And tho voice kept whispering, "Watch, wntch 1 Danger I" Sho strove to iihriek aloud and warn thoao on board; lint hor lips were sealed. Sho followed the creeping figiim aft. Followed it down a narrow In iiHa-bnuml stairway, with no conscious movement ol her feet. Followed it through dtihky passages, lighted by dim, swing ing lanterns, and down stairways narrower still. Thon it oamo to a halt and ubo stood behind it, listening and watching. A faint raoping sound. Tho striking of a match. A flickering light that revealed the pla^o in whicli thoy Blood togothor to bo u place imed for the keeping of ship's Rinrett. Oil and tallow, firewood, and can- tiles, coils of dry rffpo,' bundles of inrUehca and other inflammahlo articled wero gather ed ther*. Aud then aho knew, as another match struck and tirod, and the pale blue flame lighted that evil face, the deadly purpose of hor enemy. And oven aa aho Htrovo to burst the handa of silence that held her, datrknrsM fell upon th Rcene. When she opened her eyes, still dream ing, the ntutoly voaael was mill eliding through tho waters, herself removed from it by a distance that seamed impassable. But Htill tho throbbing of tho screw min gled with tho whisper that warned her of danger, to come. Sho at rained her eyes and held her breath, and watched ts she wan bidden. Thon a littlo smoko began to curl upward fr 'in ope of tho aft hatch ways. Thin nnd white, a narrow oolmnii of vapor aluiiiing in the freshening hret-zo. Thou a, forked tongue of yellow flame shot out menacing ly. And then a great, bell began to clang furiously. And mingled with othor sounds catne the sound of voicos ahoutiug together.. Only ono word they kopt repeat- inc. "d that word "Fire." Fire ! fire 1 first ! The vlurknesn wao ban,i"hed now by the fiorco red c[lare that came from the burning vessel. Her dock was alive with orderly gangs of men who eame and went with hose und uuckatH, pouring water down the hatoh- waVH upon tho roaring flames. Forward the pimsengeru crowded together. Aud among thoao white fatieswhich thsqulot stars shone down upon, and the leaping flume a illumi nated with their own fiorco glare, the dreaming woman naw the faon of hor child. Ho was held, not in Ida father's amis, lint in thoso of Jacynth. Frank was stand ing with hia hand upon the ahmildorof that truo friend and stanch companion. Tho men apoko together with stern, gravo look*; tho child laughod and clappod his hands aa the hutting ions of uea water fought with the fire that guawod at tho- vital* of tho brave voaaid, deop below the w'ator-liue. And an the mother trou-hed hor arms to ward hor hoy the whole picture faded for the second timo. * Another followed. Htill tho wide "gray noa. No burning v**eol on it now. Only a line of bouts upon tho waters, hUub ugamut tho background of a lurid, stormy dawn. Tho boats advuncod to word the dream er slAwly, In tha first only one familiar fuee: the face of Lord Caatloron. lu the second, nono but straugorsv In the third, Grangers agnin. In the fourth and b'Ht, a womuu bound with cords .lying at the bottom of the boat atnidahips, a. grave, stern man keeping oho watch und ward over the prisoner, In tho Btnrn-sheotH rough-httiuhal, pitying men, dialievelnl eompauoiouatu women, gathered, tomrd a little groun of two. One of those in , "-he uniform of nu oftlcer of the ahip ; tit*' ani*- gum', perlnipa, from tho skillful way m which lie aupporturl ihu , ooitvulnud anil trembling figuio of, the other on hia t*n, 'IMMi held tt.reatorutiive to tho lips and s^oui ed to apeaU vain; worda of comfort, And . the doeolata crsature, to whose misery that kiudly ndnistranoe brought no relief, lifted .....UUJ------i_____ . ' ....^.i-1^ U (JRIPPK'S VICTIMS. V H(!OtIUCK MOItK TO BB i>icicAi>r,r> vuxH irKHTKljItSNtJK. rim HUtff of Neva Mottlo. l>dy Wlio llmo.t boat isTer IjireTbrouKli lhe UiiVuiiori ot Tlilri Trouble Vn- iilib' lo 1'uod flf^nelf'noil Had to. I>, <'nrrifl<l lo ntio prom lf.d, Krom tho AuiL'Hau, WoKvlllo, N. H. Tu th upriuif of lH'Jt tho mnuy (rionda of Mrii. Mary Fiemnan, in Wolfyilla.N. B.t very gladly welcomed hr returu home nftcr a long abstuioo from her native town, hnt it wuu with thv deopimt ^rief that they bulmlrt in hwr tho ptruy of a diaeaae of 'i I moat incredible aevfity. It aup^ajea o hi) that the bri^brout future In store for b*-r w.ih but a few iiioutlm of tiuffering ox- tutmicu. Not louu after her return, bow- i'vor, the people ol Wolfvitle woto surprisod . to bear that after lining a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Fiuk Pills who butt hecome almoHt completely woll. Anxioua to boar ihu i ruth of thin Hurprininu roport, our ro- portor-wiited on Mru. rrenman at the earliest opportunity. From hor ha re- ceivoil a full account of hor painful illness and reinarkuhlo rocovory. In January of 1880, Mrs. Froomau, who waa then liyiutf in Foxhury, Mush., wuh aeverly attacked hy la grippo. Bho hud partly recoyorei|s#' when a rolapso followod, and while recover ing from its effootti, nho waa uoixud by acute rbouniatiiru and neuralgia. Tho combitiod Hickneni rrj^wltod in con plfitoly breaking dnvu her conftitution. Upon r"coverinfi from neuralgtji, shn ono day noticed a linle pituplu on her UI: aukl* which booame cxceediuiily painful. It Urew rapidly, soon hocotwinj; as large as a gold dollar aul breakint* into a running Bare. Othcra immodiatolj followed and ^iou tho whole body wan covsrod, tha limbs becomiug terribly swollen., The most, ominpnt phytiiciaua of Boston wore iippcalod to, but boyond informing her that the ailment wan dao to a com plotoly run down system, thoy rendered hor no asHistanco. In tho BDring of 18'Ji, sho oamo to Nova Scotia, hoping that.a change of oliumko would off cot a ouro, but to no purpOHo, Bono ulcora, ^tuatly oxooedfug in painfulnoHs tho soreu whioh first ap peared manifetitod themselves, Bho noon lout tbo use of her limbo, booumo uuablo to food horoolf, and wa compolled to bo carried to and horn hor boil. Heroyoabo- camo weak and alio Wittf'thur deureu" the' onjoymeat of readme;. Aftor many roai- odiOH had boon tried aud proved ub1orh, Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla were finally ap pealed to. Scarcely six boxon had, beei consumed whon tho ulceru ahowod ayi tome of healing, tbo uppetit* ^raw batt and hor general hoalth greatly improved. Since that timo her condition has ntuadily improved, and her Health in now far bottsr than it was provioua to her sorionn illneHS. Save a Hhgbt aliffnoHfl of ths Ittnba, she Hhowti uo su/uh of tbo terrible acourgo she bus passed though. Mm. Froeman is not unmindful of the groat obligation aho is under to tbiii rem&rkahla modicum, and (tbo io anxious that the wonderful cure -wbiohit.haii effected uhould bo gonorally known. Tha txporiouco of yoaro haa proved that tboro is absolutely no diooaee due to a vitiated condition of tho blood or ehat- tered rieryeH, that Dr. Williama1 Pink Pilln will uot premplly ouro, and thoao who aro aufformp; from such troubles would avoid much luiaory and Rave money by promptly reHorting to thin treatment. Got tbo gonuino Pink Fills overy time and do not bo porauadod to not bo persuaded to take an nuitatioa or sorao othor remedy !rm a daaler, who, for tho aulte of tliu ox- tra profit to bimnelf, may ay 16 "just aa good." Dr. Williatwa* ?ink Pillfl make rich, rod blood, and ouro when other ujod- tuinoHfail, frritratlon in Dakota Is causing that muob maligned eoation of the WoRteru country to bloHsom like fch rose. Quoting from a pabbshod artioleoti r.hasubject, it is utatsd thai "Men who art. acoustomed to tarnvup iti non-irrigatt diatriotu ar*> slow to believe tho re,>orta;i enormous yiokls of ull kinds of farm pi ducts in tbone aootiotm of the country where irrigation io praotiBod.V .Au- irrigate^ 40 acre farm producon (jreuter and bottom v- (inltu than a G10 ttbro farm cultivated in tho ordinary wuv. In a fow . weaka we, hope to be able to publish .varioua items from diffurent individuaU gtviug tbbirpar- nonul oxperionoo in irrigation farming. Iti the moatioimo Bond for a free copy ot an illliutrated pa'inphloti In fofurenoo to Ir rigation in Dakota, published hy the Chi cago, Milwaukee '& St. Faul IVy Co. IddreHo. A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paso* Vgent, Toronto Ont. THE COLD SWISAT OF HEaBT DIS- . ' Io Diapellod in 30 Minutea by Dr. Agoew'a Curo for tho Iteart, Tho thounuudtt who suffer from heart dis ease will undorHtaud what lament by Mrs. llcadhouae,of Willaoroit, Out., when Bho sayu: Cold awoat would'tittiud out in great | beads uppn my face," With eyarypne who- uuffera from hoart trouble it la a doath Htruggle,for it is hurd to say when, the'; oonLoMifo will Lot snap with thia diaeaselj controlling the uvBtetn, In the interests ct; human lifo, let .all who HUffer frem heartV| trouble alwaya ast promptly, and uao a tif^l rnedy that ih afifeofaiye. Deatli. may cMilrjj dftour if it ia a oioo niraply of. 'dxpurliniflni*^. ing with roediolnea that aro not specially^ intended to retocvo the troublo iu this di% rootion. . Dr. ARnew:a enre for the htftM us a heart aptcflo, r|^riU give relief w^h^ iu BOmiuutoH afterr tbo fi (I *e ia ',ttkfll and care permauently, tu luany; ui'vV' ready testified tUrori^b, thea,oolntupa,7T^ ' ; v.l,-^to >.' ij.v*t(!"

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