Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 13, 1896, page 4

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*L txr^ jrG>i5sjk. x^iK*5;*v ir'ii.x.jcvc^i A & Co GtrooexioSp The bitfjnvl Valuon in town and all now gooda. Osroolsexy^ Glassware* Orocfcory^ Glassware Largost stock in town and at priooR that -will aatonieh you. Call and examine a took and bo convinced. No trouble to show goodw. Highest price paid for produoo, goods rjEjrjivB^ED ^RO^iFTrj^ A, H. SCARFF & Co. fcr-=" The Essex Free Press. PKIDA'Y, MAUCn i:j,180(i. COUNTY COUNCIMXms. to Il<-ilvico th1r Numb or. lion. A. K. Uaitly Iiuh linforo Uio On LfteialHturo il bill, winch nhould meat popular approval. It in for tho pur- pouoof ro'Jucn a tlio number of mumbvru in county oouuciln, and in explained by Mr. Hardy nu follown: "It piovidon for tho diviwion of couuticu ittto di^tLutn, .MLL-li of which ut tho mmuiil municipal olectionB wpuld olfct two mem bora of tho county comieiln by diruct voto. Thoro aro throe cIuhhoh of couutum pro poiKKl iu thin uocond bill; thoHO of undsr 40,000 population, thoHO of batwvu -10,000 and (JO,000 population, and thosu of over 60,000 population. In countin of tho firnt oliiRH thor* were tobn twolvu mom born, in coalition of tlu* tucQud olnHfiJourtoen morn barn, and in tountieu of tho third clacn Hixtotm inonihoia. Each divituon wan to oloot two rnotnberfi at tho uumo tima an th gonoral municipal uleotionn, and thuH Hlivo tho expenao of a (separate election 1'nll machmory wan provided for carrying thin out. Two Bcarda of CammiURionum would havo to bo appointed to arrange tho diviaionn, ho au to provuru hoHtilo criticmm on tho wuy iu which tho county councila thomaolvcH would tippoitinn tliii divisions. Tbcoo coniniiHHioin'ru would bo non-purti- ztui uud would be: Hukcted in iiccorclanuo with a plan to bo tioulud in the IIouHo,and tlio conimihHion would be ho cmintituted tlmt it could not bo mud that uny political pftrty would have an advantage an four jud^oa would bo appointed for each corn jniwdon. Una comiuiHfion would ml judi cata on the counties -if York and Suiicoo and all countie-j eivd tin u>f, and tho other on all conutioH wtsht thereof, I'tutlicrmoro tho bill would apply only to thoHO counticii which lit tho pruHunt tune havo over twenty morabon* in their county cunctlo. A fur ther proviHion of tlio hill in that the :>cw /luuii.'d f<>r two yarn, uo that <'f it is will he biennial, and eaoh volar wi'i In LMiutli d to two votes, both of wlliflfo miiy bo ^iven m uiio councillor or diatributod qh bo m-ch lit. Tho coatu of tho cooamiuBiona dividing thu countiea will bo paid by tho province; all other coato by tho counties." The C;m:uU;<n Poach Belt. Tho County of P-nn. \, ita adjaoeut Ifiland of Polpc, ih the munt houtborn part of tho Domini' n of Cui ad a. On the wont IN the Detroit Uiwr, on the chsi it ih but 10 miles from lulto to lake, ho you boo we aro noarly finrroutided by water, and it Kroat whip caual ih Hurvoyed acroiin tho narrow neulc, wliich if carried out to ithort- ou tho waterway between Cbiou^o and Bnffalo, will mako our conuty an iflland. Owing to our Houthem location, our wator bonndnrio and tho quality of tho noil, cu- peoiaUy on tho woHt and noutb aidr'H of tho oonnty, wo havo quo of tho Uncut fruiL Bootiontt in Canada. Bod which u fow yearn ago wars considorod worthletn, and is Wttflfor (jeneni! farmint,', iu nulling now at $100 to ftUOO por aero I do not think tho oran^o Krovca of Florida or California aoald uurpaoa the bounty of tho fjraut peach orchard!) boro when in full fruit tho Ty- burnt orohard of 75 uoren, bendnm to tho ground beneath itu load of Insoinus poachon, and the Uilbcrn orohurd of SO 001) trcea. only parr, old onnugh to boar, but all an clean and froo from wcoda us n. pardon, tiot ouly ponobcB, but all tho rounlar large and nmall fruito do equally well bore, while in tho contro and on the north hidea of tlio county tho noil in adapted for all Hnoa of aonoral (arming. It is tho exception and pot tlio rule hero io havo (*loi(*hit>^ Owin^ io an iboihor ma! lino wh cb ci-obac-h north of un through Xiaku St. Olair, our huow falln oro uHtially light. Io iTanuury, whon 100 miloa cast and nor Lb thov had Rplendid^hini;, hero tlio prion waa. prowinp. But now (Feb. 22) wo havo good alotahing, of wnioli every oo io taking udvantn^c an it In uot ipoctod it will laot lotiq. Feaoe and pro. parity VQiitn amonji ub. and wo havo f o miioh faitli in tlio sound oommon xonuo of the American booplo to fear war. Rev. John lilorrmon in American Agrloulturlrt, iiil. MARTIN'Sl'KAKS. Romodinl Orclor Outrht Not to Havo Bo(,n Issuod. THE BILL IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL lt.TMHr It Who Sot iulnnHl'l to the lliiiiMuhii \.tt\ t'riiini'iit I'lt-Hl Mliat llic I'rilrlr rnnlnrr Itclb'VPit In Ii.sllci ^uiihl Havo IttM'ii Ejoiu' If l'ri[HTly A^Uid. Ott,n\,i, M.lkU (J.- fHi>cclal.)~-Mi ."\I"i cm:' 1 il uh Lii-day in the d bnt.> ii tin U( mi' 11.11. At the outM-l In r .it inipdrtamv of tli' ihii' Lion, inie (if the ehici' objection'. i.iihC'tl Io Uu> bill yesterday was that it wi no Kood , but, .surely, it was Un- lolnoilty in Manltnb.L tlmt ou^bt to htve tin. 4 lv in thin manor, and theh Ihrte renri hi-nlatlvt a in tho LokIhI-l- turu bad pronounced in favor of tin hill, lie would be unworthy of bclnit ^ilbd a I'ioi If ho held in l^- '. bL-eausi In:- jrllKhiUh (.un\ictiuus wlvv not tin kiLUiu .i-i Ills own (Hi-Hi*, In-ar.) jir SjiiouK- y. aierday bad h.ild ho was op l-o.^-d to .ScpauUf Scbr-oH. ,ind Illiat u .h tin. vi ,t un In- <.ippo-,.'d this bill. Il tb.u *h u mtsoii why, then hu pith d tin- <i i ..<r'i-. int. ill-',oncM UN miild had \ id n.i not Lhoiuutrhly ^i-^P'-d the posiLi^n ut a. Thia \uu not a iturtli'iii <f .Sii.'.i.l'-. Scbuols It \vn-~ lfit^.^inq: ui tin silLVunooa of tin Li. .\i.iiiitolta. 1Ji. tin l< ad of .Mi ^ kd I" mi i. If In v.' is ^ uiihl du *-( a ,ain til. CaUiu. i i ,.1 i .,_ Sj . > il- u i- loll,' .Mi ( ai i :i\ . Tb i ;ii 111111 11 .i [i i 1 i V,, li I i il la i'i" i. lu.u.) 11..* ii. In n 1 .Mi .Mi ( \w t :' ' " poll'-.Id I.lim O* Jul the pie- m a~,.u inn , ot i .iru-lj h hi Id i ' ' p asiUition i.l\f. Tht Tu- ii mo Ui li| now suppui ud mu ll' man. but only a h-w month.-, aj;'. tb M liinr d tdynatcd M\. Mcl\u thy a- a ^-ii 111 m.iK I . Mi . mi <'i\ 11 It-- 'i M .n ulJI__1ii ()( lulu, i, ]-'H \1i I-' nii'i m n,(j\iiu; ih- ~rl7C mmith l.n'-i hid H'lltn Mi. MeCailhj'j- tluui- d. i l.\ idi nLly Mi li.iuin-i wanted to i I' into pn\\i i in the r Unions pri-Jii d ' . 'f i lir p oplo (.'on i inuirn;, Mi M iif i if il jinn . i d'd to i.,\ 11 w Lho b'j,'.i 1 ..-iHit-, ol ih si noul (pif-iion li in n.niiu Iti Iu MaiiimUi h.i[),ji n,'d to li1 I'i >U- ianl. wu'.kl Ur, y,aoul , w ho n .'Iu I '"'I ii i< rlf loun , have- taki: thu s'.iml ht did" in Spion). - y h. Mi .Mom i n li 1| tb,- ihlnoiitv w. t'lnlt-i.iiit would you not suppiui tin bi'l ' Iji Spioiik ay c-rnphatR-ally I \' >uld :hjl Mr. Monci Icif Well, then, If tlK I'm- I* ' lants of (Juohi c \\ i o d prl\ i-il oi li^htb hi- would not Mipi oi I tin* app. il ila y miivht innUi for jflicfV Ijr Hpiouh That is not thu same at all \l i Mom i ml'i -Y- ,s, it is. (' d (i'l;i h n- Will un- nori. K'ntlf- rii in sav in what tlu- ea^cs of Qucbi l an I Manitoba ait- anulo^tnibV li' \1ninM In 11- A man must be hhnd v o ( a ii nol .li f th -y a ri x.u-ily Uu ('id ()' I ft |. n Would you d< hn.. tho rights nt tin1 Protectant mliiui Uy in C!U(d)L-c-? . 11. Moiu'rlon* Everybody Know .s tht in Pol. rvHrb n Tin** hon. trentlfman d* i s not know thorn. Mr. Mo.a i it'll You bit L do AH the ri.nht1- oi value In both pio- vliui'i hive ii('(|Uiiid hiiU'e the una u Anv tivi reponhn-? th^."/ rUclit would hi* Intra vires of tin- (Jliudiec Li Kisl it tin1, ami <-o (, inbir* could tike away all tho i Udtt.s of ihe Qtleb t lUUi- cilty. Col. d'P.rlon What tht n would be come of tho minority in Ontario*' I'i ol-- i olnt',, Mr Monci i 'iT h lid he had bou tdhliiK li" would HKo Mr. Laut- ler to h iir. and a Mr l.nurlor was- not in the House, he would like Home liiheral who bad lo'hlnj? to do to ro and brliiK blm In. (Uum'htor.) He enn- tdijded by nnnoun ln^ b would Vot* .i!*alri!-t Mi. Kfurhi'tj -in endr. ent .tud in favor of the bill !l voting ^o wn*- to ei r.theji lie wool 1 h ivo ri rod in fa vol ot thu con litutlon, would have eir'd In favor of the I'lote.suni mlnotity In QiK'lKr. :if) well an the Catholic minor ity In Manitoba, would have, oned on the bide of pi. ae- and hi'imn'iv, would bnvo eiiod on line1- ralei/'ited tn bind to other the province;! of__thN__jjii_lL UiUIhIi colony. My. Mj'itln CWlnnlpct,'), author of tin Manitoba school law^, open d by huui -, Injr Mi. Moncrhdi, who, he Bald. wtdK* now tuiUtng of jutitlce to Catholics Mippoitid Ail. (Hud, the P.P.A etudl- daie in laiu.bton in the last Provincial tlcctluii. J^UKcediiM, ho ataorti'd that tlu ca.-c of Quebec waa not annlotfouu. gufbee eoubl iffuco the Proietanth n piusi nUUion on tlie Uo-aid of Public lniMj iictloii, but ihai wau iita a matter of \isry (Xrent Imporinncc. If (til the le.\l-bookB of tb' hchoula were chosen by the bouid tho enso would bo Impor tant ; but, o fui as tcxt-booka doal- Inr with moralH wore concerned, had not abtailutc autboilty, but tho choice waa free. Thlu entirely doHtroyed tho OovtM-nmont'ii iiveumGiit that it the PioUtttant minority loHt their reprt- Bontutlnn on thu board the result would hn aerlmiH to thonij, . . . -. t, . liok irufKli al T) O'i>l0k. Mr Miirtln continued thu twhooj tio- iMiLe nth r ui'i"ii He i-ald the poillon of Urn Inipeilnl oider In Couuell which oidej taction In aconrdunee with Hie judicial com ml it t, wn1- pun ly foimul and wa (.onlnined In all the ordcr-i In council, uttd Hint tho alb'Un- tinii of 'iniiii' thill It would be trennon If Ihe C.oveiument did not fnriv out the order viia b.ia'dt hm. Mil CharleM 'I'uppi i bad Inn * d hli i riT'in < nl on the Idea that the inhu>rllv ibid inlvDeK'"* prior to the union, but the iljinett cane bad (b'cl(H d that the minority bad no ihfbta prior tn the union, but cot whatever rlj'ht" they hail thrnujfh the Moliool law.'< of 1K7I Tlu que'dlnri wan: Could a rdinmrf m ^t b" nuidf With respect to the rMin iinit.d Hlnco union ? lliril the an .d IH7I be blndlrii' rorevei' ? Tin > H'ei t of thr. ludifniont of tlu Pi Ivv Cninwll w in that a ofttio aro'ie whirl) i;a\< the im- mlnlon InrlMrtlotlon to benr and dntM mine the appeal of lb ml-iiitv, -Mid tho lli'Ht duty then fore of the rjovmn- nifnt w.'Ui to ifet romrdf t. InTtu motion on the niib)(ct, Tht" r " 1 < no '*" thopTO'T-nt com le tin C<>\ti "i t ii li not carrying out the count it nl Ion. I bid they considered 'd: ib v I' * ' ri- ' * or fnlr, oi- rood for lb < nit ' ' > carm'oul the nn'ir'in < ' I f a Hi Co',- crnnient Irid cliliiKdH nm i '" in - cbnnlcallv then Hn bi'1 h -d i \ - , bor-n conclnd In teinm or ,i lb < > 11 1 order, inn th!'< bid n <i b. , n .Line If It w.Ti open to Ion' n' H> I'ntu" Ilt'ince** of the cii, In fi ' . I ' r (1i bill, why wni It not "In ^ tb iv mcdtnl order wvi pji". d n \ml Hil wn- tb" Import im point In <.....dun Manitoba believed In lndi'.Mb' b . con' tit ii Hon n ntl tin rv " i' >' !m'( b- Iiothltv to Indlcnte tbnl lli n.add not mnlntiln If. Tb, "-find t >t. i yire- vlnuu tn l^lt by Mmilt di,i "b-iii1! nnf bt ( ii. d'-: id ! i i a.*.--1 Uo j no i . .i d' i >ui.,.. a i oi .u ai un a ail i Lie v ei j in ' e i i Li i un (,b* .^ Ui it ^..i iniuii.i, Un n tin 1 ' \. .Ui iin ii i ii . aia t..i 111 11, i i. h t u i i c W ii i i.nt n .1.,, ' u 1! .ippt n.U llL'U, would a a b . \ i a ici d io in - in i.i i a o.i. in. i (I ui (boo -M tile t iu\ i i una lit p .' ^i il Lin la iii tl i.i I oi il' i ^. .< init'i l in i' -ii'i.i nui ol the hlalutt-'.i Ol l^d . .a< Li^ , v. tin UL <iUi lu-.ud to till ellicl. in J' oi Llle M-ll-iin1- ill alo tLn id detau ol tb. si liools tin i cby L^In I'll-In 'I .oanilob su In 1. 1 10 "ttd Lin it (bi. . nl U dia in It : i. piv- clii'lt d tht i n . ni i- <a n. u .t. i ti'Mri or (. in, tn wilt, i 11, w li"i it tin uli> Hie How i nan nt now lound u-ii li in aiobc fioin tin- ili ibtie. tiii-H'U I in,, mil r p.l^.->ei| .U i l * dis I '- tion. Now w h n tuc ' un t-in i i ( uudH Km li un ibb to priipo . in" bill on the line:, nl the ordci. tiny b-Kin to think of a io .pi.aiil-e. Uoue\.i. the turn lor e, i,u i . w b.-lni. Jud,;nu nt w a:- uml'ie , n a a I n i 'Mo ( bn t in- niLiit w.i now ou ii*- I ' " lud'in" "i i Mi Hi < t tb. ni out r)l Hn Liooblc II in- should conn', li would 1m n ^-'ko oi h me Nothiim would cum*_(*r any aid mp'H at in Lfoihit lon.s. unlesM the Hovcrn- rnent Hint r--i(al"d the HeiTn-dial or- dei. M initoba ronsldtml th ordt r a hiirsii jud^m.nt. pinned in tin lr ji-b- m nee, and ho nfu.scd to obi y It, nui they never naid they would not do Jus- U Kllh'lomi exerclscH In the HcbooM were tb- only objections of the Catho lics no doubt an agreement could be COIlie Into do away V.lHl the ..^<.l.'Isf^ w'bielv-aujhow, wcr- pundy f""1'^- It was a mistake that the Act ol lb " did not eliminate rellRloua exercises en- tiitdy. If tin fc e\trcl.-ea coiihtltuted a grievance sort. t with of thu Mishit M Vn ins Jud^nieiit, the lt-inedial Hill wai unconstitutional and uHia vb<"- rhe t'onsLltutloii n-quned in ci1-!' or reme dying thu grievance for the Covernoi- (iunerul-ln-rouncll to pans an older and hend the bill to tho province for the pioviuce to imt-s. Parliament could not act till the pio\inc,. Iiad nlufwd to cn.-Kt the bill m nt. Tin Remedial ()i- fb'i* did not uny out tin- law In this nspit, and, tbeieime, Pai li.uii-nt had no iurisdiciiou. n >. nt Jm 1-diction onlv wlu n the law had le en onirhil out and the prn\lneo n lined to <aiiy out the bill f-etit it by the (U)\, eraoi-C,enci al. He was iu favor of an Investigation, not because itwa, Mr. Iaui iei'.s policy, but In cue e M niltobii bad a-ked for It If the paHsimc of the Keiuidbil Ci der hud pieveiiti d M.milob i i i t( 11 'in- Uu? pi opo-- ibs on the pail of Un Domin ion re n"c;otlatioii: and c nnpiomls -, how niu'-li more (d'fectlvo would a Itt- medial Hill be in the same dlie<ll^ What benefit, moreover, would ^epjft at" Hchools orr',aniKed by tin- bill b . wlun the imiviiuv, as a result of Hu- excrcme of the inuninloil'H co. re ve power .itf.iin-t It, would b< Inclined to otiHtiuct the cinvth" out of the lav *> The peopb of M.ildtiba weir, piv-abld- iiicr and uridei *-tood the position the judfom nt of the judb lal conn id e put them ln;and if the Itemcdhl Order nnd bill were wlthdiawn they would be pie- pared to do Justice in th" preinlscs. The (lovi i nment w a.s lespnnsible for -the entire trouble, having tried to u^e the question for political puipoji-s. Mr. launder had taken tho htateaiuanshlp t-ti'ind and would, if lie trot Into pow^r, be able to settle the question with out any coercive laws, (Hear, hear.) Ho concluded b\- di-elai hi',' that when Mr T.auHer became Premier, which, ho soon won If 1, there would bo no more heard of Remedial bills, but tho Hous.. would jHve to the lunlne;,, of the eountiy the attention which it deriv ed, but of which It had been Kettinp fo little Ibl.s s( ssion. Mr. Daly moved tho adjournment of the debate. The Ifouc adjourned at 10.10 p m. MANY HUM" TON TOPICS. I'rmnoloi- I'oiv Piopo^cx to E^tnlilluli n Car HiitliUiitr IniHtry-M ill Hie (.I'.lt, <-u rinrc ? Hamilton.March G Mayor Tuckctt has received a communica tion from Kile Aqueduct Constructor Pew, the well-known promoter atat- inj? that he Ih Hcrioimly conniderinK the adVlHablllty of locating the J. G. Unit car bulldint,' company of Philadelphia In this city, and thinks the old 'Wan- v.ov factory would be miitable prcmiaea. The company, he .say.s, omployH 2&0 hand^ and Iiph supplied cars for near ly every city In Canada. Its object for laeklnK a location hero la to hold thlu trade and save the duly of ISO per cent. A report is current to-day to the effect that the C.P.R. Is coming to "Hamilton by way of the Grand Trunk company'a tracks from Toronto. The report haa It that tlie G.T.Tt. and C.P.R. havo almost ^concluded a deal whereby the latter may use the former's tracks between Toronto and a point in the went end of the city. The Idea of the C.P.R la to build a abort track from the "Valley Inn to connect with th" T., IT. & Tb, tbun com I up through the city on the T., IT. & 13. trucks. The report la Eialfl to havo come from an authentic Bourco. Harry KIme, whoqn family resides near Carluke, has been mtoBtng from his home for nearly two weeks, Nenbltt, OauUl & DlckHon hnvo serv ed notice on the city that they lnten*l beRinnlnpf an action against the cof- poratlon for damnprca on bohnlf of Whitfield Klrby, whmio Icr- was broken on poll. 28 laat, by bin falling- on th6 Mllppory highway at Mary and IColly- strootH. Mr. Honmnn, tho KhftK-Htrect ebt rrtUllner, had a narrow oscapo from toclnff suffocated from coal eaa last NB VT^ GOODS! MEW GOODS! O [IE luiyrr htm vtilnnied froin tlio cnBioni nrmrkctB, luivin^ irnndc oxtennivfe pnrchaseB iricludiiig tlio ncwont tliin^M in fino J)rof Goods^ Printn, J3ucKh, GinghumH, Flaa- ^^^^ noloiiofi, Tjicch, J'lnbroidoiicH Jiildxnih, Veiliji^H, TiiidioB* Wbitc Underwear, Hose, Glover, Oort-otb, Lnco Ciirtnhm, Uollcr IjHthIb, Ciuptitn, I'able and Towel LinenH, ntaple Dry GuolIh nnd final] which, Mcn'n PbirU-, Tien, CoIIuvh/CuIIh, PuntingH, etc. At Prices that annot be Beaten. rJ bo fnsi[auHi{ziupuit "ih now io bnml 'ia.d we (^tc-mr] a cordial invitation to all who nro intt'ifhb d in ni< o lK-w \i< t ds nt loweM Ihiij^ prk'C'K to will nnd see what we arc doing. Hundreds of New Hats Aio already to band, ineludmp: the very latei-l^bhajHjt1 in bbick, brown and Cubn, utiiT and FcdontH, and fully 25 poroent, bolow city priocn. Othor line^ will be following in quick Bucceeaion. Otir Slaughter of Winter Goods Htill continnofl. Now ia your clianco to buy OvcrooatB, Underwear, Futh, Mantle Glofchfl. etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Departments are all ri^bt. Yours for Bargains, DtrwsTiUsr block, esses. Pressing Time with us. i&&? Soon time will be Pressing You For a .new Kf KING SUI'l . Wh\ not order i:ov, Thu Hprin;' htock in in. New Yorlt f'i*-biot)H too. mui uiu will Cct Ijotttr work now buforo tlie rnuli ih on fur iiriiif(. THE TAILOR, DUN STAN JiLOOK, ER-JKX CAhh AT Special Sale Fall Goods! We are "bound to clear tlie "balance winter goods at cost for next 30 days. VOii. AM.* JvINDH Ol-' Window Blinds awny down Ohinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goodn, Koveltiefl, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kind.^ Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper. New Hprin-,- l-oo ip urrivinfj tlnily. Black and white prints from 8c to I in all colors, laat price I He, wn noil tlnin at l'Jjc. Fancy ^cpli>ra 25 fliilbrout st> les ia dross Giiigliamn nt 25c yard. FlU'molettos'in all atylcM at He. Fancy bloiiHo'piittbT'nauXIOe, Droas Croods All now deigns at I2\c wortli (25c. Tweed Patterns All Wool Serges and Henriettas at 28c worth 05c. C'ottonado, HLtittings and Cotton choajier than tho cheapest. Tweeda, gen- uino ITalitax at 25c yard. The newoftt stylcB in Uittfl nnd Caps. Call and aeo befoie purchaaiug elsewhere. Clothia" Thr b.tliincc of our Overcoats we aell abcost, to malto room for onrs])iing yondH \\'q handle nothing but the host niakos. Groc^-iea Sweet Homo Soap G bars for ^00. Soda Jiisnnts fro^h> a lb box 22c. Try our coffee-. Wo haudlo tho i on boat brand, "Snow Diift." Wo have tho best Si5e tea in tho markofc. it and if not Buiied, mpnoy refunded. We are agent for Salada j:ea. Try A. FBAHCI Vance's Old Stand, Know What You Chev; 5$ hi froo from the Injurious coloring. The more you use- of It the bettei you liko It. THE GEO. E. TUCKTYT ii COW CO., Uai* HAMILTON, ONT. I <7t)ii J>o^i RlllirlilV UocoilliiioiKl Itov. B. Woaver, Aurora, writon or BturU'n Fowdotn for lioiuhiobeu, cooiivouoHH, ueuraluiu, ldlhniHiienn, tttotmoh and liver oowipUlnta:' "Hon wore kind tnntiali *o and na Knmpleo of ShKirk'H fowdoi'B, Prts pamonu-l Itnowlrdgo of tluiir offcatn, on tho pcD'uonn tn whom I ti'ivo thorn, tho taoat boneUuial rewuUa Ihlvo tniton pluoa. Iati most hl^tily roeoirmioud thorn." tf foe, immediate Mid prmuent. Gold by mlt'tafck 25o . box. or 6 koiMforll. F.b. H. . E. WIGLE, The Cash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. (JBE poople of tlio Town of Esbqx and aurrouudin^ country havo lout* Ht tho waufc < I of a phioo whoro thoy could o and purohano what thoy rctjuir^ on a aloao, oush X huMH, without unu oompalliid to pay hifihor priced to umlto up for tho losses made in tho arodif. tiyatom Cdl and won our rooJh, which aro nlwayo of the boBfc <|aality, and cot our pricoH, wluoli aro tho lowoufc. Don't hubh trvititf our Ton at 3"> Lontn a pound. Jusl Arrived-A Fine New assortment of FRESH and SALT FISH of ail kinds. ---------- 0\SU PAID FOR other pnooucji. FIBBT-CIiASfl BUTTBJA AND FflEBU EGOS AKD GOODS DELI\ailED raOMJ?XXiV. M. E, WIGLj J. H. WIGLE, Mgr. Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Eaaex* 1 /? i i \

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