Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 14, 1896, page 6

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f!|B53?w!ix^T *';':: ^ f/^wSf^f^/tfS?^S^H : J ,iV fffijftyZ 1::, ,,* *>! i-j P*RE>- -IPWto&fifcs*. tu l>>'. ' V. riniTrN'VOMiirKjt. A Oon'rllutido for Mouiuik-irity GoIom Xtcoonily Invtiiitu*! In JCiiIml. Tho tiuVmmtor, no iln muno implied, Is a tint- or color iniiiinurn. It iu Lho Invention of J, \V. Lovibond, who him devoted tjomo Uvonty ynaru of work , and thought to tho porfw-tiou of tho contrivaiKih, which, having boon in ,ubo morn or loior privutuly for ho. von or oip;ht yuai'H past in many toolniieu) iiiduatriou. and for vuviou.-i npor.ial pnr- pottOH, linn now been taken ovor by a company unit pluoed on tho mitrkot. To lho mun in tho utrnet probably tho usaa of a oontrivunoo of tins nuturo Boom Hcarotily vory obvious at brut fcdtfhl;. 'XMiinojily hIkuv.s how littlo tlm man in tho utroot knows about, tin; mattor. Fort hi; mass of lhu lintonu'lcr aro boliovod to bo Hourly midh-iyi;.' Thin will ho realized whou it is borne in mind that iu the (-iif-i' of prnct icnlly evury f*ubstuni'.e, nutiirul or manufac tured, known to m:in color i* an abso lute indox of it.H i|u;ility, Consequent ly* von huvi' only to iisecrluin its color exactly in order to know ut once tho quulity of tho substance you aro deal- inp; with. And tIds. is what t ho tinto- motor eimblf'.s you to do. Tuko Hour, Tho quality of flour can be (old to a llicol.v by Us color. [Ii'iiro you have only lo ascertain tlm position, of any (jivon Kpocinion of Hour in i he color Bcalo to know its value, "Hut how about adulteration V" Home one will usdc tit onoe ; "cannot an inferior Hour bo . colored by tho addition of some foreign Hubstanco to match the shade desired?" Cortainly it can be. Hut the tintom- Utor would dot cot lho fraud at once. . What, then, is the thitnmctei'V liriof-' ly it consists of a luiroful ly ^nub-il borios of colored {^Iukkcs -about the. size and shape of small niicrosoopic slides by means of which, used singly or tnporini]>os.od ono on top of tho other, uny de.sired -diado oT eolor can he matched with nbsolute exact it.udo. And wlumitis realized that thoro arejuht Gu.OUO.diM) t/hadoH which can be obtain ed in. this fiiwhion, it will be understood that tho color which ran not ho match ed Vjv the tintometer must bo very hard to find, indeed. In point/of fact, there is no color or tint, percept ihle to the ordi nary human eye which can not bu ob tained. Those slips uf.^biss are.placed on a slide at the end of a double piir- alhd-sided wooden t ube, some'lhiim llk-e .mi elongated storooscopo lo look at, with two small apertures at the lower end and eye-pieces to look throu^h-ax tbo upper. Tho substance to be match; iid'is phifcd uiuler the one np'Tlare, and liieu, by chan^iiitf tlie slips of glass to the required cvteiit beiiealh tla- oilier, ihe desired tint is readily obtained. West minster Jnnl^ot. A City Clergyman Speaks About Physical Restoration. Faino's Celery Compound Boos a Ma-r- vellous Work in a Populus Glmvcli Parish in Montroa). Hundreds Mido Well Who Wero Pro nounced IncuraWo by tho Boctors. Tho Only Medicine in tho World Ileiutily Indorsed by the Clergy- of All Denominations. patirliiooorH ontrimtml 10 my oitro. that the oolubratetl Inoliolno, ^iiIuo'h Culnry OoiiJpouhd duHorvon a hh;h rioomtnuiula- tion. I therofom willingly hrJomn the teHtioi.iuulu ulroudy pivtai In :tK bohuH." he ureal Disoafld.dhnUHlicr a Nationiil IiIcbhiul', Tho Hiok pooplo o( tho j^roiit oburoli pur- itib of Ht. Anno'n Montruul, have boini (4roatly bloitiiod unci bouotitted by tho life* tn'vinfr and health rotitariiiR virtucn of Paino'it Culci-y Compound. Tha cloriiy- moti ef Kt. Aiimo'h Olinrch, know of tha ^l'anrt work iicconipljfllKid amon^it thoir puroihionnrii, and at nil timeu accord uti- Hlintud pruiuu tu tho ^reiit curitiu Codi- pound. Rev. P. Rioux, onu of Bt. Anii(:' moBt populur prioHtfi who uiud thu Com- ponntl liiniM If writ oh :ir followu ; "I tini fully convinced, both by personal exporionco and by tbo (Uiitotnontn of many T h 1* >' upnr '1' I in ii Whim tho moht bunuAt hi to bo rturivod (k-nm a good modloino, in ourly hi thu ytnir. Tliiw in tho Ht'UHon whou tho titotl body, WdiiUouod or^iiiiH and nowouu uyutom yo'irn for tbo buildini'.-np inodioinn hlto Mond'n HiiriViptirillu. Many wait for tbo opiai iiprtit^ wi-atlmratid, in fnut, di:lay i/jvin^ at tun Lion to the:* physical iioinlition ho bin,; that a lomt ii'djjo of iiu:kiio;M in in- ovitublo. 't'o aid tbu ayntmii of ttu ln- puritiiuH iiominribaiirl during Lhu winter H^u'ton, to purify tbu blood anil to movorato the whohi rtyHtom, Lboro in nothiuii cqind t-> IIuod'H HuniiipiuilliL, U>nU put it, off, but Itiko llond'n Bariii'parilliL now. It will i.lii you i(f-od. Uoad tho tfuitimonialu pnhloduid in hoha.1t of Ilnod'u Sn/mLpiivilla, all fiom I'cJmhh), i;: ai.;rul pruplu. Thoy till tin? utory. 'rimy nrc Ntm 'M*nllcm:r Allien. Tho blntpiLiit mid po^ul'ir pmiior of tho I'lr-it Vr.iubytijrial (Jburuli, Mituludl, Out., Hov. VV. A. liradly, 11. A, ivoH u littlo of hiw (i\'pnrii!iuji! an follows-' : "For ovir: a jvar IMurmalt. \uih bci.-n uv;d in my family. Itn niuritu aro no tltmnino that on no aconmi would wo coo- t;nt to lio without it. Spot dy action in a marked ehunictor of thin ruinutly. Cou^b and lioai'HnnoHii, onpocialh'; aro ridiovod with Riiprniiiip; qviicknoiui. An a fjonoral (loniOHtic nmiedy, it ntairlH at tho top." Bo nay tbny all. riinMi:nU ban bnoomo tin- fuHhioualdo win'.cr nuidicmc bcuautio it docn Uii work in . antitierm, fragrant healintf, HtimuluiiuK- L'inonailt and Ily jiophoiipbitfiii, inntcufi- of pluii: Piuomalt tiliouhl bn lined in all chronin ca-^osi. Hold by dru^ihtn. llood'rt l/ilia are prompt""and ot'liuKJtit and do not p\ir^n, pain or 't^rip-j. '2^0. "Hnlon," ho orloil, as Mm. Orandlson, tald'i) aback by bin uno^puutod visit and liaf/yuid appvamnuo, 'utarcd at him us at an, apparition, "whuro In Itouny? X want to bno HonnV- Uriii^ him to tun at oiioo. If'oiiolltv imitimirod in hor dullrimn tbut ln waH y/ltb you." "Unvn you not Hailod? Yon and Ludy Kiuiuiiii huvi! not iitai-tud, thou, for Itra/il, nfU:r all?" nho anktat in bowilduiinuut. "No," ho -miHwisrud iinjntiinntly. "I havun'b tlm leant itlou what you arts talking ahmit, Thioi! iidvi'j* wan any rpn-ntjoii of our K{,hi(f to Hi'azil. l'oni'lla in lyin^ at dt'iitb'ii dnor, and I bavu unnin hi;ro to fiitch Uoioiy ini'iiy." . "Il'it. i'YanU, lloimy him ^onc. You ymii:ii:lf H*)nt- for liiin. Siundy you must 11'nicnibi.'r having ib m* no,1' "I iiniL i.ii fctcli Ib.nny! H'd.n, havi- yoti tulooi havn of your hi'uhuh';" And ho giipped ht:r h.uit hy tlio wriftL. \* Si Ifelou bioked &ftr. bin retroathi^ form with tbu ton re springing to her oyen. "Poor Frank 1" alio Hi^huit, "how lio lovos I'Vimlla. And y<*t him Iiuh coiupbitidy apoilt, hlu li'fu. I hi wnu Mich a bright, iiiou boy oncu upon a tiniw. It (putt) inakcu onu'u hoart auho to Run him iiH bu in now." CHAPI'Klt XIV-IJV H. DOWUNO. ' TlUILKMCri', VVlu-n Lord Franum found binr^olf In tbu hiu u'ay up tohoudou frmo b'oUx- / .w) A CHILD CAN USB THEM. Directions Art; Siraplri, tram on Htowu bin loiiul waa in a oomlition boiflur- iuj; on ftcii/.y. Thu wifn of hifi youth, tin* uito of bin i.-hoiuc, tin: only woman lo whom hui Imart h;id nvnr conn forth with una loy- rii jiy a,id binii liMiii bumiLy, lay at doiudi'it i'iu'I", from whiidt onu bopo uxint.od of h-i;k'iidn}( In r tun1!; the toiosli of I fif'ir "-lild'.i Uuy hand Ami now, ;tt tliis mo- itu'Ol, of titipt <Mtin irriMM Kati'nt,f(i|Mid in and i look Ihurliild from hi'Uiii.dit, i.natchud tbo po:.:iiliU; (bdivurur from hiss arum! *.'urm:.l r'.iio, or N't'iiidnhi, or lux tahnniu, ' call ii, what, oho mijmt, ihorn was Uio mad- ; o-'iui'^ fin;t, the ovi-rwlo'liniii^ ai:t, of tb-it i fni-fiim whom niu-e, in liii malifjiiant I [if: V(.|-i,ii,y, Ik- t liniiMliL ho luvml. wbu over I 15 Ii1 V ( ) \ I) 'I* 11 I** iilid over n'j.'iii: nuoli! tdi<! lovnd hll illu! ' Houtio bidtou think that it- in i. diffloalt niattur to do their own dymu^. H'ourt'iio- ly in whou orud'i and imitation dv-n nr udud ; bin whou tho lofiji-t'itt.i11 Diamoud J)yt:H ai*o UK.d, it tal'*;i hut litih- moro troublo to !'ct a fauL mid lumutiful color thou 11, w'ii!d ho to w-'ih nod i'i-'-iiu'tbo l^oodH. V ith imitiL.oii dvin yur (.'ootid aro ruii-od ; ((oloriot; w.t'n hi.n^ond i)ym m'-'llllfl hUO'.ii'H'i mid l.vih u >\ m. EXCELLENT. L'OW.U: OK Pl'.N d\PTwenty-*four-Authors. ' ^*PiEMmn.o/.RoaiPun.Co. Natural Holt Soap In 1*u<I(IJ<>h. . A |);irty of p,*rnl ltinoii from tho oust, who hitvo hocij hunting ond lishiiifx For the pnsi month in tlu:'lii^r llnrn Moun tains ;aid bar-in, mci., whih' thorc, with ! U iiortini'iit illiiNi i';ii ion of 1 ho minimi hmrvols of tho LiT'-ai. rmit nil west. This \v;;:-- notliinrj: lo^^ than t ho^ilLscovery of a st.'i'ii-s nf oils, or vais, of nut uml soft coup, tin-. I'xot'lh-nt ijuality of the pro duct, showinj; that, old I)':lihc iNaturo i.s.wull <'onipi'l.rnt7'\v!"fifir in tht* mood. toliold up fully ilm.ond iA hor string us a housowik-. Thos.i imLurul sufi-no-ip X^its, si'Vcii in nunihor Mini hnviiiL;' an uvoraj;o cap-'iciiy of ahum; I,who ^;i]- lons, uro.^fii! I i-i'wl nvor an ora of Mvo Or tluoo urn's uf alkali laud, situai.od just holow tin* iiiuijihs of half a duKou liot, sjii'iii^s and t wo hi ri^t: tspriu^s of Jpraotically pun- luhrioatino; oil. Tho \Viitur from ilio hot ^piin-^s and ihc old druhiUK'o I'oinliiuin^ ivit.Ii ouoh nthor und noting on the. alkali ih-jiosit roust i- tvito a nauinil m'juj) liunuifiu-t ory, rho product uf whirli is j^athorod in lho ad- jaoonL sorii'S of oarih caviiios or ]>:i.s. Just -below t.ho j)it.i I ho ins.'1 vi'-; is a ' Svido truer of spon^iost, marsh soil iu "whose, depths lho >oft-sonp surplus is ab.sorhi-d. 'iMio jirudinU. is pi-rb-oi ly kriurlcotublo, and in tin- rominu <'om- inoroiul dovoh')nmi'iii uf i ho lii-j; Horn basin there will dou'ni! 1,-,- a mil ural BOft'Soa]) :-y ndioalo. Duiivor N,'i:\vs. ro m: ojN'i'i-sL-i:n. v Tlic Heal MtMiiihiK of Ofl" jiiicL On. An iMoinent lawyer, noted for his BUooess in eross-examinatton. found his ftiutoh at. a recent trial, whon lu- asl:od U huii^-snlToriup; w'ituos.s how lone; ho had "worked at his business of timruof- infj. The uiifiwcr was : " I lmvo work- d ut it oil mul on, hut have worked at It jstoudy for tho past twelve yours." "How Iouk off and on huvu you Worked ut iL V" "Sixty-iivo yours." "How old aro you V . "Sixty-iiyo." "Thou you bavo been a tin-roofor tvom birth V" "No,sir: of roni-so I haven't. "Then why say that you huvo Workod at your trade for sixty-iivo . yeiiVH V" "Boonuse you uskou how loup; oft and on I had workod at it. X bavo worked fat it off and on sixty-iivo yours twenty years on and forty-livo off!" Thove wus it roar of laughter in tho court voor and bi inquisitor, in Kroat confusion hurriedly finished his ex amination Homo, Kwout Homo. A ureat siiiKor had junt finished sing- ihp;"Home, .Swoot Home," and many of tho audionoo wero in bcar-B. "It in a henutiful noiif;,1! said tho girl to mi old woman, who flat next to bor. "Yea," "was th<3 reply, "and tho Hon- titrioiit to1 which it moves all Uioho p30plo isboautiful. How much happier tho world 'would bo if every one had uh tomuli pvhioiplo as sontimunt on the toubjoot. and followed out a plain, byoi-y,day vulft of multlhgliomo swoot." Tlnvtcit'l t'ttrrwd tliouKhtfully away. She hardly hoard the next. flonfif. She Was acknowledging to .-.heyHoH .that in *pitoof her lovo for homo, sho.joado jfc unhappy every -day of hor Ufa, Wilfulueas and <iuick toajpr. Hpw ttauy of u really do or**ft "* fcorn* h*tpay >^T*ttthf w ij-i.ild not fiocuunt for ur rom^mber -Jivcry- : iitnj;, everything. *i"li>* d'icur batoned, yruvu, !.yinp:iUn:tio. l-'r-oik piui.-ed bft'iithh^idy. "Sin? !i:m il .ill i Id, you Hay a littlo I. i'uV Did hIju c.iru for thin, ilid tiho " "Sin; worahipM him na (foul tha 1 have >-u not to hiivc Hi:t'ji it) onh* a j,;ood .' loan cuiiId loyii her child." Vrnnl/.'s ! d iiody M'HH dead f(jrovr. "Thi-n t'riiij^ -lu r iduld lu:i'i. hot lior .\-d;e ami*! hor natural sin nmndiniis hoc . iMiaiiil by lu-r --ioe her uhihl's voi'-o riug- i i ' hi ici' itarrt, tliu W; of tbu 'iiiiinu' almut i. Lot, ihe past hi* foi-(iiHn by h ! "i- peucu lie Imr h iilin^, and v t- r iii di<diH\ You will bu hor dociur, o I, \. h n iln,T r eyoH, ' 't Mho in ^tni^^bn^ hack lo a worlil that fi t> imi ho ruo. lo'hur." ][o look ii[i hif> hiit. lie hud hp ikon, Tuey inuhi wait lho hour. CUAITKIl XIIL MIIS. K. KK.NrX\RD. ~ "tin: SCAHS Hl'.MAJMm " Win n Lord I'Ymci.s Onrfhnv to t) l'ii fiLx'n a I Vict.-, bu rc.tidvc-d to nol n|iui *l \utbout Ii);jh of unir,t-Ji[H'i!iiilly ari bo siidly tv;il;z :il iluii in .tin; pnsH-JUi condiiion i.l jLth.-n he iMJiihl iiu iiutl,iii( to LXpodittl iii uiio'.-i m r'uvcrv, Tim h-tuii! lay in (iud'a ti.imh, He fidt tiiir; k'ioiil\ , chatting at Iuh in:, pl.-r itiiriiii, Diirinj.; t:ie. uiiuiy hourtj ununt io ill-; i'iii'.iu;i:r ui tin-. .%ik 'onian, iiu ro vi '-\ t:d hi-s ii.^t \iiv. with lii t r repon'unco. I.iu'h: by liitu; tio dUutiuiiy porcoivud liow umvorrhy had bm-n tliu own conduct, and how much hit ivm to hlaino for thu to'rrihlo "oiuir-'iiL-i'-i which h'ld rcct-nlly tnken pluco. l'ciala us i^l o was w.uui thoy wore firnti iiKuriiil, bu tuuiid il iinpnsiiihlo to hold himself nuiltlcsb. lfowtivui* wayward and clubli^ii hIio might bavu haert in Liioso ibiyn no on could doubt hor puri ty and iuiiocuuoe. Moruvur, abo loved him, and a man douu nut hiso a wniuan's lovi; without .Homo Ciiunt:. Now tiho lay Htainod mid oriHhud upon a bod of pdn,like a wh to lily wtrickon to tho onrth. llor niitiic wuh 11 all mon'ii mouths. Tho npnth-'aaiu-'BH of nor rcpuiatjoa laid depart ed, never to roturn. Sh might Imvo lioen ii happy wifo and mother, unl now what wa hIic 1 A cicaturo abunned by heir kind, fallen from hor pudental, and bliudtunoil by ciinic. Ah! it waa pitiful to think of; mill moro pitiful to iraco tho folly, vimity, iind wi'ong-iloinci which bait brought ubouc -such u renult, Why tiould thoy nol Imvo icrtUid content with ' ono anui her'a love. What u fevered, unnatural oxistunco ibojra \\\xii hucn of late yuarii. flu mailed a wan Mutto, as it occurred to him thut their bin- inrioa contained an unwonted amount of Hcusatinn and tnolodramn. Tl^eir' oxp'o.*^ encca would form a iitrango narnitivo. Once, long ago, "Funullu had loved hint truly und \folT, Of that ho fo'^-z-^ally curtain. If bo bad only exiircinod' 'w -^T.T.^X- piitiunou with hts baautiful child wifu, and muittht to correct, hr erirorB by oxniuplo, luthu'r than by preaching and criticism,bow ditlorently thingtt might Imvo turned out'. She wiib young. Ilor fuultn wore, cbiollv ihoHo of youth Mid ignorance; oombinoft with tbo natural craving for adnnVatioh of a pretty woman. But thor6 wan no barin in lu:r then. Sbo might have been guid ed. A fjirl in hor t<jonn U itiado of phutio material, Hor character ii not firndy act iih a rule, nit hor for good or evil, Ii v.ui ui hiu power tohav influenced litir.'an'd to huvo developed tlio finer hide of hor 'mitine. But, iunload of this, what hud ha donef In lieu of reduguUing the reHpoiiMibil- ity which h asiuioud, by taking the life of _ . iwthor into hU keeping, be badeought to V"rtUp^BUi.' iafiliij fall pWH ihoricorolbg* by eiuKaontt- iuc; bi'ifl, und iiniinting thiini. If .sbo tlirtiMi, to- lliiL'd. If hi! wore fnoliidi, he- were iloobly ho. WiiHthai- tb*i way for Lho bead of u family to hidmvt:'.' Wlnui lior cocpioi- ri'-H irritat.'d him, hf looked for consola- lion ilst-wliuiu, and eventually allow'i'd luia- mdf to fail conijiloiuly under lhu wpidl (.r u .liiddh'-a^od wiun-m, lotoarUiiblu imiIh r oj? her bc.iuty than her virtue. Ami i inn, wiu'ii I'cnella ri'muued hia conduct, and in fotciblo lan^uai^o pointed out that tlm marriage ceremony should bo an bind ing for the husband na the wife, what ruply diil ho make? II- answered, iu the falao, iiujusi voioe id i he world: "Nn; you labor under ii Vfiy ureal mialaku in upbi.iidinR Hi", and h i\ e no giuuml.wliatevcr lo Htand upon? S eiety h;oi d:ci id that a man may do n ho liken, h an uulaiihtul (witlun ci-rtain limit.") a.s he ploa-ca; inu you uro tot ally dilloroiit. A \v<nuui cannot go out of boundf, without (jcMiiig the worst' of it. Therefore, one for nil, you had belief ro- cii^nizii your poaiiion." Ho could hoc tho hot blond rush to her clioek. "Hut thiti is moiiKti'oua, no mailer woat .Sooicty han deerevil May I ask, 1'iank, if Hiich in the law by which you int,ioid to uhnpc your conduce in the fu ture !" \Viih ttbiunc, he r'Uiuonbered bin antiwor. '*YiH, I'Vuella. Uigbi. or wrong, it m tho law of every man m ihc world." And from that day they had become moro and morn estranged, until at last their uu- happiness reached a culminating p'lt-jh, and by nuitinl denire, they (ieiortnincd to aep- araiii. Hot had thoy been liappier apart than together ? He, for one could answer thai qui.niioii in the negative. In tho inidnt of the- wildest dissipation, tbo gayut Kceiie, Ida heart bad ached, uud ever in hui ineinnry thcro dwelt the recollection of loving worda and look**, which no efl'ort on bin part could hamuli hooking back on thu p-iat, ho Haw that ho wuh oven more to blafne than she. 'I'liero bail boon fnuliti. on both Hideti, but miLinly on hit*. -Au bo Hank on bin kniieu by Feuutla'tt beiUidti, bo ud- milted the fact, trouly and without reaorvo. And tluiH Uueiding, a ilonc! of tendernens and romorne HWi-pt ovui* lib hpirit, and ho, \vho hud not prayed for yearn, and was in the 'lnihil of denying the oxiBteneo of a Duty, bowed down bin bond, h tmhly, mcokly, like a child, und prayed. "Oh ! good God," ho cried, "be meicifu'. fc?pnro hor to mo, if only-that I may atoiio for nil my pant erroru by a life of devo tion. . \Vo imvo ut nod on the brink of a precipice, Ahnonr, (the and I have fallen into iv bot'omh'nii pit; for in our bliudneiin wo turned our hneka upon tboo, but now, oh, great, All-Fnth'er.ntrcngthoti, us and eonuol ns in chiu, our noro necoa- aity." Ho nroHo from hia knoetj, iiobnred but calm; Then be stopped, kiauod l'one ' N burning brow, and went furth to woelt I Ii non tho liitlo, innoqont boy,with tho' head and clear cyeH, the very thought of whom, mdu Inn h-nrt grow big. Thero aro Hoaaonsin the Uvea of all of ua when tho boat of which wuaiu capable rioa to tbo Biirfft.ce when tho roHolutioiiu whioh wo malco for the futurn aro not hanod on an ioHocnro and worthless foundation, but on n fixed and permanent ono. Such a time had oomo to Lord I'Yannk He luft. Onoru soy achaatonad* but a botlor man, do tormincd buuoforth to lead a new and pure life. The journey neernod Interminable, The todioua hours drugged on, und Meant and machinery were unable to convey hint fut flimuph to bli doiithnitlori., At Hunt ho reach ed Ftdlxutowu, and hurried to Mm. GiMidi-, Hon'a reiidbnet), VhlUp Grnndlimn Whb ro!r*tj ed to tho1 Onulow family, Lord Fcanoiu had Be'*n * groat d*l of hit wife bofor* hla tnar- 'rlug*, fcnbl tlioy csUed etch other by ikflur "HKbKN! HAVK YOi: TAKKN I.KAVK nr yniTR SMSSKH V * "Don't. Frank," nbakinc;hHn ofl', ami fuar- inj! for liifi reaaon a;i ube looked into hia wild eyes; "you hurl nut." "1 dfiul no one lo take lioiuiy itway," he tiaid,"with iiicreuHing exidtiuient. "Do you 'menu to toiy that tin: child in not hero?" "No, Hontiy left uu ueverul <layn ayo. I iniule sinu thaL you knew." Ijord h'ninciii ula^^ered. The iutelligenco fairly promnitod him. For a uioment or two lio could not apeak; ihuu in u hoarno voice, hi: mud: "Of course you know where tbu boy hnH (jiuie, Helen? You onu t'dl mo wdiero to find him? It in of the 'iilmo'ui impnrtaiico thai 1 nhciuld take him Imok to (iuormiey with uu: at once. 11 i h mother'n lifemay de pend iipmi Konny'H preiieiice." Jlrn. firaiidifiou'f; countenanco aaaunu'd nn expreimion <>i nore perplexity; She felt thai D(rd FnuiotH held her responsible fur bin non. "Uoforinuaii'ly," idm miid, "I have not the lea-it iden where ho him [;imo, 'I'lio otllOr day a lady c-une hen;------M "A , lady !" ho intf-rrupted oi^orly. "What kind of one ? DeKcriho her pur- no mil appearance. It may i*;ive me a clew," "Sbo wan not. cKiictly a youny woman, I'r'Uik ; ncyerthck'H:) tilie win very beauti ful ill ;i SoLUhern, mup'ntii; iitylo. Her eyes and hair were .ilnin-it coal black, and idle Hpohu with a foreign accent. li\ hort( (ihe looked liko an Italian or .Spaniard." The wretched man groaned aloud. Too wftll hti knew who bin boy'tt abductor wao, and bif> oom-cionce told him that Lucille do Vi^nyJ*j conduct wiiii uei.uaLed by .motives of revenue. Sim relented bis d'.'.[H!t'tioii,[iud took t,bi!i meant! of lolMiit; him so. lfu tot tered lo a cb'iir, and ^inkiucr down on it, hid hm face in bin IiiuuIh Wero ihe const)- fpicn'-en of hia imprtidonoo - ever to piumie him "! Oh ! ii was horrible, horiible. "Frank," Haiti Mist. <iiiindisou, Kuzin^ at him iu alarm, "do you know the lady ". Is Bile au acquaintance of vouru 'C Khmbbuerl,, "Fur my hi iih, vch. Would to (jod hIio were not ! I have to thank Mine, do Vifmy fr nil my uiiiery,- li I had never net eyes on, woman Femdla und I rnij-ht have i>ecu living h;i[i- pdy tojuthcr at tbi:i momeiit. It \\i\.a h\u: who e.une but wren , <:uiiio her!" "Mine., dc. Vigny!" <^x<datini,'d Helen,with a red llunh maotliog in her- Hibik, "O Frank, if only 1 bad known, nothing on our lb would huvo imi need me lo yivi: only'lion! < .1 uiltvi i,e had Irt.-ti-'ed lu'i-.b'ul-, l\\Ji id he jiltmnpled liei life? Why, ihen, i n!;oiihl "lor utl.i'inpi hi-V.' Why tilioijltl uhe !:i'i-l; lo kill htm liirou^h ihe bfirH be held moiit, dcur ',' Iidtrairie ho hud made; love to hi-r and riibhui n-wsiy '*, . (' UiMvmiH ! WiiK )\\a Hin a^aiimt her a mu-i- : liird need to the whole world, in ' ii'mipnri- : son In ihin ;,l.lelii|it lo Ftun-lhi'M 1 if i ? From tin*, l.epnnine, of Uu-ir iiequaiut- ' :ilir,,1 fjilOiili- know :i)ie Waa tn-tt I'ied lio lime (d th<-ir acpi linlaneo did he know : much of lo-r. She had h'-'r'tlark eycu, aiu} ' hor iiiVKimy, and her hi"t*iry. tht'sm wert- I'M to of lo r fa.-lidiiati'M]. Sim had enahivnd idm, us u c 1 rtii*; or uiue mi|.;ht. imimIiivo bun, - for it time; but ube bad never touched the cii'MJiiee of liia buinf'- -ihul wan for Felielhi, i for Feiiolht only. j When lie. reached Loud on he drove ' Hlnu^ht lo.Scotland Yard. It he had boon in a normal M,ato lie would no doubt have . paid :i vi-it, lo' his solicitorit he wus . in no normal Mute. He could not bavo' lol.t when he ati; la^t, or where be hiu.l | idu|ii, ; what day of the week or month it; wart. AU i hat wii-i u-iual waa wortblens, ' and only the uueHt he was on worthy of heed. " 1 At Scotland Yard hu wan at oncu nbown ini'i i hi: prcHcmo of InHpcctor llrown. Kin fni-hor'a pouiiioii niiule bin i);Liiiu illunlriouH; the murdei1 trial had mado bim.iel-f notori- iiUS, | "My (dnld ban beon , stub n. His mother, hudy , Francia, in in d.uiger ot dii.ith from illnehu, ami the iiiHimit lecifvery of lho hoy is' \matter of'lib' and death. She in iu bruin ' fever, Iind the doctor aayn if her boy in at ber bedhitlu whon n\u-- r':eovei:H her HCO-seii it may save her life. Whatever mun of money , iiitiv bo neiit'O-nary to recover tho boy I'll TO liKHClMItK. Tho Wnli; I, l"\v<: .1 . (iivo uf Your Wontlui-rul Moilif-iiio, South Aim^i'iciiu Nci."iui". H ll it. f b'tVi' been a (joiiU nim nor v-ii-i iii-iii|it,w, indi '.t ' i- MiirJ |^. Mi-ritl i>)i v * i-i-il w ji i.m and Imd 0"- i, ticiLli d by nimi' io ami i'|" i;1 ii li:*1 n w :' I unit iiv..i,', ror from dyup-.-pHi* yotrn,' 'iciori* ntly lo' wliilt* '.'itiiiiif: in Toronto I o.tu- iiidiumd I', a 11 I'.-m t wn - I. ni beun ' .11 l rI .,i ui milar eonii'lhintv. bv i h uve, lo uy :-* i* ji Aanjri. ' tni Ni'ivmi- 'li-nn:, w liioli i i!td wiib thej nn-.ri n-i . ii-i-liii j; r-.'Hukt-.. 1 itn very l\ilo.-e K'i-iiii d to "I .ii t )k> ti. ht e pot. " mid live Ij.jLI li-s, eoiii|il'.-Li'lv imim-.I n'c, Mid bout of 'Ml 1 li . v ht ty. il cii"I'd. (ir.:t uu'h. ior \-.h-.i th oiedy bio*d"i;r )nr i: o pitjiijpir< mt- i'i malting ih I-* t-l'il oiiieiit. ivhich I .vim l ym to pub- le-ti f^r iion'. iio thut.' iher't woo hu[. !i-l l:i;lll I '" 'n: t'i)ni]'liilit-i in t\ krjO'A' thiii t.l-:i t tl;.;j o i - ii. on ; nn.1 cel'taill, wii l;io I lu-ir i eiicli nod t.n \f . imd a I moat i' i ! ! iu U. ,'ir. M i-y Simlh Aiinrir.iii \\< < v,ii-. over proa. l--r :> ill il.i |Fi'"p'-|t;"i)S i'i i p tin- icviiL'd tbi-v > tj jtihtli' dthervf, i- io-) pruver of V. u.-- iruly. I*.' fi. OWION. I- i'i oi-. Oth. I )ic I'.).- iH'.ifi. S /.I b,- ,1, Ton run, drd^.'ift Hud Hogou To I'nmper* A wj-Hor In tlm JJotrolt Froo Prosn tolls a piitbidilorilly liumormw story oC ii frlond double it, tr.rhle it, (puulrupln it, if you of his, .Tuck Noprly, n Cumhorlimd moun- only Iind him for ui'-, and at once," ho cried tain t'lirmer. Tbo writer Imd lont .Tuck ll out io the iii.i|iuetor,aU in a breath.. ' fnv/ dolliU'H, with whloh to buv a pulr of ' "The recovry of the child docs not, uu- ! ^loorrf, and hud recolvod from blm . many foftunaicly dopend on more money, my visit's of apology for Jack wan a'n, honost lord." ; man,and did not onjoy luring In debt, "On what, thcu-^ : Ho wiw a vontor.and at least uvi-ry other "On possibility. If it in possible to be poa^on bo was occupying a dilToront farm, dun.) it will bo dnne ; and wheitiei- we fine- ] jjy my advice, bo bad moved tho yunr ho-. ( eel or mil, you may rely on no time beinj^ tl,,.t, \ntii an outirtdy nnw field, a do/on bts.t. Wil; your loid.liip kindly give m all ,un0rt fmin his umial haunts, and 1 had th.- pariioular-i ';" [ not hooii him for Hovoral montliH. When 1 Tlie father told the hintory "f the boy'a (uti j,,,tl ],imt ut ]aHt, It washy acoldont, as abduction, iw.Mrs. Grandiaon bad given it Uslni<.-;s ciillml mo int R'.nnv up into her charge! Why, in alio an odious woman mi abominable woman!"' "I ipiiio ugrce," he hiiid moodilv. *'lii.; abuse cannot alter tins fact of her haviny oioh'ii my boy. I cun't think, though, bow you lc him go." "She came bore, Frank," continued Mra, flrandi.-ion, in outf-dr feline, "and ooiuo iimtinct warned mo agniiuit her.. I refused at drat to uce.ndc to her reipieat, but tilu: Whs bo urgent that at last I believed (die wan really empowered hy you to talc Rijnny a way. See, here in your card, whioh (ihe produced in token of tho ^"1111111011011^'of her errand." And unsaying, 11 clou turned to tlm mantel piece and tihowed Krank hin eaid. He hioliod at it and then munched up Iuh hat-und prepared to leuvo. "This in a bud busiineaB," he aaid triinul- oiiHly, "A very bad humi-cmt, indeed; I Would n >t have had it huppun for a yeur'ti ii.come. Utit perhaps you can tell mo wliero Mine. du. Vigny in to be toiindV" Alns 1 -no. Shu lott no addrcsd, and I haven't the faintoil notion where (die re- nifloa. But atay," putting her band up to her forehead, "if I reniunibor rightly, Mmo. de Vigny did hint at traveling abroad and Inking a long jnurney. Why, Frank, how unpotnoun you are!" ok her viuilor opened the dnor. , u\Vhore are you going*:"' "Going!" bo replied, hia face all working with emotion, 4\I am going btraigh', to London to eugngo ii detectivu to bunt out Mmo. do-V^igny,4i_JivhQroahoiitn,- und aftnr that I intend roturuing to Guernsey. I<Y>n- to mm. | - "And thin fondyn, haiidHomn lady who . look lho child away, do you happen to know hor mum; V" ' I Mil bu hupnen tu know laiep.le'ii natiio ! Good Ueavi'im, how Htrahgu Hitch a qucn-' lion .seemed ! lhu it. as mie rhing to know In r nano1, and vow hatred of her, ami ' another ibiiifr r.o give to ihe police tho nam of ii woman he once made loVe to. lie:dtnied. Tim iiMpoetor lnoki'il up frrtin tho Hheet of piper on wliieh he bad been taking d'jwu t-he p.u licuhiis Tim i mmo if I "oi'T" holicving tho other bad not he ird, repe iLed the (portion. "11 ih !*' thnnght T.n l ['""ranoisi, "why Mliotlld I ImsitatO '.' Sin- naa not botiita'ed to lie ami to Hti'al U"imy : and Feiit'lbi's bfo in in t.ho eali.-H.'J He h tid aloud: "Ti-e holy is Kri'iich ;" the inspector reenm- moiiced writing ; "her name is ViL-i.y." into bis nolglihnrbood. As I rodo pust his plaqoho hallod mofrom tbo corn Held and ournn out to tho fejjoe 'MIollo," I Oxtdalniudr'^jrtfdiT farmr" ' *' Yos, und I .jlfit como pvor (;0 toll you, coloni-'l, that I'll "bo roadjj to pay part'of; that claim uv your'n aflH'Jllon;v.', " You muHtbodolnfj; \vn\lr" ' '[ "I think I'm doing fnlit rati), and I'm He powerful oblcogod t.p you, eolonol, for headln' mo thin way." I . "I'm always glad to holpt 1C lean." "I knoAved that, cnlonel\ and that'll why I oomo away ovor hord ho for frutn homo. 'Hit's klmlor stmngu mmo/ biit'2- long 07. I'm doln' o I urn I'n\i a-goln' to Ktamlblt." "Arc you making any mniunV?" Jaok'H faco brigbtoned porcopUlhly. "No, I ain't coionol," ho roplhod, hope fully; "hut I'm lrrdn1 It hIuwoyVji I ovor Mme. de [ donu in my llfo aforo." It fitrnck im3 as rather odd at flVt.y,^-4*^ij The iiiHpoc i nr looked ui* again, thin time ' upon rullectlon I coiieludod that' .Tack with a utai t, laid down his pen, and cleared j might bavu ronson for Ida hopofulnOHH. hin th"'o:it hh though to clear his mind. ] --------------------------- "Mavlask your lurilsbip to repeat the | lf Wawl,olc!iiBFr aiionlc iKiinit?" [ All RurtHof quoia-oiiHtompva apply nfc tho "Mme. dn Viiruy Lueille de Vigny. Do [ public library for Information oonuornlng yon know anvt hing id bur ?" j hooka, but one man visited tho Institution "iVrh.-Mv-i" aaid the imp-ctor, touching , yosttorday who was promptly awarded tho nn clentric hell. -__. -..........___i palm In this claHfl. Ho wit^of tnlddlo ago A polieenum in uniform entered. The ' and aiipwind to bo fairly wpll oduojiiod. inspi'ctor baniled tbo mun a Blip of paper. ! Ho nwulu his appearand) abotibg p.,nj.'JWi^ Tlio eon.ttahlo withdrew. In a fe.\v mo- , for fully ono hour vvub ongpgod in* Ptildy- meniH hi returned, 'handed :tome doouineiite | lng tbo various Jiitalofswes. Not finding.. :o liiBHUperior oflieer, and retired. what ho wan hunting for, ho finally uban- ngo "Does your lord.-hip haimeii to know doticd tho Hoaroh.and.Wrtlkingup to ono of invtbing oi this Mim-. Lueilln do Vigny j tho library attendants Raid: before nho camt) to Kngland a fow yoara i *'I am looking foi* tho numo of ft book ?" j Idrow out hotuo time ago but for tho lift* of molean'tromomborwliatlt wan," Tho person whom ho.ndurcssedquoflfclon- od him in rogiwd to thonnturo of tholiook. but .tho ntrnngor.wftB-.unablo to furnish any doflnlto olow, At last ho concolvod a bright idea. " Thero Is a cortaln pasBago In tho bos by whioh I can Identify lt,M ho said, "' you will allow mo to hunt throupjli '{ volumca perhaps I-can find tho ono want " Ho wan lnformod that ovor '100,000',' books woro ehelvod in tho library and thai ,! a search Htioli aahoauggotnod would bo like ' lumting for a 'needle In a hnystook. Tho Btran'gor, affcot thinking tho matter ; ovor for sovoral minutes, camo to tbo con- olu&ion tjltnt it would bu rathot a difficult , task, and departed, bMU trying to temtiiu- bor thu tltlo of tho Tjook. "11KMCN I.001CKII AVTGK IIIH Itl'TUlLVriNO fllU in lyihft tHwgcroualy ill of hmln fovor. Wo do not know wht turn her IHiipbh may tuko, Tbo dootof thought that tbualght'Of U<mny might 4o hor good, but now now,"1 .(^rctaWingdpwa.auddfanly, *'l miut .^..bfick 'alone, io" help . ino' God." Arid' without wUhing Mrn. tlrandioou good-by, ho ratliud 'dowatuitt, - . 'AliKnlntcly nothing." ,lI Hiippouu we are tiilkim; ot the tmtrie hulv" the iuti'icc'tiir looked down at Iuh piipura "a tull, ut rik iiitiv handsome, dark woman of about thirtydlvo or forty now. She wa-i in the Prospnet Elotol, H;ir- rngato, at tho litrio of the Lao tragic occur- tenet* there, tboupli f*1io waa not herself bioiiahl into tlie cnio. *YoB,,thftt i tho lady." . "Well, we do know .Homothing of lior here. -Wo havo been keopingun eye on lior for a little timo at the reqneatof the French do ice, A "French detective him boon over horn about her. It uii not until tho d.ty bflforo ycHtorday, when inutrnotiono oame from'Varin to uut, iluir/ wo kimw alia ' had hdt the covin'iy." **hoft tho country!" cried Lord Franoii*, falling back on hi* olmir in comiioniation.. "Sailed for New York four dayii nc Sho isi wuiltod in Franco forconucotion with nnino wbolofialu nwindlinff of a bank in Lille four or five yetira-tiRO. Wo brntHip-bt of'her lor a liltln while lately, hut. that wo huvo jiint oxpbdnod by tho fact that alio rgcontly went through a form ojr umrriftgo ut n reyiii- iry wi'h arich Amorican Senator, Colonal C'luttorhucU. limy wont tbroiif-h a form of marriugo, for her hunband, ono of the cloi ku ib tlm Lille banki ia now in the bamlH of tho Kronen police. My lord, you nmy maku your mind oaiiy about yiinr boy. N'" doubt ho i tho uhihl who sallod with Coionol and Mra, Clutterbuok fnur il,nv ago iih Mia, CuittutbnoU'H nophow, Rulutul Tyrrell,agod nix" "Wliatis to bo-dono liow?" eriod Lord Fraiioia, rolioved ftt (^ttlng a clow to bit* bby, and in doupair ut iinding tbu child 'muut ulroady bu haU-way acroaa tho Atlan tic. ' "Sho will hti .'arrested on .lauding and brouchtbaek." . "But tbo boy, my uon" *'If you wl*4h It we cau cubto and have him looked altar for you. There wil\ bo a few dayu lost lu logal forumlltlei in Now York/' - J*I'll follow the boy. Vi\ go by lh<ne>t boat!" and with, tbw, wiolatwi-i; .and',,no. thought ot anything eUo be ruahed away (ron\8oodand Yard for bi ohambor*. Anout Itomullothio, Tho liqueur Iuih boon dletlUod fa|noe'.': lfilO, whim itmonlc Invontod 111, Itwa?". used hy tho.linnidlotlnpa of thoBO dayH as'; -a JucdluJne, and fithiuibmt, and-Hfl pdpu-.^i lai'ity datoa from tho time when Franola I*<i;':| qhowoil bis approohitlon of tbo cordial by;^| evi*:dli.K tho abbot- a cardinal. The bottloa ! aro corked, labollod and. scaled by tha;^ young Klrlt* or thoorphnnatt'o of tho Slatew " of St. VIncont do Paul, , H c^i.n H-^*t i'* . T'l'tcm, IC'entUmmid Rev, R. .'.Woiivfr. Anrorii,;' wTi o** "'-hlC'ii Sturk-'i Powd..*-H for hQirlanbey, eo'niiyinft^k nonralfiln, bib' iiHiie4,' nlornaob "aniV-llyil^J. comnkinta: "You wero Uind enouRh^tr^ Rend "m# pHmvluR i^TStarU'n PowdeijiS , TTrom pprpon \ knowyVpe 0f iitielr/eff^|i]tili on tbf pMrwont- to Wb'jrn f Rave; thetriji"Uli|i rooat bonelloin' re* to Ha -. Imvo taken piaoiti I onn-moHt hlyl ly treoontnond'ihemi'V'^S','9 : Niae,imm*'diHti* -mid :p*?rmauen^v;B| by; all mehoiiK' dfale-jja lit 25o^n!:tet|^trl boxB for il. 'Fiife^i ' <::??:A "AT A ^^j^-^iii^^^

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