THE fiJSfc.JPC FREE FRE}4* MS. D. ANDERSON & Co,. BANKERS, __ ext to Aberdeen Hotel*' Essex. ', "' ' Moiey to loan on l'nuri' Notes' KotM Wougbt Mouy to loan on Mortg&sM at '1 OWit ratts and beak tarma. r Drafts IbhuoiI tittyftbla at par at all principal 'I points i Fire Insurance Agents, tc, I Tor THE TOWN FRIDAY. PEBRUAKY 14, IBflft. To day in Ht. Valontine'H Day. Go to D. J. Whitney's for your nobby hatH, capfl, Men, an J cuffs. WANTED, apply at onao to H, G. Awum> A Bon, Maidstone.7-:J The Fironieu o! Ehsox will tender a bauquatto the town aounoil on Thnruday night next, 26th hint. Tho York county council have passed a by-law abolfehtug toll gatos, uud plaaing tho toll roadu in tho hands of tho vanouu munujipulitios. JDr. 3. A. King, conservative) candidate the Commons fir South Esuox, wan in town for a few dsyn thin woek, looking aftor tho perfecting of tho party organic. tion. Win. Trimble, Hr.( of Huh plaut\ has boon uoriouolj ill at his residence for same wooks pual. Mr. Trimble bus many frioiids in Essex and vioinlty who would bo pleased to lourn of his recovery. Loamlbfitou peoplo talk of constructing an electric railway, tq run from the cotitro of tho town to tho lalco, udiutanca of nearly two anion. Loamlngton in indeed putting on metropolitan aim. Ladles' flno fthoos half prico at Smith's. The Michigan Contml railway mannge- raonfc havo given metrutions to havo air brakes pot on GH freight cars pur month, ibo work to bo carried on until every our in their GOivico in fitted with mr brnlto attach m ou ta Very true An exchange iinym "An editor may writo a thousand columnn that pleasea but roadors a*.*d they raioly open their lipa to praiso, but lot one little word slip in whioh disploaues and they aro od his nock in uti iniiUir.t." Boy'a BUitB of clothes at lmlf price. Bee them at Smith's. Tho other day while John D. McCrccry wan nhelhng oorn at hie place near Ehhcx, jlUomptod to take a small piece of cob am tho libeller and #ot lnil linger* naught in the cogs. Ikloro ho could realize it the end of thi) lingo c was torn olf. Wm. Shnemawer in now prepared to do- liver Irchh brum to any part ol tho town, givo hi in a call.? SOCIAL. ITho Women'n Auxiliary Mite Society m St. Puul'o Church will giv0 a social next/TucDduy evening, 18th mat.. at tho parsonage. Music, refreshments, oto. All welcome. Admisbion 15 ccuts or i two for *2& centii. Proceedh in aid of church mipioyeniont. Aboucjthe way it would bo Tho Tuotin (Mioh.UTopio says : Ii wtead of 'Marching tkcsirfgh Canada,' as was suggested not long ago, one lady of thin village was heard to remark that if Jmglund and the United States hud a war wo would all havo to tnng 'God Savu tho Queen.' Read Smitb'H ad. Tho Towu of I-Nsox Conaervativo Asho. ciatipuheld un onthumastic meoting at the **4pon on Weduenday evening, for the purpoHo of orgauizinu for tho coming con test, Dr. King, the ronaorvatiyo candt date, waB prcoent, aud thoia wait a good turnout of tho party'a workoro. J. L. Voletu nyn that in a nhort proccfin of time, and with proper treatment, Kohox will make a good Conoorvativo town. J. Mcltoncr, county conotablo of Kent, ban boon in Windor urmnqmg for a repr*> Bentutivo from Kimex to form a member ol a leginlativn coramittoo of llin Outanp yiuoial conutabulary atiaociatnn to awmt oVJ'thb provincial lcunlature at Toronto n Fohrnary 14 und prehout a number ol grievanewi before that body, lolatiug ro the appointmont and payment of uonwtalileH Tho AFBOOiution will try to huve a dihtuct oonGtabulfirv formed eorcprining Haaex, T"' Kent and Lambtou conntioH, Forfrcah cukca and confootionary, of all kinds go to 8h< oroalter, tho hakor, fPrtmH, fan.1 an o^'gB at Smith'H. Chief Warden Tirroloy, in hio report at , 'tho auunal mi-ettug of tho Provinouil ^umo f\ and ilwh commiHeion on Friday at Toronto, ,. pointed out that Ontario in far bohind aom'tof tho U in ted Staten in logard to bounding tho dotr, though muoh in ad I vanoo of thorn m laivn jjivommg a^nug flhootin^. II h raoommondation that "hcuudiwg ha prohibited wan diaounaed I' The commisnion "grood that duck hunter* should tiitnin 1 limited to -100 blrdB, nor L,; bd ptrmltted to an oh or boatii boyoud HO yurdfi from tho uhorc and not allowed to ^'nboot any duoltn beforo Rnuriao or aftf(T BBUnet. It wan nloo rocommandod that all i\ membera of daui huuting partiOH bo ro ^/quired to tuko out a liconau. to which two .yooapona flhall boattiirhod. Thoto coupone pta to bo fastoned to tho oarcaflaon of any aniieale shipped, and the railway h aro to b prohibited oaryins any careaHBoa unlcna nob ooupoiiHare attached. Thin pk-ocod- , it) ia thoti (ht, will Htjrvo an % ohooit on nambor of deer killed. lYarmouth bloaters 20o a doz at Smith's. FOR, SALE, Farm of 50 aoron con- voniont to town, partially ole&red, for snlo at a bargain* apply to J. W, GmaoN. WANTED Houro to rnt or una of two rooms and board for two in private family. W. It. MANNING. FOR BALE. Two Kod oowa In oalf, ono 4 year old, tho other 2 yoara old. For further partioularH apply to W. Fowtor, M. 0. 11. Dopob, Khick. Snnth'M oaah prloon for Saturday: TormitooH, 7J eonlH a can; Corn, lioanM, Pumpkiu, and Uluo berrio'J 8 contn a oan Salrnnn 11 oontuaaiui ; i oanHof SardinoH for ,10 auutH ; Ijard 3 oontw a lb; 12 bara of Elootild Hoap for 25 cents'. Ohoinn hamii, 11 ju a pound. A man named Moon wnu pro^outod by hitt wife with a daughter ; that wau a now Mon. Tho old man wan ko ovorjeynd ttmt'lio got drunk ; thin wan a full Moon. When ho got sober ho had only twonfcy- (ivG conta; thin wuh th last quarter ; aud whem bin wifn found it out there wan an ecliptic of tho Moon. Our big-liHttrtod citizen, Mr. Jon. llobm- fion, liau thu tduaero thank" of tho podeti- triaintoM Talbot fttroofc w^nt for cleaning the doop huow otf tho Hide walk with Inn homo and huow uliovol yeHtorday. Liu would havo moro thankn if no carao an far a the I"utile l.'ui:un oiiioo with bin iiuow plow. Choioo nyrup in 21b tiua at Bmith'n. Dried poaohfa lOo a pound at Smith's. Loanungtou Pont; "The Eoha hah purohaHod tho plant of tho dofunot Lieadoi. Thoro in not a town in Ontario having tho population of Aruherutburg, Knaex, ICmgfi* villo, IjtiiLinington or Tilbnty that can micocHfdully uupport two nowupapora, l'bu buiuiiQiiii mou, who uro tho oluuf Biippoiteni don't want to advottino in two pupora whon ono oovorH tho ground, and tho ox- purionoo of tho promatorH of tho many dead uownpapom in Eunox Connty nhould he imflioiont to dotor otliora from making nirailar attemptn Ono newnpapar la enough j in any towu having a population Icon than 3500 " i Tho Amhernthurg minntrol club appeared to a crowded nurtionco in Ptiok'n Ifall last Friday evening, and woro vory well received by onr oitizoufl. Tho vocal aoIoutiouH ot MoBorn. Maurice Cofito, Walter Mahon, and Frank Ilogan, ol Woodoloo, were ouooied at cvory appoaranno, while tho "Southern Cake-walk," a npicml featuro of tho por- formanoo, wan loudly applawtled. The local hits and jokca of tho ondrrfon wore ol tho unual ordor. By npecial rc^uent, Maurice Coato, I"1 ran It Ilogan and Walter Mahon ttang aeyeral up-to-date aonya. The firo brigado had a Kudden oall on Tuonday niglit about 10.1,1 o'clock. andjUHt aftor tho oloiio of the nurviooa in tho Muth- odiut church. Tho blaze wau apeedily Jo cuted at tho old Amprican IIouhc burno, which woia in a ma-a of ilamcrt. A favor able wind kept tho bhiKo fiom upreadiug to tho brick houuou on Alice Htrcot, withm only a few foot of tho barn, winch wan destroyed in a remarkably nhort apace of time. Tho origin of tho hro iti unknown Tho loss on tho building who covered by niHuranco. A horno could nob bo got out and wuh cuunnmod, Iho Leo Dramatio Club, of Alaidutune, played 'Ton Nights in a Bar-room," to a crowded and highly pleaned audience, at Pfck'n Hall, on Monday evening, Tho mombora of tho olub aro all young peoplo hving in tho vicinity of Maidstone village, and for amuteurs, handed thoraaolv^D very creditably. Some of the' (loonoa of tho fumouu old drama wnrom\do quite ro- alintio by tlio hearty zont with which the porformern fillod thoir parta. Mnu Con roy, one of the young ladion of tho olub, roooivod Hovoral onto o tho fuos from tho Hying frugmoutH of a gluuu tnmbler, tho thiowmg of whioh cauaoa ono of tho tragedies of tho play. The tumbler accidentally struck tho wall and wan smashed, hot* injurioa woro not aorioiiH whoever. THIS WEEK SMITH'S Yearly Half-price Sale The array of bargains out-distances all other previous attempts at bargain giving. The time grows shorter for us to dispose of large quantities of Hats, Caps and Underwear, prior to receiving goods for spring, and the cut in prices deeper than ever. ItfOW- 03ST For 15 Days Only. D. J. Whitney, HATTER AWE FDRHISHEB. COMMITTED FOR TlClAJL. Tho Jnrs PIml mru. KlinHeUa Nolan Cullty of Wilful Itlnrdt-f. A MARROW ESCAPE. Nearly n HepeUtton of Iho ftlooiioy FuinlKy ut tlie . rotna. Harry Bailow. hio oiotor, and Miho Lutdla GnflUliD, of thm town, had a thrill ing experience at tho Af. C. R, orofising last Friday night, which thoy will not likely forgot for a timo. Tho young people had boon attending an "At Homo" (jiven by tho B- Y. P. II., of tho fcaptmt church, at Rev. M. V. Caatp- boll'ti on tho ovoning mentioned, and woro returning homo m a oovorod lyiggy about 11:30 o'cloek. Thoy arrived at tho M. C. R. cioHKiug just in timo to moot tho weut- bnud night oYprois whioh do^s not atop at Essex. As tho gateman is not on duty after niuo o'clock tho crossing la un yuurded The result was a colhoion, whioh came iinaily proving fatal. Tho horno wuh uLuiok and inniantly killed. Tho bnguy wuh turned uidowaya and tho whoolu torn off ono side by the engino. Tho occupants of tho buggy woro thrown on the ground, with tho Bout aud cover, and were ologo enough to havo touched the panning train, hut beyord a few bruiuou from thoir heavy fallj woro uninjured. Tho train never atoppod, and tho engin fur is said to havo reported, on reaching Windaor, that ha "believed he had btrunk a cow back at Buuex," A young man named Chatterkon taw the coming danger and nhoutud to the drivor of the buguy, but an the cover was olaa*l in, he did not hear. The horu) belonged to -lohn MoDoucall, *ud the bUjgy to UoBry Barlow. Tho continuation of the adjourned in vestigation concornin^ the nuapiciouii cir- cumstauoe uurroundinjj tho death of the colorod man, Geo. Nolan, which ocanrrod near New Canaan, in Colchester North, on tho'Ulut of January laat, was held m tlio township hall, at Gunto.last Saturtlav. Crown Attoriioy Clarke watched tho oaHo for tlio Crown and tho prisoner wan do- fondfld by DoIoh R Davia, of Amhoratburg. Dotootivo Greor, who for the past oight day a ban beon inUwotriously collecting ovidonuo for tha Grown-, wao prenont aud lent Mr. Clarice hio ussiutanao. Throughout tho ong proooedings the prmenor was appaiontly ludiffotont to her aurroundinga, an well as to her toiribto pcuition. Although nearly wluto, judging from her phyaiognmy, she ia not proponnesH- ing, by auj mounu. Corouer Mackon^io road tho report of Public Analyst Ellin wbiah said briefly that tho Btomnohof God. Nolan contained phoHphorus, Along with tho stomach, Dr. McKoii7io bad nont a hax of rat poiaon similar- to ono which Mra. Nolan had bought on tho Saturday before her bus band'o death, and this tho analyoio said oontamod phosphorus paato. The doctor explained to tho jury that phoijphorua, if takoi) m largo quantity, wnn a poioon and would kill. Isaac Loar aod bin \vito, Sarah Lar, both toBttflod that about Ghrifltmaa timo, tho prisoner had said hor husband would not livo long, and that sbo would not hvo with Nolan but would pjc back to Windsor to another man with whom nho had boon liviug, whether Nolan lived or died, as ho wan moan and joalous of hor. Sho bad mado Lear a prosont of a necktie given her by tho man huo hvod with in Windaor, and this nocktio, i rod, fcaudy artiolo, wan handed over to Mr, Clarko, aftor a roVoto toHiile of Mr. Davio with tho wifcnono in a oroBH oxiiminatiou. HefHaw tho Nolann at bin houso tho Sunday boforo tho dunco and things appoftrod to bo going r 1 uiooly. Ho had hoou Nolan the Sunday beforo ho died, but had not told him that hie wife was going to loavo him ; look no stock in tho atory. Boforo being allowed to leave the stand. Jjoar admitted that ho had tipent a oonplo of yoars in priuon during 1894-fi for perjury. Jam06 Davifli brothot of DoIoh it, Davia, naw Mrs. Nolan in GoBtoon Hafcurdav, -Tun- nary 18th, tho day on whioh it 1h ntatod tho Y&t poincm WaH bon^ht. Mra. Weldon, pofitmiatroufi, aho stated that Mra. Nolan was at tho yoatofneo on the lfltb. Prod L. Bweot also naw her in the road near Cento. Honey Green, colored, had aeon Mra. Kolan on January iBth, fining toward Gtftto, . On the proviOaH oveumg Mm Nolan ha,aiked her to ro to GUatQQith hor, as thoro was an "article" hIio wanted to got. lloHoy did not go with hor an it rained and sho cot a rid'*. Crous-oxaminod UoBt-v said that some time before, she and Mrs. Nolan had talked of buying dreason, but Mrs. Nolan had said thoy would go to Amhonitburg to got thorn an thoy woro too dear at Gissto Mr. Davis triod to got this witness to say that tho trip to Gesto on tho 18th was projoolod for the purohiiHo cf the dreoHos, hub sho stnok to tiio statement that tho purchases woro to bo made in Amhorstburg, OnthePridiy night. Mrs. Nolan had not montionod drosses, hue apolio of an ' artiolo" she wanted to get at Gesto. "Bubo" Thurmun, colored, lived opposite the Nolans aud had known them for quite a few vearu past. Ho had boon a cood deal ut the houso of tho Nolans. Tho No- lana had lived apait for Dorao tune bofoio this whiter, Mrs. Nolan nont for him on Monday , tho 20th. tho day boforo Nolan died. The latter asked him to ont somo wood for him. lie domed the rumor that ho bad given Mrs. No'an nomo arsomo, Crofla*oxnniinnd ho oaid ho only knew by hearnay that thoy had hvod apart. When ho x Nolan bo was lying down but spoke like a noun who was not very sick. Uo had poraeivod no peculiar odor about tho houuo. John Rniidhouao, constable, said Mrs. Nolan had told him that who was not at Geoto on tho lflth of January, and had repeated tho ntatomont several times. Who had also said that "Babo" Thnrman had given hor a pioco of poison half as big as her thumb. Thin* wan when sho was in his ohargo. Dolmoro Norrifl, colored, Baid ho had noon Mrs. Nolan the day Goorgo died, whon sho said sho would not give hor husband any of tho modiomo left bv tho dootor, an peoplo migdit eay cho had poinoncd him if ho diod. Sho told him Nolan was vory low. Wra. Allen, onlorod, wan at tho house tho day boforo Nolan died and fiaw him on tho Tuosday forenoon drink liquid, naid by Mrs. Nolan ko bo dmavtwqod toa mado by Nolan's moth or. When lie had swal lowed it ho mado the remark that tho thing was not all tun art weed toa, Nolan'e raothor waa there at the timo,, He wan in a groat deal of poin when he took tho tea. In an nwor to a question by Mr. Davis the wil.noHR B".id Kolan did not got any worao after drinking the "tea". Alox. Nolon, brother of the deceased, oallul in to (ion hia brother on Buuday ovoning boforo ho died, and found him "ull broko up", an lie paid hitneolf. Ho told him ho ought not to nogiBct himself but gotHoraethmxTand waa told that he was takfnjt eyrupand .ginger which hiu wife had ttxud for him. Hfard hin brother wa' very ill on Monday and went and stayed with htm till he died. He wan atifferirg very much aud uaid he had nearly died' on S'and&y night! Uti saw both hie mother ,v<-d hie wlf fcfvo him what wua C(i)le Any ladies' Coat in stock for $2,50 Spocial lino boys' Overcoats 82.50 Special lino men's Ovorcoatg at half pride All linos men's and boys' winter Hats and Caps at half price. special line Gaps at 19c, gents1 stiff Hats, regular $2.60 and $3 lines, choice for 25c, for a lew days only; special line ladies' fine Shoes half price; we have too many long Boots, will allow \ oiTduring tbis sale; men's felt Boots and buckled Felts worth $2.50 for $1.05; J off woolen Blankets and Com* forfcers. This Sale is a Snap, Come early and bring us your ensh. G.B. Smith & Co. Whitney BlockyJlsseXs. ___ amartwood. Tho doctor came on Monday and Tuaoday, and tho witnosa staved with his brother, because Mrs. Nolan suid she would not givo tho doctor's medicine. Al though trying to vomit ho did not nuaceed. Ho had not heard hiH brother And fault with tho proparationH ho was gotting bo foro tlie doctor carro. Tho doctor gave hiui a hypodermic injection which appar ently made him oa&ior, aftor an hour or go Tho pain whioh wao m head and stomach camo back at intervals, Ho auked the doctor if hiu brother was suffering from poison, aod w ' told no , it wau from wot foot. Ho notice! no peculiar odor iu tho sick room. Dr. Tarko was called, bnt aa he wan not prosont the caBO waH giyen to tha jury and tho room cloaed at 2:80. In an hour and a half thoy announood tho following vordict: "That Goorge Nolan a*mo to bm doath an a reuulti of pomon admiuistorod to him by his wifn, Henrietta Nolan, ana that the ua,a Henrietta Nolan did wilfully and Of raaliao aforethought lull and murdot* George Nolan, againot tho pnaoo of hor Majority the Quflon." At four o'olook a preliminary inyentiga. tion wub bogun L'oforo Bquiron Bndd and M. Barrott. Dr. MoKonzio sworn said ho had conducted a post m or torn examination on Nolan's body on tho 25th. He found tho brain, lungs and heart healthy, but found tha lining of stomach and bnwols inflamed. Tho kidnoyg and spleen ho found normal, but found tha livor much a hanged in aprearauee from a healthy organ and friable, that in, easily brokon, a fuot which Indioatod tho aotion of an irri tant poi&on. He bud -purchased a box of rat poioon at the: utoro of Mr. Widdie in Gesto end sent it with tho stomach to tho provincial analyst- Tho condition of tho stomach and howolo indicated inuuli iu- ilatnmatiou. Dr. McKonzio wan cross ox inainod at groat length by Mr. Davis, John W. Wlddm, morohant at Gosto, wuh aallod. Ho sworo that Mrs. Nolan called at hiu otnro on Saturday, January 18th, and purchased a box of rat poison. Mr. Dayis gave Mr. 'Widdia a suvero overhauling on oroiw-oxamiualiou but with out affootmg his ovideuoo. Tho court hereupon adjourned to Wed nesday, February 12th, ut 10 o'clock. The magisterial investigation waa con tinued on Wednesday, before Squiren Rodd Und Barrott. Lawyer Davm pub all the witwoaaes through a nevero orosfi-examina. tion, but the magistrate finally remanded the prison or, Mrs. Nolan, to stand her trial at the next ubhI^os. petootivo Greer has beeu bu*y digging up the record of the auotuiodi Mrs Nolan, during hor etay in Windsor wlwn aha wbu lust aeparatitd from her huib^nd. He flnde that Hhe was apparently a woman of the most abandoned kind, and waa an mutate of a disputable houso on Goyoau street, ip in the neighborhood of Brie street. nuKEtj 7r?to 78 71 31 20 to 20 3 00 4 00 to 4 50 4 30 9 00 to 10 Od A 50 to fi 00 4 to 475 7 fi 00 to 550 2 SO 7 8 13 18 7 8 18 so to m 70 to 7* 1 00 to I 00 ft) to SO 40 m 30 0 7 00 as Wheat red per bnuhel... .9 Wheat, white .... Corn .... Oatu .... Timothy Seed .... Clover Soed .... Alsikc Flay per ton............ lieof per owt............ Pork ............ Mutton ............ Hides............ Chicl'onR per lb.......... Bnttor .......... Lard .......... Egga, por doz .......... Potatoes, por buohol .... Onions .... Apples .... Turnips .... Carrote .... Beets .... Parsnips .... TurkoyH por lb..,....... 8to Ducks .......... Golciv por doz ,4........ Cabbngo .......... MHlruin Wulkoh* A soni rtKarkeiUepok'l No. 1 Hyo, por hnahol .... fiO m 1 OatB ..-. 90 1 Barloy owt W 2 t, owt 71 In couscqnenoo of thoir lovatora, otq, boing alrdadv full Mossra. Hiram Walker & Sons, Limited, aro compollod to dififcon* tinuo buying corn uutil furtbor notieo. The ahovo priooH aro paid by, H, Walker Bone, Walkervillo, Out. " ' ,' - ' 1 OlXlltll Tailoring Oo'y., SOUTH WOODSLEE, Ordered Clothing away Down* To aloar out our Htoek of wnderware wo will sail at ro- duood priooa. All wool nuitn redn3"d to cost. . UNDEUWEAB. Initio Sootch lamb's wool, 31.25, 9L.7G nuit Firat store north of railsvay. Harness. .Everything in this line at F. S. Adams' Haunts Emporium; al so a full supply of newest thingi in BLANKET**. BOBES, atid other winter equipment. Prioea. the lowett. Whips. Brutus Trunks, VaJldoa, oto. Oall and ae db. F. S. Adams, Talbot Bt.f Inn,'