Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 14, 1896, page 3

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^ :,:"--'"'v'T^^sHI P.'rt ?HE ESSEX X 7 7" l'.\ '" w I'f'.l' I ^-;'.-'- -"'; i!j v yKy '-^'-- '..'-- - \'Side Efcsfeiie CUHED PCaMAWEPTLV Iter's Fills . ' : 11nn* v.'iMi sN-lc I, . i-i ,iH.. I irlct :i i">ml iii:tiivn,iii',llt'f !... ."! f(r Ihu '.'"-"I'-aiiil i v.;is 11.-i i:m il 1 Bct7iin*taki:ig Aycr s PHls thill I n^eivr<I p'Tiil-'Hii'Ilt hiili'lH. A f-'l'iuk! box of Hn:::i' pill- Urrt\ mi1 irmn lii-Kl-ch.-.. muI f ;nu in".v a well 111:111." :i, K.i-H Auburn, !Wo. Awnrctocl PJlccJal at Woriti's Fair ^ _j- .'.*__tj>m.L-mi'>n-"'"*,"'"-M" '" ' * m' ESSEX Boot and Shoe Star :/ Has Just Received The Finest and Best Assortment of Boots and Shoes* In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfordsi The Cheapest in the Land. Call and Ecjamlno and bo Con vinced for youfoolvos. das. Douglas, M^u <>l tlio (-UflUoil (tool, Whitney Block - Essex Ijm , V On good pivxluctivG Ft! rm Property at oj*. A- ij per cotit. Htnii^iit. No Valuation Fees. tSc"Couvyiincin^ Duno up in Nu;it SLylu Firo and Life nsurancc A. E. LOVELACE, ICSSKX, ONT POWDERS Cure SICfT HEADACHE and Neurnlfila In -20 minutes, also Coaled Ton-Rue, Diz/i- uuss.Ililioitsnuss, I'ainintho Sidu, ConnlipfcUon, Torpid Liver. Had Breath. . to may cured also rojiulato tho bowolu. vxfiv Nioa ro yauh. ^pmou 2G Oenyq *r Bttua Grottoa** 1 NIIUSJ3R\TMANT, Ruthvjn, Essex County. r jtt'sJi. I'.-ar, Plum, Applo and Quioo* I'f-u-H, Itonoii, Evert;roor:8 Burry M I* i is, U*upborry, BlaoKoorry ami C iM'.nt Uuahoa. All flrut.-olaa Big Profits ! nr\n uri" f.r priooti. Wo will ohflor- full> ' ii-M'- r you by rot urn mail. . Splendid Apple Trees \\ in ovcty ruiipcot, $12 RR IOB -Ull m?,.i QUEBEC'S OAitNIVA-lv. CUIllOUi DEVICES IN SNOW AND 10tl OEQOn\m THK CITY. -*i*tni Ancttmr' CiipUttT" u' fictuw f (Jtiyniy inid Hpl^iii(Iir)' i-ll:lini !' Kniiin nf Tha winter carnival l!i to Qu.-Uu U'lmt lf Horse Show hi lu New York uiiU 'J'ui'ouLu anil ruddy ^nilirauOH tin; ri'liui'Limlly t crowd, ur.'I )iu iiaLural, Tun yiiCii aifn, Now Yoi-U, lifi.'tiijii, I'lillailuliihla, Jail'l'alo an11 other n'"Hi:rn tillli.*:!, want woll ic[.)" jii.iituil ai cjulIh-c';;'liuit. caniiVi'tl. 'Air. and Ali'.'f. John .latiub Aiitor i.p-nt th>r wi'uk thi'iv, tJcalhur and anclm; and sK:!f;h-rKliiiK- and ninny utli';r wciililiy iiotal.lllti'Vi l'n'ini llii.'J uouniry u.-iv iil:--o ' !I a, Uu> hoUls. .U wa.M coac.Hl.d ihat CjucIkc ha:; ;cllpiii.-(l nil prcvloim wltiliT *-jir- :.... ::.:-:^ttu*o to lowm- tli r'l'i-.inl f.MVrrai p:-...s.. 'IMim Kxi-cji- ll\.- (.Jniiilliltlt - lr= ri-iiiposi t| (}|' (lie I'al-. lowlnK i-itlzi'ii:? id* i. 'M-liL-i: : 1'n jihlont, 'IWnyor rarcnt: vic'-prrniilcnt,'Lhn Hon. I. I. P"llfti<>r, It. Tuiii'-r, Col. Wilson, tin- Hon. I*. Cini'ni'.iit; -T. H. liaini'-rt--*. (IuH'k,: iM. J-'airchLhl, H. U. iKibull, J. W. (ii'OKiiry and ,l. U. iiolt; trraHiircr. John (J. Mmv; secretary, Krlc jDorhi; r.i'ioHtant m ary, A. K. Swift. Thl-'- rojimilttiM! liifludoM all ol' tlinsjc who mail,- tliu carnival of lNIU a sutico:^, excepting that hi iln* prcHltlcncy, 'Sir ]|.(!iirl .Inly Un Lotblnhrc hi (iUcctMnli'iI by. Mayor Pur.-nt, an active- and en- thliylaHtlc worlt'. r. The HiuHv fort.-, and pa.lacn.:i of 1S0-I have not been dnpl!c;i ted. Thi;9.- of ilS'JR arc more attractive nad m;orr numcroiiH. One meets them at every turn, In the lower town a.'i wH) as hi the upper town. To many, however, th,_- Ire pjitacfH and p-e Turin are th- 1'flst tttlraction of this o.irnval perh)d In Northern Caiuuln. ^To.Mt rlcIlRrhtful of all are Urn onalnt olrl town, bnlf burled In Know; the ryo<\, lau;.;hln^ Frerirb-Cana.ilIan j'lrlM clad In tht-lr warm furs or i;ay blanket miits; the fi-nnreoiiH, rollteklnff snow- fil'.oors and their meriT French soukr, mi'im^sss THK ]'*:. nun JiK^-J, lob Ki;;.i i.i.iil and tin: social i'e-stivItb'S, all ul' whirh are unchane,i.-;ibl.-. Tie- sa.niv ^"od- ii'ilurod i.Li-i'-r.H drivi,* A th'-r-; t" diivo \;:':l':rs arouivl hi tb'"'ir lew sh-i^hs, liLMii-|tnu-];-' si nut lii.-rird under pili-s ol L!.c wannest in v.-. 'ill- sani" ni itnic is ena ted i.ii tii(; 1'hiins <." Abia- han: in thi* itttack- ;1ihI i !Vm,v of the Ice fort; "i tit* sanii.. program <if wintt-r si'<n'ts is I'.'i-nTil u-il on the ii'c or nvi-r tli" snowy li'lls, and the* i-ani- fray i t'l.-rirs an- w Ii in ssi-d at 1 h.. b.-ills ;i rid ma.1;'! iif-nidt s. tli" rsnl;s. si ildiu.^ s id'-s. t'd"i;r;.:ait slider;, a.iul, even on the l.-'.IX'Ctfl, It is wei] wortli a trip to Quebec to : tin- nnaint r.1.1 eliy in w-lnier r;i)'niv.'i.l at Hi--. 'I1h"i- - n i-nis, fnn'- lovin?-T l"reneb-( 'anad Ions pruvld.- a cnrioiiM fra])pe for Ihr onI<TtaInni;oit of their visitors from t lie south. Tin- (li.:'.t-ns at Ice forma tlnns are built, our Of tin ! rnieoii cmtrihii I Inn fund or by private liberality, and It Is wonderful V-'hat iV'Htilli; are oloain.-d fnr.u n jj'i-Ttl exf.enditure In this dln-rt inn. Tlie suli- H/'rip! ions anion;: led to Sln.aC'j. and the total e\'p-'itif]itun-s fnr all purposes, m- rliulliir-r" HrworUs. i ri/.es, nmrlc and 11k- enterta'nrnerH of tie- f!nvern<>r- Ger.< ral a;id his ctalV only I'eaehed yiJ.neii. ];'rbvhl nature materially as sists Qin.'be carnival committee, piling tie- snow hi Inuiiensi; and oddly-form ed drifts; frlritfhi;,' tli*.' on vi k of the- la njHes with h-iides; .smothering trees i\m\ fences In mow. a ;td maliiialnlnp a temperature of Hiiiticient to tfimran'e.- a ]irofilabl;' we I: for the leal furriers. The prlnclwrsitructurK In a novel t&lml Joe towe-r rtntnfT from the top of the fortification wall to a h ;|;,-*i* oT IfiO feet above the level of thr street. This tower Is surmounted by an Im- '" " ......Hi..... li'ii'*"' mi l,lz_ i- giM'.LlKCS (iAUNlVAl. ri)Rf l.)[J CANALiA. rrenflo anowball JJO feot In - c.rcumfcr-, up to w.hluh a up!raj stairway lopda, and from the top u commuiicUnff view will be obtained of the' city of QtebL-c and Levla across the St. Law- rencft. The Icy structure Ih 1^0 feet hiph, and Ih built upon the fortification wells near the St, ^oulo Gate. Tho walls are -10 feot hlfi-ti, and the mir- rour.rtlnft'H arc uuoh as to. make It an Ideal loctttlou both as a place for filtrht-. neeltitf and for the opciutlonn of the amnion of offencv and defence which v'HI Htomi thly stronftrhold In one of the mo&t cflCflctlvw BpectaoIeB to bo wlt- Mita-id at the carnival. The tower co<rt SUS8, aifd WOOa wtorfa of nixtworlCB a III f\xv. and sputter and buhur In the irrund ontdaUKht of blanlcuU-d nnow- Hhoi;rH and nnownhoo-shod HoldlerM and Indiana. A wonderful Mtrncturo of: lee la hnlUK built over tbti Ulv<-r H\, Olmr- l"ii In tho lower part of-th city.' It will ho IfiO feat Iouk, and will h<< con- !itnu)ld wholly of. teo-liloekn, over wtilch water la pourcfl no sdowly-thnt It conjveabi 'tho wbolo Into on<! tiolld " n.M:-, The ingenuity of the pionmt- r. ni' thin iieeond carnlviil hi prrent. rmajrliK- a iinowball .'{() feet In diameter, l.olluw, pl:n,t..-red within and without u It!: mifiw and Ice. lllnmlaa'"d and In tended for Mo- aceommediit ion of vis!- (' is who care to climb an Itf fpot to l oh In. -At the Interrci-iimt. of the I < n h",a id IjaiifTcll'-r and St, Joseph' St. Ilnrh-cln <dn a towf-r of snow 'iTid I'.'f, (la fee' hl^h li:is be Ml ei'ectiid. - rid another at the C.IMI, dep .(.. " (TnalloriM of Ice and mow. In- hid.- rui b'e lower In the UoCei' Town, i i-iiow for! rm "('"i-on I f'ii-i 111 (tee, near l'un'"rlu T< rr.-re, a slalU" of the ' b'l'.derv. ni' f.lhertv, :.'.". I', of ldf:h. oil a inl of ice i,h 31. Jo-.-eph-s'trefd; a nid a Tac- ..i' .<;.. ,,' f a--r.. lvj, .-,. MonC- . / .; y^A ' Hi ./,!/. /;'Xo. . ~sej& RESS CHURCH DIRECTORY Meti/oiuht. !>.*. I'uauon, I'untor, Horvicc ftvnry Huiiduy at 11 ,. in. and 7 p, in, Habbati Holiool at *l:\\{) p. in. O. lii. NayhJr, Hujiorlntond' ont of Hidiool. MpworLti Tjou(jUi prayer lnootlni, X'uoKdny uvtilu utW o'ulook. Uonural -prnyoi iu*oitiii|ion Thurndnyovonlii. '- Jl 'ill: S'.'.-lk '^'V.v-.!.;1 CAHCER ON THE LIP CURED 31V / A W |-*H U-M ^, *" "*:?{* |-e| 'i end')! ' i-.i!1. " :! I1-1.. It ,...1 ..'l|UI ill,I. .- ^i a.m.m.':' . ^\>r. W.W.... '.lu* base of the cliff where Jlonl- :.,uiiiej;y fell; an hv fort u\, i]n.' Monl- eaim marl-'.vt-S'[U,ire; t)ie llre^nen wdl elect a minii'^i;:- of .'.InntKoniery Falls .Mi.ioinin/r t.hi: t%n:r;U Kin; Station; "i-'ort du Canada," on the Place HI. . j rre; a no thi j. on .1 ucoimjh ('a idler '.iiare, and an in.* arch on Mountain Din. 'I hey have a i.-jh-nted l-'reiieliman In ;:i'l)n: whore ren.;, rk:ibln ice statuary a ap:u-Ions public si[i;a res at traded n i> a t deal of aUenil'iii a: th carnival '.- :.S'!M, This man Joblii lias suc.ccsl- ! In making a. snou comiiosltlon ay, Is i -.-. ouelerfiil imiia' Ion ni' in a rhle, a nd '!'.. result of Ids discovery is o:p-Tded i add t.o 111. freie 1-'/ e:"!' ct of the furl?, :"'.- pf'rucluro!" and de- vicos of snow and le". liii, -i' i-r ii:-!u:' wlio pre a'l'iliMil fin' I l!|-.l(erei| In ;l""IIV allv, ! Iu'vu l.akinj' ill a. V.'eeli ni" I.Wii I .' jiif'j11. Mitconi'- n anl, I [leisirvei'i:!, nn'll Hi :i ne liei'.an rr> hi-al. and, he :-;ar-aparill;i for six uiniillH, t .'. I' A<:; litiod ct 'U'.o T'/orld'ti Tail'. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest Saue \u canapa,- :\{) f 11 r" Im (he new laureate's much- ::iie!:*-rd pru-ni In full as It app-.'ared in ; London Tiiia s oi' January Utli: Wroi;:; ! It Is wi--.ii;.; '.' Well, maybe; Hut I'm -^ohij-. 1 nys, all the same. I'o they think ii-1 a I :n ruber's baby, '\'<> be senl'ed ],y a S'-oldilie,1 IiaiJlC? They t.iay ;i.rjnie*-aml j.rate and order; " Jo. l. ]| t]e-ai t.. ;-o.Ve tle-ir breath; Tl e:i, nvi r I iie '."rri i.s vjial biird'-r, .\ :id j-rallop for life or do 11 li! >, I lawyers aji sta t'-snten addle 'i'Jn Ir pales ov>'r points of law; '. !' jonnd he itur sword and saddle, .\toI f.'-iifi-L'-far, who raiTH one tttra e-'? 1 Mood pray Ur! 'i'o ride to th dr kjnsoill.'s aid, " I h< a Ven ilSfitL-sh:tll-.sta\'. us l-'i'irti the rescue th--y call a raid. - 'i'lvp. an- ,v,lrls in th" ,'Told-reef city, Tl'.<ee a;,* 11: -i h u n d children toOj And tin.-:,' cvy: 'iltiri'v uid fur pity-' . 'n what can a I iave n-au do'.' If even we wii.i, they'd blauic us; If we tail, they will howl and his;;. ! : theivV, many a man liven famouu Im.s daring a wronjy; like this! "So we fonlrd and i;-aIIoi>i;(.| forward, A', hard as our beasts cjuhl ]>elt, ["usL i-aslward, then trending nur- ward, Ki;iht over the mil hi"; veldt; Till '.ve came on tip- IUir.e;hers lyhifjr In a hollow with hills behind, And th* h-bullets canto his:-:!at.*;, Ilyiuy, IJi;e hall on a:i arctic wind', ' Ithvht sweet is the marksman's rattle, Htill sweeter the cannon's roar, lint 'lis .bitterly bud to battle J Iebae;ured, Vnd olio to four. I can toll you it wa-n't a trifle To swarm over K rnmM-sdorp f-r'en, As they plU-d up with round and rifle, And ploughed us, a^aln :aln. 'Then we for tile jmhl-roof city. Itetrea liiiK, but not In rout, They had railed' to un, 'nuiek! for pity!' And ho said, 'They will sally out. They will hear us and come. Who doubts It?' , But how if they don't, what then? 'Well, worry no more about It, But flpht to the death, Mice men!' * Not a .soul had flipped or slumbered Since the 1 borderland atream wan cloft; nut we fought, even more outnum bered. Till we had not a cartridge left.' We're not very soft or tender, Or Klven to weep fur woe, But It breaks one to have to render One's HWord to the ntronpest foe. ' I suppose wo were wronp, were mad men,' Still I think at the Judgement Tiny, When Ood ull'ts-the ^oml from the bad men, There'll be* HometbliiR more to i?ay, "Wo were wroiif;, but we aren't hal." Horry, And a.s one of tho baffled baud, I would rather have had that foray Than th- crush inpo of all the Rand!" Alfred Austin. Short Journey.s on a lionjj'Roft'd lii thL'[chiiructcrihtic title of a prnfuiuiiy il- luatrated hook containing over one hundred pa^ei! of elifirinuifily written ilem:riptionn of HnmrncWrcKorUin tliu country north and west of Chicago. The rcaduif; piutter in new, the illimtratioiiM are now, and the in formal ion therein will be new to ulmoiit everyone. - A-oony of .".Short, -lournoyf- on ft L<nw Ro>id" will he K'jnt free to iinyone who will enclose ten uentb (to pfiy^pohta^e) to Ch:o 11: IIkakfoihi, riencral raHian^er A^ent Chicago, Milwaukee & H*. lhiul Railway, Chicago, III. Don't worry. Don't run in debt. Don't tritle with yiair health. Don't try c.xper lenceHwith aiediciucs. J^an't wnHto time aact money on worth Kt-s compound*-} I'Jon'L.he jas-Htuided to taho it miliHtitutu for Aytr's Harsitpurilhi. Jl is tha best of blood-purifiers ESSEX JA^IKS NAYLOlt *hiuih thhi oppr-rLiinity bl (luiioiiiu'iu . -<- cue pectjde cr tlio 'lown and County of Kim'ix, thiitlm ban roinoihdHd thKit- Fox. liaUar Milln aocoi-dinn t plniiH iii-L-purcd hy it. N. ' 'I'iiai, St. ThuuiiLH, and Iins filiit) iKicurert tliu hoI'vIcou of Kniu-HT S'i'hachan. aii exjioii oiicad and thoroii(;hly connnittjiit niillor. Tbanldny tha poopln of tlio town ami county for tho luitiouiu'o Luiitoweci upon liiin in the paHt, will i*iM.nint(jo natififactien in tlie tutiiro Gristing and Choppinp; a Soecialtv. T11K HICSTGKADEB OF KIjOUK. rKKI> ANp COUNMKAL KKPT IN' KTOCK AND SOLD AT ltlCll'L1 PJ11UKS. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats. SOUTH WOODSLKE rii"ii:'i iv '.'ie *nV" i*. He (enKorly) What would you Hay (f I ltlnsed you ? She (demurely) Why. I don't know! 1 always think that the beat apecch la esctempore. Prom Puck. ,) 4i iiu r..uii(. Old Br. RqulllH wat n!no In hla billco thliiklnp; '.if what n.h.ut havo been. "Ah," mi.ftod he, "If all my patlohu* had lived, what -*. lai'ge practtoe t would htfvo now V IT MUST BE TRUE; For ovory ponton oaya that W!!:l!l SMITH Alakoa the boat tlarnofla in tho County of -- Eauex. It will puj you to corao to Sonfch|WoodsIeo to buy your Hiirnenu. Stnolt'necond to nono in tho^couuty.. . Pino F.took of Horoo Blankota jut opened out. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Egoox, - Ontni-lo. MJIS. 0. WILKINSON, PKOPHIETBKSS; ban boon thoroughly pttlutiid and roplnninliod with uvv? fumlturo by proiiont vropriotrona. r-Anon iiAnN in oonnkotion', ' Flrnt-ClaBQ Accomodation Quarantood. *Wr* A TW-Tf1 Vtl *~ooa* ad TyavoliiiR W J^IlXiI XJDXJ Hnloniuon to ii ninth' .ouv Hiuvy Canadian Grown Nm-Hovy Btook, Wo' mia1 antfta imfcliifaotlon to rojiroaontatlvna and untiG'tnovK, Cur mnrftorloft aye tho Ijn-ueut In tlio Doniittinu,ov*'700 itorea. No nubutlttitlou In ordorfl. Bxolunlvo territory am] liboraltormfl to wbolo or part Mtno Bcontfl, Write us. BTONIfl * "WKL^rNfOTON, (0oiul oUlooToronto,Ont, (Tho only nnniflry In Oanada hu-vlnu biotltiK oi-clianlu.) u-nio Oiruiicii ov KnorMN)) Itov. A.L.llavorly, in uumhoiit, tit. 1'hiiIh, Vihtiax, DiviooHitrvluo bvury holiday at V o'ulook, p in Kuudity Elohnol ut 10 a. in. JVluJtv Ohiirob, North Hldia I>ivilli) tiurvlc-'M -ivory. Himday at .'I p. nn: Him day Holmol at'l.-l.'ip. in. '4,'lie puhlhi. uru me dially liivltud. Tlil'.FiliV'rKmAM. W. M.I-'hnnhlfu I'aiitnr* Hoi" vlniuion Hahhuth id.II a. in. and '/.HO a. m Huh siatli hchnol ut'.!;:]() p. ni. I'rayov nuothif; niid I'liiilor'd hJhhi uliiiiH on 'fini-'day at,7,-!0 p- in. HoclaJ Uidon on Winluniidavat H.Uip. tUi'Thr (ntnarni, Jtnv.M. 1*. CanipiioM, T'nii- tcj1. ;..:i vl'son (mloIi i-uthliath ut, 11 a. in. and 7 ji. bray or mi'i'tiii-; un WinliKmday ovojiitj;; ut Ho'idoidt. rioat:i freo, All ant cordially wul- ('oniiid. Itr-MAN Catuoi,i(j. Kr. 0. M. Jlcfhin,- C'lntoj-. Hiir.'lo. ovrivy otlinr Hlliiday atH.iJOp.' nl. Snijdny S{jh<iol ut ;(p. m, 'MaH'.i-'-iN'-: -lliijli nniiiii and ficrimin n,t 10,'M u. in,, caunddmn in, '-1 )>, in , hapti.'iai uL 'I -p. in,, V(!ri|n.i-fi mid I'luiiidietitm at V p. in, 0. i'i. Mo- (ii(, V. I*. h/i.v \ rne. Aii:.iv.--T, (I. Midajod, (hijit iii.n, fiiihut.lO'i ii.cijLimjiJ (.ni Wi)din':idny, 'I'Jiui'hday mnt S-uidday uvi)iiin|.;n; t'roi; and Kuiiy, Hatui'd.iy ovouiiii; iual a p ni. buudny; Jlolhujiiii iniiotiiiiin fi (liii-jstirir.s I'ridiiy ovuanin aiaMl ii. hi. Binr du>; Jwiuu JJrill V il.iij. nvrry Kunday. All uru wHiii'iuu, LEGAL. j,' A. WISMKK, llarriMor, HoIlcUor, No'tiii J j * I'nhllc xSia. Alonuy to loan. Oilier*!;, I'm IItUIl lUocll, Ujl-hlllil II, MHK(!X. -1-1 v r J,. J'KTUUH HarJi.ilor 19 ' I'uldii: Muuu Hollcitor, Kota: Ulllco (Vi KruthuiH' Hank. Ivihox f^t-ntro. y to Loan. . Itarii. Wiiuhn. /U-AHKK, HAHTLKT A U*lCVt.l-YV V^ torn, ole, Olliut-K, Mi'.dbury lilock, I'rivati: Iiiadu tu loan. A. li.Ci.AUKi;, L. L. M. N. A. ]1aiitlj;i A. Jt. JlAltTI.KT, Ii. A, X IKKKV C., Attornoy an.l .11 <;oiin*n,loi*iitt Jilw, Kolit:it.or in Chancctrv, l'rit;:tnf in Admiralty, I'liti-jib Solicitor. wiLli Addition tv Coii^Hit-ri hL, Iwui.t, Ui;truiL, Midi (Cimiidian ulnitiifi iiuuiinit poi'KOiiil in tlio United Htatcn cotlnctnd.J HcfiiroiKi'a: ImpuriHl Hind;, Kuiun.Ont, .1. L. Pot em, I'.nrj , Jnirrintor, air.., h',nnt>x, Out I'I.A, Whiinur, Kiki,, UanitiU'r, U:., Khunx, Out tVJEDICAL. y\HH. mails a,- mtiKN. Ju Ilriou. M. ]>., b. It,, 0. I*. i-t., la-ailuato of yiKain'H Univendty, Kiii(,'iitoii, nimnbcr of Col- h'Cir of Ptiyiiiciuiui itial Hur^'jnUH.Oi'itiirio. Oratl- uuui of Now York, pout Uraduato Mudical Col- Idro. -- .J; \V: Bi I.-ii, M. D., O. M., 1'. T. M. C. Jfonor Uraduato of 'J'l-infty M'jdical Co11i-r<i, Honor ( riidnaLo i>! Trinity CJnivcrnity. MmhIioi* o( tlio Coil-en of 1'nynichoifi and Kiih:<;oiih,-Out (.ijini tial-j of t\iiw York I'-wt firaduiitu Mndimil Ci'ih'Cu. Oilier ov*"r I-Ihhii.x M-jfliua'l Ihdl .drnc i.tora, OoNiinltaiioa viajniH, hotlroii ;inniiKl Jloor and llrht Hat tihovi). Tiduphoiai in IjoL'i oilloo ami lohidnncn, Ad oitllH attundod to from oillco, rlriii; .litoro, or ri'Hidunon,'.'liUHidouco, Talhot utrt-ot, fLont or fair i')'<nitiihi. PKS. DKWAU it McKENiilK. P.A.UKwaii. M.L.(.'.M.,F.T.M:S. H.mor Gradn- tte TrlniLy Univiaidty. Moinluti- I'olloco Pliyi cinint and Suriaioai', Out. Ji-JHidoiiCL, Tallin -d. Kioit. O. .Mck'n.NKiu. M. l>. G, M., (.'oronor, Now York l'ui.1 (iraduati*, Follow Triuit* Modieid Collei'r:. fii-aitiiuti* Trinity C'nivondty Ki'biilKi-cu; 'li'll-ot Striiot, wtiht of M. C, H, OJliia'liotHii i mid ii to H p. n, dlico in Inipuri-d Hanlt hluck. ground lioor. iioxt to 'I'liomn'h druu htoro. '1 olfiidionoiii conuootion witli oiiioo and roni- iloinai. Ordi.-1-i ]t>ft ut Tlioriic'u drilK ftloi'o will hi promptly a'-tcaded to. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ,-. L, 1'AJtK, IHBOKK OF MAUUIAflK 1j^ coiiHori, nioliardsolrJlllr., Kauox, Out,.' BAIUIKTT, Jaauor nf MunJtgo LIooqm , CoiiiualHtifoiiorlu O , J., oto, Oosto.OQj E. M "W." Iiioitor ot HfiirrinC'i Llcoinn-H. IiiHinaiioo ai{oatl Nljdifcouicii at DwnlHnK. TAT-HOT HTJtKI-JT, KHHMX IirlJICAaTAN, UNDERTAKING. f J I'LUMMlfl.It, UiiiUirtiilfoir iwd l<'urultiix| II*. IJnalot*. Cnfllnit, lioind and tmiUny nirj | from S;l te y:iO. J\h)Orai;or, On1" ARCHITECTS. JOHN A. MAVCOCK, ' AKCHJT10C1.', .t(! H<)"in luuad 11, FliMiUni* bii'ldh'ii;, WJntliior, Oni Tbotm 21!). SOCIETIES ; (>. O. F.-KNTKItl'I'IM.;- Loiluo No rj|d L* m'ictniivury TJiuii;day, nvonin;; tit 'Kiyiiddrnllov/i; Hid), in third uraa-oy Jninftlan IMoc v'i.'ililiij; nioiuhiax <>f othor lodf-cuwill ruisoiyel .riitin-Tiiil Wdlcmiin. .1. .It) I IN KTON, N. tl. OJ'.NTJtAL J'ijN(!AHl'M|iJNT, No. lit), inootoi Oddfi-llow/,'Hail, iJiaiDlmi'n block, on tlio fit miiI third I'lMiiiday jnoauh nuaitli. ViiiitnrHoc diully 'I'i'caivcd. Mum ben; of iniljordiiiiituloili in tlio juriiiiliotion, invitod to Join. HANNAN, 0. V., d. l<\ IIII-L, (,. H. J j I'liday nvi nini; in tho Firoinon'ii room lj tlio Ktomi IjiiiMiiji;. . Jim. .McAturilLV, CJhlt)! Unlit. I'nilair, ('apt dn; A. liiirnli/Lin, hioutoq nut; P. DUim, f-iiK'-dtiu-y; I"ii-d el Iyatt/i'rciiHur<| ('H)Vn'V l:0YAIi. NO. lilM. I. a. V. \^> Moidti mnioiid and fourth TuiuidnyrJiU Cat month in l. O. O. V. Hull -at ii o'clock . q Vihidai; in-nthorii will i.o i.dvcn a iraUraaf Mt! fioiini. K McCmidand. 0. It,, W. 0. Hlmw.BficJ M.J, W1k1i>. G.H, II. C. It. " 3 -ii-\t jWlGHIGJiS fTggT] "The Niagara Falls Jtou&eT7 OOINO JUST rakiiifictroat Mny Hitli, ]H05, K.xp. DENTAL. r. M.W'.TIN, 1J.I). H., h. D. H. Onidunte ni piuithitry, Itoyid C'd!'.-;;i- nl Dnntal fjiir^eoini, Ontario, ant) UnivurHity of Toronto GliarfjoH, i:iodiii-ato, Otlioti, ovor Hriiin & C'o.t 'lrti'r dton;. lfl-lv II Dntroit....... WiinlBor .... 1'olton........ Muidfdoiific Khhcx ..... ,, WoOllHillO ... Hii:n!oinij ... Coialim-...... itidiiiitown.. Kodiidy....... Kt. TIkhiiiih i.oiidon......... ^t. Tlnunun... Hodinty......... Uidfjulowii..... Gomiif'r.......... lliinciiinli....... Wnoilidiai....... Kiili(.--i ............ M.iidritbno Cr I'oiton............ Windfior......... I'otroit........... Midi 7.K. 7.40 'B.r.i H.ll H.'JI H.iS H.:t7 0 t;> 10,1V ll.:iO a.m. 0.20 0.M 7.M BA7 10.00 OOINO WKIIT. pan. J. in ;i.;ji>. 107 5.:> fi.-n li.WJ i. o;* I) M fi.-IS 7.10 Kxp. a, in. t).(0 10.10 10.H3 l.oa, 10.31 il.i;j 12.4fl Act p.n I., Amiwrutburtz ffjocnl TrnliiM, (i:cj ti r,(i KAHT a.m. a.m. p.iu| Khbox 7.15 ..ISO Cat Kdjiin-H.. . .17.00 Odll'irr-- Ij TO it 1) K Xin fi.BO ftilii 'i.S! SIcGvi-yor ll.-JB 0.H0 H.fiOl AndiciKthuri! li.UO 0.10 -l.tlOj WKST V in. a.m. a.m. tUO ll.Otl H.15 ie.(;:i K..-ft I'.MO >JA\-i lH'AQ H,.T ID..Ml fc.fl.-i All triiinii a ro run on ccntnd (danclard tinioi which in niity iidnutoii olowor than Khboi tiniu. For in formation anil ratoii to oolon-l inlti moving went apply to Jobn G, Tjfivon, I*iib* mniKor Ai.'cnt, St. Tliomiiii, O. W. KiiKi.driH, Gon- onti ['aiiHOi pta- nun Tlokut Acont, 01iicui;o, IH or A. 0 fit in: (iiu, Auont, ICuunx, W.1 VETERINARY. JI. ltR'HAJtDSON, VKVMKINAUY KUlt (iliON. Honorary f-i"a<hmtn id Ontiirju Vntttrlnaiy Oullecti, Toionto; ooriiilnir ot On tiirio Viiltiiiniiry MtMlit-al Ktxdtsty; Dijiluniiht ill 1 ii.'ntihtry' trunt4 nil diM'iinert nl dona^htioatt ii ndimiila; (-utlh) didinriiiMJ hy lhn latent, impiovod l.itnvitt Clipper t'allH hy tt li-phono or trd*i- l^rnph promptly ttttciidi-d to. Jti.^idi.-nce, Join- doortt uoutli (A ni ift mill; fdlict- ii; jiobt oflicn hinlditu:1 iidlnimrj. directly cpp("ht-. LAWD SURVEYOR. JAMES H. LAUU). I'ruvincial band Rurvoyor and (.'minty Kn^inoer, Kufiox Contrti, On; Otllcc, Ouniitau block, upfitairn. AUCTIONEERS. HKNUY IlKOHICK, Anctiotu-er. Salop jirmnptly attondod to. Au<!ronn Kntith Woodi.lco.Ont. I'l'iHUiiH (jefdiinf! to Huciil'o Hit- may Itavoword attbo I-'juik I'I'.iohh oilico. tl U. III-dntlCK DfilNCLAIK, LICIEN6KD AUCTlONKKIt for tho County of Kiwox. HtnliiToi* Kijdith IJivinioa Court. All lciiidn of Farm and other Hid-JH conducted promptly, loilen rdii^onablu and finnbln'd on anplication. Knquireifl may apply ut W. I>. licaiaari'ii oilico, or ut tlio oflleo or LMvlfiion Court Cltrlt.Mr. .lolm Mihui JOHN GOHMIjKY, IjlCJiiMflKD AUCTIONICKIt for tho County of Kfioox. All liindu o( farm otook diiloii, oto., conducted, promptly and on iiliort notice, Itutoo rmniui'nhlu. rornouii dunlrablu to arran^o union may Jo no by calllnn at tho Fuuk I'iucbii otlloo or by npplytnij to. A J.GOUMLEY, P. O. liox'IRS' JOfiiiox, Out. I7*KANK MoOIiOSKEV,, Maldntono, thlrty- : Hovon yoaro' oxporloncn an an auotfonoorin tin?Oountvnf KniiG-jL. Haloucoudin'todpromptly, and on ronnouablo tormn. "Pariii-ii dotiirln^ to iixtbuilato for a nalo can navo thomnolvo? a dri/o by oallinfj at tho Finns I-kkhu oOico. Wo bavo arranfiod with Mr. MoClonltoy and will fix thotluton for (talon by tuloKraph.ontiroly froo of all ahargo to tho porfion boldlnn tho nalo. Ad- dro[iuI,,raiiliMoOloalioylM:aldfltonoCj'oiiB,OD(, 1(16 L. E. & D. R.Ry. TIMK TAHbl'l NO. 20, taldnrt r-ffnet Mondnyi., in-c'J.i, lHitri. Trldntn-im by Fmitoru Btand- urd Tiino, Dally oxcept Hunday a ?i !i .': o.:w (i.:i;i o-i :i 0-10 !i..r)7 V).b-2, 11101/ HMfl !0.il7 I0..17. 10.-I5 itJtr) ii.n' U.iiO1 n.'.'p lb: is i ti.i::: lbfiOl 11 55: 12.01 ja.ii; V2.UV Itf-MI V1.U5' V if,1 C P. "A fiTATIOMi. A M V M 12.(10 11:20 lii.iiO 11.1:7 hi 10 ii.:m lu.-irijo.-io lii.rjjj o -17 1.J0 (| ft-J l.d) o.v.i 1.H0 7.1" 1 fill 7.17 U.C-11 "1.27 ii :]'> 7,!17 i SO 7.P1 11.45 7M 1 10 H.t0 t.:-0l8 17 i -ir. fl.aa fill! H.H2 :>.:ii H.-IO r ir, 8 17 r>.05 H.W li.o o it (10 0.15 0 07 (1.113 0.12 (i.-lfi !) 2( 7.D0 o. :n r. m. J'.M Poji Walltrrv'lo Ar Wijlltorvilld Juno. 1........ I'tdton......... ___t OUlciiHilo...... .....t farjiiotto...... ..... McGregor ___ ...| Now Canaan... ... f Marbblluld ... ...... Harrow '...... ........( Arnor......... ......KhiKiivillo ...... ..... liuthvmi ...... ... bcfiuiinRton ... ......Win ntlcy ___ .....i Itainviclt ...... ...... CoatnwoitH ... ......I Gluuwood...... ..........Hurlln ......... .....t llnxton..i...... ...... au'iuJi^Dn ...... ..dCfdar BprirfiH... Blotibciin Junot'n ......Hlonln>'ai...... ........IWllLio......... Ar Hidfjutown Dup c U M r* w ft . r* i o o 'A yA A-M A M \\ 30 6.CIJ in ru S.HH 6 1.-11 M H r.7! 5,fl7i r'.0J 6 f Hi ft.171 5 ni {ti 47 5.fH fi.b ! 42 fi.00 |ji ;i0i 4.40 Iti Uil! 4.113 |ft 2U, 4 2fi i CO 11.43 fl.15 3,40 IM 1.1JH 1.1ft 12 ito e ci 7HI 7 40 7 21 7 Ifi 7 10 7 00 0 fW-1!.2l o ifl!ia.r. ttoiiaoo 0 ill 0 24 0 20 0 10 0 00 A.M. 11.29 il.lKIJ 11.1 1V.1 10.00' 6 m,A 5 d:i E..J1 \r,.b] sfiii- fi.o.1 0.21 0 ill! 0 4il RM 7.0JJ 7-ld 7.17 7.22 7.S71 ,7 li?1- 7.J7 7.411 7.60 V.M.'l*. M. I riiiu Rtationn. Tralno ntop only wliou thoro, nro pncfj(?nBor at or for thouo otatlonn. Mixed traiiiH aro at al time 11 duljjccC to bo cancelled - WAf WOOLLATT. Gonoral Hupo-tntombint Best F Plftoo lu the worldfor yoinic men nmt woman ioBootiro a UusfnoBd KtluodH(ta,Hbortbftnd,etfl.((8 tho Ddtrolt BoBlneafl University. Do- trjlt. Ml oh Illantratod oaUlogUo toe. Utkforouoeui All Detro H-DWBIiliVrrefl. 1'. K. HPENCEK, Sec JIAdKER^ THK oldoiit buoinoiJB in town. Entabllobo 187(1. Flriit-olaiis bronii and oakoa Of nl UJndu. WoddlnR oalton ft flpoofality. QrooorioB provifdoiia, flour, food, Halt ncd yor\t. Oontoc- tlonory.orooliory.RlaBnwaio, OnniiodtvultBand voEota'blonof all kindn. . Gooiln J-wmx^ly-4ji Uvorod to all partii of tlio town. J, M. niOKU. lAND ANDJLO^AOENI^ GEOX1QK J. THOIIAB, Couvoyanoor, Oom- miBBiouor, In High Court of Juiitloo: doalor (11 Itaal Hfltato ami MortRncoB. Mpnoy tp loax> ftttholowont rat of-lnturoBt. Farms bought. audHold. Inauvaaoo talion lu tho uiOBfeveliabUr oomwauioo. DrftWinu or doodd, mortuoiiai and loumjmi Bpoolfllty. Chd-rua* uiodoraU and all uunluoM promptly nfcUmdod to, Call at (be Central Tolutiboua offloo* aHWXOenfa^. BO-ly Don't worry, lu dobt. Don't triilo xvitlr your health/" Don't try bxparl* tnonttt with medioineH. 2)on,b waato time and moueyoo worthlessoompodudfl. Don't be pr,Bttaddd,to take A u>stitute for Ayer'a BarnapaKillik. It U; tbo boufc of blood pun'iiefB. ,'- Warerooms, NOW IS YOUR CHANGE If you want tfood Furuitute for litilo rvouoy. An iuitnenBo stock of Fqruituro to ohooee from. 'Everything from a kitohuu ohair to tbo . finest qnartor ontoak.nt prices Ipwbr than any wlioro in this county,' ,', Kindly tiivo ch a call, 4II . -. tfooda dclivorotl Jrco of charge. 10O COhDS OF ; :(j WOOD WANTEH s<$ in flichaupo for furniture. .v,'^m UNDERTAKING i SPECIALTY FuieJhio of undertaking auppUoe alwaya pi hapa. WiHturbJBh fcU carriKW f|n if Prices right aloB6. ""- . *$$$ EA^Ssrc ^^&^d^^M^

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