Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 14, 1896, page 2

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~>.] *v *V-1- < / THE ESSEiC FREE PRESP SEX FREE FEESS llshed Every Friday Morning }rt)'mtho cflioo ou Talbot Btroofc, noxfc Dunutau Blook, iJpooial attention in jmld to ttio pubhoa- in of matter of local lmpnrtanud, iwoHr- Leaud rMmblo ronortH of Town, uolc.nbor. K Township uud Couuty Council ptoaood- itifi, Iwai Dd county murkufa roportu, oto. aeoarufn, and jurfioiouu rhaiiatfomont of uz Fukm Pukuh, with ronpout to thoHO and Hhor outront mattoni of local importtuiun, naa flivtinUa. widoHproud prcmtiKo in tho bonUoor Kmmx county .whinh in is ono oUho bm-t atfrioulturul cliHlrHJlain )ntarb. Tiik Phkk l'mcaii hi tho only medium oiraiiluiiK thoroughly in Huh Keutnd portion of tho County, and nt con- lenuoutly .without dmibt.thoonly thorough IdvortiHiiiK medium fur bmmionn pooplo rinhmfj to roach that ohmo of oUHtomorii. conuwflroNnuNOii.l , our oolmnmi are alwayii opon for the heaoonblo dmouHinou of muttcrn portaiiiiii- |o tho public wolfavo. I Abb uorronpoudontti in all the Biirround- Snu loo.ilitio furniuh reliable roportu ot 97o|itH of intoruat, occurring in thoiraoyoral -apHows; and tho puhlniher 111 at all timet, ploatiod to tecoivo interostmj' itama oi , n*WH from any diNpnuuil to forward contri- Ibutiona. . , ill ooinmnuicutioiiH of a private unci 5ooedontiul nature ahould bo no inarkwl Ou the ouimdo of tho onvulopo. \ HUIIHCUIl'TION 1'lticn. SI 00 por annum, atrictly in udvunoo, klfijpor imnum if nob no paid; ana all foar" charged at that rato. AnVBHTlSKMKNlH. :ranniont legal and municipal udver. pmouta, notioou, etc., charged at rato of ton oenta per line, for *irt fcrtlou, and fivo coata por lino loach mibhequuut mijcrlion. All nucli SorthiomoutH are moaaured by a uualo of jlvo hnim to tho inch. Local reading and other notice pub- Jiod unions local nuv-a raatur chared at rato of tou cuntb per running huo for ibh inaortiou. All noticcH of church or hccioty enter linmontH of any draunpliou, at whith an Idmif>oiou feo ih chared, are roardcti hh LdvortiHuniontw, and full utlvortiHinR ratoo bhariicd in all ouch ea^cn, Noticoa of uutli- Mintifi f meeting not for pecuniary bcrni*- Iflt or uiil, will, bo cheerfully published two Id! charge. 1 apf;aiul contract rute.ii made ft c diephiy lit utanding advth. All l*nl orprofohoion- ll cardH undor ono inch, ft5 ptr annum. Jon on coM\iiiiii;i\i. l'.us'risa, Tho FnEis Piu.hh .lob Printing De partment ib under tho auporvinion '~rjf thoroughly competent tmiobauiCH, and anocittl attention ia paid to thin branch" of tho / trade. Our facilities forthooxf .^Aoh of all InudH of Book and Fine Job* *Jrjtinnaro unexcollod. Steam power >fc^JPfea. A call nolieiled, J nDHINr.Hfl 111 aULATIONH, v All Job PrintiiiR and Tranment "Advortiamu uccountn, atrictly cauh. Advortinin acconnta with regular patron b are fiottlocl q'uartorly. Sub- oriptiono dno in advance. No Bubacription to tho Vukk Pukhs, or advortn-emc-nt pubhwhed i'i i'3 columiiH will bo diHtiontmued until all arrears are paid in.full. Changed for adycrtiamnunta, to oocuro Inflortiou in the cnriont isihuo, mtiHt bo handed in not later than neon of tho Tuoh- day preceding, and notice of nucli intenci- odohougo id required on tho Monday pro- ooding. Notioo of dihcontinuauco of mivonihc- montH inuat no ^ivtn at lot it onowenKui aovanao of tho ibsuo iu which thoy are doairod to laht appear. AuvnivriBEiis, SubeoriborH and patrono ueuarally are requortted to ri'U'l tho abovo roj^ulationn oarofully, iu order that confuaion may ,bo avoided, uh they will in all catton bo adhered to. - - Addrona all cojamuuicatioua to Publiiihor tho Kubux Vuv.k Par.nn, Emiox. Ont PALACt! STGAMBYIO. LOW BATBC **M CLEVELAND, P5TTSBURQ, ^ BUFFALO and ALL, POINTS EAST BVBRY BlVBNINQ BHTV/HCM 'DETROIT # CLEVELAND CouucctlngwltU cnrllcat trnlcn at Cicvelaucl for all points Eabt, South tmd Southv7C8t, Sunday Trips Juno, July, rtuoustar.'JOcpScmt^rOrilv i*'^ Fourt Tntpo i*bh V/uaic OwrwroM TOLEDO, DETROIT #fflflGWKftC v,3TOSKISV, THE "GOO," MARQUETTG. AND DUL'JTIL to MftW ntccl pa-yjenger -.t.'Qiuers llfive iml \ built Tor our Upper t,-ikc lioutc, to^tuif, too each. Send for illustrated pami-hkt A. A. OOHAMTZ, o. r. * r. a. DDTnOlT. MIOH. iKfimrf h glevelto ma m. fia 1- \'i I OBTAIN A FATKN1** Ko.a Jin nnwar wti! un IiouojA opinion. ivrlt to NN Jts CO., who InivalmdiiPftUyil/tiryonra' jrlmuMj lu tho putwu btminoHi. cnimimnlm. .m tttrltitly aoniKUmtlid. A UumliiOMk ot In- lorMiatloiipoauoftniliifl l'nCoiii tuid how to on- liU.I ttium Sent t ron. Also n cm aloft JO Ot iaociixn- loal and Mlootltio lififtltn ttiMit fro l PaiuntH tjiiion throuuli SJmm & Co* rwolvo >pbolalhotlci>l)iilia^tuHiUi)M Aiiiovlritii. iimt torn are aroiiuht widely l^vitrotho publlo with. ,cut *o*t to tho inyomni*. 'l'hlft b)tutlQ nniM'P, 'ba^wMUIy.filctiwirlylllHBtratM.baMbvTari ho &deu tiiroulatloa *( amy wiWuUfto wt>rV lu tuo wovld. a rcivr. iJftmi'ifl wvi^^iwjnti Jinul Blidlna K<iltlout mwitli)/. fi-60 H yon*. HlpoTo O0le*j*i* owit*. ilCTeryuUuilMf ooata)ii>bvau- 5fl platML lit odopCftjwi PP9^niPnfL.aC *l?w bousca, with plnfli; *niUhltnjf TAtlW*-,jj ^oiKowtlie Xottrni Ar?lum* nxii[Ho<mut unnttftf"*. AAArnut MUNJ&<X>.. wy VOlltf. :jl UUOAVTAY. Saved iyjsV Arm A Sovere Ga^e of Bipod Pof'sojrxing ' Ifortoctcuroby Hood'sSarftaparllla. Mrs.A.Wilson roisoncd Hlood cansPH tfroal 'hnFfiM'in^. It runnot b otherwise, IjoiMiimclhft blood is tho vitnl fluid, tho rurrent of lifn. Tho following cafiO Illustrate tho tcniblo effocta of poisotifil blood and thfl womloiful power or Hood's SuiHapuriUa In curing thin trouble: ' " My blood beenmn poltionwd by Rottlniy dyohitoniy b1oo. by a Uttlo Hcrttch on wy arm 1 railed In tho doctor and ha told mo to poult in; It, but h did not glv moony mtdia'no for my blood. Finally tho poiHon hrol:n out on my other nrm. I then told tho physh Ian that I wnntod Honii'thlntf tar my blood. Ho told mo to pet Hoo't'HB'iriiparllla. I did aoandbe(jan taking it. After uilnif four bottle, my firm la cut Irnlv well and I have novorfilnco been troubled wltb blood polaonlne- X Urmly bcliuvo thnt Ilood'a Sarqapsrllla prcvontud molomiKif my arm." MM. IL Wilson, 1M3 Manning Ave,Toronto, Out. Blood Impure. "For mum than a year I v?a tronhlcd wltb a dlMrfudni? pain In my aldo. Bomo of the 11 ino It was very ncvero. I wao also ofllictrd with t-ovcro heodnebca. My blood wad out of order and, In fact, my conati- tutlon wnfl conurally run down. Ilnvlnrf rond how ot bera had been boneflted by Ilood'u Snrsr.parllln, 1 thought I would try H, and br-forutho riccond bottlfl waa all Kono I waa entirely curod." Misd May Fi.annician, Monuing Ave, Toronto, Ontario. Remember E-lood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier And al.indnrtl BnUdlnij-up Modiclno. Ii cnatcc an ppc>tlto and overcomea that tired Jcolin';. Bo Hiiro to get Hood's. K4fir1*a ry'iUct tha aftor-dlnner pill ami riOOU a I^IUS family cattarUo. 05a, KI<: HTItllf.:. IN Ol.ltllANV YllR t'lotlilnc nml IliiMi Ii-iuIpm In Trouble U llli Tlictr i:mplV4k Berlin, Fob. C Tho wapoa iiKHa- tlon anions the peisona emidoyL'd by the clothing and lhitjii manufnetuivra of Geimany 1h kiowIhk and ulrr ady exceeds any piwious trudt* movement In the hihtoiy n the country. 'Pho movement Is bupi orted by the v.oikera in all the lurpe citlea, and a, htilko h:n been begun in P-ii'sIau and Ilnmhurj;. The demands <>t tlic employeii are everywhere recoi;itlXf d as having am ple Justification. The Government h<ia appealed to the lierlln ilrms aft e< ted hy the agitation to HUbmlt the dlffir- enceH between themselves and their employes to arbitration. TIM'. ^li\iroi:i iH.hi.inui. Whnt llio Hprerli 1 nun (lie Throno < on- tnl.M <1 1'li** Sclinol OnrNtloii. Winnipeg. Feb, n. The llrst s sMnn of the ninth Ijt-glblatui e of Manitoba was forma1 ly opened by Lieut -G ver~ nor Patterson UiIh aftoinonn. Only two Items .of importance were eon- tained In the Ppecch from the T hi erne, and hero they are: 'It 1h gnatly tu be deplored that the abundance of the products ot! the toll has been to home extent offset hy the unusually low pi.ce.s obtainable therefor. The value of puch producti at the point of product'on, as com pared with the con of com eying tin m to the markets of the woild omphaMx- es the well-known fact that fn Ight latejj upon out^olnu grain are most exorbitant, and any relet' whhh can be obtained from ouch rati s will be eagerly welcomed. "Ah you are auaie, it wa.s deemed wlfie to anticipate the time when the Legislative Assembly would have been dlRHOlvcd In the ordinary courte, In order to afford the p. oi It; of ihe pro vince an opportunity of expressing themselves upon the attitude uH^uired by the Governn-ent in relation to the pending application of the minority for tho rentoration of their former pri vileges in regard to iducatlon. The reault of the elections leaven no room for doubt that the attitude of my Government 1h In accord with the wlhhe.s of the very large majority of tho people of the province. "A copy of the order in counc 1 em bodying the vlewa and the poltt-y of my Government upon the question, will shortly be laid before yon," The Hpeeeh nla> cxpioi-sos unf-WMV- InK loyajty to the Rmpire, and aym- pnthy with Tier Majoaty and Ihlmvss Ueatrlce on the death of Pi lncu Henry uf Battenberg. llAULKtHtOK.IIl C4>MIN K.K Et. lie ami tlio IburlieH* Will Rpcml Two 9loililiu In Newport. Ne\Y"Port- Tl ^- ^b. 0. Word reach ed Newport to-day from tt near rela tive of Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont thai the Duke anil Duchoaa of Marlborough would return to this country about Aug. 1 to remain two months. Moot of tho time will be spent ot Newport, Marble Houne being opened and occupied by them. Thl wan rumored, about the time the Puke and Duchesu were mairled, the confirma tion, to-day cornea from a source re- fcardlng which thoro can be no doubt. Wnilu Chlpman, tho Toronto (wtnl- tary onelncof, who lately examined tho location at Froderlcton with ,a view of introducing Boworaee, ba forwarded Ida report t the cltyk He op.tlmatCH tho oot at $80,000 for eight miles of pipe, ana serving u popujatl/m of 15.00ft. RHODES CMS BACK And tho Outlanctors Will Run tho Transvaal, j THIS IS A CORRESPOUDENrs VIEW 4>r tho IHIlleully lii Kotilli .Urlru UuW KLi'iiLAi* nliil IIU Htm v ini-u .>lni-Ufl tar sriici'kAvv / li.ti Ui- Uli(i<.ci .l*lmti(I u> ihti <iiiointil ht-Kri iin*y New York, X"eb. It. Uainld P'rednh cables li em London Lu The Tluu ii. yetnethnij, .ib^oluLely utn .|j cted hi uny uilL- il.ib li.lpin lielt. C^(ll ll.iuil !, Ii it( ad oi ii malnln:; and inal.uiL, hi urt In Lhe ghidijiLet Inl ai tii.i \\ iUi (Jhutiilu rlaln, ,ui all l'i'(,i mil lmu.. iui hUinLi'd he would do, h.e, nil i ly ban a iuni, Lalk at Lhu Colonial 'Jiln-i, ,l..u i't lurthv.ith hunyiui, bark to ^uiub Alt ic-1. A iiiuiL unluotu d lor ami pull ing uurjMlhe luudly uuild hi Iiu.ut.ii d and Lluowii all ioilimsij, uul of j.;i .n 'J'lio Cliartuted (Juinp.m> imi L hold iu ai.uua.1 meeting wltliiu a im-i night, and the public h.ij, be- n u.tli .n , !oi the great iiptet h ih.iL Ilhii:. \\.. . \<< make theii^a:, til grand opening n ovi In the campilgn bt'twei n hlrn aiei CJhamberlain, ^liirh wiui t> edipi e\(.rytlilng since tlu- time ot W.iiiui Has tings it entc led into nohndy lnad that tlv balth* eouhl be aVoIdnl Now We aie ealmly told ,baL tile h,;ht i'i off, and in im-ti'h mind,, there h rcom for only ono rnii'itlon- "U'h il doea It mean?" It niMicily n < !L ;i prophetic eye to dinot ra the pn/.iab1- lity that Kniii r and hhi Jiner-, air niarkt d for the saeniice. In other words, Il Is plainly open t ho fearr d that Ihi 'l.nul, ba\ lag h liaved with hMnjniloUM eon < (ftin '-H u [> to the present point of the Tiamv. a) buslnei-i, Is now ibout to do an mi ll vely tiling. l' rh.L|n It I, ' d(Ltiny, l)iit II will v.'da* an u, lj ])( ('L none the less. fjh note i1 . m lengthy recital of c\ii.ts fi oia ih Btartlng point, of Mafeldng, t'dU lilt i that hj iif w It LhnuVM tli [> 'rttdy uf Jameson'H beha\ lor into ratio , ,. Htronger light than Ijf'o:*. and r olrllj hint*, that Sir lli-ieup-i Kolj.n.son'.s lu nocent ignoiain i oi was ,oi. on iu i (N some i ui tli* r invt -: i"atl >ii but the leally imp a-i 'lit puts (tf l! document aie not mmcIimI till lie be gins to disclose tin j> til' v of tli 1'al ii: h Cabinet. Kt'.;lainlV lights of i 'i- tlre eontiol of tin- Viunsvaal - .-\ter- nal relations and h-r Int ntiou to maintain*" them iu their Int'gilly .m affirmed In (he plain" t possible l.i.i- gungo. That has been done bihue, but r.ow. In addition, foun--, the statement that England, by googiaphlcal and olh^r ronsidf rat Ions, is Justified In tendering her fu* ndly counsels on in ternal mattert a) o. Then, aftrra long narration oi t ii" grievam f*s of in IMtlnnderf, cnnn ^, Mr. Cham- borluln (h'seriln.-, a, a sugges tion of one way of meeting the illfll- oulty, but whh-ti will he read alike in Pretoria and JJerlln ni a Hrlllsh ul timatum. The entire Hand, embracing the whole mining district, is to be erected Into a M-ml-auioiionious pro vince, with a L'-sisIatiiH , Supreme Court, police, r duc.iLiunul s> sti m, min ing manageni! nt, and *-o on, of its own. Plenty of safeguards of the Transvaal's supn inaoy In huge mat ters are suggested, sueh as lb power to veto and the hke.but.ln sub-tancc, Mr, Chamb rlaln propo^ta to give to the Invading UlUanderb on the Ttaud a rather freer Kehome of home rule than he broke up the pirty for attempting to s. cure for the Irish in their1 own island The announeement that Rhodes, on hiii return, will live in I'.hodosla, ln- ntfad of Caj)e Town, may be taken as signifying that he is to inland on the fiontler of the Tiiim.vail as the representative not merely as the h ad or a huge private financial syndicate, but as the nunc Or less official r< pi eiuutatl\e of Kng- Innd's will that the int' be al low* d to manage the Hand In their own v. ay. That Krinier will accept this holu- tion without a violent piotest, or that his Hours will nut encour ge him to ru.slst by force of ariie and aji] ealu for aid is entiiely in l.keb One may leok, with e. ntideiue, t< o to see Germany foam ovtr a-^'ain with exnheraiict at the- vague no Ion <i: blocking England's felonious pionv s but when it conies to read ties, v, ha can either KrugU' Or the Kals. v d > Kngland Is on the ground and lu pi little Transvaal as In a thuml n r w One twist of its giant hand and lb. Boors pass into li.stoiy, while with It other hand the German navy an*! mercantile marine could be* mauled be yond recognition an dalso the Lr Ll l JOmplre goes on being made. The Sun's London coi reap uul n PJiyn thu Stock I^xehange knew w r> well on Friday In general terms tlia. an understanding had hoen ai lved ai be-tween Mr. Uhodia and the Govern ment, and it boomed the market on the strength of it. I am quoting a veislon of the now famour, Co onlal Otllt'e Interview eveiywhire aeeej'tu'. in financial cdrch s win n I say th 11 Mr. KhodeK admitted to Mr. Chombii- laln that he Raacti. nod the mobilis-1- tlon of the Chattered forces on tlu Transvaal border. He did it becauM he felt sure that tho Johannesburg people would revolt, and Dj. Jameson" men might servo to pio-tect reiir-ie. : from Boor violence and ho readv to carry out Impeilal Instructions at the F.horte-t notice In cna the 131 ers d'cl anything which Great Britain could fairly say apposed her In costs. Mr. Rhodes strenuously den'ed that be or dered Dr. Jameson to cross the fr <n- tier, and could only explain his notion bv the urgency of the mesag. s ad dressed to him. Whatever Mr. lthod" had done was for the ultimate gloiy of Gnat Biltaln. Mr. Chamberlain consented to tnkf this view of It. and the- only punish ment or restriction which the Govern ment will, for appearance's Mike, Im pose upon the Charter* d Co. will h' to put the armed forces of Foith Afrle . under the direct control of the Crown Mr. Tlhodcfl, under the e'reumt-t 'nrc ciin have no aorloun objection to th The World's*correspondent lo-udud" that the South African Co., In tlv long run, will be found to have jmfi'eied vary lltle for the action of Us repre sentative In the Tranuvaal. tO Hi: TUIIII tVlTlD JAMIE'ROM. Cwtrtftliift Hunt Sht New York, Feb. 9. Mr. Ballard Smith cftblea from London to Tlu World that ho in Informed that Cap tain Coventry, a brother- of Lord Deei- hurnt, who married an Amorlcan Rlr). and Captitln Goming, both of winy* havo been In tho hospital nultcrlnp from woundH sustained at Krugerc dorp, are to Burrondor themaolvoa on their arrival-lw England to be tL-< with Jnmenon. Thus, the ourloim Bpec taclo will b presonted of a won ot tho Karl of Covntry, a hl/jh odlclaV at tho Cpurt ot 8t Jainen, U1uk -ar raigned for an offence which ( In effect modified treaBon. "1 can now conllrm my pie-vloUH infor mation." euy.4 Mr. Bmlth, "that pr. JumeHon and bin oonfodcruteH wilt ho lndictud under tho foreign enllntni'Ut act, the maximum punhthmeiit for his orfenca iM-lng two years' Imprhionnu'iU, "It Ih now nppuluilt that In oidei to allow the collecting of evidence In Mouth Africa the trial cannot take place hefoie May, and it Is Hhrowdly Hiinpeeted thnt the c:iect, po> allity In tended, of this long del.iv, will b to mulce li |e< s liki ly tin*n eeer that any thing nioi ,. than nominal punishment Will he bdllcted." i The of nv uiher-i nf the Reforin C in m 11 Ilc nt 1 'i ( ton a, whit 11 betfnu yi stei day, was continued tn-d/iv. .1' erlu. Ueim-llbm t"-t,lh>d that the re publican fl'iK win hoisted on the gold III Ida ollleeri on Dee, JS mill men w< 1 tnlli.ted f'nl Rhodes, a biolhcr of Ce- cP Ithndin, had told hhn the imiund- f?s lnd hiought th" country to It1 prospi rnu-, condition, and It wan hard for them to be governed hy the utupld 11( f i s f'ol I tli ode" tukl him. further that they hnd n"ked '>r. Jam^non to tome to Johnnm" hut g to pu'St i ve the I cure and proti ot them. Later hi in ard Mr. Leon'ird. who'ie ariesl tin 1 api Tou'n nuthoiitles mjiimIh to ef feel :u Tenerllfe, fjuuirv Islands, th- ether day, on hhi way to Engl uul. make a spi ech to the f row d, in which he Huld : "We dn nni have enual rlKhl' with the Ho. r! Our petttlona um' tieated with contempt. We now df iii; ml our right*- with our arms In oui hands. We want a republic in govern ment and not the nitnf r.ule govern- nu nt nt. Pietorhi All who want to fit*lit for theh r'ghtjr and for fufdom can rereive rn nr-," YHlMH.tll 1 fl.M)|,UI I M I* (lie llrHiill or l"[inloLraplilutr Tliroimti OpiHpie Itnilli h In IEim HI-:' n'1* -(IM Parks, Feb, (K Koine ieinarkable re- : ult 5 have in t ^ obt.i hied In photo- ;,ri.i]diy tlii'Mirh opaque bodb :,. by m* aim of itii-ni"<.|i"; i iv> M. J'.wald has asl.ed If It will be possible to pho- logiaph tliroup.h ueh p li t oi tin hodj, as the thigh. M X< uhau- i.|db* that the i.ivs would pa*, tlimu h the inus- ides Just as one's bli/ht jiass- h through a Hheet of Kla> Up to the iui nt the most wond'r- fui u:;e made or this dlscoveiy Is re potted In The Lancet;. A nailor who wan linuight to GuVm TIosplt"il, r^nn- don, has been comjletely cuied o^p.'- lahsl-. When ndndttid lie was d* drunk, and has b. en found In a veiy duiu,rtinus condition lu one of the Wor.1-1 nuai ters oi Ijondup Ah : Qdii as his diunUen lit was r\ei It was (liscov> led that, lu wa" ^araP ::- ed ui the uppei and Iohm' parts of his body. The most minute examination eonld reveal nothing but a amah wound In bin back by the .side of the vei tebral column, which In u few days w as healed. During thia time, and, despite all me- dl'-lne, the man r-Tualncd jidraly^'d Then Or. William: on w.i- titiuek with the Idea nf emtdo^lng the new photo- MMphlo discovery. A plmtogr.iph, fnl- lov ing Pror r.oenls'en'.-i s-jsLem, wa taken of the man'.s wound. The negative slmv-ed th" piesenci of a foreign bodv, tin nature of which fuld not be determined, liFtw7Tn the lift doiHT.1 veitihra and the Unit lum bar vcifbra. An Inelslon was made at this place, and. after a great deal of difficulty the blade of a knife was taken nut Tim patient immediately improved. According to The Tenuis-, a ne dh haa been extracted in a similar mnn- iu r fiom the bind of a child at Perne In another hospital nf th same town Pif'fnuMor I>j(.,inr ^f l>aris, ha- taken a photograph of n fractured lerr. In another instance a photo^rnph taken at Vicina of a piece of conditions e '. -( Iu some conditions t1%e gain from the tiRC of^Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is rapKlT" For this reason avo put tip a 5oc size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or coldornscful an a trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes almost imperceptible,health can't be built up in a day. For this Scott s Emulsion must be taken as nourish ment, food rather than medicine, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. SocarA ftowmi, (amniitat 50c. ami $1.06 ITmcuilon 111 Dulcoln Tu (iuuhinj; that much maligned nontion of tho WcHiern country to hlomunn lilio the. rooo. Qnotiua trnm itpublndiod artiulo on tho Huhjccf, it at wtaf'td that "Men who uro ueonwtomed in tai muig in 11 en minuted diHtrictti nro i-lnw to hoiitwo tho leportn of m.ormoua yiolilo of ^fTkindn of farm pro dm tw ir. thom* iieotinmt of the country wluiie iiri^ntion 111 pnttjiit-ed " An irrieated 10 aero furm prodneeH yrotitor itiul bettor re Hiiltti than a CilO aero tann cultivated in lhu ordinary wa\. In a few woolen we hope to he ablo to publish vimoua itoma from different uidtvi'luulH divine; thoir por- hoiiiiI i xpenoii'je in 11 Petition farming. In tlu mi untimo Hfiui for a free ODpy of un lllutitridtd T>amphlnt tj refnronco to [mention tn DhUoU, puhladiod hy tho Jhina^tt, llilwuulioo & St. t'ul H'y Co. Vddrown. A. J. Taylor, Canadian Puhh. V^cnt, Toronto Ont. was glass- whlrh had been In a gl.iv-work er's hand for seveial year;;. 0\TAItlO MBA WT.IIV. lVINMIlim tl elio New York Mew "ottifrt slnnv bl<*li lint York, Feb. . Tho Poultry Show, whieii rln-cd last o\cnwi.\ \s as a fair sueo*;-, tlnancally and tin- x- hlb.tion had le n of a much higher standard than former year*!. Pg- slfles scores of Individual pi i'/es*. ^lr. William McNeill of Lot d >n, Ont., ob tained many of the spuial jir '{.* s. The h!1\ er cup, pn .seiited by Presndent Forsyth, for tin brst eolhetlon In any variety, to consist of two cocks, two hens, two rock, ids and l,\o p il- lLts was won by Mr. McNeill. Mr. John Crowe of Oeelph, Ont., obtained one of the special pri'/.es of 515 fur tlu best standard Kami female nf anv va- r ety exhibited, and : noth m special prize of $10 for tin b?si sla'u'nrd gamu blaclc-red. <;o^n- 05 ran: v>oru.i>. JXniiy tnbln OrHpairlim Cut !><)wn fr Ituuy IteiKlrru Feh. 10. Of the ntlit HhlpH Unit pu^seil tliioulj the Sue/. Canal ln^-t i ear only four were A111- ericnu, Tim Cuhnn innurent4 lost R0 killed tn nn cnciiKeineiit with tho Spunlbli trneps un Saturday. Pun AiiKimtu Unrre, the dlstlnirulshed Kreiich sculptor, Is dead la Purls. He u.ii bora In PhWm Jsepleii her 'St, ISI1 Tlie Vene'/.uehuirt are h!ill aj:ltatln for the formation of IniLtalloiiH. of veluateei corpa, including weoutn. Hi'v. Alfred (luulden, \ Of St. Alphe/e. Sonthwark, who wart'.\ Un ,\ n as " du* t'osteiK1 piirhon," Mas Inn led 111 Waking yetucrdny. The relatloiiK hpt\reen the ArRentlne Jte- puhlic and (Milll uie iluil.\ he. inuhi Htr.ilnt'd, tnvhiK to 'he tnne uf lhu Chilian ueWHpnperi A Hlo .Junelro desjmicii myn that r.r.izl! Ih tfrently cvelu'd, o\. Ihk lo Hie Kivui h war- Hlllp heiltflll ha\la sel -ii-d a WHsel enrry- UiK a llraalllnu Ihi;,' hi dLjuited ivntin. Tho ThucH to-ni( now will pubdsli u luo eitluiua iirtlele e\|>lainhiK 'hat Mr. Ulanles' hidieme fur the dt vcliipiueni <n Ulnidi^l.i will occupy hint for the mxt four 01 live ymii'1. Ih* PuIhUI, director of the National Unl- leiv ol" l"lne ArU, nt Hi ila l\ sth. linn be- LDiiie hiMiue. Ills mania L'the pureliaslnj; uf pltiureM, are pioiunuieed lo be ruhblnh. Iii marel; ihIvIhcs uftalnst the attempt to llioieawe the ipiudtleidhni fur the lrnneldse In Germany. The in a-jniv prnpoKtid rtwecpa away dliuil \ntbij; ii.ln^ether nnd Instluiti h Instead u mat uf eli-utarul col lege which HhU elioonu inenilii-rs nf tho Plot. _______|_^_________ THE'i li.MIl-U S'lllllt*. MtttaMo riViMiCH o die tVHii-h Hhl Tropl la Itrl.'f lorni. Tha Cltlsicnn* BiinU of rann^llnvnio. Tn- dluuu, la cIuhciI and the eaiddor. Mr. J. N. llunton, liaH ntalKnid. MorrlHtowa, N.J.. baa bnen badly llnndeil by the hreaMui; of the da'ai nt 1'nenhuutiin LaUt\ and Un porotri nnt inlmhn*. Ort'at minora! wealth hi nub! lo hnvo booh dlHuoverul iiuib-r tha elly of Hiittu, Alon- tann. and the city Ih to he uaderin nod. _ Tho Urllhdi oil tank ntrnnier Aureole went atfUoro hint lihiht 011 Ilulkhcad Shoal In Unlau-urd Hay. Bho In la a unnxPVAuu noHllloit. Mow VorU Htato Aatoinhly Utw unuhj (in- ttronrlatlgiiK of MO,iK)t),tl0t) for the- next tin- Si? y"mr. Thla U Vbout $10,000 nluro tlmu for taut year. U Ih aald thnt J. Plmioiit Morgan bo- crotlv ruined hlu hid, and linn than uomirM) W) pit coat, ut th, iiuvv U.H. lonn. Mr. Uoriciku wu. It U allejitd, elven n pointer lw Bopift oub Id Mie Tmaaary DaDaHtnODb ^lountoln Climbing :&b a wonderful faeotnation for many men. And, the Uiyhor the mouutnin aud kh gro^or aploo of danger about it. tbo mora anxloua Ih tbo ordinary man, with any mountain olimblng inatinoU whatevor, to jjot to the top of that mountiiin. Thoro ia au intoxication, a iiory outhuaianra abfifli^ it that puubtitt one on and ou. and routs tir (id mnnoloK and lUHpirax Ha^mf; courage to evctlttatlnftly l<"op -t ib mull tho top id roaohod and tho uoolme, y.ophyra that fan tbu brow of tho mountain oool your own tlirnbbiiift tomplcH. Ainoriffoin havo thou^lit that it waft naomiHary to yo to fturopo, to tho Alps, to find any full Urown tuounlulnn to aoalo. It't) nil nHH.iJhhlnr,. Iiui't 11,000 foot high enough, with ^laoiorH, thotiti ritokod, oraok- pd oruaturou of loo and tmow, and ccittern and fhiiiurou and precipitin to climb ovor, tmd inuiid, tho nam an in tbo Adnn? YoK, thoy uro all rit^ht horo olo^o at hand, and if you arc nitoroHtad to know whoro and how and when, juMttmnd your addroHH.aud mix conla in iitiimpp to Ciuii. B. Fkk of tha Nortborn raciiio Kailroad, Ht. 1'uul, Minn., and ho will aond you a book that rocouuta a climb up ono of tho ymndoHt roakn of earth, written by tho nantlomun tho uHcant. Tha ohiiplor on thin mountain it! pro- futudv lUuntratod m half tono otahinoi* takon by a photographer who accompaniod tho paity for that pmpouo. If you are h. toroHtcd onotifdi in your own country to doiuro to know about ltd 'wondorful (toonio fonturca, vou want thin hook. A younuman in Lowell, Matin., troubled for yearn with aaomitimt uiiccahhiou of boilg on bin nock, whu completely en rod by toluiifj only three bottled of Ayor'u Sar* uaparilltt. Another romilt of tiie treatment wan crcutly improved digention with in- crcanod avoirdupoin. Gem and Canadian Aer motor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADEES eitl as Power or Pumping Windmilte, Por prices and terms, addrees ^ T. HAL FORD Essex, - Ontario. Agent for Essex County. STILL LEADING the trade in ill liindfi of Bnik'hnp Materia], "Woodwork for houses, (plnin nr.d crnomental), Bnrn Lumber, SLingks of nil grade", Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS Wo ntc Solo A.f*ontH in the County for T'XXSS AE5RMOTOB.. Ot Chicnp;o, which took Hi^btat Awards at tho World'H Pair. Can luinibh either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A. writtou fjunranteo with every Outfit.] Bros., Essex J. GOURLAIT & SONS, ESSEX. ONT THE TltlOMPn CORN GHELLEB Thi^ Machirto ennaiats of a liomortal oaet oylinto, with wrought io bins, with niooi teoth bollod to tho ojli jdor b* as to bo rovereiblo whoniht tooth bocomo Worn on tho front pido, /unning in ft porforuted concave iron *hoH, which Iho ahollod corn pasaca through into a shoot iron cuse, with & - an or cloi'nor attached below, which takes ail tbo dust iiom .tho grain,. -The ;hoa)ctti bent, m<Et Binjjilo ui d durable Power Com holler in use; ebolls :orn perfectly clean in any condifcicn ^-boiling and cleaning from ono to two houeand buehols of oars per day; according to power. Dimknhionb. Pulley, }.<) in. diam- V ^ter, 't in. face; Molion, SOOto 800 revolntiona per minute; Weight, 5#tlbV ' si4 KVERY SHKLUCR .WARRANTED. 1" u .- J.GOURLAY A SONS ^teh ik^k^f^dMa r, ^T ^'^^[^ ..Mil

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