TH'fc, bvSSEA' KWBh PKE88 J S iJ %.:mu i IT ,.y .it-. J * Furnishings, Ladies1 Coats, Caps^Furs, ' Overcoats, Ulsters, Reeiers, Sine* Hats J OBB Fl 1-2 to 1- the Regular Prices / ^ r The Modern Clothier and Men's Outfitter, SANDWLCH AND OUKLIilTTJO STKIiKTS. WINDSOR. - ~- -.........-, i-.r-T-r OOAI? PERSONAL MibhLcuu llicliti, of Wallcervillu. in vin- iting fnondn in town. G. Nicholson, of Amhernlburg, wnfrin town on Wednonday. ChiiP. Chirk, of the Combor Herald called on uo Inrsrhiy. W. H. IIellemn, ut the: Iviiifiuvillo Iln- ymiter, wbh in town this wouk. Mr. and Mtr. Jon. Kohinnon, vimtad frirndu near Leamington thin week. MiiiHOH Mary and Iionu Kay,of Kuchostor, tiro visltiug ut JVlrn. Duwjardin'n. Mr. N. C. 15. Smith, of Chicago, in visit ing ut tiio homo of Mr. "R. Perkm. Mien Minnie Eaton, of Dotroit, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. MibbC. L. Soarff, of Woodatocli, Out., 1h vinitiug her brothor, A. II. of thin town. MifiH KeBbitt, of Walkorvillo, vimtod rt'^'iveH iu town on Saturday Mid Bunduy. Alitmoa Doxkio and ICattia Tanuoy, of I>otroit, are ^ucbI.h of Mr. and Mro. A. J. Wilcox. MioueH Eunice and Miunio Pefctypicce, of Winnipeg, Man., are yarning frionda in town. Miflu N. Porkm, who has boon viuitmg Mies A. Coleman, for the past few wgoUb yoturnod to her homo today. J. W. Quick iu spending a fow dayH with liio brothor John hero, who in Buffering from ft cancer. Mioh A. Uolomau and MifiH C. Williams, Entertained a nnmbor of thoir lady frionda on Thurtday evening. Mia Lillio Whitney, of Cotfcam, is upending a fow duytj with hor gr&nd- par<?iita, Mr. and Mro. D. Whitnov. MisH Mmmo Miiywinl, returned to hor homo in Kingnville, after ape-ndinc a wouk with her auut, ftlra. Win. Shoemakor. Irrigation in Dakota Iu cftnamg that much maligned miction of tho WoH'ern country to bloosora like the rono. Quonug from a publinhod artiolo on fchoHnb]oott it io fltalod that "Mon who aro aooiwtomod jto tarmiug iu uon-irnipitud <Jintriutn aro'iilow to boliovo tho reh/orta of BliOrmoilH yioldfi of all kintlii of farm pro ducts it thOHQ HGoLioun of tho country wboro 'irviijatiion ifl praoHHod." Aa irri'Mtl'd 10 acre farm produced groator and botto.* r6* Biiltfl than u G'10 u.oro farm rultivated in tho ordinary way. In a fow wohIw wo bono to be ahlo to publish' vnriomi itomi from ditfoktttot individual!) gwitig thoir per- Honal oxporionao in irrigation farming. . Iu tho mcuutlmo wn.H '<>** B f"^ py ' M ""fl'ratud -immplilot -iw roforonuo to tru'-.'ion in Dakota, pubHtihod by th.A nbioiiio, Milw&ukaoA.flt, Paul IVy Oo. ' *-'1.-i:hh' a. J; Taylor, Ouuttdiiin Pans. t nut, Toro-ito Out, : '( I'ublit! H(*lnol Heport. M inn Willintjis mom, ,Ir, Urd clasm; markH iio^HibJ-! 1,'f; nltl.itiin-'d by ]iigliHt tt:n ' TTn'aiiMiiiu 1-J, A IvohiriHon 4'J, (i Ft tit- h:ini 41, 1"j .Johnson 10, i\l lieernau -10, A Wyiuau 10, .R Irwin 3H, M' ]"ite :jh, (! Oonnluy 118, .) iJotnun ",t7. Sr 2ntl, murlw possible 50 : H. Kmith ;"(), G KobiuHun 11, V Iturdick Ul, D Me- Jiwun -12. T DaviH -10, II Allen 10, A Nay, lor Jill, C Juf'fury 30, G White IM, A Uowsun H-l. Miii LIull'h room, inark.H portsibli! '2Gobtained by highent ten : K Ilamiiiti ail, M Hall 'Jil, W Wilson '2*2, V Munro.,* 22 li Doreitau V.i, Grace Wiglh l'.l, W Bartb 1H, .J WoUu 1H, II Cauipbbll 1H, N Lipputt Hi, Mitia Sliaw'.i room, Sr. nart '2nd class, marltH poHHibin 110, obtuiuod : hi May 110, J Si-won ii7, L HhyndrouH 57, G Laird 57, W BiituM .00, G Allen -iti, M -11, V HicKw lii, W Uo^gell 38. K Beatty '27,11 Duwar '21, G Parker '21. MiiiM Aitchiaon'a room, mark a poumblo 100, received by highust 0 in cIuhh; Sr. '2n J oliiari: W Burton 100, A B Utiok 100. J Walker 100. W N.i.ylor 80, A Wiyhtman HO, U. Paul "}d. Intermediate and Jr. 2nd, mnrliH poa-iiblu 150 obtained by highest 1'2 in cIuhh: M Kicliardaon 1H, L Trewin 17, G Nay lor 47, H Bautihmuii -17, II CniHuwollnr -17, R Seara 10, A Coroy lfi, M Congdon -15, W Chatterton -Hi, ,1 Brown -15t M Baughman !">. j fif;n nil !"P,;>\"1.' '.nr \:'n\j I'.ii ( N"*-. -:.'i ?nr1* ,<., Ann':-.HI Mi-.v Vnrk.Kcb. 1--T1U! l.oni;.n vtn*- ii v ui'i ! i- tlm "di;".rp|"idiit tnnl eh Kii" with wh oh '" I -""'I SiillrhnryV_..Q:Jj.."-ilLJi:!v" rr" i'.-,,-, i\ hi,, stH'i'Cli of yrsh-nlny. [ t.-> It: , i lb .Prliin- Alh'ilMt'-r'. n\>- ! j "1 Ii. in.); I ILlili'.^ll:!, Hi < i"-1 I:*' t i * -1 *- j < ...... ! r.'io Ihr ll|i:' n.i' m ,-"'."'i !i"i' J "- :. ;',r.-;i.t i.mpli-.- at n. r.vWA. m' il^ fl""- . !> tlVi ! : I ., '.! i|;:ii'ti.-,i wil ii Wni'-Ii I)-. ' "i"- : .i ' - I !. ( ,im':.. Jm roil in In- I ' ,.: i'd- i-i ilH'tiUJ'JliJUI. til'" w< I i. i '.. il; .v,'.-v, ;' ll:. .' . I- f'-- .' 'in .': : . I ' - r,,;. r; :i, . i j ' , - ! . ' r;, .! ! .i.i-nl- i .;.... , 111- il or...i'.-1-f.i.if. 'I'll hi- ! . i i.i: r- I'll : rin J" 11 -. . II !.ll \'. - >!'. t: i: .flu ji il)'l -- '.:' <<!' - i r . i j ','.'. 11 11 I'l-nj" ;i :j :i 1. i . : ". of ii>,< t!l, l:'.1-!'! v ;i inl dr.-. p.iir I > Lb" ' ' Ann iii- Ji- < il. W not \ rl .'-nil ' I'i'il -I lit il ' ' . i ;i r- iiiitrl! mi , ii, it will' :- i '-;i'l '..-it h Ini'^pr. .- IfrT- .siiam.. junl . II ] " .',l,iinl. j "'."! il.' uppn.'r t'ui' ii inoiiiclil wlKLt [ I ."i (I Sill iHiliry ;;;iid u ;i'- tni-'. :ind i rn ^ il ii .. r in-i.iiu [ i ' i |) : n.i n I'. rit>, . u- ' 1 ; i ' ' Ill-- J-'ullji :i in )ii.- ii '.J .-o ' i !' ml \- will b-.- m.' -ui- | I I'.1- i -onl ^i.ili: bin-y'.s ypi-f-'-b j ."-'. :i.;t -I.or'l Sili. injr> fiiiy:. 1:^ :,nl > IMP. Ii Ih ;i. hi(h-"ij.i ami i;;-|jul,l,- di.i- 1 " inn of t h" tr'Mt ii. Thi r, .11:1- - :: nil.* "f lb'* n l .'i ! , hy (Ii.- i: I'iitj' oC 1 :' i'iii.. I! 'r ov:: Hj-' r.-'l i Uj.\Ti!>- 'i' iil"llly ra.llwl 1 "" < y j -i us ciii', inl i"ii. In-: i'h---, to I'" "i' ft .' tl:>-ir : : i:,d I ."i'i I" ;i : ;.il|-\ '. -pi cell \\ ill ni;i; ,t H.ivi' (:'ii',;:ini .n '[:-:i(cr,iI itunrti of lli.). ... ......3 !.- i i \ ii: Itlii;: j .i.. ii 1 ni.-, iii'i'i!. Moi')lir;n, |"ili, :;.- 'I'lio nhlpnujiit of -M - -IJu.-:.. :'.' i-.i I io:. <i. i.u:- ! ,. iiioit , ii .\ in t llU'i .' . : |o'"ihii-l.- ii.l li.I.--, point, IjI'i J.* I, IO 1.....Hi- ill" llVr 'ill'!-; i' Ml lir-l'ClJ .i i i .- M-iu [ j , " i.;' ill." I iu; i, -I i.' ,' ll.!.. I II ' li ..' ',. a, ;\.:\ i hi ;.'"i> .! . . - '[ i > ii.- i' : ..".;.! i . ,, i K.i,, i'i oi IS > t i , " .'. li.i .i 1" .1 h" |'o; I ".' . , t ,( ii in: ii i j i i i : i m '! , ,.. i.'i" In; ii.- , < 111. r ! :: V i\. I - .1 111 il......t. t> tin- f.'ai ,i ' ] -;iH> li I'. : I- i i-i l Ir , ..1 'I' il.- ' ,n;. - ! 1, One hundred odds and ends have been laid oat on. o nr Bargain Tables at prices that will make quick clearances. i'i' : " 1 i . 11 i i l M : l. I. Ill (.if |-"l I I,. i..: i. i. , la, .ih ; ;ii: iii .1: Xi t.- ' !NFLATr:(iVAL0Ei"HE8E TO UxM YOU,. | .-, pi.-ccM (If.nblr-r- id Alum Oro.,; All our 1 fie Twill Scl-siit. SIti-t fi'-i.ili. i(."nil;ii' l'li'ici: iHr .ru'lur-uil iiiniii/.js n-'lih:^'! to Mc n. yard. I flntli in ri-r.iin, black' ii-ipI i V:l,-I:. -iviii.:.: Hu-mm-i i),-..... 1,l"m'",,|)r io,;i'- vnr.1. C[, Mj. in-ijaw ;,i,ii bliLt:!'1 ) :J(> in-li imbl'McIiwI collioti for pni'.; 'i"i; ,i ynVf'l, r--'liw:i(l In lib-. It: pnl.. .. in la I 1 I"" 'I ' ! I'. In IM W Wis irll 1L ,' n.'l .-:a 1- iair.'.':-" i- ni.:..,. (,.(-.-- v,-j li I ,i I:.', i I f has lOuccno PicUl'H Jjftst tory. Iu 1881 En^ono Fiold wrote a atory which ha called "Tho Werewolf," "VVhou it wufl fimahod ho laid it iiaidtj and n your ufterward entirnly rewrote it. Iu 188C> ho utiaiij took it up uud raviacd it, und during tho niuu years botweoii that time and bin death iu Novembur lant, ho rowroto itoi^bt- timeii. Ilifi butf roviniou ploaood liiui and ho decided to pnut it, But dctUh~~onraer too Huddonly, and the story watt fouud, unpubliohodj amou|< hiu effootn. Mm. Fiold, concluding to havu tho Htory appoar, Riivo it lo tho editor of Tho Ladioa* Homo Journul, in which nrm/^aziuo all of Mr. Fiald'u worli, ontnido or his uowapapor nrtialeii, wau proBontort to tho public.'. Tho titory will bo priatod in tho next lasiuo ot tho Journal, ntrikin|*ly illuntrctad by Mr. Huwurd Pyle, Boot and Shoe Repairing. A. J'j..'Kmclib bun opoimd a Boot and Shoo itap'oriiig'ttliao iit'hi.4 housa on lv- WiM av'i, 2 door* bolow fl. A.. Bairraukflt A. uull uolioitud. ' fl-2m K. 13.KNXGHT. ' on; .i"-; i> :i .!--li- liit. ! niiiTrf W blf'ii Ih t- !' li ol pr- v -;-'-'lv- ui"1!'..'-;'.-!] (o him ;i iifi ;in :ipO- l1 : L!i.-ni." TbI- i.' .I.'i. ..]l_i..".':iiV;;( lt^-..)ii'.-']-*ly--i.ppi>:il- Ll'O] (.1 .! ' iiri. I i 1;1 i he vi Inrp-- ; " : . o,i i poli. ll'Tl'i' I'.' :ili M,;|- il, t..y ' last, u;.' Ill's ;;j.-' li. ioiM-li <.i" Nic Hiippnri his Oov- ' iiiin-at i-.iil!y iiinl.- In tin,- ."till pi-ndin.:v (M-hl-. He h:i.-- a!:;o ;uv;i IcciP'd K-'iiilli!.- 'II: int.- I ul' hi. iiwii :;i7'i'ti;;tll iukI a l.ihl if.i which Kim- I;l nil's i;iii'iuii-M will 1 to t..t kc I ;i'l\';m t .i ;; oi' tlian In political oppo- | in-u t- ;i i in "it *. ' ! ' 'I I !n- li-- hi ul" I 'iiry V con- ( I1 Ifii. ':' Ihil i-.-li I'ailu: . and Irr.po- t' 'i<-.. ni t.!n- L*:,i>-:i (.la- ;;r:nral I'biro- \>- :i 'i. p. 'Hi i-ul sii i'in bci (iim.'.s iin>iv 'jriiical t'.ai, cvi-i 11 b in ill fr-fni.-ii-tly ;--iii;:',vst.-d thrUt An.-tia and Italy would pM-lVr I'li.-hd- rhip wlib J-In^land In c.i.-,- tin- th-rnnm [^rnIll Fi-rdi iia nd'.s pltia liP- vu cilia tion Is ufb dfd a.nxif-ty to Austria, ;ind tends to iiiCn-.'L^f her a-Ma^nniMii towfirdn llussb'L and dra.w ln-r aw-iiy from (l.-r- ni.-iny. It Is still th,. ^i-n.-nl h.-li-r that th*;- Kaisci- Ir cult l'.'a.tiimv clo-..- re lations witli tin- i '/ii r, ami that hi:-? ours.* is. not n-'Mi-di'il with apprnval by his southern alii s. IjoitI Sal!; y strange sp"'-e!i can hardly 1'ail to sti ci,;! In. u th- hands of ni' Kii:-v];i nd'.-: i.*ni-.niii m. h- .'. ill In c.-r- Lain to encnura;.',!- tin- Sultan and t!:c ' V.iir in prui'i.*d with th-ii' p'!-; n,--.v.'h.i t - ever they may be. In /.sia Mimii-.uith j tin- r-jnitidt-nt assuiiine.- i li -1 fJivat j Jb'itadii wil] not sefion \y p \>[>-.-1. I Speculations ;lm Lo c*\-*-nl i I ics. iu>\v- I K'i.'i, ;li"'- still vain. Tin- ^aue- is 1 ** . played In the dark-. S;:ii*i 1 ini* mcwh may conn.' to-morrow, o.- ma;, be d - biyt-d 1'itr u'i eks, ni' even m-uiths, Mr. I-'ord, catjlliic,- i'mlo i,.iiul..n to Thi- Trilm-ni: on tin- .-:aini- suljj,;ei, say.^: Tin- appi'oa-ch of l'arlian.ciit is ht.-r- a,ldcil by an oiitlin.-ak of oratory in difiVivnt pai ts of tlii.; I'niti d Kingdom. Lord Sallal.ury's spoc-'h Kriday n,e;ht before Lb,. NoneojifnrniUl I 'niuni-sts was nut bap]>\' in thon-lit or phrase. II .H II' >nn: Itub* pai a I bd bet we -n 1 rc- land and the- Tran-vaal was cluin.-ily drawn, and hi.*- tall: about Armrin.a was absolutely db heartenliiK- ll is not sLraiiKi- that many I'ln^lishmen arc .saying that the I'nitid States are nioiv likely to inter1.'one in Aula tic Turk<.*y than I'ln^ia ml, although, as The Si)ee.t;itor remarks, the Americans will be certain in ailier- to llieir tra ditional policy of ab^ienttoii from l;hi- rojiean affairs until their i>wn coun- tryniL-n, not Arineiiiana, are nuti-sii.- cred. The Triple Alllrtiu1^ l!iilmlif. New York. Feb. 1. A despatch to The IK-raid from ltoiiu; says; Tin? Aus trian Amba.ssador hen.- states that the Triple Alliance* Ih unshaken. Austria,' c.'d'eckilly, ks absolutely resolvod to up hold it. Jtoth Austria ami Italy dusirvj a reconciliation between Germany-ami Italy. Flour Trmlti <mH'l. and the feeling firm HLndBht rollcr.s lieliiK quoted at $ to $:{.uri. Maiihoha pun-nts at ?1.2U, and si runt,' IjiiLith' ut :i.hO to $:i:t)(), llnm ('arn ol bran mv Jinn aL ?11.50 west, ami shorth i;l .ffJ-Till to IfKI.aO. Wheat Tin? iimrki't rontliiiioH llnu on liru Iti:d o.iVi'rings. While sold uuisbie ut T'Ju to H(lc, the liitti'r un Norllierii, und i'ihI I.i (liiotc.d at "He tu 7Hc. No. 1 Manitoba hard 7bc bid tu ini'lve North liny, with Hue iiskeil. No. - hard Is quoted tit 77c North Hay. No. I-hard ^rhuliiiK hi transit, Stir* nlll, quoted at title to hlii:. Hurley This ininket 1m dull anil fcaturn- -lun. No. 1 quoted at inc. No. '2 at -10c, nd feed at lille to IlOu. OntH Trade qtllel, and priryH unchiuijjeU. Mixed kohl outnlde went at ITJi;, and white ut -He. A cur ut' mixed soli] ut i!iV{|i: oil truul:. PeUH-'-'J'lle Hllirliet Is titomly, with uulcB north and wrat' ul rile. HueUwheiiL The market Ih uiielmuKCd, with sales outHblu at 'MU;. OaliiHMil~lIiis.iu's.4 qulft, with prlcen un- chaiiced at ?-.'.>U to $:t on track and hdiuII lotH at. $:!.'2G. t;oru~Tlie miirUet la ateady, with .oDfnr- Iiik'h outrttdo at ;Ji!c. Uye The niarltut In liteaily. with Ueniuud moduratis ut -I'Jo to r0c outnldo. liUil'lyil MAItIvBT.8. Llverpocd, Feh, 1. Wlieat, uprluj*'. Ti 8',<,a to Tin Utl; rod whiter, [is K'/jd lo un u'-jd; No. l Ciillfornhi, as Si'/yd lo fta Hid; corn, new, ilH y'/jd; pfiiH, -hi it'/yd; pot'U,-fjltn ltd; lard,' 'JHH-Ud; tallow, 21 ;id; bneon, heavy, \iln (Id; do., Uttht, 1!7h (Id; elieern', -ir>n lid. Mvoit-ooI rn- tiiH'H ttironj; ami Id hl(;ln'r at ." iHyil for Koh. und Tin Ulil forMureli, April, .May und , June. Mnlae Vul t.lra*er at Itw 'Ji/jl fo? ,! kVh..' :(h '2%t\' tuv Marrh. and April mid-.v.H ;id Tor May. bnrobai- ("Ifi'M' Wlient olY ennt iiothnu: iluhr,,*, nil pi*tw.iL">.' Ilnii.'i'.' Ma':;;1 *,v oa: ,. . : .. dour *m/ atJ UouCor MwuU. ; : ii ! ilia t :-'iir ' 'ha , I ' " .....-IiuiiP! i!i< In-!' : - - i. ' p'.i I iii'l! y. ; i j. . ; i:e i :orn I'-X'.-i'.-ui",.-, oi which Mr. lv- (;. : if'-nt, -. i! I i-.. In < d i, '.' u :.'. i It < !' ( i t ! Iu ill-- i :i ( 'b.i'l, - 'i'i. - !" . . .'. i...;..-,.: .- .: i n-i .j... . . i I . . t Ir- : t- a mi.--.- ,p b:, - ...'! t ! inland f . ; :. I lia t to.: il- cji. ni. ;; i.f i be en : i : i a II P. ;'.:. b-'d ('.a .'. ,.i d -v. : I h. all p- s.jbl . s|.....I, an.! that a. sir". ' -' am! i i:.', :- m-cii i .- i -\'ur; hw t < pul'L.. 'i be Ii.tir. icipal i: lee Li' HIS took . p 1 a i ' ycti-rday. and tin- rin;;, which u.. l!.i:-:--,'M i-ni' d a I I ;: - n .lo.w.-r ul" \'t;.. j. , . i. he. i.. In la.' t i .' i ;. I in,', .-a i.d 1 i'-. i . exi i p;. .\ Idei' li ,n\itic, \'.iio ii , 1,-c ll I' - ).'.-1 ., Hie'. '.'. lib nVel'W i.elioo.. d .. a . . . A ii.".i;i,",>-i tie- slain arc .\ li.- cneii .'.< Ian, in Si. A mi's, d- 1 -at .-.1 by ..i. 'i h'.nias K ins:i IIa. by 7-^i, a lid hi i i. ' Same \. Aide! m.i.n C> miia up, hi <... V. a-: r--.l-'ie(I by -IK. Vote;-; ow.a' .': i.>;,.., i :,l,. r.. . lo ;-1. .'-,! ,u y's Wa nl A bi'.nuan J iP I ' r l. . c. v.-ry shining' l.^ht In rin ell (']. .-, tnm . been l-'i I a t bti ..e L . *. tlilie t/f I- -,u viiLes, -\Jf. I'lai'i .... takb,- bl.s i-laue. I u I t-.i-bcl.i :;a. the \va i;) i--t by Aid. : :'. I'uiiiail.e, t h- ! ei iii.eii, (..'i' of tin! la I l"rV ::( [ 1 .i it !, I':.! !; ^..^e. has I i ei i.i. :i;eii hy .\1j-. \\'i;..oi, w i; .. h. V' a- -s to spare. In St. I,oui.-.' Ward, A Id-" l i.ia.n Sav'e, liLie ;;Ih| I P liaild.bolh id \iij.'.:i ,i. .\ ,: _ . ' "i'-(i [.!;. .1 I , lUlA'c iieejl i'. -id - ;. I, i . .1; .-t-naiin d by y.l'J, and tb . s >.. I 1- 'i1' o.f a ma jui ily. In" St- bmni'in'i! Wa: d 'th-- rill-V ::! ' nai'b- a t;raiid stand, wbh tli Ir fav..r ite C'liiiracioi'. .Mr. Jaiip-e (.'. .ebr.i .. -. as their candidate. The r'-sul; Is U.a. Mr. James If arper ca.rri -s t lie wa ;* ' by til'U vot-.'s, burying the ri:ia fur al. time lo i-i one in (hat civic d I visa ei. Yia-re was ahai an In it-i-* s.1 in .*, t'.-.l" in St. Ji an Ilaptisto V, .u d. v:i. .' :: !:; Jiibd- of 111.: c maei 1, 1 . ' b' ' n .l"l'e i Led by M r. f io i : ii.-ph"\v of the Mbilsl*-,- uf [op P - Works, by i::r. malo.dty. hi St, (',:,] '. : V.'urd, A bb i man Turin i' w >'. - ed, del'ea tiiiK ex.-Ald. Ta.; . In the (% riLre Ward, a very ra u: - born contest wa;; also \,,;i.....I, and ht-r tli-- fine had their one v.e'er-- 1. ih- ;'e-clectiun of Aid. Iialn\dlie.e'iair . a nf the Irinancc Th.- v..;- .-tood thu.--: lb 1' \-ille MTi. ll. Laporto -lai', a i'-y . "'". The two fllHt ai'e, CtClSeqili , elected, li lid In all the other Ward:', here only two candidate:-: a--e n:"i . limied, eh-etitiiis by acclamation ha 1 already ta la-n place. Ai'i.-bbi.-dn.p Kabn.- lias Jmd !::t:i: e l '!)': niiiniu-i- uf collecting Lilbes b- lie- of Montreal, where the ta:; p '" tl'.e support of the parish priest wa fi irnieriy levied In yrabi. Si rid-, In -e: - ever.hay has beevme sindi a. prolita. ' eornmniodity In this p|povir;ce, :n 11 expense of K*'ain, It happiuied vi.-ry t n (i pent Iy that Monshstir b: Cum ca: mil iit Lhe little end of tin- hoi n. } iJniiv, however, lias hit upmi a pbci i hat. mi-ft.s the iliOi'-nlty, by or.brinf; that the faithful, from this time out, pay 10 cent:; per tun mi 11?* hay rais ed by each Catholic farmer. I oil ItYiiii.-inl,-. of Wont I bv.-:- flutM:1' in length.) of UA iu i yajais at' Ics:; Idian lialf [irice. J a Child'.; Twrn-.a Clsicr;,' re-u- ! i. lap price S'J. t,f- ';._'e'ib for ('.Or ; s'.". 1." i .ad ' ; M ;i ni.ies jbi' Si .,' j ), < Oatdi, (! ip'idii'!-' MiiiiHia-i wore Sb ami i1"1 SH lY-dtp-rd to S^-2 cacli, Spcei'il values in ' it.t/in Hliirt- ni!pS nl. ai' 7t: .'iii'l lf)<: 3 anl. Mens' heavy Top KliirtH luilucrjtl in WU: fiich. ;o iindi Tabhs J'jnon L'fi^nlur JCxtrn line i: la-niiuhjUa1; at 7 c a yard. linen 'lac. f" u'.'cd i.d Hoc. bJ inch blciialipd Tallin .Linon SI.on (jiinlity vcHucoil *-n*t*5c yiti'd. V Idiion TtLblo NiLj.kins for 1.00 lb | ii;l-s;- oi' 7c I'laid diii^haiii J-oyn i2 jiii-oti wnol j'v/cckI SuiU '.-. bd'pr ii );i.n1, i"iiici;(I IVoiii S-J.od l,o SI .7"> caioh. li ,x 1Mr(:i., ;j|j.i,1(!], Amei'i.-ab Vniiu-.-. :-i }>\<^- Suit-. loo- Pants r^ l.'LTealcH, \;lmL-'<1 I'ttHt eolurri, l^incy Twoo1h r.^'iilar prico ^H.OO |'| 1'or I idle n yard. relumed to >';i.7-i :< -'ttit. N'cip-1 all Wool TwodflK mats ro- diicotl lo S i.od it suit. Mens" J'.lacl; Wnrstcifl OnatN and :i(i-iint:h ISorderod Heavy Skirt- VfJhtr. n,dii(.-G(l to $0.00. in- i'nr loe a yard. ;d) Uuyi; all Wool Tweed vests ;{ dozen' alines and ('], ihl'rf ro: uIit1' 1JI ^O^"^(inccd lo25c r>hudv Casliniero Uoho i'Voi;: 7bu a ouch. pair upwards. 1-|0 \mivx of childs hIioch ro od do/, iissorted Drubs IjulUhu dinted to '2oc ftauh pair. ffl lie a do/.. 2u pair of.Ladies' li\iuJvidT cloth- f! LndieR' lleploneUe A'tiLer(irooffi">L Uoi.tori and- Babno-a) Slmoa, K' GoHSiuuorK were $ l,ob & !^a, rc-re^ular price $-.U~> rediieud to p, duoed to ^ "'. .^l,."ib a pair. I m Wo have also opened 40 pieces of New Spring jjjj Woolen lJier> Goc(^, the latest creniionn in Bliuk Liu-iieK ,Ih'ocli0fi bilk ;md Wool Novelties Oreponw, Sergei, and Velonrs, beat viiluoa evornliown by ua, THE GaEaT'COHNEK STORE, ricker's -/ thi; <:iu d- ,t u.Lifi-: l.rtl In a iihhntly DUcovcrj In Itoi-hi-sti-r - A I am ily rdKniifcl. Rochester. .N.Y., Feh. 1. Attracted by a faint cry of a baby. J. D. iv l pried unen tho lOichcu window ol' Iwai- tin Lynn's liuiirie, No, 2 St. clair- .sticet, this morn hi u. lie fell bault hoi- ruu .strlckL'n ux thu g'lauuiy Hiyht ih;u u.el bin i-yi-s. Lyini; on thu hour, luo..- 1ns iJho.stly, was Martin Lynn, hi.-: v.iie, and two little children. in lie uliumbor beyu'nd, lyinii on u Lunibh-. iiL'Wn iJcd, wa|s me man's slater, de-.d i nc duora were lorcud upon anu mr waa let into Hit; liuuse, Lynn was t'oun-i w.iih hia h*Ks strut chine; across ti.. liitchen stove,.in hla imkIu hand was ii idpe, witli the tobacco hall! amoltuu. Near hi in lay Airs, Lynn, t'aeu down ward. Under her breast was a n/jntu old baby, ti-yint; lo numu. un thu other siIu was another enlld, wlio was cry ing faintly: "Mamma, niatmna," xt.wus Lhis cry that had b-'en heard by Mr. Peut. Un the floor by each body weru1 pools of slimy, sickening liquid of a. yellowish tinge. They were all taken to iho hospiLuJ, more dead than alivt;. At mldnUht none had salm-d eon- sch.UHne9H, and It 1b lmpOHsiblo to .state the cause ot their UlnesH. The coroner, i that Haleratua blaeulta waa the cause of the iioiKonlng. They had hc-..-n in thi* condition ilti hourti when found. ICIGHT UKUIJ^I, -MIXTV 'UOlMli1i The Gash-Grocer, Gonlectioner and Baker. iiaJlTE peoplu of the Town of Khhox and surrounding oouniry linvn lonj; folt the want. C f^ of it pLico whoro thoy could ^n and pitruluiHi! what they require on a olnao, onuh J bicas, without b'. ine comptllo1. to pay hi^lun* pricon lo inuko up for tho lonnt-a -" innde in the erudit iiyntcm O II and Keiour ^oodti, Avhiuh.uru ulwuyu of thfibonfc (liiulity, und i!ot our prices, which are the lo.vcNt. Don't inins trying our'i'eiv at 22, cun :h a pound. CAKH PAID FOR FI118T-CLASS BUTTEU AND PRE811 EGGS AND OTHER PRODUCE. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. M; E. WIGLE. -1 gr. Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, A CoHtly Ejcpeiioiicc. C'ollaiitiu of a Clml-ch In li'iiuro IXirln^ the (.'nli'bfutloii ot SIiinh. ParlH, Feb. 2. A terrible accident, resultinpr in the klllluiY of ei^iit pur se .ni. and the wounding of til) occurred to-day at Mimievrlcr, a villatro near Anjrerii, In tlui Departnt-Jnt of Mainu- et-Lolre. Ttut accident wa*4 due to tlm cclUipac of the village church,tn \vhlen nu-ss wan belnir celebrated. The furni ture waa comfortably tilled, moat- <' th-'i worahlppe-i'H beinft women an-* childron. Su-ldejily the walla biyrun' to t;\vr.y, and.before all the oonfrre^ntlon could 'Rot outaidu thoy foil. The roof di Bcfrndbd upon thu Htvug^llny throriK ,'rdH- ejindltiun. ut wfiane of tliii' (:'Klurd "! u, 'u'er'.omi liiat Hit- fw^u-Wd, they will Tho laat act in tho atrufifflo to Iteep alive two newHp.tiporo in ri ono papor town hao juyt ended at Amhorntburtf. A.11 that wao mortal in iho exiBtenco of tho Amhejrat- bur^ Loador hau panuod into tho montiablo maw of tho Eeho. A pluut whioh oofito about 8*1,000 wa8 Bold to tho Edhofor $700 and now uuijuoc- ouh citi/uiiH mourn tho loau of thoir ^ood mouoy in thoir offortu to bo nownpapot proptiotora. Sympathy will bo oxoitod for bowio of thoao but tor othorn tho ^ouoral yordict will bo uonympathetio. Thin nowiipapor yonturo wau not tho il ratio which N. A. Con to indulged but tho ohimcoa aro that it will bo uovoful mooim boforo ho: in roped iu again on n nimilar vouturo. Rumor Miyo that ho dropped a cool.8^,000 in hie offortu to kocp alivo tho dofunct WuHtorn Horuld. It is lomarluible how many pooplo thore aro in tho world who think thomnolvont hoavon -boro uowspapor men. For uuy other occupation in hTo aomo propafatnui in adrnitodly required bub wbu ic comcH to thocouduct of a nownpaper thoy think nowHpapor mun ur like pooty, born, hot mildo, Tiiore havobon bouioooHtly oxporicQQtB ] uiHhed" a goodly number of thorn and doubt-^ loan will coutinue to tuipply othor. Somo people in' Windsor bayo.a very painful recollection of tho Windsor-'Jiuaea, aturtod and conducted by tho lam on tad, Major Lowiu wliioli, in a b'riof poriod fur- ulnhod a nnik liolo for, it ia estimated, 825 000. Every villiifjo and town m tho county hao, at norao Urno, wituaHHod tho death '.'.'. i and burial of a, paper whioh Ha foiid pro v iifl motorn boliovoil bad como to till a.long falfc %want, .. Robbio Eurus uaid, "A fool and his mouoy iu noon parted," and it in said that a euclxor ia born ovoxy_-.niimit&. Tho flBh-. iutf buainotja may bo oxpeatod to doiitiuue and proHpor alonfj the uowapapor utream.\Whon Uioao who huvo a pomoual hobby | to air or political aapirationd to gratifj "will oomo to'voalizo that tho conduct of a uowupapnr roqtiiroti Hpooial Itnowledtjo juat, im tmieh an uny other busineet), tho uewa- papor promoter will have to nook Borne othor Hold for tho oxorolwo of his wiia. ",' Komoto it bo. . rVi] WANTED.",: 'V^f SEVERAL ;MEN:.':'-.V:;;'v;(:;i|Sj Of pood oharaotrt who can .furnish ta^B9"'^ndV^ipl Ugbt rift. $7& to *aW a oionth. AppHoanta,^r' wrltofally-' : ><*mi Tim UBAnr-KY GiauETdo^ Qo,- sMt-iA Braaordf Oa^