Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 7, 1896, page 6

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WPP AT ^'p.yfW^^*^^-^p",n,': i' / ^ ,!*< .*&,:&& FTRRHJ l*R^W=> [JEER THINGS AND ODD HAPPEN- IWQSIN THE OLD WORLD, A Jnbrlo umdo of pine ami Hpruco Wood ulp I" mudo Into nvoroouU In Leeds, ngluntt. It. looks like frloiio, '_i?*tof,tlHtoliU'tifc troen In Hhiglnnd U a shoatnut true nfrForworth,- near Urlatol. t muuauroi "fifty foot, In oli'utimfnroiico, d U supposed to ijo u thoummd yuurtf Id. The proofreader of tho HiimlmrK** uohrlohum, libmmrok'H organ, bun hinm 'lonloiuiiid to four woolen' Imprisonment fcud n flno of 150 murks, iii ".ho chief propagator1" of a fiihu report that cholera had ugulii nppenroil In Ilunihurg' Gorman papem jiHMirt that p;ilh pipes ado of pupor avo a micctnw. Manilla apur Ktfiprf nro pmwul throny-li molten sphitllmii and thon molilnd uiiihr oavy procure. Aflernonllnp;,. thu pipes, which may ho of any dnMirod lnn^ilt, ro- COlVO II WIlU'rplMiil' fillfct ln|*. fj'Inlriiii'dgiutnt ^a\s thai uomo yoarw tiu;a baring (Jnstelhuii, Ihn Paris!,in pain tor, wmitod to jialut a plot tiro of MoiiMlmir Dolbhir, tho exceiii loner, to bo < >cli 11iltni In a panorama of I'.ivMnu iinlalillitloK Mo didn't biT-uiKo Mmu, Dinblci- de manded v>l),ufj') iniiu-h fur the prlvilui.'o of taking tho"'famous" hangman'M Ukneir-JH. For months past the city of Vienna liiw boon (^ovorni'd absolutory by an im ;>t)rlul commissioner, and tlilh will con- 1mm until tho next idty election. Tho liiht rlty emuicil noted m rowilyish that tho Kmpornr of Austria was cnnpollod to UlsMdw ll in hiiws the inhabitants Irtnu un outbrviik of nimrehy. Wo hmni via Kuropo thai during tho Into war not lonh limn lortv-M'ven Japan tstiii ottlcers committed suicide, Imcnmo tho tornm of peart*, which they runsider- ^ too fuvnniblo for China, made them tool toVj 11 cod to livo any Iniit^T A correspondent of tlte .Nitiem In in r Kout'sh! X'ai'hrli'hU'ii itlllrnis thai f ho oil leu of phyidchui tn Ma- Sultan ol Zanzi bar 1h far from hoin^ a hitmen re. 1'roli ably, to guard iifiiilii'-t, pnWmin^. lhn un happy doctor In compelled to mv allow ono-luilf of tho medicine prescribi'il hy him for thu Mel; pei-Min. Prof. Marayllauo, of the Univer.-iitv of Genoa, ban for threu year;- ex; iu'lmunt"d With thu anti-tuberculous' .serum, and aov ruportH In lavor of it. Ho h.ijs tl)llt of tho ol^hly-two fonsuin[tl\eK tieat- ud With tho huriUil, sjxiyulio were either uuinpUaoly cilitcI or In a lair way to ro- Ifuin hoalth, whilo tiwonty-oinj dnrived HO bonotlt whatovor. Itor Paolo Porolil, a eeh-lnated t he- un, ditul two youi'H at;o at Hajari. jV fow ni^hlH ago his ^ravo was robbul of iu Inhabitant. In that ronton tho Udiof jjrovnilH that tho pn'iHuhslon of a pries-fii lionra v.n bluH ono to <Usoovi*b bnUhm trouHiivo A hotivonly tonsils 1h now bcln^ t.ikon hy tlm Paris Observatory , hi count lh . ntarn tho hoavtms arn plioto^rai^ied in K'cMloiJH. Soilll) of till Si- .(.( I lull.- -how in'y a do^cn stari, while others-oi tho * .in (llinunslon^. show hmt I,.'iuu. Tho Work in carried ofi umierthe supni'intend- unco of a Minu. Klunipfa1, a "DoeLor of tho Sehineiw. " Ono of /he. sni.'i'.lest ninnaridiii's In Ku- ropo Itj^tc prim ip;<iuy ci 1 ,u hit n-tein, Vtodffi/il In hetween Ausii i-i a d .-wn/ti- latp-t. Jt, nioa.siircs ahoiit liny Mjuari) "In1lK and has a population of (i.fHHiall told. Lately Its parilaimint ol Jiftecn jnomberH accused the hoverei^o uf \lid-it- ii)f< tlie ('(institution. 'i'i,er.Mi|)iin tho Prince s11n[iJy irnriuin-d ihc ] ..i :i uncut, "unLll further notlci'," and now all in qulot nt?t a)on tho waters of Mm Hhiuo. Atthort tlnii) mn> a l.uty in Pan-, became Violontly lnt.iuw> on tin* hlrem >nnl was Bunt to an a.sylum. lior apitrtnionts in tho Hun Hainhuteau~-llnt] ones, mr wnich tho paid an aimuid renl of :!,IXK) francf, Woro thou vihib d. An intolerable hH-mh [pijrvaiied them. Tho ilonu>nted v.unmn had i'oin])h)ttily "tlnnod* them with empty Minium boxes, which emitted thu poouliar jierfume. Tln-ro were tour cart- tulH of these odorous boxos-, WHAT THE BABY CAN DO. It can woar out a one-dollar pair ol kid ihoOH In twnnty-tonr lionrs. It can liecp H^ father buhy udverlisinj^ 4fj*jilio nijwhpiipnrs for a nurse ft can on-upy bnth suit s of tin: lar^i-st it/oil hud ninnul.irluied, .slniuliaiieuiihly. It can make iiM'lf 1 iok liUo a lleiiii joht Wlion maiuma want* in show "wliat a ptotiy baby hhe lias." It CiUl po from the larihesi, mill nl tho Vooni to thu bitii of the stah-. in i)h> hull adjoining (piieker than its inoihei' ean just Htop Into tlitj closet and out. ;if/iln. It can k to .sleep "hl:o an anu"l," and Jufit as jmpu and inniiima iini ht.irtln^ tor tho theater it tan wake up and stay .ftwiko until the last act. S jiuwj are some of the tinner-, a baljy Can do. But thoic arentlu-r things an Woll. j* baby can niako tho coinmoneat housci tho brightest .spot on uartli. It mm lighten the burdens ol a lovlny inothor'h Iini by adding to ilium. It can Uattun its dirty Undis faro a^' tho Window ptinu in Mich a way that tlm tirod fathor can koo it hh a picturo bufoni lio fouudb tho cornur. Yo.s, bubieh aro meat ^Institutions,panloularly otio'h own baby. WANTED TO KNOW. IX tho iiyu of a nt'oUlo over winks at a protty ficanihtruHh? If tlm apple of tho oyu 1h hwetit or sourV If thu fork of a river cvor rusts? If tlm man who tiinokod to kill timo V/an guilty tj|t murder? How many tooth ban tho mouth uf a vivort If an iron ih Uhod to ourl thu uobo lii Moorn I1 If tho Toot of a hod U over troubled y/lth ooriis V If tho turnkoy who "bhottho holt" wua hung. If tho bono_of contuntlon. waa ovor f rao- turod? How many woro Injurod whon the lady burnt Into toutH? Uow many pounda will UhIius' scales ymitfli? If tho man who saw tho homo fly was benrod P If tho olophnnt carrion htu olotUin^ lu hit- trunk? Xf tho roof of tho mouth ovor loakc? A GAME OF DRAW. **^' ThlH world in hardly more than, u gam* ol diaw. It tttkoH: A rich mini to draw a ohook. t A protty u\t\ to draw, attention, A horuo to dmw.'u curt, A pJltiBtor to draw ft blluter. iA;^opov to draw a cork* .V (tog fight to drown crowd. > A Mve paper like ours to draw httb#ti*n*- WISE WOMEN! Two Opinions Freely Given. Wiiwi woiridii itlwayii into Diamond Dytm vhun tho woik of home' Uyouig hni;mn. i he nuijftiity of women kno'.v that Dia- noiul Dyoo produce tho riohel,' utrtmuuMt .lid mnut In-illiunl coloni. Two utiuru of i h Liiinnd Hyon trcolv jfivu their opmioini "!t/, A. fllutticli, Wind or, N. H.....ayu ; ' 1 nve ust d Diamond Dyou for o\r two i uni *md find tliem uhnd of id I othoni ; Imy arc the html for productu^ olunr himI (\uly coIuib," Mm.Itui. II. Coultor, Ntiopawn, Man., >ivm; "1 have nlwa\H mucli plcuiiuro in i'linp; Diinnmid Vyr*; T think tbuy aro .mid, mid ulwaju ui'idr old tliintiU look thu new." IKAUTTUOUllLU UKLIKVKD IN MlNiniiri. :ui A'oiidoiful Hciiult* Vnllow tlio Umi of Or. A|;now'n Curu for tlio tloui t. '1 he liood tliM Dr. A|jnow'n Cure for the I ait him donu fiiuln it riutjinp; eidin Iti the eitrtH of thnuhuiidi in (-onadu. who have v-d thia niediciu'i. Tlinro uru nomi dm ieu where prompt notion i^ not Ftbimliitulv .icTShurv to uveit <|ui :k di*ioitui. Thin i l thu ctiiiu u'ltii heiu't atfootiou of any mil, Whother thi ho ohronio or iiympa- hetia, oi partaken of a moro wtaitlmy ohar- ett r, ho lu a fooh'di one who will huhilltUB upply an iiumcdiatt) rumody. 1'hm ramtMiy will novur fall to roliovn in '(] iihiiu'l'k, noiiutior how hm^ HtandinR r diHtraub-uj; tlm trouhU nmy lm. If you i L\n hourt, dmi'iuio ami w sli to live, you i lvo only to iihU thin jjruat curu. At dru^- i e i. < utnri-li In (ha lie ml Udimtf) impure hlnod and cunnot be med with local apphnatiotiH. Ilood'a sT,ruiiarillti hut! curtsd bundredu of cages .1 catarrh ht.cur.H0 it putilios the blood and in thin way roinovu the cauHu of the dia- .ibo. It aIho huildn up the nyut-ein and lovoiiiH attttckfi of pncumoui.i, dyphtborii. ;ind typlmid fuvcr. Tho man who oohinVoi omliaoiit iuooumi (ilthnr AH udotootivo, or tho or^aubtor and oomkntttJ*f of a ottv P>hoo foroo, w of UrtoOBBity it mun o( (Vrit olitwu taonlR.1 an- dowmoutH, Iu bothotinnoltiiitt Ohiof Ma Kiuuon, of tho Hamilton Pohou foroo, him anhiovwl il HHotitt whioh makoN him tlm mivy otrivnU. tli uiumi in known from oooan l.o odoiui huh man of onory itncl HhrowdnugH. Ito paywtho followinfi oompli- nmntu to uittVit; )l\Mlt.l'ON,.fAV.;t, IHD.-i. "Oil (jonoral prmuiph'X I have huon oppOBcd to tho iitii of piitionfc mudioiiian, no oallod, ami onpiai'illy ouro-iiltn. Wlnlo Ktiffnrinc with ii novorn oold, wotl Hoatud, with mnut diutraimiuL' coii^h, tl modloul friond in whomo I had thn mo it implicit conhdeuci), rnoommondod I'tMi'-Mua', ho urgently, that I wiu indttcod to try nbottlo. Kowatiifaotory wan tlm remit that wo now kep ii hoUloof it at all timumn tluihmisu, and rooornmtitid it to our fnond'i. W fool llmnkhd to tho lucky propriot.oni for thiw nuw roinody. tro^rotthat lotnnut roiuh tho o.rn of the thou-iand'i of my fri'i-i In anil aoi|uainti<nco, ncattTm*. ovor Gaund* artd tho Hutnii. in ordur that I mi^ht a 1 viho thorn, {us I could w th full ifl linuo) , to us* PinotniH., whim tr)Uhlet with ml'! , conyhor crippo, or unci* hkf* admtnU . Thi uiujlicitoil lottor you oun hub hi any way vou may daiiim. Y >ari (Iralnfull y, Much MoKiuuon, Chiof of Palme." frying hard to ket-p ImlIc Inn iiurn. "I'vn been very jolly with 11 iruld, of uouimu, mid Mm. {iriiinliiirni'M iiiu'ii ever no fjnud lit mn --hut I'vu inn mm Y wvry day. !s)i ill \yo gd wt fnii'? I'm all Kiiiily, add my box iu pucked. And ldi|ill I K"t her ti'day? Oh 1 do let on umk<i hunio und Iftithriiiit liiu IiiiihI in that of IjIU'iIIb uh li>< Mpolc'*, who roH'i Hitiilii)^, nnd utldre_Hudd I Iflt-n (ii'anditinn: "Yell nee, madliue tlm Lien of UiltUtti Mil it Mm tit t lio'u: of dp ml ill i p. I'li'ioai to ac- c. pt l lie hi-sL tlmnkv i f tin- pirriitil of ihet in.y.lor join i .o t ( f' nn atn um \ ti \ lllf.^ mo i:nMit, to w.ich I inira add my own, and u i-b \ oil farewell " ' < looil uff'-uio i!,"ri|d MlH. (Ir.iiulllinii, litillly, .i.i she w-itidie-i them (jet iiiln tlm lly which u'.o. in i/i and drive it way to t lie Miailon. And brton uhe li.iii time t<> iK'qii'iint I iic\ ni h witli the cii f'unuitance, Kniiny (Hinlniih Lin- ejipi'i t a Kh of ni"eti!if; lil't mother) wiei far >i\v ly on thu broad Atlan tic ! CIIAI'Tmc XII.-KY KU'VNK. UANIiY. 9 waflhed Unlik moit propnotary uvj lit-ina-i, tho fnrmuhr* of Dr, iyor'ti rJirmp-irdla and othnr preparation*, ara choorfully nont to any phynician who apphoa for thom Uouau the npcminl favor acoor hid thofiu woll-kuown uHandarrl rcmodifii by tho World'u Fair comminnionor. Ayor'nChorry Pectoral iu known hy iti worku. Thooxponimoo of halt a oontury proron that no othor preparation of tnu kind utopi couf^hin^ ailayn irritation of tho throat and bronchial tubou ho promptly and ffeotually au thiu. /'- By TWE N TV- FO U R-A UT H O RS. ^ "jPiimHioii o^.lCoac PuftXo. ed into Mrs. Colonol CluLteihuck ay it by in .git:, [Linl went luimn to l hi- Lan^'-nam \\-'l I uith her lui'-h.ind, as if they ' ' "ii niarrmd for twenty jtsais. l'om iiiyn after a WLdl known uW'.uiht '%. to st.iri from Liverpool for New \ oik and ' '-ii i*it'u.i)u woro uirt-'udy Rccmudon board 0 h-t "Aod now!" naul Lucibe, witli .i win- ii \ binilc, the day hofore tbey Htartcd, vou inu'it let mo run down into SufTulk, . oh.iml and fetch my hit'*1 nephew." " 'siifolk". Thal'u a !oin way," said ('i.'miel ('UiLierhncii. "Ilc.dii't I better go li.r vmi"" "On, no! no' I uuuldn t henr of it. Tlio l.nlo fellow wcuihi \m Inghteued out of Inn " im h at thu sighL nt a utrangui. I To m (eiiddy MeiiHiti\e. I can nt ver coax luin au.iy, Intt by 1 vrl* ndiiitf we ar going 10 mi'i'i in-i puoi, dear in itber." "\eiy well, Vis UluLturhuek, have it % 'in um n uav,' ifplmd tln% colonel, who ua-t buaiillllL' With ptldi: ill the potlHCBHlOll of so liandBumo a wife. So Lucille, ai meil with h-ird Fiancia (hi'dott'h cind, traveled down en the follnw- inj; dm to I'Yhxilowe, wheru Jacynih'u iialer, Mih, tbamhson, wuh utayiuf; with li' r iiwji Bon aipi lutl - Roimy. ThiH wim tin* r-Yuiehwurnim'H rcvongo. ."sin; hud heud ulnlc at Hfirrogate of U .nny'a diiHtniatmn, and knew that in s1) oiiia.ll a jdacc she would expeuence httlo d'llieultv m (iielint* out which Iiouhu wan occupied hv Alr. (iiatidiuon, Shu dmliked lIhUIku (at) uiont women of hoi htump do), but idic fdt ilu- could wreak nn bitterer vengeance on Lord Vi ancifi On slow and lin wife than by depitving them 01 their son and hen, bo dearly loved by em h of thuin. Met niairiupo had been conducted uo ne- ciuLly thai. hIim who uniHt unlikely to ho re- cu^nt/,ed mi Mih. Clutteihuck, and onco flhe had ^.it. Hki hoy to America nhe believed that (virtually) he would he lout. What was to follow after that, or whether tho (.'ii me would he worth tlio candle to her, Hhe ut'Vtir utuyed to unnBider. Mih. (iiaiidiuon. while migu^ed ovor her mid-day meal with the chihlron, wna much autprisud to hear that a lady wiuhod to npe.ik t,o her. Still inoro uo when, on en- turmj,' thu drawing room, oho aaw tho fash* innahly attired Mm. (Jlutterlmek. "Vou uro doiibtlunii Hurpriiu-d to reooivo a tad from ti perfect ulraiiQur, madam," com- ineiiucd Lucille, with her charming accent; "Imi timu did not permit mo to prepare vou for my appearance. I come au a mot* uiMifjur from Lord Kranoia OiihIow. I am an inuuiate friond of htu, and of bin poor, ib-nr wife 1" "Iiulced," oaid Mm. Grandinon gravely. Itor linit opinion of Kenella'o conduct hod be.(-a inionailiod to horror w/lieu the nowa of tho murder and tho trial woro mudu public, and uho had only taken cbargo of Honny under protont at tho urgent roqiioit of her brothnr and] bucauau oho had folt it to ho a Chrintinn duty to kcop tha poor child, an far aa potm- bio," from hearing tho torriblo things that wuro mi id of his mother. . Bnti her dislike of the HUbject waa ho groat that when Lu cille H'tid hIio was nn intimate friond of the Uindowu, idie Blirunk from her with ill-oon- ceah'd averoion, "Indeud I" nho reitonited Blowly. ' "Vflfl, And biivo hnon ao for yearn.' Thifc huu been ateiribly uad aJFuir for thorn both, hut lei UK hope the worst 1b over. Lord Ft'&nuiu fiulb naturnlly that it U hart thav Bhould hpoud the itoxt lew yitarB, at least, out of Ktiglanii ; thorofore, %}\tty start (6c tlm lirjutH**'to-morrow, and wIbIi'i naturally to tnko llorvny with them/' '." *"Lord FraUoiaia, than, redonollW to his wlfcT" j -| (ro m: Cosiiniibi-.J "Oh, yen ! Why nhnuld he not bo ? The niifm tuualo affnir of I'luint tie Murpi-r'a d. ath n-illy redounds to her credit, and what pieteded it wuu only a foobnh mm- uuderwtauditig !" "Ol con nn if L(id lYancia in aatiRficd, no one him a light to demur at in^ deeimon. You come fiom hue, you Kay ?" "Yen, lie asked me to fetch Konny home fur-him.^-IIeAVould have come' bur- delf, but he liad no t ituo. I lure \h liiu ctird.w 111 eh he begged me to preHtmt Id you, with it thiujHuud thanks for vour kiuthieuu to Inn child." "- Mih (inunliHon hardly knew what to do, Sh< dirihkeil dtdivm mg Konny into the co.iige of a stranger, and yet nhe felt uho had no light- to Li p the boy aguinut hut parcnu* wisiiea, rito- kepi turning tho card over and over m her haudu um uhe uoimtdered the m itter "I)id you nay they uailed to-morrow 7" nho iibked, pruuently. "Vi"i, icuioirow, at four in tho after noon, " 'It ia aveiv Hudden ri solution " "Not at all. They buy** contemplated it for weeltH pant, but Lady Francis' health has pii'Vunteil them carrying it out. Now they have a midden opportunity of which Lhey winh to avail theinnelvun. How long will it take to get Ronney ready to go back with mo ?" "Oh, that ca.n bo tlontt m half an hour. Hut I wihli my biother, who put bun in my chargr, lud wriLLen me word that bin patents wished to runtime their guardian- eh.p." "I know* nothing of that," snapped Lucille. "All Lord KiaiicU told mo was to come (lon to Fulisstowo, and take "MllH. UHANDISON Al'l'RAUlSU WITH HONNY.' back but bny to bun at all coils ; and I should think a parent's wish was impera tive." "Ortninly," replied Mm. Orandinou, *'and I ulunild not. dream ot disputing it. If you will kindly wait hero for a fow minutcii I will hrmg Ronnv tc you." &he left the room an uho spoke, nnd Luoillo felt that she bad triumphed nnd her revenge would bo complete. Site rememburod how Fund la had gloated over thin hoy, how Lord Franciit bad written of him as his "darling child," and nmilod to homelf as who thought what, they would both nay und do, wbon thoy found he bad gone beyond reoall. in a short timo the door opened ngain, and Mr Ornndison appeared with Konny. He recognized Lucille at onco an tlio lady ho had noon at the table d'hote nt Harrogate, "I know you 1" he said, ooming forward with a shy, omitretohoil hand, **you Wore with my papa ut Hurragate." Ana With your ma mm a, IUnny, of course. We wrro ull there together. But inamniK want* you sadly. Rho - hob boun fretting terribly tor her boy. We are going back to her together/' "Going back to mum my t ghtd! J have winted her ao/" said Konuy, "ILow fa*iir, in.i'i, tow t nier. Mn\n no, nil \vh<:( V"U rue, Inn jjivi rriti Lhe ollu t oi\r.i. I'nli, pull," i ii mud, "an if you were gel I ing away noni hell." And fuvermbly, with white > 1 lipn, with gleaming <yen, hoi #1 Tilui' i .ti i -ni u u ed hm word4 by hi i . i '. ion i, and pi ')[K 1 d l lie 0' at with all the > i i 11_T h i f u Inch he w.t'i ean.ible, .ktohh tlm blue wal'MH th li kept him iiom KenclU. Ill i ieet pn-iiHud ig.iin-it the wood, the miiM-ltM uf b'!i hi ri.n M .Hiding out. IIkn II Oil, nn* youth in him living itnUer the 'train, hni very brain ce.tiing to n,nt, and bin htail almoiL ttaiidiug nt il ; be tried hy physical i x"rlion to deaden 1 bat burning mental p.'n I hat seized him an be felt, saw, heard, .ml writhed under the 'fn'tii that 1m bad vwougrd lier, wrongi'd I'c-nell'!, wronged the fill love that had lain on her breast, be- in veil and loved him ; tlm child who had I'li'ViD to womanhood in bin arms Fenolla, lu.s wife. Wl at last the keel of the boat grated oa ' in* hIioi c. lb, hid iitdl while Lord Cunt luton had spoken of the trial. Once tlm stunning news had overwhclmt d him, he had become an miiouiaton and not u man. Hoa and sky melted in in 11c Hilly into eat h other, am) me- cliaiiieaily from bis mouth uaued the empty Hriitonceii. Iiut then the hour pinned on, C'antleton slopt, the yacht lay at its moor- uiyti,and thou then a ghmmor of ros.aoiui.nd m-tiflfi peiKtrated tho dull concunnioii of that fit nt nhnedt. "Kenelln,," he Bid, "Fonella; "it was it moan, a cry; not a human homo- asking for hut wife, but a soul m anguish crying to it (hid. "I)ld you call, uirV uuked the mate, coming Forward, touching his gold-braidod cap; "ilid you call '." With blood-shot eyes Frank looked at him, saw beyond him: 'Fuioll.t." "Any ptrtof (Jturuiey, sir';" "I "Hist get back, I mint got back." "All that he wan capable of vvaH a wish to get b iek, to see hei face nguin, to (ling hituiclf down an hm knees h*!'nie her, see "~thTCt filh Trweet ftteo, tlua ebiitl's face Mur- deruHB they had called her, utifaithfal Ito hud called her, O Heaven! and alio was his wife, und be------ And then lie way in (luernioy ngain. She. iiit at her window, still, white, silent. The hours bad erushed heavily over ht-r, and spared her nothing. Not until now did hhe know, not until now did she realize all trwt her husband had Leim to her, all that she had looked for fnun him, all the hope that ha I illumined tho dark divn of( her imprisonment, lit up her hare cell,-duall ed its soft light over the court bonne that dnadful day, the <Uy that until uow had been the niout dreadful day of all her life. A hundred eyes had been upon bur, hud burnt greedily into her noul curious eyes, searching even, eyes all around. All the air wis ahvu with voices voices thai rose and fell nioiietoiioun persistent dreadful. What wore they mying? Now a ueiiteiieu tliHen tangled it'ielt, now another. "The prisoner pleads guilty, my lord." "The prisoner !" How curious it Rounded. "The prisoner !" How nbould nhe know anytlung of prisoners, dreadful cieaturen. nhutnefnl, lowering hideous'! She bail dreamed of them in her happv childhood, nnd a\i aLliip, shuddering, bad hidden her face in muse's breast, or b< en armthod to rent again in father's artiiH. "Tho priHuner u neparated from her lull- band," wenL on that monotonouH voice. How utrange, she was heparatud from her hutiband ; nt raugu sin- Hhuiild bo like tho prisoner, a shameful, ding raced pi Honor. And dreaming nhe nmiled, smiled ill tho thick, with a hundred opei a ghiH-ieB Hciinning her fair pale face, and a bundled naked ayes burning into her necreta. But the tumlo woke her, she had always iimilcdjbut now, now it a long time mneo uhe hud iiiniled. What was aho smiling at ? Then alio woke to the km-wledgo of her uurroundmi'U, and nhe shuddered in the thick; the BWueL faeo grow white and con vulsed ; suddenly sin* burnt out crying. Crving aloud, poor child, poor wayward child, who bad meant, to play through life, and woke from her playing here. All ahvo and awake nlie wan for the rest of thut horrible day, quivering and trem bling und nobbing, halt cbilJ, half woman, an tlio trinl wore on. Kver and again the crimuon Hushed lino her cheek, her eye nulTuued, her head bent, in a very agony of nhaino ; idle heard horrible qucaiionit, horri ble anawera. Kin: felt heruelt uudraped be fore those inquiflitonal even, ami shrinking, drawing her clank round her with nhaking bttiidn, bIio would try and ludo bor poor hot face. Jlut aa the day woro on, cjomathiiig of hope crept in to warm her benrt. If Frank weio hero, ho won d not let, them talk oo Frank, her lover. She hoard again thu paBHionato prateiitatioiiB of their hof t l>n- trotbal. She folt again bin lipa aguimit 1 bora. She waa back again in the golden dayn when tlio mm ilunh of lovo waa over all her life, und sun queen in thorns bourn nhe had played with her hnppinoaa. Ami uitifully the tremulouu lipa muimured, "It Frank wore bore, hc^iEQ,nld not let thorn hurt mo ; if Frank woro here !" What a ntrango, complicated Fenolla I Arraigned for murdor.Hlm pleaded "Guilty." Guilty^" though her hands woro clean 1 Witli tho unthinking generoaity of a child BhefiUd a womnn a deed with a man's heart. She took! her hiniband'a guilttefln guilt upon horself, and criod, "It waul," while yot tho horror of bin act wan vibrating through hor frame. She had not counted thu co-it, could not. But if all the aum of those- dreadful bourn and days had been aproad out boforo hor, with uhining oyea aho would have Hctmned it, and ntill have called out peneroiiBly, "It waH 1." But bur heart waa larger than hor brain. Hnr brain fuilud her a little at tho last. Sho waa dim, oonfufiod, frigbtoiiud. Sho forget uo muolu Those men who wero thoro t judgo hor, noting the crouching, wqeping girl, with golden hair diahdVolctl, hlnndnhnt. eyca, woak and tihrinking, thinking brr guilty, ptouonaood her mnoeent, and uent or forth frae. Vveo 1, but what a freedom 1 Where wnw Frank t' Whero woe nnyhndy t Who waa there to take Iter in hu> htroug a^iuu, let bur ui'iinory of her degradation Wm ' ii'iin. Who, inUimd ? 'J'Iib iriun who hud defnnded bt-r, who had oemi hoi4 lovrr, who hud h-mii her friend, eaiiiH to hr und, ho lit) would not tiku her hand. Uo bud npukim to iierof her hoy, mid the cold orujitiiic-'ii of her benrt "i tied with h middon rnnb of bur emotion an .hIiu cried out, with fiutHtretuhud arma: "My buy! bruio; me my boy!" To pien*i toe-cblld in bor_ar*iiri, tn fuel the Holt, dnv/n of bi'i cbd'k ii|*auiti' hern, to heir tlm bap nig, "Miv/or, mu/jier, dear," from Iti i hpi, to have bin ai ili't about bei - ibi'i, tliis Mould nave her n-aMnri Kb f'dt her leimon i'OIIig, felt In'l Ullllil dill I.' in d, the path befoi o her uo lot get eh ur. She wn i in a t'liitnoy Win hi, giopln^; help-e *->\\ bn a u li in, 11 tun in clii qi nt lei ioU'sMp ! ii'Vnt h, " I .i lend, an .weretl hoi" uiotler-ciy An- HMf-M d, ,ind b'lL her ehilithiMi Th'ii 1m Ihoiu'IiL hei h'ie. hern to ihm beiuiiin!, bniE'ly, wind nirt e.i ;j [i ithnul, ind h ft In r io *ut i n In r eyi oin in'o ilm Wjll(.|, Wlt|j mic|, rucuning winter iiivaopu v. i'i empty for her, the llowern. it nc mi'd to her, f.idud ai< uhe looked. Poor beaut y! pi)nt coquotti.di, lighl-he.tried Kerndla! CTFBCTS OK LA GRUM'E. hTn's arsir> mi/vrir TIlIilClUHUI/r. OtU* <ul MtntlutlttM Show 'I'tiut In Onl_ arlo Alone '2,U'j:i l>eutUx Uettlilte'l I'roi,, Hum Cuuue In IHft't Dlt-JH- ? to Avoid ihe KK'tmilul .irtt.r ICIfeeiM orriitu Si!i,irL'0. ' 'li Vi ty f. w people It ivo any oououpLiwi of df iidly fffi ctt+ of la grippe or inUauii^a, ovi r (Junndit, leaving in itu trail dealti ami Irokim eon'.tiLiitioi.H. If an eqn\l numbiit of iloalhn woro oini'ted by any cholera, tho f.ontinonll W0Il!fl ba in a pun,-, and Hunt ll.ntii il b uik to her, and intimuiy ami , un.icritai.dim;. In a riuih ol emnuou -die | " " ""ly hecaune the deadly offn*H hi la- bun an a lover, as h mi baud, us Mttt 1 gnppe arc not iiiidenttoo'l I hut itu approach d-ier. Sho knew what bo had done She ' j( VJmv,,,| ,vltb |hh appiflinmnon.\v, too, what m(m had done to nave Inm. ,, ,, .. - . i m i ..I,- . ... -, , i i . i i 'i. Mi yco, tho very cthenmt hoalth of- I'nink ! iho ivunl'. nmhi-d lo h< i lljis, ' ' J uoida of love, ol Imgivtmins of-- and beer lor tJntario, in hut itiiuii ill report to ' ' |,n ni oyincial [mvorumont, uhowti thut tho I*'1'1 '" W, lli*, d.ititbh in Ontario ubmo from tho off. ct ol uvmg eonteuipt, mid iilie who would have1 , , , , 'I'd for hn o, v Mifdasif she-it. d by him. l^'.r'P^ fnr tlo> yeara lR'W %\ 1)1 reaclmd lie hilled ln-r \oi phynK.tlly ; uln: Mid tho aggregate of 2,03IJ, il numher until dont- 1 .ni, moved, |,n allied, hut hei iiuliu.m \) i,Lr,,,, L(( niako um view the namrge with oi n ' \\"t h"|> i'id h< viiislli "->le , , . -. . - . ^ . , , i '. . , . i .i , pomUve a arm, for m uddiiiou to tiiminor* Ht iggeicd home i o her old hc it. by the win- ' l dow. .^hii felt nick, and giddy, and dxcd I t*liLy, thpro ur boyou d doubt thuiiHamli* a > fi 'nn an t ii ili' ; ail to i wi rid wuu iu I who from tho name oiumo arfl loft with rums. It -wuonly now sne irah/ed the ,,|mituri d health and ruined oonBtitutioiWu loot mi whieh idle hull livi d .ill till) lime. . ihilv uow hIm- knew that had been Lt fjripp., i a dinouao of the nurvnoentrbM.' tho bid win k oi. which hlii- listed, tin* light with u upeonlly niarkod * fleet upon tho toward winch nhe imd looked. That, i hough h*ait, and the obviomi duty of thoiiu who idle was paat reason, and had not iihUi d whv ' . ,,,, .,, ,- , ( ti,, , i , ie i i i. ' hitvu miflci ad from evnn mild at'itnlc in to lie bail delated, nhe lliitl lull ho would eome, uid that in ins cyeji hhu would read In i love '!" ut-h*.n mid torufy the uervo forcott. for her that had uevi r MWeryed, ["ni thin puiposti Dr. Willi tiiiu* I'iuk Pilla in. her that would atmwer for all tlimgu, ' ,u.t UU)ro r U) plly atl(j thoroughly than hi.} gruliludu to hi-r, gratitude thit*i .-ihu , , . ... i mi - would put away, and um let bun imgor I '^V other nn dicuie yeMti-eoVerod. Thotr over, but would hamab nnd forgot, and it , tunetion h to Hiinply lmpovcrinhed blood iihould he forgotten. iSothmgtihoiild bo Lo- i wuh itn lacking ooiiHtitueiUa, and to build two.m them any mo.e, but lov- Ho would luiew hllllUorod noEV(.a. That Or. Wil- tiring her back Konny, ho and sheand Hon- , , ^ L * ny would be together always j 1"""*' ^'"'^ IMU perform what in olaimod And then they had met and ho bad re- for them in this roupoot in proved by tho pulsed her, rejected her, looked upon bor I volutitaiy teatimoniulo of tbouo who have coldly! Show, hopclcae. She looked , |j(Min rt,nor0ll t(J houUh Quo troug oaao out ovoi tho blue aea, the rockit, tho nailn, | ,,/., ITT n tho harbor, but iboro waa u film before bar j IA l10i,lt that af Mro. A. Uratfon. of Hull, eyea, all things wero tlaikeued. Kven tlio l)f, To a iiewopapor reporter who in- face of nature would never nmile upon her ' ti-vtav*.ocl hnr, i^m. Gratton aaid ;~"I wna .tt-itin. Ilotio wim I > i . i.i . TbenhoLme b,ck. He knelt at llRr | ulwav.i a .trong ilnd healthy woman tip to fi.ei, he called nor by a thmniund endfluring | about f ur yearn rtgo. At that time 1 had nameti, be kiaaed her bandu, tho hem of her 1 (l M>vuro attack of \vu (/rippo, tho after of- diem She uut there dumb atnekeii a.. i | fr.otll 0f which left Wo weak auct noryoua, Htatute, the film durkemng heforo her eyt'H, ' , , , . . - . . - . \v\t\\ puinH in my buck and otamach, and almost ooiiHtant sovoro hotulachoH, Ifonnd mytfolf bo complotoly miod up that I was unable t.o do any work about the houao no matter how light. Vf,y appotito had gono and hor brain throb, tbiobbmg, like tho tierew of a, hteum engine. "Kenella, my wife, my darling ! For lleaven'n tiako liati'ii tomie. Don't look at mo like that, my darling, hear mo. I never knew. I tiwuai, I never kuew. I wan ill, I board nothing, know nothing until an I and I had no rolmh for any kind of food. hour ago. My uweet, what you mimt have nulFered ! Feuella, apeak a Word, a lit tie word. Sweetheart, think of our childhood." And then a little inaan came from her, a Ut i Ie aighing moan, and nhe full half for ward, lit. caught bur in his arum. "Dar ling," he bald again pitHaiou.itely,"only hour me. Ah!" It wan too late! Waa it too lato'J She hiy in hm arms white and cold and aih-nt. Frank, luaaing tboio pale, cold ltpii, chafing bide her face npmi lint hrcunt, weep ther Oh, until bur ahume bud died uw.iy, u>*i' jeahumy, the n.u dor tlut even uow b "nr> c.uuujT unit rs mi arms." tboao dead bandu, iinirniurirg over her a thoiiHLiud cari'snng namea, diBtractctl with despair, deiiperatoly put, 'away the fuar, and catlud loi hu.p in anguinhod Loues. Thou the women came in and weio huny about her, and there wero moaning and lamentation, but still sho hutrd not. Fenella waa net dead, but ha wuh ill terribly ill. The ml ver cord wan not broken,*- but it wna mruincd to ita last fiber. Weokit went by, \\etdts when she lay in tho HLtlc cottage at tlueruaey, and Frank crept about with angiiiahml n\ey, and lived on the bulletiiiB from the aick room. Week a during which, with the gold locku uliort cr ipped, ami the aw cot face foverdluiibed anil unrecognizable, Fenolla lay in bed, and tdirieked in hor delirium that Finnic did not do it, that alio did ; that Frank hated her because uho had dona it. Thoro ' waa blood on her hands, horrible blond, human blood. Thoro wan blood on Ida bauds, but nho would kiwi them. She wub Hwimming in blood, drowning in blood, but Frank would navo her. Ronny was on the shore, waiting for her bngJiMaood Ronny, wait ing to lcina awajTtho atainn from them both. Ami then uhe would call out again that alio wim drowning, nnd call for Faank, alwayo for Frank, in agonized, delirious nlmcd'a, "Doctor 1 doctor I" Ho bold him with handagrown thin and wasted, apoku to him m a voico ull broken with team, looked at him with oven dim with wild, convulsive crying : '*Will alio live ? will alio livo (" Tho doctor wan n man who bad studied humanity as well as physio, "I think no/'heariBWorcdi "thoro ia room for hopo. Every day gained bringn tin near er to it. If onou sbi) sleeps, slotipn naturnl ly, I think she is aavod." Ho hoaitatod, nnd Frank, hanging on hin worda, pruased him furthor. "Sho will wake to reason to mnntal roBtfulnoua 1" He was a man; ho hod heard bis patient in hor delirium. Sho had a bistory, thh beautiful young woman who called ho'iiulf Mra. Oimo, and over whom "Und Fianoia Oimlow watched with nuoh care. She Imd a bifitory, but ho did not knovf it did not aook io know it. No idle cur'otity prompted hiu qncmion. But if aim woke, and woke to trotihlu, then then ho ooiiel not unity el- for tho conHcquoneeH. "Will you let me, tull you?,,h" Beforo l>r. Fairfax could say "Ycr,m or "No," Frank bad drugged him hack into thu room and wim pouring out incoherently, quickly, tlm whole miserable stei'y: their unurtehip.thoir married life. t)ioh- bickuiing-i, and the In- torfoteiioe of tiolaliv*', tlndi' snparatinn, but 1-Yjr ubottt a year I contlnuoii to bo thuH tortured, gotting bo (freedom from pain either day or night. 4 had tried different kindH of medici'io prwonhcel by a-j^Hiolaii but tbty did mo uo good. I began to bo-*' liovo that modioino would not euro mo, and as I always bad a torriblo cough I faaiod I way mulling into eouflUmption. (J)no day a friend attvitted me to try Dr. WilliamH1 Pink PiIIh. I hai brard and read mil .h about tlim rai-diciuo but had not thcught of if itu it cute for myaelf, but I felt that it might bo worth try hi g and procured a HMpply, and after the uao of a. couple of boxes I bunan tn feel tin miprovo- ment I continued thoit- unu uutil I had taken twelve borea when I found myoolf freo from pain, wuh a good appotitn, and an well an evor I wan in my life. Laat Decomber, au tho roault of a novore oold, I wuu again takon ill, but thiu timo I tried no experiment!! wjth othor raodioiuQ but went straight to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with the most honolicial reanltH aHyou cj neo for youraalf. I havo such IwfCu in Fiuk PilU that 1 novor allow'wrfSaU to he without a box, and tako jXi'om oooatdnally au a tonio, and I will b/j glad if my ox- pononoa will prove helpful to trnmo othot poor Hufferer." When you aak for Dr. Williamit' Pink Filhi hgo that tho full trado uark in on ovory box. Imitatioua and auhfltituton aro wortbloBH, porhapa danyeroun. Mountain CllmUIatr Huh a wonderful faaomation for many toon. And tho lughor tho mountain and the Pfreator Hpico of danger about it. tho more uuxioufi in tho ordinary nvxn, witli apy^. mountain climhing inBtinatn whatovor, to get to the ton of that mountain. Thaws ia au intoxiaation, a flory onthufliaam about it that puahea ono on and oo, and roatn tie ed mnKclon and niHpiroa flagging oourago to evorlaatingly koap at it uutil tho top la rouohud and tho oooting zopbyrs that fan tho brow of tho mountain coal your own throbbing tompleij. Amonoanu havo thought that it was ueooniiary to goio IQnropo, to tho Alpfl, to find any fall grown raouubalna to aoalts. B'a all moonnhino. Ittn'b 14,000 foot high enough, with glaciers, thoaoraokod, oraok- od oroaturoa ot ioo and miow, and otfaters and IhiiiuroH and prooipiooH to olimb ovor and round, tho uamo un in tho Alps? Yob, thoy aro all right hero oloio at hand, and if you aro lntoraatad to know where and how and whon, juattieud your address, and six cent a in stampH to Gias. G. Fbk of the Northern Paoifio Railroad, St. Paul, Minn., and ho will nond you a book that rooounta a olimb up ono of tho grau*3eat roaka of earth, written by tho goutloman who made tho aucont. *'-i .' Wl Tho chapter on thin mouutain ia pro- (uttolv illualtatod m half tone etohina-a takon by a photc^raphor wbo aaoonapanlod , V*M tho party for that purpose. Id yon are i-,. aO tareated enough in your own country .to" ^Sj ttoaire to know about its wmiderful aooaSQ^^T featurea, vou want'thia bpok. ' -,*jfo\

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