Ah KBBbwV1 ,i,Ai(-&..U*,.< ^P^wWRfrofS-ra^^ *FHfi; ESSf^ IPRfetfi FFtiSSt>, JflS. D. ANDERSON & Co., Moxt tu Abordoun Hotel Essex. Money t" Ioni) ii I 'iiiiim it' Notftii; Ncitmi hooiiht orlYilb-ntoU; Mom.v t" lonn on Mil|!"f:<- 'Lt qwihi midland bout ttninn_________ Drafts huuiiHi payablo tit piiv at nil pilm ijuil liainl Fire Insurahco Agents, otc. ((If A, ,A, U. t n /w'N VUIPAY, KKHUUAKV /, INUb. AinlWiiMbuil* MlNNfrH.sio-iiiKlit. Quiiu il numb, r id L .k v i Hi/ . ic i tculiii|4 lbfeh Cnnit a fcjandwieh thm w< 11< Quarterly meeting m,i vk-i u will bo hi Id the Modujilut chimb ou Hundii) nioiiuag next. Ontario Government DohUim Giecr iu m town ami viciuit> thu \.uk, imi m al work on the Nolan poihtniine; ne-e. Divwiou (Joint wtiw held luio mi Tinm- day before Jndim Mcllugh, who i-pLedilj disponed of th li|;ln ducket | n-n< nUd. Tin* now M O.K. il( po nud utile, m ut Auihovmburg haV'bt fn nnaily eomiileted, aud are now orcnpif rl h\ tin local otni mli, Tbo Windhur pnpi n in.noum't tint. If anyone over finds a doc, ol ^"\ ( oloi, eu n if it'n yellow, bu will 'a- qn.i- .um in l. I- phoning Mubloii Co van. Million u1akban ono minuiing." 'The Darktown uniutate at MiiiHtrel show to riiibt. Heat Mauiicb K. Cohti mntf "Tho Ship I Lovo," at INck'w Hall to-night W. It. Maiming, Lbi' ntlcman who HUceetdn Mr. Hi ndi r*-un an puiuipd nf the Ksscx pin-lie i (,hei>hi, art iv-_d in town on Wi'dncuiiay. lli' v-ill move his fanulj to 1 index hh noon as he L.iii ubtiun u sin:- ablo dwelling. ^ Tbo Li o Drain'itn: ( MubJ of Mnidnt havo billed tho 'owii im t,(e piodnu' of "Toa NigluM m a JImi Knom," ti i'm-I'.'n Hull next .dnnduy iwnin;', the town OOHntuT hfiMi.j; Uh. ih cmnttd tin; lino of the hull free Try our nf w *Jo i nil tui; bun no i qttal. o. e. y. a co. Win. bin 111 t I-' i i- ( ow pn pun d to do liver fiuli Lmm 'i \ \ iri of tho town, give him n call. Mr. Bamiiul Guiiull, lulo of Kenttnuntv, noar Blenht'iuj. '* - Mined to thu faun Uttfjly 'ji cupird b> Mr MuKiniuiy, corner fof Maiden Kuiid and ( >\%l tuwidiiiu, 2<>obt'Htui' Knit)]. dr MckiuiK'j mil family hau* muw d to tin Ottawa du.t: u t The following iv-t-s i^nii Ioiturn ai toinh d tbo Libt-ral cum utujii *iL Kiii^^mIil on Tueaday, vi/. 1>i. I i-. Hiu'ii, Dr. Dcwur, 0. K. Nnjltji, h L P.ulv. I i- iioidii k II. 1J. Martin, 1. ,1 Li v. hit. I \ Finn 01H, A. JJo III, J. i^ hi i lie, \\ . D IU It II ill n, D. Hi.iclair, M.-J Wi-I*r H 11 (Irnnl mi-l Cbuu. Whuu. Han ijnuul i-oiitbori (luki.-wulk ut Pick's Hall td iiiuht. WANTM1) IfoiiHii tu r*\\l w u ttt I ivn I'i'oinii nod homd for Iwu in priynfi! fMiiily. W. It, MANNXMCi.* Ijfdo idylo full hut", t'ljcnlar ^2.50 linen for 'Jfio at Hnnth'H, FOit BATjI'j, Farm of fiO aornii oon- voniont to town, piirtnilly olounid, for rmln tt.1 a barilaiii, apply to ,). W. (Iihiiom. Tint AmhnriJfbuie, lIiiiLrol Club urn ox- n full boumi at their oonovrt in Fi ek'vi Hall, tonight. Tliuy uompn-it njiiiiof tlio liont. muiiiiiiil tiibmt in (ho ilmlriot - " The "Indepr vtlt m-e ot Can a la" patty 1 ill Imlil a i ( ti\ention in \V'nulHnr ou Sal- in d i.y for the purpowwtf uoh cl intr a "an- di iiitc In ( r ntc ut Mrn th IjM'dx fnr thu unn . "M! h Ni-xt ! ' Jul) lot o] ov< tcuatH at 8*2 00, a nnap. (.1, 1). Smith A (Jo, l'hi ro will be Hold oy public auction, on bit i, i cm. H, h' iul\,ii h South, bi'ttoi known an S mike Luni , on Tnoiula>, Fi h. 11, a lot of vabiulili' fni iii til ot k ami nupli nlcnlH, C. 11. .McCloidu-y, prop. Clour} iV Suthrihuid on "Mrnnlay ma m (ijiplieiLtion b( loiu J tnl ^* J Innii) for i w> it of ijiio win i an to uj^iiniit .J. Ci, Mulli n, niayoi ot AmluirMtbui^ to dntjiiabf} bun, Thu [j rounds taken t in iiiitutlicient projn rtv qiiabfiiintifuj. Snnou I'Va^or, thu dLfuated ciiiididp-lu lor tin- mujoralty, i i tlio rfilatoi. Ku^ular SbVJo all-wool bhinkotH, ^'J 2."i nl KmilhV l'hr V1' Hid i or fir.Mew hayi; "The Knie,ti \iil ltitportor man ban (ill, biniHi If looie M^iLiii on Llio 'iiibjiL*, of tobacco, and In it wt i.k ))ubbtdicu a "puriiblu" dBuounLinj; that iiiticle in (;uod lonnd Icrmti. Iho IlclluiiiH Im- idtutly tncii h-i ukm^, with dinantrnim iniultn, and in now t ndeavori']^ to ^ot H(p.iaio with the wed." lJh ii'ic count tbo Fni'K Fiir^u m with Bro. IIollomH (in "tlig habit." Thlrtlti lroin tin Win innr He\ u-W - * 'J be man who Haiti that bit od If* thicker tiiun wat' r, would have iViou^bt bin *! ito infill hdiin wlmt 1 'o-li bud he hcmi tin in iic'e t;ivt ti foi'li/ioni thu pi- 'ih.oi k' in the t it) Saiurdaj latit. Tt wuti not iu|U i puru by any miu.ii^. It wan think nioii^h to bu cut into '-In.f i. ti il cl fund, and "ho odor tlivon oft w.ia not that uf iuh> i. On invtiti^ution it \\n, fuuiMJ that a portion ot thu wull of lh" liquid iiJiuiurci iu'l-1 vuiid ut Widkor'b baiiinhal bin u.itnd the cud t.'iitb th>wn down the dittdieu into llie men. Cutoi tunatelv tlieomWd Windnr'n intake pi] a was block* d w ith let- und the water ,Mi . b . n ( im.jli 1 1 hr m^h the ^ it i noar the idioieuid thu huweru^u lloitini^ (1'iwu, wii^i dr two in and distribute i tmouyb thu iuu.in8 " MEN ^BgaAHJtTgJBtt3E!fgg3^!3y' I must 7nake room for my spring stock, and will * U (L LL_ in the folllowing lines: UNDERWEAR: niita S2.00 worth S3.00. Men's l u u a ti a 1 80 1-10 'J 5c Glc 3Gj a a 2.00 1.50 1.00 GOc TOP SHIRTS: Mon's Top Shirts 50c worth 75c " iC u -15c -( i;0(. (t ** (( :>0c u .r,(), 11 Kliiiiiifl" 75c " S Toi -ip, ing (iootls. j\fimt re duce .stuck at unci!. Prices to suit the juiist und purchaser. It u ill do ) i)ii jxood Uj 11 IVlon's Black Sateen Shirts UOc worth fSl.50 TIBS; vJ Tics worth 75c now GOc a u G5e a 'lOo a u 50c < ( 3()(; a (i 10c i i 25c a, u 35c i i 20c i f ( :UJc u 18c a ft 25c (< L5c \TTiii-: ri'ithic i,iujtAnA illiiHl O'.l jojilbli' I.vnil) u .1! tilt* K< IMtlll^ ItllOIIIM. Spt-iil A oom i' nj> < u> ti-1 pianmt and uxmiIihi gan, t'locutioni'-t, an* uoncoit in I'ick h IInl u ' of Wlli- V.hOn, ' iJ. -".it, Ml.i 11-itf ol In i t,>l rii\\< u on \V' dn -i Iji '. ev n lufi, untic'r tbo Mi*-p <i - of tin* V I' S. C E. o tbo BiiptiiL f'buich. O-'. ii)|4, no tlttubt, to the >iboit i ni]ij^mn( tb cm. OOlt WUH not Vt r} luiiJtU attL*ndod. ForficH t'akth and cont* ctionur*,, ot J! kludo u,u to Sh'-L-malur, the bnk< r, Wo 1 ad in boi t and i \n<Cn m price und quality, G K hm'.i .V C'u Commenon ^ on the l.Vn mihi,, pinien- gora on tbo M C, U will bo i;n fi. *ht ho fit of tlm odd oonts in imicbumu^ tn In tt] ' Horhtoforo all fun h wort* minto to end ml fivo 01 oiphui Fur uiHtancu, if tin* fart m ! throe coiUh u rn lo to a place uniutiiitLtl to 22 ooutH, tin- pimii nj^ui would lutvu to ] iij I 36 contn. In the n.iw tariff if I bo furc m, tbroo ccnth a ini'u cdiiu a t*i 2^ < ntt*., 'b.-! pa^BuliKor w ill hi* ncjum-d to puv 2'^ ceu^, j and no more and no Ichh Superb cbot'UHUH by SO male *nmen ik '^Tcoli'ti Hal! to ui^hr. Spcoial HPiiHintJH of tlie South Ls Farmfero' Ioatitulu worn hold at Km^s villo, on Wedin'-.day and at Leamington On Tbumday (jf ihin woek. Afternoon an l GVQtiinti huhhiouh wero hold iH both plasoa, the deputntion heio-jf J. B. Kwin^, of Dirt lord, NoithuuiberbiLd Co., und A. lilcNud, of VVulkurvillf. At Iviuuuvillo, papera no "Wimor Dairying," "bu^ar Boot Cultiva tion," "Fruit Growing uh a Sjieuiaity," "Sooial SiduofFaiir; Life." "Struwburi-y Oulturo" and ' Farmer' OrpiDiazationH from an Educational Standpoint,'* woii toad by Jim. B. K .ving, W. ,f. Smith, A. MoNtil and Gun. Cady. Houvo Wijjo prouidod at the evening mooting au.l ai- droHHOei wcu uivou by Dr. Kin, M. IC. Cowan, A, H, Woodbrid^o, Jouaa Robiun(m( A. M. Witilo and .1, C. Shopb y. At Lnjuu- Jngton wore roaa paporH on * Every Xrarmor HIb own MaHou," "Su^ar Boot Cult-ivn. tion,"',Clovor Culturo," "Tbo Education ofthoFarmQr," and "Why Boys Loavo tlio Farm." Mayor John ho n prtmidccl at tbo evooiiau inootiu(4 nud addrotmoB woro f?ivon by M. IC Cowau, Dr. lCtiif*. R. Prouton and Lewiti Wip;lo, alao tiood muuio. Sralth'u oanh prlcoa (or SiLtardny: TomtttooB, 7J oontH a oau; Ooi-d, Boaua, Pampkiu, and Blno borvioi 8 cflntu a onrj Bulmun It oijnttt a oau ; 4 cans ol! Sardmou for 30 cmitfi; Lard 3 coutw a lb; 1'2 bars of .Eluctiio Huap for %& conts. 1 In 1 niivt isn7ion<j lit 1< 1 in thu mi hn;1 an 1 ..(.'mi 'iioip'i in tin Lhiii'itan 'Hot k in! I'll If.y i ' I'nirij' uudii tin; lU- [jU1* ri nf l it1 ih u 1 oi inaini'.'i uieiit ^1 the I'm-lic Cilirn> w ii'i oiobubly 'lit' iun-,1 .'iijuynlilu t vi ninj; uid llicro h ivo hot n njaii) 1\ t r _'i\ n on hi half of thu Ij hrai y. 'I'll' 1 (J( mu v,pit' vcij tie-ilily dccoi tod uiih fla^H and hunting b< iidus pioluion, i ti ., \;hlh tin i.ln (liineiil loOiiin, t.il-1 ), t ti , \vi;iu Uouii'Jtull} Jaden with di-hi iti iiid appt tiiin^ urliclLH putt .in n*r to liiu i ul n ir\ 11 oi th- !n-)t 1 dn t < 1 Eiicw. 'J In olhicMOt Mt ht-i t Ij A. Wiiinoi j.ju1 Win Chm uh, v. IjIlIi Wlu kmdly tnrm d 0 vtr tu thu loiiinnttco were iittt 1 tip foi 1 uii it-b' aid j^fciilu' i h all looiu-., whily m tin: i und in-4 room MCVi't al parlor labh n \\i re 1 l Itn uii li jdioto^i tipiiic vn 'vi ( f v in n'i , kiudJ, illu. T. II, l>te< w having a hu^n I lolu ution of l'a( iIn (Jon-t view t, an woll uh a liumbet (jf CJeflui ijciicb. i 'I hu Jlithiioio ludj^d I'uiiiuy in tliM nppt i i ^lur> won tiiv*. ii up tor pin lor ^uiiilc a I hir^e nttiijbor ot wha-li Inul boon louiud ' and wlilch appeal nit 'u hi thontuj^li in- jo_\til by HOinc* \ uil'ijf J implL in Well tiri bv Huiuo not qui to mo yuiiii *_;. 'I'lm iitot pniL of ibo pro^iaminu cmi- mii'i d of all intrnduutui y u kirn-u lyy I'i <_n- ident C'tabhW tiler, who win mly welcomed tliu lur^u uuiubct (tt j^uontH who hud choired tin* 11 iuid by thou pieacnue, aud rqU'ihtod overyboily to hoc imo porfnotly tuy from font ahty. Tlui firnt numbur was a (juurtotto, "Koukoa in tbo Lunik' of ihu U.up," by lUw-i.n M tyl n .tud ilotoonu, AIi hHi.> KruitibolT and Sborriu ; followed by a rocilation "A Girl'w Piotout," by Mihu J A. Cr 7,ioi. 'L hu peiitiiuent, "I'lio t'ubhc Lthraiy," wan ably roHpnodod to by .Muhum. WiHinur and Stone; Mm. W. M. JJtAJow and AEiuh Butoouo muig a diiot, "1'iU wo mi ot a^aiu," ftcr winch tin. auiitimcnt "Litomtuiti" *vilh roapondod to by iMurtHrH, C IS Naylor, C L UraHnwellor. An intoriniBHioM of about tin hour was then granted for rufruuhmontq. Thu aooond part of tbo profjrainmo oom- pi land two HontltuontH, ono t) "Flucatlon," ronpnridid to by I\1o-*h:h, T II Dooow and E .1 Ijovid -ou ; and to "Tbo LadiQti," ro- upondud to by Aluyor Dowar und W Ohurob A mnlooborua from "liolahazzar," "Tbo Soldinr'u Battle Marob," by Motion* Walhioo, Oburoh, Krio^hnff. Shaw, Win mar. J EjaiiiK, W A aud J A Gardnor ; Minh ft Trimblo reoitod "A Uovotio In Ohuroh," and Mibboh Naylor and Oaylor oang a duot, "I BinK hcoauno I Lovo to Sing," Tbo mootinfe' olowod with tbo "National Autbom", ull apparently boinic highly pluawod with thu ovimlnjja 'ontertalnmeat. Now is the time for you to get your',snp- ply in these times as they are below Whole sale or Bankrupt prices. We lire doiii, pun 1i;lm:. \iK, even if you Come in and cxauiniL' iind be convinced. i A1* TI ' if h Whit ho) !>lock, Jit-Hex, Whitney Block, Essex ^M '- "t%ITTTIT M""1>|MiTT"i WIIHT" " D. 15. OOKTTK TUK MAN The Conner \.it; ye Ca ltd I tin le Ntirch I.h-ck, lor iliurii School Molo4. v.. The mifHl in thuhiiihl.c and hu^i-ht C< n- ier vai ivo convi ntion w\ t.r In Id in Noi th Ili-H .\, Win ht-ld lo WmdbOi lail rintntdiiy Ij \ i iy hub 11\ i iinn m the i idinj-i had a lull number of rL-prenenlntivi 4, and thciu w> io about HlU dcU'^aU n iho^etlu-r. .1. W. llaniia, I'ribiaLnt of the Aidocui- tnni.cathd tlio ou t-tmg to ordci an I cum plani ntud Lbt in on tin; largo showing, and Haul that it w i i a eiiod lui^nij foi the huuii- yietoi , wh.Lb lo doultt tb par'y Ai,uld ll iVt Tin ie \w i_ only two douiiijol' 1- Hoi. \WiiU, ( x M L A an I Dam-l Jl Udatt. J J i*l h e,( nth man ph u^t d th. m^t I v t a In h tan11 by t lu >ti * nnon of tbo convi ntl'tli, andHUpport Itn iip[,clutou. TIil Fre-iidcut thin appointed thfHoiut- inuLi'u. and tbo vote wan taken, which rt*. ] sulttd in jMr Oditlc boiiiK chorion b) a iniijoi ily ot VJ ~Mr. Odette, m ,i ulioit mhhchs, thanked tbo con vi nt ion foi putt me, tbu ti o u m h m Ot boiu^tho inbeial (JuiiiLrVtUUu .>tanil ml. bLiiiir iu tin* rii'\.t ountoMt in Noiih JJanuand Unit with the genuine aid ot Uio tnin Coia-ii vau^u i, ho would t edi em Ihu county BANK OP ENGLAND WELL QUARDaD- Kleotrlc AppIIuiMcs.i , 1 Modern T.ttvUh and Har-i Mid,c n Itururului- Proof. Of the millions of pound*-, ol' treasure Htorod durine thu yuLr in tho hunks, otc , of tbo motropoltH, ills lntm-.ttnj{ and ploftslnff to litiirn that.flo careful mil thor ough li tho 4y>t-mi of out'vtdll uie.-, ih.a *aroly nioru than a fow thous.imK ^ui into tlio bandit of thiuvos and bui^laih.sa^s ifm London Tld-Bita. When a rubbory "takes Jilftoo His most frcqiinntly porformed ur on aoino unhappy clerk who i*, ni]i\i\ ni monoy from an oflloo to a hunk or mom vorna. Modorn lookn, bolts and h.na, u<l cd by olootrltiity i\nd other -eh initio moanfl, have can tod bundrods of would ho bank burp-lars to rotlro or to Rpend many woary years under a Hunt unco at punal ser- vltudo. Few bankn in tho world are ro carefully guariLri an tho Iiankof Kn-^l.uul. till "a lone; fi-lt w ant." Kej,ubir huh Lin^ of Lyceinn thni Frnii^ al .1 ltd p in., a f^ood pio^rumuio will bo rcnib'iod. DWAItFINti IXXiS. Alcohol in Uuvd aw a .">Ie;niM of Ko; l the Animal* Down to Sm.tll Sl/i-s Spu inli^t.s und doctors who take and have H a^'Uii nqtrLhonti-d by a dm- ! inleieht, in tin* pru^robri of aleoholi- : horvative. IIo touclicd h^litlv upon tho laLo tioublu at Ottawa, and atatud that it wait not Hie tinoal policy of thu Govli nnn nt that had brought, on tbo trouble, but that it wtiH mdo ihhuoh lutrodiiood ny tho GiitH. lie Bind that ho honored Kir Miickon/,n Uowull in tho fact that ho bad uhowu the tiuo CoiiHervativo principlo, ana wiih will* nif{ to hand ovcr tho reinu of pov/ur to Hit (JhiiH. Tupper. tic would tool it tho ureal out honor that could ho bostowud on him to bu a roprouontativu from tbo North Hiding of Fjhhix and a nuppor.or of the Govern inuiit which had at ita head audi an ublo HtattBiunn ah Sir Char-Ion, Mr. Odette thou tfavoa abort tiddronmtiFte'Joh, which wau well tuccivod. Sol. White, tbo other uomim'o, wan then oallud upon, aud mado a short addroau. lie Baid that ho, aa a food Conaor^ativo, mUHt bow to tho dtoiHiou of flio uonvontion, and that ho would aHuat Mr. Odottti in ovoiy way in hia power. E. S. Wiijlo, Windaor; N. A. Ooato AraherntburH; Ph'l. Bowyor, Hid^otown, and A, Kirby, Wilidtior, aluo addreauod tho mwotum, (1 Daniel B. Odottp, tbo candidate, ia a Fronob-Gatiadiun, aud waa born in Audor- don in 1818, In big uolootloc, tho Connor- vativtm o! North jQiiuox havo put in tho Hold a vary Htrong arm, an bo iu popular both with tbo English and Fronoh. IIo apoaku Kngltah and Fronoh with equal fluanoy. Thti at'eodiince for tbn 'erni ih ilivulidi as tolli'V*- n, Kn.^fMlle 1 t'fjlehi titer N \'l, GnlobeMtt r S. 1, Manlhtoui* I 1, i J isfield N. 1."j, Godlich H 1, Mut'iga "J, Uie.io^tet 1, ^luldoll 2, And- nlo'i 1, Tilbury W 1 othei eountien 1 total M','1 ^V/ojue (41 ii tl to hear Mich good roporth ol theHiicouis ot thu new H.^h School at Li'iiinint" on. That tin* attendance him reiuiln'd comuder ihly o\er ttjvcnty o noon, ii pnof po'iilive of thu tiled of a Hchnnl thcie the nu i u f sjtecially 'is tin i lai(*c at tfiidanof haa bum att iiuud Withnut injur toexiitin^ ichoola. I'jhsjcx ih the neariM, , and tu tmh one of its HtudintB baa loft to aHinii Lt amin^ton, it in probable, that ,,,. , ,, L,t . , i -Tno "Old Lady of Thromlnoudlo Sir.'ut." \.ry lev, of timt-e now thoie would, but for koopa a Rood watch upon her tHMMiros its ex deuco, htiVti Im-i n attending anj Ili^h Ono room alono Is e-d i- St ih i 1 ['In pnneip.l Mr Elliott, utiitn b tnato to contain ohl uoins nf the tot.il hi(-h ,n Ins pud,,,,, n and under hm man- ^luo of ^.OUO.OOO It is a lar^, x.uilt. ftiounu wlioso walls aro ninncrnUrt iron ..Ktmnl thin-i-.no doubt of the miuue-H fiafoa, aontalnlni? ba{^ of gold, rtanh wpro- of thu bcliool. It Imi uyidontly eomo to nonting tho v.ibio ol UJ,000. What, tho 1 total valuo of thu Hank of ftnffhinil'ti con- eonu may bo cllfTluult to Hay,bub 20,000,- 00U would bo a fnir estimato. Vi\.y and nlfrht 1f3 this wealth \ Igoroualy guarded Kvon If a burglar went ablo to pass tho bank guardii on duty during tbo night, ho Would find, hlmsolf faen to faoo with unuiihpoctod and lnhunuouu table ob- Btaolen. Tbo Hiifnty of tbo Hunk of Eng land Is furfc uir instipotl by a maKniflcont Byetom of oleotrio wltoa, all of wliloh com- 1 munioato with tho quartern of tlio hank guardH and olhowhero Onoo a burglar touched tho.so wiros ho would nhivm ovory- ono within JioavlnK dlfltanco, and tbo tbiof would fall an cany proy. Tbo dlffionltlog in tho way of opening tho aafos aro also Homorlo. Many of thnm aro by Chubb, tboy will fitand anything, o.\uupb dyna- mlto, and in making uso of that oxploslvo tho burglar would probably find hlmsolf to uen an Irish lim In piooofl tho noxt morning. K\ory bank and Insuranco company' a ofllco in London lias its own strong room and Hiifoa, in whioh may ho Htorod valu ables, oto, Tho strong roomu of Coutta' IJanU aro a Bight to roo, and if their con- tontd oould bu revealed it would ho found that moro orownod imadH than thu Queon dopoalt rhijlr monoya and valuables In that old oBtabllHhmont in tbo Strand. Tbo newer bundes probably poHHcso ovon Rafor fitronff rooms, for in tholr conntruollon tho latent Improvomontfl nro incorporated. Tho BafoH and dcod boxoB unod by tho Safe De posit Company ar remnrlcablo for their Boourlty, Dooda and flharo cortlflortfeH, roprosntlng a'vahio of hundreds of thou sands of poundR, aro Htorod In thorn, and inoab of tho boxon aro fitted with combina tion Icoya ho aonstruotod as to provont any one piolclng thnm-or solving tho combina tion pusizlo, whloh la of a monfc lntrlcato desorlptlon. In nearly ovory oano tho big banks nro chary of apojilclrtg of tlio man- tier lu whloh I.hoy keep their treasures. Ono bank pormltH only its managor and on assistant to visit certain Htronp: rooma while another,, to guard ngainBt any toii- denoy.nhown by tbo watchman to fall a1atiprproHont{* itn Hervantfi with chalr on which they can sit In a curtain position. If one fallH udloop and movoH In tho'chatr, tho furniture olosoti up and throws him upon the floor. Tho result 1b that, Mkxlosrf tho watchmen van Aloep whUo standing or walking, tho employee of the bank ore bound to keep tholr eyea open., ' ) JV. 6C to 05 C3 30 20 to 30 176, 1 00 to '1 50 i 4 15, 9 00 lo 10 CO 4 50 to 5 00 1 :t0 to 1 30 5 00 to 550 2 50 H a 7 13 7 its in)itt ious act ion on ^< in lal ion ,i m thu pii't it [days in dngoneracy will > ghul to add another brain-h to th i btud^ in the shaim of tho faKiht ill ion > In* shaim r f.iKifici dogs. I' or laNilicatorb of do^s e\iii i F'irih and tin ivo, just ith well a-> ; i imitators of Japan wiitv, old funiii. i and pictures uf Coiot, Toniors, ami . u- bens. Ask for a bottle of t'hartieusi u any grocer store of Paris and you w A' bo solved uitliabottln of Oluirnuuih', and as to LruOlcs-dinraomlu, cliumpaftui and i otfoo, iruitators of tlu-hO havo o\>- tamed too lofty a htation for them u care for ci itu*isni of their products. It wns generally suppohod that tlu dnimal reign bail not bcou tampan d with, ho that nuibt pcihon-j will ho aur prised that tho French Imvo reoont.<j diHoovon.il a method of pioducing tiny dogs, whicli, when olfered for salo on tho boulevards or in tho Boi.s do Bou logne fetch good prices on account of their rarity. Like all other calling*, competition is about to cut down tin prolils 6f tho originators of tho idea and next summer visitors aro piomiH&l any number of lilliputian dogsnt an in- bignilicant price. This is bow tlio diminutive animal is produced ; Snatched from Uh mother'* rn-east when it is but a few hours old, it is put 6n an alcoholic diet instead of lacteal diot. When it reaches a certain ago alcohol under different formsconsti- Btutca almost tlio sol diot of tbo ani mal. Tho young doga do not die, but, what is far moro important.thoy-donot dovolop and appear to bo wanting away continually. Tboy Boon ccaso to grow ontivoly. By coupling thoso products tho lilliputian animal is obtained aftor two or throe generations. AVhafc a tor-i riblo Icshou for drunkards and abalntho:1 oanaumortf. \\ l.i-ut red per bushel..,.9 Wheat, white .... ('orn ,,., Oatu .,., I iinotln St'i il .... \ - i ,n Hdil ___ . | Miil'e ___ | lltt\ pi v too........... I I i ef J ( l CJtfJL............ | 1'urk ]............ jM iiUon ............ JlnkH ............ (dnU'euH pur lb.......... liutlor .......... Laid .......... K^t-i, pur doz .......... L'otatOiMi, per bnuliol .... Onionn .... Apph'ii .... Turiiifh .... Cariotu .... BcOtH .... 1'tirnnipn .... Turkoya per lb.......... DucIch .......... (Jelery \ or do/, .......... Cabbitj^o .......... IK!ruin WalKerAc Hoiin ?IiirltelUcporC, No. I llye, per hnubol .... ( SO 1 OntH .... * 90 1 Barley owt M 2 owt 7 In ooHscijuonce of their elovatorii, eto, lieinu aJrdmlv full JVloHara. Uiram Walker & Soiih, Limited, aro oompollod to diucon- tmuo buying com until furtbor notioo. Tho abovo priooa aro paid by, II, Walker Bona, Walkervillo, Out. SO to B5 70 to 7fi 1 00 to 1 00 aoto 90 10 50 30 8to 9 7 1 00 36 Tailoring Co'y.,, SOUTH WOODSLEB, Ordered Clothing away Down, To clear out onr Htook of undorwaro wo will Roll at ro. duood pnoos. All wool flnitB roduaod to float. UNDEBWEAR, Fine Sootch lamb's wool, 91.96, 91.7C BQib First storo north of railway, Harness. "U9 F, KvorythiBR in tbia line at F. B. Adamu' HamieHfl Emporim; *1- bo a full ntpply of neweat thing*' ih BLANKET*, HOBEB. nHK other winter equipment. Frlot* / the lowest. Whip., Brnsfc* Trunk*, Valises, eto. Oo.ll and Me o. S. Adams,, Talbot BtM Beeex, j r. rv; l&,i tt\'V" ,:.,', ,wi ,i >A& V *. I -r>.