Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 7, 1896, page 4

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^p'TrfpppF^^ THE BS3fc;Jf FRjBTS TPF*fr,3^ 1896 ND SO ARE-WEt U|F urn hero to nhiy alno In givo you value Tor youv money. wc"re Htiirtii.B tins your with a very clmicn linn oi ntnplo'iiiut fancy (jroeericM. . . -. , wo arc fltill hoIIium tl>c bnt 2no. toa m town, wo know it and !0 do you our blnck japans ami Hyson's '.LVilh, at, lOn, cannot bo cxuptlort. wo arc nlnn wiling tlur (incut ymde ul Unelm and juva oofiOeH. tfivu uh a tiiul and lie convinced. Our En^linli Dmikluj-L Cocoa is giving tbnui^b smtiHi'nounii no our ciuUomui'H auy. B'igfcs*"P"cc paid fci* Butter and Eg^s, The Essex Free Press. FlUUAY, FKJnUlAUY 7. lBOli. SOUTH KSBICX 1.II5I3HALS. wt ' fiii.tllim Hi'iulY fr the <-"*ln- 4 am- The lujnuul'mifc'.ii.nof lUi: H<>iuh Knlinu in.2 LibonilH took pinci :U Km^nvdh ^fiu-uduy lor tlus purpose(d ruurgur-.-./.ti U liiru( number of n pi^-iiitunvo Li beinjx pruuont from tin; ihffi-miil the rilling. J* C, H. HyiriRU, ex-M. 1'., of J^fnilo-:, wns prusi-nt, and in tin- uftenio-Afc wv.-.M; n. ntun. iiifi snteclv-u> u laruo -tudjfcnen m-Uu- n-wn hull. Jf At 11 o'clock ihi-^/xi'culiv.' f:'miinit;fc of tho uhhfjoiation innt ia the council uimtiibern to appoint My ripnufiiituuvu on tlie* com mitter fmrii thti ililTon-iit rnunicipaliti- h. Thu prj^idunt, Li'Wih Amur, pn-Hidud. Tin* Hon. ^. D. Balfour iuid Mr. I'owiui, ih-> .Tjihrrul tiu-iitlidiiii', were nl-'-o pn-H{*nr,-nnu aiding iu the pirhxtinn of th" or^tum/u. tiou. Aftwr tlio oryni'l/.vLinn of thy 'tiXi'iaUiv': ootiitnitttfi f-.luiri ^pt**c;li^n '.vi rti nimbi by C. y. livnmii, M iiliin (..'fj.vim ami W. I>. Balfour. All tin.; MiLnl-:ur^ poitium out. the ncjotl of ftcT tvtt v ami viiriIu net- on tho pM't. of uVL'ry member of 'In- (;: .mm it t< n Ii'im now till after tie- Iin-t v<u v,-is, pulled. -Tho cbntoat would likely bu F-hort ami tiharp ami tin; im nil)' r> i.l' '.ho Oiiumitii^: \i-ould do well ! < !'.-i-p :!n ir p.>v/.lw ilry. Au a(ljuur:;ni'. ..t win ilicii mtidu for Ulich. TIIK AI'TKUNOON M KKTING. At 2 o'clock i; public ini-t-uii^ rcok pine*.) tt.tho town hull. The biuldiiif.; wmi mmi- fortilbl.V-lill'.'d Willi |iroini:i< nt wiirkur^ "f tho.'party in tin- ri'liii;;. I'l-c-nlfiit .\nu-r oGOJupifid the cliuir. C K. Nnylur, climr- man of the noru i i:u*. i nj'. c< >tn t mi Ltt^t*, rejoin- uaonaud tlio c!ic*n.u < i tin.* following officern ; THE <M KICKUK y.\,\:(,rVKl). Hon- prenideiit-JiL-uit- Amer. Preiiidont M Hurn-tt. "Vice prenid(-utH jI_ V Allan, M V, An- fcoiuo Ytrniftttc, (Iimj. A .Mm-iic. . Secretary-Tr-HHurer- .1 S Mid'loii^li. Municipality PiL-tiidciith- " SIci'heu Kakt- -Peter LftninrHh. Mornea Went (litlvin fluwuii, Lmi.mitoil II S Ivchoh. Pulou iHlaiid Win Stt:wurt. Killjoyillo--Leonard Mulott, Gotdiold South -Hmnuul Alulott. Uublitild North JumoH Dilui. Colcbt-Htt;r Soulh TIluh flood. Fred jMcCioc. ]2hHt'X Town J>r Dowur. 'MuUun Hobt Atlun. W T VVilhiuftuu. Andnrdon Josupli A.Aubin. Dintrict Chairman Leamington and MurBon W C Ooulnon. Kinuiwillo, Uouii&ld South and Polee J S Middouqh. Euot'X . Town, Goufiuld North and Col- ohoiitor North Or Junius Ilrien. ilulden and CololitiHter South Jud^on g Pattern. Amhoratburg atid Anderdon John A Auld.' Oil dootion tho rccoiumoudatiou uf thu oommiUoo wan udoptud. Tho profiidontii of tho diffornnt muniui palition and tho ofilcorH olected wore in- -vlted. to tako thoir placeu on tho platform. After Hpcoo'hfiH had been dolivorod by MoanrH. Gowan, Balfonr and Hyimm, Dr. Briou, of Eaflox, road thofoUowinu: EEBOLU'ilONB. HesolviiJf.rXhut this convention deeplyre- grata tho death of noverul of tho rtont loyal and auBworviujv Hupportorit of tho Liboral pavty of Bouth Kuhox, in thu porboim at Jamotf Howio, nr., of OolchoHtor South, wifchWm. WCoOain, John W.^Matott and Matbew Jeffwy, sf Gobflolo. Bouth; Har rieou Thomton, of AoHflold North, trl Hacvey Olmatead.of Morfoia, and wo lioroby lt*5ud to thu fauiiltoH and rolativou of &K. tbc-M- dou-iMisid, our i-xpn-HMonu <f n-nrt-t, iiini of Ihf lii^li intimation in winch tiny Wfn: hfld dunnji their Iivuh. llonlved. That thu Lih:inin of Ho-ith \-)ti:-i >: have mm* cotiiid'-iHM' in Uio policy ol inviifiM^ifiou and uoo.iiiLit.ion minptcd hy Hun. Wilfn d Lannn in ic^-rd u> the \\l :t I'ilnba ni-dm.)! <|iK-, .-h in vharp i:on. t'niHi, to tho polity of cui-iciou lulopb-d by tho Govornnu tit, and wo Ik-Hoyo ihi'poliov of tho Liberal parly in tln renptct U-ht aihipTra to lical thn difli icicch L*xihtiii|{ be- t wi'L-w ttiii factiunti or all tho ]>rovinct-n of Canadu. HoHolvoil.That thi meet iii^ oxproHdf-H itn ontu-o upprovid of the policy of tho Liberal party uh propounded at tho ()ttn.\va convon -titJti j^4l ',H heurlyitiiilurhutioii of tho wine aa^Tlile lendt-vt-hip of the lion. Wilfred "LmiriiT who, v.-e donbt not, will noon ! called lijion to lorni a Oovoimnont which will command the rm.pici mid confidmion or all purlieu mid hupplant tho prunciit din credited (loverniuent vdmn; leader, :tt:. coidiiij.' to tl^ttatitM-ny of Inn own c*d-, irt lliconip'-lt ut and mn-ntiHf tie lory, und whftho coll-iil'UI'm, accordin*^ to the tehiiinony o! their b-ador, n* a i\u*x. r,f trmt- Dn,, itir-tiii.r-Liy \\hudi this convention ut not pn.parodtu iliMpioVo. A resolution of tlianlm wum a!co moved tij th*: r(. tiring pi evident, Lew in Artier, for hiii iuiutouV w-iu-i/ .ti-ithtul dmclmr^i) of tho duties of prchidfiit i-t the aaaociatiim. AJtirwi.od Harrott then tr:ok tho chair and nubniitted ihi: different reiedutiouo to vote, 'i hu-y wcift-nil Rurrijd unaiiimoUiily. Mr. . \pre.-he.i hid thunkii to the ituMiaatioii foi tliisi e.\pi'iT-hii.'ii ot their up pre elation, lie h;id ur.\ uy-t it"-1 with the ut nnt.-t efiurier-y und Kino ul-mH ill their hundri. Whilu be ws Koini' out of the pn-r-ldeMey, In- w,n not ^iimi: out, of th'- in-.HOciatiou. IU: win ictt ly io do imuie v;|i h t hem to tl e und. t.)u mnii'iii f 1 )r. Ui.'Wiir noil (!. U_ Nn'.lur'i iii-iii-1: s v-'ic i Uiiink-, \vn--i J^i'-e-o to Mr. i ly mini ,h - und was ;ici;t.inp:iiin:d hy Hire.-1 h-iuiy cliei rn. (JOODIH Wt'l'i: :i!i') t-'.ivf-n f *r the nui-'un, W. I). finltLHir. .Mo-hlou (Jowari and IIiisj. Wilfrid li'iiiriei- an 1 ill in tn-ist, r-ui 1 j n.-,j u^t :o mid HUCCrn.linl ^mIiiji'IM^ iliTp-!i'." [!, -_. ^------------- II lyh Ciinrt SJUin^s, tli-li t'oiirt hi'.tmtia wei't* i.p.ned ut SaioLvioh on IMiaiday before Ju.iticu Mere dith. KmVith I imporhiiit caMjH urn being handled. Malotl VS. 11*11, lilt) tll'rit. cane. --/.L'lHtB lUulott bought a tarin from ". f.n of tin* di-foiniunt, who was to huve lu-un j'.iven u l|f': lt'iL.-U, but till* \ML IttiVUl" (Inovn up. 'l^it: tat.ln*r ile.eliued to leave tht; pri-nnwri, and ah ej'-cuimut wan asikcd lur Tin! case v.'.m irind without :*, jury. Thu jtn:.;i. hold liiul IMaliiU hud no notice of mi, lulei'uht in thu fuiin by Jacob Ilo.r and r\r:uiled.the ejectii.el.t it11*:r Oiiu liiouth Wl* hoiit eutUs. (jin-cjij v/i Walhli, Tim prwoiwjr ww acoiiht'd ol biiriiluriain^ tlic harilwaru tijorc of \V. II. Uichardsoii bur, aiui.niur. A lot of tough ehiuiit'l.eiH nworo lliat Walrih whh at GronHo 1'uini buck of Duiroit lim uigiit of thu -nbhery, but UonritiLhlu Siaon, ,7no. Oorniluy and A. .duthttt hwih-d to having oi'i'ii hirii in 1'jUmux iliub ni^ht. IIo got three \i'iwn ut Kin^H on. SIR Mowir Told a Buff;ilA irrrportof-Ab'.^U Canadian .Loyalty. "CMAniA':S AHE MOT-CBWABaS.1 rn* <ni!i!-!i avr*'iiii>-r en.! *. rij*T*- iiut uji'ii: iti '.' :ii> ' ' *' I.*i> tiVly I :"-'-- ... it. . . IdilTnl'i, .1 :.. \\ U<> *,v;i Ii. 'Id limns \'i : ! i:i> 1:s ' --a i > . Mr i'1 '.' i. "!.' ( Hivr M "V':. i- i, ,f n fi m ' i' .' : nu >\>i " I M 1 :*h i ,. I I'll:' tr'< .. . . i ! .n , ai IV r : r 'i.i- :'-!. -! " I . n- . , in" :. . .- a tin it / : t.'t.'i'. I-'i ".ich i'.. n..d'i \v:| h I 'i ..t" l':i .1 ' n,',:.]-i'-. it-v.-i d- :......- : ""1 u" ' " hi IdI' niiio ;.u i.mi i.'>-'i..:......^ ;i' 'Il ",-v v.'hiilu iiiii.lh' i .ii i:.0"ii |.i_, ;l!1;. li i ( .. > .il : .. il ' . o. 1 '. mi idn. I i.i- i " ..^ o 1-;. P' ' ' '. ill l.\ <<t V. ;i.' ; ' _ " i it>i| ' V '..... . k i I i i ( - i . . : i i it V",di-d. \ : : i.i.i', ^ lit 1 f . '. I " ! :i--i,dl.v in.'. ,i'd i 1 fit I : U ' " i ;. ,1 v h. - 'I !i< I. , bu i-i ii -1, w-;.-,.. i nn '. Ho I il'i' II. I;; -.v.....! i-l'.d 1-. -..* ' V: j.'.iuh .1 l" lb-- ;..! how" ;i|| in c. an ! - . 'I '- t; I.h'-r in ,i t!' t i" :-.i|i<] ;1 ( - iuill' oi I!. >-1.!, ul'1-iinl. t it uuT V..- .! i II . n|. ,-i. \\',- iM ' i.[ n- I ii-i n I'i i.-:,-.:/ u no n> i. !i""' !" . b|:t. ('iiniid.nii;-; .-.i id: , y> u Kiiuw. \\'.-. Ii.'i'.'i- lt:i.(l Trbil'iii with t 1'iiit.i-d ;-'!;it ; ". bin in-ri-i' w ii lu .'ii en n: ', 1 d> i.' -1 : : In . lid no! i'.- noi iculily ::- '. \\ .. H.iiin nii|> tier rn-.hi to ll\'.- ij.'i -hl-.u'ly :u.> dn n,i: hiiidnc.- s in 'iiul-:i'. \y ivi tli thu i'nit '1 Hiiiir.-, [.IR v.-- .d'-o I'hiiin tin* l'l.^hl t'> !' in i'.v v,li;'l i '.ii- i h 11 :.i-l'.*i-.- und In Im- n Ihi \v d I" nuiiln '.; e i ill c n\.':i ii I'- i;i ii';- n'< * .."i,i.. Will ol','. ...\'. il'., ',',' :il - i r" Vi .tt 1; in i'i',', \:<>i :i: u v, i : Mi ;V " ' 'iint.inoi ". :-dr ' i id : " ! '.' ' - ::-!ld' :t In i- f. I i n . o. - t" '.b ; h'-r ' cr. i 11|> l,.-r p u,,'.'i- :' .- --' * *rn -' .- i.' !i't.-i mil ;i!-. :d tin- po',' "l'.:,", :i - il" :-d:u ;i In. '.i i : : M p'-'-lUid. . .' Ifd il' -j-.u ; h. I.: 1... eiii; 'I '.: 'in Im li- In. I ^'i-idtli t ri ~ t III i:! - V-K' -i.iol l.. ';,,-, ir;i.'l mi." .'! I! i.'! 1 Hi!1 'I'nj : . a :.d .1 It P .'d i'l'i ' ' V - . ' ud In" . !. II- d-d ii"i. 1: ,.c..v'\ h- : : . .- l . '; ',' .1 'dl' .'". ' : i .-:,.| \,> ,-i dl ' u 1 'n- "idii'ui l I-.1. .'|-n:ui .,1 Im.-i a h:-rd fund !n ' , . '"' i b-'i' n1 :i ' 1: " ,' ,. ii!, :.- L:.iu ' .- :n. l'r. ..:.--," . [ ' -oi.. . .: i- " ' { hi: : hi.idd.TS ' <[. *. T' 1 ".. -;i :-. ; r.'niirr D.iri-t-.iiii r* *, n i i:. ,,i jii, v' .u: d ' :'. .bin. :.o. All ,ilh'L-'-i| di-ifl i.f i*i- hai-. -I ^ r .i' .i.i. i.i.i. i:i v Ai . in... i, <ii'l il.i. .i. . i'i ii... . >-.ut .- U ,' U.-l.-lt. _., |,.L, |, | In- n 1" ' !' 0 tiu-i .-inrii i', w il . : in- p.ijiur ,u.i vr I'u o.i" 1 ;i -1 i". i ,., ... 'lull. I.- .1 U. i'tr '. I i ! . - ! i :.:. 'I I..- NKW WANTED. WHITK OAK M'OKKK, AN[) IUCKOUV liuit LriKH. Wnio Lo O. & VV. MuV-u.u, Jlubi h|ik -.'iid ll-liiiiiitf I-'tustury, i);iiidoii, Dm., tor priuc'ii anil>ii, 5-11 B (dil, Hi al -I 11 Shoithorns for Sale. nv.Gis vkhev KnuuTHouN mjuj, :i couiiUK '^ y:arf old aud 5 from 9 to Hi mon. Ootjil L'olorqn M rutland 5 num. UodiI aril ii, cood hroe<lliJ|i and prlodn l.atidi.nlilL1. to of ui'iily at otiiiii to ii. G. AiiNAU) A W\K, Kenilwoj-'li.Hii.cli Funii, Mutuiitoint PO -KKL E STRAY. T KFl* MY PitWMlnKB, LOT U3, H..M, R,, |j Townob' Oolchofttor North, a ow > and blaoli lai.O' lirormiLtloii londniB to tluiy XQ- pfivory will bi> itultably lrowanV-d.lfl tliilt II U'.KKll, aonloP.O. ' ' .: i "In- I'l'iiiu i.' -hi I,. i ' . ... . ,| ..[.. U..1., 1 :., :..\ i:> . ;-...l.- ' I I, . I i i,:,! '1'ln _', ii \ . ,. ' .- .l. ni.i .. ! ..lit. li :,,.... -i Oi I ! I-. ( i l'.i.-,- ul' :- ; , l.xui:;,, > ,, ,1-i.r- ' 1 li.V. Wl.iiIiI y,,u j :',- , . ;i : it '.'" " il! ,i'!ir-,..!v : II..I.O': :l - ii'l.r-. >, ,-,'!t- " 'O Oi I a old Minn i-ni'. leiil i. m, 'I' !>' ii,~ l > t-ii'ii... -. I iu-ii i. li-,, |,,.. " 'I - I-a i I alii lid I In-; , :ul < ^ 11 fi-t i '- i)f 1 111' i iM'.-i.-llJ i,,ii ii,,i,.iii,'l ii.ia. i-.' u>' inn.i' p -r da^. !:, ' ,,; ... l- ' li" nn.i I n- -.m ..(' . .. -: , v "' > ,-i ii,ii i-, l "al liudr, I1,.' y :\ 11 , .ud l In- c\* ,v:.-i-'. iniiiii^' Mia, Imiir ,vdl| h, i .1 h' 'd"; ':' I 'Mil i M 'ilit. V .i-i* ^ .-, -.i ; ii-, .,.-, '..".o.i 'ir'i.iil.v In- lli- i-a-f p, a an-,'-' isii.n- i. ; - . ("> I i';- i\: ; '.\i.i|'! :.< 111 II). in t In- i-in-.r ,,t' m-1ii...| 1 . iii-.-t. Ul' :-ijiirM- ihi'r.- wnlllil- h<- i-nli- u did mn Mi to ci'in dn. Tl,i-. h i-ni:-. lii nil- a Vair |.l:tn. V. * dvi: in tin* Un- 0,:i II I 'a I I in I'm' :i f\< TV ll^ll I we rj'. |uV. tnit \w do inn : i'i- U li V 1 lu'V slim I Id 11 i ve :*jn" -".ul "|ild\ili-yi-h. A:- Mihiiu' tin* <[i:i'~du!i mi dn-.' Ihn-s. ! bclh-Vi- 1 !.* im- Just ..mi I turd ivimld li<. Mil. hi .ii'lury, und [ 1. iiuvv It m iiiihl In- I'/dr. Tin? fi'iiri. i.i il iv lirci-d ilir- ri'iuunrnitIon hi i lie ('uiiilii' i. I:' I Kaiik lli[li'dalnl\s .it o'l'j'l per :;.:!,:.'i I'm- l ho "liii'l'. and ^ '->\i i-i,.-h Tor two ii:-.-,!-.ta nt:*. Il Was slnli'd lo I no niiin that n.anv ol' th,. Miiai'i'liiililcrs rtiTi1 i-i-i liin- ly t li: id.l uu' of loruiliiK .t i-mic ;>!i ny to la I i-: ,s ol tin' hliu'i li pay ..if 111-- |M'i-Mi-1 i-uli'lileilni.hH. Tin- pr: ud|'al pan ol' tin* .-m:; of wloibui; ujr " lo.iiiicys, miii l!it-y thnil^'OI lids ruilld lie ,lii|.i' mill h rlifil|il'i- I,;," eiii|dnyhltf oili' I'lltti I 11 -lit nun i lo do i In* wnrh. A in it In11; oi- -. ai.'iul of IMi piT ri'llt, \\U\ hf* naid, t:i:*li* i..-* il lullil ul' siV.iily ct-utM oo tin.: dollar. M> i*Yii;:jt m i-aw./r iitoB;i'i:.i. '* Vt'ry DlV<>i'4;iii l I'oiiU Itiiln'i) l>y ii Ir<-1- hm !' <'itifi' .Sn-iii-r l>iiv|f oi :\,i', Victoria, Jan. lid. Tin* loival tr'ator- Ml'ty Worn thoroughly ynrpriHod tu-iluy. X "ilivorco r;i:\: ciloh; Iil'Toic l.ln- Sn- ;.;-*ino Coutt.-VcuL C'lilt-t* J instlcu Pavh- n-fnKi*d to hoar it, holding' that tin- t'upremc Court ol' this l^^ivincu! him no ...v.'i-i* tn i^runt divoid-H. 'The iviattor wan uIbo brought b fur.- tli*.* Ij'ti;l:i:;t- niro to-day. IT CMiluf Jui-tico liiivic 1: i iHht. yorlouH conajlloathnm y,rlli en- nie, an many divorces have boon prrant* r*d In the ii'unt, nr-d nomo. of tho par: tbm have romarrhd. It hi bellevetl thai 'the Itoman Catholic; Churcjh Itn behtml Chluf JuHtleo Davie on tho atand ho htm taken. K.t..-\ ..... . : Nokkt-ltttf-ll<m lV ^*rihUUlhfrtnW(l. S.r.. NowcnBtlo, N.B., yiin. no, TlilH whh nom< Iniitlon dny In Nt\rthumhi>rlimd for ilio "hwh vnrtincy. nliito'd by llu' ptfooioHMii * Mv. Jlilniim to Mif SiMini". ,L'Hu TJbornl ' 1" ltiMi."*s.*r.' vlMmll and th* ., *',...-,",rlvu .IiiitO-Ji U' to: In:order to quickly concert the balance of our winter stock into cash, we have cut the prices'to the qtiick'note reductions. 0\iiMi..!i' v,nh !>;'..75 ft v !?ii.7.r; wotUi 7.On and, '.i.ldl IVp ft;.; V.i-llil MI.00 1'OV li.OO; \u itll ll.n(J foi'7.o0; 1' inn I'li.oiiii .I.i,mh (!i.p:. %vuith ?).?>( Lo ;t).0(;, i;:iin pritd; >() to J.Vii, l'l:(illl'.(.(l lo I.Ob illl(1 l.lifj. Miiil.-i hi.d J.>iii^tvh nL !(l |n-r ct-n't. t,[( .ill lircft, CdiltH: i[iiii:k. Now in Und LiliK; L() (diUd' a Mill; 'Jo La 1*5 |i' ttiii,. (fVall . ur linn tw(tjdi; during U.-is huIl*. l>rh.[T. doodp from lf> to !I5 par cont. oft our Corn or ( ]> \\'.(>.h', Mant.hi cloths l'oduceu IVtun 26 to 10 pi r oi in.. Old) it low fur <\i]ir;^ Mtoirn Collars and ^Ii.lV.-; t'oi ladic- hd't. Tlio hn-lnncc ad 10 y,or confc, dn.oi'tint,. One pioon nxlra fine ailk StaUottn wortb .Sh.nd per yunl, 'itlo \u\i-u l.7.". Jdidiou' GlovdS, [hih(:, \'cid.'d, Ktu., all at ck'iiiiiiy prlecn t'orcaBb, ('onto <piick aiid f^ot elioieo, Call and se the heautiiul Crayon Portraits, elegantly framed, also the fine celluloid and plush bound Albums, which we present. FREE to our cash customers. As usual our grocery department is well stocked with first- class, fresh goods, at rock bottom rrices. Ml hmA ^euC' Ss**i Yours for. Bargains, *tUAV.' \1 iD'trwsTii.-j^r block;, .bssex %J M.MkVT VI u WlvPUODTICh;. . "Nobby" or "Up-to-date, ii i r whutL-viT i...nie \on nnty dvc i'. Our 'Mirk cmin-'M up -i tin' t tiindard n nd .nir r rii'f i i uth"t 4 i.'iiM;^- ii.r id'i' .-p'.r v.'ni'lv. Owiuf.: H. liiiin liijn i: ai.d prices of I'u nu produce we: line] we arc ! nd 'n, onU.-i: to turn everything into ciifili by tho 1"*l1m' ('(hntiiy \\t'liuvc ilicirc^. tcjnivr- f.'ietiter l)i;vniii/ in thi* already liar-jniii 1 (ip-( iliiih evtr bit'on- htm heard nf in the (Vdinty o( Essex, ro- nu'i!:l)f:r our tdoclt is nil new mid man, we do not advi-i tine to give ) ou half _o_fi d- qt artor (dV liui ev. ry.di liar- worth of ;.'.oods you buy from U9 at rorv- nirTr prn-<-k wTicli )h c-luaper thaii llio. elirdipo-l' 7" uill giye yen fcack lGcte. m Cttl^ to eo'nviiiee ^ ou tlmt our prices are the lowosi we fjive you a small list bo- - low. Ore> IbiiM-di.S lo l^J, If, '20 els. nil worth J5 per contmonV-***>y. Remember we give you back 10c. in cash with every dollars worth you purchase. Shin ni^ri worth 1-jJ, for 1 h . Remember we give you 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. Drtiri, O.ioas 15 20 ^ :-J0 -In ;,n etst -11 at rodu^ed pri.-ea, T^IS'^IF ST?, "'^ Remember^we give ' you back 10c. with- uiw- ,:--,.. d v ^,,,^0.^ every dollars worth you purchase. _ Priutri, (^.Ltoiis, Towelin-s, Pereailes, Oin^hams, CotLoiuides, Tablinga, iNapkniH, Tnwelt:-, Miirj;, Olov.-s, UoBiciy, ComdH, undoi wnro, in fact DUNS'L'AN Ivh'H K, KS--KX CAhld AT ^verytliin-j in tins Flore lia* ljf.-en n.dirkfd down in order to turn Una j-to'-k intn b"t'ore tin: ir.tii Ki-itv. ^* ffi^ I)0n\tf0I^t tbatwe give you back lOcts. ilSlfS K JljiSf J-m Gash Wlth every dollar P^chase for-cash. atftiliij; 1j b/f-a-*U^| Tallin-, l'unii,l,i.-N UaiM.iul (.a|i.s, Jioots ami hhoes and Oroceriea i-(d; all kinds oi' everything <;uea, prices cut r.o figure, Kai-h is Kiny, with uh. Wiiulov; .blinds awuy ilown LhiniiWEirc, Hric-,a-15riiC, .F.mucv GooUb, ."^ovfiltiew, liooks Stationory, School 8upplitjH, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yiirnn, . New Stock of late Wnll Paper. Youth it etc. Vimce'K Old Stand, EaEGX Know What You v; ESSEX nu gols mn U free from Hie Injurious colorlupf. Tito more you uso of It the bcttei you Ulco It. THE GEO, E. TUCKETT & SOM CO.. I.TI>' HAMILTON, OMT. "Fivo yoaro ftf(o," iiayH Anua A. LbwIr, Riourd, N. Y.i "I had a cooHtnuc ootieh, niiiht BWoatn.WfiH grnafcly roduoiHlin flonhi. and had boon givon.up by my phyHtotans. I buuim tptuko Ayov'a Ohovvy Poototal, and after usiimtuo botkl&wau onmplotely Heiulquartoi-H for fiohool BooltH, Scliool Supplieu, Notn rapui-.Eiwidnp^fl, Inkn, Writing Tubiutii und oflioo Stationery. DISPENSING.AND FAMILY DUUGGIST, SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot at.anrfVictoriaavo. Tho hitGHt improved 'rauohinory *Joy IronincOollarn and CuITb. \Yill not oruok oj' bruak tas winj'. Family work ohoap. Pftrools oiillod for and doliverod. Phmni.) call and try. If not natiafaotory no olnii'tto will bo mado, . XI our work Huita you, rooommend uu to your friends. . Hond'n Pills oure llvor ilia, oonsfclpatiou, V:iliouwhena, iauudlo, Biok he&daoho. -.' '-'(I j'. i "f'^'il Will not bo ffilthiilf ho rauoli in the honno ' V. ir you nHti. tho-LI'JN'S PU1SL"BAVER, * AND HEAT BADIATOU..,. gavoft '40 por ' 'J oont. of fuoh It oatolit'B tho hoat tnat other- ' ' '" wiwe kooe4 out (loorB .tlirimcti' tlm obimuey; ' >, jh built on noioutiilo principle, aud only noodBjto bo Bflbu to be iindorstoud and ap- pi-<!oiatud. Priocn only 81 to 95. Will saW ita coat in a-few weeka, .' . / ];. E. L. PARKER k BBBBX, '--.. ONTARIO. Writo or ball ai'Qourlay'a Fonndryft- -ifr '^^M . ' r--Vr/%wyA*8ti B^ifeii^ 59 279606

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