Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 7, 1896, page 3

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I'll'.. ..' wr il;':' 11; i.t *(i 7 " , ' " . V ' ' ' " '." ' ' ' ' ' VP.i THE ESvSEX mRFDFC FRFD3S*. BV ' e se ". v. I'll tVV/'--T " ;^;-:' "flOVC",!] ,'i'n ' 'i p.itfinicti w " Jill- in H"i. ' ' i tun pl'i in-,1 . li'ai'iiii.;, "i inv i . '< i < i . . i ,' i.u i ii Tver's ('hi-irv'l'fi'i'it i!. I- ii. r m i i h ll'U'll till) vli "1*- 1<"I < . 'i ' :v Hll"d, npd J li"iic\f i. .. - . Ji. Waki., * Hin;n.i> .W-. .-'- J. -d.t Ayer's C':f,,'--7 PittlOE'ai ^- i- ' "f '/.'/ i'h>/.dr ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and best assortment of Boots and Shoes; In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoe* - . -- and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land. Call and Eqamlno and bo Con- . vlncod for* yoursolvosm Jas. Douglas, Nltrii ol Hie < olden Hoot, Whitnsy Block Esse* Ou flood" prnilnctivu I-'t rm Property ut 54, & fi pur cent, utrai^ht. No ValuationFees. |3"Coivoyaiicin^ Done up in Nout Stylo ....' Fire and Life nsurance. A. E. LOVELACE, ESSJCX, ON'I POWDERS Curo SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia In so MINUTES, aho Coated Tontuie, Piz/i- nasii, lid lour. ut-S'j, lJain in Itiu Side, Conutipttion, , TorpW Liver, Had Breath, tu ;,uy curud also 'reulaiu tbn bawds, very niob ro taxis, ***j*io* SC Cents mt Oruq Stores** V Qoorgo I. JorxQ NURSERYMAN, Ruthvoh, Essex County- L*Wdi, Pear, Pluro, Apple and Quioo* Troon, RpaoH, EvGrf*roonn, Barry B h'mh, Raopborry, BlaoUnorry iinil (1 irnnU Banlioa. All (lrnt-oliLH floods, S ivu uyentu' Big Profits ! and v i"*" for pnoofl. Wo will ohcor. full* 1.ti"W r you by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees Al in every uoancot, $12 PER 100 - $12, HING LORE- AU the etato rln-X'i '>* tho HrltNh bo*- n'ttfinl ui-M ptu'iorvtiil, olthtn* In the HrUUh Musuum or unions tho rntfalU of llm (ii-nwii. Uluhiml I., at Knuluiul, lnul u- ^lutf at wlth_n-blooditouo. - H\u onotnlnaut- irllJUtiul IiIh durluK and uikiuuhh to th InHiutiioi* *T IIiIh jownl. ----------- in tint fiiurlnftuU.i oniitury nHU'oloi/lmil HiiK wro fiiHliioimll In Italy. Tha HottlniJjn worn rnrvoil with vnrlouo oirt- bluiiui uiul Hyinlji'lH, tiritiiiiii-uoiuiruU vfbva an ciliol, of thu tjoniUo, to wimr rlnKH lJur- liiK portruitH ot tho iidvurimrluH thuy hud ovorconio. Tho KmproHH IMotlna hiul u old thumb vlnj,' wnlKhliiK hIx ouiiooh. wliloh boro her portwdt. Tho ring U now iu tho UrltlKh Ahisimiu. 'i'r-lnlty rliiKH wnro formerly fiinhlon- ulilo in Krmicii. Thu Hor-tiiiK whh In Mnvn cIIvIkI'iiih, uiul Imru ropromint-ul loim of li'iithur,* Hon uiul IJoly (.Hm^r.. Aftor tho ImtMo of Unnnnu, llnulbt*l liont to tho Carttiuu'inhvH Sonuto Cliniu buiibolh of i',oh\ rltif^, tulftin from tho flntfoi'R of (It-iut lldiniLii knlchtu, Uurlucf tho rtiliruii ut tho ili'Ht tou Cuo- tinri no Koinan ulil/.on bf.low tho runk of knltcht nilirht wh.ip u cold rlu hhvo by porinlnstoii of Llio ICin j)itov, Aiimuu tho OrC'<;kn, uftur tho lime of Aloxnmlor tho (irout, tho pnrtmlt of fclint jiionuruh stit In a rlnj: wmi inppo.-.uU to brlnff bho wnvrtnr Kaotl luck. Quuon ICllyiilmth wiifl oxtrnvuRuntly fond of rLiitfq. In linr jowcl cano aftor her (loath thorn wro found 7W rlnj;n of Vdi'ioxiB dursorlptionH and value." Tlie. lumnmlPH of tho royal 1'rimiennos of 1'4,'ypt ofion had rln^fi on tholr fin- por^. In 0110 civti twonty-bhreo wore found on tho Imndi of 0110 niumiyiy. In both KfO'pt and Ausyrlu poroeluln rliif^i worn in common um. Tboy wnro oflun put 11 toil with j*tvat tlollonoy, tho pnintlntf holncf burnoct Into the onanml. Jn tlm btiviMitli ami uijdith conturloi, at ovory wodtllnpt aimni^ wealthy Sastonw, numhiu'U <if 140hi rlni;.s worn u'ivon u\F/uy to frlnutlK an miiinuuLos <>( lha uuuuUon. ])lul rlnps worn ooiiiiuou in Kvanc and (loninny during thu last century; by holding oik* up to tho-mm tho tinui of daj ouiinld bo approximately ascortninod. In tlio tinrns of Au^ustuw portrait rlnga cjuno Into fashion,probably for botrothali or oiipruKtimtints. Tho portrftitH of tho happy pair woro pravon on th unttliif^. ltomnn daiulifs In tho flrtit, sooond anil third cunturloH of our orn, w9ro heavy rinirn In wlntor, whloh thny oiohuhuod for otlior.s of Heritor wulflht during tho Hiinnnoi'. Anioiif.' Colon's lawn thoru l.s ono far- bhltliiu: jowt'loi'ri to rutuiii ooplon, mo-biln or improhsionri of slptnot rliijH whloli thriy had nimbi. Thli wan to provout forptcry. Pliny tolls of ArolHuH Fuscuh, who, belnp oxyiolU'tl from Thn pquuHtriaii nnlnr, Und JJiuruloim.not porinittod to wonr pold rinfr-'-'i rt'placod tlioni with thos i m.ulo of hi Ivor. Tho lint; ooinpoHod of sovoml loopsi, ^vliioli foil ajnirc whoxi a hprlnj; was prortfiod, wa-i fi'iKiunntly ii^cd in thn Hf- toiMiih century as abotrothal, and goiuo- timoH u.R n WfildinR ruin SOME PHILOSOPHIC BRIEFS. Tho finorot of a soorot Ih to know how; and fflion to toll it. | Sorrow ami MiflVring are God'B moHl potent o;:encin<i for [;ood. Ho who cast.'i .stones tit anothor makos of himstjlf a tarcot for tholr rot urn. j JIo who always ornnplalnfi of the clouds receiver llitlo of llfu'B HttnKhino and ilo-| bcrvi'4 loss. j I"ivo lnlnutofl of oaroful prpparatlnn j for a tank is often worth an hour of ihj pal hint (Uiinp,' theroof. A nil*) conducive] of coutontmorit i, If, yon wish tu havo what you want, nnvor' want what you can't havo. . A winiiiiii's womanliiKiHH, Hko a Chris-j tinn's Chrisi lanity, may ho taken uuy-l wlieru and loso noun of Hk purity. Antltdpatlon may bo honor ihan reall- zntion, yot it Ih thf unoxpnoted pleahiires tliat brine tho groutost dolicfhl. Whon railing af( fa to ruinonibor that, wu oftoti int nioro than wit desfirvo In thlh world, and solclnin Icsh. If you would bo hucn*isful <lo nut for- mit oiroiiliis'.niioos 10 booomo your mas* tors, but rathor mtiUo KiirvantH of thum. Jud^o your)-elf by thn frlunils yon form, for in thom you will find mirmrod eitlmr yuurewn lofty idean or your own niUKIi desiroK. , (ilvo your hympathy to tho hunilllati'd unmlxtul with erltlc.Kni, and let ynur 1 condohiiioo with tho mournor lui wiili-| out curiosity. j Timo piift Is irrovoenbly Hone, lot II] ulono; timo futuro will lnovitably oiuiie, lono mi iiiumonts waiting for it; Lima presunt Is irrndooniably yourh, iko it.. It, lri a wtdl-lcnown aharactnristio of the ill! to rata lo think (JlMoonneotcdly, whllu tho educated man carrion out a Hyhtumatlo lino of ttiouaht on any chon- cn subjecr-. Cultivate originality, for nothluf; U wu mueli imodod in tho wurhl of inon- tality; ono (jood ihutiht original wlili yourriolf in worth a thouHtind (pleanod from othor bralnt). DON'TS FOR THE HOSTESS. Don't drwHH to outtdiino your ptiOHtK. Don't oonvort a fentivo ^athnriiifr into nn exhibition huoIi an Llm upholntrorii and KilvorhiiiitliH malto In thoir KtoroK. Don't talk about tlio KorvantH. Don't talk about tho chlldron. Don't atrivo to inoulcato onvy of yonr bolonpflnRS in the hourtn or your ;,"uo.-.t7. Don't nddrnns all your ronutrks to fuiu- lnlno carH whon you nro hoHtous to mon and women both. Don't invito moro fjuoats than you can comfortably uiuorrniu. Novor kIvo your ijuu-ttH hiioh ontortalu- inunt an will email puur faro upon tho fumily for a wook nlior. A FEW TESTS Of a Eiweothoart, what iilio bolitven; of a wifo, what hIio forprntH. Of a lovur, wliat ho alllrmn; of a, hus band, what ho doun not dony. Of a friend, what iio forglvoa ; of an onomy, what ho roncadou. Of a w6mfint tlio kind Uf Htory flho tollH; of a man, tho kind of Btory ho llkcH.-r-Tho Contury. CUnkorfl may bo romovod from prrutoH and ran rob by thruwiiiK half a doueu oytiter nhollu into tbb ilvo whru tlio ooul la werlov*', uiul covorlnB thoru with ____ ____ |rBb oouL Tho ollnkam Immoiuw anfd by.^ther bloomor. (bl- proev;:j and mo c:. Uy tlUpo&rd of. FliuM>r,"a>Hl"Vnuoii may 00 noi'i>ii,nii:Hi-u I ,', enll Ivnl lo--, I lif'iu. " lie I111/.1I mit wbl b,. InlliHltieed I; )< Jv l-ildlc I'll!" 1 l"l" .L, (i;(,,. jet. '('li 11 i- n '1'. . nl ,, 1 . ; in [111; < H.u t\ m|' V I '.' lui i'l'1. I , a ,, Mii ibmii a.. 111! .i II h 11. mim'n bend. Kec< ntl.V u ti"\V "I.'.-cN'M ui' bn/'-l nut ho ; been dlncovi-r- i..t f|, 1 hi. ^Inl ii'" W rdihu'toii. ft Ki'i "wt r,n a -trr'e *tr-*^f'-' 1 ImifT. whlnh, I , , miii'Ji- He- i.te'i I'-, inn Mli'iiil'-t- to hold It'C'ir upi l"ht, runs iilmn: I in* i.-Miri III:,- ll V h" in "\"l ' i""' I' l-p ; rM I wo nuts In [lie- nf tin- u .mil . n f] r.i I'l'! h:i \ ' I'M. I .il' ii 1 I'"'" U fcr j laiilln". ' h Miij'l.iml li.r/.' 1 nut" :ii. l:ir-v lv r ! Iv.ii- d \* li- 1, .1 K b rvi.....t " ,-v ;,,-,. * 11-1 ' 111 M!1. .. '1. r 'h <-h ; j,..y a 1 ,. pad; d in c't 1 *i "-'ll li 1 rlnKllii;: of ' . v ar> ire d, h I be 1 'i- ' nut r >v ' I'l'iioil <ui ih"l 1 .\' ^ r- W'T'd SOME SCOTTIJ-II GHU3T3. Hie I.and *>f I*" in' 'Up trillion uiul 'i|i;i,ii I .11. Heoll.i lid, 111 tjl i.l t .-ji riitllir 1- ,.. -i .ind {' > II.V .1 l.unl ol ' ' ll'J hi in Ivlli-i nl in.- ] ." mmi iy iti 1 no >. en il ti ad 111' ij:j- u. lb v. (;- ! .i ml 1 no 1;:; 111 Hid:, 111 ill' m.i'.i n N\ .1 I I .lI it 1"H . J..M l.nil. [h o1 - ; A l;> lip I. i..ll> .'> v/mill) lll*i->" hcloii ,, ,i'!il Lie IT .iVo.d- ;, nn- u| 111 .oi.ll . .ill id* . o! , ll" l.-i ;jjii1 o\ 11 M'-< !! .-' lb.- f'v nib .1- im 11. .".it do 111 > M.a.d .doin in tli a' I 1 la I.- ; anion t Ui- upj.ei ela:-L. 1.....e-: <-.: i:> ; l\ .-ii lo nun li li.' . i., ,- 'i['i 1 :-:ii 1:1 1!, n<; not ulthoiiL '-...j ,. .l to- ni.sLory (! ihc mi'dent ci'i o! iiui.iii, in r'ni'- 1, 1 'dure, 1 " A ll li-.'.ud) lb, \v !i le i-otiM- :il)oiiud.s in ml I-11 hum no. -i ;m I f;li(ii Uy vi- M'u , urn- eho inb'-i 111 . .uli. ui,11 ,t l.i ' . .! .r. ih-- "ii.nn ' d , 1 1 in," and ai ' < l'> .ii :-."..10 J'L. C. 1,-, IlIlK I. ll" II lO |,OJ ll Si 1.1 1 li lt u , 111: h.ii 1:. < Hii fin tor. 'I'll. r. ih no do,,1- \. 1 ,11'-\ .-r ah. 111 t b.- mdr ' 1 .0] r v, i-ird and un.-a 11 !,h t h;i .1 u>- 1 il, I b prt'.'-,"nt mil li!. \ vn 1 . bo' mi c iinjian'iiuifi. d.d.-r.iiin, d to !n\-.-:-U|.;.ito ill.' coil: i olid N'.iu tu Ih.- room. IUluI- l.. b id Ids lofii'dilp . |'( ued ibt door vdir n ho fi II li 11 \ : .1. 'onin;;. .\'<>r emild n. . \. r I.,- 1.1 1 I. d (o I.U u 1..U ho u\\ or e\t-n t 1 n i-iiUon tho ^iibji-ct < 'f:< old ;,tor> i.1-. ib.a duiMi^ a. l.-ud bo- tw* eai tb' hind ;i iiml Utflh i. ;-,, soino >r I lie latler el.ii , .n I.I.* l:i from th.-lr n r 1 j 1 * - - lii'ou^lr, ' pu.i.ity from 'he 1 '.'.'lo-r of < ;i;tmK lb j'.a v them rl lt- l to" hni- .1 ill.' . ! 11 ile m tbo|,-j,. .sia"vi . It :u;iy h 1 \- b -i n 1 h, mi-' lit ot lb-- ^liuiW - I. !' utis v, li.rh ir.itb d lb.- ,-.irl, but - 1.- ' \ 'T it V. .1 I., si ill a.Sei I , t. Ai.oilier - '(lr> b that of "L:.n I l':i- , but ' ov,. ;,|1 1.,. t. t t o, . ; d'l.jl'-. I'e .' ' I eoiMllll.-.l li .',.-. d ! Ii.l- V. Itil hu 'ddert""f"i,. 1 : ,( onld he not ,,',)- I 1" . 1 I . , 1) r K? "M'l'd': o iy" no on, c >ubi be persiui.l- 1 lo |-1 ty v:\t li lilni. 'VI e i-h.i]dalri I e , 1 1 d n 11.. I ii< ;e.i up' ui 1 he le ad of one who d<n d tu den* erale t h-- ' .wltnlh" hy tmieb.ii;: thi_ "Dl-ovII's i .libs," as he de-d d eards. K-'i 11 I'.! 11--, r.itln 1 ". .1 h. thw a rl.-d Ul ills di'Mfe. ilU <il*Ulf tile "folll tlell'i" ! ' be 111, iMiliiel, loeked llllll^-elt into 'V- loom Tie "d< v.l" cinie, ami lie 11 : " II'M V .' li 1 ' ) I HI iollS, 1 urs tl, I bs .11 1 -li 1 . , ;.ji iii .1 th.- inniii 1--H,' the but i, r 1 j-.i \. v than the r. --r, , -l' t i]]LC his ,-\,- to th,. l;,-\ hoi,-, h id -on-ly s-ondi I fiii1 his curiosity. . ml eoiai -t ,,: 1 foi n mlniitf' to ' ih. w h.-i .-wit h.i I t" --llle up with, 1.1 o.-d . ."illy m lii'.d tin room em pry ' 11 I in 1 v here 1 1 i.iid ; n\ ' 1 .nv o*' h,.i a 'i .. o !e In fon mi. A ft or his -I .All. Ihv ienr> liit-r the ^f me nwi:-es . 1'.- c 'ltd inly In-.ti d i ^uin-r front tier II Min . 11111 .ilniiL,' t \i'- '"'Hi dors. A lla 11 h;t nK, Lie- seat {>{ tin- St twirls, iuuiiiled by tin- tfhos*t of "i'erirlln" Sin- ih" wlf,. of th> hist 1111 oin-t, mid a Vv< nr-hwoman, whom in- uiiiril. d in Paris and deserted, '..h.-n 1 cturiiiiiH' to III-* native land hie"1 .'Id e.ip.-d at the last mono ut tu bid bin ; o id-bye, and stood on the fore- v.! 1 c| of the cnaeh to iiddn ss him. r.'ich annoyed, he bade th.. iiostillion tr> drive on; tho lady fell, rind th> ub'eis *roin;,' over ivr head, killed h-r. <">n his arrival home, when dri\:hk ut der the nrched eiitraiu-e< w;iv, Sir Uoheit saw "IVarlin ,b ;in" rdtti'tt- fiii Hie tcp, her head iiml shonhle'", crvered with blood, and for Hie ri-ith- of Mlk .and tin- j ml t t-i ur I,.n:s M\ hei Is weie heard almi^ l lie p,r - ares, and so recnlly thu II Is dilUeult I'i'ii now to obtain a tenant for the pi. CO. There is per ho p- no m on- not m | ' (> t than the "Alrh.- Drummer." TJIj b.iiuit Is an early stnine,hobl. Curiae iv Ci'stle, belunniiiK to tin- Marls of A!rilU'b' never his drum !, heird tlee- ;>'-ound take It as a Mire token of the Spf edy death of one of tho Oi;llvie f.imlly. The origin of the story in thai the Jealousy nf a foinier hud uf Air- lie was riiUHcil. elthei by the tlnimni'T ov ly the ofueer wlins,. niessenirer he as. In nip' he thriiht the man lnio Irs drum and lluiifj him out of the wln- r,( w of the tower In which the mudfi If usually hcird. The vteilm threi- i.ri'il, If his lifo vol,, tnl-en, to haunt the family, and h, has been as tfnod, M nitluu-, as bad as his woid. The music of the haplO'SN drummer ba.s i.l t'ti been heard, and qui to recent lv, \.!thin Ibo memory of those llvlnjr, in 1l^:'. before the deatli of hady AlrPe, nod in 1K1IJ, Jiofoio the death of the ninth carl. I'lMiluifH lit (illl. I i~>. Ml AM TTo JTaVe '-(in iKht my pi pi?. Hhe--No. My 11 n.ffhV I wnnt tu nuuch box In In my ' ^K : ' -;i'V K 1 "- \ ' '*: / /. i ,. 1 . .. *"" sJ -n:y' , t o. .- cZ^. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGCBT <\A!~E. IN CANADA. Short flouriieys on a l^auix Itoad la thB|rliaruu(oriHtic title of u profuiioiy 1]. liiiitratt-d hook containing over ono hundred pages of oil arm 111 e]y written iluooriptionii of mimmi rirohnrtii in tho country north and W(,st of f'liitiit^o. Thu roudiu^ luitttor in now, tlio illtifitratinim are new,'and tlio in formation thoreiu will be new to airmail everyono. A oopy of "Short, .lourncye on a Lon^ ltoud" Will hi) hont froo to anyone who will oucIoho ton oontH (Ui p1iy|poHta^o) to Gi:o II. UrArroni), General PfiHfiongcr A(4ont Chicago, Milwuulcco A St. Paul Railway, Clucafio, III. Don't worry. Don't' run in dubt. Don't triilo with your heiilt;li, Don't try tixpor- itiiioos with medicioeH. Don't wtonto timo and monov on worth li-tiii compoundH Don't bo porhiiaded to tulto u nubntitutu for Ayer'H HurHiipurilla. It in tho btmb of blood-puriJiorH ESSEX Holler Milk* JAMKS NAYLOIt UlKoh tUin o)ipnrtimity ol aimoimcin,, .1. tno pooplu cf tlio Town u.m) County of K.huojc, tliatliu huii ropiodoliic] thn Kh- hox Itollor Milhi auoordiiif; to phuiii tiruparud b> It. N. 'rico, Kt. ThomiLH, mid lmn 11.I110 Hocurod tho horvicoH ot Uoui-niT Sthaciian, an oxporl oncod iiml thoroudhly couinotuut millor. ThtLiiltiiif,' tho poopld of tho town mid countj for tho putroiiiiRO botttowod upon him in tho pant, will cuuriLutco KiLtinbictltui hi tlio faturo Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THK liEHTflHADKB OP J'LOTJIl, FKEDAND COllNMKAb KKI'T IN STOCK AND BOLD AT HIGBT ntlOKH. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, SOUTH WOODSLKK IT MUST BE TRUE" For ovory pomou aayH that T AlttkeH tho boat Uarneoa in tlio County of Eghcx. It will paj you to oomo to South|Woodaloo to buy your Harnuim. StnoltjReconcl to iouo in tho'couuty. Fmo Btoolt of Horno Blanltotn junb opened out. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. ETonox, - Ontuflo. MIIB. O. WirjKINSON, ritoriUBTRESB; baa boon tltorouRbly palntod and roploniohoil with nuw fuYiilturo by proiiont prop riot irons. LXHOIfl lULKN IN CONNl'.OTtON. Finit-Olaoo Aoonmodatlon Ouarnutuod, VV 7V.W XJuMJ Bnloflmon to handle our riut ,y OmmiUan Grown Nuroory Btook, Wo nii'unti'it iintinfiioMou to rnpronontativou awd uurts-morn. Cur nurnorlou aro tho lareofifc lu tho Pomlnlon, ovor 700 aoron. No inibntitution in orders. Exoluolvo torrltory ami HboraltrmB to wholo or part timo nnontn. Writo us. (TJoful oflloo) Toronto, Ont. (Thn only imrflory in Onuada having tostlui: orohuKlii.) 44-auo mm m Pliteo IuJJiq wo_rJdii*w. ^^tfhili ft Hd woraoti to Raouro a Bu nine Ad mM D O I Eilnoutioii, Shorthuud ,etc.t ia tho I K ^ I Detroit miHhiuHB Univurelty, Uo- UUUl *i-oIt,Mlah Illuotratodcatalogue Froo. lieforenoea: All Detroit. V, OTBW BXiti l'roa. 1\ ,rR 8PBN0KB, B*o'y. 1 -On :L i , i , , Y*" % a i i , i 1 i . i 1 1 1 *' i _,) i i'i. ' i. ... ,i . ( . . . \ ! |i . , 1 ' .i i t i I , ^ i 1 ' . ! 1 . 1 - r ' l l CHURCH DlWFCTORY Ml' I IKiHIH'1,~ Hi*, ["lucne, "n.. tn" 'v rvu-i i i.. i iieduy ut 11 ii. in, ui.., 'i j. in. t>i<,.1.1 'U|. i i i" M u( uJioel. I p> i.iH. i,'.. ijiii i>i .i ' M' ' ( < ' ' .i (1 .. , t , #1. ! t- - 11-1,Oil 'l'J|..Jhil.< , ij >i lill... ('1IU1KH OH 1'lNOI.ANO- ICnv A.Ii.llnvorly, Ij, ui)iil>ei]l, Ht I'uiilx, I'inmix, J)iviiumhii vim- >\e) y huinlav i*-t 7 o'cloi'k, |i ui Mnudiiy 'lolujol uL 10 it. in. A'l-hliLv Uhiiich, Korlli Iti'lj'i -Idvlnd Hnrvlfn.'H d\ iiij Suii'lay ut I p. in,; (inn \^y dulmol ut l,l!ip. in. The piihlm nro cfii- IjitII v br, Iiml. I'lll'MIVTIIIdAN. -\V. M. l-'huuhiK, I'li-.tnr fiiU" vk'uii mi S.ihbiLLll ut 11 ii. in. uiul 7 ..\i> p. in !iii.h Jiilli Hehool ut ^:;il) p, in. I'niyo- mi eLllif, and 1'iintm'i, lnliln cliui'i on TiHiMluy itt/.IJU p in. h "i..i| I' ihi '.'/'-.incmt.ivMl, 1 IT, p. .'i-li-- I iiinii'ii, -itnv.M. I', f;ni]i|ihtill, 1'itu. ,f'i vieii't.....'li <ililKith nl. 11 ii. in. uiul ', V nl- i.'i,li.r.(. ni ii i , ii .'it, All ili'h I'lirdiallv wnl- I'lfhii A. KomV'. (!,\'i dliiM--. -]'r, fi. K, MrMrr. L'uiiUir. Hor/'.c. i viy iM,ii':r fiuinlnj nLi..Hjp. tu. Hunday -tcliool aL :t p. m. Maiii.ujNU llicl. iiiilii . and in.linnii lit Ml,111) ii. in,, ciitecliliun nl ^ p. in , I.H|)t|.,iM iil :i ji. in., \l)ll]H'lHiitld IH'llfdietKiu at " p. In c. j-; \l<; (i l, p. 1'.'iio", Aii'r, J .- II ?.lii,,.,ii(, (Jupttun Kuluitioii moftiitiw h.ii U'mliu tliij, Entii'ilns uud hu ti< Uy n*. ft. i ii(, -; J.'n .) 'in I i;,t u, hiitimltiI'vunlti;: iiti-i :i p in (11111(11",, Hi.liiir i lnr clirihtiiit,') l-ri'liiv t'Vfinn;; :uk1 M n. in. Sun du>; J^ In-ill i it.,jn. evuiy S[iud.L>. All urn urlcnn.e. * MARRIAGE LICENSES. tr1 U. I'AUK, [HHUl'IH OV MAWUAGK IS.' IV mitinull, Uluhiudiioli Kilt,, F.Hflot, Ont, _ yj itAiiHKTT, iMiiuor or MuninKo TJoooi* ' -.12. d OiuiliilHHlouor Ir O,j,,(tto. Oestu, On ijtT i>. 11KAMAN, IiiiUior at llarriiiKti lilcntiiitm. luuuraiicn ajtont. NllditolJlfio nt/ l)\v'nllili((, TAldHIT KTH1CMT, J'IKHEX. UNDERTAKING. fuotory inrd nl'IiUMMH .U, Umlf.rlldcor ii'-nl Jb'umUuU lJi;a!in'. t Col ill ui, lioino uiul fiujtO from S'l to tIH). Mc(irni:nr,Op^ AWCHITECTS. I OIK,' A. MAYCOUK, AHCJiriTMCT, ,to ltoom 10 ami il, Fli'ttiliif' HidhlUi-;, WhnUftr, Oaf Phono 21H. LEGAL. Ii"1 A. Wlh.MKJ;, UiLinntir, huhoitnr, N'otnj \ l*ii 1.1 h: i'.c. Monuy r<i loim. oil'n c^, 1 in- utiiu Lllnd;. up-.tiiiiii, 1,i,i,(jz. 1 ly j I't. l'J'/l'hKS Hun u.ti'i-, Hu!if,it'ir, N'nin ^Lrutliijr.i' Punk. T.i .ft Conti a. CM.Mi.hK, ]1\KI'1.KT rt: IMltTMlT, llitru t torn, flc. OH\i;( i,, .Mciibuvy lilock, Wiuilhi. Prlvutf hiiulii Lo id.iii. A. II. Ci.AHKi'., Ii. li. H. N. A. JtAiriLi i a. It. U,\Hii,nr. ii a. | 3 i;.MtV C. WAI.TI.ltH, J..J..I! , AtK-iiicy nn II i SuIkuI-ii) in ('imiin'rv, Pro,:lor in Ailtiii.-nlti , Put.-nl Srilicitnr, x.'Mh AiMUHUii tt JIilii;U5h (Joiif-reiiit fit. Jwuiit, Uotruit, Mlfl, (Cunltdiuu chiiiii'i ii(*uiiint pori-oun in tho United StuU;n cnll.i. rod.) Kuforunufii: Imptirlul Jiimk, I')\, lint, ,1. li. i'otiiih. I'nij.,, oto , Kmicx, Ont K.A. We ui r, l.i. ., liiirieilm', i.ti-., hmiox. Out MEDICAL. |AHS. HHU'.N it IlltIMN*. x .ritti Hii* ii, M. ])., h. H., <;. P. iTv nuhmtii of Quoon'ti IJiiivonuty, JvliJ|{Htoit, mmiicnr of Col- l','o ot 1'livntL'iiiiiH and Sur'iiMiti'i.OntuVii. (Irud- untfl of Now York. Pot>t (inuluato Mtdii^J i'o\- luiro, ^2% .). W. lblon, M. I)., C. M I-. T. M. O.' h^io" (mulunto ef Triuitv M-xlic-d ('nllcf-M. Honor unnluiLtti of Trinity Uuivermty M< nilmr ol thn CulU't'i'Ot Pn\hu:iiiiih uiul Suij*i'oi:-i, ont. r*---' tint*, l.i ,N(iW Vinlv P..iL I ir ulll iLsj ^^l) /'cllnrif. Or ad- lie tl Colluj'o OHiuu nvci Km,i-\ Mi .lici,| CoiimilL'Llion roouvi. m ih-ou n,,,!,,,,, .,.,,( ,m llrht Mitt idjoVn. T'jI<-|)1ii>.io in lu)Ul nllicn iliiiI rt'i.'iipji.c... All ndhi alliMidu'l tu fioui nlllt'o, >iinu. hiiiro, or i i'.,|iIi.ih:i., Ki" idniioe. Tidhot htri-ei,, tiont tu t ui- t'luimd. Hull dint; dnin, .Iiiiiiu.l Ilo ic dint 1 IjOt-ll ollll'H Uiul D US. DKWAU & McKKNZIK. I'.A.Dkwak, M.D.f:.M.,I".T.M.H. M.nior Giadu- no Tilnitv L'mvoiHicy. .Moinliur i ollujjo IMiyt 'cins uud iSiiri-ooiih, Ont. KuhkIoiici , Talbo it. KllHt. t>. McKuNun:. M. U. C. M., Coronor,' Now York 1'ont fintihiunt, Follow Tnniti .-.leilicul (lollofio. tinuluiito Trinity UitlVunilty ltomdoiicii: Tidhot htrent, weht ot il. C, It, Olhcohtiuni h to ll a. Ui., I to :i uiul (Ho bj>. m Ofuco in Iniporiid Hank hleL-K." uiound Hoor, nuxt to Tluiriin'i, ilnii; t>toro. Tolonhonobi cniiinictioii with olllco and roiil- dunce. <)idt-rn loft ut Tli'irnu'H ilniir Htoni will le promptly lUtondod to. DENTAL. HP. MAHTIN, IJ. I). 8., L. J). H. (Inuluiitu in Dontintry, Hoval (.'cdloiye of Dontul Suruoonii, Onttirm, uud Uuivoriiity ol Toronto. CliurcoH.iiiodtirittii. OIJiu(, over lirien & Cot dm*' iitoro. lh-1 * SOCIETIES i O. o. J-".- KN'lid.l'ltiSI'; Lodi'o No 21B lia'f t lOViiry Thiiii'iliij , i vciiiui: itt, 7.H0 iD nldtulk.v. i, Iliilhinthml ntoic\ DniMtau Illook '. I'litiiif; niniiibni i< uf otli'-r ]fjdi;i-t u ij| inrolvo jrntonml wolcfunti. .J. .JOJI Nh'i'ON, N. fi, CKN'l'itAfi KMC'AMI'AIKNT, No. do, iulotnln Oihlfidlowi.1 Midi, Duiiiitiiii'ii liloidi, ou tlio i\tnt Mid thinl Ttutmlity tu ouch mouth. Viiiitorii nor dhdly rouoivfid , Moiubort1 of iiutioriliniito loduoi in the juriiidiction, luvitti.1 to Join. 0. na.nnan. (j. p., (.. ! '. mid., o, h. I^HhKX i'lKI', P.ltHlADK. MIJKTH KVKHY I J i'ndii} t'vnimi: in ulio I' irmiioii'u room In tlm Si ton ii Ijii ilrj i jji-j. .Jan. APiMun-aVr fJhlof; Hoht. P/irlti'i', OitjitiLiu; A. lluriihtim, bhiutoil- tiiit; P. iJil.e. Sourotiiry; l-'rerl l{II\iLtt, Triitmuror* /"IOl'Jt'1 UOYA1., NO. 2'i-J. 1. 0. F. \ j iMont!) Hci'otiil tuul fourth TuoinliLV'iiin caot." moiitli ui i. o. (). J-'. Hull at ft o'clock u lOa Vihitnif,' lMiit)ii*ni will lie i.*ivijii a fi'utorjiiu vrc-l- cniiHi. \\ Mofiiunland. U. It., \\ . (J. Hhaw, iiCCS M.J. \Vi,;In, CM. II. C. il. "p^i r Michigan (Tentp^ " lha Niauara. Falls Rcuis*' GOINO HAtlT TaUini'otroot MuyBP.itli, lM)o. Mall 7.1.'. Ildtroit...... Wind nor .... Pidton..... Middutouoc K'dujx ...."" V'ondHli-o ... Uo.'coinl- ,.. ('oiiibill ItHh'otov.n.. Koiini Vi. - St. TlioinNi 7.1D H.0.1 H.'Jl u 'a'; '.> i", 10.IT n.:ui Kxp. iuu. 0.-J0 I'-xp. ii, m. 0. in. HMO 7zr,~- man H.-17 l.iMidoti . 1 t. '1 llDUllUl... Ko-liu v..... ... Kid^iliiwii..... -OiUllliM"..... luiHfoinhr.. . WoodHleu..... I'lUHOX ............ Mmdhtoiu Or Polton......... WindBor.. .... L'utroit......... 10.00 0O1N0 WUHT. p.m. ll 10 !* tl) r. :i'i\. r n ' fi f.ii (i.(i:t o.M 11..10 1.05 it in. in a i 7.H) V.11.1:! m,4 a.m. fi.lfi o.UB 7.JIS tJ.VO !).U0 0.U8 0.-1& 0.B4 10.0-1 10.3*2 1C.IM) JO.&B A in iio rm 1) urtr Ijcii1 Vk*al wnivr lJAlir.. p 111. 11.10 0.i!."p 0 \iH c, :in u.m. 11 ..oo h.if) u.m. a.m. po X VETERINARY. \\T U. UK'lIAltDKON. VKVMKINAUY HUH V\ , (IKON. IIonorur\ ( rudiiuli) ot Ontario Vo tori nary ('ulli*^o, Toronto; inijiiihi'r ot On tnrio Voterinitry Medical Boi:iut>; Uiploiniht In Dent 1st i'i; troatu all lIikoukoii ot doiiifhticttltMl tininiiilH; mi tlio duhornod l>v tlm 1 at tint iiiijtrovod I.ouvitt clipper Ciillu hy tvlophono or toltj- Krupli promptly utlembftt to, KiiBidMiuu, lour (loorh Houth of ("riut mill; otfico in puut office huddliif'; iiifltinurj. dirootiy onpoHito, LAND SURVEYOR. JAMEK H. LAIItD. Provincial Land Kurvoyor and County lCuiiimiur, Kituax Ceutro, Out Olllco, Duutitau Bloulc, npiituiro. AUCTIONEERS. DKNKY IIKDHK'K. Auctioneer. R ii 1 c t promptly attondod tn. Aildroim Bouth Woodiiloo, Out. 1'orHOiiH (Ienirin({ to tiouuro mi uiuy louvo word at tho l-'itKK ['hkhh olllco. tf H. HKDKICK DSINOLAIH, IjIOENSKD AUCTIONKKH for tho County of Kubox. Hinhtlof Idphth Divluion Court. All kiudtt of Farm and othur HulOft conducted promptly. Xtatou ryiuouublo and furniiihod on ani>Hciitioii. Enquiro may upply at W. D. lioaiuuii'n olllo, or at, tlio olllco or bivinion Court Ch-rk, Mr. .John Milno JOHN (iOiniLKY, LIUl^NBKD ATJCTIONEEIl for tho County of Eaiiox. All Idiiihi of lurm ntaelc nuloii, etc, conducted promptly and on nhort notice, Itatnii ronitopiihlo. Pornono dt-mruble to urriLnuo union may do no by calllnc ut tho Fm:ii IMihhh olUoo or by apiilyiuis to 4 J. GORMrjEY, P, O. Bos 155 JtiRiiox, Ont. "f FKANK MoCLOBKEY, Middntouo, thirty- oovan yoarn' oxporlouoo an au auotionuorfn tho Oountv nt Eunox. Malon oonductod promptly, rind on rounonublo tormn. PuvMrn dooirini to ux tho duto for a nulo cun onvu thomuolvop u drivoby calling at tho Fiikk Vhyaih oflioo- Wo havo avmnfjad with Mr. MoCloaUoy unci will fix tho datoa for huIoh by toloRrnph, en tiroly froo of all charno to tho norpon holdiiiR tho nalo. Ad- dronu FranltUoOionlioy ,Maldntono Crono.Ont, .106 Ehrox, 0.r.0 6,BO VIVA H.;5 . Kdf-arn 17.0(1 O.'tO 5.10 1'J.KI !i:t> 1. -t 1> K Xh'R ISO 0 115 4.B2' PI.'SO HII X '-t'c-jor I'.-IH 0.^0 4.60 i;.r.O i^..r>i) H..V1 Amlun-htburK o,;io 11,10 4.30 All tmiiui ur?) run on central fitundaul time, v. Inch iti Uty ijijnutoii nlov/or than linnox timo. For Information and ruton to coloia- Ihta lnoviun wt'nt apply to John G, Lavon, roB- houuor Ajjout, Kt. Thoimui. O. W. ItilRi'loR, Goil- orul raHHiuiKor and Ticket Apont, Chiciifjo, IH orA.O. Htiinorii. A cunt. Kudos. L. E. & D. R. Ry. TIME TAIUd-1 NO. 'JO, taliinp offoct Moniluy, Dec lill, lhf).r), Triiiun run by Kiuitoni Stand- urd Timo. Didlv except Sundiiy A a a 'A A M j'.) 2.rt 1U o.:w hi. si .;iu 12 fi.iu i'i 0 fiO 12 Ktationo. 0 .17 10.01) 10.1IJ1 10/27 10,;17 lo.iri1 10 f 5 11. u1 11.201 11.S5I 11.H5 n.-iai 11.fill 11 .w 12.C-J] iau 12.1 U 12 Hfi l* M 0:20 0.27 'Ull li,H) 511 ti 17 .1(1 iiM .ill 0 50 ..W 7.10 .fill 7.17 .0:i 7,27 jr 7,;i7 no T.-it .-h 7 51 H.tO a. 17 h.rJ3 H.:ia H.40 B.17 fi.W 0C0 0.G7 115 0.12 Ir) 1)!20 00 9.HI M. V. M Pop Wulkory'lo Ar VValliorvillo June. ........ Pidton......... ......t Ohlciuitlo...... ..... t Pnquotto...... ..... McOroRor ...... ...I Now Canuiiu... ... t Marubtlold ... ...... Tlarrow ...... ........t Arnor......... ......Kincnvillo...... ..... Ituthvon ...... ... Leamington ... ......Whcutlcy...... ..... \ llonwlolt...... .....C'oiitnwortli ... ..... i Glonwooil...... .........Merlin......... ......+ Buxton......... ...... Baiidinon ...... ...tCedar Bprirgn... Blonheim Juuct'n ......IJ]onlu>'ni...... ........UVilLio......... Ar Ititljjotown Dop F.U.'l*. M. I Klufj Rtutionii. Trnlno atop only whon there aro puunenjiern ut or for thono Dtutionii. Mixed trutuci aro ut ul timoo imbjoct to bo caiioellfld--.. \VM WOOIiLATT. Gonoral Buporintondont. & BAKER.____ TEE oldoBt bnoinoDii m town. Kfitablinuu 187. Firnt-olaiiB broad and oakoo of al klndfl. WoddiiiBOaltogn npooiallty. Orooorioa provhdonn,Hour,food, mdi uud porli. Oourao- tlonory, crooUory.BliLHHWaTO. Cnimcd trulto and voflotablou of all Uiiuln. Gnodn n^mptly no UvorodtoullrartHof tho town. J. M. EIOKH. JOi-lf LAND ANO LOAN AGENTS Cn MOKGK J. THOMAS, Oonvoyanoor, Couj- V mlHBionor, In Hifih Court of Juiitieo: doalor In Itoal Hiituto and MortflnfjOH. Monoy to load at tli lowonfc rato of intoront. Farnin bouchl imdaold. liiBUiraiioutaltoniuttio inootroliablc oomrianioH. nrawluK of doo<l<*, mortpttgon und ioaeoaa epoolalty. Gharcos modorato and all bueiuoim nyompuy attoudod to. Cull at the Ooutval Tolenhouo oflloo, MeseitCftntro. Bl^-lv Doa't worry, Don't tun in dobb, Don't fcriflo with your health. Don't* try expoti. monto with meBloirioB. Bon,fc waato time p.nd wionoyott worthleBHOOhapouiidB. Don'fc, bo potflQuded to take a substitute for Ayor'g Barnapurilliv. It ih the bout of blood purine**. ssex Furniture Warerooms. NOW IS YOUR CHiNCE If you want t'ood Furnitur'e for little wonoy. An immonBo ntoolt of Purnituro to cIiooho . from. Kyerythinfi from a jiitniiou oliair' to tho flu out rjuurtor out oak,at prioea lower than any whero in this county. Kiadly (Jivo ua a call. All goods dehvorod free of oharKe. 100 COKDS OP, WOOD WANTED iu oxohanfje tot furniture, . ili UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY Fine line or,undertabinfi nnppliefl ftlwsyrf'O^i-F hand. Willfurnmh all " ' " l " Frioon right olote. !^,'d.'^1^,,1. ^yi^i^M I ."-!,' 57 17

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