<rHJ& bSSEA krrh eiKfsgse, 3 s Jilt. CHAMISliKLALN. bpOLicli on Curruut Topics at Birmingham. PRAISE FOR PilEMIER SALISBURY nhl nmiinthc. "I cannot, hep. fhlnk- i ' IS NOW ON. fc . mgs, Ladies' Goats, Oaps,5Furs, jrcoats, Ulsters, Reefers, Suits Hats JNOW REDUCED FROM [to 1-4 below the Regular Prices H ,r'he Modern Olotliier and Men's Outfitter. SANDWICH AND OUKM3TTK STRUETH, WINDSOR. ,- .^^ .i/^f- ^OOAia? PERSONAL FIICHMHA PKTKI). TrfiiMiirur Ilyait ToucIitm lint floyw au Oyiir Feeil. LovoliiOfi wail lu Petrol uu. LhiH flinena. ft. Wiglo, of Kiugnviilo, waa iu /on day. I Mil* of Wollaud, iu visiting her Jf. W. Foster. ['j Ewart, of Gait, Out., is tho Jan. Diilgclinh. li aud C irl Wi^lu, upend Hu.. [nda in Kuthyen, f. IIoHomH, of ICintjBvillo, vis- m'iowu ou Tuesday. B. Kennedy, of Gantu, occupied fc ab Ruthvoo laHt Sabbath, rimblo fumwtod Jlov. Mr. Mcdd, on, in Mio&ionary work on Sun- rin "Wataou, of Manaho-itar, Kim- upending [tho winter with Wrn. [tfc, Ebbox. /u,J, B. Laird and Deputy-Hoove MoDouffiill aro attondiup; County iU this wook in Sandwich. i, Nosbitt had t)is miufortuno tr hnvo tho.ttnt*orn of bia left hand broken for dav while driving a npintod team i{ horn ph. Jaud Mrn. N. T. Jouoh, and daughter rspondiHg a part of tho wiutor with JivCB in Bothwoll, Ont., roturnod to fn ou Thursday. 1). Abbott, forraorly of thin place, )W of Sagiuawa, Mich., called on fives in town thin week. (Titration m Dakota l# that much maligned aeotion of [tern country to bloaaora like tho moling from a publmhod article on ,joob, it in Htatod that "Men wlio are naod to iarramg iu ucn-ini^atcd Itti ftro Iow to bolievo tho re(iorta of Jiovjh yioldttof all kindfi of farm pro- Kin thoBO acatiouH of the country whore [ution in practised." An imputed '10 farm prodnoou greater and bottia* ro- tban a 040 uoro farm cultivated iu jrdinnry way, Iu u fow wcckn we to be able to publish vnrioun ltomn >diuWont individuals fiiviuR tboir per. expoidotno in irrigation farming. [nth wcmuUmo fiend for.a free copy of ilia titrated pamphlet in reference to |gafcion in Dakota, publiflbod- by tho igo, Milwaukee) ik St. Pan I JVy Go. |eflH, A. J, Taylor, Canadiun Paae, b, Toronto Ont. fern do you want uioiify 'll H V&* i>o writp A. O. Baker Learning- " jTcrrart of payment of principal 8fc On Wednesday evening of hint WL-ok,2iiiid iiint. thu mumborn of the Unaex Fire Bri gade and their Indie.* were treated to mi oyHtor aupper bv their popular troauurdr, Vtcd tind Mr". Hyatt, at fchoir homo he/rn, Nearly all tlio mem hern wore prosont, and afterthoy hud partaken of tho good thinpH provided, doputy-reeve lleDougull, wlio who ulno preaont, proposed a toadt t(> llie "IIoHt and OoHtOHH" wliteb wiih briefly rewpondud to by Mr. Hyatt. IMr. Mo.rturray then propoHtd a toant to "The Doputy.lteovo," to whioli that of ficial roupondo(t>pAraoiij,' othor thinrjH Mr. MoDouflall oonfjratulutcd tho firo company ou tho hueonsa of tlio hocjilI fjatheringH they have recently hold,-~which gatliorinj^o ho nuid. were tlio life of any organization. Tho firo company had greatly developed under Cliiof MoMurray'H loadorahip. Tho Khhgx lirDinou, be eoi'tinnon, wore Hooovid to no volunteer brigade in any town in tlw diHtnofc, for tho aizu of Euhox, and tli u, dungerH to which oarnoHt working firornaii are Hubjoot, entitle llinra to more en- couragomfliit than thoy Hometimen rooeive trom tho publio, and bo.'liopod to boo tho mmnbrTH of the bripado in tlio futuro ro - ceivo all tho roRpflot thoir dan^'orouo poHi- tiouii at timoa ontitloi bh'ura to. A tpast to tho Firornon of Eauox wan roHPOudod to by Chief MoMurray, who re- marked Iuh ploamiro at beinjj proaont, and to meot with ho many lurlion and gentle- man, oHpeoially doputy-roovo and Mrs, McDouijall, wboae pronenoo be asnuro d thorn, WftB appreciated by tho brigade, IIo wfl ploaood to report tho brigada in a good flbnto of orgiinixation, and in a com- pany of which the citizens of Khoox may juntly ^ft-el proud. Tho raemborw bad plodgod'tliomHelvori to riak thoir livofl tn Havo|the property and HveH if ueaeuoary, of their follow oitizouH, and ho wau oatiafiod they undorntood their dutiori nafflromou. For fiomo ybarH it bad boon a difficult matter to got a company organized, but ho wari now prond to nay that tho oloudH buvo all rolled nway, but ho n til I Haw fur- thor needs for tlio men. ITo would liko to hoo tbo brigade poanoRn pamdo nniforrim no that thoy would bo iu a pouition to ticcept invitotionu to attondj liromon'n tonrnn- montu or ouropotitiurm of any**kind, and lo pronenb an noat appnartmcoan othor oom- pnnioo. Iffcho wiih moro proud of any cr a bhiug than another with which 1 * wan eonnoctod, it wan tho EnuoxFiro Brig. jftda. Tho Chief oantiludod by lionrtily thanking Mr. and flint. "TTyatt, on boh nil of tbo Brlgudo, for tho vory pfonoant Mup- por and ontortaiuinaont provided thorn. The gathoring broko up at a HfumonabU' hour. K'rli'iiilHlilp for ilir 1 lilted Hlittnu I Im XniMHiliiii (lu'Unii Aiiirriran rtuji- inn t la wti-d ti>s. (|lo Ihf yuiu- l>.i 11 mi hi <h < list i'ir Mr. i iinmln'rluiii's .Ull. London. .I:l:i. 'ij Tin- Ith'hl ITnn. Jo.sc l'h <_'iuuuU,rli:n, H.M-rri.ti y of yi.au-' lor Uu: i 'uIhiiii u. (1- im hi! a iipi-uch ,il 1 lli mi hi; n.i id _ tin.! "'\ I'lilnj;'. J!.- i ohr,i;itnhii"'l th. ' miitL y U]uii Inuili;', iiL Lht; In .id ni a!.ali.; liUi'ii Hnlh duty, \\ int. i: jii" u.'-iii and n .' <>- luiiiiii 11,id idiii'i-ii iiini ;li. *--iy Hint Itclcrrmr, lei Lhc (i ilaii.i Diiiiiniury dli-puL.-, .Mi. (;h;L,iila-i-liLiii :..i.d li hud ln-t-ii ti H ml until It v :is iidd-nly ch- \ ill*-d Id i;iii\ l.n 1 I >' Lin- III- tiM'venlnjii ul ll.f I int -'i Sl;il---. 'I'hi.'M Si'i'lMcd in lir ; I'm- mi . IJ -1 > J rll'-Ilidnn nil both sidr-i Thu o|iinu>j-i :--i-ini'd t" liavo inevriih-d in Kn^hind th.a AiiH-rlnin ;;t..'iii-Mih'ii \u h.'-d tu pa-lv a quai r-d, wliil'- tli" Aiik-i ic.LiiH i-rr-nifil tn huvo tbniif.ht I I'll t tin- !:nl 1 li wi'iv disijoH- eil tn iniiuu-,11 th'- .M M.n uf dncti iin-, wlikli lli'-y rn htiy bi-lfl In It Uu- must lnijuii tant to tin-ii- iiwii .scciu lt\. Tln-y al: ij : ui uu-tl tu 1i;lv.- UioUkIU that thv l:ritlMi v. -n. (llspu.-,e(l lo d.-nl In a IuuhIi iund aiMiMiiy inaiiii'-r '.villi a urnallrr ,i t id-. Mi- \ lh-vd tlmt tin- AirUTii-iin jii'i]-li' and ;il[ ihat b; best In tin* I'lLlt.-d Si it :- v.uul 1 i .- ip-i u Hit linn'nr a in' dl'-: '-, -\uv w nI th.-ii- own blond and kindi'-d. JI-- .'ihn ! 1L ^vii that i'l'i-'-l'U lit ( 'li'Vtda nd, \\ )m: c il'l- OUahitanet' in: had tin- honor uf mak ing while lie wa> in Aim lira, and who hud a high H']"itation mr straight forward, liMiini al'li- tl< alin. , would ni-vi-r (hive th'- I'.'i kindi >'d natimiH ti> Mrib'.^oii lin- nth v haul, Hi" Ann.-rl- eans ("nnld he a:^ir<-(| irmn Liu- utter ances of Loi il Salad, ii ry and Mr. Ar thur llHll'nur, II" h'u-ht Lord ul' the Trrabiny, tlmt (hi'jti iJiilahi h:i<l no di-y-if" I'm' a It r'- inch nf Ann-iican territory b"\'nnd what hIh- already rightfully ]M '-."-. All that wiih ne- ri'St-ary to j-cltle th" tumble wa- Lime and lull.T kimwl' >U ". Aleanw lillr* he would n -i rim anil i'"ci [ rncat" from the bottom of Lb. In f-uh, \\'rt|cnt L'h llnblr word;;: "Klood Is tbirhiT tlian v lUci1." (I-iOUll choei .) 'I ll.il V/i.uld al,'. ay:; be the nentiiiie.it <>i "'.<iy l'r .ain. The two nniioiH w"ir liiuir cb jviy iillb-d tn aentlini'nt am] Interest than any oth er*, and while tin- liiltbb looked iwlth horror nn anyth n^c iipbroacliing- t'rit- trlcidal itrife, th.y inoketi wUli pl^aa- uro upon the ikjij .biiily of the Stars and Strip".-, and ih" rnlon Jack lloat- inpr togetli'-r in 'iel'en<-r _nf a cumiiion caufie .saneliniied by eominunlty of r"ii- tlment. lie aildei], that while the continental nations ii.i,'ard"d the uiii-rin^s of tho Armenian.^ w itli eornparativc indiffer ence, tin,* I-nltcrl Ivinf'rbtin felt the deepest nympathy and indie;mition. . Mr. Chamb"! hiiti paid ,-i tiibute to tho excidleiiei; nf t]i,. American rnl.H- tdons and deelar'-d that tli" Ann-riraiiH were also Interest"d in the sunVWiiKa of hunuudty foj- buioan ty':i sake, and not for any territorial ambition. Mr. Chamberlain cow hided by saying : "Would it were pn-jsibh- that instead of WU^tirif.; bieath in a p- tty South Am-' erlean l)Oinniary dispute, we could count on the powei-ful .suppmt of th.- TInlt'-d States in enforr-iriK the repre- fentaions which liitheiin wi; have fruitlessly made. In behalf of tho:-" who are .suffering by Turkl.-h ivranny and Turkish fanaticl-.ni." (Clieris.) Tie conrliiilL'd by d.-elai mg tlmt the condition of Arnic*ninr^vns- a dancer and dfsgrae" to l-himp.-, but he did i'"t believe that the re ourees of eivi znVnn had been entirely exhausted. Upon tlio con flu -Inn nf h .; addrce--. Mr. Ghamb.-rlain was. Ki'""t"d with pm- lonj;cd eheerine;. 1. ' ," ii d, "Hint If l,t v* Dial biii' toAeii away the r! his ot* th-' I'Miii i.i nit inlnurlty, tliL-"i" ' ni- urenl Wni'li' luivi- exi-ix-l'eil |i .< er of rll' nil. e.. ;i nc. 'J"lle (!o\ "i una . i i i i rred i li.- uu en | Ion .to I he i-ou: i. < i I for nix yeaia hud imn tied n policy n." vaallbtttoii." He contended t bn I ' hi mernbers of the (';ihi;;.i. eon In not Uf-i'ree nn Hi" matter, and In miiltiiiir hhr point referred to ex-f,*ontrolli-r Wul- l.'lCe"( i'JUt nf July Hpeecb. II- Hl.il "d that tin- ('on l roller had ilr; I suhni te.l tills r.peer-h to Ul" 1'ri mlci' Mr, Wallace iiinne'ilattdy an:c t If'ii 11 d |hhTh.- t ln','1-1 nnienC'i policy ni (Inn, Mr. T.-rlr- ooiti- ded, \v,s.u-iv I! |r |..|' ibe ;; ' ' 'a- ichoif (pi'aliuii ha,d asMii..ed. ib In I t- ' d ! h.n !h'- adimrity ]j ,(| n y r ,.\;i ne.', 'I'll.- ,M.-t ul I'iba '. tliern nf tle-jr i bviltii. The Hull' e ^ to a (; ,'n i \ f n' T" J mc H b"Cnire til'- nbn.iNbill: la\'.' \' r-i ' al lowed to u;o into n|Mi,itb)|i by flu I in- Iillldoil Hop ..-, and the Mil'", t-lna a had b"( ii a I In we, | to \'n In I In- i.mil a nd t hei , d elar.-d cnie Lltulionnl. 11* pica b'd for tie- a p.-nllitmeiit of a "d. ; Inn of Inu- ti ;.a,lmn, lioldiai- Ih;i t HO liai'iu rnnld b< i|ni,e J i ti 1 a r,l*i a ' deal Of |tmn| MlU;ht follow. II.' cnin- plained ttint the < hiverninerii was put- tlibc a nn. I i-rbitis r :.potr.ilblMl \ mi I he l,'l1elir'b Hietilbi I s Of the I lotJS I I the l-'j', nch-( '.ti.'i dlan members of both parti.-a eairied Ihe Ib-medlnl i^ll, then he win nlKihl that t liroiij-.bout the I in- nilnlou th"iv would be a cry nf French dmnliiiit i'.ii Mr. luipiint -Don't be afraid of It. Mr. I-'o.d.-r a,l.ed v lint Mi. Tn propo; eij the entnnib rloii h llo It Id tin if OU" \V"|-e Mppoin t< ll. Mr. T n t" In -reply said' lie felt :ih- Sulut-ly i.nn- lh,-Lt thet'i' wan a i;rle\-- fine.- and a rh;ht to redress. 11 not want a emu rub'. Ion tn investtcn I In-: i- ie.it tin eniTilM tl I. " of t !) I lull:'.' Ill* <-t b-. side., iii11 ti - t. d, : ee wha t each wi "i\'e tnw a rdh si-tth-nieiit, ami t li ilndt a bill on the-e lines. lie v.d- h that the InvesrlMutinii s'hniild tala- pl.t-. dining the [it-'Ment M-^slon and Us i - port he ciystallzed Into law this ses sion. Mr. (Y^thmii said Mr. Tnrte was trnt a fi aid of the i-ry of French domina tion In tin- event of the French vote carrying nir iti-mefllal lilll, but w;n off-aid of ;i division between him (T.irte), and his Cnitarlo friend^. 1 laaintaineil that the rpn-stimi at qtal umh not the I'e-cstablirdirnont oT Si-pa rate Schools, but simply tin ni.ifdion of irlvliur tii. minority rlelils wlileh were umiueHlinna hl> their.- print oil out that the law which mi.'M- antecM redress to minnnly \- framed for the J). nefU of a T'i otert a n t n.ii orlty, but now it was Involved ba ("'n thnllc minoi Ity. "T only uddi to (">fl." he (b'el'i red, "Ih-'L it was n ITo- tf*-l'int mlmtritv lhai wis seekln - dr. ss In order that I mi^lit spen thunder tones for Justin.- for tle-ni. (< 1 er ir.) The Manllnb.i nilnoi-ll'. I In'.," f'ai holies, f feel somewhat d. li.-! ipn dcalimr wltli the m.itiei." ('omiii In:;, be chai;;"il the bibernls *\ith i. In : spou^ibility i;n V!"'dln" ;ittn inb- ef Mr CU-vf a\\ a .-. ! ( i ause thev stood up In til" 1 b'U a ml d"I '-nd' d Mr. < Jr env. ;i\ '* rlri.-rc l- nf.lion to lunore the emisl itution. F jiIsd charged them with udni: th ([tip'-dkin for party purpos--s, Fnndi . Tj'.Io rals in (.Ujidiec sayin-c thfii t Of.nservative pnr'y, a party of rira'i- mr-n, never Intf-nd'ii to p-ss IZcn I.ctrlMatlon; wlille elsewhere l-:n M liberals wer^ erylnu. "Are you ko;! to allnw "little A'anitolta to he mer.- by these f'oiisi-rva tlvcs?" The nn\'f nf th,. TaheralH to have a eominis1 i i7M "hdi d ' i^ slrnplv to Jii'dirv He e r teptlon that the r imm-rvatlv . vnild noi pass the liemeillal bll1 this , -i.m. While there had been dh.' . - f.nne'j in Ihe Clnvemmcnt on tli. rpe-^- t'on, they now stood In the House ini- ;ii.ln;(ni^ in support of the men sun II,-v, .1 th.- hill would 1... pn^ed d'at If the member'- npprnneln d ni.-tlen In lui honorable, iilu-id'b'1 < ) "f manner there enuld be no >I - - to a happv Rnlntinii. fT'le erf..) After Mr. Dnurler. Mr. Fn-H'T TIuh Special salo has boon i>i^Litilted' with tlio joctjof puttiu" (brlh oveiy poHHible tiffort towards 'oh- 'i i f I Prices on Homo linca will bo cut ia two. We1 re] oircrinp; such bargains on Winter Gratis ay you've novor had l)eroro. Wo enjoy the best possible faAilities in the way of negotiating for special large lots and are jih a connecpience able to offer fir.st-clasg goods at prices that would, under ordinary circmrHtancaa, be utterly impossible. In every department from now on special lines will be brought forward at prices that will force quick clearances. Shrewd buyers will call early and share in tho big bargains. Balanco of our ntoclc of Ladies' Mantles at exactly half price. AU trimmed and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets at half price. Balance of stock of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats and Suits ab price.s that will make them go galloping. THE GREAT CORNER ST0REV Diebel & Bricker's . He ii" 1 th * .,. ,i ei'it n nd Cttwr. pott ciiiuir ki.xi.%*h sans,. t'KlftlllC Hrrnn f Hie Ar*li.iuin> \l;ir Sj:n- putliy for Hie iriicii. Kew York .Tun. l!li. Tin- Tribuiir'.s Lor.tlnn em rt-sjiondi-lil e.ibles. Kverythimr j.s mist for .Mr. UlvirnhtT- laln't mill. The A-dian e- v, m ha., cb eed whir a idcturebque hCein1, the muvu^o kuiK liruvellln^ In the dust at Hi.' fu*t oi' Lliu c JO'iuei ei s. An indem nity of fiu.uuu uune.-s uf ^ukl wat, at' o. cc dt niiindt d, and t he pi ni lent mon- iirch w.is v.,.,u wlib h,u tjiiu-irs under tuaid tu the u<*o>t, t^) r uuiln a prison er untU tile debib shall be paid. -\U-:ih- \.-biIe, a Ifrititdi lea.dent ruii-s, and Mr. Chamberlain is ealli.-d upon to decide whether he will haw a uililt.irj kuv- ert or, u proteelurate or a eharteiecl company. There Is already tails of building a li^ht railway to Coonm,4-'1"'. line deVL-lupm^ the country with an Imperial tyrant. Thu death of Frince iieiiry of Hnt- ttuberK has drawn out an expression of universal symathy and s rrow for th- tjuoen and J'rinecs.s F.eatric*rt. The court is ordinarily Inaccessible to the public, uxcept as the ntlltc-d daily Court Circular records the doin^M ot royalty; but wlieii the hour of be- reivement eome.s tin re Hcem to be no iitciets and the public la a' m'ttcd into the full conlldence of the Qui-un's fam ily Uoyalty V isolaled In Its recreation and dally life; Its sorrow alone ia hbar ed b a nallon whose lny.ilty and autKi- lion arc always qulekened when the bhadowa are deepest at court. MTflt.UU.UOV AIEMi\ 'ASib .llrx. Mcnliin llraiiuiu Up for Trliil - Mory of it 4'ol<ir'l JocUfy. London, .Tan. 25. Mra. John So.iton, the Htrjithroy woman charged with cunHpIraey to conunll ais'on, was brought here to-day for trial. The evidence UKaluta thu prisoner U strong. She is only :i:i yearn of age. while her iuifbantl, who ih also implicated, U 7C yeara. They" were married last apriiiK- The witnewi who Iulh iliuwn Mra. Beaton Into the present diflUmUy 1h Charles Williams, a colnred jockey, lie fays that he oceidently met the Seatonn at Barn la, and that Mrs. Sen- ton, after one or two- couveimtloiiiB, with him, proposed that he should burn the Seaton property at Strath- roy. Slu; oi'l'er(-d him money, and ppo inted tn pay c& soon as the worlc waa dune. To Williams pho said that this Mas no country for either of them, and film would leave it as fqoii i\h she imt the money. Tn o.der tn conduct her converRal.lomi with Williams, she Kent ber acrod husband brunc. Dur'jo? the hearliiK bofore Stpilro Noblo, Mr.-. Htaton repeatodly called the wltner s a "liitr," itnd acted in an excited man ner. UP- Vim n rnWHlliiiit mirlelrh,- N.C.. Jnn, 2fi. Cupmln Thoi 'i S.f'r'l!:' of -ho r^Vi'nue e it- i, ... t'\\fn-'- (^Inl at V.M'inl; "t 'i ' z ' . ,- t - di nojtJv*,^ Cajuwiu. mid Waa U yi otiL V .'. Ui Itiviorc had'Hpnken, the U(ldref.<i .- pm-^ed and oider.'d to be tram-- hied tn t he f*nvejTir>r-Oonernl. On motion of Mr. Tester. S'-ecnded ' '.' Mr. Laiuln-, Ot- I'ollowine: in'ii 'i tn Ib-r Maj.-rity was lurinirnnuidy ndnjr.pd; Tn i lie Cjue.-n's Most l^xc-lleni Ma* "Wi.tho Tloupr> of Common of Cm- ..d;i, in Parliament a^^'-nibb d, j i>- ;. <>:\<\]\ Your M;ij( i-ty with renew, d er - ar.inces of loyally and devoted ati.e b- in.-Tit to your p rao-u and crown. T' e \> telllKi-nce of the di-nrb of Pr:- Ib-nry of riaUonlH-re; -ha^ deeply torn h- fd the hearts of the people of Canada. We speak In their name as well a- In our own when we tender you i.i- evproKslon or our earnest sympaihv " the atllictloti which has deprived tie Prlue^ss 1 U-atrlce n.f a eon mi t .i nd The Gash Grocer, and B a son-in-law, a prospect of a l"ii We pray thnt f may eomfrirt Yen- preserve you n a t 1" n. 'llli pcoplu of thu Town of Ehbox and aarroundinf* country have |r0l)Ilt the want of u plnco whoro thoy could t^o ami purohAiio what tboy requirJ' CI olouo, oauh hiLHiH, without bun*" compellod to iniy hi^hor pricoo to multo .^Ir tho Iohoob made in tho orodit iiyatem. Cull and how our goodfi, which aro 'ltwo of tho boat quality, and tet our prices, which aro tho lowont. Don't miaa try ""In? Tea at 22 cou;h a pound. CAHH I'ATD FOR OTUliH PKOOUCE. PIRBT-GLASS BUTTEil AMD FBE^JeGGB AND Yi.ur Majesty of youiiK prince In thi and useful career, nrucl of consolation Majesty, and Jon;; your people." An address of condolence with l'r Ptiyyal Highness the I'vine.-r? b!,-;i"i i-b.,v waa a]ho adopted, and au address tn TTls Kxcelleney the Oovernor-CJener." I request I up him to forward the ad dresses nf condni-nce to Knpland. The House adj tirncd shoitly after 11 o'clock. IN CAPH lUtKTON. GOODS DELTYiaiKD PROMPTLY! J. H. WIGLE, Scott Block, next Aberdeen,*Esse; lei V WIGLE. Htr WunrU'tt Tupoer \onilnnt*til by flie <:niifrvutive Vchd'iMlny ni Kyilnoy Sydney, C.D., Jnn. 2.1. Sir Charles Tuppcr was this afternoon formally tendered the nomination of the Con servative, party for the seat in the County of Cape Breton, vacated by Mr. David McKuen. Mr. 13. T. Moscley, President of the Conservative Asso ciation, presided at Lhe- meeting, the opening of which was delayed by the snowing up of the delegation from the mining dlfftriclu .oa_ihe Sydney & Loulahurg ltalhvay. Mr. MoICeen pro tected against the reports that he had carried around the nomination In his pocket for Sir Charles Tuppcr. The nomination waa then carried nua.nl- mc usly with oonHidorable enthusiasm. When Sir Charles appeared he was warmly received. Tie poke principal ly on the condition of tho Cape uretou coal induatry and the greatnesb of the Canadian Puclflc Ituilway, interlard d with laudations of the great benelils of the National Policy lo Canada. In concluding ho dealt briefly with the fast Atlantic Hteumshlp service, tho en- trunce of Nowt'oundlund Into Confed eration, and the Manitoba oohool ques tion. On several of tho tnplcfl lie re hearsed numoronn argumentu touched on at vnrloiiH points on bin travehi on the line of the Intercolonial Railway en route to this town. The audlto"M nf the Secretary of Stati> were composed of delepitoii from variouu parts of the eopfjttUteney, those from tlu> mlhlns and fddpplug points of Olaco .BayM ' Hrld'seport, Portmorlen, .and Louis- bnrg predominating. J^orlh Sydney and Sydnwy, hoth coimldorably lnterr usted in tin* mining InduiUry, wore tdm* \vf\) e,-m^jij>tfc(]. the nudhtliRU being bolh h-.^Hiid cr.thm;\;uUc. ) GOES TO EUROPE FOR TREATMENT. SufltorhiK tor Years From InHom- inn and 3Jci'voub Dtibllity- PROflTRATIiSD, EXHAUSTlilD. NO YITAMITY, NO REST, Until "Nature'H Swoot Koetorca," South Amoncan Nervino Tonio Built up tbo "Ncr.vona Orfianium and Gave BuoU to tbowoanod and Eilmuotod Norvo Controa Tboir Wonted Vicour. For four tioneratioua tho rouuirhablo fam ily of LaBodio hayo -ioou proaiineotly identified with tho lo{|al aud proftumioaal hfo ot Moutrual. A Iour lino of activo, intolleotual mou, wIioho ambition to riHA to prominencu meant a oomitnut drain upon tbonovvfl foicen, and a fcromoudaua demand forbmm power. Adolpho LaBodio, B. G. L., .T, P. oto., hau lor Hovontoon yeara boon aotivoly ou^nucd in tba legal profonniun, hvmfi, an tbo duties of intellectual mon o! this ftuit uj-ju doiiiunT, boyond .tbo ronnrve limit ot nwtural norvuforoo, rcquirmt* moro of tho ncrvo oontroa ot baHo of brain than thoy can pouBiblo fulfil, whioh always e- imltH in iiovvouii prohtattiob, dyapopaia but fliiHhf'H. innomnia ooutitipatiou and attuud- ont ovilfi. " IMr. LaBocJio Hpurod nuithoi* lino nor money to obtuin roliof wont to JtfJutoptt For Hpooinl Treatment, all to uo purpose. Hia uttootion be mr; Juno tod to South AmoHoaii $lorvitm Toulo, lio conoludcd to try it. He. jiuUa immediate rhf from iiiBotnutti, and h perfftnt. mid per map out oaro from ul) dinortoro, with but fl*4ottloa of tho Ner vine. Mr. Atlolpb L April 27tli, writoit Hufforins Trcm inn bility, proatratiou than rHt followo Took flvo bottlon d vino, and am who enjoy robtlnl night romodioB, havo bi ard can say with '^ W lo, under date of Montroal : I waa ia and nervous de- oxbauutiou rather' ulebtA oxperUnce. Ijuth Amerio&n N-' rooovorod, and now I havo tried many brea.tod m Europe, nmciiii ^y w.w. ,-ulhful omphaete thofe tlioSoutb'iiAmonloNflrvluo has cured mo" I l ' ' - Thor inveafloii n all thinrtu ; 'bnainaM / raunonalu huoinei, truthful reaaona in truth. Mr. LaBo ie'a atiitowout ^^ewith .,, |H tbo the truthful roflBon why, if Boath Amoriouu Norvin cured him. it wlloaj you. It in tho larva; builder !<ri bram workora. Brain a\d Htomach cannot bo^b work at tho name titne/w th haa tbfuil ani , bapnyinanoa. Ouc-^ust Buffer. lutenfie btoanHe tho brum / BjnHiirtiiBtt all the norvo Powor, Borfb American Corvine ; Tonic 1 oldH nutu/to ^ bappy .poKa, and Sold by J, Tho;bo. BOUTH W00D8LEB. Died, at tho roakUmoe of bia daughter , Mm. m llcKau.Jan. W, Job" MaguW mit.vZe ForinanaBh. Iroland. , aed; 76 . '-M yoarZ Probably uo.ouu in the county of. ^f^ EiZxxvQHbutkerknowu. He was,a trw..;^* nb, full B,nce of the word. 0.lY>e Bon..^| I i daughter are left to mourn *\* ^?M 603 61