Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 31, 1896, page 5

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. . . . . * .*.; THE ES9E^t FREE l"lM38to. SKC I" I . - HDERSON & Co., terdoon Hotel Essex. - "lonoy tolottii'oiiFiirmnrn'NotwHjNoUhbouiiht Mouoy to loan u nrorti*ou hi D'TfBt rut01* ami bnt tnruin, DrulUt lniuidpitYubhi utpav nt it. 11 principal point . FIro Insuranco Agonts, otc. t "$ "ta l k. TOFTHl town I'UUPAY, .UNUAllY Ml, IHiW, $>i L- - it./.. I"'-.' I,it, IN'"' -it Ir::>' Tho AHilittnithiii'tJ MinhtrulUbul*; 1'uok'n Hul.l'eh. 7ih. "Dr. McKuiisdo hiut boon.appointod modi- eal health offlcer fnrGonnidd Noith for "Jfi Any portion having furm of about *r0 north io rint cm. hceuro a yond tommt by applying t" J. \V. Oibiiou. t I^eli'n Jlttll, Vob. 7th. Tho Aruhemi. bur MniHtrul Club, W) urtiatn iilun of Hull fit Farlt'u jewellery atom. . Tho CotUm nniateu'.' drumiL club uro having u huge drop curtain painted and prepared for mn m the townnliip hall. Tho cuntraot for tho erection cf Diobrdv HricUor'u new yrain elnvutor wan awarded iiint; Bron. on E-atun'ay last. The in to bo completed by April hit. ho Methodut uounn'natinn of Norili (;u (javo il very enjoyable oyutur uupper / ihe Temperance Hall last (Thurwlayj dun followed by a mimical and literary irtaimuoiit in the church 'm. Shoemaker in now prepared to do- i\i>r freou" Urt-ufi to any part of tliii town, give him [i call. WANTKD 1600 proplo to buy ticltotH for tho MiuHtrol Show plan at Park's utorc. Mm. Wm. Kobmnon, foimerlj .of thin .place, but now riitndiiitf near Leamington, had tliu nihfortunu to whp one day laid weak'and fracture two of her ribn. IIor Wiany KeuiI-x friendu winh bur a npi'ody rocovory. Myh. Geo, Barth, who wuh injured tiovora! weilui atio by falling on an icy walk, in Htill confined to'lior bud, and in very poor health. Bho if unable to place her foot to tho floor, and hor recovery tit-oran to bo very UmIiouh. -------~~ If w.u would yet tho l!i3t value for your wiont-y. attend M. J. Witflo A- Co.'a profit stock-reduction jialo. ...pinn of hull may bo teen at E. Jj. Park'H jowtdlery More, on Saturday morning, :H. Anihiihtburg Wu.iHielo. Tho inananiiiiont, of tho public library p/aro prepurim; to entertain a luro gather. in at the Conversazione to lie >ivon in the real in jj; and other roonni in tlu> Dim- Stan Itlock Huh oveiih.;; (Kriday.) It \n hoped our citi/ariib will sdiow thuir encour auemont by n ^ontnal attoudunoo. ThomaH Morrin, fx-Uepuly reeve of Cu>,- field North, in nl'tliL-ud wnh a Mcriouwly injured hand. -A_fe\y week' a^o, Ihu baok ot the ri^ht Imnd who uccak'ntly pricKud with a hcihKor point, and blood poiHonin^ hiiH uvitlcntly followed. IIih iimny friondn and acquuiiitimceH will bo ploaoud to hear of a rccoyory. Forfrenh cnkt-H and conrcctiouury, of all landQ^oto Bhoeiimkor, LtjO btilier, Wcj Itud m booth and hlnu;e, in pneo ami quality. G. E. Bnnth it Co. Try our now *^G cent, ti.-a; Iuim no equal. G.E. S. A: "Co. l'JO rulnutou nturtulumont, ]J0 Uii|(hn Pouk'B nail Fob. 7th. Job lot of ovorooatH uk 92.50, u wimp, 0. M. Kinith ct Co. Tniairp your lifw in tho Provinuiu! I'rovi-. donL Inutittition, ohoap uh ooity mmir- nuoo and thoroughly roliablo. .T. W. Gib Hon, Aji<nit. Hon. W. D. Ttalfour, M. P., hurt boon rn-oloutod preHidont of Thn Groat fclmihh- WHHtnrn Exhibition for tho yoar lHllil, to bu liold in Eituox Town on Tneitduy, Wed- iMimluy kiiiI Thuriuhiy^-'Kopt7slniriii~50tir and aoth and Gob. Int. hnU: (itylo folt lmta, rnj{uliir U'i.KO linen for lifio at Bnutli'it, ...... Mr. G. i;. Hciidcriioi) ban i-imjujiuhI tin; priueipaluhi)) of tho F,f.ui;x publio imhool. Ho will imnoyo to Whnliior on March tbe lind, from whioa nlcco Tho Eniruiioo wil' bo i*iin:d cni and ufUr that'date. T!m pupiir hau now roiiolied a circulation of 11,500. Hmith'ii isiuih priced for Hatuidiiy:- - TomatoeH, 7} contu a can ; Corn, Hon mi, Puuipkiii, .ud Il|uo borric:i K t:untn u run Hiilmon H cmitii it.oun ; A cununf Kurdinrm for .10 cuntu ; I, ard 8.eontn a lb; 12 hara or Kloclric Hoap for 25 contn. Pino nouvunirn of thir oxpuridiioi'H in Miihlioka ^'iiro ruoeiyt'd IriHt wculi bv Men- inn. J. Allinn, W'. A. Gardner, and J. "Whit ney, in threo lino door beudH, wlilch wont returned from tho hand* of an oantern tnxidormint. The hfiula woro .admired by all who hiiw them. For p;i'a'.eut valuon in drctui untln, man- tlf. (dotha, ladiea' vuuta, otc, attend Al. J. .Wi^lc t Gj.'h "rout Dale. M..I. Wifde ift Go, aro holdiiiL' a t;rtud, Hh.ek-rediictiiui f-.alo. llip barfJiinfi nt tlio order of tho day. - While Mm. J. K. Diroli, of UonfiHd North, wun driving howe alono from Hmmi*.on Tneiidny evenine;, who way htrioltuu with apoplexy, and wau found in a IndplonEi eon- dition by a noiuhbor, who had tier con- vyud to her hnrne. Bho in in u vfiry pro oarioim condition and t;rnvo doubtH of her. reuovory uro eutorttiintid. Ho^uhir 23.'J5 ull-wool hlanketa, 3'2.'J5 at Smith'H, ;i.ric twncd dreHH poodu, 37A :Ih at Kmith'ii' A N A VV V lib Gl IA lt(; K. FOR MEN! Am*mwwig*&sBQHB^MP I must nake room for my spring stock, and will) /ta in tlie folllowing lines: UNDERWEAR: M<-nV SnitH $2.00 worth S3.00. a J SO tc. 2 50 a I..-I0 t 2.00 i i i)5o u L.50 a G-lc a 1.00 it 3to it COc TOP SHIRTS: Men's Top ShirtB 50c wortli 75c (t " ^ifx; ,( OOt; 'V Flannel1' 75c " Men's.Jilack Sateen Shirts 00c worth 1.50 TIBS: A <:ol,In,wl>r Colored Wm ed t>l KwoInohiu^ Her IXiiMhuml. rJ'ics worth 75c now 50c u i( 05c u 40c a a 50c i't 30c: 11 u 40c a 25c l i Li 35c a 20c ,t a 30c t 18c U i( 25c (i 15c Now is the time for yon to get your .sup- ,r Aee,H- P^J ^ these times as they are below Whole- Willi the charj^o of murder to auHwer Mr*, ilattm Nolan wati on .Friday hint plaeud in Handwioh ^oal. This vicinn of the allowed muni or wilh hi-r hintbumJ, "GUfinfft Andrew Nolwi, hoLh colored, and rofcidintf oar New. (liiiiaun, on tl.o I-alie Krio and Detroit Kiver railway, nljotlt oii^ht miles from Ensiex. Tliii uircumHtaucGH of the caiie, an re- vuahal by Grown Attorney Clarke,who bold the imjufcKt at the Town Uall in GeMo, on Thuradny," of lust week, aro that tliu cmiplf) were nmrried boiiiu yearti a^o. DonieHtii; troublhu caused a HeiiiiraLiou. Suvuu wbcIw aLjo.tlioy came roRuthor a- emn.aiid went to livo together at hm home. Alf'iii: tliey quanelcd,-tiud kue;hu're<|iieiil In the evidence at the inquest it whh jitnti-il thut Mm. Nolan told a Mr. Artiit tlnif Nflbm would nut trouble hi-r a^itin mi r. h-w diiyH ; and Nolan'n mother- nave evidence that, bin wile told her that hIh< would Cx Nolan; thut he would get tin- worst of it. On Saturday, Jan. 1 titli, MrH. Nolan Iviu^ht aomo rat poison from a litorekeeper at GeHto, no ntuced the dealer, alihouyh the wnmtni douicH it. On Sunday niulir. ('fit r supper Nol.m way :a-izvd willi (M'limpH of the Ht.i'inueh, and had violent tiln of vomiting. bh\ Park, ol Harrow, wan Humrooiied by a tud^hbur, and .h-limd the nyiuptouu ua thomi of poisoning. Nohui sale or Bankrupt prices. IITNEY, Whitney Block, Esse x For spring. Goods. Must re duce a took at once. Prices to suit tho purHc and purchaser, It will do you good to / 'r 1 V 7 i I <f to1 v Lllkn> Wo (loot purcluiHe. examine and be convinced. even if you Come in and \3^ - Whitney Block, Ernex. (JIUNI) ORtiAMZUK MILNK 'K'lillib to RKi'tttlit in ol llie A. O. I, tit tho l-'.um-.x htnltlf- \V died on luefiday niuht, Jan. ^Ht. An Cyrua Smith, who liven in Maidutono information wan hud before Ma^intraui towuhlnpa uliort distanco from here, tied \ Rottd at C**hto, chartdue; bin horrnj in the Methodiat chiuoli hhed one m'liht hint week and covered it with a nico warm blanket. Some person uvidenily t-v- vind tho iiniiLal hiu oomfortahle blanket and exchanged it for an old one, conntruct- od priucijially of patehea and air boleH. ]f tho thief will uall at Mr. Smith'H rouidencn ho may aho havn tho old blanket. For (genuine baifi^hin in over coatu, uu tlorweiir and fine capii, attend M. J. Witfb1 & Co.'h great Halo. BariuiiiiH I bar^aniE!! har^iiiiM ! M. ,], Wij_]e & Co. Tho mnflio Iovi*>H resi.ientu of Eihux will noon havo the opportunity of 'lmariinj ouo of tho fineHt amateur MuiHtrol Olubr* in Canada, who aro bonltod to appear in Pook'H Hall at an early ditto. We liave i-oforouce to Tho Amhoratburv; AliiiHtrel Club, oompoHod of .10 of the leading you in; gontlomcn of that town, undr Iho man agomont of Mr. Mnnrioo It. (Jo^to. Thin organization cornea from AmhorHtbur^ well' rncommondod; having drawn thn lar(OHt liouiitJ (fully twelve-hmidrnd pooplej that over con^ro(jated in tho Town Hall, over nix hundred roacrvo uoat tiolte^,n btjing Bold cno week boforo tho oonccrt which was hold New Yeor'u ni^ht under tho anapiooo of tho Jjadie'u Aid Socioty or the 'praiibyturiuu church. The ohoruu BiRiini of kho olub )Q HuldMO bo oftpooially firie, whowinfj tho rcaiilt of tho montha of dil- t^ont work and training. Another asocial fuaturo in a oako walk iti which tho latent caLo walk now in voj^uo in tho Southern Btatoa aro porforraod. Wo have no doubt that our oitizonn will turn out en raaaa and pack Peak's Hall to tho doorn when thouo gttntlomon vinit ut on tho 7th of Fob. Plau of ha 11 at E. . L. Park's utore. Ho. Horvo ttoata:ii ct'ute, ^Moral adminflion % OOUtB. IJattiu Ntdiiu wi'Ji minder, and bho wan arreted. ' Tho ovideiicn at tliu inijuent wan :;(, htroiiK airninut her that pronocutiny Attor ney Clark ordered her locked up at Sand wich Rotil. A woHJun hlatod at the inqueat that MfH. Nolan Imd told her uho had b'or Home tune* p.iit mem of the loeal lodj^e, A. O. U. W , hayu been Inoltiii^ for Wild to :t \i!iit tmlu tlifir u.Htfom<-*d liLti: townt-nian, J no. Milne, Grand Ui'ijunizu.' for the A. O. [!. W. of Ontario, and on WtnJncHday rvcmnn, tin; dale iiiiully an- cided on, tlu-ro wm- a lar^o atteudaiKM at tho lod^o rooiiitt in tho Ijnuhtau Bl.jck, of local Wui'knitjn, their la iies, and many other citi/t-iLri, a ^t;in;ral (iivitutiwii litivin;; Iihou j*ivon to attend the |i;ubho yatlierm^. PttBtinatiter Hiirth wilh tiiyt.n the chair, and after ;m or^an. bolo ^ivuu by Mrj. Laiug, he made a hhort aJdro^H ^ivin^j a brief account of the work done bv Mr', Milno, wlun in Knhex, both a.'t a citi/eii and an a miiijberof tho A. O. []. W. The Hpoakur bud been ansoeiated with Mr. Milno in many movements, and paid a high tribute to Iuh energy and public HpiriUdLem in all bin works. Mr. T. II. lJuCcw nave a ulior; ad- dreno, commeiidiun the beneficial featuren of the A. O. U. W., of wiihdi he wan ploaned tu be a moiiiber, and alao eul(i|:itin^ the work of the Grand Orguuixur. Mi. Milm?, who wan yiven threo running oheerauii. euterio^ the lud^e room, wait Mouth Knhcx Lilx'ral Association The annual general meeting of the i:'tuuth Ktifjf.x IiiboralH will be held at thu Town Hall, Kin^nvillu, on Tuoadiiy of next week, I'obruary Hh, at 1 p. in., when of- lieern will be olcctud for the eiiHubie; year (.vnnnnttetjH appointed and other important b'iniiiu!-.u traiinactc.l. Ourint! Iho afternoon, addrrttinoH will bo j^iyo11 liythti membni'H for tho Riding, M, K. Gowan, Libural oandidato for tho Corn- moon, and other gentlemen, and if, in ox- pii^tod that, a prominent Liberal npoaker from outiiido the county will alno bu prcn- eut. us. ]:rt;riVK co^i.mittki;. A meeting of the Executive (Committee will bo held at thu Town Hall, at 11 a, m. tho Hiimo day, tor ajioeuil huairicHH. N;i.-i*-'S.^-3i_.I=L^i botiyht "rouuh on mil" to Jix Noluu with. I called en to cive the add rem of the evu nine;. Tho inquoHl waa then adjourmsd till Sat Ho doalt with tbo HUp:fnor udvauta^oa of unlay next, February lc. i\lrn. Nuhiu in a liandHome-luokio^ wouueu, a^ed tbnty yi-ai'H. ('oiiHtablu SiuHon took the Iivr and Htonui-eh of tliu dooeahed Nilan. to Toronto on Tuenday, for ^oyLTtiment mialyuiR, ()u r Knf^rprisiner NcitjliborH, Leamington and the townuhip of Morbca it appeam are hKely to prove a mieeenHftil mi^ar beet L'rowiiiL! dlHtrict- In Muy lHfly W. J. Sinilh, dru^int,. who ban titk** an aciivu interoHt in proeuriun u beet HiiM'tr factory in Leamunjton, tiitnri- butud about fti.xty poimdu of biet need amoiiR Hnniu Nttveiity or Bovouty-fivo of tin* farm em in that vicinity and hint Noveni- bnr Hunt ueveidi'on namplo lotH of, beuta niisoil, eiioliUack oontairiiun ono lur^a and Hevonil mnaller onen, to Prof, fihutllowortb of tin* Guelph Agricultural Colletjo, to have tliom tewtod for ihoir |fiflioutafio in migur and purify, and has juut received roturim. Prof. Rhiiitlowof Lb wuh Hiirprinod that be&tii of ao lai^H nizo :ia tlioue from Lonnline;ton hhould annlvQu no well, and to make a mo had 'iuplmate analymu made; both reports abroad. Tho avorufvo analyaiu of the iiavontaoH Hutnplo^ nhowod tinlidn 10.90, HUj{ariu juico, 15.;!9, purity 00JO. Many naniplea, of courua, wore muoti above thin avurafjo. Loiuninnton than has oxoeptional faoilitiea, and undoubtedly tho factory to bo located tberu wi'l provu a oqmplote tmooe:ia. tbei Ordor au compared with many uiock compaaieH, and atuo of itH rapid firowtk iiud the ^reut work beuin done uudor its auapijeH, all ovor thu conr.iuout. Tho upeaker navtj hoijic very valuublo informa tion and HtatuiticH iu compariHou with othor mothodh of life n.durance, and at ttie oIoho wan uivou a vote of thanka by thofle proBunt. Orhor numbera on the prG^ram ioclu lod a guitar hoIo by Kdinuii Laing and a ooruet nolo by W. J. Dywar, whieh wuro well received. Thu moot iny wilh cloned with Ojo national antliom. After tho oloHe of the publio meottn^ the Lod|o wan culled to ordurt and throo now inomberu initiated and addon to tbo roll, while unvoral othern who had boon preuont, intimated tlioir intention of becoming mo inborn. Tei-'i'i.KMUii':, At Gent.o, on Saturday, Jan, yfj, to Mr. and Mrs. Totllemiro, a daughter I\lAYWAiu>, At Kdyur, on Friduj', Jan. '21, to Mr. and M ni. W rn. M n y u a rd. a ilaugbtur. Cauua. At GoHlield South, on Sunday, Jan.'2D, to Mr. and MrH. Crumb, a nou. Gautiiikii, At Klmtitead, on TaoHduy, Jan. 2H, to Mr. and Mrn. FroU Gauthior, a Him. Haiuuhon, At Camp Palmer, on Thnru- day, Jan. 2;t, to Mr. and Mrs. John llarriHou, a daughter. LiWdoh, At Maidfltono, on Thnroilay, Jan. JlOth to Mr. and Mru. Ham Lawnou, a daughter. WANTED. W1IITK OAK Hl'OKKS, AND IIICKOUY Kutt, Luhh. Write to O. A W. Mu\iaut, Jlub, KpoUn itiul J('-inllur: Kiictory, Uruiiiloii, Out., for prieuH and deheriptioii. J-li Shorthorns for Sale. Q ~HKGIB'rKUKU HrfOKTIIOKN 1IULM, \i n comini; i! yoar.-* old ami 5 fioin \t to VI num. ohl. Good coloroH It rod and .0 roan. Good anb main, nood broedlnii anil priceu reaiot.ablu. Writo or apply at ou'uo to II. G. AKNALD Ac SUA, Kenihvortn Ktoek Furm, Maldtitone P.O. A'rlncipal IInrterBon RohIkhb. M a hnnetinR of tho Publio School Board limb evunin^, tho rooitmution of Principal Henderuou wanrnad by tho aeorotary Mr. Hondomon roBigua. owing to tho^ rapid gt-owtk othU other intoro'ata and oxpootB to move to V/indaor. Hin roalynatiou was aoooptod, an4 W. B. Manning, a toaolier on tho Loudon Model eohnol Htaff ohonen as bin nuooousor. Mr. ManuiiiR ban iirat- o'aas tuydmeuiiili. Tor Wife nud isnby'H SuUo. From tho Coram- fltouo. Friuicm Murphy Iiuh nattlod for aorunade upon (Jhioiipjo, aud iu Hayinft uuoli now and put tiling aa the following: "Men who feol tho neod of a Prohibitory law, can by thin niuthod paa it thouanolvoi] and no ono can repeal it but themaolvea not oveu tho Supromo Court. Hon muot learn tho Iouhou iu uolf-aontrol, aud if they want HH03BHQ in life they rnuot deny thorn- hoIvoh thd uno o^' liofxuor, and cloie up tho ualoon bntwoiui thoir no no and their ohin, and then all tho othor oaloonu will olouo." Sotautimeu, lrrouci(i, it itm'b tho man who foultt the nnod of a Prohibitory law, bat bin wifo who novo* taatod strung drink. How doon your romodv fit hor? Aud junt Ijtao. othor day it whh a baby thrown at itn 'raothar by it a iufurtatod fartharand killed No aaloon between itu nono and ohin aud yot who Hhall qay it did not uaod Prohibi> tiou? No, if ovoryone would oicusli tho murderer within him, thoro would bo uo neod of (two apaiust. murder, but, until then, 1"runoin, lot Uncle Bam arm thorn with knivud and Wlnohnatera, oto. What aayyoM ? Thoauuwer of ono in the answer ol! thw othr. Gosfield North Cheese and Butter Company, NOTICE. rpnii ANNUAL WKKTINO OF DIHKOTOUfl 1 and HharoholdeiH of thin company will be bald at thu Town Hall, C'ottain, on Wodnowlay, February 12, lBQO.oouunoucniu at l:"o o'clock p. in., Hharp, for tho purpouo of rucoiviufj roportu, oluction of oillcfirii, oto, J. 8. UILLINUH, P. INMAN, Pronitiout. Bijorotury, .1.31 CottiunP.O. nRKEI J In tlio High Court of Justico, CHAN013IIY DIVISION. ANUlinBON Vrt. MKUIUTT. PURSUANT to thu judmnont uiado in thin otiuflo duto tbo Htb day of Noy. 'W>, tiioro will conoid with thu approbation of U It. Homo, Judtio of tho Caiinty Court of tho County ol ICimox, by Daniel Hluolair, Auotlouoor, at tho Aborduon Hounn, In the Town of Kh.idjc, on But" urday, tbo Ititday of Fobruary, laud,at, the hour oCouo o'clook In the uftuxnoou, tho /ollovriun laiulo and promlnun, in olio parool, mimtdy Tbououihurly -Uaoruiiof tne oat hall of lot No. 10, oon. I), of tlio Towuohip of Gondola North, in tho Comity of Kmiox. more particular ly known aiuldouoriboa a follows Commono inu at a point in the oaatorly limit of uald lot 10, at a diiitaiioo of Hi ohainii and 70 liiilco nouthorly from tho nortli-woiit anRlo of nam lot 10; tUouuo uoiithorly alone Haiti woiitorly limit H onalna, 11 llnkii moro or lou to tho iiouthorlv limit of lot 10; tliouoo eaiitorly alonj iiaid ooathurly limit of lot 10,19 Guahin, ?71lulcn; tliouoo nortUorly and purallol tonakl wontorly limit of miia lot 1U.-81 uhatiiD, 81 liukd, thouoo oimtorly lu a utraiflht Hue li! ohuhm, 77 llnkii moro or loau to the pkoo of boHinniuff. ,,. Tho proporty 111 nituatod about ono milo from the vlllauo of Oottimi, nix miles from tho Town of Baaox and iduo miloii from KinRnvills, and la roadlly aoccHBiblo t all tho aaid plaoou by flood roada. The proporty will bo oCforad iov aalo, eubjoot to a roaoryo bid, which hau baon flxod by nald Judgo, Torras of i aymont 10 por eout. in oanh at tlmo of aalo, anil balanoo within ono mouth thuroaftor, without hitoroBt. Iu all othor roa- poota tbo torma and oondltloay of nala will bo the (itauuiug aoiulitiouw of tho Uijih Court 0f JUHtlOO, Further nartlonlaru can bo had from Meaarfl. Bills & mila, Moanra. Cluary .fc Kuthorland und Monflre. Hnana & Cowan,, all of Wluduor, aud tho voudor'BHOlloItorw. . Dated at Windsor this8th day of Jan., A. D. 'Oo. (Blimod) O.U. HOKNK, Judcaof the County Court of tho Oounty of IGuaox. Olarko, Uwtlet & Bartlot 3-31 Voador's Solloltors, Wlndior, Wheat red per buuhel ., (55 lo m Wheat, white .... Corn .... OatH .... ao to 1 Timnthv K""il .... 1 1 Clover Se.-d .... i oo to & m Ataike .... '^1 Uay por ton............ 0 00 to 10JH lleof per cwt............ 4 no to ^M Pork ............ 4 ao to '^M 6 UOtQiJB ChickouH por lb.......... ^1 Jiuttor .....,.... 14 H 7 / Ki!t;n, por doz .......... * il PotatotjH," por buuhol .... sots n Onioiia .... 70 tol ' ApploH .... l oo to i M Turnifh .... ao to m Carrota lk-otn .... CI PanmipB .... 3(1 8 to ij mm in Wn liter A Koun ^lurkei Uouairi 5fr 1 OatH .... 80 1 Barley ' owt ft^ 2 ,, owt Wo will hoyin huyiuo; now corn on Ji uary 2nd at lit oonta por buahol for No. Thf) abovo pnooH nro paid by, H, Wall tSoun, Wulkervillo, Out. Smith Tailoring Oo5y<5 south woodslee; Ordered Clothing: away Down. To olaar. out our utook of . underwaro wo will aell at re- Juood pnocH. All wool tiuitu rodmod to ooat. ------ UNDERWEAR ITiuo Gaotch lamb'd wool, 31.25, 91.75 atut;] First utoro north of railway., Harness. F. S. < 1-,;, i tM32 very thing in thii line at . 'B8| Adanm' Haaneas Eraporinm: aJ,::i# go a fall aapply of newest tkingh".^ in BL&NKETti, ROBESt'lMffi other winter equipment.'PrtWfc^ tho loweit.i Whips, Brak*r';':' Trnnki, Valiflea.'oio.'".".;" ':.\}\^}fi Oalland Me i^;^V# i Sftlbot St., Kmcr. ^ }m 'Ik'; ,. ..y-iv.i ,4 *r - jw"---it ,VJi; '-^ j^^ l'j I I li^fe^^il^^ 'r^^l^M ...............;I Til r itf i'iTiiTi iiiiliiii WwnMm 06

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