Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 31, 1896, page 4

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mmwv*?. THE BSSfeif FREE FRf5g^ ;b.:^. Sv- ix- : ND SO ARE WE. ^ tiro here to Ktny.abjo l,o ('ivo you vnlne for your,tnonoy, wo nre iHnrthi}.,' tliitt )eu,r with a very ohmec hue i>l fitttplo imri fancy yrocm'te.-, wo ni'fi Htill [-ollinfr tlio hnt\t 2Sc. tea in town, wo lotow it and . fto do you our hhiek j upturn ami Hy.on'- Twin, at 10c, ennitot, bo excelled, wo iiYd iilno soiling tlio finest, gnido of Monlia and Java eoiVeei;, <.;ivo tm a trial and be convinced, Our Knghnh Cocoa in i^ivin/; thnur^li HiitiHiiietiun so our ASSIiD. oiiKLnynoVh saw igbeet price paid for Butter and Eg*^ RoEn,ewa1bQr tlio Store L i, Ull N'KXT Mi:j.)ICAL HAIili. ih . 11 ri i'i 11 I M! .','. Essex Tree Press. [lIDAY. .IANKAKY :n". 180(1. Tim Glnho hiljh that the prfjtty general UOtiffii at Ottiiwti Hf-rinM to ha that Sir Cliarloii Topper will f'^lh \v Sir iMiicl'.-ju/.ie iBov.t-il in thu Preinit-ridup, tint Sir Mncltrnzie will Ul'o the Lioiit.-Gnvt'rnor- Bhip of Ontario, ii ml lliat Mr. Kirkpairi';Jt [will j^o to lijii^liui'I in* (I i(4h <!oniiiii:immKi:' j^onfov tlio Cubiiul mii'l nu. for J'Ynr'lfTnir, NnmiimtioiiH to llll '.he vu.:!iM':y in tlio (Coii.inunti for Tlio (.-utility (if f',!|i(< Brut mi, iN. ., \vre I it* 1(1 on Ttu-Kiluy la;.t- Tho jaurtidfttoH lire Sir Chun. Tupprr, thij now- ly Grouted Hi.'cieiiuy ot Htuto, (.Inii.sorvntivc, iiimI Hon. Geo. AtujnLV, m hit-! nn.-inljer of tlio JnIovh FicotiaLcgihlnI tin.1, I jiln-t itl. Tin- election taUi'H placo no.\t TuuHduy, mil there iirpfjnut .now lively timua in Capo;i. f out hninir in any ML'iis-! k fmuLtio. I, havu witiioHMi'd tho trt.*iitmoiit of cliHUiicoH with Mct-h"! iiiil without it, tintl I urn bound to iiay that the. rt-niillt* of piaiiticc without ii hiivi! h'.'.^n uii<pH-tinnuhly tlio b*!Hl. Tin: I'oM'i'iiDMi Alii: ki.m'.u,. I s.H'0 it ar^uul by 'i im-nieiil; that my nvidoiicn, though it bu not difputud on thiH lOtiLtor, oiijdit not to bo duftjivtsl, be- uausr I niu: t Iiuvo k-unu'd .'XO'.'ptional moden of tmUmi'iit which tVo inujority of pracititioui-rh could not ho t .<prctr:d to ac- quiro, and eiuiiiot, tliorofore, find erdmuri. ly applicable. I dnipiuo thin ar^umimt altOLj other. 1, have 'io Hpeoitil inothodh that, favor the nuii-adniiiiihtration of ah onholio t'lii'idti. imil 1 Uho iiutbinfl to taku their nlaeo. I himply rlo without alcohol. \ litivu In !'id ii Mv^nti-d that in tho lion- fatal to wliich 1 have just referred t]n;ru may bo a selection ot caHct- of dineaiio, and that tins j'litii.'ijts rnoHt favorulily couditimi d for ncovcry nri; Ki-I( otod for treatment. To tluti eliHi^e J tuuHt. iijjfiin inulto. Holemii dental. Our iiis;tntctiruiH to tlm ret-nlent ntafl* are, "Of Uvn ijuhuh always admit tlio worst in ci leutiiHtniioort of proH^ure for ad- .mi;if-i'in..uiid uare iiof, wln-tlier the pa'tent bo an ahMtnincr ur . otberwino," reJL-i.:tinn ulojio (:xtendiii< to thoun who hrinn con- tii';ii)ii. ThiiH wo know that on all I.ulihIh our cniiip'tr H'idh .ir* fnir, and that witli- out liinkiuM t.h" fninteit proteiiK), but HerLipuloiiiy avoiding tlm* nenojis orror, tln-ro in no no::pUnI in wliich the romilu nri: butter ilie widti world over. cmanoi's or t:i!s'i'o,\r. Kutd-ioi! iii rc.-ijicft !n drin'. linn umlfr. ;c'.)Mf chfii)^", ii ii'1 the ^; ramie fit and mo;,t ;jii t'thful l'hi In ruii^s, a* woll an thu niont Htidatis ami .-v. otful, ura now injide with Sir II. \V. HieharilMon, tho eminent [by- ] n;> (hni;i;.d ,fo>- v.'im.- or any (if tin allion. 'eicUri, in a lfii<;tby uniclo in-arnw ibti : 1 ri'nu.-iidii-r \.,i.'-ii a. v.-.-d.hw; fca.-it conbi W- G. T. U PHYSIC At FOUNDATIONS OF TKMIM1RANOU. it lEi3Jiilliln Hard It IcIumtMoiPw VIoivm on tho Suhjccl. abovo tltlo, and eoatributct l(j thu Iicieui- oor "Loijuiijati'b" kuvh : 'All Nutiiro ".hut CiveH forth energy i-alH ami drinkn in on-ier to receive iuid hold lit'--. It is an inscruf.- .able problenT) up io thiit tim.:, but tiiurti it ib before iih. Of fluid llmi^H.oiie tilono ih ttie HO!, l|; b-Mi Hriciaily omiiplflf-d Wltb-mt alcoh'd, wlit u tin; two ulVuiuefd pui'DOtin (Mill.I M'lun-Iv it n Vi'j I'-idiovil th-'iiif-.clvt.'H niurri-il. or; he |- i-g\ ir.a,. who ot!li;:ati'd c /i\\<\ "'T^n-i-iy 1, i'vl] j't'it Jin hud faiiin'iilly ilone bin duly, in tin; abnctico of tlio wine intendtd fluid, and that in water, beyoml , eiio. J ruiiM-.ob. r well when no two inud- loal un-n cunhi tnae not in con-iuhatiuii, in tlm cane ovl-ii (if n dyint; man or woman, without lnuliii;.; the (UifMiiterH and thuir appeinja^'.'-t, tho v-iue o|a:i-.crf ur tumblem, on thi; di'awnt^ i"'j(H- tablu, to hu iinuil Ik-. fni'u or aftt-i- ilu- uoni-ultatiou, or on botti oucuMtoiiH. 1 recall -ui ln-aauo.) in 'which tim abli; and cijnricient.Htus coll ;t^uu w.m ni.*v.'i-fly curunionted upon and ci ittcincd bocain-.e he would not juin in the htiuiuhit- lugduvioe; and an opponite iiuUaimn, in whicli a frioud, u. firnt-ntte turfjoon, jonit.'d ao heartily in the HlnuulaLii.g ylanrt, pint biffor<! a debeato operation, that ho liad to d- n-r lnti nkib until thy foilowiii^ dity. conclusions. . 'I'liu following nt a yqiiuiinry of tins whuli' article: (1) That the body tia an online of lift; in a water (.nyinu, ai.d wan never in- teudui'l to hi: worlced, at the temperature providud for it, by any other fluid than water, (lij That, from a purely physical point of yit-'W, alcohol in too liuht a thud for tho purpoho. (8) 'J'liat alooliol e<ntainn an eletiieiit whicli in not wanted fur tho tho natural part water playH in tho hviuL' creation. (1) Tnat l>y wtdl diluted uleuhul it n^ay, 1.4 ludeod ih too ofteu noiMi, make a kind oT living world, but r.hat nueh a world ih ona Uavinu two leading fulne rj null tins, a >-hortly ondowed, bodily inoohiiiiieHin and idior'n ruiii.l, neither of which ih of the selection and umnifeHtation made for us by the Giver of Life. /bicb wo want uot:aee of lluid for plant animal, and without, which ull in dearth id death. If instead of watering our jwero, wo uned alcohol an the fluid, our oworH would buinjnrnl or Uilbd ; if tho eudii poured forth limit- fiitnrnH in the1 Tform of alcohol, our ycmutation would 'tmivoroally peiiHli. If wo tried to teed our familiOH of men and lower animal* on al- couol, our auimal nature would be a home >f diHORno, or.dinh'in 11 cpeody and certain catb; it wo ovon diluted our natural ihnd .fltbTaloobbl, ' our homo tlirouj'liout the .'vttgoUblo and animal world, were it miu uto or mifihty, would O.ctoriorato and per. ' jab ; while as wo kuo.v well, if wo dopuni oa water alone, it aonrbihea and liven. UAN IH TUE ONLY KSCEI'TION. The ucG3aity of wator foe tlio (mepono if life in thofaot of fnotH, traceable in eyury moving ftuit itil or vuot.i.blo form, and in man bimuolf of all forum, though ho many do not (jraop tho fact owintf to thu porvert- ed oun*.om that provails. Life, indued, in enBhriuotl in fur larger numbora l watbr drinltiua animalH thmi in tboau which ad mix" tho trus fluid with iluidH that aro falso. IJ'or Htreufith, aotiviby, intolliooo, i^oner ution, loiieovity, tlio huuiuu family, of all liviDft famllioa, ia tho winglo excoptiou u* to tho uho of any othor fluid ; all tlio roHfc dopand 00 ono fluid na tho onu Jioldor of lifo tho Rtand iutorraediato botwoou tho BDlid .HubBtnnco apd tho living on^eoou vitl\ whiob it 10 blondod the wator of, Ab tbo groat ootan of water blonJH ihIus .'.fcadoontinantu.which-taom with lifo, eo tbo oaoan of tho body blondo our italidH. in movdblo form, with the univoreo of life itsolf, by which wo aro mado living or^ani- .xtitiona, gooa or bud. ALOOHOL ANI IfEPICINE. Alcohol la a drug, and oven u a drnfi. it ouhfc to bo UHOd in dinoaoo with tbo nt- moet oaro. We bavo not rofuaed it ab- solutoly at the Tomporanoo honpitnl; wo bavo had it triad' iomo novodIcou timos ih Bowo twooty-two yoarn, without an^ traoo- able benefit ou any of thono fow ocoasiona; Eud we have oloarly and aonfldontly fouud tow to do without it altootbor. Fof ray patt, I bayo uovor ouoe admiuintored it in the hoBpiUl, noranv Bubstituto initv Waco. and I bavo an etotual nD.tiBfaotion in the m-J Farmers do you want monov nt ij por. Yiew ot the mbUU. I have stood equally Lent? If ho wnto \. G. Baker, Ir'tmhiu. 'Miran twohnw 6t praotioo, each.for tba j ton Out. rornw of payment of t^( /joiftperlod ofUVymf and In bolh, wUV- ^ MU boowe. %'.!,':'v: ' ' . '. :. ' -\. Til*; County Council. Tho Khhgx county parliurmuit ni**t at Sandwich on Tuesday hint. Tho flrtil huHiiiGHH wn tho Hidectiou of a warden. Folio jvinu the iiHUiil custom tlio rooven udjourod for onu hour to Imllot in noorot on tho var'oun candidatoH. Tho ohoiot) of rhooauouB wan thon mado the unanimouii choice of council. , Abraham Colo, tho reove of Sandwich South, floourod the pnii^on on tbo third ballot. Tbo roeult boum an follown: Colo t!), Brown 8, WitMou 8. Tbo county buiUbimu [flatter m boin.' tbreabol ous ayiin ur. tlio prtnont a>t-aion Tho Ci' ) ol" the> Uohi'ito In tho Commons. MB..TABTE ROASTS THE MIMISTftY *(r. Ilarllu J,HrUi^-llntii- _j ^ With lEHeiviit')1 ii Uii' .'i -.' J.i 111 thu \iii'.!ir.i .. r i '.; Ifii mi ilo' nmi iiii a < oi l,Ht:i\vn. Jon. 'J.".- '\ 1. w:.. nn lu- I'-l 1 M !, > d.iy 11'1 an in-' = a:'.1 i.'l J' ' '., il : I 'I ! ' ' tin- i-i-, inuili", ol' Ii d ailiiu...... iii' . -'I I,'- I" ; - tin: 'i > :"!,- . !r .0 led ;t W'i; J..,,.,.!, ..1. (hiVi-l I- llO'i. 1 i:i . ' <e ' I |ii|,.i.. ..|' 1 !i,.' Ini'-i i". 10 I'.'i'i no 1:11 , i-o th<- fl-l l nil't. \v il n til . of-Ii 1 . ,: li" ' -f ih.- : o,.-::t a- . ' in the t'oiu.ii ', ol i", loll. Mr. M: ; .In f'<r- nnil;i (j 'I !i._: "! :i 1 ' il, d";i lin^i \\ iin tin' \, in;. '.[ In- i..spii: ...I. It W;i: in 1111 1*. n t IH1' 11",' U lull to ni.^., Hie Mi'.n w'i <i!i'; t h'il li.-nl lii'i-ti ['< ; '! h.o Ih.ii . " II" ' " ,ilr. i ml; b-id lm ! 1 In- pur].i.; . * ,\"i ii*! b'.V'-. t 'f'iM'i i o. ir : "di-i'l inji-:. lis [.,. . , n.iii'- v.'i-i'n .ii: 11 -i>"r t- In- '. 1<.*l i-, :iu !.-:' .Id. n. It. i- ,tlon In i hf ; rii ur:. - in i .'. i i,v ( a Wi-re, of ( l ' In l'i- vnr oi' t;\ i i'inl;b'. i o tie- i i. ; v-< t 'n<- l:i v. [ N:i I \\ ;i li' in i Oj re lt. <d lii-r jm i'l ' ' n . ii.', 1m.1- 'm:. it w ,T I Ir :i 1 :.' 1 ) '. Io ;i I' ! h' fwll-itH. 'I'll.- bill wont to ih- t-V:i:i.t.-, :i ii'l tlm! bod ; t:i I 'i'- la 1 i,i !!r I." ',.' :i !" 1.. , h" 'ji'.-|m v.-i I bi! i i'h;i iij-o ." i, lm i t Ii-11 nt the fiMiiin- :;i',.i'!-,.l '.i !;..:..; ilo .biM-rn- tin-nt \v nil lin\'e I b. i (> !' t" nn na- 'ind cdii'i in. jnli- i,. [ i)i- four o'.ii- :-l i i ii'*iir.c : h, ; i;, irrrU' ni-^,. At- :ir- r'l i -\th;tt tb'-r ' ! o i( y v'r- 'c. n* ' < Ji >\ >-r r in. nt i i 1 i 1};; 1. :. 11......; < i: i ' .) ' ' . '. Ul'.le;.; st In (i'[:r r ;i ppi r ill 1 ' - : ',i n:! i! ; i i-m . '::<. V Mil'.*.;,' .,: i !i<- 'v ." !; .-*- il' i' " l: iid! ::'......r" i-: - i.-i""pr"lhis !i,n.'"-' i. .no. ... . \<> i :b ,.,i i i b-i :L I io.i l.n-.vv tio- id'! V- ' '! li - I il it i : l I u niiiiii- .". '. b n In- nmd'- - li'iil :r i-:- ninl ii.'i'i Tl " 111- . - M:-; M:j< t i' -Will you ;*lVo the nnr? .".: v. ! i.uv , <' ** !';.; t \:' i .i'...I:i Mr. Mrrl i.uinld. ' -: :' [ tin v'l" n lb" 1 Inn- I- dm in1.: 11<" .'.' Mr. Mo ft ir v it in :,: ['b'o... ) |:i,i il li :! |:i tin- <-v<-u \\v.\, ] ,uh! Irr-- Ibt.-'-rv l-,"M'hi'! o. (Is.: H"hiri'.'l :.' ;-. Mill'r f I : : vl.-.? i:-1. .1 ilr.-it ; V- .: I - tl:.' aim -i"ni' ' 1. .,; ! ! in I"' tlntl to tin- -" ".: it. 'I'i-.,. Ibb r-rid :\ !'"rt time. ' ' tie.' (i>-- i - r - .i'.| lb" i b>v. i j- oh'11 1 i (- ( i lb' i i'.'iI t ' i ' - ( Vt' 1-M t. oil i ' '"".! t o., t tl...... ,.,l t ' *'.)! .-I vo - I " - 11, T ' io :1. >M ! ". 't 'Lln-y coiM i.<it nii'l v.-ni.iid lintj - 'i:j.r "id tb" poliey ninln- ] . r-i-fl by tl.. 'b.v, -rir-L-nt. Tin- I'.'o-t ! ! : \s<- i IL '.:: nl iv felt, !'; ' tb" ' ^." < 11 at- ' I n-l.-;; i!:i.|.' I .' : ib. rnls :l:M d.>r.-n.| Ml. pi i* I *ho t ! " I P| ' i'V' i' 111::; 111 b'1 v<- 1'. .-ii t b" oas-'f I i:: Ih" I'M:-!, ;:,;i!l"l:- In connection wltll l!i" 1 ;-.ib...',:! vr ri' riiuv Tnii'ly and hmi- j j ! b i >T , ' '! " 1 M J di In 1 b" 1: 'b lb in t b" T v.on- , '.' a-, a .jio t iii I'.ii 'hi iiiiv....."iii.'i further i-'t' ni:t '. ' 'if :t iiri'-n ciiM I'liefi-i", | [ r- ll-ili. "I ' "o half in- a- ur. , [ I rl ] nod lb it j-'iiliii'vi't u'oobl he spent to j :b..irinurlily ii|iiit) 'ho fio*".-.-;. Coniimi- | i ,i'. lb" ^i'!i."'l Miiiv'1 I ai. ' ! e i :\'o nothing In do wilh a cars.- ir ;-"- i'i-1. I'it:mI v !: ' ill,7 Hot W.'i'-t tb"] ;...^.-jbilll \- r,]' :i i |-)Miii:isM'-n v;l ' I;; ] n- :nd to ;;rt. I b- f'eh'ed t !;;i t mine: lil,-.s : ll.'tfl .'HIV I'b i I '". oxe-rt ;-ll<"h a.S t!l"">' i ' - | J.ivod in c'nu.n-nii "' lt!i Iho n :b nT tb j o"'i:> iniivit y. i'n rlininoi! t rdin'dil rod ! onrrd :\\:y ] t 'on widi'Il iv -u: n\'M d j M. llnllMlM <":'t I'ope i'.r- ILHV other inilinf- I Ity, Ho deiii' .] tlmt ih'To a' anv ' analogy IndW'-'-n tho case ot" (he I'm- t"MMr !. -: in '.'ui'b.f and the f-itlioiie^ | So Mi'lillnha. .]. rd:i-lcpr that lb" I'i"- i t'St'iiit Hcbonbi in (juolii'o 'vri> not '-ee- tariail. uhlh- the O'.i"lio,. pnldio scheid wen* soctarinn and doctrines and doy.'- in.'is taiiN'lit in them ^\'hb:ll Pr^teHtaiitH 11 i y 11111 e d. Tal-'liu: up tb" nrfiimonts in favor of tho minority ndvnroed by fhtvi-ninient r- ii] | >i n't ( I'M . or: eon t.l i "! 'on-i |' :-i-..mi" ' j. lie e-:iM tile (blVei'THin-tit ! i j'(li'(] the con Ml itntion when It im'ted it-- [iiir- pnj*e to do f-n, hut thr-t tln-iv w-jtm no prlnelple of Hi" con: flfithm that It. Via."! not violat'd. Tin- >-;t:-i- of thr late nn.inber for < "inl'.v.oll v.'us an hiMtaiioe. The Onve1 "niont b'fpt him In tho Ifoiis-e for Ihi'eo years with the prnrn- lye of nn nj'prdntiriee* in His pnelcrd, ami thIh, the ColonM hold, was -mii'-ii In the nature of a vlr.lrdln-i of the Tiulo- pendi-nee of Tarllnniont -Act. In eonolutdeii, bo deelai'od ho writ* firmly d-Heimined to oppose all nt- t'MTiptK of the Government to co^roo Miiiiitn'ha7~whi'n thf province \vn.s slmplv oxerolsliiff ita conatitutbuial rh'ht!. Mr Tarto fmiowcl. after reeet-p. T-Te snhl tlio Oovernmoiit, ;i - nt profpnt rnn^tlttitf^l, v.ns lust the kind lhat suited the T>Iber"ln. -.T'rorcLMTh'pr, ho dlvr-.i]!=pd the new mnterial nddoil to the Cabinet. Sir niiarloc Tupper nnd Senator Bes-jardinH. lie wanted to know why Sir CharlcH Ttippcr did nclt run in Montreal West, where, (lie re- oult would havo boon n fair test of public opinion. Ho said Sir Ohnrlen had prone to Cape Breton, where coer cion could be nned. There wore many mon In Cape Breton who worked In tho mlnoH,antl the Government, In thin Iffue, rolled on tho onendon of these men. Ho Bald Mr. Dofijardlmi had been chonon to nueoeod Mr. AniverH becnuuo tho Government could not carry it ("inprlo conutltuoney ln/tho Province of Quebec. I TakltiR. up the eohAol auctlon, he reviewed lt trom Ita /rltrln, and dwelt p&rtlcularly on the/rotusal at. th* (Government to dlsa|5ow the objection- I :..': ..'> b In orcler to cttiickly coiiTert the balance of bur winter stock into cash, we have cut the prices to the cinick;note reductions. Ovnrrml'* wnlli H.7r I'm* ^.Vfi; worth 1,0u ujul !>.(:() If) ^;.b; ^oiih lium for li.DO; Av.-rlli I l.nni'nr 7.bO; ]' ini- I.Vvsmit f nmli ('iipH \vot lli r.a( In 10.00, !;ulo price -1.00 in b.M); t-ilk ^r.nld.le, Cnp:i \v*jrt h l..'-0 to 1 .7(1, IbidlKMtl t,o 1.00 juul l.f.b. Diiiwrrti' itL-iiO I'cv i-cnl. oil' nil lino.-:. CJoiiKs quicJ;. Now is the time to order a hint; ii.r to lir. \vy emit. eJTjtll < ur fine t.wcodii durni" tlii^i Hiile. Dress fiooflsi nt. [\om l;" to I.'f) |nr coiifc. oft ou* I'nro er elo^e jn icen. JVIuiiilc clothfi -."educed from l2t> tii -Hi pel- cent., (hily n IV*w I'lir (';i]h;m, ntorm Goljara mid MnfT:) I'ol- hulion lei'l.. Tlio ImliiTwv' m: -10 \)(# ennt. (liiicoiinL. Mjio piece, oxtra. iiiiij . i-:i!k Heiitloliu 'worth 8K;o() |:cr yard. Kilo juico 1^1.7">. 1 jiidicAV OIOVOH, IIn::t-, Vents, Ifjtts., all al cleitilng pric.enj for oaah. Como <|iiielc and ^ot (irHt eltoice, i Call and se the heaiLtifal Crayon Portraits,.elega.nt]jy framed, also the fine celluloid and plush bound Altai which we present FREE to our cash customers, ^s usual our grocery department is well stocked with fir class, fresh goods, at rock bottom rrices. Yours for Bargains, . & DDTrj^r^TJLi^ bxjooh:, esse^:. K^m* Ow'nt" Io liiinl tiiiH.: ;nid prices of farm produce w8'*"^ wc tirc oyG .. .-(! with w.i.U-r od.sMid in onhr to "turn cvo.ryLlB'ig ^ qasjh by tho 1; 'h ol l-eliiiuiy we hu\e thcidud tof/ivo grtntcr lnu-affi"" '" thiw , alroady liHi^aiu ItJtihc limn ever hefore been heard of in tlie < '(Bnty oi Eusox, ro^ member our Htock is all new and clean, we do not mUi-illso _t0 K!VW ) ou ^a" oil" or.qna):l.t:r oil bui aw vy dollar.*, worth of ^oud.^ you hut' 1'om UH a*J roK" ular nricch which in ehuipc-r than tlui cheapo.-t, Wo will give you- back 10cts~. ^ C e iTato convinci; $ ou lhat our prices aro tho lowest wc-givc you n Hria'- l'sfc bo- low. Ort v iiuuebs S 10 12.1 15 20 eta, nil worth io per ucnui!?1'0- *** " , Remember we give you back 10c in cash. with every dollars worth you purchase. Bliirl.ii.j^ri worth 1 -JA for lit. ..,..................., Remember -we give you lOc. with every Iir ns imv .. ",,1'"iM clollars worth you purchase. eiiiir^e for de'iipcr wi.i.\. j- o d. Dres-i <MjfjLla lo 20 w2?t Hi) 10 50 cts, \VB I'lUJIJUCK. Nobby" or Up-to-date,11 or whatever letine 'yon iimv tlivn i'.. Our -verk coined up t u the r tiimhinl (iiiil Miir w\& ^ ! DUNSTAN BLOCK. , Remember we give you back 10c. with 3 | every dollars worth you purchase. Prints, Cottiois, Toweling, Pcivailes, (liu^hani.H, (.Juttoiutdos, Tablinga, iapkina, Towely, ^litts, (iloves, Tlosicry,- Corsets, nudevware, in fact CALL AT liiS-^X. | N everything in thin store has been marked down in order to turn, this stoclt into caah' before the lotli Feby. , Don't forget that we give you back lOcts. ^p|" | in cash with every dollar purchase for cash. **"* L 7 j (-llothinf?, furnirbii^s, llat.s and Cups, Hoots mid Shoes and GioccyiOB foil aij- kin'osok , with us. Window Blindy iiwny <Wi #m ' Yours .t etc. Chintuviire, Hric-a-Hnic. F:Ui0y Gcods, i\ ovolt ioM, Uool^i and Stationery, School Supplies, Toyw of all hinds, tier I iii Wuofrf and FinKeringj Yarnn, ] New yt(,ck of late Wnll Paper, j Viitice's Old Stand, Eseex Know What You Cliew ESSEX. 'THIS .B0L1. WAVE let free from tho injurious coloring. Tho more you use of it the better you like it. THE GEO. E. TMCKETT A SOW QO.t LTU HAMJUTOivj. oKlT. Ufcutlquartoin for Sohool BooIih, Sahnol Supplied, Noto Fupor.ISnvolop^Dt Ihk, Writirn Tiiblotu uud ofilau Stationery. Publvi) Mc1irtl lt*! .. MIbbHilIIV room, mRrlin po^ililo 35. oh- taiood I'y 1'ifihoHt um'; 9".n' y Miown 28, .Thuo Wolfo 20, Vincent Mtmrno 20. I'.Uuolio Domun IR, Alvn W<thnrty 18 MabolOampboll lfi, Orano Wiyh* l.">, Nfttio WiftbtrnftU 1 . Mary Hall 15, H^^ 3reon DISPENSING AND FAMILY DKUGOIST. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor.Talbot si.and Victoriaave. Tho latoHt improved muohinpry fot IiiHiinit CollarH unci.CuIYh. Will not orark tur hruuU winy. Family workohaup, Parcolp olld for . P'.nuao o\ll ami t^y, ir nob Hatisfadtoiy no cliarco will ha mud a. If our work BUitn ynu, reooruiHOud u to your friottda. FloorlV PillBoure liver Ills, ophtlipfttioti, blliounHetnj, |r*oudIqy, sick btuUcbe. Will not lxt folttiH-f *-' Millet in tho 'toowe^vft if you mm Mi/. Ui N* FUBIj 8AVBR\.?M AND HEAT BA.DIATOU, Saves.40$ty>M bollt. of fuul. I'- datfium tUrt heat trtat OtbflPr^g; wins uo&a out rloorn rlnuui'h Ihe obimuyiM:H In built-oM-aoiixifilin pHnoip'oii, and 'pmfM hod(3bHo ho Bipcrt to Im. iihdyiutrtod and ftp-M prooiatofi: Priona only 84 to 5. 'Wll'WfS Ub cost in a fw we'k.-; ' \/<>.y)'j:'lW K L, PARKER :S^ ' -BflBBX, - ' 'ONTARlO^f "Writ* or oall * O urUy'n \$o"" *A ^j^iffl^iii^ia^^ 0871

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