V- THE ESSEX T^TRT_K PRESS In' h ' , fc. fa AirM, Jtfttl/ ,/o/iHMOIt. er's Pills li ivo taken Ayor'n Pilli for many \( hi bind always derived the lioU rc- > 11>||) tlluh'USU. For J Stomach and Liver 11 "I'1 ii, ami fur the <Miro of lieudnrlio < in-.! 1 by tlifsii (tcmnict'iiii'iit't, A>er'i ] ili uniint hii rriualcil. Tlioyaro easy to I i". |f, .Mill Arc The Best i ;ill-r<n ml family medhdno T have over i know i." Mu. MAVJon.SMON,aC8KIUcr I A\t\, New Yoik City. AYBR'S PILLS , Hl^'heu ; Awards at World's Parr. / !*/<'>*'" .fiurwnxxi-J'ht f*> r tin- hJootl, ESSE.X. loot ami Shoe Store Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of \ Boots and Shoes; to Essox, Great Vialue iu Men's ShWs and Oxfords, Ladies' arid Children's Shoos and (raordsi The Cheapes in the Land, Call and Equmlno and bo Con" vlncod for yoursolvos. das. 0oi<g+as, Sl-rii of/tlio JioWleu If loo I, Whit nay Block - Psiev Money to Loan On good productive Farm Property ut 5J, & 0 pur cent, htraiybt. No Valuation Fees. tafCouvoyiincing Done up in Noat Btylo Fire and Life insurance. A. . bOVELAGE, ESSEX, ON 7 1 ii \u rhWiiMiiiiniBtiinii POWDERS Curo StCK HEADACHE and NonraWa In so MINUTES, also Coited TonRHo. Di_*l- aeGfl.Ihhoiisnans, Pain in the Suit, Constipation, Torpid Llvor, Had Breath, to uuy curul also regulate tlio bowela. very nioks to taku. *Ptyoit 2G cento at druo SrowKs,** 1 NUEBEEVMAN, Ruth von, Essex County. Poaah, Poar, Plum, Applo and Quinoo Troon, Robgh, EvorRrooaa, Borry BmtlioH, Uaopborry, BluoKoorry and Currant Bnuhoa. All Qrot-olan ftoodfl. Siwo agentB* Big Profits ! and writo for pnoou. Wo will ohoor- fully antiwar you by roturn mail. !; ' Splendid Apple Trees il ' Al in ovory eoHneofc, *- $12 PER 100 - $12. t ii i BLOOD DIUiNKttltK. feTHANGIC SIGHTS TO B: '-CEN AT NLWYOI.K .LAUGHTCIt HOUSlZS- <)-iimimptlv' Mintn U'i'll I**. imhIMuu in., IU.mmI i>r u N.ulv IC111..: niiiiotik 1'uvulyul.j Cnriil >v VI 11 ipl n-j* u Man In Purl hint- uf 11 Sliiui: liu-i - (I \uliniil. / , brine, at uhVn pllurimn in :< arch of in allli /ruin 1 ,,m h^th uullj, In a 'iln ln- ol' Ij'imkI. I'h/eiy nun Jilnir. exi-epi on Hiiitdfi\, * '* tivT***! the limiisol '< .11.1] II. a troop of nun and woijicn cm I ih< It w i\ to Hi. la 1 ' l ] huiia of the fTllitc rl iJM-.wei] I 11 ('ijllpILIiy, Ol ]"lrj<t-a\i'inif uiul 1 Uli M - I Tin 1' I lli| i) c i , to dil< I |a. Ii"l luottrl t'H H .Ui'iuf'oii Uli (n"h\ kill, il |ji,llo(jK,i Ani< iur 11'1 ' "ii],. 1 \ 1 e i i< k k 1 f lir inch and df-IU .1U woiuc ., po , whoa Willi liu1'". the ut in.j ul ci>iihini.j.cl(M, iu pi,ilnl\ mail . >! 'I in i< I Ml tie alx-iit thi'in to Mi;'i'*"il th iclt u ol I Ii odthlrntjii*" , and j ft no In art cvi-i j). Titi-il iimn iio\i'iitlv alti r the unlci bet nk, 01 ijo di tti kind |oip,t d m< n* J'i Iil*-i cup , 11i-i n I h' ^u tdtmd (11 IiiIiwh l'oj tln-li dalh polatioiih. To a poiM.n [11 pcii- i t lnMlj.li. win Ins iifVfi tiidlfd tlie lntt bloc^l of a lulli'i'k, tin vim*:, thoujju of drinkln" II i r' vdl linr. "[ would r.ithfr dli. thnn drink that Xloi.d," 1 Mild to a ynuiifr wonian wlm wti di Ink In;: l mm a cup Ui warm fluid fn shlv ti'KiMi fnuii tin* tlnoat nf a fjIiuiKl t< r^d * tocr. "hlfi* is HU't id," wa-, th" r^plv, "and you ^(tuld do anvihlnn to pm*,mit\< It. V hi n r c tinp liciv Mi-st 1 fainted At tin rlphl of the blood, but now T like It. md I hi("-s It, her lime It \h makhifr nn \\(11 and 'dionff. I u im f:lvi*n up to dl of coiiHiiinption b\ in> plij ^b*i in. and all my likinK, but I \\;o- (b-tt-i mined to a,ot widl. t It.id hi'i'd ol sovMal p.nipli' bf infr (iind by drinking bul- locV'a blood, and I bci;an drinking |t how iiikv iti; 1 mi, m,'mo m\ nionih-j i\xo I w;ia at that tlnic like a llvlnix fk* b'ton, w 1th my laci tu-> umUi a- LliiL ol a rhoht. I now \\.-ik1i bl'Li -.oimdh lion than wl.oi 1 bipi th'. blui ii diinkuir;, and hit J lo >]*. ltk<- iL cioisuinpl i\ (- *'" hlo. c-italnly did not ' 'n tin- "on- ti. rj, thu Kill '-IiO',. d t-vviy indicatiu) ol ],tJ. ft hu.ilth. Jii'iulry pio\fil that In'i s w.ih but.ont lj.s,. in liundrt'dh w In-ru Itnalidn havc (k'OU cm 11I of Jiiiik and thioat tioiiblcs by tin' daily drinking ot bullixrk'h LU.ud. -Ml tiniso I smu on the inorninjr I \ it-lied tin- slau^lib'r hou>f u li u en Ihu.-lsu-itic oVer tin- woinh rful Ihi ,Iv- lnx qualitK-h ot tli.' Idomi jiii'dlclm* In* .J II l-'or-.ti-i, tli-' pii>hioian aj) pLdnUd by tlnj iju\t rum-tut to inijpert il.t cattle ot the United Int^yt-d Ii. e. C"' injidiiy, althuimh not a,u ad1. o--ati' ol b'ood drlnkliiK- c-itfd many Inritaiuesot \,hleh paraly.sls li.id bet n uuit-d bi \wapi)liiK the body In the. paunch of a Hi 1 or. This i.s tine Mnry as It v.11^ tVd to' rue: "A youiiR m.in \\ho had b< i-ui ioi man} yt'.u 1 a lielph t^ p.ti.ik.k u.ia bjou[;ht here one du} by his I'uther, v. ho r< (jnebted the pi Ivibv'i' ot \\ rap- 1 Iim tin body ol his bon In the ru- rm n,u liieh is the th t4t uf tin- loin "-to ni elwi of the u\, Thi , r qtust was KtaiiliMi. and owry d.iv ihl.s jutx s- was r'i>'*aii d Am oon aa iun anla al \';>s killtd and the stoinaeh n-iiioud it was split opi n and \\ raj)ped likt a blank* t round tin* body of th,. Pivalld In ordf r to br m-ar lie* slaii^hb I' ll ini.se the f tilier ot tin* yount- man took a 10M111 just ac-ioss tin* avc nue, a lid l\'i ry nmi ninK" for ih-<u ly two yi'irs this devoted father buamht his sen over her,- and \wapped lilm in the runifn -f a fn'Bhly kllkd tjulloeli. "After a few months th. jmralytle beKa.n to mo\ < his- hands, then his amis, and ut the t-nd ol -i y-al In* could walk Now he In entliely nxover- ed and In pi-rft ei h**alth." 1 noticed that Mine *-*pi jnklcd a II'th' fcult into the blood btfoie Lhey Uio-idc z l VM-ltMSt* ON TUT t'Altt'ASS It, fiaylnK it made the tantc* like that of warm milk. Most of Ihu men went into the room wheie the anitralH-were killed and euiij'lu the blooil uh it lluw- ed In a b k utrea t'io,i, th..* thioit ot the bullocks; but the Mm,, n waited cut Hide and .pan d themuelvt h thi-. re- vcltlnK ol^bt, havini' tlie blood brought tlKMTl hi c-*ipa. It iH .1 v.-oi.derful place UUh pioat beef dijv>t. uud to thuto who ever give a thought to tin' variouH pioacsuea through which boM Iiuk to i;o befoi*y It li ready for th OM'.u it l lull of ln- KTCBt. ------ The (frlitkliifC of bullook'a blood to ie- atore the Invalid to hoalth 1. all very \, oil, but to tlie nruLt army of beol buyc-' ut1 1 -"f f-.'er V 1 ' lJ ei-l'lv Mil lUCldCHt. '10 llIUul tllii liUL^i-iJ.'a ui! a-iKdn* oiiv bof comcj* ttonx an<L bow It m i.iili*d*uiH| iniiil"-' I'-iMly tor tUw mm-- l.i't are of fnr gn a*.-i import, T e h"> t 1' ' t I'V tuenl to the N4VW "wok oi il la I 'n 1 . o'Vii ii' 11 Hindu beef. Tl . i-'illb- hi led nit t!- pi alt te.M ot III i ni,* hid ni at " o h r Inii'i tno- (..ui \'(nt*in !'i. lo Y\ lieu re'nly for hi'iiket thry nn* di Iven Into tin* Chi- < eo steek Mid 'I hosi- Intended for ."u'W VoH' . i pnl 'ii'< ii' and brought t i ,!(.| -a\\ < He. v 'e*i. the rJir'i arc lo id. d on Id" liu it . . hleh i,o mound 111 Kii'U K'\i ., In th,* d > .i. (h ' I a i\ d Ii' ' f f ' i ipnne, \ }\- ., I li i .ui d I \ i-n oiit_oi_ hi r-.u i lulu tl i 'U 111 ' ml t I In- btiild- h, '. Ih'i be Him d. : tie \ ar.- well 'i, and \\iitei -d At tin - ml nT that i imi e\' i v anl' al hi uiulei; one a , hni nu . h i ^ ui 11"i,i Inn a i to tin eondl I inn <<\ It'i In ilt li i 'id ,'h lin u loiind to |l ' III p"ll< ' I (' >! 'h - o , I e 1 i in-led wllh i \ lite to": 1 Im- -ii 1 tn b Irk or i i ] i mi* e'imlll' 1 'i .' "idlei' label ii | i tin in 11 *' t i 'm n a ,iv '1 hi i" ;' . d t il* ',-. in )*> nT i ii' I'oi .1 ei and a* !'. -i 'di'll'i In Id oar Uennaml h-s-id ^ c t - f(\ V,| h'/i t 111 1 \ ' Mi I I n 'Ii of entile, h- ha- n > ras> ta Ic. V )i t tin a. I )i 1 at u olv fm -d ii ut- ring (In j ai ('. '-' n i p a rur. way to the i ]?\ Il "! of the btdldla , a ' ,i, ih i nt ' t ' i li 1 .r hb'i i -ai I'm i u Ii hi !! i i, oi s'c r i air lo il nil tin 1 I 1 U * I by a slip I i i and i|iiirki\ d awn up V the eei]- ii '., io ind u liu h a ti dli \ *-y t--m I I mil. bin1 aft r tin o'lmi tin -- ani n Is a e Ivil'th-d snd tl.ii lit dnw il at ( in *, until th y !a> In the puip- r po I- t mi 'I In r ( "iin .-i the \wrik of dls- ; uti hhe Ileum h'u- man pom 4 -<>nn walei o\ ei He thiiial ul thepiostiate animal' to .'otti-n t'u hail, lieu in a 111 id ,inu' In i t 'iki i a bi " id flat- 1 kidi d Knife, jdi.iro as a v>i/.nr, and Inws it ikki'-s the animal's throat, (\rrmg all th' arterie- At onee the si,ti rht'M-ed bea t \^ diav.n up tn the 'In j" and a1 * i a f' w Jei klnt,a of Si b id* , be I d ad. V her hi. I i '".el tin I ' ly i^ l~t \- p the ]). 'i -\ . 11 d, the f et i"n on and a ii 'm 1 mn ni id do.s n ( i"m b ir th o tb uiulei part ol In I . ip . iml th hid rut off to III ' I ' k. .' n iin bun 1 lh"ii mad , and ,.lle i '.r i- ' -. tin"*' I- b's he ml li the i In by o tin annual In i > ni ii - '.'ion ni tin iun':'-? rr ii, ii, ' . :ei to ad'M' - tu the ribs . aid a' . im oh o'i th - ti 11 j r i m d , .i i -it i^ all ii^lit, it 1- ui,, d .'i ' tlieji i un al mg on the tiol by, th hid r* o\ r d, and f'T flv> ' i ni 11, < -s ha'ig i in thin room t.M Hie aniieal {i ut b ntliely remov- d Tin 'i ll'o bod\ b -lt It b H^tllW be. - in' i .li 'i bill I i nn alnng on tbe \\"i,d ilul i'^^n, of t'olli1.;! to i thd I.he jo-'iin !< , .liter nu mining fur tu i'.^y^, (le ^ ..I run into the big re- , ! o: ni', 'diii t In \ .it 1 ejd at a i k ioim b .npe'-atuii until taken away b tin d- al i ^ w liu bu> tlieui. Tb iiiiiimir .H I ilhn-c bitf by cut tin). Tn iliinii and not stunning Uu ai ,n .il b\ a b'-i\. i I o la", and v hib -ui- li was onlv d-)'i- for th.- Jcwhh ti <b , it ha 1 e n ' . lurallv adopted by all k 111-g;hl in tliLs country Dvli} kiilfi- u^-i d has to be thorough- 'riu i.Mi i. i'i si i it ly ex unlnt'd by a l*ian v ho rlnn, nolh ii i (*1h.-. f>iu* ma* im shiv. i oi llim h ai M-*eln(4 a ste* r disj au .u d, be' \- b. n tl \- i .an runs hi-, In. et along lb e I '< of one of tliet.!.' Unlvr-, It make-, ih i ,dd ehilN ruii dow n one's hack. Tin bie-f of stiMs Ih 'he onl, I ' <ilu In tlu- good i a Let . and th onl> beef lit to eat. I In II and cow beef Li u-<d fui bologna Miuh.iKfs. Ai soon as the hbb -, an uil.en o". tkey aie laid out (lat on th * floor and c(\li-i(1 di ep with I oek Halt \f ei tbe *-alt is ihoioughly soaked in th. hlri*. <. ie tkd up In bundbH and .sold io tan- \u ih. Tin bet are sold to Ih glue b.ctoiat as well Jfi the limn*-, 'Im ...i it- ur- m. i'i prtfeetlv e e ui by the mo t apjuo\ed n < tlmds, *.nd ?ol ' loi h.iu-agr casln "h. Tlj blood U im i.nlo bit* vats, where it I-, holed til i 1'ianulati's; tlnn U 1 sold lor fertlll ng puipo^-e1-. Tlv Btomarhs ar-* mad 'rlo trip", and the f-.it j oe.i tluough . \>onderful proet hs, out of which twn (".eluct article? are matU ste rim . i,d oleo. Htiailm la usi d In Ihl.i co')n li y for va.-uus- jmri <" h. It I'i mixed with laid to g*\e U bu.iy, chewing gum Pf irnili of it-and th- flnc-i of wn('ptr*1. Oleo, wlikb is the ev.'iotvd oil turn the- ttleaiine, is pit thioiish -. P'oc.ps of con; enllng, nicked In Im- <\'\ and ehipjud to Holland. f>ut o: It tbe celebiated I e*rijm buttor, ^h'ch ICtiropoanu print*- h,> ldglily.' la made. Largo hipnitntH of oleo an- ait" made to Tndaprt. The Christma- bn-f now hanging hi the refrlgerutim-' inoiMi of tbe t'nltcd l>ro nul Ib'- Company la eno gh to i a'te one'e nmiith vator t't aoe. Dealei-s ftom all over to'v hav- re keied tliolr boof for the hul'dav mar- Let, nmi pnrfi ide In labeled wlLl th" .u.i.i. vt th bir. u:-.--M.Y. U.cotdur. '7>._ //fi*- t-'^. M W - ' "Ma V ^-; '<<< o Jiv. If. V. Merrill. o Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS >i^v Sarsa- parillrt Ktutomnnt of a Well Known I>octor "No ether hlond uu'dlciiii* tli.tt T liavn cvei lined, and I have tiled tin in all, i. no lhoroii(;li la its ,u linn, and idleets *-e ina.iy peiiu.uieiit iini-i i. \>er'4 haisnpailll.i.* Dr. II. F. Mi.KUii.b j'nijuibi, Ale. Ap'sSSarsaparill? Admittod at tho Worhl'n Fair. ------------------------------------------------_. , dyer'* I'll ft* far liver ami fuitrrls,. !0UW!N^six_yMRs THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest Sa^e in Canada. Short tXouriicya on a Lonu Roncl Ir tho|thnniL*lerintic title of a profUue y tl- luiJtrated book containint; over one hundred pfigeH of chiirmui^ly written dcncnptiomi of Hiimmnrji'ohortii in tho country nmtli and v,'eit of ChinftKO.' Tlio reafiint1 mattor in now, the ilhuitrationn are no'\\ -uid tho in formal jou thuroin will bu n< w to a]moat evoryono. \. onpy of "Short .lonrneyt on a Tjonf,' Iloud" will be Hont free to anyone who will ouulano ton ecu tn (to pay{ponta^o) to Oko II, IlnArrtmi), General Paflflon/ycr Ai^ent Cliicano, Milwaakoo A St. Paul Railway, Chicago, III. Pou'fc worry. Don't run in debt. Don't trifle with your health. Don't try exper ioiioch with modicinoH. Don't wuHto time and money on worthier compoundfl Don't bo perhnaded to tuko a HtibHtituto for Ayer'H fmrHaparillu. It in tho baHt of blood, pun firm ESSEX Holler Mills* JASIJJb KAVLOIt *aiion thin oppoi canity ol aimounepi, t, -.no puoido r t tho Town am) Comity of Kmiox, thcitliti bus romodolntl theEn- fiox Kollor MillB uccordinf* to pluunprPimroil b> It. N. ^rlco, Kt. Tlionuui, arid him iubo aociirtil) tho iiorvioon of Honmt'i S'ihacuan, an ex por i eiicod and tlioioiifjlily coinpotout millor. Thiuiklui; the ponplu of tho town and count} for tho patroiuiRo bon towed upon hitn In tho punt, will cuarnutoo iiatiiifnctioii In tho fnturo Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. 'tHE IIEHT GUAOEB OF VLOUU, PKED ANp COKNMKATj KEPT IN RTOCK AND HOLD AT UIGriT l'UIOKS. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. SOUTH WOODSLEE IT MUST BE TRUE! For ovory pemou HayH that mmi smith Malcofl tho boat Tlarnena in tho Connty of Banes. It will pa) you to oorao to Soutli5Wood<*loo to buy your nornoHH. Btnokjaecond to none in tho"couaty. Fwo fctook of Uorao BlanlcotB juafc oponed out. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. _ __Essox, - Ontario. MRB. O. WILKINSON, PROVJUEritriBH; ban boon thorouRlily paintod find roplonlnlioil with nuw furnltuio by pronolifc proprlotrnnn LAJIQ15 HA. IIN IM GOVS'MOTION. Pitat-ObinB Accomodntiou Guarantood, TIK7" /l liT-Tf1 *tT,"TTh To'"11 ft"" Trnvolb-p V*' -Hk fj JLJ&jELP Hiilonmoi) tn litonh.- oi;i Ibn \ '\iimdlnn Grown Nuinorv Ktnolt. We L"*a >'.zr natlnfnofclon to ropmooiifiitlvon iind . ir mo**.. Ci\r mi rood on aro thi' larcont in tho Dominion, ovoi*700 aoron, No mibntltir.lon In orriars. Exoluulvo torrltory inwl HtniraltorniH to wholo or part tlrao aontH. Writ* un. uTONn .t- wnbT-rwaTON. (Head otlloo) Toronto, Ont, (Tim only nurftory In Canada havbiR tontlnii orrharuo,) -M-Uiu CHURCH DIRECTORY Mis'i iinixiu*. l)r. l'-o'eofi, Piuitor. Uprvicr nvury 1- iimliiy at 11 a. in- un-l 7 p. in. Kahhict Hihoo) .ii 'j-iOp, in. G, u, Niwlnr, Kaiiftrliitniie O'lt of I'ohool, Mpwni th Jtnii^nii plity r lu'ootln 1'umillii,y i; vniiiri(( ul H o'l'look, (.(Oinj.ul eiuyur un< tbiiion Thtiriuhty ovoidum I'uvmiu oi' IlNor.ANn Ituv. A.b.Moi/uily, in ouiuliontr-KLr PiliiIm, I^hboXi Ihvuiuiiotvlcu. oveiy t'liiiday at 7 n'rlmU, p in himdiiy Hohcxjl nt ID a tn. Vibiitv rhmuii, North ntd(;. Hun ilr.y Mohool at I. Tip in, Tho puhbu uro oor- fl ULI Ii IllvitOll. I'lcrfijivi ruiAN, W. M.T-'Iruiiliu,'. 1'ii'itni" Hr vionn oti HiLlthn.Hi nt II it ni.jtii'I 7 !!() )> m Hah nuth Hi'honl iif."'lO p, in. Travel im otnu; and "aiitor'u hihlo ohuiii on Tiki afay atV.'ll) p. in. Hoi iaUJiiifiu en Wiiibionilavii-t H.lfip, lUl'h.i tJiiLiien. ltuv.M. ]'. Gamplioll, Pa h- tor !. i vleon (liii'h Kahliiith ut il a, in. and 7 p i. Prnjor mnntim; nu Wo'liHiiiituv ovonin i at HoVlouic. HoatufiuM, All am eordiiitly wol flOlilfiil, IlOMAH Oatiioi.io J'V. (J I'I MoGiin Pantor. Hor/im ovory otlnu Hiiiehiy at K ;i(t p in. Kiniilay tloliool aL .1 j>. in. Maidiuoni'. Hiidi muiin ami miriaon ut ltl.'JO a. m fiitooliintn ut H p. ni , hiintiiini at. D p. III., voHpiuriaiid DoiHuliutirjii at 7 \t, in. 0. 11. Mo- Go', P. p Hai.va'Hos Aiimv. T H Mrbnod, Giiptaln HaKation iimhiLjiii'ii on W<nlniii lay, Thtinniti-y ami biuidiiy ovuiiiiii'H, J"ren nod Many, Hiitunlity oveninn and .1 p in Hundti y, Ilolimmii miinthiifn for I'hrintiaii'i 1'rnliiv eviiiunj; ami 11 a. m. Hun day, Kiinn Urill 7 ii.v.111, nvoiy Hunday. All are wnlconio. K LEGAL. A WlhMKH, Hari-h.t.)l-. Kidlcitnr, Norm 'J J'lllilio Ao. PibJiiny to Imui. Olliceii, Dm titan Illocli, ap-htiiiiu, Isiifiex. 4-1 y | L. PI-rrTdtH Ilariiiitor, Holicltor, Notai "} Public Aloiioy to Loan. Olllco ov( Htrntburn* Hank. linnet Gontro. CLAUKK, ItAU'lbKT &. Ii WtTIiKT, Harrii torn, etc. OllluiMi, Meill.ury block, Windiic Priyato linnln to loim, A. II. Cr.Aiuu., b L It. N A. lUiiTra^.T a Jl. -Haium-i, H A. r S^INJtY G. WALTKUK, b.b.H , Attnrnny aim J-J a. otinm tor .at law, Solicitor in ('himcory, Pioitot," in Aiimli'iilty, Put* nt Solicitor, with AiliiniioV'i 't Ibiii:hS8 Con-jnihti nt. |w< nt, Uutrolt, .Mich ' (Caniiill.in olaiiuo tirpuiiHt pornonn hi the Unitod Htr.'tmi collo^tod.) Jtoforenccd Iniporial liimlc, JOmiox, Out, <F U. I'otor.s, t iiij , Jiiirritftor, otc , lOiuuix, Out b.A. Wiiiiiiu 11 but)., llai rfiitur, t tc, bhiiux, Out ft-IEDICAL. n iLinl Miirf*<in(ii\v.i'.'tarlo, (IriLd- c. Post (iiiiduato AiVjdlcal Cob I)., C M., J". T. M. cN jYij.roV Tyiti. HHIKN A \hkii;n. -Ian Ilrion. M. D., L. liNf',I', !., uiaduato uf Quoon'ii Uuivornitv, Kin-piton, .incmbor of (Job litf'u of I'lijuloiarui uinl Murf*<indil,^.)'.'tario, Grud- mun of Now Yorlc luiro. I. W. lirion, M Iiradiialo ol Tnnity .M'jUich.1 Collcf'M. iionor f'tf'diiiiLn of F)'rinit\ Univt-ihity Mi mbor of tho (.'olluf-oof Pii'.HK'iiuiH ami hiir^.orm, Out Giad iiatu ut J- u\v Yurk PoHt Ormlu it'1 .Mudjccil Collof'o. Ollh:. ovoi V. ,v\ Mtilu-iil Hull 'Hum f*tnro GniniiiUatinii roointi. binbnu i'nnui.1 lloor ami llrnt (lat iihove. I'oh jitionu in l.otn 'ilticn nod rufiidoiico. All ciiIIh itttoitddd Lo fioui otlleo, una,' (itoro or ri-helmico. lOitiilcnu.i, Pitlbot iltrnot, front of fah ju-onml i D KH DRWAU A McKKKXIK. P.A.Dhwaii, M.D.C M..F.T M.S. Honor Gradu- ,tto Trinity UuivuruLty. Moiubov l olloj;u Pbyi IoUdii and HurtieoiiH, Out. ItuuiiloncL, Talbo Ht Eant. G. McKuNZii:. M. D G. M Coroner, Now York i'o'.t (Jriiduuto, Follow Truiii* fllodical Golloijo. Graduato Trlnit> Univondty Iloiiidt-nco: Talbot Kiroot, wer.t of M C, H, Otlleo bourn ti to It u. m.( 1 to 'J and ll to H p. u. Otllco in Impmul Hunk blrclc, (;rouml lloor noxt to Thornti'n dniR htoro.. Toloidionoiu connoctiou with olllco urd rom donee. GrilerH loft at Thorao'H drutr ntoro will hi promptly attoudod to. DENTAL. nl' MAItTIN, I). D. H., L. V. 8 Graduato in bentnitry, llosul Colld'fu of Dontal HaiiiOoiKi, Ontario, mid Univoniity of Toronto Cliurnoii.iiiodorato. ODlco, ovr lirion & Co i -Irue utoio. IH-tv VETERINARY._ WH ItlOIIAItPaON, VEVKHINAItY HUK GICON. Honorary urarluato ot Ontario Votorfnary Gulh-co, Toronto; ni-unbor of On tario Yaturlnary Medical Hoi-ioty, DI]>lomiht in Denthitry; treabi all diseaHen at domohtlcatiul aniinaln, otrli) duhoriuid hv tho latent iwprovod Loitvitt cllpjier Ciilln by toltpbono or tolo- rai>h pioniptly iittomied to. lto'iblonco, four doorii noutli o( (irifit mill, olfico in pout office Imihlhifi; iullrinar>. directly oppoidto. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES 6. LAIHI), Provincial Laud Burvoyoi and County Eusinoor, Ensux Contro, Out OLIloo, Dunntan Block, upntairu. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY riEPIUrK, Auotlouoor. Bnlos promptly attomlod to. AiidroRfi Houth Wooihiloo, Out. PornoiiH deohinR to tiecuro uit may loavo word at tho Faun Piusnn oillco. t! II. HEURICK DMNCLAIR, LICENRED AUCTIONEEH for tbu County oIEhhox. HiulifforiiddbtU IhvJHton Court. All kimbi of Farm and other halou condnotid piomptly. Iln-ton rouronatilo ami riirniiiiod on application. KnnuirorB may apply ut W D Ilonman'n oflleo, or nr thn oflleo of Diviidon Court Cb-rlt.Mr .John Mihiu JOHN GOUMLEY, LICbNHED AUCTIONEER for tho County of Efluox. All kindn "of farm otock union, oto , conducted promptly nnrt on abort noticu, Itatcii roinioeiiblo Port'onn dcnirtiblo to iirraiifto yalGii may do no by callinR at tho Fiuci: riiuan oflloo oi by applying to 4 J. GORMLEY, P. O. Hoi'lW knnox, Out. ITItANK MoCLOSKEY, Maidntono, thirty- . novon yoarn1 oxporionoo an an nuotioutioni) tho Oountv f Eoiiox. Salon oonductcd piforapfcl>, and On rdunonahlo torme. Vartit-p doiilrin^ to flx tho dato for a nnlo can novo tliouniolvop a dri^o by cttllinfj at tho Piibb PiiKfiii oflloo Wo liavo arranffeil wltuMr. McUlonkcy and will nx tho daton Jor ualou by tolOKmpli.ontiiroly froo of all obarga to tho pornon hokliuf; tho nalo. Ad- drono ITrnnUMoOIonkoVpMaidotpno Croan,Ont, THE oldont boflinoiifj io town. KntablioUp 1H70. Firtit-olanii broad and cakoa of nl Hindu. Wortd-nR oaken a npeoJality. Qrooonofl provifdonii,Hour,food, Hall ,u.d *povU, Oonfoo- ilonory, orookory.nlannwajo. Cftiinodfruitmijiu vofjotabloo of all klndn. GoodB proravtly nn Uvorod to all parto ol tho town, J. M. IIICKb. JOl-tf ^AWD A^iJ'lJbOA^AjmG^^ GEOItGE J. THOMAS, Conveyance*, Com. nilnrnonor, In Hlfih Court of Jnatloo: doaloi in Hool Katiitn and MortflagOB. Monoy to lout attholowcnt rati* of iutoroHt. luirnin houcht and nold, Immraneo tnlton in tho moot rollablo aoynpnnloB. Drawing of doods, raortaaijoB and loiiBon a dpooialty. Charfloa modorate and nl) bunlnoHB promptly attouilod to. Call at tbe Qoutral Talmabona otileo. EnuasCoutro. BU-lv Best Pluea In tlio -world for yomiR men nml M'omon to ueoure a ])iiHhn>Re !Cibictitlori,Hliorttiini'l",idp.,iH tho Dfi'ioH Pnalnomi Univorplfrt D^i- lrnlt,Mlflh Illuatratcd optnlnt/mj Freift, Itoforoners : All IMiolt, F. JEWBbL , Prod. V, II, BriilNCER, Bco'y. Dou't worry;. Don't ruu iu debt, Don't triflo with your h^iiHli. Don't try oxporl- lnontu with uotltofnoit. I>ou,t waatc time Riid wontyouwotlbl^MOonj^oHudB. i)oa't bo perBdudcd to take a Hubntitute for Ayor's Sftrnaparilla. It ib the bost ot hhotl puriliora. MARRIAGE LIOEN1 Trr L. PAHK, IHHUEU OP MAI J J. (ionnmi, Ulolmfdnob Blk., KtJ M HAilHKTT. iHMunr of Marr(*a -, i ConuolHiiIoiior In O .J., oto. G*M W I). IHJAMiVN, Ittmio-Mif Marriii.{{ LIcoiiRoa. Insurance' Nliihtoltlooiit Dwulllntf. . 'J'A^HOT HTKKKT, H8< UNDERTAKING. nPbUMMM -Tf, UndorbiUor n.id Faro] linnhir, Collhiii, lionin and raotory, froui S't to 8.U). MoGr-oj.'nr.Oi"' ARCHITECTS- |0HN A. MAYGOC'K, AltOHITIHJT, iKo., Room 10 and II, Fleming Iluiblfui Wludnor,XMionoSlS. i SOCIETIES > O, O. r.-ENTEUPRIflE LodKflJl mootiiovory Tlnninlay, ovoninji nfl Oddfollowii Hull, in third iitoroy IJuimtitl Vliiltiiicinoiuborii uf othor lod^iiHwill yjratoninl wolcomo. .1. JOIINHTON, N.\ ' UENTHAb KMUAMPMENT.No.HO. m\ tfc, Odilfollown' Hull, Ihiuutiin'ii lllook.'on tlio fli Mill third TuoHday In ouoh month. Violtoro oo dially rnooivod. MomhnrH of imhordinnto lodgi In tbf. Jurbidlotion, bivitod to join. ' IIANNAN, O, P.. G.J'Mtlbb, G, YT-HRKX FUtE lU'.IGAOE. ML J J Friday ovi inni; in thu Firoj tho Htono bnilihii(,'. .Tun, MoM ltobt. Parltor, ('ajitain; A. lluriill nut, P Dilun, Kocrotary, Fred t|Hyl CUIIfHT ROYAL, NO. 31'J. I. O.I / Moo tn Heron d and fourth Tuol month iu i. O. O. J-\ Hall at ti VUitini; hrothorn will ho Rlvon a roiuo. E McOuu'dund, G. It, W, 0! M. J.WilEln.G, I). JL U. It. Michigan ITenti " Tho Niagara Falls tioutcJ' aOINO I'ABT Taklnffofloot May?30tli, 1B0S. Mall \Uy. Potroit... Windoor .... Pulton.. Mniilntonoo Kmtfx V^/ooiliilt'i). ItnVuoiiiL ConMr RtdKi-\w-' Ro<htfySt. TlionXu London.. ,Jt. 'I boimifi Ro.hn -,.... Riilfaito'vn, , t'oinbur Huncoiiib. .. Wood ti loo El!MUX ,. Maltliitono Polton Windoor butroit . a.m. 7 Ul 7.11) PO". H II h.'Jl H 17 '.' n m ir it .in a.m. 0.20 ii.no Exp. a. m. 9.10 10.10 T.'JO 10.H3 H.-I7 Or 10X0 OOINO WKHT. p in. lii 10 1! -10 :hi iK7 b:w 0 41 .1 SO 11.01 <; n 11.50 1.05 a m. 0.*J3 io :ji 11.13 fi \r> 7.10 15.10 ViA5 Amhernihur-r ILoral KVulni-l WI.hT KADI ]> 111 ti.lll (1 R b -i'i OoO a.m. a.m. 11 fiO H.lo a.m. a.m. 7. IB O.BO Ehuoi ViV.1 S A I'M riu n '7 on 010 l'jto o:j2 li E it i) n Xina 0.60 9 flfi lib'lu" H ar. McGrocor h.-iq l),!10l 1^ R0 8.51 Amhorfitburs *>.J10 0 io! All triiiini aro run on eontrnl BtnndavdM which io hiity niinuton nlowor than ll timo. For information and ratoo to colt lutii niovini; wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pi HoiiRor AHunt, Ht. Tbomiui. O. W. Ku(jrIob, Geil oral PaiifiouKor and Ttokot ARont, ChioiiRO, II] or A. O. Htimora, Aaont, Ehrox, , -------------------1^------------------------.-------_____ .---------V L. E. -__ D. R. Ry. TIME TABLE NO. 20, tnkinff ofl*oot Monday] Doc 13', lHQS, Trainii run by KuBtorn Btnnd- urd Time, Daily oxcopt Bunday at** 1-1 1 M M i **** M s fiTATIONIU -I <*i olj N< o o ri__ O 'A K 'A A \\ A M V u A M A -(____! o 2.r> iaoo (1M Hop Walltorv'lo Ar n io H.fi0 H.W 13 HO II27 Wallcorvillo Juno, ii tn I1JW ii :io 12 io l\'M) .. .. Pcdtou ....... H 67 B.tt7 O.i'1,1!! ir> IM0 .....! Oldoaatlo..... ft f'JJ 6.17 0 B0 12 fill IM7 . .. f Pnquotto.... H Al _,0ti '_7l 110 KM McGiroRor H -12 fi.OC V10.0-1 1.10 0 00 ...1 Now Canaan... H iltl 4.--J ( \'M 10 00 1 .,'10 7.10 ... t Mamhlleld .. H U _.na 5'_3 10.H1, U0 7.17 ... Harrow .... H ISJ iyfi 5,41 10.27| 2.0.'! 7,27 8 11 i Ot! 5 51 10,.J7i '.'1.0 7.17 ..... KinriHVillo.... 8 CI R 4fi SCfl 10.43 2 50 7 11 . . Ruthvon ,.... 7 61 a id s.uc! 10."ill H..5 7M , . Loamionton ... ... + Iiouwlolf. ..... 7 < a.it n_>i U.U1 -110 H(0 7 21 IM fl.SS 11 -0| tuti H.17 7 IR .li 11.25 4 -tfl H22 .... Coattiworth ., 7 10 i.ie 11.U5J ma H.:i2 7 00 12 at li.i-j .,:u H.-ltJ 0 fi3| 12 '21 iif.nl b ft 17 f Huxton..... n ifiliai- __Bil 11 fi5j ftGS H Bi ..... Bandi'ion ... U 40 12,00 12.01 I1.0B ll UO ...IGcdarBprirgn... o in 11 __. ian gib 0 07 liloiihflm Juno fit a v.i n.m: 13.10 li.IJS 0,12 .....Blonho'm..... (1 20 ii.iti b-V-i o iri 1)20 ........fWiliio........ 0 10 10 IE .7W Iti 351 7 00 o:ti Ar Rldfiutown Dop 0 00 10.00 7.50 I* W. P.M. P. M A. 11. ^ t Finn fitiLtlonn. Trniuo atop only when tL, are paeiionttorH nt or for thono etatlonH. Mii~ trnluB are at al tiraofj iiubjoot to bo oanoollod WW WOOLIiATT. General HupovIntoH-mt Essex Furniture HOW IS YOUR CHAfe If you want ttcoH Furniture tor Jittlo ivonoy. An immoneo atook of Furniture to obooHa from. EvotythiuK from a kitchen chair to the fluent qutirtor out ouk,at priota lower ihun iiuy where in thi-oouuty. Kindly t;ivo dn u call. All ' j/ooda dolivored freo o^ohatRe^ 100 COltDS OX*1 WOOD WANTED in exaUautfo lot furmturo. ' f,'| UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY J i?'iti Urn? or undertaking supplies al^rayM on 1 hand. Will furuiab all cartiagen |nee^-i^ Prlctse right oloaa. , , .*-Sf J. A. HICKS & Co., _s$ex^ I'V! IU k!^ri) w>.JA--ki--^^ r , } i. <kdtiMh^ ah, xk 726642