Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 31, 1896, page 2

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-Ill I',- ,SEX FREE PRESS EC333X^C, OWT. Mlshod Every Friday Morning lomZtho cfliuu on Talbot Blruul, noxt -'litmntau IMook.,____ )eoiid attention i pu'.d to Iho pubhuu. ^6f nmUur of local iuiporUinuu, uootir- 4nd reHablo roportH or Town, neighbor- _Vwnuip ami County Councilprooood- I, local unci county tniirkut roportii, oto |oare[u. and judioioufi niumu'.omoiit of Fiikk f hkuh, with roiipiitit to thuHu and" it ourront mattum of local importa-icu, Kivu it a wldottproud prynti(i i' tho Itro of Eufcox county,which in ruooKiuzurt Icno of tlio bunt agricultural dintnotti in llano. Tmk I'liwK X^iiKHH in tho only Idium oiroulutinj*; thoroughly in thin Ural portion of tho County, mid m con- [ueutiy.without doubt.thu only thorough iottmnn medium for huionemi pnnplo [hmn to reach that olumi of cmitoniurh. couiti:iiroNHi;Noic. ____t bar (iolummi uro uhvayii opoii for tho iceublo diHouwiiou of mutton* pertuium- Lbo public wuluiro. Lblo cononpondouU in all iho hurrouud- loualition furninh reliable report-* of JuU of iutorobt, occurrinK i thoir uovoml harm; and tho publiuher m at till timo liikjd to r-cooivo intf:runtinj' itumu of ?HTrom any diftpoiiud to forward contri- i^iona. , fail oommuuicutiomt of a privato and nCaoutial nature, tihould bo no maraud tiao outtudo of the onvidopo. HUimCltll'TION I'LCICK. fll,00 per nniuvm, htrioily in advaoco, ll.ii/por annum if not ho paid; ana all rroacM charged at that rato. ADVlSUTIfliMr.NTh. Truniuont lugal and miitiiuipul adver- 'fciuemoutH, noticeu, utu., charged nt the rato of tou cuntu pur lmo, for iiriit insertion, and live ccmtn pur lino for oaoh HUbHoquuut iiiHortion. All nuch advortiaomonto are mounurod byaoualoof twolvo Iiuoh to tho inch, Xioaal rcadiKt; mid othor noLiot-n pub- liKhod umonn locitl nowh matter charged at. tho rato of tou oundi pur running liuo for eaoh inoortiou. All notlocH of church or nooioty enter- . tainmontHof any description, at which aiv adminaon fee in charged, am ronardodj|j " advortiuomontH, and full advortiiiiutf d|K oharnud in ull ouch untu-a. Noticeii o^imrn eriuKB or mooting" not for pocuuiary buuo- fit or aid, will bu choerfuUy publwliod free Special oontract raton ratvdta for dinplay or htunding advts. All ktfut orprofowtian. . al oardH undor ouo inch, So pur annum. JO Oil CO.UMlCIK'IAL 1'1'INTINO. Tho ITitEis PiikVh Job Printing De- irtraout iti' undor * tho uuperviHiou thoroughly .competent muchanicfl, id onooial attention iu paid to thi4 eanoll" of tbo trade, Uur facilitieH )r tli execution of all luuUa of Book and h Printing are unexcelled. Steam lireHBfifi-. A. call nolicited. BUHISEHfl ItEUULATIONa. AU Job Printing and Tranniont bdvortiHinc uecountH, strictly cash. Ltlvorbiuiuu uccouiitu with rogular patrouR aro bottlod quarterly. Sub- oriFtiona duo in advance. No Hubacription to tho l?iti:i: Piikhb, or ittdvortifcomeut pubhhhed in it.3 enlumnn fWill bo diuoontinuud until all arrearH aro pa-id in full. iChanges for ad'yeftiHomontH, to ocouro idsortiou in tho currout jobuoT muitt be hflndod in not laier than noou of tho Tuoh- day prooedin^, and notice of hucIi intend ed ohaugo la required on tbo Blouday pre, ceding. Notice of diiicontinuanco of advoitine- lUOiatH must be ^ivon at loant one wenk in advunoo of tho ihhuo in which; ,thoy aro detiircd to lat appour. Ai)vi;imai:au, .SubacriborH and patrons qeuorally aro foquoated to read tlio above re^ulaMona jarofully, in ardor that- confutiion may avoided, an they will iu all canon bo lb tired to. AddronB all oommunioatiouu to I E. J. I.OVI5LACK. Publlahor tho 15unax Fheh 1'hichii, Khhox, Out 'ALAOe STBAMfe^S. LOW RATRO. CLEVELAND, BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST UVUnV DVONiNQ HDTV/BUN lOEtRfilT^ CLBfEliHD Ouucctlng with earliest traluH at Cleveland for oil pointfl East, South aud BoutbxresU jndaytrlpsJunt, July, Augutt ant) September Only fOUH fHtft* HIH WHIK BUVWHHM TOLEDO, DETROIT # MACKINAG ' STOSKBV, THIQ "SOO," MARQUBTTH^ AND DULUTH. Vo new *tecl pisaau^cr stcamem have just \ built for our Upjicr Lalcc Uoute, confiuK' .-'Vw cadi. Send for Uluutrnicd pamphlet. A. A. JIOHANTZ. a. m. * r. *. DttYHOlY. UIOH. mm k CLEVELAND SMIi NAY. % COPYRJKaHT?. ImutiM flaMOTlw riutitiM u4 how to u< iSk Uhm m frtM. AIm twulofluo ot tncohau- iMtttf MWNte t% iliiKin Aiiieriotm. aiiU lliivf iv*^Kwid>ir.bfov*fM;-tnibridwith. ..... >io, rrfcl HntlldLjm!ir. ill*miled. bw br far tlio fiflL'ltkTMr. fclB MMMHdtfMf. . iplia. "91 vmm. ar7 aor mfawtaui beau^ Mnl'MiilaL ti<MtaMt'MM biWMvniph* of tanw &/ zvsrtzem avux^ Purified Blood Bavcd'fin opcvuilon In tho following ouo, JIoo.d'H fcJjirKuparllhi curcHwln'ii all othors fail. It jimken )iui' blood. *' A year an0 nny father, William Thomp. n[i, wan tnkeu Hudacrily ill wiiu inflain* kr.athm of tho bladder. J In nuffercd a great dfUl and \vup> vory \oy/ for Homo Lime. Al last tho doctor Maid ho would not j;ofc well tmlouHnn operation wnK performed. At thin tlmo wo rend tibout ITood'n Hartmpri- yilln nnd doddfld to try It. Ucforo he lined ball a boitlo liiu appetite bad come biudi to hlin, wljet'eaH before ho could ent but liLLlu, Wliuu lie Imtl taken throo bottles of tho medicine ho wamm woll an over." l"lt,VNCI3 J. THOMPSON, PcninmiU I-aUe, Ontario. itoinombpy Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood .Purifier Fromimmtly In tho public py todny.____ Hood's Plils"stSLb,S0'* LITTLE "Clll I'M.ifNKS.' SOME OF THEIR INTERESTING TRAITS AMD HABITS. C'b.iflc ronclina fcilurfd "With Xuts Ortolw* J'llidh I'lii'in In \Vi-ll-SU:ltcil ^VliiU-r Oiiurt its In Tiny JtuiruwM Iltnlt'i* tlin Ground. Llho their fifpilri-nl nnimin.s, tlio chip munks possess a viisl di;al id hiqulsltlvo- nons, couph'd with ii fur urnut.t'r fiiarlosw- nesH of man, ho thut one. guU'vory-KUJid npptirtunlties for ao([Uiiintiinco, In thono full day* Mm 111 Lie striped fnllown aru full of buhillnp; toll. Now Voi-u'h mihurliH and tho Kpiu'HL-ly settlod ai'^ir.'cod territory con Uiln thniisaiulH of merry uIilpmunkK now- maUln^ ready their winter huinH. mul If people would watch thorn n- 1H 1 thry. would find them inton^ilni: and Houial llttb* neighhor.-;. Tlieir subtrrrani'r.n dwoIllnj-K are buLrun aH'Honn an spring wo;it her hccnines well a^ttled, usniilly Into In April or early in May. If :i pulr uf them lie-in b'.dldin^ and ore ovortaUon by one of the cold rulmr ho frequent in the HprlnK. thoy scurry huek to winter (pmrLfra and resume tholr hl- bornuMn^ sleep. (.)\vlng to tholr soelal In- stinctH tht'y usually teleot it slto not, far from tlio home of imother pair. Undor a loiwoly piled Htonn wall or tbo rootn of a lonely tree [a a favtirilo nesting place. Dwlnj,' to the number of enemies who t:onfltantly liunc and dnstroy them, tho 'rnunbtt have to build a rather elaborato burrow. .At.leant, two, and Knmatlnmfl threo or four. ontriineR lead to tin: nest proper TlietiO up'uiln^ti are usually made Ui:der a Kiirfii'n pioh or a Lu ft of ferns or tlic runts of a true, wliero they attract vory llttlo iitt.cntlnn, liy a di-vimm course of sometimes twelve o;' i!-' ' . n \t\'\ t ho under ground path Uia(N to i.. ; tU:a nmhir the wall. The othor paib will hind In from nn untlroly opposite direction Tlie holo al- wayn plnnfn Htonply down at.,far bo- low tho level of the don. Thin permits a gradual "up Krado" to ho pres rvi:d as tho path, thus draining tho burrow and pro- vmitinp washoma after ho^vy ralnw. After tho youiif* aro reared and tho August hurvoMt days eomo on, Iho ohlp- ninnkH onlanm thulr homo by excavating pantries or store-reoms all along tho paths. Those are to hold tlio wint^r'a provisions. TJmlor tho nest itself, which Is about a foot high by two feet in length and warm ly Unod with fine, soft gras.sus, these llttlo oaves aro rnn^bfy ucoopud out and loft un- lincd. / Aiming' the most provident oroaturon, thokjo mhlt'i'ts ruia.'i th.'ir merry play about tlio tl'ino tho grain Holds grow yellow and begin to soberly work. Until then they uuom to have not an earthly caro. Now tho KHines of ".I spy" and "tag" aro aban doned, and, with ridiculously HWollon out cheeks, young and old ha^'in to earry homo grain and early nuts ('luueapliiH, hazel nutH, acorns and "pig-nutH11 thoy lug In vast numbers. Unit chipmunk has boon known to hold neven [rood sized acorns in his capacious l^t.lo ehmtk pouches, ho when one realizes thut oaoh one makes a hun dred or more trips a dny to the burrow ho will hooii .see what a storo la bulng laid aiwny; Unlilco tho sf]ulrrolfl# tboHO llttlo foll^wa Boom to dread tho cold days. In Into Sep- tombor, wlion tho frotn have oomo, thoy upend only a short tlmo oaoh day outdoors, thoy rush out undor a nut true, grab tho flrHt prize In flight and oourry home us* thonuh purmiod by floudfl, SomotlmoH thoy hasten with reason too, for Homo .late foraging hawk will havoapled tho utrlpnd jaokot among tho yellow leaves, and the raoo la for llfo. Wonsols, too aro greatly droadud. Those slim maraudorn prowl rlglit up lntq tbo vory burrows and slaugh- tor outlro famllloH in cold blood. Uy tjiomlddlu of Oatobtr ov*:ry chip munk ifl snugly bid undnrgnmnd. No ono has ovor rocordod seeing a chipmunk out doura in November, though tho squlr rola oontlnuo laying by tholr ston. until flio snow bnrhm and coneuals tho nutft. Perhaps it, Is their long,long sinmher thai makoH Chow* at tlu nnlmalH ho live I- and port and bright of eyo in the lira*, warm days, hut, whatovor tho ronton, they aro about tho morrlosf and wisest of our mnall furr^ friends. Uln-utkiaiUtti IX jiim VKl<>t cfi When thor* ia 1 utio' Acid in tho blood Ijinimobta and lotiooH w-U bo of y-o por maunnb benefit). A euro can bo accomplish ed oulv by feieutnl ziug H'Ih & U] nnd for tnis purp^ Ilcod'a Sat-atpir'la \ thn bent M*iioi< bOKo Ufood'n Suraap 'rilht a fchu on y ruo blood pur'fC r protnineutly in Ibeptabl iey*. THE ES8Ki( FREE "RR^Qgt XriffirTn ITLT"LARGEST F diamonds: Govornmont Position ot\ tho School Question.- 8A1D TO HAVE BEEN SENT TO TME POPE AT ROME. If TO CATCH VOTES Ho bcrilrfl for n Helilrimnt With Maiiltoliu klut-tfukn ^Viiti the ItlKliitpti lu Itc- tfut'il io Oliurlevolv iCinuot-it Hi AUolllif *t'islH IU tl0 Otluv/u. .Ian. lit!. The Oonaerva- ilvea who have hen led to believe that the I 'onilliioii (.i. iveilillieliL: l'-M My ile- hll'e to h.ive Akuiit.ob.i HeLliu the school (pie.sLion within it-s iwu hoioer.s, will have their ey :; upi-nml by the ataie- Jiietit of a nunilier oi' th- Uovernnu'ln to I'uL'lKLiuen! on 'rhiii;-d;iy nigh I., lloil. .\l l'.(;o.SLi:;u.ii will bt.- ;ieci.|.t> d :i:- u fair L'Xpoii.'iil oi tlie views oi Hie minority, and In w i.-i his L:Ltenn:iit. no reported in lion aid: "Jf the leader ol! tlie t 'pji.i, itloii hal a ^eanune.- Pi hill peel let :ilid '-oil 1(1' lil'ndlKM- it I le ft UV tile I lolisi- 1"roili tlie (loviTlinient of M:uilieli:i :;(ai .that in X> hours from ihhi time ii<-y would amend tie- luw and ! :- Ln.ltli.'li Separiit.e kcIi o1h, no'iuiescin:; in ihe order, I i;;iy that w-iiild ' < no rem- <\y. . tha I il. would be Mi Met U-uicnt o!' the ease, that they eon Id k ii.-k It iLHid.- tliret> liieiitbH nflerv:;i|"!s if the>' 11:<"nI: , 1U it bad mit workm! well. Tho.v \u only one wa.y uiider the roji:-t it ul ion to set tle the i|lli.:-.LiiJi;." Th.-xo:,ir v..,-.- is, (,{ i-.nir;;,;, to in:it.u lcgl.'dntl'Mi at uituv.-a. ami the p-iikihi thill thin otii; way is eluii;;' to Is ill it a Federal ael eon l'i not be IV pi si led bv any futon- l'arliiitnenl. It. iIuoh not -rmtt_"th> policy o; th<^;u who art; pro- pellin]; tin- Pi'i s -ul. ( ;o\ enni,i.-:u' toward ( oerclou to allow Miinltoha full oppor tunity tu s.-tili. th*. doimstie diiheuity. The (Jovi-riijiient.. huvc m.w made lliis cfinf^Hir.M t.) l'.'Lr-!i;iii!,-m.:ind it is for tlie <-ii.r|i.r-'. to i'en<-ti-:i1.e thr orel,.nee have kept up I:; tin- iiy-'-eleet Ion;', ' f'h-ric.d iJii^rf. u-iie..- In the iVi'iui v of Charlevoix ],, I>s7*i cnu ed the Su preme Court of ('aiiada to un.M.'at Sir Jlector I.angevln on tin- ground of un due Uifliii-iH.v. TIili'i; Is lo b" an eh;e- iTon In Charlevoix to-morrow iMon- day), nnd again the koman CaUiollc Church Is interfi ring with th.- objeei ot electing the eo.M-eion eandlda,te,M r. Clrnon. IJishop, wiieSi- dio- feso Ineludi.-s Chhrh-Vfiix, Ins smt fltv grutn.>-; to all th,- ,-ures in the county in tlie following tt-rnis; "Wn do not WJ^'h to I ii Li-i-r.-i-i. in politico, but M;..-r.i Is a mailer of cn']sc!,.nr(. involved |n the t|in- t:uii Hi1 v -nu-dlal b-^ii-'uliuii, and it will bo th duty nf Catholic to voti- only for the candidate wlio- hu- piedged himself to it reim-dhU bill which shall li;1Ve been approved pre viously by eeeN-slastieil M lit horll v " Tiiis extraordinary de.dai atl m.* ro.d In all tip. church.-s i-n-h.,!.- .ly secure the def,-at 0f .M r.A e ^bvrabc^nd ida t.-.v-h.rounds .^piavlv on Mr. I.aiirier'.. id [form u th- hidiool f|ii,.. tion. Oth, rwise Mr \n- I y Of Sou. Th.-iv , .,, ftv'rl,.im,-s t a' the Covcnmieiit has ,i;a !,.- a ha.rra. n nd support In naum for a bill n.- ti-ectintr the KLdi- oh 0f .Manilola M.nt.oa] and J:i qut-s Carth-r Lhc fol- v mViS, "'^'Wiis addre, sed to the" Itcv. Abbe iudan on- of th,- diivmurrf .of the Circle- VHP, Marie. b..,V v whh-li Mi. Laurier had Iim-u Invl.od to sp.-a'c on the relative ii:t-r-:l * of th-- Anii'K.-ii- a Ml Canadian Oon. t.tiri n.-1: " VV-h- bishop's kal.u; . To lMi i-, Vi A)),M. uv.- dard: J &,!(i thai yoU l],vt taU-n step, o luviu- tin- leader oi the uppnH.tlon to preside- al one of y,Mlr nu-tding.^ V\I1I you tell mi: why yun ml:c up poli tical in tlc-so maCee.sV Tli(- (Jmi.-a-rv .- live:, hav,. .-real diilleult ii, i-.-ttiu-, lb, lr candidal,; elect, d. The Manitoba Bcheohi are euiln o;rer."d. and h re P-, a priest giving counten-in"(.-_LuLtlL^. Vu- 1>< rents of Mlu,l!o).a nea,,..l.s Ijy invit ing their leader t0 pr id ,;. f-'o.- (J, d's .sake try to lind means for jhiu'u' a Jtyp to this fasic mi,.,,. Yours truh*. ChiirlOH i'-..lou:ird, Archiil.-htp of .Moni- r, al. According t--. The Toronto Mail and Empire. Mr. kaurU-r In trading on hi1-- race ami r.-i:.i.i-.n in f.jaeb,.c -p, Hee-ur vobTT-rr-nf pioiutKihtf.-lkmiecjLial Le [- lailon, iou, hut the Uomarr'C.thuli.- Areiibislioji i,i: crib.-s Mr. Jjaurli-r as tile leader of the opponents, of separate schools In Manitoba, and in Cad's name, implores Abbe Med.ird to k-ep Mr. kaurier in [he b:i ck^roiind. Tae Ouvi-rninent press' siy ii i- in Ontario that Mr. Laurioi- Is re anh-d as t'a' op- penent of coercion, inn" A re:,bishop Fn.l,-re In not in mla.-si. ti.,. trut.!j is that the bishops in Quebec hive hoc! their miiueoe.. I-, i:x,.-iia..j,e iura a h ul bill for Manitoba, mid kr-ntli-r kowel.. Mr. Hatj'part, Mr, Fu.-Kcr, a a 1 Dr. M u- tar;ue aiv all p:.j-Ues to tlm bargain anc liishop kabre<tue :.ays nu hill no: pnviously sulmiiiled d and approve 1 by occlesia.'-rtlcal autlioiliy will bt ac cept ed. Uov. h'atiier kacomho. v.iio la'in-Ot tawa, is snppoH d to b-. omploved in tin. Intercuts of IP-incliai kei;lslalioa and Covernmont c-nduaies, and he has announced in a circular just issued that the Dominion Government has granted him HUi.tiau acres of land in tho Northwest ir a Fr-.-uch hnk-brced preserve. 'The Government have not cor.uldcrcd whether ;i, segregated set tlement of French- In the Territories lu lr. the ln-loreis of that country, he- ciise It Is on r. cord In one of the ro pe its of tbu Minister of tin. Interior that settlement^ of different nationali ties are not In the inteiestB of the ecuntry. Now Is the time, however, to obtain favors from the Government. Tii<;y will Hiirrender ev* rythLng If they car. only be ullow-d to retain ofllc*. Humors of another crisis and the resignations of some of the Mlntstcra Bpic-ad rapidly through the city on Saturday and caused great, excitement, FAcryone aalced everybody else to enn- llrm the news, but nobody could de finitely say Jusn what wai the mat ter. The Cabinet met in the forenoon nnd again In the aftorronn, Premier Bewell denied the report, nnd It K dif ficult to lenrn Just how mntterw stand. Tho Ttemedlnl It'll who un-'erllnod fo- Siiturday'a mo-tlng. nnd it la reported that the bill plonsra neither side. It WwltflU Morv Tliuu Nin- UutiJrt,,! uu.I H*>vttty-Oti4t <htvii.t XVhlnli, In Avnlr- iu),ol.. \* i:,iulvuloni tu Nurly lulf u k'oiiuil. bhan^u:i iiy .ii.u.'Kii\ii;itv. A YoH)t JHtflti nl lntfino|4 Hon mi Aniimnl tea Itrolirii, IroquolB, Que..Jan. 25.' This evening BubhoU I-..* neach. a young man of 18, ton of M.F. Beach, wnA in the base ment of bis fat her'e mill, when hlrf clothet wxsre cxtught by a revolving olHtft. He was! carried round until every Bhrcd he had on but a pair of pantB were torn off. ThlH relieved him and he wlr*-rnMU aide to get to tho flrot floor of the mill and call for help. One lepf and on arm wore'broken, and ho \yaa otherw^ee Boveroly'Injured. Ii Urm f^f Hn kit I It tot Utiii'*lltttf tVittrhH.. B^ttovmo, Jan. 2S. About inoOioiiaOC red hematlfr orejit the Wallbridgedrdn mlnp,tMBoo T^pliOjhiD, ha been aold *k4 ir*iin" ni!*^^' r^wnnMv According to a cablogram rectdvedfrom Jjoiulon, thi) popo linn recidverl'from the proslduut of tho Tmiihviuil Hipiihlio a iliainond welgliliiK !7I caralH. Tho stone wan found In the .hi^er^'unloln minus and 1m declared lo lie Hie largest kliowii. The cablegram Htales that I be moiiHter J diamond Is of a blnish-whiie ea-u. and practictilly perfect, ih\ only lib i,;;..h helnu a tiny s.pot in Lho oentvo, Invisible to tho j Iliibid eye. Why the preKldmiL of the Tr;tns\iial re- ( puhllc. has sent it, to Iho pope i , not made clear.- It, Is nut, to tie supposed thut he lias mudi! a present to his holiness of a Mom- valued at, #I,(HH),ihh). Probably his object, was to p;ot a free advert.isetuent I'm* his little republic and tho big diamond found I here, Thi! Jewelers' Circular prints a picture of Mm diamond, showing Ith actual Hize, Tliis was received from a correspondent in Souih Afrieji. The Circular presumes that ihe diamond referred to is the one known as the Jfigendontciu Kxeclsoir. 11. was ]ucki:d up by a native while jus wasToading a trucl;. Alihmigli a white overseer was nlainling near him, he iniiii- agi'd lo hide it ami keep if on Ids person for some time, l.t. turned out, however, (h;H he did not wish to steal il, for he delivered it personally to thn nmnaK"iAs a reward lie received $7fio and a horsu unit saddle. The exact weight of the diamond 1k'071?.i carat -., or ahotit seven and one-quarter oimees avoirdupois. It, therefore weighs uimul nearly half a pound. hi its piv-eiit condition it; measures three inches in length, one and a half ineiie; in 11: i e I; 11 < - s. two and a half inches in thickness, two and a half inchrs at its greatest biviidih and one and a third Inchis at Its least; breadth. It is of a beau tiful bluish color and is shaped like the brokcii-ot'f end of an Icicle. The flaw in it N believed to he mom uei'ious than is slated in tlie cable dis- puleli. It is a black spot near the middle. Il could be cut iu two, however, so ;is lo the blemish. It, would then make two of the large-it diamonds in ex- isleiiec. A t t he I iuie of its discovery it was valued at *l,Uixl,oix). The largest cut diamond in the world Is the OrlniT in the scepter of the emperor of Hussla, weighing lld:'.i carats'.' It i'e" cut in the rose form, wiih-a Hat surface below. Accoi'd-ing to one story, ii formed the eye of an Indian idol and wn-i stolen by a French deserter. In 177:- Count (Jrlolf bought ibfor Kmpivsri Calherino at a C0>a*i of ;Sk)0,lJiH. '1'he next largest is the Pitt diamond, hraight in 17'r.' by Mr. 1'itt, governor of Madras,, lor fPio.iHKi. The duke of Or leans, re*gerit""oT 'h'Hiici', bought it. for Louis XV. for >'fi.7i,(m. Ir, is now report-, pd to he worth iwiee that .sum. At tho lime of the revolution it: was sent to Her- Un, but reapp'ared In the hilt of tho cword of state used by Napoleon \. It weighs l:Jfi;li carats, but originally woiyli- d -lit). After this comes tho Klorentlno, oi Grand Duke, now In the possession of tho omperor of Austria, it is of a yellow col- nr, oblong in shape and cud in the rose pattern, Its exact weight is given as lift. 1*1 carats. Tradition says it was lost! by Charles the Bold at, tlie battle of Grun- fion and picked up by a Swis^ soldier who sold it for a few pencil. 'The Rob inner, the largest diamond in , the possession of the Tirlflsh crown, ifl believed to he the finest and purest in ex istence. It; also has the most singular his tory. The Indian lej.eiid says that, it was found in one of the Colconda mines, near the Ki.shna river, nnd was worn r>,000 years by Kama, one of tins heroes celebrat ed In the Mahabharata. It passed through many hands to Unher, founder of tho Mogul dynasty, In l.v.'t). Tavernler, tho French explorer, saw it in bVSa. It was then of ihe shape of half an egg ftnfl weighed iid cam is. It had been re duced to that/weight from TU^ carats by an unskillful stonecutter. In lTii1.) It iias.setl to Nadir Shah, tbo Persian invader of India, who gave it itn name of Kohinoor, or mountain of light. In 1910, when the conquest, of the Punjab Was finally compiled, it was surrendered to the IJrltish, and iii.lbOd it was present ed to Queen Victoria. When it was shown in the exhibition of 18R7, in London it weighed lSti 1-Hi carats. KiiJL-e then It- has bum veeiit, and now weighs 1U(S l-li>. It has been conjectured that Mm Koh inoor originally form* d parts of the samo stone as the Orloff diamond, both of thoiii. having once been iu the possession of tho Great 'Mogul. A stone of VA'l carats cap tured by Abbas Mirzu at the stunning of (Joocha in iHh'-J may ho a third frag ment. Tliis was long used by a peasant as a flint for striking lire. (Jneon Vlrliirhi'ri Ti'iivoIh. Yf'hon tho. Queen travels abroad her whole eslnlblKhniont, from her bed to hor brougham, travels with her. Also her butcher and baker and candlestick maker. One should almost have thought the baker might have staid at home, when tho journey is to Vrunen, for the French and Austrian bread, of which her Majesty In so fond, In at home, at Clmlcz, aud any baker tbrro would malm her exactly such Utile loaves as her 'Polish baker, Mr. S. Pofro'/.ywalskl, who rules over the baker ies at Buckingham Palace; that Ik to way, who supplies her own table with his wonderful little loaves, while the rust of tho royal household aro nuppliod by tho ordinary "palace bakers." Homo of tho llttlo loaves cost twehty-flvo centfi, and until quite lately they wore fiont down to Windsor from .London every morning except Sundays; when her Majesty does not insist on., new bread. In fact, sho prufcrw It a Utile.stale. A PiUlulit Mnrinl, Tho othor morning, wiya a lottor from Algioni, an Ifinglltth lady who doHlrcd to tako tlio portrait of a ragged, but "plo- turosquu" Moor, whom alio mot on tlio stroot, got him In, position, but found on examination tliat she had nogloctcd to bring an Important part of. hor kodak. Bo sho ran back to tho hotol, two bloolca ivwi*y.. Sho there mot Romo doar frlonda from London who hud just arrived; ho fdio foryot. nil about thn Moor and tbo kodak. After dlnnor, eight o'clock, eho roniombored, o," vrtth an escort, he hurr rlod to thotipot. Thoro tho old Moor wit, jttab tiK nho had loft him, facing tlio hintru- mont., u|L*ipB thno tnl^o t|at plotur.y*- ho Kald. Mo had been thorp inco tonko'Mbbk ik,m.- of that dny/^ but thai' bdaloMg cf ait- Mta* RuUt-dUtt, Irnenclou iu I>aketa - U oaUBin*; that muob nmll|;nod soot ion of th* "Woktern country to blonom liko the roHa.' Quolitag Iroiu u pubhahod artinlii on thoHubjuct, it Ih wtatod thut "Mnti'o auouutonied to lurmimg in non-irriuittnd diHtriutw Rtro hlow to bolieva tbo vnporlti of eiiormoua yioldaof ull kiiidn of furm pro duotit lu thone HecllouHof tho country whoru irrlttatio)LiH_prttotiHod/, An irriyatod ii) oro furm proiluoen KtaiituTniTd^ioUai' r- huHk than a fi-10 uoro farm oultivntiid in the ordinary way. In a few woolen we hope to be able to publJHh various ituirm from different individmilii Miviu^ thoir por- noijtil experieti'Jt) in irrigation farming. Iu tlifc wu iintinio send for a fre copy of tin ill nut rated pamphlet iu roformico to Irrigation in Dakota^ publiuhod hy tlio (lliionjfo, Milwaultue A St. Paul K'y Co. AddrcfJH, A. J. Taylor, Canadian Puim, A^ent, Toronto Out. How toliu Aurcoublo in a I*ruit- inir onioc. Header iT yon want to naaku yotu*nnlf v cry H|jriji ahli! in a prinding ofneo, utop in to tho aancturn firnt. If tbo oditor m writ, i nt', or pief(-reiidine;, take a neat along okle of him. Tell him how you uturted in butd- uohu, ubout your do^, your homo, your wifo and baby, and if you cun retnembor, your Hchool boy aporth. JShould tbo oditor man- ifuhta diiipoiiitioa to be inattentive to ycur utory, ntick to it and (jo throujjh with it. Should ono of tlio compooitora, or tho "'devil", Htep up and uok for copy, or whethor the prouf in read, or if either in done, you should by all meana auk what tho article iu .ibout, and i mi nit upon hoc- iut; it. Of coumuthc editor will road for you nnd prDiit, by your opinion au to it fltiiomi i to [^o into the columns of tbo paper. After | than ontortuiurng tho editor, ntcp into thu I oouapOpintf voom and *k aoh oco of tk* hands eb many qaehtionn rb to the oabm, lattcru otc, aHpuay bo agreoabls to yqr- Htll, Tli on bofjiu to whistle. All pr in torn are fund of Mdimtline,, Qivo thum at leaat thruo or four jigs. Betoroloavintf *b of- ili)'yoiTTihouId tako iibld of'the hanj proHH givu it a pull and lot it tly b&k, jmit to iie.i how itworlttt. If poanblo give tlna powor pruHM , twro, uud don't forget to axammn everything iu tho ahapoof matter on tho Htono, even if you hbould knook Homo of it into pit1 that will only pot tbo patience of thn printur to a fair test. When you luavu tbo oflico ronuru to prom- ine Riiothcr vimt and our word for It, you will not, be forgotten by tho printer for a Iok while. Take Tlmo to Kat- 1. Eat, Hlovdy, ohew your food long rmou^h for it to become inqintoned vdth nahviL boforo attemptiiag to liwahow it. 2. Drink ytry littlo coldwator jimt bo- fore or duriuc, menlti ; in fact it i^ bettor not to driak anytlniifi until after you have ttundied your moid ; thou drink wliat you. require. :i. Never eat a hearty meal hooii after any violent exertion, or when vory muob faliotiod ; either take timo to rent before eftttnn, or out very modoratoly; for Lbo KtomiLoh ih not iu a fit condition at aoh, timoii to properly act on t^* food. JBrulii X'oort, Tho VioHt way to pronarvo tho brain, uutk cyory othor or^an of the body, iu to unohow alcohol and all othor narcotic poinionu, oat t omporatoly oi Biioh food as agroo with tho ntomach, avoid Into oupporii and Mi(iht Htudy, aud nleep uh much no naturo re. qniritH. So iiayn Goon HxAijtu. Gem and Canadian Aer motor Steel Are acknowledged LEADEES cit! as Power or Pumping Windrailki. For prices uud' terms, address , XiJtl-i-JXf KJ JAyJJ Essex, - Ontario. , Agent for Essex County. ARE STILL LEADING the trade in all hinda of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Bam Lumber, Sbinglcs of all grades, Door.H, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS \\q iwe Solo A-^entH in tbo County for 1"I3C3E3 aejumo^otr.. Of Chicago, which took Hifdieflt Awarda at tho World'H Fair. Can furnish either Pumpingov Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guaranty with ovory Outfit.) Laing Bros-, Essex. J. GOTTRLAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT - - "." *.:.:i::j ...V?M mi lino consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, witli.:\vrougbt iroi^jJw I tc oth bolted to tho cyliuclor b^ as.tobo t-oversibie when - thfe:-^^ THE T1U0MPH CORN SHELLER Thw Macb blltB, with Btcol-------------r...... ^ .ww* tooth becomo worn on tbo front sidoj vnnniog in a .potforted'.cchcave,J3r^ii'S|^ -boll, ybioh tbo ebollod corp passes tbrough into a Ebeot iron oit8ei;withi^|| an or olnpnor attaobetl below, which takes al tbo du6t i'rom tbo gi&ixi*'>.M^ .SheUylfe writ pbrioat'y cloan iti any condition ^' bouaand bushpls of oar^jpor, day, according to power. i',-v^W I>uieNsipNt3.---BopthI 9 it. 4 in.; Length, 5 ft. 8 in.; Pujleyjliiiniffip?^ Ater, in* face; Molion, &00 |o 866 revolutions peivmmute; \Vei&ht;;ff5fiffl| , KVCRY SHELLER WARRANTED. " ' ^^vlfM J. GOURLAY A SO[T ir&MUtfj, %Mi :^i m& 4556

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