Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 31, 1896, page 1

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I| J. W. GIBSON; 'M"1 , " "Pifo. Lilo and Acmdoni "",... InBiiranqe; Money to ( jj" ' ' loud on real ootato at 5 [, petoout, .........jj Boott Block, Khkcx. I PPIPI^^^^^p^f^^i j.;:.,^., J. W. GIBSQI Nnlou and Account* leou-i], >, ltoolta poj ^;~Hcott;niook,||Kwj VOL XIL No 5 ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY. JANUAltY- 3i 1896. WHOLE No. 5.7! Our Place is at tho Head of the Procession As money Hiivern urul bargain givers to .tho ponplo of Ehhox iind vicinity. Nooxt'niva#iut sULomonfcs ci* "flora of J oi" oil", wo ](oop only good re- liablo moL-cliandiHo iind can navo yon from 10 to :M) per cont. oiV tlio "prico of an itvom^n purchase, Hutiai'uo&ion guaranteed or your monoy bank if you want it. To eluar L> dozen mon'fl'IlQ'ivy double-brca^ed shirts and drawor-s warranted all wool, regular valuu U5c, 48 cents each. ; Heavy donblc-vvidth Tweed Drons- Goods in 0 HliadoH, warm and durable 20 cents a yard. Men's good wool Hocks, Eeamloa^. ______l241111 'rf fo_r_25 cents; north wook. Quarterly mooting nurviooH will bo hold 111 the North Kirlxjo MnthodiiiL church on next Kahhuih, K-.-l). 2iul at 10;ii0 a. ri- , Uov. N. K. Hen|,t, of Khuox, dolivnrnd 1111 excellent (ii)nnoii on hint Sunday, bo will booordially ruooivod tit uny time ho may (ill the work on ( ho alternate Habbath with Clio piuitor, Uov. VV. It. Khaw. COTTAM. A mimical mid literary"' onteitainmont oiirinj off in thu Town Hall lant Friday ovuiunn iind our local talent fully nufttanied tho reputation they havoprevioiwly earned of bem^ tibia to jjiye firtit oIiuih enter' taimuoufii. Whom all do thoir p:irt well it would l>o out of plueo to muku Hpioial men tion of iuiy 0110. Thu local tiileut hero am rathur many in mumoal ability Tho proceed* aro to bo applied in procur ing a curt tii 11 or sot of curtaiuu for tho JI all. To clear ladies' Josephine Kid Gloves, SI-25 line, in si/.cb 7, 7;}, 7A-, 7$, all shades, at 7o cents a pair. -.. h our Grocery Dept MAIDSTONE. Mm. Rnbt. Mill and liltlo daughter Grota have junt returned from a viwit to friouda iu Detroit, Mr, iim.1 Mrw. J, Burton worn pronontod with a bouncing baby f^irl Sunday, Jan. 2fl. MfM, ChaiJ. Littlo in viuithij,' friundu in WinHnor. . Mins llu^'hijn, of Detroit, in tho guewt of Mr. Nehion Littlo. Mrs*. M. II. Prioo, of Detroit, i tlxo-cuent of liur Aunt, Men. Ilobt. Hill. jjU-8LI*Cll NORTH RIDGE. .Toiin TownHoud hi in Lorain Co., Ohio, viuitiu^ old timo frioudH rolativoa and no qiiaiutniicuH, William McOotrjIm, of Foiuliill, in hun* viHitiufr liin parHn in ami other relativist and acipitiintunccH.. Wo are more than pk-antid lo huo David Hop^'oofl ablo to bo out u*:d around again; hi; wan onnfinoit to thu hoimu fur h-jvi-ihI r1ayn at'lhctRii with lumbago. ilotjoph Muycru i homo again, ho wan away uimt in Toronto and flurroundiij^ country for mjru than a month; lin in aat. laiit'd that Kuaox in far ahoud of any plaeo ho .saw whim ho watt away. h:i m la the word. Fresh supplies coming in i.aily. Everything of the. beet quality to be"bad/ and pricoa pfnaran- lood ii-i low. aa tho lowest. Prompt attori'j n to orders and quiolcdolivory A i'reHU Hn'pply o.t tlioso Bread Pans and Roasting Pans 'jnKf. -riitiuivod given away with one wmnd of "Art Baking Powder." Try ono. wii.ii in want of footwear take a look through our- Shoe. Dept Largest in Essex. SOUTH WOODSLEE. Tiic Ladien' Aid bocial waa a fjrand otic coou. Thu proGoeilH wont to tlio.paraonu^e fund. S. B. Taylor Iiuh pnrohuHod tho live utoclt and lmpk-monta, and ienuod tho furm, of Guo. Griffith, JamtiM Cottur iii vory ill ut liin brothor'n hotel. Alrw. Oottur loft for Chicago on Monday. A dancing party wan givou at tho Cot- tor Houftu aft-ir tho Ddwhirnt uuppor. Ort;uiiizur Milnii of Eshbx tJavo publ'o iiiHtnllation of oftloorn of tho A. O. U. W- at Bt. Lawrence Hall luat night (Tuouduv) 38th. J. J. DowhirHt loft on tho 2[)th for Sand wicli to tnko iiih initation into the myutorioB of County Council work, A. VV. VitnEvoryuml wifo spent the'28th in Dotroit. Mrn. D. A. Yonn^ and Mina AyerH spuut Tuonday in BhMex. MUNICIPALCOUNCILS. Town IIai.Ij, Cotiam, Jamiiauy '20th, '[it] TJ10 council mot at 11 o'iilook a. m. pur suant to thu p;oviuiomi of the Municipal Act. Pn:uimt John T, Brown, ronvi!; ClmWcu llf-llcio, ihiputy-rcttvc ; and John J;1. Milloti, ilamon Nownian, and Henry i^arlnw, councillora. who nil rruidc thu dcolamtiomi nf of'lieu and (piiiHlication and took their HuatH. Tho clnrlc rond tlin following com- munioatmiifi : Pnni OiUar-ii) Good Uoadw lutttnciution riicoiuiiinndin^ the adoption of thu county roadn uyhtt'in,(noted); from tho tiini;lu tax atiHootaLioii aitkinn tho council to lUtfn a petition to the Lo^mlativo Aimom- hly iitiltitJH f01' tho abolition of taxuit on irnjirovomontu, (liiid over); from tho Muni cipal World lukiiiii for uuhneriplioiiH, (re- (pient tior.coinjiliiil with); from tho Cuniula Co. iiroinitnn^'to piiy tint drainu^u tax on 11 n :\ lot 17, eon 10, ohur^od in error (o Ihuac Riloy; and from the olurk of .Morwoa with the amonilmont to tho Chain* Drain award, ttltoriii(,j tlio pruparatiomi of work to ho done and oontn to bo ['aid 011 iinid | drain. Council thou adjourned for noon. On mooting u^am at one o'oloidc ' p. m., tho olorlc pronontod a report on the ueot. of tap drain, No. 1G, with a Hohedulo for tho diutributioii of tlio - Hiirplun on Haid drain to thu ratopsiyum. Laid ovor to tint next ijit"-'tintf of tho council. The council then proceeded to appoint the municipal offiuuni for lRQil uu follown: AnHOHHor--Alvin Orton, Amiiton.' \V B Kcllott npdl^ter Tnmaii. Membai'ft of the J3oard of Health---John Milieu to oorvo ono your, .Ta.-i Nowmmi to Horve two yt'iirn, and Honry Barlow to wervo. throe yetirH; tho ahoyo with tho roovo and clerk to form tho Hoard of Il.-ulth for IHIIfl. M.-dioal Heidlh OHicivr G.'or^H Mc- Kiriizio M. D. nauitary- IiiKpi-clor . IT.Ni'K VllCWKK'l. I-ia.Lc UI-'V, -iohi:. .1 dack^o.i and v Ti Millen. I'OLNOKUKIMCUH. G VV Maloft, Chan Rtifirman, Richard Ilanen, William VickorH, JUbonezor Blair Urian Pliillipu, Andrew Gorman, Williiun Ooblt-ty, Zenati Malott, Hamuol Anil and John Cuureh. HIIKI-.I1 VAI,(!ATOUH.. Colin llyall, Zonaa Orton, Wm Cobloy," Peter Budell and /unim Malott. I'ATHMARTKIiSt. Div 1 Jonathan Hutcliiua, No T Bdekliorrou^h and wifo, charity for Fubruary, $!). K ,1 liovolnct', priiitiiif!, 9'l.f0. A lioutiiihurv, roiuoviu^ ' ol)ntrmdinnn from T IJ No o, ohar/'ed ftl.fiO to Conhold Bonth and ;"0 eeiitft to (i^-oJJ. lot .'t, coo 0, 1>'J. A H Clarke, adviuo ro Duuoim and Jfimeu, and cniitH in Tiiifaviii, unit, y.r).(i,r. Joii Phillip", removing obutrucLioim from tap driiiux 7b' and (j'.l, S3, Ji' H Millon, Ji valuo of tdioep Itilk>1 and worried by do^n, $11.(Hi. Council tlioii adjournod to Hatu rday, Puh *2'.lth nnxt at ono o'clock, p. in. Ohhto, Januahy liOrn, 1H0H. Couuoil mot puiHuiint to the Htatutuu. ProHont M Harrott, roovo, and oouncillorfi T Caya, Daniol Kunnedy, John Itoild , and John A Thoimui. Tho dceluriLtiouu of ollifto and qualifica tion!! were taken and HtibHoribod. Mr Caya U"-V'-' notioo of by-law after dinner for tho appointing of townuhip ofncnrfi. Council adjourned for dinner. .At U o'clock p. 111. council roHiinied. By-law No 31V to appoint townuhip otli - corn was road a tlrtU time. The council went into a committee of thu wholo for tho iK'CoikI madid!*, reeve in tho chair, JJIanUo filled in with : Clerk J A Coulter. Treasurer 0 K Woldon. AnHefii')r--Cyril Piuinotte. Auditor* Hoary D:ivm and P II 'Daviti. By-law iviiii road a third time. Council roiiumcd .unci paused tho third reading and waa adoptod. Hoevo.reported Huttlin^ with treanurer of Ehhux Town for 1H'J(). T II l)Uow'n Htalute labor wiui reported completed on i.-j of: n^ lot lo, con 7, ana nj of lot lb", con H, lor the yearH '!>'j, "Jfi, and '1(7. -. Cbockn were iiihiicd as follows . \V Boyle for proviHiomi fur Win White, &:uo, U'm Boone for ditching <>n Curry aide roadm '{);" ?'2H. On- motion Mi- J&aL_to furniph Wm Whito> tlio amouut~of SH" peT month till fnrthur'onlera. Council adjourned to J'\.b. flth. T. A. (Jouijinn, Clerk. G'KKAT SOUTRWKSTEKN,' taj!^jKayg=toCT^^K^Tt4>j.^>.afciYw-Jr.^y^Tw^CTr^rTs= That is tlie amount of stock bought at a rate on the dollar that ( Barrett & CoJ **tjcrrr- Will huve on band when their Tilsonburg stock arrives here thia weolc. As our store is entirely too Rinull to cjirrv this amount of Rtock we will close our doors on Thursday. Jan. -SO, in order to mark down everything in our establishment and will re-open on it, County, Tho Now Era, of Porrin, Cah, contaiuH tho following accoqnt of tho doath and burial of a lady well known in Umuaville, and in tho Goufield townHbipo : "Tu tho doath and burial of Mrn. Montrono, at Lalco View, yeaterday, that colony mahoH tho firHt uoo of tho oomotory donutod by tho Laud Compauy, The faohi mirround- ing tho doath of tho a^ed lady wcro quito Bad. Bho it wan who, in Novomber Iant. while coming to Lake View from her eaatorn homo at Kiugavilto, Canada, in- aciyertontly otoppod off tha train while it wan undor full upaod oome dUtanoo cant of Chicago. She waa in the Ohioagohoupital until quite roountly wlion ho had ho far loeovoi'id an to oontinuo hor journoy, otily to talio a Hovoro and fatal rolapne upon ar rival at hor "destination. Tho pad affair cuata it gloom ovor tho ontiro colony. All Fruit Grroworn and Gardners Should join tho Ontario Fruit Growora' Anaooitttion, if unly to obtain that valuable monthly maKaziuo, Tho Canadian IZorti- onlturiit, which in publidbod for .tha pur- pouo of wRi-nint; ftKaitiBt humbugB, ndv'd- inn tho bout methodd of fruit culture, tho boat vanatiofl to,plant; oto. It w full of illiiHtratlom* and practical hinti. Boiiidsfl. thin Rnh mambar yoooivou % hound copy of tho report of tho diuotisdioua on the culture of tmitB and flowors, n vol ume of ovr 300 pK^*u. A Httmplo oopy of tho jouruiil will bit mnile* frco hj the Raoretury 011 applioi.tiou to li. W6oiiY*roH, Sfa Grimby, Odb.3-2i fith con 2 Oliver Orton. 7lh con Wiv 1 ZonfiH Malott, No 2 F 15 A.vroy.'No 3 -lur. Uo:iu, No 1 John Church. 8th con Div 1 Goorgu MulciiHter, No '2 ChaB Murray, No 3 Alexander Duncan. !Hh con Diy-1 ft O Barlow, No li John Moo, >Jo 3 Thou Carder. 10th con Diy 1 Guo 12 Newman, No<:i Goo T Newman, No li Robert Moon. 11 tii con Div 1 It Myorn, No 2 Wm Trimble, No ;i LI Speechley, No \ Cbarlea iManchchtcr, No 5 Edward Auioh. N.orth tovynlinc Div 1 H liuehuor,. No 2 J Ron no. EuHt townline Div 1 Wm Cook. No 2 H Duncan jr. East division road VVm Hnvrliim. West divihion road James tiheppard. W,oht townlinc Div 1 Joh Wright, No 2 Gordon Steed. North roar road Div 1 D Noble, No 2 John McMnhon. South roar road Wm Hoiyou. Talbot Road Div 1 W Diblwy, No 2 Grovu llopt-'ooii, No 'iD L Lurcaruh, NoJ S G Drooker, No 5 Putor BunHoy. liItAIN INHl'KCTOIU). Albert Lounnbury, Joaoph Myors, Job PhillipH and luiiao Riluy. F D Mitchell, on behalf of the younj; people of Cottam- and vicinity, aHlcod for permission to put up ourtainit in front of tho platform in tho hat!. Granted. Mr Campbell nuked for tho allowanoo mado for bio uupport to bo given in monoy instoad of goodo. Tho council thought it bewt not to make tho ohango ankod for. Tho roovo rfHontod a report sorvod on him by tho mayor of Khhhx, for tho repair of a drain i>t tho north wont angle of tho township, to connect with tho Puoo drain. Tho report not being satisfactory tho reeve and olork weio appointod a commit- teo to confer witVi tho mayor and roovo of Ehhgx, and; if rioaonary, to appeal afiuinab Haid report. Tho collector's time for rotunuug tho roll wilb oxtendDd to Fob ]at, 1890. VVm Coblov praflontod hio ropoct uu poimdlcGGpor. ; Tho following' ordorn on tho troasuror wore innued: Troasuror of lloruoa, Gonliold North'u tihuiro of ooata on Clinuo drain award and appeal, $M3.- S G Brookor, atampo, 81. W Cobloy, valuing tiheep for P Botlol]/, 81. W J Lovolaoo, valuing throo lotu of iiheop, Bit. -Wm'XBWnaooinbo, rofuud of stutut'o. labor, 88. ' A J Scratch, refund atatuto labor, 88, . .rflowau, removing obHtruotlonu from T- nitiittln^ <>rom<; lii-uunil Oi reel or *!' I lie VJiiltod Soc-lotlou. Town of Kbbkx, Jan. 27th, IH'JG, A meetinj* of tlio unitod ^ociutioH in Peslt's hull wan culled for thm dato. l)7'i oharced to n J lot 2fi, 0011 11, f0 oontH, Carried. KHL'HMriKNTATIVKa, N.E.-Htix , Runton, Plant. Gruavcii, iVInLi, Il.'vvliirHt, .Murray, PhillipH, Ellis, WiUou, a..>t Leak. S Ehbos MuuMrH(-Jlu]four, Millen, Coats- worth, Woodbndge, Birch, Mil's, Wiglo and Baldwin. Coloheater North Mchsi-h. Hiinstill, Thome, Cauipboll, Barrett, Brien, i^aiiiK'. and Park. Tho minutcsi of aunual [neotiii^, Feb 2, 18'Jo, wero road ttnd on motion of MeHiirs. Ellis aud Ruston worn adopted. The trouHUi'or'u report for 18D5 was pro- Honto 1 (after btiiug nodi tod) by M McAu liffu and oulargad upon by tho prenidnt, and on motion of Messrs. Baldwin and CoutHworth was adopted uu audited. _ Moved by W Millen, neconded by A VV Coboe, that tho society pay Hi> to tho proiiideut for travelling oxponsoa, etc., for 18115. -Carried. Tho old board wan then diHHolvod aud tho directors for lb'Ufi mat. Tho Eollow'ng olliceru wero appointod for the ouuniU|. your : Preuidtrnt W D BtilTonr, lt Vico Wm Ellin. 2nd Vice VVm Canipbull. General Superintondtutu A W Cohoo and William Milno. Secretary VV D Boam'an at ttftO a year*. Trounuror SfiO per year. Auditors M McAnliffe aud J F Millon. Moved by G W CoatHworth, Huconded-by II Wiclo, that two mombero bo ohotiuu frora each oooiety to form an Exounl.ivo cciomittoo, and that the pronidont be ohairmnn. Curried. Movod by MonHrH. VViylo and lluenoll that tho momborn, of tho exeontivo com mittoo bo paid ft'3 per day each for attend ing; tho nooesttury mootm o. Carried. Tho following committ'ooH wero than appointod: . North ltidiuw Wm Ellm and Goo Lonk. South Hiding Hubo Wiglo and A H VVoodbridge. Colohcntor North Wm Campbell a d M Barrott. Movod hj JFRuhton, oecoudod by W G Baldwin, that tho appointment of tho abovo naimid exooutivo committee bo con- firiui'd. CiLiru-d. Movod by Memiru. B.*l Iwin nnd..Uroaveu that tho promdoiii; bo ompoworod to'uitl tho gouoral hupotiutfindonts and trounuror to attoud any tuuntnifi . when naooRHavy and that &2 per day bo paid for their sor- vioofl. Cftrriocl. Movfed by. M Batrot', vonondod by Wm Ellw. that tho Fan* hi hoiil pu TiitisdHJr. WodnnHilny, and Thurttdav, tho 20th aiid 80th of Soptombor and lsfc of October, 'Ofi. . When wo will Rtiirt a Gigantic Svveepinn'vSalo of Dry Goods, Clothing, Huts aiu.l Cnjm, GeutH* L'uiniHhings, aud Boots and Shoe.s With our reputation of Belling drivt^ble gooda ij .prices never before heard ol in JilaHex, we feel confident fchJ the. hundreds of customers we have ra de since outarrivil here only require to know that another Bankrupt StoUj: hi arrived to make this sale tlie grandeflt succesa on Aorl Every item in our store is marked down for this Gij Sale. Kespectfully yours, BARRETT & OO. Tho board wan tln-u mJdrcMHed by Me.w* P A Dewar, JUh Laird and .Jarnuit Brien r tho fair urouiidn. Tho board mijoui'ncd tu thu cnll uf ihe proiiidpnt. VV. D. llr.AMiN, Hue. auiutdh'm inii'OK'r. Auditorw' report of Hdwin "IM'-tnt, troa- urer, account with.the Grout Houth. w Jt- oru Kxliibition for the year ending Dec. :ilet, 1HU5. To tho PreHident, Vico-pruHident Mid Di. rcctoio of oaid exhibition : CiENTlkmkn, Your audit.orH butf Univo to report that thoy bavo oxuuiiood tho troas uror'ti booKd, have hcqu vouulisrn for pny- montu male and marked htime, and Iind all oorrootT The following accounts pf r trean- urur'u bookH phow receipts from all nourcoa, to amount to r.bcuum of throo thonuand, ono hundred aud boveuty-aix dollarn and fifty-thrao centM (63,176.53); and p*ymentH on all accounts amount to tlio sum of two thotmand oiyht band rod and oijihtv-five dollars and ninoty-niue couth ($2,885,1)!)), whioh leavoii a balunco ou hand in tho gum of two hiiudn-d and ninety .dollarn and afty four oontu (5200.5-1). Aud wo turthor remark the hooka aro plainly and correctly kept. All of.winch is roflpotfully sub* mitted. Micimn, McAuurrK.)Aadltorrt John F. Milmin, 1 llKCKIPTB IN DETAIL. To balance from laHt audit in '0-1..S25G 58 i\?uyll)' .Pn-'-JH Auk'JH Sep '2~, Kxocutive committee. 10 0(1 11 0(| II) 0( 16 0( 877 OQl I'Ain ON' PHIZIJH. ^ HorHOH....................;.....ft!3!)3(Ot Gatlo.......................... 301 Wulker'ti Hpeciui on cattle..'...... 50 0( Slioep..........,............... 150 Swii.o........................., 100 Poultry.................-....... 110 Dairy productH..................' Gl Canned fruit.................. 21 Plants and cut floworn............ UK Field grainy and noodn.......... 10r7, Walkor'n opooial on corn.......... 50 FialJ rootH...................... .[/ Garden vegotabloH................ 38 Fruit............................' 77 Pino artn........................ KB Ladiob1 work.................... liM Obt 1 Tooanh per county grant. Morth Uidiufj Lok . . South . ColohuBtor.North - Momborn', Hiibucriptionit. 500 00 470 00 457 00 3(1 00 382 00 1, 2 A 3 Gate reoaiptu.......... * - 005 45 Ront of boothii and HtaudB 72 00 Rent of utnllHand pens.... -17 B0 . Walltfir it Sons' apooial ffrant................ 100 00 Total paid on prii',GB..ftlGO!T/ Printing and advorfciaiuy......., 82 U Special attraction committee...... 220 :( Conutabloa and euro tulcgri)........ 5-1 ll Dinner ticketa.................. 40 Ema-x Band...................... 20 "I Dieutonant-govornoir'a reception.. 08 Tent.....;'T......................83J Lainfi Broo ropaira on buildin|>u.. 27 21 DoCqw for lumber................ XI oj WatorworkH oxteiittion and naily.. 11 OfiicorH' aulurioH.................. VZ G W CoutHwbrtli South Eiuoxuhiiro ' of aurpluB.................... 50 Ed Plant North Euwex ah are uurpluB -50 MiHpellaoeouH, poatago, drayiug oto 78 Oi Bxecutivo committco...,........ 12 t)( Total recupth......SS.Hfi.BS . PAVMKNT4 IN DETAIIj. boo .8 By oanh paid iipooiul com- mitteo torocoivo auditors' roport.......... * WtnlSHiBba-l duo oq straw. ' G W Coataworth aoutlv EidlnK'B portiori of surpluH , Ed Plunt North Itidint*" portion of mirplna...... W'li RuukuII, Colchester Horth'flubaro o* uurplua 50 00 C 00 . 00 GO 0U 50 00 180G; 'Jf'ub li By A W Oolioti extra Borviooa aaproHidont...,........ Wm Milieu extra . tiervioefl as superintendent...... 15U 00 10,00 ,5.00 Total paid on all uocounta..82835' 9tlj Balantio on lntrnU........... UOQ u< 8317" Micuaki. McAuiitiri'W,) ...,' ' JonHl'.MiLi.ftN, ]Au^ra Maidatbno.-Tan. Uih, 180fi. , .' . Stark'a Powdora, oaoh package of^ which, ^1 aoutaina two ^roparatloaH, oiio in a rouHd: woodon box, the oovor. of whioh form meawuro for ono doao, an immediate rel for costivoneaa, Biolc tleadaoho uud ;Bt'o) uch, altio Neuralgia and all, kinds,pf'$% oua pains, and '.another in aapBulea,,(fw^' to 4 of ono is ru ordinary doae) whiobj on tho bowdh, liver and atomaoh fori a never failing per foot treatment.;!,foj|jj head and htomaoh complainta. Tkr not, a moat pills and so raayotherjn^ oiueB do, lose their effeot, or pMdnoa.'a oonBtipatiflu, they aro'nice to take.H^ bos at all modicin* doale?'*,':.' "y"'<-tU}W< - ' .VV,*' l",!-^! 1 . .-7.-7",;', ,\r\-xm J,ti 1 lu'.'.., .^fe^ m^^r^ ..... --......x-:/M^r^^

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