Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 10, 1896, page 7

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' <' K w?w^fif^^ "^wt, pqjvw ;r . .J . w^y. V^^^'^J! /' 4*JHL*5 BitoStSXi ***,*!* .JH'JbtJfcSfcSSl lie doctors ,* - approve of Scott's mtllsion. For whom? For |Pttfben they should he strong; If^fbr babies and children who K'ate thin, when they should he Ri fkt; for all who get no nourish- |t\ment from their food. Poor I'**1 blood is starved blood. Con- u* Sumption aud Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for Starved blond than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is * cod-liver oil with the fish-fat taste taken out. !, Two sizes, Mlcoiitdom! $(.00 SCOTT * UOWNI1, BelluvimOnt, GONE TO SMASH. Premier Bowoll Loses One- Half of His Cablnot SEVEN OF THE MINISTERS DESERT T>KO|l*l*IOI> ON T11113 s'ritlSKT, 14. HOW 11 JUfNlllfVCe o| (IltlOlt, it. C, . M'Ik. IhhI llcru In On lining li ultli. Jfj-inii tho Nttwii, Union, B. (J, A'litlJo over a yi'ur nam thu reporter of |W Novvh while iitandinn; in fiont of tho icu In fern iIn removal toIJnimi, noticed if men carvvuit,' Mr, ,J. I', Ibivm, tho ?ll known florint <\m~[ yurdinor into the )ur*omty Jlouue. Tho reporter, ovor on Iio-vloft, fof a ntuvti item, at nnrMi want pver to iuvuitijjj.ite tlui m.uter, and Icmrncut fchut Mi'. Duvm hud^had il nhe,ht. utrolu* of |pural}niH. A null* of the eiriaim-tPimaj up- Jjoumil in the K^vh ill tin1 time and noth- |(bu^ Autlio.-wi'H hcurd of it. I,ait H|mtij4 'Mr Diivih whh observed to be. frujuently iu Union brut^hie in flo.ver<, uml Wier |~ VdcehildfiH for f.alo, and the reporter meeting him fnio ilny, the following con- vernation lock plueo : "Glad to hC" you looking uo well, Mr. Duvih," Haul thu im porter, "tho IituL tune I hhw you you <icon)- otl pretty nadly broken up." "Yes," --hid Mr. aviu, '-1 did Inwi' a pr<tMy tou^h Utm' of it. 1 wan troubled with mv heart, having iiuiucnt coveto apaimw, ami uhoit DPHh of bre, ith on slight so) lion. I bud n1 ho a NWelhae, bf the nock which v. as ' nid to lie ^oitro. Two youru nc;o I. c iup u,> from Naimimo mid took tho Hai w-y ranch hnpme a ehninju " A'.'.', **-** Pouter attil Tn|>pk' Ut-tui Hi* Uil>)U lUnrar* A^tdiiHt Ur, Uoiiiiimio Will lluviHI CIvk Way lo Kir <('liurliit 'lupittif|citiiU littli ut Ullua Ottawa, Jim. 5. 'Phu jJowull Mlnlutry lu t'J-iU|;lit lylntr alniind (atawn In w<- tlnn.M, lutuliy t.m.i'du'fl. Tho following nu-mliLij (f the L'uliliicL notil In tln-lr iMiIiritaLloiiii yi'Mlprdiiy to tlio Pii-mli'i*. .M'jmui. l-'oMti r, 'luppii, iJlcUi'y, Mon- t.i^iu , I I.ii,r,,n t, J\-i (j anil \\ oiid. 'L'liii cij'-Iu pi-i ilMud ii wci-Iv ui'.o In thhi cui'- 11 l pnnili'lK'u hm llki'ly lO iKOUl IkIoH' tlu Jlou.'.c iiiui, and dui-li on Thin .- u.ii and J^ilday, wum pio ipILitcd by Lin- pitblh .Lilon >i'Mt(*rtlay of thu t li.n '- 'in -a 1 T. Motn.iKUi- ih it hu h i'l wilLten itntl hi.ut anunymoiiM IctciH ") :hi <lovi UH.r-tuin nil, .i Mi Adoli^lic Cai-uu u| luivillK iti i pt d a billie tn jiinmott* a bill before l'aih.L- ini-nL cliuiiiK tin- i ^-Klon of ls'li Tlii-ic h'tUM.s an- .said to havi- bt-Lii Unn-d "Vi r to tlii. j'ruulur, ana by him to tin- rn.11 m i.'.t <-r-< ieiH'i'.il. Sli Adolpho Cajon, on IMntf ja-pn till i pvunln^ by your "cnrri",poii(lont, n>:uh- the lollovlnj; Htatumcnt: "WlLli nliiiiK'.' to tho uititk publL'dipi] In Tin Clti^i'ii, pinportlnH: u ]u> a df - ' l alcli Mum Tlie Woi id, -ulih let-aid in (lit* Hon. Ur. Montague ami ni:-'tdr, all I have to jay Ih that I iK-ilh. i- dh ptly nor Indii^ctly jravi' Ih .L lij^htr <-t Inl'oini i tbn to tho pi<"nnoi- have I any Knovlpd^o of how It., pub- Ih ation (Mine about." Tin- Poulm ihU-i*- (h i ci il -iddi d: "I rh> not think It wonM )u piojK i for hip to n,iv any- th'n;; furiln r n! Ibis tunp." In ifplv 10 i I in tin i f|in h: 1'i'i a i t" tin- political ituation, SlrAd'Ipho, v\ hn wuiv n \ or) j-niiity air, -aid' "TJimi* aiM a lot ot l nnioi' , ,'nij way." Ur. Mnnin-mii ha-H l^su^l tho fol lowing htalfui. ut. "Tin :i luioiiin i nvnt tliit T oMIkt V.'ltllf Or ,'11\ .llKHIJIIiniH bt- tn:i In h-iimI lo Sir A t\ I'.uuu or Kri m; an1. Uiln^ Mii-ctli nr ludin ctly In cnim'<-l.b)n -wl-li tin in 1" a falht- hoofV puri-'and .slniijlo I tPd hot know that any such humiliation v,r madf :i t; 11 in t me until yt hi I'hiy atti'iuonn at 5 o'llock or a littlp I.Mit. Tim uiu- inent T loaini'fl of It I ih ni.indi'd of Dip Pi phi It i' InuiU'dlati in i sii",atbm. -T]h- whole matter W a ml m.ibb-, enn- ti miitilil.' atti nipt t< iniuit- m'- "T do. not know what I lie anony mous 1< ttf if a re u ha li v\ ( 11. m-jit In lrjrard to Sir A. T\ Caion or nnythhiK t h y contain In r^'ai d to hhn iiol lia\ Intv tho rnuii y f\ti nd< d to mi'. Nor do 1 know- th dat.* ujion which thr* leltcr.s war, v littrn, run, p\-ci pt In the Mifur.Ht and nio--t j'(ntinl wav, what ih**v contain. U hen T Ic.un of th. so far is 1 h .11 lv ihb- in vindi cate ui v [i i' illo'i mo-.t thoioni^hlv T- nnlt me to i\, | i dd'tion f h it I h.T.i. n- vcr ' ct ni'th anv anonv- rnnu': lrd ti i - lo 1m iui p thr eh naan of any man and In thh ",. liavr* mdth- t-r thr- in itivi, lb, ^pii-l! uni tho emv- aika iim'.'-'.iuv fn * a<'h an ;n't " 1 1 be a v i ivi' oinr to ; up] omd ".iMiiu miutui' or tm\ ipioi-uon m. *- ". ffiHt mall Btrvico, l>ut mi rc^ardH the political hUhuHoh, lin would hny noth ing. The AllulHtcr of JuHth'o wnn ill. 'i hcp*i and he uUtft had nothbij;' to h:h for pubilcatloii. ^>, fvo, with th*< otln r M Inlud r i w'hn lmv<. i ci k'ni-d. Tin* political ifltmitloii W Ihc all-nb MOlhliiif tophi or POnviTMiil Ion lLninii; ' tin* polltloiann, Ijatr htitt idi;h( a j^mil many iiielnhoi'H uvi'lvpd. jau llcuh i I' finm flip ciiHt, itiiioiirr tin m bcliii; M' A Uni or, McUouKald of I'kloii, and I'owoll, the m-w niPinbcr foi W'Ht- moridand. lOvcryhodv In a avion a If Icuqw 'what the PiPink-r will ilo and at the prci'ciu Unn' of Wi'ltlni- It I dlll'cult to nay whut Ihc upahoi w II b. . r*ant nlaht Hlr Miu>lCfn/.h- kii) (,.d uchcoH to all the Conm i vat l\c nam bt(rn iifdcliif; them to hi Iipip on Tin day, The ifem-ml hnpn- dim la Ih. wln-n 1'ai llana-nt incetn on Tin d iy l t adlournment will be umKmI for pi^b ably two wmkii. Jf tjie niipi.'-llb. show fltcht and want lo pjooi.d will juihllc hu*dncMM there v. Ill hi an in teiPHlhur tlino. U hi I'* It, Iniv i'Vo , that Alt. Lamb') r.m haidlv a-ai . I' .'Mi'i'ilo to a HKdlon lo adlmia. but 11 llf does, tin'] n W 111 l)i' imiliiii , In t but to nut-vote him, und :i tin- put In n unit m> far hh itu r><illoy .< ,o I'- rni d, and lln- aoh- ih ' In \u lnu i In al f'XlHlinji Iniaclic'i, tlimc will ii" likely lie anv" ib IpcIIoiis 1 loin rank a. An ftdjourinnent having In en accm od Sir .Mackenzie v 111 m< i t tin- p,n tfiiuftiii, win n the whole yltiritlon will In- dbu'UH'ii-d ami then ulll jibu. hm. : i-lf hi thr. hand- ot hh frl mis. !! la (It 1.11 c bi foi blni to j|l' p out In \ 1 do .so and w HI idlh< r r' t 're Into pilv,1! Ilfi'iu tnld'iiia pari In tlKlilla; I In b i-t I b'S Ol' tllf ( '(ill!,i'I vati\ t- p.n tv 11. may bo avdfrned to hhn. It La Mild Kir Mackm/di* Krcatl- appn-elati a thu attitude of tin IIn. i C'oHiinlh.s-ioni'r tov aid him. It in ht>Lt d with a ;;reat io. itln-nt a w hkdi can not In- Kalnnild, thai \, ln-n tin* air Ki ctlon uim ih at mooted to Sir < Mi n 1 - Tuj.pi r he should mIm tb" I'i mlr rahtp ho fi an My and full/ InToi n < ' th-* Kintl in- i) who nude tin ip " tlon that a pmpo-al of Llad < on ' onlv conic fi(>m the Pn inlei idins* 11 .Dui Hit; the talk of tin- p m t1' < d n It Ih astonisliinj^ t,, hear the m my in prcbMims of lid' ndly n ;aid urn ai lln* Pietnb r. Willie some Coiim... IIvph any thit a change in lead" r li liuiv 1> desirable, vet It hi unhi'a adrnhnd tint Hir Afncki n/.b* lnu d< hai hi +,t under tin < h (aim1 t.i n i Tin IV Hie Millie Who 9t,c hi I he 1 . I "111 la nn ol tbe Mlnhitei.s an ltd .np* < ; et out of the ivmi.dlal 1 m ' i 1 > pollny HuplMislnsr a in \, bad , Minn -, cimiiaand. Ih qo .dlon i ,i- i'd, "What etni't w'juld this li.i\ < up the Jj dlcy u4 the (Jn\tiiuu rii '.'" K 1 , ^ illv com i d a ail ' Piote-taiiU, at ih it, Hi a tb i < n 7 no change In lln- (Idimihihiii's ]> j! on th .school qih stlon. Sir < 'n.i i' 'i'nppei, t,r., an I'leniier. would b i to adheip In the coui'e iriupju d o'! by bin ])redocM""{ior Tin* Imiio -ibilii* of ohamihif.,' thi fJovcium n 's p 1 on tho ftlmoi ipniiilon nniM eoiuim- any man who caid'ully toimd i in. attratlon. In tin e\oit ol n Ice, Ih la thm 1>> hie, di oppt d, sit < Mi i Tiipp* r wee' 1 not h. al \ to Mnnle coll ifai|. tio*n i nv \ i . an i i would at oin'o loae th raippoit ol Mi C1ost1.-..Tnr who tr-vn-riirrrTf d'Ttibr nn i'1 the Mjunih .st thinketn In tb, f b'a -i A inodlth d remedial bill will d mid he pa^* d by l'mllanji ut ,nd ' that bill will he attai h d a s-t i , l emb i iiij? it Innjieiath i-, <-.\y until J u 3ht, 1S07, by v.hbh tlm, Mr. (In o way \\ 111 ka\ f had abundant opp : tifnltr of I'enn dvlni^ the ^i h \ a n . of which the ('.illinium of .M.mlt '. complain. Durliui the Inbivii -if time b fop' the bdl uiild r < into oji> i a 11 hi, the- " I : i] elect I > Will h ive (iil'f n pi ice, and it' t b ( > mm vat ive pai ty in a^am < tin m <1 ' > pfiwi r, hk ,m i ni'i nuire than piob i1 i Mr ("In en way would, hpd II to Id advantage t it _Jjri*JiJi: ,Ji1( ' "booi^y.ij*^ "rtrnat Wan K'vori tlco, howt'Ver. In to TTTi 17TT "" : the atHtunn-nt iven to tho proflH, and t Bhall later (IIhcuhh by whom and unrlnr wh" t el renin- tnnce that I wan In Montreal whim the Mrnt loiter wiih Hunt, which l am told wan Jnat when 41 r Mat-lcen- :ile Itowell waa l'orm}nr, hl (}ovi'rn- iiit-tit. How imirili truth then- Ih In that Btatement you can underatand when J any to you that 1 wan very1 111 In Ottawa Jind ujiabbj_j'or__day,i to leave my bed, nnd hurl not lwen In Montreal for monUiH, The whole hm I- neHfi Im a dirty nttempl. upon tho pint of a few hidlvldiinhi to injure me and to Injure the ConnervatLvo party." CUBAN Rl BFLSJT1L1 AbVRNCIHr.. 11m hol l'rnvliirn <H" llnvniiu hn(,J to hb II|> In Xrm* AwiluHi Hie tJitvi'ru liii'iit- 4'Uv 1 UrmidmiMl.' Mow York, .Tan. -A de'.pitoh to Thi- Herald from Kej \\ j-t; Kla , aaya : t-ltariliiil* adv lei , ]ia ve be -n i eceli nil hue fioni the elt> of JI.lvmiii, Lo the Inet that the wdmU of the lVo\lme "f lla\ ana hi lit ai ms igainst th < iov- 'iniiunt. Win :dliialh>n m lln \< < i in ii-ctiou ol iln> Zhiumi o! ' 'uba lu i cjhm i.- 'd to be Jio .ilai mln,, that tin t.<> t- . li nn we.sti ru pun in* i , U<i\in.t and lJu,.ii l*e) Jlio, th li Lioniahmu, the i n In >t tnbai o hi Id , in l 'aba, have bun declaitd under nnutlal law by the Ciptaln-iiencial. In thi' ili'itrlct ulso the InauiTa uta am nimitnl lo 1"* Kalnlnx atun*;lji eyi r\ hour. While no details ai e ;; Lven of actual l f.aj't men,.-,, t he rejioi tt( n.iV the ' !oV- - i an lent tioops .li i: latllnf; b ick > v ei y- Wlieie 111 the dlK.Llleitld W'l Mtt I II i - b'li ii'i hi fore th- Li lumphaiiL nbl ,n my. To allny an much aa po^1 lble the p: nlc excited hy thbi corntltion of af- t lira, the chief otllchilH In the capital t( .sendliii, out fal i' d( - jiateheF) .iboiit i he hlliuithiii That tin V nninpis at Mililintr th f.irtn aie f.u Imm auc~ hown by tin- wide ouri < ney ' hh'h lias In ep k!v< ii to tin lunmr that the actual ei lids hi tin nvoluilon h ' . ua Ivi d. and that tar horn luddimc h im.ui u utioni d.H In cli ck, the i-'pan- 1 h mUltar> authotltcs have he. n oiit- i pi i ah d, have allow < d their toe , to tin n the link ol theh main pnMlion, iVi hayi thii'i found tin im Ui , in a ' e"d.nj- ibh 'limn of the mo-,1 huml- as w< 11 :ia anhai-, ehir.ntei. .inoili'i- icport re< e|\ ( d* la ie Im to - li i heet that a eonL j'b "'\ I i d --(rov tin f lovt rumen t bulb lln. In h\ fhnamlt' h.n h m d - (1- si d and lb plol of t lit I'nie i > 11 .cm - liti'-t) tied New York, .Tan ."> 'I h. [braid has a .M'clal from lla\an.i v 'i ! ' v \\r. ^t, 'i i'i d at the (bib to capital Satimlay. Vie- 11.-i f^bl-^-t n ~r sdv-i- : 'I In kite-t a* ,v . li.itii (In Irnnt la h.tthu C'lhin-^ iplm d (hilm*- last n!,;ht, cuttinic < oniaiu alcalion betwci n ii..ln Times of f'anipN ' at my and lb V.Ulil. The bei^liia anmnd this r-lty ar. be lt v" huriiedly forlitnd, and new' R ir- H oils have bi t u ' .si ibl"-h( d at .T'sua ]) 1 Mouln, Marl hi i and olla r utratoo tle auburlian ouliios-ta, to puvent tho Chilians f i run cutihie, o'f the water ' i I ply. A atioip; j.mi ird has ah.o been il eed to pi d<ct the ru- works from ib eaiis^aibs of tin- i'uIimis. wlni axo M1.*-pee tod ol a purpo'v to cnjipl' tho blunt and leave the city in dailtncus. TlllUIIIOMI^tl, that tIie^To">rHil^^t2>4^o^^ thru ^ilic' ' polks N the taUM- Of tiuTXlIioM'. U 111 Pi;'.\liic( of th. power to 1 Male I. o i dm at 1'iivd ah" ih Tlii i"'- ] -* a.pu'1 ble eontlneriicy t' Rlr Mackenzie I owel] m y h I'd tecoiiHtmet hhi 'I'lvernn fill, and. M and the. want ol eon ma i.< e not ont3w" "TTe thf an i'Kid.nt, lot not !lw ciii <\ Tin* Hi]ia:h h:ib b< u jiiedietid bit ia c Ol tlie mtiiiiMc -w.akiR'-s of lln L'ahhu L i i ia,n w>\\ s u\ 'im; nim i i. would do inn moo 1, bin in tlm I wiih diitip pointed, and Hb na,d to be nlea iily '^l owtn "Woiilter. 1 had three. dnctoiH ut diiftieiii Cimeh, but lhey apprurcd nol to uadei Htand ui) cuHf At Icit I t^ot -n jow Moil ono day I hll down on rTTh "Ttet, iai I thoHO who pieKt d up- up thouirht I w > dyin^. Aflurthat i. wum urja u tu tnke l)r_ WilhitmB' IMuU Vill-', and dm . t from tin.- outhi-t they In Iprd ine i inl ,dt"l tin u-e ot about hulf il do/i a ho\ -n I u-i-- *nt -'vi il uh over ' 'D 'pni u,I t* 1, ih I'l.oi Pilb," ailtud tin R|uilu h Will," a-. tho L*cply, "I uhll k< ep tin in xl tail in- and oncain n while whin I think I uqinre, a Joniu I tuki? a U v;, but iei \iai c m ki d 1 don't look like it man who umiiits to talu mtulicine now." On thin point the rt-- portur quite iicrprs with Mi Duvirt, us he looka no vipomas mid i ol u-l a man an \im uoiild wiolitnifc. Afti i p-irtnu.' with TJr Diiym the repmhi culled at Punbuiy ^ Co.'H drui^ hioic, -. h> ic lie -ei-./ lln Hum HtJer i\lr. Van lb ad* a, v, ho eo ohor <h d ^whut Mr i-Javia hud niid utjuulii'i; tlio use \t Ur. Williums' 1'iiik Villi, luul tuithor Stated that ho belnved l'ink IMln t> bo tho ilncHt tome ,n tliu world, and gavu the uiunon < f uavLiid who hud U>iu,d rcrmnk- ivblo hell1 lit fnmi ilu n u-<u Adepvu-V"l r v/ntuiy ei million of thu blood ar hlnitt Mid in i ves it re the t a o fruitful houixl'h of alinoit c v> i y diMj(iin* thai atlhctu hiiiiiunity, mm! to all lailli'iarn Dr. "WilliHms' L*ink ritln an. nfh'red wi'h a conthlence that tiny a;n ihu anh pio foot; aud unftilhn^ blood bail ii-i and ntrve rotitorur. and that whore eiveu a fair trial ' chstnuHMtud tfuftoriny miint hiuiinh. l'.nlt Pilld tiro Mold Ly ull denluiK or Will be hi n by huul on leiaipt of .">() uuuti a box or U2,fj(l tor oix hoxea, hv luHmi'iuaK 'ho Dr i WillianiH1 Mwliumo Co , Hivoltvilbh O d., Of BohonooLiuW, N. Y. fhiwmu of imita- ' tiouu and ahvavH lefu^o trashy HiibaLitutOH allet(Lid to bu "juat an good." ^ of the party but of th p opl", ,is dis- playul in lln* h\.-. ]e. tl us (if emit: * the t "-Alh h lei. it -billed in t)i . end a aiiiht the i emi di il hill, and c'noo .e l at her to sin i h J :o\,, I] than to be fiiiaslud tin mi. 1\.h In iinh* nv, n eon- Htltu. in b h.- .L'lr 11 j lib. n h uptn r him- nelf Is Kick of tin- mondial hi tier, but would have imin on w I' It il, e.\ .-t . ins' a 'di on t to i^o Into oj>po- ailion, and wi hIn 4T lo 1, tie hader "f Oi^pfi.-^itiun in the ilou , he s< l'/a d upnn IL, and me, the nveislon of the I'i' ink rahip In It 11 i , i> t II know n th it the ( x-Minisl < 1- of .In t Ice m*ch salvation onlv in nv.- y-nis of Oppo- Itdthm, and also u >.-, a < h me In tliat pi mr^e tt; ; i ati, liis \ anil hi j nmbv- thm. Tlie position n! . ii '"hailes Tup- I pel, tlltj llhh t'ommi i-ioin i, in a pecu liar one. lie la-no our without Invl- Ltation, ostt uMblv on olh r bu iimss, i but le.illy viUi the Ken Tipp.r a eat to watch o\ t i tin- Tupi er NTo aooiir-r had In ,iim\m| ulih .l^iirfini'M to the Trcniier ol dlsinteu.ded frh nd- bhip than a j t < id itm -..hood- ertu il'ia i m!i n't- elt a i nt of the (lov- - t.u 11 d a ei v 1 hat Hid td\e wiy to 'I b In dm and k rs.pi nmot' i h in ' ors and the wm -.( ei nil! 'lit l UJiortei Jdnv. i 11 mu -t l,i t <mt Fir Cbai le Tujij . i el"( t ion w oi 1 i r -, <U niainh d the cha nh'e "w ith \ Ialons or I' ud^i n It iy ita llw nv. Olil; nrctii Mniin. Kill iv ,\\n\ other v il 1-eat .t in | lido dm-, i It m s Ilo 11- im,' 1'i'fnn 11. 11* . > s 'I'n | p< r n ml the tin I; Kfin-r a 11 to rule. On Sa.uiday inoinine; the eMltrmcnt x\ -m lil';li 'I he ILid w av t'oniini tt> i of tli I 'i 1\ / ( oiineil wa.s iiiinimoiied to ). tot .it 11 oVdoek, The busy radw iy m.iii.'Hers and la w > < i s In a ll. itd.iia vne kept w.'iitinp lor tin "rmni" (ill 2.i minute i to 11 o'clock, ami then l'u ink r Howill and Sir Iltbbiit Tuppti can c rtloiiff i-iiKiifv d In eaine- L eon\ i V- MUlnn. No one eauld InuiLdn. tliat tlm t1 hrur.s Intel Sli Illbbett Topper would thiow the l'lciait'i o\er and Jein tlie m.ilcunti ntn Mr. II.ikk^I'I, eli irnian of the co-Minltti o. was over with l)iw kjh of the lank :md lib* of M pnrtv, he may attempt "Th. ta.- . M like Hi.ii. is t. r Whl, Hon a rClrkp-ilrlek, <'ol V hdale and u i Sink it, M.P. f<n- South oritniu, \ o i inspim eoiitldenci thnmidamt < i AVlnil siiipilsi'i evrr\botly in to m. tlon e Ith y. -tei d i v'.h coup i , ili t p - y V'mihI " .HlnHiliJ )u\\ i li mb i. il ' n signal bm. Sir .Mnik ni'.l. aim 1 have In i n si a 4i mm fi lr ml that I* a wuiitl. r tie y should have pail- company. In the e\ i nt of Hi <1h il Tuppei, hi1., takP t< Indd it i>- 'j in .' M sllp[ne- tl that Sir J\f'cben/le lim will hi a ineinhi r of tlie liconstiue ed MInistiy. That he v ill not ;m i I'hn-htial .14 IUe,h ("ommi- lorn r, be sert" most posit tu Iv. \\ uli ;vr < 'h "iV Tnpp r, M" , as Tr inhr, H Is alio. - ther iinliKclv that the Mm! t, r ol Hi, le . would be (-riven a p u'tl -ho Tin* menib'i.s of the ' loveiiiinent liom i \a Scotia, on" ol lln m t>uu|\l k Heat foimcrly held by an * wit ilo ^*i Intt r, w onbl hiiriUy sat b fy the I h mli r Provi'ire. The f ue;r,e-tion h * how. v i*. been n ade. that Sir Chtirh Tupper the youiif-'er, m'^ht tun foi i Ontario cnu'-' Ituency, this eh v re , oInR tlie disability reft n- I to. Th tln-ie would be no dihhulty la ' tnpr one for him in evklmt by tin (hat half a do'/.i n Ontauo 'tap lean ti ml. red to him within thf two > .us. It h. tit u-^ht mote 'llk-dv that for ,th. pic-'-nt ' c sion. i- nny tale, -uppo in^ Sir ("Tiirles Tm- per actually becomes I'i cnl r in" mlLThl aicpt tin via aid Vnva Scot i Senatoish.p, therihy oh\uUhi(; 11*.- " co'-siiy oi a bye-, lection. The f\u(in-.Monta;<ue opl-ode has In c n cninpl ttly over had v-n by ytst.i- (liiv'1 e\ i tits, althoimh none th h ei in- teit tme, sir. ,\. J\ L'.ucm wun : < >"' by your coneHpoiulent and asbul hk ver^ion of thj . ahali. He i<* piled ; "With letranl to tlv Hon. Dr. MontaRiiu and myscdf, all I have tn say is that T mlth-i dlr. ei f ly nor indirectly nave the Hi;,blest in 'sl formation to the press, nor have 1 any knowledge of how- Its publication tame about J do nol think it would 1" piopir for nic to say anything fur ther nt. this time." Your correspondent lenvns thot tin lettei <; nllej-pc) to have hi en v/rlt Jor by Dr. MontaKue were not pent to i IJTebout anil Ciiiiy Itebnmliia: to thit Ciiiuiillan- iiixtriilliin Mnrr round Stair rnjie riniori. Port Towipend, .Tan. A A life boat and buoy In h nrlrijr lo tin <"\'in:u11;in- AuMialian H S. Miowera haa been pick- id up on the leieb neir (i/.ttie, lp( nub s south ,d' ('.j^ Fiatteiy. It H tiaiid the 't an er h i.s In en wrecked. Poll Tiwn > nd, Ja a. T. - The steTin- dtlp Mloweii, c'aplain Stott, sailed rrom \'inemi\ei. D< <-;. ]ft, for 1 [ono- Mu^'ind Sydney, NSW, rip i> e IS "*li(. j0,d ihe tli a bled di mitr sirath- in vi , '/' ,,,Vt' :i||d hi a di cl fm fajie I'lalleiy -^' ^ n clot It mi lb- lollow- hm M.mdaj nmruin^ the haw.s* rai^i< d durmp a1"'1^' '-d'nUk Afrroi- the '-riunll, at nU'llt 'l '^JUiuJWe Jliowc^ra was nijwhoie t' b'U^eii. Captain Stott, of the Alliiwt rlt^narl told the captain of the Stiathnevls that he could only tow the vi'^*-nj j.hiep ihtyw on account of the tuipply oT coal umnlne; short, \ NOIMl LMI t^MUlti: r-i't f . 1) I' he I'm Ab Ahrnhum Lincoh) oiilled th'in, do not hi tare to argud about thoirailimntw What ir; they want in a modioirm that will curu them l/r, Tlm Hlipylu, honont htutoimmi, il know Kw that Hodtl' Buruapurillu uured uju," Ivjilio l'i\ hept ttr'(4Uowiout in favor ol thia limdiowe. ,'v f.aiid UiUw what niauy thounuicU volim- t;V. t'acily 9ay. Had* nPillH uro tho bdHt uftor diiuu-r )lll8,'aH8int dlnaatiou, oui'u huuduutiu. 2jo. Afr. 11.itfHfirt .ippcured uinl" ran the court, but I'remier Uowdl would not ch nt the H'lino table with hhn,and did no' attend. Mi Ivoa went over to hco Jr.' AlontapfUe at noon. In the aflor- rtor., Prenil.-r hnwtdl received ilit* re- hiiTi.ations of the following Mlniatero: The Mlnlsth- of Finance, tlm Minister of Justice, tho Minister of Hallways and CkimilH, the Mini* tor of Trade and Couimpree. the Minister of MilHht and Dcl'encp, the MinlntPi of Agriculture, and the Controller of Ctistomf!. The Premier accepted these lppl' Mint to-nlpdit all' who ai-p left In the Cabinet with portfollo'i-nrp Mr, Cnntl- puii. Minister or Marine; Mr. Oulmet, MlrlBter of Public WorkH; Sir Adolphe Ci-ron. FoHtmnnior-Coperal, nJid Mr. Paly. Minister f-f tho In'.orlor. Your (4orwpondnnt vnlted Upon Bir -ChavloH Tnpnnr fliU .nfternooii, tTo waa.QUlto.wJIUilK to.discus thoPaclflo haa been In consultation w'itlf man of his friends to day. Dnnrthl Mnr- MriHtor, Q.C., came up from Monti a1 nnd was with him for neveral hours, presumably discussing tho Montat;m mutter. The doctor wan soon to-nKht and made the following further atato- nrient; "I have nothing to add to my emphatic denial already made of the contemptible chni'KC. It In the resuh af a mlserbale.connplracyani'l that will be perfectly evident to t\uiy m.i when the facts come out. You may depend upon it not one truce of Lhe dishonor will attach itnelr to mo as n rcHUlt of thltt (hiHtardly attempt to work mo injury. My full unci complete vindication will com In duo time. The men who took part in it are ulredy uYnadhnr tho result, and they may well do wo. In tho meantime I have not ybt had the courtesy of belnj? Bhown the lattere, nor do I lj;nt>w tholr dpi^n. ar wliat thev contain, except Ihff Itiitcln-ry or Arnii'iilnnn <ontlnu("t In lite l'_iul Tiomlon, .Tan. 1. The correspond en t of the I'nittd Pi i . a at Const ml biople lele\'i ophs, under date of .hm, :t, tlmt a teriible m.i'-saere Iai9 taken place at lihidjik, mar Amtab, In A Ma Minoi. Tlie u llle la I lepm t ol the ou- m tern e stateH that D00 persona were killed." A Icrrilih- Afftilr, Constantinople', .Jan. A. It is Ivd'ev- :d iui.. thtt tlie m.LKb.U'iv at Hi id ilk was o unnui t' d by the Js.ui cl i <n the I! una.In h t'.iv.iliy. The ise. nt m-ihsaere at Oilah was a lei i tble all.Ml. The Port, r Imit'i that '.'"0 per-ioiih were killed there, Trrrr nth, r accounta nay that 21)00 were slaujvhti u d. y An Impel hi! it ode haa been ihHited/ir- derln;; the iuc i;mtion of th Ytuvrhh a'rmy and Inci. .eaiv the Turkish for- pen,In M'acedonia, Ciete am' l\ Me- j.iss,'Arabia. Tin increuhe w ili be com pleted by HpihiK. PrckrutnltiMi lo Mr It. . *^!tlic Montieal, .Tan G. Mr. itcdjeit S- AVhltu will enter upon IiIk dutn s to- mouow an Coll-ctor of Customs for the pfirt of .Montreal. YeHteidav the mcmheiH of tlm diuerent departments Kd Tli* (laseitk- jififiented a vnhribl" tpHtlmonlal to the t-etlrlnpr edhor-ln- ehief of the metropolitan dally, the entite stall' In hij< present. The Pi - { entutiop was made bv Mr. S. ivj t'd, Who .succeeds Mr. White In the edi torial chair. The ex-member for Carrtwoll.whn ha** been eonnr-cted with The Ga/.ette for over 20 yeaih, replied In foelinj? tfrtiih to the address, and three cheers weie plven for the now collector and Mirt. White. ______ "Hilt ' Hh:i Mny l.l\P Albany. Jan, fi. John A. McOnmrh, a pal of "Mat" Shea, who wa; to have been eleetiociued at Dannomora pi'I-oo on Tuesday ncKf for the murder of Itcbert itosH of Troy, haa conf. ^ ett that it waa not Shea who shot Lt /i.s, but that he did It himself. The Governor after examining the cor fo^aioii decided to Ihhiio to-morrow a roeplte for Shea until February -1, to ffive Shea'h counael an opportunity to apply for a; now trial. _______ llCHt'lcL TlirruttMiliilC HuViilIrl. Rome, Jan. G. A deopntch from MubB&wah, aya that King Menelok of Abynalnla, with thirty ihouwand foilovwji'fl, hao- arrived at Xialce Aa- elnghl. It lu believed that he Intenda to malco a flank movement with the objeot-J>f attemptinK to out off Gen. Df> rations communication with Mauso- wah. '_____________ lli* |kiiiiklnl<m In Uml HHntte Ijondon,' Jan. 5. Thonftorholu* of tho fltr-amer I7ominlonrCaptaln Grotifi, fiom Portland, l>ets. Ii'i, for Jirlntol, which lowing the wator to l\ow Into her to nearly full of water. She will prob ably navo to be dlncnarired. Tlie main injection plpti van carrlod away, ah lowlnt the Water to How Into h-r to such an extent that she was beacher * -xrevflnt hftr alnkinf. FOR 1896 ! ^> TRY c THE mini i nUft|!py^^|^| Free J ***** r * - - ,/- ~S / L^s r From now until 1897 for only* $1.01 to newsubscribers. UBSORIBE N t , If you wish to keep poste* is your chance. Send in youxvjl to the Free Press, which ,gu\ 1 the local news, and news fcfcy The Free Press is clean and neat- w ly printed, and is one of the leading U" papers of the county of Essex. As v l this chance holds good only for a short time, yon should not fail to' ^a take advantage of it at once- p id Address all orders to m j. eaOVbei ao: KDITOH ANDTRU3 j,^.1. \&* 2948

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