Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 10, 1896, page 5

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--'.. , ,",',',' ^a Mil D. 4MDERS0H & Co.. M-^v. ' %!", ' BANKHKB,^, * .... . _ , Next to Aberdeen Hotpl Easex. C^jrtouoy to loan on Farmers' Hotam Noton uoufiht 'Or Collected; Monny to low on ^HortRKRuM at .; pwMt'rtttomind boit tornW. , j Drafti iMaedpayablo at par nt Jill prinolpal '-point*. *~~ "*"" "" --------------- Fire Insurance Agerits, etc- $lJl^^&$M::fc ;;:. /TOF THE TOWN FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 188!'.. b Pay car pu-naoii tliroufjli Euhox on Tlnani- day morning. The publio tLntl high dohools reoptmod in Essex 6d Monday last, Tbe publio soliool boaid will bold itw flrnt meeting on Wdnonday next, Jan. Io. Lor (J hoots off at SuqUU'h. Don't bny an overcoat until you tjot M J. Wiglo & Oa.'s HtooMuking pnoos. Mian Milv Wi^lu onlortaiuad a number of her youutf lady frlond:i on Friday liven ing last. A, very ploafiaut vomug was apnt. POUND. -lu Erhox, on Saturday, Jan. 4th, 1BQ.6, At purso oontaiuinii woiioy. Owner oau have same by applying to Alox. L&ing. VOK SAliK. Two now miloh cow, laud several other articles. Apply to Mru, Vm. PaBsmtfkfl.n, South Roar Road, below /air ground, Kuwait. Membaru of nowly-olcotod oouuojIh are required to bold their first; meeting for organization on Monday, tbo 20th day of January, lfiOG. In ktiepintf wUh tbo timee tho rout of look bojces in tho Essox PoAt.*-ofnco for 1B9G will be' fifty ooutu Iohh than fortnorly, if paiiiiiA~*dvanao..._______________' Tha/oouyoraaaiouo io be joyon in tho pablic/ library will bo hold on tho ovonin^- ofFr^day, January 31, instead'of January 30, u,a annouuood laiit wcok. TL'io cntir.onti of KingNviUo hays oarrid a^eis by-law ky Ho. majority. The by-law 'pro/videH for tbo corporation to bom for a*Ji and supply it to tbe oitiznnu at oont,' mat Saturday night is reported riH hav- Itui boon tho coldest night of tho noimon tbfem fay, thormomoterH in sovoral plaqoB lulvnit; ro^ifltorod right rlogrocn below zero. 'Apriootd 13 aunts por lb. at 'Smith's. Monoy to loan nt 6 por oont. Jno. W. libaoii. IfiJorfreHh oaken and oonfootionary, of all bimifigo to Hhoomakcr, thohnker, " MantloolotfiHall at greatly rodnRedpricofl ' at M. J. Wiglo A Co.*h during their ntock- taking hiiIo. Tho vital nrntintica for Laumington Tor th* last-half of 18nS nro ; 10 blvtlio, 10 tuarrlft^eo and M douibfl. That of Uor Boa townfthip; 50 birtha, 3 marriafiae, 2H clatbn. If. An oyator quppor m boing tondorod tbo new council oloot of Gosfiold North by thrir frindn. It hi to bo givon at tbo town ball aftor a few days. Tho data..will likely b announced. W. Mark DoGow in building an oiton- ' aiyo addition to V,i newly-ncqniifod rofti- donoo on Laird Avonuo, wbioh ho rxpecta [ " '"'to occupy Bhovtly. Tho hooaa ho now *oonplen will bo takon by Mr. and Mrs. Johnttton. ADotroifc papsr (jayH the Evan'iag ProflH* a papor itartod In Dotroit thrao monthH ago. ih in fiaanoial dinioultios, having run Towhind $fl,OQ0. Thorn aro haapa of fnu rnnhintf * nowopapor if aorao ono will only put up tho iituff. W. H. Ryall, of Loaminfjftou, t). D. G. M., for Ebhox oonnty, will inefcal tho officer* or Kntorprifio Lfldgo, I, O. O. I1.,, at tbo banquet to Wo given in tbo Hall on Xhum* day eVouinc next, 10th mnt, T*ho ooro*'a very intoronting ono. , Tbo wanngottjont of tho publio library P~-ptirpOfiQ folding a convorHaziono in tbe reading roomn on January Illth noxt, Tho matter lm boon planed in tho hands Of committooH oowpriftod of a numbor of energetic JadioH and gontlomon, and nn nnuauully onjoy'ablo time ia prominttd. In tho intorouts of tbo library, whlob in worthy tho hoarty HUpport of tho pooplo of "ISgaesi, all ongagomoutn for that evening. it ia hopod, will bo oanoollod. Further . partioular lifter. ^...... ISto ouo vor thought of introduoing no xpenNivo a featuro an lifchographio oolor work iu tho days wbon tho loadinu maga ' zinonaold fr 8*1.00 a yoar and 85 oontH a oopy. But Union ohango, and tbo muga . zinoH obauL'o with thorn. It ban romaiuod far'ih OoHniopohtan, sold for one dollar a year, to put iu an oxtontiivo litbograpbio plant oapablo of printinfi; 820,000 pagOH por day (ona color). Tho January tsMio pro ueutn n.H a frontiflpitfoo a wutor-oolor draw ing bV Erio Pdno, illiiBtratiug tho last story by llobort Loiii Stovontion, whiob C",.1 has probably, nover boon oxoollud von, in iS?:':.: the, paK'-an of tbo. fluoat dollar Frcnob per- fc, jodioalfi. Tho covor of the CoHniopolitau io ^;',lao'ohanKod, a drawing of paps length by f<( thefatiioUB PriH artiat BobhI, in litho 'w- (* j<raphio oolora on whito pa'por takon tho & ;, j)Jaae of tlio manllU baok with ita red |S stripe- Hereafter tho odvor id to be a fronli feurpriBD oHob month. Itiamuoh cheaper to take photos than to pay for tbora. No donbt the party who retnoTed a cabinet photo gronp of yonng ladles from thoj'photographor'e table lately, thinkn no, yet to have asked for it would havo boon tho more honorable way, Com. Thoro will bo revival .sorvtodS" hold in tho H. A. barrae7rom 10tn~ laHtinf for two.-' 'joka, Tho motih(i* will bo held by ' y Deuporado Brigade who have boon holding meotingtf for th<! luitt tiiiio moutliH, in 'difforoiifc-plaoeo and who havo noon wiaob yood douo. 1<j vrybody wolcomb. Avery ploaoaub ovening waw Mpont by tho brothrett tl Oontral Lodge A. V. A A* M., at tha lodgu rooms, on \Vtidheday oyoning, thoouoauion boing tbo iinitullation of the oftloerH fer tho ourroilt torni, Tho ouromony wan performed by woruhipful Bro. A. H. Clark*, anHiMtod by Brou. Stew art ami Golden, of Wiudnor, and local brotbron. At a mooting of tho dirootorn of tho Leader rrmting Co., Aroliorutburg, on Monday night, it waH dooidod to imHpond tbo piiblioation of tho Loudor and go out of tho printing buninoun. A. oonuniUoo wan appointed to diHpoHO of the biminomi. It wati a looinp; venture. Thin ia tlio Hecoud attempt at OMtublinbing a u6eond paper at Ainhorutburg. Tho llouno of Gomrnonn mot at Ottawa TuoHday hint, l>nt jpmodiatoly adjourned for ten days. Bir, AdulphoCuron explain ed to Parliament aftor the opouing that fiovoral inombern of tho Oabiuod bad re- 'uig ned, and in viow.of this onuiw moved that Parliament utaud adjourned for ton dnyn, until other aunounobtnontij may bo made to the IIouho. .lob lot boyu'oyorsoatH, $2 60, at Hmith'n, one week only. Win. Shoomakor Ih now prepared to do- livor frenb broad to any part of the town, give him aoall. LOST: Near Oottuin, Woduuiiday, Jan. 9 th. v. largo goat-Hkin robe, Findoi ploaHo return to TIioh. Williurnii, North Itiduo, LOST. On Friday, Doo. 27th between Owborno'ii mill and Emiox, by way of Oot- taiu, a black muff. Finder in requoatod to oavo at Fukh Phubh ofiico. Ladioa' coiito, SJ.fiO, worth $10, at Smith's, ono wotk only. Mm, H. M. Faul mot with an excoodiug- ly painful and norioaH accident laat. Sun day night. While ascending an outoide ilight of HtairH, tho utepo of wliioh wore covorod with a coating of imow and ice, bo foil backward to tlio bottom, auntaining BoriooH iujuriofl to her bead. Medical at- toudauae waH promptly Hcourori, but she io not yot out of danger. Doteotivo Miuo Hoonau, of tlio Michigan Gontral Railway, him rnndo onfc hin report fcr 189G, in which ho otaten that 100 por- Bonn woro arrootod for crin.inal ofloniea, v\?,.: Stonmjf truiuu, 0; obfitruotiog trains, 1; breaking into earn, 5; burglary, 5; fttoal- mg plank, .1; malioioua injury to property, 1. Tho remainder were urrehted for steal. in video and in all -ift pornonc wore nont to jail. In roBponao to an alraont unauiraoun do- aire on the part o' church going pooplo, tha nutfgoHtiou of holding union prajor meotingn in town during tho pronout wook wah carried into offoct and aro boing at- tonrtcd by largo Qongrogationu at tlia diffor ont oburoliOH this* week. Tho oervioon tbuo hold nbould materially aaoist in gotting the cougregationu thoroughly acquainted with, and appreciative of, each otbor'it of- forta to promote Ofinotiau growth and de velopment. Jojihmon Lhb.- By Uov. K. W. Whito, at tbo briuVH homo ut Milwaukon, WIh., on Wodnaoday, Jan. lt, "WJK. W. Jaw, JohuHton, ol Ehsox, to Minn Oliv Loe, of Milwaukee. A tJlevcr tuvimtioki. Mr. Alex Luing hau juHt completed a very clover liltlo inntrmont for uhu iu Hoho'old, wbioli ho showed tliu Fkick I'ukiih tho other iluy, The instrumuut, a pat tint on whiob 1m applied for1, oontainu on a uoilI; walnut utiitid, tho huh, moon, earth and vuuuu, Ky a bit of murvolouu meobanioal hitfeuuity, Mr. Laiitg ban attaohod pul* leyn aud beltu,'by moitnn of whialt tbono planotu are' not in their proper 'motions iu ronpoot to ono anothor. For iustauoo the earth, moon and venuii are nob in revolution apout tho nun, while tho moon in at the name time kopt in proper royolutiou about tbo oarth, while all aro kopt at tlioir cor- reot iuoliuatioiiH. By raouini of iIioho pruotioal illustratlomi, tho progruutf of tho uounonii, vuriaim moou'n phasoH, and many otlier aHtrouoniical mattorH hl'q oiLinly oxplainod to tbo youth ful mind, Tbo mutrumbiit i not only highly adapted to (intronomioal rofloarch in tho nolioolii, but from ita convenient uizo, in uuitablo for public or privato librarion. Tbo January number of tho Uoliuoator in oallod tho Win tor Holiday Nambcr. Tbo fanhion articled for tbo month aro timely and complete, covering tho entire .ftold of jitylos for ladlcm, miHiien and' child ren, millinery, lingerie, dronn goods and trimmingn.' Tbo rich holiday dittplay in tbo abopn i intorontingly doKonbod. Mm. Kogor A. Pryor'a article on tbe qoaial code rolatan to nooial balhi and partifltf for child ron. Tbo Hpaco devoted to wouoan'o work and advancement iucludon a thoughtful convormitiou botwoon Edith M. Thomas and Dr. S. It. Flliott on woman in buninuun an intoruotiug paper Viy Muia Margaret Mo- Nmigton on diacuiou of Architooturo as a piofoHnioii for women, a graphio Ueuoription by Lncia M. Wobbinu of Woman's work at tho Atlanta Jiixposition, Harriet Koith Forbes* direction's for burnt decorations upon cardboard, and tho continuation of Sara Miller Kirlty'u Kiudorgarton Artlcln. Tbo firot of a brief series of papurn on tho caro of tho tooth, by a wall known Now York Dentist, will ho found excoptioually valuable Mru. A. II, Longstreot described tho carving of moutu, and in tioiuionable cookery impromptu luncheon monuu io- coivo attention. In Mrn, Withorspcoos' tea-table gonuip aro noted nomo now homo- mado holiday gifto. Tlio roviow of holiday publicationn iucludon muution of many particularly intendol for young roaders. The novoltieit in knitting, tattinj*, oroohot*' ing and laco making are illuetratod and dosoribed. SubHcription priae of tho Delineator yi HOW PEANUTS GROW. Thoy Start In th Air and Aftrwv< ! - / row I is to tha Ground. Most renldonta of tha. north have wholly orronootiH Idmifl about tho way In whlob poumi(4 i^row. If tpumtlonod on the Hiibjoct, nine pernoim out of ton would prnbuhly (lnolaro with <:onfblono that Mi 1m favorite luxury of ulruus K'dnR youth Ih a root dovolopmrnfc, inucli as pouttoim aro, 'I'hafc ponnutu, when ripe aro dutf out of the earth In true, but they hogln oporafilonrt In thontrund noV4ir luivti niiythhip; to do with the roots of their parent vino. From a hullotln lHiu:d-by: .the depiirtriumt of atfrloulturo In ^ldnnt'd tho following lnfnrnmtkm on this Inloienti- ing mihjuoh: "Tlio blooHoiu of tho peanut In at tho end of il lniiK, podhJolllko calyx tubo, tbo ovary hoi rip; at tho liaso. Aftm* thefull ot tho flowoi-, tho peduneln, or "nplku," olon^aUm and hmulH downward, jiumIiIuo; novoral lncluiH Into tbo prmuiul, wlmni (be ovury at iln nxtromity hnfthiH to onlni'K" and develops Into a pale, yo.Mowlsh, wrinUlod, !iH|dlly curved'pod, often eon- fcvar.teil In tbe inlddlo, containing from ono to throe seeds. Hboultl tbo 'ripiUo* by accidents hot lin nmibled Io thrust; Un point In tho ground within a fow bourn after tho fall of tlio Uoivor it withers and dins. "Mnro or Uss abundantly nolttnred ovor tlio roots (if the poimut. pbuit, ai(i w/n*ts of rtlinyt tbo h:!ze nf a plnbond, av lurj^er, Tlicso t.iilniroliiH.HH thoy nro usually culled, pluy a. yi'i-y In'iportnnt; piirt In tho life h)M<iry <if 1 bo plant. Within Ilium, wbllo In a I'rirsli or growlnjr stato, may be scrn, by the uUL of a f^ood mlcrni-copc, niyrlads of very inliiuto organlHins, These bacteria lll;o bodies llvo jiartly on tho Hubstunco fiupplicd from tbo rootn, but at tbo mine tiino (hoy lake from tbo air and elaborate for tlio use of tbo plant cmisldrmbla quantities of nitrogen. Nltrogon is thn most oxpenslyo element that must, bo sup plied to plants In furtlllzorrt. The organ' lsins llvlnp; In those porous tiib(*r;ol<tM talco It fnnn tlio air, of \vlilcb It cmnprlscH about llvo-flfths, and supply it to tbo plant without; any cost. In Ibis way a total amount yf nltru^fn is oflon ac(|iiivo(L liy tho plant i\iv in uxei^s of iho amount niialysoH fdiow to ho prosi/nt, and avitllatilo In the soil. " Ijiko many other extensively niltlvnt* ed plants, the peanut has not boon found In n truly wild statu, antf hence it is dilll- cult to t\x U]ion its habitat. ,So widely has II.bccncultivati.'il in onstovn countries that srnno ijotuulst.-f havo attomptt^l to trace its spread from China and Japan, thence through tbo Mast Indian islands to India, and tbi'iteo to Afrlcn, whore In tbo seventeenth century It was so exten sively cultivated ami bad heimine surli an Importmit article of natlvu I'tnni thatriuTT Rlavt'dcalcrs loaded Lji(dr_^si^s_w_i.t_b_Jt;, lining it as food foiMboIr cargoes, of cup- tlves. But tho welfjlit of uulbority seems to ho In favor of ncet'pUntf It as a native of Brazil, thus adding tho "peanut to tho four other plants of commorchil itnjjort- nuce that. America bus coiitrlljuteil t<> the a(?rlcu'lMire of tbo world ninuely, oomoii, Indian corn, potato and toluiceo. Tliuiiffh It may boa nativn of tbo .wcsUtii cijn- tlnent, it early became a largely cultivat ed plant In tlio wanner portions of the old TAKING SALE! J axruary 15, we start our annttal stc5ck ta] ing. Up to that date welwill allow for cash, % off the following: off Dress Goods from 25 cents up off Prints, ( prints ia a snap) J off men's and boys' Suits nnd Overcoats off Hatfj and CapH ^ eff men's Long Boots ^.offladiea' and gents1 Fine Shoes off woolen Blankets and Comforters. We have a few ladies' Goats left which wex)ffef~at less than half price. wurhl7<'(,.eupyinK e, dlsllnct place in tlio agriculture nf those countries lone; before it,H merits were roco^nlzed in tlio land of Its origin." ; Th Arabti ofSinul, Kach"iJnlKht wo "cMlml a council after dinner and discussed many things with pooplo. Our huntorH wore summoned, and while Joseph interpreted tboin swar- tliy faces peerc^i throuKh the tout .door into tho light, and when the conference was ovor t boy ri^clvod u handful of tobao- por yenror 15 conU porHin^Io oopyJ ->Ad-j co, coveted oven more than food. These Mr. W. Jatnon JobtiHton, and his brido ajrivod iu Esaex bint. Friday evening, and woro mot at tbo dopofc by a largo number of their frlondu. They woro driven to tht homo of Mr. and Mr. T. H. DoGow, wboro a woddiny reception was ^ivon on Monday' afternoon and evening, Mubiq by Mrs. Win, Laing, and a dainty lunoheon pro' vidod by thb hoatosm, woro ploabiu^ features of tbo Boouil funatmn. More than a hun dred people ottllod to extend congratula tions and good wndieo to tho newly woddod ooaplo, who aro to nottlo in our town M. J. Wi(>le it Co.'e unnual utook-takiny flalo in now on ; prioun on winter goods away below ioro. ^Off Sale at Smith'H on hIioos, olodiinc and othur linoH, a few dayb only. Am Interesting- DcoihIoii, Tbo loRal nuit n! Oollieon vb, EKord wai brought to recovor tho amount of si prom* iuHory note for 9100 and intcroBt, raado uov on yearn o. The defendant nignod the nr e aw aurety only and beard nothing o tbo noto ufter tiipjuiu^ it until thin aotion wub brought, about a fow months ago, and had forgotten tlutt tho noto oxintud.- The original debtor," during thin time bocanio inaolveut and Colliwon sought to hold thu rauretv, Ihiiho ID I ford, liablo. Tbo dofenou wuii that the plaintiff had by biu delay, and by oxtendiuu, tho time for tho payment of tho note without notice to him, rcleufiod tbo Hiirotiy. Mr. .luntico Falconbrultfo at vhd honrint: bold the defendants liablo, The defendant toon an appeal to tho Divininnul oourt and un Tuoadav judgmonb wau do- livurod at Toronto, rVivorninn the jrtdijmont of Mr. JiiHiiou Fulcoubrid^dn and dhiuiihB- inu tbo action aj^uiuHt, tho uuroty with ojntn. M. K. Cowan for Colliaon and J, H. Rodd for Elford. .M.on andboyH oupn worth fit) conti) for 35 eontst at 8mith*n. : Extra hoaVy rubbcru and box for men, &1G5, ut Smith's. droHQ Tho Dolmoator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Limited, 3U liichmond St. Went Toronto, Ont. _^-------------------. Mountain Climbing Huh a woudorfnl fascination for many men. And tho higher tbo mouutam and tho greater npico of danger about it. tlio more aoxiouH ie tho ordinary man, with any mountain olimbing instiuots whatovor, to i;ot to tho ton of that mountain. Thoro is au intoxication, a flory ontibnuiuHm about it that.puiibea one on and on, and roatw tir ed mnKcloH and innpiroH flaf^intfoouraijo to ovorlaatinfdy keep at it Until tho top in reached and tbe cooling zophyro that fan tho brow of tho mountain oool your own throbbing tomploo. AmorioanH havo 'thought that it was nocosHury to go to Europe, to tho Alpn, to tlnd auy full (jrowu toountninu to iiaale, It'n nil inoonehino. Isn't 1-1,000 foot high enough, with glamoro, thoao racked, crack ed otoatureu of ioo and snow, and orators and UssuroH and prooipioon to climb over aud roucd, tho flaoao as iu tho Alpn? . Yes, they aro all right bore close at hana, and if you aro.iutoroHtod to hnow whoro and how and when, just Bond your addroso, and six Goiitn in Htampe to Ciua. S. Fioa of tbo Northern Pauiflc Railroad, St. Paul,""Minn., and ho will Hond'you a book that rooouuts a alimb up ouo of tho (ji-iurloHt pealis of earth, wntton by tbo gentleman who made the ascent. Tlwi chapter on this mountain ia pro. fuaoly. ilhiHtratod m half tono otetilncca taken by a photographer who accompanied tbo party for that purpoao. If yon aro in. torostod onoufih in your own country to deairo to know about itn wonderful sooulo features, vou want this book. . -**.-------- OVERWORKED UI8 HEART. And Would Havo Boom a Dead Man but for Dr. Aguow's Uuro for tho Heart. Tbo whole trend of proflent day living is in tbo direction of the jjravo.. Where our fatAiuru livocl ho that thby might pro long life, tbo people of tbo proaont day live ho that they may Hborten it. It in nil hurry-hurry and tho roonlt ih that a laro poroontutifl of tbo raon aud womon on the uta^o of life are ovor working wlmt at any tlmo, aud under any oiroumHtauooH, iti tbo hurdoHt workod oraau of tho body tho heart. So long au pooplo will porwiwt in thin method, tlio bant thing they ean do ie to kocp aromody. liko Dr. Agnow'a Cine far tho heart, closo by,. This remedy is a boarb remedy only, but Is almost..mirabul.. miH in Its effete. In all basp of organio, or aympnthHtio haurt dlaeaHO iroliof iy so- withluiu thirty minutos, and' there arc weares nnd hundreds of people, In Oattidn who toB'ify that had it hot bu for thn prompt into of thin medicine they would have boati in their graves to-day. Srild by ,T. Thome. men wore an anxious for a HucceHsfril hunt as wo could doHlroj but tholr advica wiifl not alwayH Bound. They are Ukn children nnd think that If they havo observed a thlnp; onco It will alwayH recur. In my opinion tho sinister reputation which bus to somo oxtont at tached to fcheKa Arabs of Hlnal wince tbo traglo murder of PruiVssor Palmer at tho tlmo of tbe Arab I rebellion is undosorvod. Tboy woro probably Induced., by ficorofc mosfiflgoH from Cairo to rocfiird hlfl mlfision to obtain camoIn as an act of war, and tboy treated him and his companion an thoy and their people havo always troutcd their oncmleri. I found them trustworthy. Thoy rtrtvo a hard bargain; but, this ratified, tbo conditions aro kopt Fuitliftilly. Their goats nro tended on tho uuumtalna by tho uu- jnarriod p;iiifl, a sure sign of good niunnors My daugbttu's soon found that thoy could wander unattended formany nillos from camp to camp, Hocuro of nn unaffectedly flmclous reception from any casual tent dweller that they mot. Could this bo said of any civilized country on tho shoros of tho Mod11 erntnean V E. N. Buxton in Nineteenth Century Tlio I"lrnt Stifz Oanal, According to HorodotiiH, Imaruoh Nooho, 150 years hofovo the Christian era, com menced .the 'construction of a canal branching'out from, the Nllo and travers ing tho desert to tbo bond of tho pjulf of Suo/,. "Wbon about half completed; and after tho expenditure of nn inorcdlble amount of labor, "tbo work was abandon ed, owing to anoracln which tho king had conmilted warning him that if tho enter prise was would' bo' for tho bonofit of hlHonemidn, tbo barbarians, and probably entangle tbo nation In foreign complications. Tho work was subsequently cmnploted by Ptolemy II ami afterward restored by Trajan. Tho Grand- cannl was stated as boiiiff far siipoiior to any other canal In tbo known world. Iih bivadth was mich that two galleys abreast could bu navlgat* tid on it, and by It the riches and morohan- rtiso of tho cast woro convoyed from tho Hod sea to the Nllo, and thonco to tho Mcditorrancan. Strong opposition was raised during the construction, on-' tlia ground that, tbo land through which it passed being bolow -tbo level of the Rod fiwi, tho canal would bo tho means of flooding It. To overcome this dlillculty a rtani, or slulco," wna~placed across It, with doors which rtpound to give jiaws/igQ to tlio vohsoIh, and then wove closed ugaiu. After tbo hipso of Hovcral centurleo this canal was allowed to go to ruin, but ' tracofl of It still remain. Loiiginan's -Mugaulno. A Iiiinlly af riuh. A Now-Yorker Hitting ,pn tho odgo of a Binall Adirondaelc lake was attracted by a (Kihool of tiny ilflh that soomod to move In minarkablo ui\lon. Watching for a long time .ho discovered that tho Infant fish- wore guarded liy tho parontw, for whou- eyorfcho young began to stray.thoy woro driven back into tho school-by a largo ilsh on ono aide or the, other, imd whenever a btrango Ash appwuiohed, ono <if tho guard ians rushed ut him and drove him off* The watehor noted tho movements of Bovoral small schools for two hours, and vowfl that tlio little creatures were tondod Ukoa drove of ahoe^i, . Whitney block, Esse y. jeeex.- TENDERS WANTED. QKALED tondorn addmuooil to tbo uhdor- O alRnod and eudorHotl-'tondorii for tbo oroo* tlon of a Rratn elevator" In tho Town of Ehhgx will bo recoivoil at ollloo of Uiobol A Itrickor, Ebhox, until Saturday. 25th of January,' lfiflO. Plans and fipeolfloationn may ho noon at tlio ofUoo of tho umlurciiRnod on or aftor Saturday, January 11. An acouptod bar*lt ohoquo,payable to tho ordor.of Diohol & Hrlckor, equal to 5 pel- cent, of n in omit of tondcr, mimt aocompauy oftoh tondor. Ttiln oboque will bo forfeited if tho party doollno tlio oontraat to oom- ploto tbo work oontrantnd for and will bft re- tuirnod In cauo of non- ai-coptancoof tender Tho undorrdenod do not bind tbomuolvou to ac- oopt the'lowoHt or any tond^v. (SlRiiod) X)IK](EbA BIlIOKTiSn, - ___ In the High Courk of Justice, CHANCERY DIVISION. ANDKnHON VH. itKnniTT. UKET^ Wboat rod por bushel .,..' Whont, whito .... Corn .... Oats .... Timothy Seod .... Clover Seod .... Alnilte .... 60 to M to 1 1 00 to i i lay per ton...,... ,\.... 0 00 to 10 Beef per owt Pork , Mutton IlidoQ > Cliiokons por lb.,.....Buttor ,,.. } Lard PUBBUANT to tbo iuuRinont mado in thin VlUin ^nv ,lri cimno boaviriR dato tho StU day of Nov. '!)S, t^a! Por tX0 , thoro will oo iioin with tbe approbation of C II, Potatoes, por bnahol Ilorno, Judgo of tbo County Court of tbo County Onions of Ebbox, by DrdIoI Sinclair, Auotlonoor, at tho Abordoon Houno, in tbo Town ofUmiox, on Sat urday, tbo lat day of February, 18f)G,afc tho houi- of ono o'eloek lu tbo aftovnoeu, tha following lauds and pro in in oo, In ouo parcel, namely Tbo iioutnorly ii aoroa of tbo oaot half of lot No. 10, oou. <1. of tbo Towuoblp ot GoBftold 4 60 to 6 4 35 to 4 5 00 to f 3 7 16 10 North, In the Oonnty of EflHOX.moro parfciaular- ly known and tUiicrlbod aw followa Goraraono luB at a point in tlio oastorly limit of nald lot io, at a dlntanoo of ii'i oliutnii and 70 liulni nontborly from tbo north-went anplo of initd lot 10; thonoo Routhorly nlono tialit wostarly limit 31 cliainu, 11 links, moro ov iobb to tup nontborly limit of lot lfl;tbonaooasterlyalon^ Bald Boutborlylimlt of lot 10,12 obabiH, 77 llnlcn; thonco northerly and paraliol to said wootorly limit of 'nald lot 10, m ohaiuB, 51 Hnko, thonco oantorly in aotraicht Un 13 obaiua, 77 links raoua or loon to tlio pluco of hoflinnuic Tho property In nltuatod about ono mllo from tbo villnRo of Cottam. nix mlloa from tho Towu of Euuox tmd nluo milna from KfnftHvillo, and In roadlly acocuElblo to all tbo satd plaoeo by good vaadu. Tbo property will boofforodior nalo, tubjoet to a roueryo bid, whlob ban baon ilxed by uahl Jadgo. . TormB of paymsnt 10 por oont. in aasb at tlmo of oalo, and - balance within ono mouth tboroaftor, without intoroat. Xn all other voa- pootH tho torijan mid condltlomi of Rain will bo tbo fltandint* eondltioub of tho Hliib Court of JuHtloe, ITurthor partioularH oan bo had from Moayrn. RUlo & Kllln, Mo ii urn. Oloary & Hutherland and MoBnrii. lift* na Si Cowan, all of Win door, and tho vendorVe^olioitors. Dated at Windwor tliiflfltb day of Jan., A. D. 'Ofl. (Slttnod) HOUNE, Judflo of tbo County Oourt itl tbo County of IflflBOi. Olarko, Hartleb & Hurtlot. 2 Hi Vondor'it BollottorB, "Wiudfior. SO to 70 to 76ta :mta Know What You Chew 5 k Huq ApplQH .... TurnipH Oarrota .... Boots .... Parsnips .... Turkoyn por lb.......... 6 to Bueka .......... flolery per doa ...;,. i/.. 1 CabbaRO.......... '. VXlram \Talkr Jk Hon* JrlarUet tt*p. No. 1 Eyo, por buahel - .. 1 Oata .... " 1 Barley owt 2 owk Wo will boffin buying new corn on J .uary 2od at 01 canto per bttuhel for Ho. Tho above prioca ara paid by, H, "Wal Boos, Wulkwcvillo, Out. U free from the Injurious coloring, The more you use of it the bettei you like It. THEQEO. E.TOCKSTT A.SON CO., 1/ttfc HAiiiL-Tora; ont. t4V. & 14" I havo travollod all o'er this wlrl" world. I have waiidorod through every iii>no, With my jnpo and rav pouch in my fw\> For I'm fond of my bauoy 1 own< I baye umokod ovory kind of tobsooo, But tho brand that ih dearest to me, Tbo ono I prefer lo all otberg, . Ih thopluK that in Btarjapd *'T. 4.;B." I havo Htnoked in my own iiitiva itla Bvery kind that the Britisher burrj. Out Cavendish,' 'Golden Lsmf,' '8fciaff1> Vlrelnia,1 'Birdaeye,' ana 'JEUtura^ Veti; I've Btuoked every Hngliih |obifv But fipmetbin^! I yet have to see jy. . In a brand that will fill every longh " Like Ui pluK that is atamped "T, &| 5lliave Btookedjhe West. India. -Bjjbpb .,y.| Tbo rijudooOhotootsand Burmeie, .. have smoked . "Hubble.bubblf^;' *HokabB,' Lying &trotohed on divuna at my But I never yet fonncl a tfobaoop,' yfill In roy journeye by land or by net%iy$s" Tocoropttre with that- beat of all >^bc Tho pure, golden leaf VT..A B<^:;^S They eay tobacoe will; ehorfceD ,' ' J!" Ouo'h life, aodj know that is tre,; ' For oiioe wheial^an^hortoVbMioyv But I mean tK) take^^ior;;th1at|^; Tha^ ^? And intend to UTetr4y^pa4olli^i^N In a oaddy^of oboioe ; :^\:^ ' 0:\ /i/./"-'"-^ -^^'. w^.:/-.'.v^ ^V1^..^ m?.-<-;;?.:\ . ^ ' $b

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