I -. - * lltfy fct/Sfeld./ PFtKE ^RJtt,?s5 dThin sb. it Along-" Vanfca to order fov ftti.Oo, rotfulnr prioc ft 1,00, m Uvlvo pnttonw, ['wood Pants to order for .1.25, insular pnni $1.50, in fc*vdvo p iU)n', Black. Suitu to owlor for l!t.00, roguliiv priuo $1(1.CO, Tweed. SilJfcri to ordor for $M.OO, regular prico $17.00, 'LUvoeil. Suit'J to ordor for $15.50, rogulur pneo $18.00, Twood. Aryl ko on right through tho ontiro stock of Tweeds Wo areyxwnd to sell tho gooda^ they,arc worlh every cent of the regular price, but down to cost they como for 6f2Tl5ays. We intond this W li* a * o don't bo tho last to place your orde*\ but place it while the stock is fresh. Our lE^A-XVllji GOODS Are a m. ;T H B x^lA-IIjO x\j Dunstan Block. the Lriido in all ltindo of ._ luilding Material, Woodwork for houses, s> (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS .A\q nro^Bolo A.geutn in tbo County.for janes ^Sl^s^livxotcoirl. \ OfJChicngo, whioh took Ilightmt Award^at tho Woriil'H Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantea^Uh fvory Outfit. J. GOtmLAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT WE WISH YOU A A. nil ut tho Htmo Liino wuh U dn.v your iiUimii.kih i'> in* h did \y nloeti'ni v\ UaiHiiin, fJim'niiU, Pi mm, ttvi'i * it" ! Vup . i, Dm,, l-'t j ; (). <n , Lomo'iy, (JocoamiU till It m Boih, of ,ill !cm<h. On* lino of n- irlcory m 'lutlo (kLi'hmiv(\ Woliwi in i'i inlui o 'if IViiimi ^"l,i, IVt H)i,t', 'Him iSott-i, Inut ttctw ii l ! vViU'r-i j,i, i. vVu liw ali)|i I t-'i-ivnl t I'nw li-to.i of fancy 0iip4 mid Sucorn Ln 1 ,i nun- unrtnaiil a id >o ivHoittivmli of ICmviM, IV n ill ip) mi i m Wo lhWti II Hll!i' IHOrt ili'tit, of 111,* r ' v ' I I I I'i lidll y our attontio I i tfic I k-l ' i t v *. , > i now qui to a>i c\p m ivi> pi t -n of > mmi mj Ilia1 nothing to call .in 1 i"M> i>* hj 1 > in 1 j >L nm* pi . our prico". (Joint- m 1 ^ot Uimn lur yomsoll'. of V iii'-. Wi ilno Ii iv f L lllti J A j! 'OU')U of !j l nps UV t|M I1 1 >. W 1 I ' 'in' ) 'I I U I I * L11 I iV ' 11, L \ i * 1111 s i ' 111, r, i iiu y Mi "/" 'viM ii 'I ;ivu i.v.ij i For Groceries and Crockery. J'M WENTY- rOUR-=A UT H ORS. <i/. '.'-J/- CUAP'IKIt I-HY HKU'IX MA rnbUH. "1 I.M.I I, \." Il'l lIlMIl 1 V( llllll'l lf)\ I < II _f 1' , \ "i i u-u ill dim- H"\ i_i 11 iiu i tin rip ' (in our IhiL'cr*, \n i I i w\ ili , * * li< * i ini'i if i i n (.nlor, unil i c j Iv illlnl Id t n, t(Ki, Mil Uh 1 t>\ ii\, 11 > i tiL'i ' 'nit \w i i lm/ 1 ci i n I (11 i III t. - i\.i !' i In i (Ink Ih*- ti s mnl t,i d\, t, i li< f.Lin L 'mi fj| ifino m l*i sin 111 ciM el.i and it <n pti i m! in )k i up) 11 ,ii v< k p ii r il jtiHi ' )ii ii in i ip i in i-r 11 i nt, dchj'hicl rim ih. Vii* Mm il mi ih" I j> -'c|h i 1 I In1 I1 i .lu'ut I I'Jli I, I I U Y< CI i c V HI ' Ifl tin i. h to (t ui<* rctiiid, iiim ninl.n _; k if) ^ ii h'.'t*i V'U(I ii' fu t 111' pit 1 ill i t-i pit S t i \ ii \ Jtii, upon w Inch <i li 31 It {i m ii ' l il> >t (II Li L \V\ijii-i rln ii ['Hint: P m m d, m f in* i < ic d i \ < r^p'ii of ill \>\ i mill i I wo In i i l/ii\ s II d i \ld('llt U' " 11 Li I 11 "I t lit 11 (!". n ii ok, i hi a v ,m t \ <jf t i-ii,i I ' n Ml (I I op,i I 11 11 a hand, i in* tun-.! ill ! iliji I - I Ii' In |n(,' A lil'.'L'1 I ill ill t' ( ' U lm ill in til '-I in full .Mil -pHJIlt, Jlllll \1 ill d '"1 l.LI " lltlllo'- fill lllU <J\ l I III** H if)' \ tltlllif, Will itioil ,1 t? Hi I lm while tecili, and I n iiiiR w n li .i pio\w ^n t,i,iii U< pt the win- i ti> hi in in nun "I hope lloipiv \ n't jet Ii * pliti - Llll l til _l , UlU llloild IS i l,( t "HI fjl l\ U "Il t \V Up l i lull I II, .1 I >l ' I If I II i I 1)111 11 till I III Hi P -. 1)' -.111 "I 11 1 i I ii ii .tu..,. (I* m [( ' ' ii'1 -i i ii Mi Mi 'lii v (I I ic i/oi <i ! iki i i i(r \ i i, \\ Ipi 11" i in 11 ill mn ii d Ion lud hm lm, f T ill jil mil 11mhi r. .1 i u mum ,i p < \ n nri\ * \h i In iinn iUm nip > In- i> l,i 'm in j_n! "I I \ ( at ,|(^ ill ' -^1 il pi d ,\ "-pi 11 I 11 ff- ,n!i \un IhmikI In i. "I \ujihi i -.ii-Hi II "VI i d I ) III HUH iHl/ii t !i 1 ( il 4i Lt i i If !l , jl )\ Hlll'l ll \ ' I in ^n l I uiu i- t, a* I'll (l I ii <L h'lli III i' (ll ilk ii In hi , sin (-w itiij I I llfLl V' I ll Illfllllll til* I 111 I 1 I I (I I- I It > \ 11 _ II v. niiiu (' ur^i 's jiii i ii ) \\ Jlttl t illl \\l .'1,1 I l"l "sT T'l l| IH [ ! (1 i ' (I i h.j, I ui i " * t il\ ol t I) i III ^ [|l 1 -m t t il i>] I li n No iiu >, iu i i i n ti i in ti ' 'i '-i * >-> Jill lnnt; Inn ii ii iui a iii i\ i ot ni'> ^l\ 111^' L 1 lU-I l\ li | r t*t|* - , ImV ( Jill l\ 1 p III I III 1 tin | ^ i u I - IK Mjjl lit p lid I \ ,1 l I m n d \v.ls hi mi, .,> I I'll, ' -di! m nd, -i iln^ , Illll' IU1* i (ti N l.i \ pit.i I 4, i llup( "l , \\ lm ii fii'ii tl, <l\ 111 11 IJ III ll' I ^ 11, ' \. j. 1 .11 ltii .L Ult llUl , Ulld M'i.1 lltiU- HI [J U LlCU *i lfJH TUK TitlOMPII OOUN SITKLT.HR Thin Maoiiinc conaiBtfl of a honzonLal cast cylinder, with wrought ivot burn, witb atool teofcli bolted to the oyli idor an iih to bo rovoraiblo wbon ihc looth liocomo worn on the front wfV, /nnning m a porforulod coneavo iro iholl, which the shelled em'ii piiH-es Umjugli into a slioet iron onao, with t> an or clncner attached below, wliicli taltes all tho duati'iom tho firnin- Tin ^hoapost boHt, moat Himplo ami (Inr.jble Powor Torn holler in uso; Bholle :owi porloistiy olein ui any i-onditic n- whollin^ and donning from ono to two hounaiid busholi? of oars per day. according to power. Diwiinhionh. Pulley, 10 in, diam- ator, <i i .. Fiico; Motion, BOI* to HOo revolutions por minnto; Woh'ht, ISCOJbs EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED, J. GOURLAY & SONS- , ".lolls '" hllO -HO, s ll llif UP llll piH n a* il si i* 1 .\i <l i , i t\ tin i t \ (|- i jii. 1111 (| 11 , l 11 } "ill I I \ 11 II ,li I'I \ I I I I |l i '\ ilkt' llll I II .11 i - 1 HUM Ultt ' - I I ,! Id \ on U 'imi , I iii in i in t j, in i i in j i in ti d i iii. lln u t ui -i, i )i i \ <s ^') to him i h pi K i liioiL'i loolii'd .111 ll d it ll*' ^' Ml' ! round lo st*i n dl n ( i j. \< s ii" i d l'Ul u llf Hal i Vi i v ' rn V\ a \V ,i i t r lm tie I <>\ p.ill if |1" I Mill M| i lu i\ i . ill -I I \ 1 o will pi oh i l>ly 1 u 1 ti 'ii his <>u i I ii n i al 11 IP' C 111 IKiMiUilV in in i/i il "^Tmit fi( up'i* wiin c mi* hnic ntur, coim iigillJl, llll^n, ' I I ' ( > l' i iii^ii oi Ins whip uili' vie ot "Tin f'a (' ' L' IlLloilPMl ullO In \ ( 1 li I m - L HI! i )i, ill id 1 wan tiding to anU \ u h i fnn , if \nu*d ii md hm nnininK on r in li iv <-tj ii tl) s mO n in(4 'i lie 'iiifiKt tiUt i v * ii i i it 1 ist j i ir. ] told U1II) I IIIUHt UL <1 1 td) V, CUi.MCIlt, v< wt-'ro to jnclt hint up ontsiiiii tlin Pump room if yoii'm (jtittr -\u.\ i\> .ibii- " "In he ltit'(" Hiud the gn 1 dubintihh , nd fcidtng that hordrno \t ould he quiU-" spoil ed ' lie's nfl Hlipdit ii3 a poplur," iiilhI (irnige, Iiih fiu'o hghtiMiing up, *(und hu's a f ntli* limn, mm", mid you can't nay more tli.ui mat, There'll no tew of 'em about now a d.mi 1" PhD enrgo wan now completo. Tho ini'i . i dimooiw crowd that daily amteinhltnl in dnmsq the dapurturo of the cp.ith full b i< k, th homoB iitretched out into a, yallop, ,nd fjlcirtmg I ho tiotol garden, with uh Imi iifiin^ unatH, and ehouifid awiiin^H, joumU'd tho earner with a flouriflh, omoi g- nu; on the Htray with a munionl horn-blow- ini,' iliut inmlo HonnVi in the diitanco, liohl on hm little llmdiod fnb*?,td his mothct, imd \(iiiu thu bat he was no very seldom allowed r i mm. 'I hi' girl waved and Inssod her hntul lovingly to tho boy, and tho nigger appro J tHiiiing tln> compliment to iiinuiolf, ninl tioinpily roiiirnnig tho Httino, whilt) lie al^n nit d to comlnno huainntis and ploamny bliiitnig a ball, lout his balance, and Mil -down in a lergo puddle. Quaint mid vn, i 4 u'ci-is the napoi'tH of life nlfoided by tin biiity, tlm**iiirin8 pioco of ground Hdcnn-'l to tue townnponplo fnrovor, that in mum pnrta tilmoat ruAomblon a, fair; While in olljorfl, unoimit trof.i aliut in Htntaly hriu.i'r that baVB Hit Iho dignity and |louec of it oiitbydial c\ow.t .^^ --* ~- - In the'open h bind wu olavi'ni/. nteaui Ullirttieih \t t ll' pi iTijt nilllg, t-llinllMi pTnVfil, Old in.uuy c iclch d, plj 'i.'nli llm.it.ii], f<iliiii<'- tolliT pliitil their n.tfi, nod ihl coup * h h it Midi b\ Sldn 1 h". | Ul.lllH, .VilIliML' tlnini'lvtH in lln -itiii r.i.n ini'i*- in t'Vindih ijrfiuning SuK 11 ion \i in\ I i- *- md 1 hH w ( i 11h ri, com niiiiu^ pn i v nun \v < i li \l| I) till! Hi lit' 11" US Willi ll Is i dn :n lmii I'i ' a f( .tuiit-H of tlitir |f(.ilnn r<- I ,*! ill ,\ 11 I th Thoroughly Kugln-li v mh-, "i full ot i mi ' 'i 11fo, 'md uti ejii d i (n (i i 'ii .in) i In i nj'i \ ii li un.li a glor> of Si | 'i u hi i ..ii in '1 mium i inn t vi'ii u innu r 11 I i '>' <i m d to pi III i , 01 I VI II tl U'd to fll 111 1\ ' t-II iinn ii ii \ 1 I Hie to the I ' u l I i1 i > ui 'Mum "'t* n j i -it ti ii) d suddenly rotuiuH, in mil i h ,- in i ' i i\i d Iiu la nothing hi itf i Uh in- I ii m.ul " 'i in th- ittrp inolmu in Otoij, ' mi ii '~i _ 1', pant the Crown Hotel, Unit nliotll I sin l\ lu at the top of Ll l* hill IP t tin l.nuniii. mid Ho to Lhe ptiii[iro>in M III I I H 11 li l ( his li III 111 idal U I III 'llltM. s u}), i tiiiniitj tin ciowd oi pfoph, ii', ln\ nt: ui ml Uitn nauieutn don* h niMd*. nft n ladiuip and iTDsHipmg in trii'i Il.iiro i'ii it a-- i imi Ih tore i hey d input no 'I ii u i ih i-s not lake tho tiouhk to look at iii\ nt them not even when (leciigt i in iii in liit.tiid aji, "Hen, my hud " I In ii i in ih the Rt n'latioii nf u pi ih' n ii i.'li ^ 1" (uuh, iiu her Hide, ihn m a jh i t \ in in., to I hat ulio ilii'ltll) win** l < i "( o ildii I he go on your other side. ( - o ' ' ' \ i\ ^<iir\, Minn, but couldn't drm tw v \ iti d tilt ii die drawi h i nltli ik "i inlui h ii h in ad turntid amde, at Iter ii \ < hi i x I) fi How suing*) hiniHi If int< I ' ^n v- vi d i;hi, h ) ' nidi, that afior all tlitii is impl' ro'itn mid to .spin e, enpeci i)> h i n ti iiuHioilic L^ruceful dLHcriptinn o* urn hi nMi ii h\, tin* duve*. **11 V I l ill llll-\l in w ilim"" yln s i.\ ^ I i l,i i is I hi ^ i 11 lie ]j iut tin ln\ i ly l.ni;- A a 1* I.,ud' iii, md up the Mm p is diii i i I in- *-p , " W l\\ - ' "I i tifdi.is! I'i" iLb'tHsly txchurnt J a v<ii< i Ih inl Tlt'l . "1 . uik " *^fc -----------_ 'l'o Uiihact, putt ifi'id j oiiuii f-i"."." 'c i 1 id III to I'licli oilit i; tht n tin ^irl, m com i nig hertidl In ii i<li l "l'in\. hov. ihi you oniu lu 11"' "And ulnt IiiIhum \nii' In' iLln-r nl. "(Join U hat iiu* \on huifjiiiiig ui,M - lu nrxid ainlj'j "ha\( u'l 1 got ..m mi, s Didn't. lhi'\ diuih Out oh rait by tin. n mm lieud, and old port by tht gallon' And I'\e gut to puj tin plpt'l, fir 1 llCM'1 Ik il i of the lupioi hurting tin in lint i,dltin_' ot auccHtoiH I've got hiicii iv Uivnh iwn in till \oii. There la a frightfully fat, \tilga unman at our hotel, and you know iht n aiermly two things m tlua sinful moiIc that give nni leal hiK hiunbuu and \ulgn ity. Well, thu woman i'uvr for one miu/Ii uienl tetn anybody foigot hor progumtoM md hawlb out at the top of her dr-'udfnl \4jiie, 'All my people are cavalry jieoptc " And what (h* yon think* Her uncle iieep-* ii poik tdmp not far from here, no aitei ati i.Iu'h i *'tfectl\ light m her booat, only the e.n ilrv i i* PigH1" Vi ink laii^iitd. "YiiiuieiiH bud ai ever, I nee," he mid, mid i li* n glmc:**d at ihe dii\or, who Imd ii\t rind his Inmd as much an ponsihlc. "deoi ge, ' 8ii ul Ffiioila, putting a umnigllttU fact- lOun I his sljoiihlfr, "oniild j mi utiuld \oii mind putting a blL (if rot ton m oo| in i out ear on iIiih mde, heeinn I wiuit to talk to to Land 1'[uiiuH' I've got a bit in my pock* l wmiowhuc, 1 lillOU. (lonrge's fiico Jin ki-n tl, ai he expnnnt'd hinihidt quilo uiiniulh1, hut. was imliei fliiipiifled, iui blue Idoodi-d pi'oplc iisimMy lallc before then inteuoi, as if tlw y hail no more hearing and niidi latiiudmg faemtii's shaii tables or oluiii . Winn ilio wool was pinrluced out of a sin irt little packet, In [uoceuded to plug hm ear giave v, end even i mimed it down liai d to hhou that Inn iiiicntioiin were strictly honorable Th h IniHiiieHa over, lTmiplla turnml round mid ulunved a little l.niirhnig fuco that uiu md n> hnVo canglnall thu uuiihIuiio o( the day. iiyi-, and hold u fnt "I uluayn enrrv u bit in my poi-liet for Itnnny," nhu Haul, "uh ho guiN a tyiieh oi eittaihu iiDinoliniet. VVIiuI'm linn '! TJtecan huar us hohnid t OhV no, (he tint ol MU'hoiheH' foot iiwalhuMi up our vo ecu Let rhem talk. They will hay 1 picko'l you up'" "So vou did. Do you knew any of tht in ?,T "Ibavon forbid ! A woman, my dear, who never iillii n\ tht; dre-wlug loom with ihe other Udien," mud Vniiolln, ndndtly ininiioking iVHOUf female volco, "thire ttiuwi Tno HnniethliiK wrong about hat. And no them m," ulio added, below"httrhruiiih. >iid for a niouieni tho Ultlo fuco giew num. 'How is Itoimy T" smd Fruiik. "Ho ih veiy wtiil," she Hind o'diohalttiitly, "I'oor Wne in in, iBu't it a good job hi l m't a gnl V \inl lm liiuin" bt gun to (jroi ukImid lioiiid inul iiinHi'idliio yuL lm m n.n ii.li e, in u ' '." 'lln inoi li"i'n lovtt in lu-r rung out ti, ttinphmitly, and her f i *n grew vrry t ndn "\\rii hnMt urn h goo 1 i Hum I in i vli "i*, h HIK) t." i be Hi lit fill lift)*' ii\ ; lm I i n iiim imi l" dliA , li n MI li - i | hu i inlet I ati ill" pli^iul lliuinollt \\ i (' ih wn to thr St my with tho but mid muui|i and fomj/e round fm a m-iatin -uno- h look a hand in^ mil Lhn nl bin d i\ , nm toil ii ilU bdwlnl out a l>ui< lu'i a lni\ '" J Mink laughed, iinn Ai* I In" h ' "\ on an- (put ii in* in ul n^ * t'er, 'ho i> ii> , 1 "Whin in von toinpinion ;" "I limn , ' mi d I'i in 11 1 (aboly, "i bat nl. it dmd J didn I llVln polixli e() UIU n 1 he nlhei inn 11 h' f an n> t' o> uif'unt wi 11 t I n 1 of 111' H t'l,u" '^ "1 in fin Hi , lln ' he u iii.vniiidi nu Li d. So I led In 1 1 ht. ' ih <lui)<il, hirtl nip i>j Itiniirn n>h h it-pvfn 11 In Id who 1 wi^ h i rnant on ' I' 01 n 111 ihiv Willi 11 pfHiUelful of pi umo nni Inn nl ulnuiiids I11 auk li (>k tint hi id a idly "\V In w ui'i viui ho good,' l'*t nolh* *' hr k ml "\ on "'Hind In nil 1 nnlv.' "1 alwiiV" am,1 md I'i'ii da 1 ro*-iph dib 1 her * 111 h lu id * ii to in, no 1 i't niphui ha I 'i imd tc^iilta [\ ,n t h nin 1. I g ' up * ' 1 \* inoiiiin 1 il hii 1 si '-t \t n. lu n ' m'l of tlun ' ft' Ic li llll 1 ii'dinj m \ t-i u il iv iIlu i |i lie H'e p 1 pi l ilke ynli, toi t-V" and ever." She lUoniK d, fttid fnlnri " \)\l"llv, tlun diiMl'O mi acaiu hiiatlih -h " \ud 'd 1 i>ui no U tukni iinue time to dit n him" "\ u have no nurHO or nmid !" he . x cl iuw 1, in am 1/1 iiu nt "N 1," (die ripiiui with grmat Hangfioul "I hue a ftt'ii hind, mid no woman ca Ihiv e thai, with a h nule deli olive > 1 ippu up bio In 1 Ih, and weiring her kiIUhioiI. inijii \n I J lovij to wait on Kuiitiv ~i' vvumIi mui lit"') lu in, mid makii hi 111 h ' 1 mwut (If 1 outfit'" hIio nd'lcd anxi 11 1% 'Mil I1-!! t lll\.,l >H I 1' All---llll (111 I 101 )" ho'In* 111* t li is but lu- I'I pcrfi'l il> ll IpM 1 on in uid see u ( run down tin In to tho Pump loom, I hough v 1 v one has done hug bt fore \vc get llwii And then we 'at nuch a intul 1 i-t We've got a (icar liLtle fat waiti 1 who mmph iliiiiilii hiin-elf tn uu, and atiihi foi un ai the ivwi'bt 1 g.n' Hut ho had an aw fill ai i ident yi steid.iv," hukI Kfiirlhi, iiuinni trngif evei on Frank, "what do jou thiol it wa"" "Ifc foil in love with you?" I'VntiIJa i) 'gin to laugh 111 tint low giirql*- which wa*i ho like tin* Hound of a ehe*iful, ovei fell hrooh. "I>o you remembiT you aaid that .ihon inv handrfs'ior' And how I-end [ thou diT it won d reully have oonu' 1 \u apt r in .In end if 1 had mm rn d lihn' I ilujn thougln that rather neat iny J'lf But I lavnr (old '.on w h it the a* cidmt w m I lu In otto four lnindifd phUefi ycnti iday1' Vnry giecdy of him if he did it all at once " "It was all at mice The itr.ip of the lift hioko uh he vv ui hauling tin in up "Poor "lev it!' Haid Ki.uilc at)a ntly Tiny vvfiorpuie away from the honio now, and the busk, pnr< a r, the ple.ii.uu m cntH frnTminr hfd*;i*iuwi, and tin mvi t movi-nn nt to the minn of the hot m s ti t and 1)1*1 li ips ionic nt liei -hoiiii ot ot sit tmao Lion within, brought a light to Faioda'w f\'t% and a rosu<oft enlor tr hoi ohei U tint mail"' lit 1 aliog'th't tnch tiiLing .inn aw ret ' \nd I 1 <y, ' sud Fiank, looking at low 1.1'jeilv, .nni unu lliiuglv, an at luthldd'li li 1111 in u mi Iv teiu[)tfii him, ' "1 1 ynii I uk ro imv ot the fellow** -ii. the lint* 1' ".Vi, slu mud airtlv, "thei. 1 ilk to tin y in 1 iitt so : ml of nt **tiit" 1 iiu 11 rjoxtn>*,Miuin,jni 11 ui road, aiul blowing out hid] (due uli't ' W h\, I 1 th t mi?" cried. itr** \n 1 dm \t tl)i 1.v" "\\ Mil U 111 \t i,|. tl eoiiuii * \!' Mil 1M UiM,w, r >' n my I 1 iivi u wi .- .li. j 1 il I 11 il _Lljh-ti.ilr-intt-t .,v- hpl- l)n\< I [i 1 tn 1 11 1 did v 1 I in Hi ml on 1 ITT n nil I in 1 'I v [1 ll . ' iju 1 mi on t < v h ^ 1 11 1 I I 1. 1,1 . * 11 I * ll*M III 1 fill 1 I tl i'i ' I Mil I I III I 1 1 I ^ 111 not, ai d ".ll, 1 111' 'I -li I III u . 1 e 1 '. 1 ,v I! { S <l n 11 mo I it ( t in 1 ' 1 I ud Hot 1 It Mil I ,1 Ltl 1 I I Ui I 1 I 11 id I 1 111! [I III '111 I 11 \ nti 1 n 10 v h hi i in . 1 tin 11 I ll klM V li " I 1 i' lid, do 1 n' ' ll' 111' r, Mid 1 < V ri it i> jou I iimd ( ,\p ir. in n v. lie will: f) eik. t. lb ha? I e Wim. Tiiroiiiriil fid'owit frol ,1 1 .It.ng of til fat, httln tnal 111 white the til H e remem .aid i"*r ml , * tin \y In ^ oil i, 1 i)liii'.No doliu SUiillli 1')l1" UiiL I pi el 1 ml not to hen Stu i|ji u is oin* man whom I lalk to - -" " W It > is Ik ' -mui Fi ink giindv, ami lookuit; nl i iiilit lieui/Ltn it.* Imj ic. en Oh, nonody in p u tn uuu,' in hi Ffin lln r U ht_i i.tiull v, hut uiu ui Ik hn-ii mini in pli \v hir*,nnil H st fiis he and fifjiiin Ul' ! .11 Die I/, III UH<ll-> Ul Llll I'fllUll^, nni ,<n (pute old 11 n lldi i*io tho bin inter and 1 h ui i^ot (piiu pally " ! 111 nk uai mule a-* t flnti lit- ih ot a type I tather admtie, ' u\w sLid,v\nh.L sntipit 1011a initci in Iut vnui ' \ mi Ltiou I'i uiU, ' he 1 tit "1 1 nam iv 1111 pud' nt, L" >vi huh- faei 10 hit, * 1 alvi idiii lihe 1 d it L, tic ill Hhavi n ini'i)' ' J'1! ink hiuiii ll w ah txa datlT dnTt clean hii ivo n ih it u h Dunsihle to la*, 'led l nt ei 1 ti'Ms ol hi> mini Lit I rumbled at Ium and i citv, as In- nuued uuiiy. '"lie ted 'in uuh a dehcioiiH btoivvt 1 t* ida\, sin vm lit on, hei tacu, bi*_ahiu^ up nin uiinph ^ "It ujih about a little gnl U|ioii dnhi iiioiIui a horiid old uin m wisci'itu,' \S Inn the old Woman i^ol in to ilt [mi 1, the said tot ho child, "You'll 1 one ,11111 111 uif, my 11 far, won't v oil-'1 'On yi V s nd lIii chllii. 'Hilt \ mi don'I Lint i wluie lhvt ' '\ch, I do,' ami tbe i-iiild nodding '1 Linivv whoisvnur -ni xl ilooi in 14I1I101 WuoiHilnu ' savi the old m o man '\\ by, motlier ayn you ate in \i dioi t't 11 tool ! Km Fmnk did not yinile. It i'i luiioiis ill 11 u uiHn'a odjiHc of IiiimuV It) titiitally 1 ti Lncly in alitvaru-e when niatLt ru of iiurn 1 in pot t engiom htm, whileja woman's is 11-u ally a iiu Icceuent when traqedy m in th< an. "What do people think at, U10 hotel "' lit buiH< diit in Hie undertone both hud iiuuu taimd ihifuijjhoiitrthe onuvemation "That 1 am a widow, ' uiu; uud coolly . that is 10 any, if they turn up the hotel lint of vim toi h " "U hat name have you niHCiihtai "." he mud coldly. 'Fenella LViudi. I aupposo X liavo a right to inv ow 11 name ?" *' \ud the elnld'h ?'* "Ponny Onslow." "What an* wnn truaioea about *" he broke nut, wilIi Hiibdued piuision. I'Viiclhi Hhiuggod her toudor idiouldt 1, an*l laughed. "I wua twnnty fom \eini" old vustetday," nho said, with ajipMuntn- ridexiiiico ; "did you tomuinbor ?" "I lenieiuhu'i'd," ho Bttid curtly. "I'alUmg of truateea;" yhu -aid. "will \ou ever fortfot thetalk, and funti,and docu- meiita thtt dav at Carlton Ilouae Toirueo '* I t'ouldn'L hilp tlnnlting of Lady Onrolim Liitub, and how, when she und her husbanti whore required to aign tho deed of neriarn- unn: the [)nii of them could nowhere ho tumid' When dioeovoied uc hiut, Lady Caroltno wiih on her luudiand'n knee, feod- mg bun with bn ml and butter1 Ilut.thtiugn they parted, he loved hor all tho tirno," went on Fenollu, tho littb- mocking Voicf giown Hiiddetily u iBiful; "and it wan on bin tniihfiil hieuit that uliu pilloivml her dying head ai last, and hm kind votco thai npoil hoi un her way. * , "Yen,' H.tid Frank, in it Htulnpil volco; "Jier faultu were more of heddalyiu heart. Hat tiotnc women have not m't-n hearrn fin faiilttj to be biod in. Why, dul you do it_!n he mud Hiiddimlvi wit but. unfit before huT own eyett that lubdeieit him froin tieiniig the team in heru, ^ "Hi! OiihIow! I Hay, O^alowl" ahoutod u- voice that, itjuifttiti to comb troirt"litftf(Jft,p' thu homeu' foot, and , both the-, young Uonu]f Il^cpoJ jtfer lo see a fet little man 11Y .mi vi.run jy, : V IsMI i I 1' ill il it "pnng m'ioiiI'I \ mi li v 1 >i tin r> c II il }im li 1 <it 11 mit' il iiiiiiin- ru ii nil 1 - Oinii lu, tjiiili' 'Ifulloi, dai vilt-h! ' dttcv ntli awoku 1 ion) h ut md "tan '1 Jut 1 lu (jiuiii foigot'cn when 11 gi iy Hinnki of hi 1 11_> it i" 1 ! lm had 1 un j n 1, a i fi tun noino m ign- v pot, .n 1,1 I 11 uimg fin wi.i h losiiml woiulei fill t annul on tl luij i nl In 1 11 in tin itulnnd, md uo'v lie 01 > in tho gllld* n of t he hot 1 I, 1 II if ul of bin ixqumite visum b>' ftn f 1 mi* him a fit little man 111 while Un wi ii hoked very hot and vorj' jolly. I '.a\, Jacyntb, don't you reniemh' un"' ' .1 M \ nth did not romembur, at leant fully* II ha 1 a dun couiieuuiHiicei that ihc fit li ti it lii^iiri'cnight to'be familiar to him, but In could not remember whore 01 win. Hi had not quite collected llinvclf \(t, and he wai slightly aniiovul at iho niti n nptlon to his daydream. Atno h \m iittiove 1 at hi uitf uunoyt-d and hcimg -ilb' 'niipiii'(l hv mi linn: Nn perplr'cing u in -1, no luis ii-i 11,11 oad, no .Liiiag 'iiutic pidy had 1 \ 1 r In fii known to 1 ullll ('uhiioi' laivnth's imp'1 luihabiliLj. Hut tin 11 no Msuiii wiih 1 in ( ) ored hull ..ud ti i/t 1 i". 1 s ii id ' \ t 1 < hum into 1 01:11 wtl , him 1 \f look* d it 1 lm tat White hyiit uai itioul 1 1 in ! _o iv* ly ' lint I miv, h ing n dl, d u vnth, dfni'j v 011 11 ni' ml lot tn 11 11 m In in Cano, und it 11 in ni'.: gu bi ami r tn 1 a-' ' 1 h den, and t run und all tlie icit el 11 f Memory a(H* rtei' In 1 vu f in Jacyntb! m ml He did-lei.u tntict u night 111 Cuj win n a p iri v of \ nun Sin pheanl s hi I. nut to ->< ipiUer Can **iu slum '1 n wan of the pat t\; lu u too, Jacynth reiueiuhcrt d. nl, too, how htiLS'ly the uuh- man had joyed evcr\il)ing, from tho widl," eccentrieiue'i ot the dancing gills i th fiiiiifi ui tlo h ishei uh den, and ovnn to the final bcriininigt m the g inihliug boll, when Jaeymh by a, tuiu ly minim uavod bin fat compmun from huing linif'd by a Levan tine rogue who had bum duLci-tcd in chant ing Theie was an aw nil row aftorwiird; hf icnu uitii 11 (1 that, to ), ui I an awkward husiuchj iiL'fnie dm atithoritu'b next moining, luil the nam* 1 of hm ft it ndn am! bin mui U-^al n petal mp ^(titled the un Hm. \ n, hi' ielm n,li ml I lie fatjlttle man now, Kc got up with a funilc on.hi-* ,(huk, eltaw uhiucn fare and h(dd out 111 liuint "How a 10 you, Lord CaRiloton '* Lotd ( 1 ttetun laughed. That u.m hib w iy Ho went through lite laughing, an it eviiyLlmig were the best joko in tliti M Ol 111. "I'm ylad you haven't forgotten me," h ,-vid "llv Jn\ e1 \ Ijaven't forgottuu you) md that tuin of tho wrjat which none that L \ iiiLine dtvil'ij toothpick apinuiti^. Well, uid how nie you ?'* Tin in-'ii had ant down beetde o.ioh other ti tin gntbn chair. Cai.tle.ton prodneod n cii'tri-tte c.ii.0 abnoat aii fat au hmwo f, on Oinii a (I.unLily-painted billot girl dia- 1 mt d I y one " ho said: "thoy arc rlpfrtng. Ihni,'h.un Pasha ncnt thom to nicyhimaclf. lb- got them from ttie Sultan." I uviith took a cicaroLte, lit lt from the 1 ml of hii tiwii, Caut oton watching him all iiu turn with tho nioit jocular ovptnaaioii "\ nTi ic not looking, wry fit," lie uuifL " I hose confmiudod c'lurtH, I mtppnuo |ty ) rn ' I nlniuldn't liitf to ho a hvwyor," "Ot., Cm all rtgi'il,"Jaeynth Kind ; *Tm| not inking tin- \yjutnrn hero. My aintei* lives Inn' aim I'\e,u feitivu like nophuw. I mtlv I'aiin* In 10 for a iout X don't quite Limw why J eamo horu juat now though. Ktlll*'t , I Hll[)[)O30." vb ne upuhe that tuime vision of face und un und eyes lloatod up before him. 1 Casilutiin laughed more hoiati>rouBly than: t vi*r. "Ah ' Iviuiuot, the dear old wnjtl. I iiipp'iHf it*H fate that makca ^bR- mo' un, LhingH which we seem to do for particular reason," "Uua Kiamot brought you IieioV" Jacynt! 'iiirpuri'd. "You aooin fit miough at al fV.intH." "Fit. my dear fellow ? not at nil." It wan onoMUJ'aHtloton'a little jooularltlet with life to consider himyulF likely at any moment to b'come a eonllrinod inVulidl 1 1 uuu up 111 Hagdad, and I punV'd up an Luglmh paper which aid that Harrogivte wn looking lovuly, and aomehow I felt hommielt uud Hvetn, und all that sort of j tlinicr, 110 I juat cut the Uaiab and camo ulap l on here " "Do you know," mud Jaoynth gravely, "that thi'i'o are niomimu when I feel iiiiich more inehnoil to out tho We it und go, us yon oay, 'slap on* to some edoopy liliuuorn place and dream awajr tbo rest id my h(." & (To bo oootmuod,) FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. DUNN'S KINO THECOOK'SSESTFRIENO ,#, LAHQEST S*Afc N CANADA- , i^J 1 ' 1 ,1*1 '% 1 i1 Hpt.--.-W^**'Hk- .v . *. Hjt h [i ,1.. ti. < (it '"iWJ tiL>'-;