Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, page 4

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>; vr THE E^S&'lr'FRe!e ^RES8 ccarff Scarff. .1X1 ojS. Xmas. Fruits, - Xmas. Fruits. 7 Tlnlr. V!{.|ui->' 4 ol^hrudxl ' liliMU'i-Wliltfr, f. .iii:i .;, ;liii u:n) '/Ni'M'li*'!"1 ' *' :" <iiilnno\ U;iji>r)i> Lurii*' Out- 'a'lif J-ittiio'fi f'ommi'uH mi Jli.' Ii.-uli. I Jr.ti't hi l<l,;o, J HM:.iy. Mr. -Af cf.J 1111 vr:i.y !.. ]<.i:tftJ t.u i-fprfjH.-nt North i JMi.-ii'l") In tli.- crii fclvu r.'i rllnniriit. :i1'l..;r -n .; o!" Oh- livcll'ia pfilii.if:ul cHiiii'i'lf',!!-'ton iv- JjiiiiioTi, V>n.n^ iuul Citron Pool, I no finest Blue Frml by j Li..- .fl,n;:ion v..t- wi.u-h :m-..;:ih.i 'thebox or ih., (poking and table iifc'K, Walnuts, Almond* null ^ '\y;^^rVv, "v- U^!V:.^ Tilbuts. These ^ooda are all now, no obi stoolc. Finest stock : |J 'llt;;i> rl"" t-^-1i=-,in.. l-vi^wi!...'. .m . of Candies in town. Try our 25c. Tea. NTo\v Select Raisins, Now cleaned CurntntH, imported Mr. McGllllvray tho Choloo of . of the Elootora. CONSERVATIVES IM JUBILANT MOOD .r- v Goods ftsliveresf Promptly iliu lif-iui'h ; - n The 'Essex Free Vim FRIDAY, ]JECKMl\l:]i/jo, IHlKi. ^V^-fe^...... r THE MAY-OIUILTT, Thu Finn-: lJnii()U intimated Inat wetk that'Dr. Dowar minht poanibly rutin* from tlm mayonilty ut this elnno of thu pro hunt torni and that,, in tho uveut, of mioli a ntup hcrntrl-tr.U+-ii-;-h4uaaiJij:auLu-i:oi:-tUc-poiiitii)n . winihl In- >X <-fH r !i. -J. K. S'.oihi Mini Geo. J. " ThurmiH, lioth oi whom hurt itnnoiuicud luteiitini, ul beuomuij.; caniiidutOH. Tho uowh provud of ooniuduraliloiiitorcHi to JUhhux jn.'oplo, uinl Hinuii Unit, lium, otht;V dovolopn:cnt!i li-ivu Utki.-n plucij, und the outbok \u altered. A mimhui' of Mayor Dowar'n Ii-Il-ikIb IulVo cullml om ilia 11'uki: Pitusa during Urn hiHtiuw cU.vm, mm linvt- mtiintit.iid that, they \vinh -him lo rurnani m tho. liuld for uuother torm, anU coiuiitierbio prfciiDurt) Im.i bot:ii broufilif. to bum* upon tha 11 r. to i i.d ucu h i in to disuai d al 1 thon^liM of n-tiriht;. TImh tho Dr. hiiu about decided to do, utid lor tho proNunt, ut leant, ih to tli'i Ikdd, und will in nil probability bu a oiuidida'i; at Ihti .cotwuu (ilutltion. Mr. ThoniiLH is titill in tho liold, and will in nil ljrwbitbi.liU roinn-in , t!u;ro, flo Ima expreK:Ji:d hiiriHflf an d^siri'tis of having a cluun and iv.'iir.lfriiaiily onutoHt, and thum should btj no rciiHon to doubt that, with thunc two jjf.'iitlctrjiin in tho linld, tho on tohl will he conducted in a nmunur helit- titij.; CiUididui-i"-. for hul'Ii an liunorahb' pOHitinii. * Mr. Stone beliovt-d that two unndiihit^B will ive tho ritti-'p ivl'IH milliuiout material '" lo'ru, chojtu.*, ami if both of thu otlun* ('on I tlomou rt-'inaiij lyjlio lit:Id. ho will with draw from thn conttiHt. At present no other .'iinrb/ni'iu hnvc :u.< nou need thuniHtdven a;-. ciiiif:"tattjri Jur thi- pOHitibnaof it ovo and lU-piitv-rutw!, huld by MofiKrK. Laird and McDouga 1, both of whom will likely bo re-elncttM. ft in Haul a uurabur of vatuinuion will oocur on the council btiird, for which im dmbt plunty of elo^iblo candidatoti will bu found. New HiiixHc Works. Tho now linndlo factory hcin^ fitted up by ('- V*. Naylor, at hi- miiW Utrro, will bo in running ordof, it in uxpoctod, in Mm OUllTHl! of a COUplo 'if W(:i;l(H. SotilO pattfl of tho imw imiohinol'j hiivo arrived, and are bidi'itf jilcot'd iu p'^dt.on. Mr. Naylor expfct'i iri c, i nil in.; 11 :'*', ".rlv in Iliu new yr-nr, to 'uni cut bin |>ioduct9, and t lie now worliii will givu Htoudy it number of men. Worlui of thin kind aru tho pcirnanunt j Mi(i mil. > otupl o iiuliiHtritm if thin town, mid an it in j .. .,,...., claimed there- an ubundaiico of ^bod t'rnbor ' K'dmit . F*t.ilt in tiiiH locality, tho Town of .Knaox ui o'l'i'l'-'y likely to prove a run lie of inanufuottiro o* woodon ])roductw for Hfjiui- yun.ra to oomo, Tuials ". i'. ; v. I ii :i*pf* 1 'ii;.- In i m a.-, - Pulllii;; Stili'llvls (him. 1 ':> p 'iii::. ' n'i ... Nil. 1 l^i- j.'i - 1 ' < '. ' I'illll . . . ,"N'I. j 110 ::s 1- '. ,. ;-:;i .....\.. ;; r-;i 7 1;., ' ,.-..Mi. ..V... t ;;n 0 i;f .- .. .. Vi, ." U IV i;n ll.ocl; . .-......No. li ti'J ' 1 'iV " .^iiinlrrhntd N'ii. 7 I'j'.i ]'l 11 '" \ i-'.().i(;(iil'ti No. s li I ' 'J. ' 1 " ! -". No. it ;n r. :o ' - .....No. ID ir. '.! 1 r- ' Wlll'inl . ..N... 11 ut i; ."11 UU'K.V. . . .No. 1^ n , i>> KrMt .........No, l:i i^ ."0 " I,i';t!:i':ilf . . No. ] l ::; 1 1 "."1 ' f-ll.H'M ___CNl. lo i;1.* 1 *.l . No. li; i;i 2S T'i " Siunlfor'l . .No. 17 7s M) 1: M:.r.i....... ..Nil IS ijti S".l i:*; " Tov.i, H.Ml.No. I'.i 'Jii 1::^ L"i ' a -ii<.:. ^') ':' ! s: J , ' r.'i i- \"n.I- y N". J. 1 ::> Vi '-. 3.395. let N*iw^ ^tjviiui * >?&, iLfr W*kif ^*k ^^i/S, ;l~&%fo &^'iitf^\. f>-*r*fi?v,^C.' I'm K~ht-*SrV^.fy *JCI-4;--ir,3' ^^ji.t-i-iu^j ^.i^fiy t.^^J'^rJ>. To our hoHfc of friendH lUHl.jmtrons in .Uih Town and Comity of Kmox wo M^m our sincoiv ihanlcH ior the vury liljcrnl ]jnti(.uKe.w].iidi you lutve aca)rdo(!i:i;:;^|._ yoar now drawing to a, ,j!ohu. U Iim.h hem our coiihliiiit iiim to supply ou.^^l^lSjl )<).-,sihle jir:r<-\ r.riuo om: * IToi-ts nrtMinni e^O-^i^sX: iivttt clfiBH L'j'oo'tit-; at tho lowest. }: inir ) liy the hirjro ^U-iuIy incrtn.-m in -mm hu -ir^: i: \V o hopo ]>y eonh'Viuin^ in merit :nui r^oei^e a ntilJ larger slum' ..J'your (i;ul in fclio future. Our Annual Stock-taking' Sale Is now on mitl wo invite the lad ion to enll und see what we are rloing in fine Silkftj t>ve Goods, Senletto Mn.ntlu (JlolliM,-Kurs, IJndorve.stH, etc. GeiitJetnen, it will pay you to u vestigale if 3011 need a suit of Clothes,. ()vorooa,tH, tShirt-H, Tien. Gloves, Jndurwuur, a m Persian Luml), Yur or Sealetle Cap, or an extra, lariro Rohe,. Many liuaa are ffclTIgfiolcH j greatly roduced prices. "vViwliin^r yen a, Merry ChrishnuK )ind a Happy Kcw Yo/tr, wo remaij Yours for Bargains, J It.Oii;i .........No. *j:s ' 1 -. :i II.iM '>o 'jri .M',,:!i-,,ii i'.r.icol.ilo. Tho hiioccri- uf \!l. Hiioh ihdui.trif.'H will proyo of ;:ri'tit ino.-n-i-i. ;> Lh-j Trnvn ol ]*li.HI'.\. . N'. .n... ^r No. "JS .No. Hit Nn :,.i No. :-l N ". '. .'1 ' No! .".n .No. :;t .x... ::r. No. :; :io L1' l-ji 7L iVl y:.::i i'.i ll::iir. i! ... iMii; iliii i::^'i Jiri- 'Uiollirbil; ');:]:!.-v '. : yl ,:-i. " lill'.- ii.i i ) p.-Il-I 11."'^. L';i im iii^inn, L' v. ild v.iib vji'i-iiv Molili'V-.'d b,.' Major Jidro A. Mo- ".; illi v! ^v ;ind 11;-.- i tlvc piiriy in INlii-Oi iMii;i]"i'i. i'!i-> ilrst return l<^ oi'illi- In v. bs -':l i j:; 1 n -,r in, whb/h almv,'- L-d a. ii.:i..i irity m' ir> :'or M;i j<u\ Mi-i III- IVlovinu To SJssox. Tin* Tii.iot-buru Olmtrvor of hiet wot-h oontaiiifi tho following il.oiuH; " In auothor part of tins papor Iiarrotl iV Co. rnaUu an anuoii.-oL'nioilt that will nor : Uvr:;>N.. Thi.-: i- ib" lar^','.*.-:i "oos.-rva- ,' ' >! l.r.p ! :. ,-tl\-.- A.:' n i'i- ; -:"M. '1 hi- l'.| ' 1 LI I )'T~ i :.; :iitit,-s l.'i-^.in to eonio In ] .':!oiit ii o'olork. :iii(,l ay o.'ioli roport i . ' i.....ili'il Iliu (itb'-r it . on'ln'cnnio ovN n r i:!rii tho i',oi:-- rv'i.tivo o.i mliibitc- i ' : end' by u bi-.: majority. Wbrn , i he lii;ui'i-s .sli'MV'l *."'iii of a majority ' J"'ir .Major Mi" Mllivray tl,,: onl.hindaHm. \t*>f lib; suportw!-. ':!. v.- no b-Hiiui:-:. A To:-ohli;vlil iin" - >. Ion w;i I'ornit-d, ami hi.' ahr.'f*NtlnT filcanant to thi' citi/uiif-i of TiUouburu und thej farmornuf thoHiirrumid- iiiK' tf-rntoi'v who havo Itmrnud to ro^'.rd tbo.Bari'idt Hah aud iti) pushing ootci'pii:;- iu^ .pi upi'i"! or us an iiidnp'-n-; dilrj pitrh ol' (jf ibtj to.vo'fi ooniint.-rui!il lilt:. Mr, ljariuti, aftor living and doinj; bu;iinf:afi in Tilon \mra ni'iirly a qnartur of acunlury, him, Th(f Olv.oiyor r.-oj-cLH to r^-jurd, dfiowljd t'i in uovc to !lu'-t-'-l"1 h\ .,h' l iU".<'uh Lund wnid- ... i .I ' ti-'T11"1 tnr' i>"'n'jp;i] rttro.d'i, tin- j-.n-ml-r- nijbrauob linMiic Ir, ,u:d Dr. a i;uttor a-- bi.'ory , I, ,-,.,-..o, :it(ir(- hitH SO I'JIlt; l)0;:ll Olu: of tl'u tOWn'.S j ' Mllo.'ld'- brill" , , , .. , ' Ijv about bi ni'-i iimar. importM a', ilry i/oodn d.iiabhslmiotttn , (>> ("limlirvton that it-i oloiiii;; w ill ica/o a (front j^ap m j lion I; 11: i i in n poll: .....,,,,; Uui lankr; of uiir bu-niu,^ in^itiHioiiH, ami I \hn Coiippi vnCv- h r.v ]y colo*>rr,t- thu fvum bo ru|4ai'.ltid uii nuLliing -hurt I ,-(\ In t)w rldinrr. ' 1 U ml; i-.->- ;Ir,. }\1,-/M\:j;, of n miaforilfnno. 'I'lio bnninea^ will bo j nri<1 hmiiln-ds :i'i\- i.;ir;o!i:i- tho str.--t.s. LrauuffiTod tn ICaaox on tho bit of January, Jliirii School Inspectton. Provinoiul Inspector IIodjiHOn paid an ol'fioial viHit to tho Et-Hox lli^h Kchool. on Mov. i28th hint, and haa juat made h\n re port to thu Covurnujeut. A copy of tbu report Iiuh been transmitted to tlio IIi*;b School Board. Under thu heudini; ot acoommodatioiiH, tho building mjuurcti tho hi^lioat rating t;ivou, whilo tho (;onoral nurroiindin^B aud fnrmoluuuaarG rated "fair". Huatingand yontilation are rated "had". Thin ih an important mufctor, and Hhotild reeeivo tht; prompt uttoutiou of thu Board. library iu yahiod at 6;f01,2^, appara. |a,81, mtipn, loboB eto., 73,11, gym- aud equipment 0818,00. The luipraont ih thun valuo3 at tU18G,(iO. [r tho heading "Charactor of the ^," ouch uopartmont in j*radd aa tho beat gradiiiK j_ivon uny. taff ia reported an "loRitlly quali'. id tho dihGiphno oxcollont. "Gouorat Ilomarlcn," the Innpoot. Lr k,' >..^: ic>J3tcolloiQt eduaativa work. Tho number ot dp.Ufl and of mibjocta ndutivoly to tho ulabor of tcaohera, is Jurgjo; hi fuot tho hree man avo'iloturi tho work of four. Tho niteofl Boom to be alivo to tho ,require enta of tho ucholarfi in tho matter of Uipment. Tho vaport ia a vory flattorinj* onoF both .thn work of tho touching ataff. aud to be mauagomsufc of tho irmUne board. A. Ronuino ((hoH'Utory hau yut to bo at- Bted ; but not bo a ^oouino blo-.-d puritlor. Ov*r'ftfti o,*or atfaiti it him boon pioviI th.t Ayor'a SaraaparilliL Htanda ulouo auiouy mediomoa aa the moat tollable touic>al(.ut> rttivo iu phatdjaoy. It stood aloud at tho IWorld'B Far*, but, in tho inoantimo, Mr. Uarrett. who ha> always bouii noted hh a bargain-t;ivur, 'wih e;ive the people ho Ima ncrvud no many yo.'ii'iH il ohaucL- to out ihoir winter aitpplios ut priui-ra tbat will compel tbi:m to ro- nicinber him hh t: buuofaotor, and u record biviikiii;.', H,i!o wdl l>o oummeiiu^d on .Sat inMiiv .i.(o] i;ontiiiUed ibrou^ti^uL lIh- iimntli. i-Ivii ! '. line nbould i end tin* mam- [-----......"^fHf'- ' SING- LEE. Cor. Talbot si.and Victoriaave. Tho lateHt improved , machinery for Ironing Collars ami Oaft*. Will not onu-li/ or bruitk too winj;. / Fiinidy work tdieap. Parcel;; culled for and dotivijred. PIohbo call and try. If not satisfactory lio chir^o will he mado. If one work Huitrf you, recommend ue to your friendn. erry Christmas i'"l" Cilo'i- ^ 4'Oll.'lirl)-1 k, T!io Clli'ljodn co;iia:fn;.iP. on tin; rc- Hlilt y:i\'i\\ ------ ~^_ _______ Tlint ilio coii'liinoJ I.P.-nil nndVa^- ron voti-. in North Ontario was lar.-^- r by Kt-vi'-nil htni'lr-.-dn Limn ibnt iiuIUm! for Mr. Mc'Vili vi-ay 1;- a ffirt. that :.v--- rofor toby way of ivarnin:; r;ich(>r thai* oT, ina.-much .".:-, c iijiiir'i ion ol' iim.-t;Lrn" \yo:iM | ' '. constiiur'iM'h-s \-. f:rTi; a niiijori'v , j electors aru' oprx'i.sfd to tin- i-.ohi \- o; mull, advorti^iuoiit'nj thn. pan.,; that trho ( ovr!'IIi1,,""'n.'-. A" >}1* 1VoL"'s l"'11"'1 . . . , . l : for Mr. (illk-yiiw- mnl Mr. liruudoii ! - t;ivi?H -hu p.irticularHOt thM Mule.' ! pi-!, out fohdcrwu.-ition of tho. <bvofn. nu-nt'.s laritV )ioliv, condoiruaitlo: of tin.- oorru]itloh nnc'l i-.\trav.t ;ranco of (hi.- Conservative r - ;;lino, coinK'nination of ibo ]- ! icy of cooi-olon of Maidtnbn., yr-t ?:, tho f;ice of tidy popular tllraiipruva: tho CJiiVL-nuiHM-it candiflato . ullps in. and tho CJovornniwU will be obb- t,, hoapt of a victory, n will matter lilt!.- to tboin that tin* principles they re present aro r-onde-nmr-d so Iouk as they have Horurod tho eloeilon of a llexlbh- supporter who will follow wherever they lead. I'rineiiiles were thrown to the winds in the election. Mr. MoOilllvray v,-ri^- tfled out or a doelnrntlon on the sidiou: 'ine.stlon,-iind this eimbbd his canv;::; erj? to say in one place that lie would Support the Oowmniont policy oi coercion and in another that he would oppose It. This deception wan prac tised until tiie last hour of the elec tion. Mr. MoGllIlvray'H friends even had tho effrontery to deny the report of Mr. Clarke Wallace's resignation, and !t Ih probable that a lurpro number of Conservative votew wore cast in iKiicminoe of. the.fact that tho Control- j ler of Customs had severed hla cornice-. tlon with the Government, on account of tbolr school policy. It in dllllcult to Ku how this double Gi-me can be played In the coming bye- elections, but It must he borne In mind that tho Government und their friends am pliiylng; for onormous atalces, n.nd will leave no atone unturned to save thcnifjolvofl from defeat In any of the remaining' conetituc-nciCH 'Whatever may be the effect of the bye-o]octlona upon tlio parties, we hope that we shall noon hear the Inst of the Mani toba school querddon In Federal affniifi, North, Ontario has pronounced agalnot li in the emphatic way; that la as clear im in the fact that Mr.'Mc- Gilllvray Ih elected. Has left al tho Essex Medical Mall a great variety of funny Goods in Plush, Ivory, wo'-'d Leather. Mirrors, Piotiuo framos, Books, Dolle, and ToyH of all Borta, nil sold at fclio luwost prioos. G A. THE DRUBQIST. Vir Ini" o. Iht Ihirrlrfiim. GloucoHtor, Maflii.,' Doe. 12, ^V do- spntch received hero from St. I'lVrw, Miq., nays' a hurricane of groat vio lence prevallod there to-day, .doing tre mendous damagcf to uhlppintf, und tliat the HChoonorgi Mnhol It. -Bennett, Hat- tie D. Mnnot, S. P. "Wtllard u'nd Jn- nie Scvernn, belonging, to. thhi port and onciged In tho frozen herring fishery, wore driven ashore und will probably bo a total Iosh. AIho, .that a B*r<mch atcumor wa'a driven aahoro. The vo- hcIb wore among tho flneat Bulling from thin port. The crown of all were sav. ed. >;' r/, nlUrOHilml. . ' MoVean's whoel factory wait burned this nwm tnit. ThelOHH will bo heavy, with no u.^Uranco. >. 'i' DtJisrsTA^ block:, esshsj:. NKW ADVKirnSKMKNTS. STRAYED. . v'to thk rhi;.MiS]-;s oi-* tiih t'NDirrr "1 tiifjfiHfd, lot :i:i iiiid .'11, ciriicr S.-M. Jt , Cub chc.iii-r Niyrlli, <>n uruiiiini [ji.- i-,; V-i Hi so* -in hi-1 liiiif., (tnu yoiirbiif! lndb-r; - i(>t t i'il,"'n-i1 und white, With Iliu licek nil red. 'I im uwiicl" in Vi'iiHUMlnd toprnvu property, p:iy clmn:'"* ini't tului nwey. H i T. CouK, Iv.titj'x V O. STRAYED. r.\TO I lie j n iniM'ti of ibe nntifrni(.'in'il, lot .ill S. M ]t., Cfiicbei-ti-i'iVorib, (Oi or idjtiiit.Nov. 'J Pit, bi fit, it i-in ill 1 yeiirl im on II. dull; roil color, ']' lit; owri-r iit ] tpit' (I io jiiovd i*vop*.-rty, nay finii-i;m; mut itd.'u liiin iiaviiv. J- KANCIS SWI-IKT, h;l' :'i.i. i-!' ". (ie.-t:: P. O. STRAYED. /".? AM E into lny pn.-iuihon, lot 1, con. Ti, (ioiilleld V_-/ S'.uili, on (ir ii lf nit Nov, I iit hint, a rd y-n.r- bn^ bcilec. Witli u tittle white. Tlio nwhnr in rripu'fitt'd to I'l-ovu iivoj'frty, pay eliar^uH and tiilio lior ii way. .UJIKK MAStt/.', Om:. :.. ls-,.5. Kll'cni P.O. " ~ estray; """". nAMK tri my pi'ciiii'ien, b.t JO.K.M. It. tou'ii^liip Vyol (.'ol'.ii.-.iiLi' Nori.ii, iihi mi. !)(! *. V, omi 'J. yunr old nian iioiliiiMvirh uwaui-'n niarlu,, niiu y'uitr- liiti! Imll, rod und white, v.itli mailif, one' red > tMirliin; I'lill, omi yearlnij.; Hti'or, rmi iinii wliite, with uiiU'Lh. OwiiiiV i* reoanntcd to provu proinirtv, jmy oxpeiiKtin mid tului t.l run ila'hv. .IN'..'.n, l)o. U I-'.m, fiin'.i (ieiitn 1*. 0. NOTICt TOJjBEDITQHS. 1")i;ivaiaiH to an fbder of the IUeh Court of .lusiiioo, Ctimicery Division, miulfj in a Riuihu, Aniloihiui vs Ulerritt, tliu tiruilitorii cf Kb jab Ifarvoy iMnrritt, late of tuii 'iVnv'iiiibip of Joj-HoliI Ntirth in tlie County of Khhhx, Fanm-r, who diotl on or about the Itli of April A. I). IfijjS, nvo on or linfoni tlie-Jinl iln.y Or-Oannar/.IMili' to ..end iiy ;:u^: pivrp.-i.; :,( (Jlnricit, Puvtlut it Hart- tiie L'i'.y of Wind for,.tlm Hilicitorti fm* tlm I'liiintijf. tbiar Oliritit bin und inir imiiHii!, ad- ilr. Hht^H iiiid .iuvftiijiiioh. with lull imrticiiliirn of t iinir e'lauiiT', n. st.atti:iie.iit of I iiuconrttn and tin-, nature ot ilu'ir .socnritv df niiv) licltl bv tlmii), or in il-'fiuib thi-n-oi thny vill Imi per- eiiiptorilv i-XL-bldcd fioiu r!ii) beiieiitof tlio Haid order. KviM'y lii'i'diliM- liubiiii}.; iuiy tiiUTiiriLv. iii to produe.i- the naiiitj before ine at my CliauiliorH ut, tin- J-'letipti^' Jllofd; in tlic city of Winunor on tho Hth day nt .lunnary ll-lJuat tn o'clock ia tlio forenoon, bnin:; the tnno appointed for adjndi- i-!itioii,c!aJdi,ii.tdaimn.------------ DiitOti this, Till ilny of Ditcombev lfe'.rT, ::50 Hi (nifincdi C. K. noitNi;, .Itulfie oi Comity Court of County of Ehhux. Wo are selling Gondii cheajier than any house im west, in Dry GoocIh, Ilnta and GapR, Clothing, Boole Shoes and Grouo'riea. Wo are celling Dvohh Goods nt cost for the day a. Ladies' Vent* for "25c, 50o, 75c, $1,00, allworl Hoaiery at. 25c worth 3ijc Gloves for' 15c? 3 3-5cv40o, 50. Boots and Slioos away below all others in p} values. Men's Gloves ior 50c -worth 75c, 60c worth 904 worth $1.25. Suits from 3.9o up to $12. Over, 5.75, the l>est-value over shown in Essex. Groceries' 5 lbs mixed Candy tor 25cj A Iba ne' 25c, or 8;\e lb. Every peraon who tries our 25c Tea mya it is til in the market. Gal) and try and if you are not suitei refund tho money. We are sole agents for the SalnJ beat Ceylon Teas. si price paid for proau< GO TO THE Vance's Old Stand, 7W ^^^^^^^^ ^PPlWi..W^-l>.W^lJ^^..1^.r,^,>M> SOUTH WOODSLEE, For Heavy Overcoat^ SnitFi, Fine Pantings, and TJnder^wear. To Smokers To moot tho winhou ot thoir ouitomoi-Hr Tho Goo. K.. Tuokott A Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont ,. havo plnood upon thi> raatkot A Combination Plu^f of If "T & B. < - '; SMOKING TOBACCO 'This HuplpHos ii loug io\t want, giy- injir tno conaumor opo 20 confc plug, or a 10 confc piece, or a 6 oolifc piece of llio fatnons fckT & S^1 brand of puve Virginia Tobacco. The tin lag"T &F is db every piect /" ' No Snaps but BeaL Value Greater Bargains in useful and ornam/ental Essex county's history. We are the price makers for all dealers in. A solid polished Oak Becker,- spring,'seat,":<jj! 500 fancy Rockora and 'Setting- Ghaits, of mi and thousands of other useful -articles at) Eemeiuber a car load of Furniture tonparatiye^ fenaoies us to spj factory prices. / V , ./".rxl Our Holiday Goods are of the best in tWuiarkefcf * '.'... .tf Opposite Crawford Souse, "WTip-lJve upon heir merits, and'iio :., pii"'tiieir:..creditors/'- >^:'%ss a3 and 26, Sandwich at., WindOTjM 1 ' j "L' * K* ', i *l *T*V*1 ... ' :^^ :i. !,- r> : i. MW*hTh ?*<' ."-i>-V.vV-^%i?^H si- ' -' \-.\-i-\^:,\-y\"^i^k^^ 4832

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