Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, page 2

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<THE ROsCi* F*P?F^' F REE PRESS IBB3C. - OlfcTOV PTshed Every:Frlday Morning rrunCtho cffloo on Talbot Btiuet, next - JDtini.fnj] lilnuk. ti|JUOllll attention in paid to tho publliia- tiou of muUm of local impoitunian ncaar- fcfcuiuul rViablo roporta of Town, nui-'hbor- ioti Xowuttup and County Counml proo*od inue, local mid county market ruparln, oLo tbocarofu, and judinlnua miomi!<*mont ot Tua Kiucu JhtrHH, with respnut to Ihuso and othor currtnt muttera of Jooal niiiwrtauru, lmu^ivow it a widoaproad pnmtij'fi ni ilui oonlroot Wiihux ootinty.whieh in uoo^nl/ed i uu nun of tliu bent aipiuiltural duttnot i in ' Onliuio. Tun r'ni:i, Punna jh Lhu onlj medium oiruuhiihig Uiuiou^hly in thm central portion of tliu Cuiintv, and ia con Bequaiitly.withoiit doubt,the-only thoioii|;h advurtiaiug medium for biiameita pooplu wiHhmj; to roauh that china of ountomorn. (lonuntiVOMUKNOA. L) Our oolumuH aro always opoi) for the peaucahlo uiaouHaion of mallow pcrtniuin- to tho puhho wolfaro. Ablo corroapoiidonts in all tho aurromid- bog looalitioH furnish roltablo reports ot oyentsof iuto-oat, occurring in Iholrsovortil )r7^ uphoroH; aud tho publisher ih at all j-iniop ~ vjjoasud to rouolvo InturoHting" ltom ol *-m from any dinpoiiod to forward ** JH. ~* I o6inmutiioatio)iH of a fleutisl naturu, uhould he outside of thu envelop' / BUimauii'TioH mi por annum, Htricil^in advance, Milium if nob M paij; ana ftn at that tj/jo. and municipal advor* _"tioou, oto., charged at a ralS'urrtou oonta por lino, lot Aral insertion, and five caute par lino fpr eaoh Babaequent insertion. All such jiaSertiaemonU aro mouaured by a aoalo of twelve lined to tliu in oh. t LoaaJ reading aud othor notiooa pub. Hahed among local uows matter charged at *tbe rato of ton eonta por running lino for &oh inaortion. All notices of ohurch or uooioty ontar- tamuientn of any description, at whioh an adtniHFiiou foo ih charged, aro regarded an advortiRomonls, and full advertising rates churned iu all auoh canon. Notice of gath erings or mooting not for pecuniary bono- fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully publmhod froo of charffo, Spoolul ooutr&ot ratou made for display r Htanding advU. All legal orprofoaaioxi- al oardu under one inob, 55 por numito. JOB OB OOWWKROUIj fKlHTIHO. Tho Fumm Vwmh Job Printing De partment in u n dor tbo BuperviHion of thoroughly oorapetent moohauioa, and upooial attention in paid to, thm branob of tbo trade. Our fuoilitiat* fortbooxfloution of all Jtiudu of BooH and JTinq Job Printing aro unoxoollfid, Stdttnj power pronaoa. A call HOlicitod. DOfllHMBi llErtrjLlTlOMH. AH Jib Pvintiug and Trangiout Advortiuing uocountu, utrlotly ouah. Advortising aooountn with regular lfctronEi aro Bottled qnnrtorly. Sub- oriptiona duo in advance No nabHoription to tbo Fnnw Parrs, or advortiRomont publmbod in it* columnu will be diBOontinned until all arroarH aro paid in full. Chan go h for adyortiHoraontn, to eoouro iuKortion in tho ourront iusue. maiit bo handed in not later tlmu noon of tho Tuau- tSay preoodiogi and notice of huoIi intond. d ohango is required on tbo Monday pre ceding. Notioo of difloontmuanco of Rdvoitino- mentsmuat bo (iivon at lount one wook in advanoo of tha ieauo iu which] they aro depirod to laut appour. ADVuntiixito, anbMOtiboru and patrons Generally are raquostod to read tbo abovo rogalationa o*rofullVi in order that confusion may be avoidod, as they will in all oauon bo adberad to.. AddrodB all communicutioun to U. Of, LOVKK.AOF, Publlihsr tho Ebkiei tfnuu Pjiwim, Eaaox, Ont THE NEWS By CABLIi. An Agrioultural Partv Form|rp for Parliament. ANOTHER APPEAL OF AWHft'S lti Murk of llvit rmliiii(l<Mi < Mitlluii l>iio|M tu iU\ si-,lntii Mi i * lliiwi llit(M\ii l\m llxii* Lin.- l> I^diiiiir' >l London, [Vo, l^.^Thi' dm u i v.illv new pi i , ,u(i c in m hi In,, ,i ,j t 'I l! at llio di (1m itlim .i' 'tin u plot Ml.m h mil hi l.nj il s ill tlnii \ i i Li h!.i'I lie UUtht Hun . .iilk m i> ulp i M l* . <*on urn i , \, ill jfu ,hl i I uhlli i mil i i jh i . , , ,. i ilnj tn-i|ioi i u\\ u [| h l'i. i,1 ' i , i lt.r tilt il(lii|il jo,i dl I \ in tt.* tlllll "111 \ il \\ Ol tl.l LI I I U <lt tinn ni a' i u iiIliik uiil ... - a iL.uii t ilHllI till" " tu .lirilriiiinriil r.ivn .h .'a Llinnni London, Dim*. |i-Thc ^on- iri-OHM Of till' N |'j ill 1 \/ iMlltlll ' L.'nlon nu t t(t-r|,iv iitiin i Lin pi i i di noy ol' tlu l.inl nt \) n i h>l ' n A IniKi' tiuinln-r ol (Vn; /1and nwinln-1 iiont. tt iiii\ i jiu i > oT j> u II '-.nt nl i\ t t u iu**' rc'olv i d iiont. tt umui iiu.'Lirimotmlv n^'olv i d to form an :ii;i iojj'ftuinl pnit\ in pa.i - llnment, tlu* pn/fpn-iieit of which uio to mi^t* Hit* CJovyJiimcnl toitlh\c land ol UUcflinfali Mliiu, of ili- publn' 1 l, tt) U'- nljust lll( 1h'( 1 ilul n fnvor ol/ l!i It 'Mi M"\. n h.uh y md hopH, nml (to Inti'odiiti b !,! Lit Inn foi the t'lKrtnVl piott ctlon ol honn' ino- duetM awalnVt all foini'i of iiauduh'iit competition. aioiknivn irriiii.. lionulr-.* ^>fAJLA6tf SYHAKIB^S* LOW HATBC CLEVELAND, PiTTSBURG, ^ BUFPALO and ALL POINTS EAST HVHNV UVHN1NQ B(YWtlfe!H DETROIT # CLEVELAND OoutiecUncf with earliest tralus nt Cleveland for all pointa tnnt, South aud Soutbweit. |#o*trTrlf *ikJi, July, Aii(jut tun) Scptomtwr Only (oleoo, Detroit^ niackjnag vi3TOSCBy, THE ' flOO," MAttQUETTE, ANO DUUTTH. w new nteel paanenKer stenmerfl have jirt I built (or our Upjw.r I^ilce Itautc, co,tnu joj each. Scud ftir illustrated pamphlet A. A^COHANTX, o. *. h t. *. _ - T---------------------DBTftQIYirWIOH. H^ COPYRIGHTS. ^m ri i OIBTAIN A KA'i'KN'f? I'o? a ,>r imi.wi>t' ;in<l uu nomut opinion, wrlto Ui U W <ic VO -u\i<ihnvt}Uiiil uoailyiltly youm' jriununintbo htitlniur- ('orwiaunlet- .uinirlutly <imif]<l*ntlul. A Iln:KHittkot' I- iariiULtloit oouperuin; i*iierit i ). nl linw to cli- Tjit.ltUnm.HHit rrer. AUo u cv.Tf lic*ja#iiu*oiiun- ijal imU nctoiitltla IkhiS ii iliii U a. I'aumttt talwi thioiiuh Xlmm A C/i. r6o*Uvo apoala) UutlOAliitlm Hi'l<int)llo AmvvinAM. mi nitu ni- brouulit wldol/ bOf^utbo )tulill<jv/lrh- pat W*t to (tifl Jiivrittor, *l*Htg bi>|liJia U|u<r, loiiwul wo4kly, <Oi>i;iuitly illttMtnufwLU.ob irliu'iliu iarseM alreulathm of any nolmitmo vurlc la tUo World. 43 y<ui>f. BumpUr coptMBCtit tte*- . BalUlnf Isaittoa.moutniy.MMayar, fllnl S^ss juasua tass?^ l-Mlful Vry 1'roiu slMt'\lii^ THiviisniHlu London, Bee. 12. Tin* following teW- fjium fiom ConHlantino]ilc, ilatttl Uic G, and Hiirnud Viy a ninnlior of Armt-ni- anu In that city, hns n-achi'd London "Armenia 1h in hor hint jfaHp. Tho work of extermination contlnuos. Tho niuunacrod people number 10,000, Half a million survivors have talcon refuse In the foroMtM and mountaliw wheru they are feedliiK upon horbii and rootu. Hunger and cold have begun to ravage frrcatly. In the nami* of humanity and Chrlatianlty, oavo ua." , tfimla lklMiHKiliiij; or Tbf v l*hiinl*r. London, Dec. 12. A despatch from tho United Promi correspondent at Comitantlnople. yentcrday'ii date, aays. "Kurdw anil other Armenian maraud- cra and ]pUlogorn are cominir_lntn Con- wtantlnople In luri?c nurahnro for tho purpose of disponing of their -plUndor. It In expoctet! tliat out-broaks will con tinue throughout Asia Minor, but on a smaller ticale than hitherto.' Athena, Doc. 12. A atroriK detach ment of Turklah tioopa on Tuesday at tacked tho poaltlons occupied by the Christiana at Vryac on the Inland of Crete. The troopa loat 35 killed and wounded, while the loas ot the Chrla- tiana waa nix killed, Outside of Vcryse tbtrtsland-lH quiet. TUttt:>V THKIU CUNH A MAY. Til* ItallHH rroopi* In AUysulnlrt Ari> Afrahl itt<* Km-inv Would <-pi 'tlirkm Rome, Dec. 12, General Baratlcri'B account of tho battle with the Abya- oinlana at Amballzlm resulting in the partial annihilation of the Major Toii- BclH'a foice of Italian troopa, shows that tho Italians tjirew their canm na. mules, ammunition, etc, Into an abyau In order to prevent "the enemy from capturlntr them. UelnfurcfiuvHU In C lufwiiril. Rome, Dec. 12. The Government htut ajiked the Budget Committed of tne Chamber of Deputies thai' the sum of 4,000,000 lire in cxcl-sh of the 3,000,000 lire already provided far In, the bud* 0et for that purpowe, be assigned to thr expenses of carrying out Italy'*i military campaign In' Africa. Tluce thcuaand troops will embark from Naples on Saturday to reinforce the Italian army lii Abyoulnla. Trlhiiit* to fn- IDc.Li oin- Tho Chamber of Deputies th'a after noon paid a tribute to the memory of Major Tpastelll, tho commander of the Italian -column In Abyssinia,which wan decimated by a surrounding force of Abysalnlaws and who wa himself among tho killed. After a number of euoloRlHtle speeches, the President of the Chamber invited the oratora of all partlea to Halute the Klorloun dead and the members of the body stood up In perfect patriotic accord. Tho scene was l touching one. UVM HTIIUN KADI* KMAHIItD. The CrrwifcHlii Prwvtift lu I8nv IUu ITreUy KHtlly HiiiHHhftl. Liverpool, Dec. 12. Tho ateamor Germanic was docked at 7 o'clock this morning. Her fore-hold was full of water and her atom Is so badly dam- need that it will be necessary to fit hei with il new one. The mails which were to have been acnt to New Yoik by the Germanic will be sent by the Umbrla on Sunday. The steerage passengers booked for tbo Germanic will go by tho Teutonic, Which will sail from Liverpool for New York Dec. 13, and the saloon passen gers by the Umbrla. powii:u in rim i'.vk Vbe rrlneit nt Wnlrt 11 ml an Aeehleul Willi* Out aimntlHg London, Deo*. 12. The Prince of Walea met with an accident that fur a time caused roach concern to those who were awareVf the affair, but the injury turns out to be trifling. The Prince wan shooting pn Sir ICdward Law son's estate, Hall Barn, Heasona- neld, Bucltlnghannhiie, when ho got some grains of powder 'n his right eve. A doctoi wnb summoned, who applied fomentations to the e\o it Mibdiio tin lnllammalion, and thim Injected co caine, after which he extrietivj ihc powder. Tho eyi U now 'l^tiumln;^ Uu noimnl condition. The T'rlnce has je- turni'd to London ----- { Eli i.i. mlt tl (or ?r)] London. Deo. 12. Herbert Krabn. ullus Charles Husf>ell, v. ho was arir t- ed In Now Yoil; In the early part of October labL vhilu ti.vln^ lu dlapu'ic of certain Cahadlui Pacific bfiiulM, biid to have been ntolen fi om Mia. AVinl-., fred Cordon of thin elty, and who \aa recently returned to this countiy mule; extradition, was airalgned to-dav and icmanded for trial Olnin bniiMtin'iit hi ^piiin Madrid, Dec. 12 A Ministerial crl-hi 1h Imminent. It 1h now believed Uiui Flnanace Mlnlater. Senor Ho* vartero will follow tho ex ample) of Honors R*mero Y. Robledo, Minister of Juutlce. and Boach, Mlnlater of Public Works, and rcfilgri his portfolio, In which event,'Itt Is ld, he wfl^be aucceed*d by enor CtttcUnliw*, tb present, Mrtlaier otf Mr. Jii6o>i Wllonx of fit. Thftems, QnUrio, Id ono of the heni, known men In thai, vicinity, lla la jhav, In* wayH, an old man, but IHwhTh Sarhiipurlllu linn made him fct 1 yomi^ n^ain. "About i* year ai;o T lind u very iicvoro atlnck of tho grip, which rciultid in ni- pot lia\higa vdl <Ui\ for a VLiulnioiilhH uft'jiwnuk I wiui cumplululy run down ttud my uv di ju wo \ In -i Toirlblo Condition. I ltwt iluh and bowmnf doproaaod hi spirits. Flimlly ufrlond who hud boun bonoiltod by Uo-id'a Simjiipnrilhi udviaod mototry it'aiidldldMO. Iconllniiftdtuk- Intf It until I imed twelve bottleM ami toihiy 1 enn bonciiily nay Hood's Sftra- parilltt hiui rentorod mo to my former hoaltb." Jacob Wilcox, Bt. Thoniaa, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparillo Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently lu th publlo oyo today, curort when till othor preparation!! full. It V4^^/|yu Olll^t tho itrtcr-dlnnfir pill una nOOU S K111S i^^tly otttUarUc Sto, IVlounf uiii < Jimbii^ liana wondorful ftiHomution for many moa, And the hi|>har tho mountiiin and the greator apico of danger about it. tho moro anxious in tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing lUHtuiou whatovor, to lint to the ton of thu t mount mi. Thero in an iufcoxioation, a flery omhuHinura about it that pusliuu ono oil and an, and retitu tir od ront.oloH and inHpiroH flaygniflfoourugo to ovorJaatmely kuap ut it until tho top ia roaohod anihthu oo^hiit; zopbyra that fun [ho brow of tho mountain oool your own throbbing templen. AmoncanH have tlionf>ht that it wan i]ouaiiry to ro to Europe, to tho Alpa, to find any full i>rown moqntmua to Hoalo. It'uall moonuhmo. Isn't 1-1.000 foot high onough, with jlaoiorrt*'ttiOBo racked, oruok- od oroaturod of ico and anew, and oratora and uaanroH and pruoipicos tr> climb ovor itud round, tbo aumo aa iu tho Alpa? Yon they *nt all ri^ht here oloso at hftnfl, mid If you are luteroRted to know where and how and when.jjuutjnewl your ttddrena, and ^uconta in stamps to Cius S. Fait of the Northern Pacific Railroad. St. Paul, Minn., and lift will nend you a book that rooountu a olirab np ono of tbo griti'leat rfftltu of earth, writton by the cautluman who wado tho aacent. Tho clmptor on thin mountain ia pro- (ukcIv illnntrated iu half tone ntchincH takrn by a pboto^raohor who aoaompantud the parcy for that purpono If yon are iq turoatod enough in your own aountry to dfliire to Icuow about itn wonderful flcenia featurea. vou want this book. TB10 ONLY REMEDY THAT CURES. Epliiftim Tallnmu, of Morrickville, Wib a Vory Sick Man no Triad a Great Many Romoilian, But Only (jot Tompor- arv Reliuf South Amerio&u Norvirie, on R&aom men datum of Mr. B. Err#tt, Lumber Aliinlmut, Waa Tried, and Diuonwi Was in a Short Time Baniahod Mediaiheo for tha Rick aro not wanting riioy aro about aa plonl.ifnl etc raosquitoua in Muakokfi, aud nomotimen juut a useUf-s and annoying. But there ia a sorioua aide to tho matter. Why Hhould those who are broken down in health, woak and wturted, aud mgh onto dejath often, hitvo thoireon dition apifiruvatod by romodieu that do thorn no pood. Homo tunoB, an Mr. Enhraim Tallman, who ia a letired farmer, liighly reaptotod m tbo community, and now liy. uig in Morrioltville, liHusmd, temporary ro liuf ia scoured. But the reaction thut coiiaoa from diBappointraent ih apt to eot tho patioiit buok further than bo was be- foro. The foaturoof South American Nervine in ita permanent boalmg powora. It in a modioino which atnku at tho root of dio oiibo, ounuji tho doranuod parte at tho nervi coutruH, and thoue cured dmoauo can not ox- IBt Mr. Tallman found this to be tho oatto. Ho says : "Two yearn ao thiu fall I had tin attaek o?IjH Grippe, and I have navir boon well mnuo. My howola, I may any, became purfoollv dormaut, and I tried a great roauy modtoinow, and got jtiat tem porary rohof. Rut, it wan vorv tomporaiy Mr. E. Errott, lumber merchant-, of tliie town, iidvined me to try South Amoriciin Nervioo, and T nuiat, and can truthfully any that I huvo rfinived morn hpnoilb from tt tlutu flora all tho i':thor remedioH I Ivive ever taken loan honofOlv rfoommon'l it1, as I RuDsuler if an excellent romody I know rtolhiujj botlnr. I am a much no lor man aiueo taUiuj* thin toniedv than for a number >f yoain, and I f^ivo thin toHtln-ot'y frpely of inv own accord, wiabin^ Soutli Amet lean Nervine tho tmcoona It deHorvto " Soldbv J. Thorno. 'JBANSrOSED. Tho traiiHpOHition of syllables by cavo- Ichb or ombmrasHod tallcorn ofton ooea- Bion Rome yory laughablo miatakoa. A lady vialtinpf in rt litrfrb city uttQnd-ij od a fnBliiounblo ohuroh, and, throng the caroIcHHiioRH of an uahor, waa bdiown into a privatepow, VovyfloonftfaBbion- ablo family camo iu, loci by a vory pomp- huh loolriup old-gontlcmnn, who ntarod angrily at tho oiftmding atvanpjor in bin pnw. Tho lady, greatly ombarraBsod, aroso and Hnid,"T^rl do yon ocoupow this piu ?" tfliiu waa equal to tho cureless Garrul ity of tho old lady who Haid that alio hud juafc rooovorcd from an attack of *'in- ilnmoroomy toryiam". ' LATEST UliLli-NliWS Anothor rvi.tssacro of Chris tians Feared In tho Eaat UNLESS T;.E POWERS INTERVENE m r J" I 1! V rubllr IV.rllnK >VorLeU l')> K> n HivcU rolllt <-<amliuul>i'i!ili' 11i(ln^ i" > 'iul*u4 In Tor Urn l*rmo*lii ^ B'ritJij.'titm ItloiU-Hi*' (*r*ntli P.udUf*- . l*fl<'H London, l>re, I'l A public uin Iciiltli- j ij i mil' ii'ii'f w jim h. Id In i Lo-.luy nt w meli in niv iiiMur itl M n < i > i ' In all ml mr> - ^U .lauii's Low tin i, |M< Id d ,nid l .I" d lb " I be ol>- I h, ( out i i ni ' v ii'i Ih. i I lh- (,1 tl,.' \ I il ol' pint i tlo i - 1 | P, , i in I h i iild 11 11 t II* v V ], , H 1 ill! - 'h( J Mid r llmil t M n\ in. l' piihltc i I ii 1 ii. i n t' I iaiii il nu! II" 1 ' fph (,! i ii c >iinl iv on' Itnol l'if,,i I " b.ittl' lould bo won This i oiifi 1 .-ih'O, hi } .ild, w.i^ onr.Lti!/< fl v, llli tint vl. \and no wl'ih'to oaili.uui'iH the riovcrn* m-nl Innlnn; Uic h.ilf n-ntuiv film o tin VHtein of fvi-o ti nil' nunc Into op- 11 ii t!on jiulillc opinion ban i;i r-nfly charur'Ml Mi OlaclMtune, lilmi"dl', art- niltl.d Ibnl the ti ndoiu'V UimiiKbout til. uoihl uau In f.U'or of piotcrtlon. M-inv advoiMtfH of fi oe Hade alno Mihl tint the foieUui liarb- w:lm no in mm moio villi iMp than the honrn* ti irio Hint noihlriK ihoiihl be don* to liTi'ift the fnrr Ijrn tiaile w hlli- bolster- In - np the homo tr id * Mr Louth'r, continuing, dfpictited th. 'ii"f.-"lliui a dutv or 'io many HhlllhiKti r^t' quarter --nouhl be Impoa- otl upon imported rinln. He prnfcired the prlnrljilc of n HlldhiK "rnle, nnd dn- nht d eipf.f inlly that time should be preferential trridlnpr re] itlonM b tweon Hie TTnllrd Klnp-dnm -ind all parta or Ihc Pi 111-h Kmplrn. Mr, Ailhur M. nionUflebl, M P .mov ed a ro'oi'iMon settlnir fm th thnt the prpK'iit y<-tom of Prilaln required leeoTuPlerntlon with n view of afrnirihiK piotcctlon to native indun- trloa. Thli roaolutlon wna carried. X HtHM4ri(K IK (i:UTAIN trkilttN the t"wm Iwlrrvrii*. t* Vr*vi U Conatantlnople, Doe. 13. Letten* that have been received here fiorn Aleppo predict a maH-iacre of Chrlfltlans thero ly certain unlcos the powers Intervene to prevent It Troopn are hemming In the Armenlana at Zolteun, where the latter some time ajjo revolted apralnut tbo Turks and qaptured the fortlllca- tiona. The object of the Turks lu to utaive the Armenlana Into aurrendor- lnj;. No flirhtlncr ha been reported. Tho Armenian;! aro holdlnpr out be- cauao they place no reliance upon the oiuclal promlacn that security will bo ff ran tod them If they uurrender. _, Tho Sultan hoji dlwrnlaned his Flnit Chamberlain Hadji, AH Bey and has appointed Ixxet Boy to auccood him. Kmln Bay, the Second Chamberlain, has boon ordered to explain charges that have been made against him by ex-Grand Vizier Said Faaha, The chief equerry, Inset Pasha, re cently addressed a long report to the Sultan on the iSeplorablo situation In tho countiy. Ilia Majeaty refused to read the report Since then Isssset Pasha has tendered hla resignation five tlmea to the Sultan, but Hist Ma jeaty haa each time refuaed to accept It. NevertheleatJ, l?,?.ot rawlia persists in his Intention to retire from his of fice. The details of the scare here and at Golatn nnd Pera yesterday Illustrate the tenulon of public feeling. One of the two Armenlana who started tho panic by engaging in a sticet brawl dlacha,rged a levolvLr at bla opponent." The Christiana within hearing of tho ohpt Immediately surmNed that an other mifFaerc had commeneed, and shopu In the vicinity of the dlaturbanco were cloned. The alarm spread hither and thither. The streets soon furnish ed a acene of Incredible confualon. hun dreds of people making their way as fast as poH-ilblo toward Oalata and Pera, on the northern aldo of tho Golden Horn. The dwellers In these suburbs oeelng tho fugitives wildly stampeding either Joined In the night or barricaded themaelves atrongly within their houses or shops. Tho Armenian porters who wore working about the streets aa usual hastily dropped their loada and with terror depleted on their faces, fled as they thought for their Uvea. A number of Bngllsh ladlea were af fected by tho Coai- that had aelu&d upon all the Christiana and fled from their places of residence to the British Embassy, where they claimed the pro tection of the ambassador. Fifty Ar menians nought and were given shelter In the residence of Hon. M. XI. Her bert, the Secretary of the British Em bassy. Ae. soon tin the authorities heard of the trouble, and that was almost Im mediately,more troops were aumomned to the Ylldlz palace. The ofllclalu act ed promptly and well. The police were well handled and cavalry and Infantry were detailed to patrol the streets. The panic lasted for some time nnd then subsided almost as quickly as It had started. Virtually In n Mof nrHIcge London, Dec. 13. Tbo Standard's Constantinople corieapondent tele graphs that as evidence of tho nature of tho situation In tho Turkish capi tal all the Ambassadors weio virtually preparing to place themaelves in a atnto of alege. The British Embassy was put In a thorough state of defence. Tho corespondent adds*that In ndl- tlon to tho favors recently cortfcircd by the Sultan on ox-Ginnd Visler Kin- mil Pasha, Xlls ATajepty has definitely Invited him to resume tho Grnnd VI- alerate. Herr Petrovltcb, the Aurtrian who Is the chief of the local tob tceo iv'c, who was reported t ohavc been killed while travelling in the Kh.irum clla- tilct, baa arrived at Kaihput In t-nfe- ty. The TJrltlsh gunrdshlp Dryad* nnd the Italian guadisbip Archlmcde havo ar rived at Conatantlnople. riti:v('3i m]fitn:a.r iH:uirir. Tl^ i'omuilUuo u>t (lie ri.unilM'r U1U Tux Boi'^iU" Me'ttvitlt*- iu lEi't'l Hi Paris, Dec. IS. At the sitting of the Budget Committee of tliu Ct.ainbur of Dopulloa to-day, jVI. Luumer, Allulstor of J-^nanco,'[liiiiQunceU that Lliu Gov ernment would portly cover the 2,&0i),- 000 franca deliclt by all iateafc ut the tax upon tiantiferablo and t'oud^n w- curltleo, which increase would yluid 3,000,000 franca. 4'lilna Aifjilii IBobU I'nrt IvHtur. London, Dec. 13. The Qlobo pub- llrmoa a deariatch furulahed by a news agency saying that Chinese ofllolals resumed possession Of Port Afrthur on December W. General Sum, on behaif of Ctii*.' tfl-Vln'ovor the ataUon from A MIX Iff CARDWELL. Mr. Wallaceand Hla Frlenda In the Riding. 'J' ' MB. B/S. WHITE ALSO QH H^ND flinrU Io iirt u I*lr<lBo Vrmn iHr \tUlouuUUy linn. ^fcarN' Vtmtttr nn<1 Moiiliiuui) on Ihrlr >Vny Io (lr> Uhllu(~A Mtfurtltv Oiarigi vllle, Deo. 11 --The Cm dwell iiglil la on In farm" I Dr. I'.i <ttle Ne-i- liltt, nu advaiKCi of Hon. M. (' W.illnee, fame up on Kibhiy night and attended h'Alton MiCuithy ion. win ii the ji i rnlioi toi ^Ini* or in.Lih a lit i ai'l'i il to tie I.M 01 il'i cm v, ithdr iu Hk li i .Huh lilt, ^ iloi- . , In Ltvoi ul l Ik .\\< ' utl.\, lubbM, It Is l |I ' that .Mi. .1 nu . iiilln iland <t hit t LHn i.U Whli > ! - lj lie- that it v as runiiiur i)n i.lbtnl (..neiid.itc, not iMr. McCmlliy ni. Neithitt left Bolton and aine o\ ( r here ( arly thin inoinliij;, uhin lie van lohud by Hon. N c W.iIi.kc, J.imni Aimstrong and John A 1'imV.u 'on of Toronto 'I hey put up at Hb.iw s Hotel and made th it the t- 'iM of tile Wallace parl>. Willougliljy, the foiii-M-i vatlve e.indl- date, has bin headrjuai tela at tin* 'Jueen'a Hotel hen, when Chiel Oi- tlanl/.Lr Blrmlngluim Is ahio staying. Mr. Bob Whit-, the Lite number, 1'" alpo here and In Uylnj; to find out uhej-o ho i'l ,tt aij bet win the two factlona. Mr. WaHnee and IiIm lik-ndM had In terviews with their oympalhl/eis .ind It i'i atated tried to Induce hoth Ml Henry (Liberal), nnd Mr. Btubbs (Mc- Ciirlbylte) to wlthdiaw. A frlrnd of Mr. Wallace tried to get Mr. Willoughby to sign a pledge of icime kind but got a i-tralght rofusal. Tlie Walhicli party returned to To- lonto In the evening, the ex-Controller getting off at Woodbrldge. Mr. Bir mingham alao returned to Toronto. Meetings will bo h Id evciy night. A. F. Campbell is stumping for Wil loughby. The Conservatives, including Mr. Birmingham, are confident of v/lnntm? by a big majority. So far Mr. K If. Clarke has declined to take a hand In the fight, although Mr. Wallace expected him to become his candidate. Mr. Clarke says ho In tends giving all his time In' the next two weeks in electing AM. John Shaw as Mayor of Toronto Ottawa, Dec. 15 To-night Hon. Mr. Foster and Dr. Montague left for Card- wep nnd, accompanied by Mr. Birming ham, will start for Cardwell from To ronto Monday at 8 a.m. Thoy will camp in Cardwell until the elec tion is over. *VC4llTttYl*ii MKXTXX&. i:io Third Pnrty ,cl*r Ab*cht trfimM * (Jrt HottifMlli'tf Html:<h1f>U*d. Alton, Ont., Doc. 14. A meeting w*s held hero to-night by tho McCarthyltea In lavor of Candidate Btubbs. Th* meeting was fairly well attended, but much disappointment prevailed when it was learned that Dalton McCattbX himself could not be present. Beforo th* chair was Ukn CoL O'Brien who, hy the way, was the lion of the evening -announced that owing to flomo disaffection towards Mr. Htubba In their party, tho lender waa forced to go to Toronto and from there to Orangevllle to neutralize the efforts and wire pulling of aome of hla discontented followers He (Col. O'Brien) cautioned the audience, not to put any faith in the rumora which might be ailo&t regarding Mr. Stubbs' retirement. The first speaker waa Mr. Stubba, who denounced tho policy of the Gov ernment, both as to the National Policy and tho Manitoba wchools. giv ing the audience to understand that if be were elected neither Sir Mackenzie Bowell nor Mr. W. Laurler would be able to interfere with Mani toba. He wan followed by Col. O'Brien, who wont Into the details of thenchool question, after which hoJtfftEm^off into tho National..Policy William AlRle followq'w|tn tt Hnort address. In which he iCjvocated flecu- Inr schools' as the onl solution of-the difficulty. A Mr. Carr then L^k the noor. Hc waded deeply into tanut politics and made his auillenccrw^rry over ^j,,, cigars and whisky ", Ai Qlt Jonn Thompson h funeral. \l vvaxed elo- jucnt over the enormoflUXpCni(w, ot th burliil of tho dead Bt^,man ^Ic told his audience not to\.Hl cither Mackenzie Bewell or Mr. T-t\icr with the school question, and dccrVjj that the only people who could MV,lHt.*(i wtro the MoCarthyltes. While this harangue was belnr rled on a great part of the aud left tho hall and tho next speat Mayor Bailey, wound up the mcetli^ Strange, The-child thi digest- milk c&d Cod-liver Oil as fi , pared' in Scott's (Son. ' Careful st tests have provei more easily dig* milk, butter, 01 frit. That is tl why puny, sid drcn, and thfriydSJ and anccmic x>fcrsonlL fleshy so rapidly on Si Jimulsiou jot Cod-1 Oil nnd 1T;}pophosphj wlien their'ordinary f< docs not nourish lliemj J)an't tit vn-inmi t a to accept a tubttitui Scott h fUu-no, Bflllovlllo, 50ci and $f. TOO WEAK TO WALK] FltlEWOK JIA1> OKVKM iioris of nViCOVKuy. Tlie Troublo tlfttuu \*)t WlchNMiIed>i(lit- ,nfui to Vutntltiti VlrlU, and r. X*'llliniiw> IUU K^IUu Otlier tllrdirlkif m/JUuU VuUi/ From L'lmpai'tia] Tlftnlnh, P. K. I. Mr, DommiokP. Chiaanon, whV tho Harpur Road, about twe milaa frr town of TijjniHh.P. E. I., pornonallyl the trouble to britiil before tha nctil tho editor *f L'Impartiiil, tho partly of the euro of4hiH dauyhtor-in-law, Mj D. CluaiMou, though, tho unu of hurak'Pink PilU. TbocMioiacei reuakrkalil*, aud wo oanuot do bottu jivo it in Mr. Ohiaadou'a ownvJ "My Kon'a wifo.^KHid bo, "baa bd for some hovou yoam pant, but pr that time wan % atrong healthU Juat kbout flevou years ago nhi Hovore cold, wbieb attseke-jlhor, from that time up to the he^iuu^ pant Hummer her health haa and at time* wo-daspmred of' life. ItwuBuota dupositil! onily, Kti3 on om^ocVaafona1 gaged lu hauaehold work sb B^iz^dVith with at fainting spoil w ould Ieav her uo wk tbtt nho wor couilned to her bed for, uovcml days umi-nnoOdBioui Btat. Mora than we thought) she waa dyin^. There continual feeling nf nnwbiK^pn raelttti rub!?.In litre i>nm. New York, Dec. 15. Sun's London aays : If, as 1b very probable, tho Salisbury Government should remain In power for three- years, a cable from Vancouver to Australia will be made and laid by the end of 1898. Mr. Sec- rotary Chamberlain-* has privately pledged himaelf to that effect. His heart la in tho scheme, and he la strong ei.cugh In the Cabinet to carry It out oven if th*c Imperial Oovernment has to provide a disproportionate part of tho subsidy. ( The appointment of a coirmlttco to Inquire into the schema m. at therefore be regarded as a mere form, Intended to satisfy tho few r-fople who distrust Its practicability. Mr. Chamberlain has himself drawn up th* terms of the reference to the committee. They are,: "To consider In all its aspects tho pioposal for laying a telegraphic cable" between British North America and the Colonies of Australasia, and to re port thereon to the Secretary of Stato for tlie Colonlc-H, besides the questions oC route, cost, revenue and other mat- Wrs which will suggest themselves to the committee. Special consideration, or iuld be given to tho question whe- the*. th* cables should be laid by the Government or by a private company, and to the distribution of coat or subsidy nmong tho Governments con- c-jriicd." CIS NOW WALK 70 OJIUllCn. and ftlraoat tnuutant movero paioj ofiftBt whichSTO^P'y <a^a bvd pout ion. Added to tbii nho wai with a hanking cough, *ora*lite* so a1 at ni^ht thai abe did not obtain mor* t| a few houra aloep. About the end we had given up all hopaa for her n and the ntighbora wero of the ikma She wua reduced io almost a akali ooald Boaraoly tuk any n'ottriahrai bad grown ao weak that suo walk.anrosa tho bedroom floor} htilp. We had ofton heard and tho groat auraa effected by Dr. Pink Pillu, and at thia it age, wheiJ had failed, I nrged that thay bo. ial, nnd proottred a halt dozn tor Uiiuj4 them for about three iould walk auroua hor budrooml w^it aid, and from that timaoi C0"Aied improving iu health from, day. 0ai]tiiQuod taking thaPu for nbd^lu.mgathBf with 4he n sbtf ia n^iujy womaQ) un< no trouble^, to walk to obi tanuooftw(%ttiaudfcliejzral of hoiraoU auem^y wi Dr. WilhamB'ML Pi,jH The oxporiewcK thoro ia abiolutol; vitiated aoudition oj norvca, that Dr. "W1 not proiifptly,curo, i fori ny f.-om suoh mil oh miuory uiid nj roBortiug to thin ti inn Pink Pills ev< persnrded tp take othor vrmedy Biilre of tliu oxtraj nay ui "juntas Pills euro when it>wnrd'it Mmuiifiiiii'e lidiify, Minneapolis, Dec. 11 W. W. Ilny- ward, father of Harry Hay ward, has n Hnqulshed all claim to the $10,000 Insurance on Catherine Glng's life, which was assigned to him by his son. Tliu action is taken as an admission that Mr. Hayward, ar,, is canvincod of. his son's guilt. Julia Glng, sister of the murdered woman, has made a claim for tho insurance money, but the insurance people will probably contest payment on the ground that policies were assigned to Hayward. K-roiM'***!-. in link*' Kt*e>-( Wurlt r II. London, Doc. 14. A doMpntch from Cape Coast Castle.sayB that U is true that It Is tho Intention of Col. Sir Fran cis Scott, commanding tha British As- rmntee expedition, that the &xnpalgl mh*Xl b flnlab^, a4 jfc - PA|t]Wp Short .iourij In tho oharaub luatratedbook, pages of char] of aummf-r tot west of Ohiol now, thu ill ut format iou thj everyone. A oopy of t Road" will enoloue tej II- Hkm Ohioagc Chioi l&J-Al <' -. > , i y^mxat Sji ., ,\\,ji

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